Debunking order. What is the basis for a church divorce? Church divorce: the procedure for "debunking" spouses

The number of educated families is increasing every year. Beautiful weddings few people can be surprised. In the last few years, such a procedure as the sacrament of the wedding is rapidly gaining momentum. Young people take oaths before the icons, their union becomes truly divine. But life is full of unexpected turns, and people get divorced.

It’s easy to get along, it’s not difficult to get a divorce, but to get married is it possible at all?

The very sacrament of the wedding involves a responsible approach on the part of the newlyweds. In some countries, such a rite has full legal force and does not require an initial state marriage. The oath given before the altar is eternal. The newlyweds carefully prepare for the procedure. This is not just registration in the registry office, so there are a number of special rules. Spouses are obliged to get acquainted with them first of all:

  1. Future husband and wife must profess Orthodoxy and be baptized
  2. The wedding takes place after the registration of the official marriage
  3. Have a sincere desire to create a family, a willingness to remain faithful until the end of life
  4. Spiritual preparation. Communion, confession, fasting
  5. Interview with a spiritual person.

Based on the above, the concept of debunking does not exist in the church. At least because Scripture does not provide for a special rank for performing such a ceremony.

Priests do not cease to explain that the family is a holy formation. Those who have enough reason can encroach on it. Only in the event of the death of one of the spouses will such a request be granted without hindrance. In all other situations it will be a lengthy process. Therefore, in the context of the article, the concept of debunking and divorce is used as exaggerated.

What you need to know about marriage

Reasons that will not allow a holy union:

  1. The presence of a valid marriage in one of the future spouses.
  2. Obstacle from parents.
  3. Having a blood relationship.
  4. One of the married is an atheist.

With the dissolution of an official marriage, a person legally becomes free from obligations, even if there is a church one. The question of terminating the latter usually arises when one of former spouses wants to remarry. Since debunking is not similar to divorce, the clergy, when considering such applications, determine the right to the next wedding. To be more precise, the bishop gives permission for the marriage. This is what is called debunking among the secular population. It is given only to the spouse who is not guilty of the termination. The permission indicates the blessing for the subsequent marriage, and also contains the recognition of the previous union as invalid.

The culprit of the breakup of the family will be punished. It presupposes excommunication from communion for a period determined by canonical institutions. Only a bishop can shorten it. The second spouse is formally dethroned, but generally loses the opportunity to get married again. However, the church can provide such a chance. To receive it, you need to go through several conversations, repent. IN without fail it is necessary to fast, go on a pilgrimage, or fulfill another requirement. It is installed by the priest. In general, such a person is a sinner and a very difficult path will have to be passed for re-resolution. The term of repentance can vary from three to five years. The clergy have a negative attitude towards the second marriage. They believe that such an alliance can be concluded once.

The canonical rule clearly states that even through persuasion and forgiveness, a person can only be married three times.

What can cause a church divorce

Each case of dissolution of a sacred marriage is considered on an individual basis. In the event of conflicts between spouses, the Church sees its mission in all ways (teaching, prayer, participation in the Sacraments) to protect the inviolability of marriage and prevent divorce. The clergy are also called upon to hold conversations with those wishing to marry, explaining to them the importance and responsibility of the step being taken.

If for official divorce weighty reasons may not be required, then for church d even the presence of respectful ones does not always lead to debunking. As a rule, the totality and significance of the reasons mentioned by the spouses are considered. If all your statements are reduced to dissimilarity in character and loss of sympathy, then do not even think about asking the church for a divorce. Popular arguments about the insolvency to support a family are not weighty.

But the list of reasons is still available and was established back in 1918:

  1. Adultery. The fact of treason is serious reason. However, there are spiritual institutions that require confirmation of witnesses (if the spouse does not admit his guilt).
  2. Acceptance of another faith or even becoming an atheist.
  3. Death of a spouse.
  4. Abortion without the consent of the husband or against his will.
  5. Inability to have children.
  6. The presence of mental disorders or diseases.
  7. Alcoholism, drug addiction.
  8. The conclusion of another marriage by one of the spouses.
  9. If one of the spouses endangers the life of the other or the children. Particularly the handshake.
  10. Sex change.
  11. Homosexuality.
  12. Long term imprisonment.
  13. Absence of one of the spouses for more than five years.
  14. intentional abandonment of the family.
  15. Revealing the relationship between the married.
  16. Monastic tonsure.
  17. The presence of AIDS. The marriage is dissolved only if the other spouse did not know about this fact before the wedding.

