Recipes for natural hair rinses. For weakened hair. Rinsing for shiny hair

Most people use purchased products to wash their hair, the manufacturers of which promise both strengthening, and restoration, and shine, and many other very tempting effects. But few people think that using such products, we put our hair at risk, because shampoos contain enough a large number of aggressive cleansers.

Hair washes are very washable. important trace elements, overdrying curls and making them brittle. The more often a person washes his head, the worse the condition of the hair becomes, each time receiving a new portion of blows to health.

The quality of water should not be underestimated, especially for residents of megacities. It contains chlorine and various salts that cover the surface of the hair. As a result, hair washing is more likely to do harm than good.

Various factors also affect the quality of hair. environment- temperature fluctuations, Sun rays, strong wind, all this harms the health of curls, they lose their shine, elasticity and strength.

For many people, there is another factor that significantly worsens the condition of the hair - malnutrition. Since the majority of the able-bodied population work, and not everyone has the opportunity to fully eat, given the very rapid pace of life and activity.

Among other things, many, especially women, like to experiment with their appearance, and quite often change their hair color, creating new image. Coloring greatly affects the condition of the curls, drying them out, making them brittle, dull and lifeless. Moreover, this applies even to the most expensive and high-quality paints.

Naturally, unhealthy hair cannot look good, so in order to improve their appearance, it is necessary complex treatment, nutrition and recovery. One way to get your hair back natural force and health are hair rinses. These products are used immediately after shampooing, and are able to neutralize harmful effect detergent.

Choice of rinse aid

All people are different, therefore, the selection criteria can be completely different - many are attracted by bright and tempting advertising, others choose a product based on its price, some remain faithful to a particular manufacturer.

With regards to the latter option, loyal buyers usually choose the really best, having previously tried other products of the company. But it should be borne in mind that there is no limit to perfection, and if, say, the hair liked the shampoo, then it is not at all necessary that the conditioner of the same company is ideal for them. In any case, you should periodically change the manufacturer to avoid addiction.

Those people who choose a cheaper rinse often get a product that matches the price, that is, not very effective and high quality. Choosing the most expensive tool, you can also make a mistake, because the price does not always match the quality, and many people simply overpay for a well-known brand.

To make right choice, you need to study the composition of the product indicated on its packaging or in the instructions. It should also be borne in mind that all rinses are of three types - conditioner, balm, cream. Their main difference lies in the different amount of regenerating substances and the consistency of the product.

The air conditioner is the most easy way rinsing, not too concentrated, and containing not so many vitamins and nutrients. Its use will help maintain the health of the hair rather than restore them. You can use the product daily.

Balm-conditioner contains a significantly larger amount of ceramides and proteins, it restores the hair structure, improves them appearance, envelops the scales of the hair and closes them.

Cream is the most effective means for hair restoration, ceramides and proteins are contained in it in even greater quantities than in the balm. Among other things, it contains wax, collagen and essential oils, which perfectly restore damaged curls. However, not recommended frequent use as the hair can become heavy and even sticky. This tool should be used no more than 2 times a month.

The exposure time of the product directly depends on its restorative functions - conditioners are kept on the hair for an average of 1-2 minutes, balm - about 5 minutes, cream - up to 10 minutes.

Homemade mouthwashes

Many people prefer not to buy conditioners, but to create them on their own, at home, knowing for sure that they only contain natural ingredients which certainly won't harm your hair.

The most popular recipes are:

Rinse for dark hair

This remedy is made from nettle and helps fight hair loss.

1 table. a spoonful of nettle should be poured with 250 ml of boiling water, and heated in a water bath, or kept on low heat for 10 minutes. The resulting broth should be allowed to brew for 30 minutes, then strain. Use as a rinse by adding 1 liter of water.

Rinse aid for blondes

It is made from chamomile flowers, giving hair shine, radiance and healthy look, eliminating dandruff, improving the structure of the hair.

1 table. spoon chamomile you need to pour 250 ml of boiling water, hold on low heat or a water bath for 10 minutes, then let it brew for 30 minutes, strain. The resulting infusion is added to 1 liter of water, used for rinsing.

Vinegar-based rinse

It is perfect for taking care of greasy hair, destroying excess fat and regulating the production of glands. Owners of dry and brittle hair this recipe is contraindicated because it can burn damaged strands.

When rinsing, add 50 ml of vinegar to 1 liter of water. For elimination bad smell, 3-4 drops of essential oil are added to the resulting composition.

Lemon Juice Rinse

This the remedy is suitable for any hair, will give them a beautiful shine, freshness, make them silky and light. Best of all, this rinse is suitable for oily and normal hair. To prepare it, add 100 ml of fresh lemon juice to 1 liter of water, stir well, then rinse your hair.

Honey rinse

This tool perfectly restores damaged, split ends, Thin hair. For cooking, pour 150 ml of melted honey into 1 liter of water, stir. In order for the composition to mix better, the water can be slightly warmed up.

The fastest conditioner - based on essential oils

To prepare it, 3-5 drops of essential oil, suitable for a particular type of hair, are added to 1 liter of water.

For fatty type hair should choose oils: sage, lemon, tea tree, geranium, eucalyptus, ginger, juniper, bergamot, etc. For dry hair, oils are used: ylang-ylang, tangerine, orange, sandalwood, frankincense, etc. For hair normal type useful use of the following oils: pine, mint, cypress, ylang-ylang, tea tree, incense, etc.

Thus, hair restoration does not require so much effort, just a desire and a little knowledge about the benefits of certain components is enough.

The beauty and health of hair is tested daily. There are many reasons for this, ranging from and ending with weather conditions.

  • Chamomile conditioner for blonde hair.

4 tablespoons of chamomile flowers are poured into 0.5 liters. hot water and boil for 5 minutes. When the broth has cooled, it is filtered. The conditioner strengthens the hair cuticle and gives fair hair golden hue and shine.

  • Rinse for dark hair based on nettle leaves.

150 grams and 100 grams of rowan leaves are poured into 1 liter. cold water. Half a lemon is added to the resulting infusion and the broth is brought to a boil. Boil for 5-7 minutes, then allow the broth to cool and filter. Rinse with constant use gives the hair elasticity and shine.

Hair rinses with essential oils.

Medicinal herbs are far from complete list what can be used to make hair rinse in home conditions. Aromatic rinses using essential oils. Here are some of those recipes. .

  • Conditioner for oily hair types.

In 0.5 liters of warm water, add a few drops of the selected essential oil, stir and rinse your hair with the resulting water. For oily hair types, cedar or rosemary are best suited. In water, you can add 5-6 drops of one oil or two drops of each.

  • Conditioner for dry hair type.

The recipe for an aromatic conditioner for dry hair is identical. The question remains with the choice suitable oil. For dry damaged hair lavender, sandalwood or yling ylang oil will do.

Hair rinses from improvised means.

But in addition to all special recipes, hair rinse can be prepared from "improvised means" according to the "what is at hand" principle. And here are some of those recipes.

  • Parsley-based rinse.

100 grams of parsley is poured into 1 liter. hot water. The broth is insisted for 30 minutes, filtered. This conditioner gives the hair extra shine.

  • Beer-based rinse.

0.5 liters must be poured into a saucepan and let the foam settle. Pure wet hair rinse, focusing on the ends of the hair. The beer smell will disappear after a while, and the hair will become lush and shiny.

  • Black tea rinse.

1 tablespoon of tea leaves (without additives) is poured into 1 liter. hot water. Tea is boiled over low heat for 5 minutes. When the "tea" has cooled, it is filtered and the hair is rinsed. The conditioner gives the hair elasticity and shine, and the hair of dark color saturates with a pleasant shade.

Hair conditioners are irreplaceable thing in the household of a woman who wants to have beautiful, well-groomed hair. There are many different rinses, which you need to choose depending on the type of hair and their needs.

Some conditioners take care of the hair, make it soft and shiny, others thoroughly cleanse the hair of the remnants of chemical elements contained in intensive shampoos industrial production.

Types of hair rinses

So called acid rinses are recommended for cleaning the surface of the hair from soap residue, with their help it is restored natural level hair pH. After their application, the hair acquires its natural beauty become obedient and silky.

The next type of conditioner is air conditioners . Conditioners have a creamy texture, are used to smooth and nourish the hair, after their application the hair becomes shiny, split less and comb well after washing. It is undesirable to use them very often, as they make the hair heavier and make it greasy.

There are also conditioners that apply for colored hair and have a balanced pH level. These rinses give the hair a healthy shine and elasticity, which is achieved due to the fact that they contain not only moisturizing and caring ingredients, but also an acid that helps to fix the hair color.