It is important to know:

  1. The fact of treason is not recognized in case of its one-time occurrence or after a long period of time.
  2. If termination of pregnancy is necessary to preserve the health or life of the mother, then this will not be a reason
  3. You cannot marry a clergyman.

It must be understood that for the dissolution of a marriage, proof must be provided. These include health certificates, doctors' diagnoses. The testimonies of witnesses also carry their weight.

The debunking process

If there are sufficiently weighty reasons, you can apply for a divorce with the Diocese. Don't forget before legal marriage needs to be terminated.

Contact your local church and apply accordingly. A sample can be found on the Internet, as well as in the spiritual institution itself. It must indicate the following:

  1. The date the ordinance was performed.
  2. Location.
  3. Describe your marriage history in detail.
  4. Specify reasons for termination.

All are attached to it Required documents and certificates (confirming illness, termination of pregnancy, etc.). These include a passport, marriage certificate, divorce certificate. All of the above is given only in the form of copies. Please indicate your spouse's consent to this procedure. In cases where there is no agreement, the process of debunking is transferred to the ecclesiastical court, where the proceedings take place. Such cases are extremely rare, but there is practice.

One spouse can submit documents, but a written request from the second is required. The very process of family disintegration is perceived by the clergy as tragic. Former spouses should clearly understand this and understand the consequences of their decision. Therefore, it is necessary to end with the following words: “I apologize for the dissolved marriage.” The rector of the church is responsible for accepting all documentation. He sends all this to the Diocese, having previously made up his own opinion in writing. Application processing time can be significant. The clergy try to give time for reflection. Sometimes you have to wait several months for a resolution from the bishop.

It is important to know: the church does not issue any certificates and documents about debunking.

Re-marriage is not for everyone.. The Church does not approve of this and can only allow it as a condescension to human infirmities in order to prevent even greater sin. Only those who survived the death of their soul mate can freely get married again. Before the revolution, this reason was the only possibility for a second marriage. Otherwise, a blessing is required. Spouses must be in official marriage together. The bishop may call the spouses for a personal conversation. In addition, he can call the ex-spouse and find out if he has any claims to marriage.

The rite changes if each of the newlyweds gets married again. Putting on crowns does not occur, and the rite itself is carried out by the “second rank”. The newlyweds say two additional prayers of repentance. They also undergo the sacrament of repentance for their previous mistake. However, if one of the spouses gets married for the first time, then the procedure takes place according to general rule. The third time the church can only marry a widowed person and they reach the age of forty. Another prerequisite is the presence of minor children.

The fourth wedding is not considered by the canons Orthodox Church.

The opinion of the clergy

As has been repeatedly said, the church is against the disintegration of the family and the process of debunking. Delicacy this issue gives rise to many opinions on the part of the clergy. Some are very conservative about the reasons for church divorce. Priest Mikhail Samokhin indicates as such only what the Bible suggests. The Holy Book indicates adultery and the death of a spouse as the main reasons for such a process. In addition, he acknowledges correct position social concept of the ROC.

Archpriest Sergiy Lepin claims that there is no debunking procedure, that people are trying to come up with an excuse for their sinful actions. They themselves destroy their marriage and can only find witnesses who will be told how they got to the point. His position on the reasons for termination is similar to that of previous clergymen. Only he clarifies that not only physical, but also spiritual death is a valid reason. Under the latter, he just reveals the provisions on mental and venereal diseases, assault, and alcoholism. The concept of a second and third marriage is considered by him only as an exception, condescension to people, but not to the norm.

Archpriest Valerian Krechetov says that only a second wedding is possible. He believes that there is no third. It is also negative for civil marriage, considering it to be fornication.

As you can see, spiritual servants have almost similar thoughts on this process. The Church is trying with all its might to preserve and strengthen marriage. In addition, the facts of divorce undermine the influence of the clergy on society. Priests do not stop talking about responsibility and awareness on the way to uniting hearts before God. The church advises to get married only after several years of official marriage. married life. People should make efforts to ensure that the wedding was not a tribute to tradition, not a beautiful celebration, but a deep spiritual union. Try to think several times, weigh the pros and cons before making such an important decision.

There is no fee for the wedding, only a voluntary donation, the amount of which will be named by the priest in the temple where you decided to marry your spouse. How Many Times Can You Get Married To the question of how many times you can get married, the church answers quite unambiguously. If you can get permission for a wedding for the second time without any problems, then when you go for permission for a wedding for the third time, they will look at you frankly condemningly. It is possible that they will try to set the right path, reminding that rushing from wife to wife (from husband to husband) is not worthy of a truly believing person. In fact, the maximum number of times a person can get married is three. Especially if you are under 50 years old. But the third time they may not bless. Here is an explanatory video on this issue, in particular on the third marriage: However, some priests may have a different opinion.

Rules for debunking in the Orthodox Church after a divorce

The list of required documents that must be attached to the application consists of the following papers:

  • divorce certificate issued by the registry office;
  • a document on a new marriage (if one of the couple has already entered into it);
  • document confirming the wedding;
  • notarized consent of the second half to the debunking;
  • documents confirming the reasons for the decision to dissolve the marriage.

All this is attached to the application in the form of photocopies. The originals remain with the sender. Re-registration of a church marriage Is it possible to get divorced if the marriage broke up, in unilaterally or by mutual desire - now more or less clear. But can the spouses re-pass the wedding ceremony with another person, you should understand in more detail.
Re-marriage in the Orthodox Church is allowed only if the married spouses were separated by death.

The process of dethronement in the Russian Orthodox Church

Whether this can be done depends on the reasons given above. The procedure for dissolving a church marriage As mentioned above, there is no specific procedure for dissolving a marriage in the church, the church can only bless a person for remarriage, hereinafter, this is what we will call debunking. The Orthodox Church allows the re-marriage of people who have already been married, and for this it will be necessary to contact the Diocesan Office.
So, how to get divorced?

  • It is necessary to submit a petition to the name of the bishop, attach the necessary documents and wait for a response.
  • You have to go through an interview with a priest who wants to know the reasons that pushed you to divorce.

How to debunk a church marriage: procedure, reasons, grounds

When planning a second wedding, those spouses who were already at the altar in their first or second marriage are required to submit an application to the head of the diocese and a copy of the divorce certificate. The number of modern Orthodox divorces has reached such proportions that the diocese has standard forms for filing an application for a divorce, permission for a second wedding. You must have your passport with you to verify your identity.

Attention! The positive response of the bishop to the submitted application is permission for church divorce, debauchery, and reunion. At the same time, there is no information about the children left behind, physical and state of mind second half. All responsibility before the Almighty lies only on people.
No priest has the authority to perform the sacrament of a second wedding without permission from the diocese, and this can take several weeks. This information should be taken into account when planning the date of the wedding.

The procedure for debunking a church marriage: the conditions for divorce

Was dethronement allowed a hundred years ago Before the revolution of 1917, the church was recognized by people at the state level. According to the laws of that time, a married couple did not have the right to divorce. Unsuccessful relationships, lack of understanding and love in the family were considered a punishment from Heaven, a kind of cross that both spouses had to bear all their lives.


Creation new family was possible only in one case, the death of one of the spouses. Women abandoned by their husbands went to monasteries, because they had no way to provide for themselves. Raising children, bringing them into people was the law of life.

At the same time, no one could even think about the destruction of the church wedding. No one claims that all Christian couples, and there were no others at that time, were happy. Many men lived in two families, children were born out of wedlock, but all these actions were not encouraged by God and people.


When you can get married again In the Christian world there is a tradition according to which the wedding is performed three times. But the third time the rite becomes possible only when a widow and a widower get married or they have minor children. To do this, it will be necessary to issue documents confirming widowhood.

Copies must be made of them and submitted to the Diocese along with the application. Decunning in the Orthodox Church, whose rules and canons are very different from other faiths, has a number of differences from ordinary divorce. If the latter passes quickly enough, then there must be fairly good reasons for the commission of the first, and it will be controlled by several church authorities.

The main purpose of this ceremony is not just to debunk the spouses, but to achieve a second blessing for the wedding due to the recognition of the first as an ungracious event.