With the help of special medicinal rinses you can deal with such a nuisance as dandruff. You need to apply them for a certain time, until the desired effect is achieved.

Leave-in rinses They are great for weakened hair, they do not need to be washed off and they are suitable for daily use.

Rinse should be applied only to clean, washed hair, slightly towel-dried. It is not necessary to apply a conditioner on the scalp, as it is intended specifically for caring for hair only. Also, you can not keep the rinse on your hair for a long time: about 3-4 minutes, no more.

Homemade hair rinses: recipes

There are many recipes for natural hair rinses that you can make yourself at home. Most often, these are decoctions and infusions of various plants, for example, burdock or nettle. Burdock roots and leaves stimulate hair growth, while nettle helps prevent dandruff.

How to prepare infusions: four tablespoons of burdock or nettle leaves (instead of burdock leaves, you can also use dried chopped roots), pour boiling water and leave for 1.5-2 hours, then strain, and use the strained infusion for rinsing.

Simplest rinse recipe to add shine to hair, which is suitable for all types: add the juice of half a lemon or two tablespoons of vinegar to 1 liter of boiled water.

All the above means hair care products will help you transform your hair, make you irresistible and happy.

Go to section: Hair care: haircuts, styling, coloring, restoration, hair masks

Fashionable colors and shades of hair

How to choose a haircut according to the shape of the face

How to choose the perfect hair color

Few people now make homemade shampoos - basically everyone uses purchased ones. But even if you buy the most expensive bottle, after washing, the shampoo will still leave a little “chemistry” on your hair, which will gradually dry out both the strands and the skin under the hair, causing dandruff and allergies.

Rinsing your hair will help to completely clean each curl: homemade recipes will not only help you say goodbye to the “periodic table”, but will also heal split ends, brittleness, loss of brightness, hair loss, and dandruff.

But not only shampoos harm the beauty of the hair - even the water itself washes out the protein from the hair, “undermining” it. A properly selected rinse recipe will thicken the keratin “shell”, so that your “mane” will become fuller and thicker, and each strand will become silkier and softer.

How to rinse your hair: the best homemade recipes

Any of these compositions is not only suitable for dousing a washed head, but also replaces the air conditioner.

Rinse your hair with vinegar

Buy this product if you have normal or oily hair. Apple cider vinegar washes away not only “chemistry” and dirt, but also residues sebum: goodbye, bored oily sheen! Rinsing smoothes the scales of the hair, so that the “mane” literally begins to sparkle.

Ingredients: 50 ml apple cider vinegar for 1 liter of water. Instead of the latter, you can brew a decoction of the herb that suits you (2 large spoons of herbs per liter of boiling water). If you are a blonde, brew green tea, chamomile or linden. If a brunette - rosemary, nettle, oak bark. Rinse your hair with this composition after you wash it.

  • Vinegar for hair: useful properties, recipes for rinsing and masks

Rinsing with essential oils

Compositions with esters pleasantly flavor the hair, and improve external beauty. But do not forget: for each hair there is an ether.

Yes, girls with oily hair should choose citronella, sage, bergamot, geranium, mint, pine or eucalyptus, clove or ginger, lemon, tea tree, lemon balm, cedar or cypress, cajuput, juniper or verbena.

Owners of dry hair fit ylang-ylang, frankincense, sandalwood, rosewood, patchouli, palmarosa, tangerine and orange, chamomile, lavender, myrrh.

Well, if your "mane" is a normal type, buy calamus, verbena, cedar, ylang-ylang, frankincense, mint, rosemary, tea or rosewood, petitgrain, coriander, cypress or pine (in the form of ether, of course).

Ingredients: for 1 liter of water (or the same decoction of herbs mentioned above), drip 4 drops of ether.

  • Essential oils for hair: useful properties, how to choose and apply

Nettle for hair rinse

This plant is not very respected in dachas and villages, but meanwhile, nettle is an excellent beautician: it suits all types of hair, and treats a dozen problems (including hair loss), and copes with pollution with a bang. But if you are a blonde, remember: such a conditioner can leave an unexpected shade on blond hair.

Ingredients: Pour 1 large spoonful of dry nettle leaves with 1 glass of water, place in a water bath, let it boil, boil gently for about 15 minutes. When the broth has cooled, strain, add water to make enough for your hair length, and use

Chamomile hair rinse

Fortune teller flower - best friend blondes. It treats dandruff and peeling, itching, and the hair will like it - it will soften them, moisturizing each hair. If you use this herb often, it will change the shade of the hair to a sunnier one.