Church divorce: the procedure for "debunking" spouses

The Church, as you know, not only does not welcome divorce, but also condemns it, however, it has indulgence for human impotence. The procedure for debunking in the Russian Orthodox Church after a divorce and obtaining permission to enter into another marriage can only be carried out by a bishop. The Church, as you know, not only does not welcome divorce, but also condemns it, but it has indulgence for human impotence. The procedure for dethronement in the Russian Orthodox Church after a divorce and obtaining permission to enter into another marriage can only be carried out by a bishop. In order to apply to the bishop with a request to dethrone the marriage and withdraw the blessing received, you need to have divorce papers with you. A Orthodox culture there is a restriction on church matrimony, which provides for no more than three marriages. Since 1918, there has been a whole list of motives that can serve as a reason for debunking.

How to get divorced after a divorce: order

Spouses who have decided to inform the church about a divorce should know that if they want to resume marital relations, a wedding between them is impossible. According to the laws of the Orthodox Russian Church, you can only go down the aisle twice in your life. A second wedding after the submission of divorce papers, strong evidence of non-Christian behavior of the other half, is possible with the permission of the head of the diocese.

The bishop can give permission for a new union, while canceling the first wedding. Is it possible to re-marry Divorce and re-marriage, what is needed for this Although in the Church Charter there is no concept of breaking the bonds consecrated by the Church, the Priesthood is sympathetic to what happens in life different situations. The priest conducts the ceremony of a new wedding, constantly reminding that throwing between choosing a spouse is not welcomed by the Church Charter.

The rite of dethronement in the Orthodox Church: is it possible or not

The main documents to be attached to the application are:

  • a copy of the divorce certificate issued by the registry office;
  • a copy of the marriage certificate (if any);
  • a copy of the wedding document (if any);
  • consent to divorce signed by the second spouse (if any);
  • other documents confirming the circumstances set out in the application;
  • the report, petition and documents are sent to the Administrator of the Diocese, who decides on the possibility of dissolving the church marriage. The corresponding document is issued to the applicant in the temple at the place of application.

How to get married in a church? Does such a ritual actually exist? Priest Mikhail Samokhin will answer these questions in this article.

How to dethrone in the church?

One is a wedding, two is a wedding...

Priest Mikhail Samokhin

To be honest, the word "debunking" cuts my ear. And not only because there is some terminological or philological incorrectness in it. Rather, the attitude to the Sacrament of Marriage, which is seen in this word, causes alertness. Converged - dispersed. Married - "married". Everything is simple, everyday, ordinary and fixable. And most importantly - in our hands.

Really decay Orthodox family- tragedy. Although when people come to the site or personally with the question of “debunking”, they don’t realize the tragedy.

But the Lord conceived the family as a union of two people for the rest of their lives: “I say to you: whoever divorces his wife not for adultery and marries another, he commits adultery; and he who marries a divorced woman commits adultery." (Matthew 19:9) A simple and clear command.

Strict chastity was not only a barrier against the pagan licentiousness that reigned around the first Christians. It naturally followed from the understanding that marriage is an earthly image of the heavenly union of Christ and the Church. Christ cannot have two Churches, and the Church cannot have anyone but Christ. The same is thought of the relationship of a man and a woman, united in Christian marriage. So wrote about the family, for example, St. John Chrysostom.

And now we are investing in the Sacrament just such a higher meaning, perceiving the family as a small Church, whose task is the spiritual salvation of all whom it unites. There is another important feature that unites the Church and the family. It is the power of love that works in them. to each other and to the Lord.

Thus, the Church, as the herald of the Gospel truth, does not know divorce, as the ancients or modern people. Divorce is like the return of premarital freedom from each other. But there are cases when people themselves destroyed their marriage. And it is impossible to turn a blind eye to this.

Guided by the words of the Lord, the Church recognized the fact of the breakup of the family in the event of the betrayal of one of the spouses. And so far, the list of reasons why a marriage can be recognized as broken up is small. For accuracy, I will quote an official document - "Fundamentals of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church":

“In 1918, the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church in the “Determination on the reasons for the termination marriage union sanctified by the Church” recognized as such, except for adultery and the entry of one of the parties into new marriage, also falling away of a spouse from Orthodoxy, unnatural vices, inability to marital cohabitation that occurred before marriage or was the result of intentional self-mutilation, illness with leprosy or syphilis, a long unknown absence, condemnation to punishment, combined with the deprivation of all rights of the state, encroachment on the life or health of a spouse or children, sophistication, pandering, profiting from the indecency of a spouse, incurable severe mental illness and malicious abandonment of one spouse by another. Currently, this list of grounds for dissolution of marriage is supplemented by such reasons as AIDS, medically certified chronic alcoholism or drug addiction, abortion by the wife with the disagreement of the husband.

Mournful list. And I really don’t want any of it to become a reality of the family life of one of the readers. But it may very well be that if you are reading these lines, the topic of church divorce has touched you personally. The family broke up. And now I understand why it is called a tragedy. What to do? Of course, pray. Or about the preservation of the family, or about the fact that the Lord would manage the future life according to His all-good will.

And only when, in answer to prayer, you find someone with whom you want to go through life, when you come to the decision to seal your union with God's blessing, you need to go to the temple. They will tell you how to apply to the ruling bishop of the diocese for the blessing of remarriage.

Note that this decision is so important to the Church that only the bishop can make it. And the right to remarry is given only to those who are not to blame for the collapse of the first family. Isn't it a significant difference? Not "debunking", but remarriage. Not freedom, but again a family, a small church.

It is important. It's crucial. But I, like many fellow priests, consider it inappropriate to overshadow the triumph of marriage with words about divorce. And therefore, it is possible to talk about this only during preparations for the wedding. Maybe in confession. But for some, how the Church understands the sacrament of marriage remains unknown. And the Sacrament itself is a beautiful rite.

Therefore, I really want my joyless reflections to be read, first of all, not by those who ask about “debunking”. And those who joyfully prepare for the Sacrament of marriage. Not because I like to darken someone's joy. But for the newlyweds to realize the importance and responsibility of the upcoming event. And let a few helpful information presented here will never be useful to anyone!

Have you read the article Debunking. How to get married in a church?“. Read also.

The wedding ceremony is one of the most beautiful sacraments. The beauty and solemnity of the ceremony attract newlyweds who decide to unite in marriage bond. But today, a wedding is a tribute to fashion, and after the dissolution of a marriage, the former spouses have many questions: is there a debunking of a church marriage, how to get married, is it possible to get divorced?

The wedding ceremony is one of the most beautiful sacraments

Now this question is more relevant than ever. The main reason for this is the fashion for the wedding ceremony following the registration. marital relations. Most of those entering into marriage do not think that the relationship between husband and wife, sanctified by the church, has been and will remain a responsible sacrament. That is why it is foolish to cherish the hope that you will be quickly debunked. Debunking is not an easy and not a quick procedure.

The Church reacts negatively to the dissolution of family unions. However, the Orthodox Church sympathizes with its adherents and periodically allows repeated wedding ceremonies.

A couple who have decided to remarry must submit an appropriate application for the termination of family ties to the Diocese office after receiving a new document on the creation of a family. In addition, you need to have a document stating that you are divorced and a passport with you.

The father has no right to allow you to remarry after a civil divorce. But, as soon as a permit is received from the diocese within a few weeks, you can get married again. The second ceremony is different from the first. The secondary sacrament is carried out by the "second rank", namely, according to the rules of the Orthodox Church, crowns will not be placed on you.

Father has no right to allow you to remarry after a civil divorce

Most couples who decide to divorce try to forget that it is not enough to get a divorce and know the ways that will allow the divorce procedure to be carried out. You also need to understand that you can get a refusal. The church has a number of reasons to dissolve a church marriage, but the item “did not agree on the characters” is definitely not on this list.

See also:

Lost divorce certificate, how to restore

On what basis can you get a debunking?

How to get married in a church? What needs to happen for debunking to happen? Debunking is a serious step, and the reasons for its implementation must be weighty. This procedure can be carried out on the basis of several factors identified in the 20s of the last century. The rite of debunking is possible when one of the reasons is proven.