The recipe for rinsing from chamomile is the same as from nettle.

honey water

Don't miss this recipe if you suffer from dry, "killed" hair. Honey “sticks together” the problematic ends of the hair, restores dull hairs, makes them more obedient and more beautiful.

Ingredients: Dilute 2 tablespoons of the gift of bees in a liter of water.

Lemon hair rinse

This tool is suitable for dull hair, as the lemon literally “highlights” them, saturating healthy shine. And besides, he will finally make the restive hair obey you and lie down in the styling. Important: it will not work for dry hair, as it can only aggravate their problem; but bold and normal fit Great.

Ingredients: squeeze about 100 ml of citrus juice into a liter of water.

Rinse your hair with tea

Brunettes and brown-haired women any will do tea (green and black), and for blondes - only green. This simple ingredient will give the "mane" shine.

Ingredients: for 1 tablespoon of tea leaves - 500 ml of boiling water. Tea should be infused (5 minutes - black, 3 - green). When it cools down, pour it over clean hair.

Rinsing with beer

Did you know how rich in minerals and vitamins this intoxicating drink is? If you find a good dark beer, and not the cheapest, make it home cosmetics. She will give hair splendor, make them obedient, remove sebaceous excess, strengthen each hair, and accelerate growth.

Before use, it is better to heat the beer, and release the “bubbles” in advance. By the way, it is best to use this tool after you take a steam bath in a sauna or bath. You can use it in different ways.

1. “Bath” your hair in beer, let it “get drunk” a little on this intoxicating “cocktail”, and then rinse with clean water.

2. 100 ml of beer, 200 ml of water (warmed up) mix. Rinse hair with composition, do not rinse.

Rinsing with medicinal herbs

Herbal decoctions are a natural source of beauty and health of hair. You should choose grass based on your type and characteristics of hair. Herbs moisturize hair, saturate beneficial substances. The broth should be brewed at the rate of 1-2 tablespoons per liter of boiling water. By mixing several ingredients, you will enhance healing properties the resulting rinse aid. Catalog below medicinal properties herbs will help you make the right choice.

Flower water and hydrosols

These products are obtained from the production of essential oils. Hydrolats have a huge range, they are extracted from almost any plant. This fashionable tool can be seen on the shelves of any cosmetics store. Rinsing your hair after washing with hydrosol, you saturate the curls with the beneficial substances of these plants, the hair becomes obedient, shiny and fragrant.

Rinsing for shiny hair

Mineral water. This leave-in rinse not only adds shine to the hair, but also removes the winter "dandelion effect" and nourishes the scalp. Important: use mineral water without gas!

  • Mineral water: beneficial properties for hair, how to apply

Decoction of apple peel. The main ingredient of the decoction contains natural wax. Thanks to this, rinsing makes the hair obedient and sparkling. Recipe: cut the peel from several homemade apples, boil in a liter of water. When cool, use immediately after washing (each).

Dark hair rinse

Black tea, nettle, sage and rosemary - such a rinse suitable for brunettes. All ingredients can be used separately or mixed in equal proportions, take 3 tbsp per liter of water. l. mixture, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes;

onion peel - ideal for redheads and brown hair. It has anti-inflammatory properties and eliminates dandruff. To rinse your hair, you need to make a strong decoction. onion peel, use warm.

Ground coffee will help saturate dark hair color and give it a nice sheen. For half a liter of boiling water, you need to take three tablespoons of coffee.

Conditioners for light hair

Favorite conditioners for blondes are decoctions of herbs from chamomile, rhubarb, linden, lemon peel, lemon juice, glycerin solution, honey water.

For the preparation of rinses based on esters, blondes should pay attention to ylang-ylang and lemon oils. These products give a radiant shine to blond hair and have a slight brightening effect.

Dry hair rinse

Rinsing your hair with a glycerin solution will help make your hair soft, smooth and hydrated. The recipe for such a conditioner is simple: one teaspoon of the product per liter of cool water.

Milk. Softens, "smoothes" each curl, giving volume, and also effectively moisturizes the hair. Pour about 5 large tablespoons of high-fat milk into 1 liter of water (or the same decoction of herbs). If your hair is dry or split, also add a spoonful of honey, and if your hair is oily, then salt (a small spoon; preferably sea salt). After application, the rinse is not washed off.