  • The infidelity of a husband or wife is one of the most compelling reasons.
  • Adoption by one of the spouses of any other faith.
  • Remarriage.
  • Self-mutilation of a husband or wife.
  • The fact of severe venereal diseases.
  • Prolonged absence of one of the spouses (missing).
  • An attack on the life of a family member.
  • Snohachestvo and pandering.
  • Severe mental illness.
  • Imprisonment of one of the spouses.
  • Physiological inability to have children.
  • Conclusion family union between close relatives.

The infidelity of a husband or wife is one of the reasons for debunking

Modern life made some adjustments. At the beginning of the 21st century, the church revised the list of reasons for debunking and introduced some more points that allow church divorce. Now the basis for the debunking was excessive addiction to alcohol, drugs, abortion, which happened without the consent of the husband, if there were no medical indications. Debunking is possible if one of these points is present.

How does a church divorce work?

Any church divorce is original and requires a specific approach. There is no specific order for conducting the debunking ceremony. If you know examples that someone was able to succeed in the issue of debunking and was blessed to enter into another union, this is not an indicator that you will succeed.

It must be understood that the clergy differ in different opinions and attitudes towards such a sensitive issue. Faithful advice how to act in such a situation, you will hear in the regional diocese. Immediately set yourself up for the fact that at first they will try to reconcile you, they will try to convince you that the bonds sanctified by the church are eternal and indestructible.

The wedding ceremony is inherently very beautiful and incredibly beautiful. solemn ceremony. Icons along with candles, sacred prayers and all other attributes more and more often arouse interest and more and more often attract guys who have firmly decided to unite themselves by marriage. Often, many are simply chasing stunning photographs, interesting impressions, beautiful video footage, absolutely not understanding all the responsibility. To appear before the altar is a sacrament that should be performed only by people who believe and are completely confident in themselves and their chosen one. Nowadays, church marriage has gradually begun to turn into a fashionable ritual, and after a divorce, questions arise like “is it possible to dethrone a church marriage” and whether it will be possible to obtain the consent of the church in the future.

What to do family boat could not stand it and crashed about life. Of course, there are a lot of reasons for divorce, but in this case the consequence is important - once loving friend other people decided to disperse forever. Although it seemed that only yesterday they were preparing with might and main for wedding celebration, were the happiest on the planet on their wedding day and boldly took an oath of allegiance in the church.

Now this issue is gaining relevance at a crazy pace. The main reason for this trend is not at all the increased number of divorces, but the fact that with the new fashion, the newlyweds immediately after the end of registration in the registry office run with all their might to the church for the wedding ceremony. At the same time, not many people think about the fact that church marriage, in its essence, has always been and remains to this day a very responsible sacrament. Without exception, all the guys should think a dozen times before deciding on it. It is always necessary to remember that your union is blessed in heaven and eternal, so you should not hope for a quick debunking in the temple. At least that's what the oath sounds like.

In the case of a wedding ceremony, the church marriage is also debunked. But this seems logical only to us, the inhabitants of the XXI century. For the church itself, the process of debunking, as it turned out, does not exist. The reason for this incident lies primarily in its negative attitude to the divorce itself, due to which there is simply no such thing as a “severance of sacred bonds”. In any temple they will tell you that the family is not a game that you were fond of for a while, and after you got tired of it, you decided to leave it and get a divorce. Nevertheless, the Orthodox Church is more condescending towards the sinful souls of its parishioners and from time to time allows the process of re-marriage, without ceasing to reproach for throwing between wives or husbands. The only case when the church will not prevent you from coming to the altar again is only the death of a married spouse.

A couple that has expressed a desire to reconnect their bonds in heaven must file an appropriate application for the dissolution of a church marriage using a special template. Such an application must be sent to the Office of the Diocese as soon as a new marriage certificate is received. Make sure to have a divorce document and passport with you at this moment. It should also be remembered that you can apply using the above sample, and it is not necessary for both to be present.

Remember: the priest cannot personally allow you to remarry after a secular divorce. But immediately after receiving official permission from the diocese, as a rule, several weeks pass before this, you should boldly go to the church of your choice to conduct this sacrament. However, the procedure will be different from the original. If both spouses are not going through the ceremony for the first time, then the wedding will be performed by the "second rank", i.e. no crowns will be placed on you. If only 1 of the spouses was at the altar before, then the ceremony is carried out according to all the original rules.