Herbal decoctions for moisturizing dry hair: chamomile, calendula, linden, string, hop cones, sage, nettle, elderberry, flax seeds, birch leaves.

Birch. A decoction of birch leaves will appeal to the owner of overdried and often tangled hair. Have you been invited to the bath? Scoop water from the bowl in which the brooms were steamed and pour over your head at the end bath procedure. Among other things, such care will accelerate the growth of your braid.

Birch juice (forest, not from a store can) - an excellent hair conditioner. It treats dandruff and prevents its occurrence; softens harmful "straws" on the head; gives splendor and silkiness.

Oily hair rinse

If the hair quickly becomes dirty, decoctions of the following herbs will help: nettle, mint, plantain, pine and fir needles, coltsfoot, oak bark.

Rinse aid with addition ammonia quickly help to eliminate the problem of oily curls. To prepare it, add a teaspoon of ammonia to a liter jar of water.

To make curls shiny and healthy, hair rinses will help. Means of this kind can be purchased at the store, but they do not always give the expected effect. The reason for this is the presence of chemical components, which, eliminating one problem, add another. Natural hair care products are more effective and less expensive. They can be prepared from what is in every home. Elixirs of strength and stamina for curls are best done with your own hands.

What is the use and what is rinse aid for?

Hair care is a long and ongoing process. It requires a periodic change of funds. In addition to masks, you can use homemade hair rinses made from simple but effective products. They are used to give shine and strength to curls.

Home rinses are used in order to qualitatively cleanse the skin and hair, give them elasticity and strength. Curls get rid of fat, dust and plaque. Thanks to the action of conditioners, the hair trunks become stronger, they grow faster and do not split. good mask It will also help get rid of breakage.

Keep in mind that some of the ingredients in homemade rinses can change the shade of the curls. When choosing a recipe, you need to carefully choose the ingredients in order to maintain its rich color.

Folk recipes involve the use of natural ingredients. They are rich in vitamins different groups, which is very good for the health of the strands. This is especially noticeable in spring period when the body is weakened. The rinse recipe should match the type of hair. It is also necessary to clearly understand the problem and use only those ingredients that can eliminate it.

What can be used to make homemade mouthwash?

The rules for making homemade rinses may vary. Some products are boiled or steamed, while others are simply mixed to the desired consistency. As the main component for dry and damaged curls, herbal decoctions and esters are most often used. And for fatty - natural apple cider vinegar.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, Special attention It is worth paying attention to the shampoos that you use. Frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemical substances destroy the structure of curls, the hair becomes brittle, lose elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. Recommended to visit official internet store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

And also for an effective rinse can be used:

  • onion peel;
  • sunflower flowers;
  • walnut shell and partitions;
  • flax seeds and oak bark;
  • lemon and burdock leaves.

Each hair type requires a different approach and careful selection of ingredients. You can cook any rinse at home and eliminate the problems with curls that have appeared.

Homemade hair rinse recipes

The best hair rinses can be made at home with products that are easy to purchase or find in your refrigerator. Highly fortified products have a beneficial effect on the hair and can solve a number of significant problems. All elements of home remedies are natural and do not contain chemicals. Their benefits are felt after several applications. A noticeable effect occurs with constant use. For different types hair needs its own funds. They are easy to pick up, starting from pressing problem with curls.

Universal rinse

Practically, a remedy based on vinegar-honey can become a panacea for many problems.


  • water;
  • vinegar;

To prepare rinse aid, you need a liter warm water. Three tablespoons of honey are dissolved in it, and then vinegar is added. Rinse hair is carried out after washing off the shampoo. The recipe with apple cider vinegar is more gentle, so it is better to use it for overdried strands. This product is recommended to be used after every hair wash.

For growth

The best natural remedies for hair growth are ivy and burdock. They can be used fresh and dried.


  • burdock roots;
  • water.

Burdock root rinse is a rich decoction. It is necessary to take ten parts of water for one part of herbal raw materials. Boil the broth for fifteen minutes. Then it will take three hours to get a fortified infusion. This tool can be constantly rinsed hair after washing. If ivy is used instead of burdock, then lemon juice should be poured into the broth, in the amount of ten drops. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the best masks for hair growth.

From falling out

Effective folk remedies will help to cope with a serious problem of falling out, if they are used correctly and constantly.


  • flax seeds;
  • water.

From falling out, flaxseeds, taken in the amount of one spoon, effectively help. They must be brought to a boil in two glasses of water and let it brew. The decoction must be filtered before use. The tool serves to strengthen the roots, so it should be lightly rubbed into the skin. If you give the curls time to absorb the solution for ten minutes, and then wash it off, the effect will be more noticeable.

For oily hair

To remove the product of work from curls sebaceous glands and to make them shiny and crumbly, oak bark must be used. It is perfect for oily curls.


  • water.

Dried and crushed oak bark in the amount of three spoons is boiled in a liter of water for about twenty minutes. When the broth has cooled, it must be filtered through cheesecloth and used for its intended purpose. This remedy is good for people with dark curls because it has a coloring effect. It is best for blondes to replace oak bark with St. John's wort, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. To make the effect more noticeable, milk is used instead of water.

For dry hair

Many natural remedies have a coloring effect, so you need to be careful with their choice. Neutral birch leaves are well suited for dry strands.


  • birch leaves;
  • water.

Depending on the length of the strands, it is necessary to calculate the amount of rinse aid. One tablespoon of crushed leaves is taken in a glass of hot water. The tool should be infused for half an hour. Each wash should be accompanied by a similar rinse. If the strands are very dry, then water can be replaced with fresh tea leaves. green tea, at the rate of two tablespoons per liter.

For shine

The benefits of citrus fruits for hair have long been known, and it must be used to its full potential.



  • orange;
  • lemon;
  • water.

Previously, the fruits must be cut into slices. They are placed in three liters of warm water and left for three hours. The skin of citrus fruits has a large amount of vitamins, so it does not need to be removed. If necessary, water is filtered before drinking. It is not recommended to store the tool so that it does not deteriorate and does not lose its capabilities. You have to cook it one time. The use of rinse aid after each wash guarantees a lively and natural shine strands. The effect is visible after the first procedures.

Video: Recipe for dyed hair at home

For volume

To give curls volume, you will need minimal amount ingredients. The product should only be used in special case in urgent need.


  • mint;
  • water.

To achieve the density and volume of the hairstyle, it is necessary to brew mint leaves in boiling water. They persist for three hours and then filtered. Great scent and good effect guaranteed. The strands after drying will become lush and beautiful.

Video: Recipe mint rinse for volume and shine

For fine hair

For split ends the best remedy is plantain. It makes sick and weak curls alive and shiny.


  • plantain leaves;
  • water.

You can use fresh leaves of the plant or their dry equivalent. Three tablespoons of raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water for an hour. During this time everything beneficial features will go into infusion. Rinsing can be carried out after each wash. The remedy is also used to straighten the hair.

Conditioner mask

One of the most effective plants for the health of curls is the common nettle, which grows in every garden. Must use it in summer healing powers and store them for the winter. For cooking, you need fresh nettle leaves.

Nettle mask rinse is prepared very quickly. For her, you need to collect juicy leaves and pass them through a meat grinder. The resulting slurry must be squeezed out and get juice. It is he who is used for the mask. The juice is applied to the roots and strands. When creating a thermal effect, the mask lasts twenty minutes. It is easy to wash off with warm water. The effect of the remedy becomes noticeable after the first application.


A tool for all types of hair has a good effect on natural and dyed curls. The conditioner is made on a natural basis.

Air conditioner:

  • a glass of glycerin;
  • a spoonful of base oil;
  • a glass of rose water;
  • essential oils.

The tool can be used several times, it does not deteriorate. In a resealable bottle, mix equal parts glycerin and rose water. It's easy enough to shake them. Then a few drops of ether and a spoonful of oil are added to the resulting mixture. You can choose jojoba or olive. This mixture is used as a conditioner. It helps to revive curls and give them a lively shine.

Balm conditioner

To rid the curls of excessive fat content, it is necessary to use drying agents. Balm conditioner is made on the basis of apple cider vinegar.


  • apple cider vinegar;
  • conditioner balm;
  • mint, rosemary, sage, basil, lavender leaves;

The balm takes some time to prepare. In two glasses of apple cider vinegar, you need to warm it up a little and place the crushed mixture of herbs in them. In a sealed jar, the tincture should stand for two weeks. Then it is completely ready for use. The product does not disappear and is well stored in a closed jar and a cool place.

Video recipe: Conditioner for soft and silky hair