In fact, many people forget that it is not enough to get a divorce and know the methods that allow you to carry out the procedure for the dissolution of a church marriage. Always be aware of the possibility of rejection. The church has a whole list of reasons according to which a marriage can be dissolved and, as you probably already guessed, the counts “just didn’t get along” are not there.

Reasons for termination

As mentioned above, such a ceremony is possible for several reasons established back in 1918. These include the following:

  • Adultery is rightfully considered one of the most significant reasons.
  • Departure from the Orthodox faith or acceptance by one of the spouses of any other faith
  • The entry is also one of the spouses or two at once in a second marriage.
  • impossibility life together in view of the self-mutilation of a husband or wife.
  • The existence of such serious illnesses like syphilis, leprosy, etc.
  • Long-term (more than five years) absence of one of the partners (missing persons).
  • An attack on the life of a family member.
  • Snohachestvo and pandering.
  • Detection of an incurable mental illness, as a result of which the partner cannot be responsible for his actions.
  • Conviction and imprisonment of one of the partners.
  • Infertility.
  • Lack of legal grounds for marriage, including the presence of other spouses or a union between close relatives.

However, in modern world life is developing so rapidly that in 2000 the church had to revise this list a bit and add a few more positions that could be debunked in the church. From that moment on, the following reasons can be considered sufficient grounds for debunking after an ordinary divorce:

  • Alcoholism, drug addiction or AIDS infection, which were confirmed by a special medical report.
  • An abortion without the consent of the husband. In this case, exceptions are situations when there were medical indications for this, or the pregnancy could in the future pose a threat to the life of the expectant mother.

At its core, church divorce and the process of debunking itself is fundamentally different from the secular counterpart, in which case no one will stop you from getting a divorce. Dethronement in the church and its main goal is to bless the second marriage in view of the recognition of the previous non-Christian or graceless. Sometimes a third marriage is allowed in the church, however, all subsequent unions and debunkings in the church will be considered a rather grave sin. In this case, only the partner who was innocent of previous divorces will be able to get the right to remarry. The person whose actions caused the destruction of the family will first have to repent and fulfill penance, the duration and nature of which is almost impossible to predict.

Many people forget that in addition to the need to get a divorce, they are now waiting for the divorce procedure. However, for true believers, this issue receives the highest priority. Some at this moment feel dependent on ex-husband or wife until this procedure occurs. Moreover, in the future, when creating a new family, very serious problems if we ignore this issue.

Debunking procedure and individual approach

Remember: each church divorce is inherently very individual and requires special approach. Of course, there is no single regulation for the process of debunking. In the event that one of your friends or relatives managed to achieve a dethronement in the church in the past and, accordingly, receive the blessing of a new marriage, this does not at all mean the success of your undertaking. Even many priests differ in their opinions and attitudes towards this delicate issue. The right advice what to do you can get only in the regional diocese. You should also immediately prepare for the fact that almost from the very beginning they will try to reconcile you, try to set you on the right path, convincing you of the eternity and inviolability of sacred church bonds.

Many also ask the question “what to do with wedding attributes?”. As you know, after the wedding, the newlyweds most often find icons and even wedding candles, which in most families it is customary to carefully store and honor them as family heirlooms. But, as soon as the debunking has come, some become uncomfortable with keeping these things in the house. In this case, the clergy recommend not to fill your head with mystical or even superstitious ideas about wedding items. According to them, no icons are able to bring grief to the house, and candles can either be burned on their own or lit in the temple. If you are superstitious, then simply do not pass them on to anyone else.

The rite of debunking - how to live on?

Remember, if all your efforts to preserve the family hearth were unsuccessful, and you left your married spouse, you should start looking for salvation in prayer. Pray more often that God will give you a worthy partner. Only then will you be able to meet a person with whom you will find happiness again and be able to start a new life. happy life. Always try to analyze all your past mistakes as carefully as possible so as not to repeat them again. Try to be more patient with the shortcomings of your new married husband or wife and keep love in your heart. In this case, you will be able to carry this feeling through the years and you will not have to think about debunking again.

It is always necessary to soberly realize the degree of seriousness of the sacrament of the wedding. Unbelieving people should also not perform a ceremony in which they cannot fully believe. At the moment when the guys came to the temple and asked to organize a ceremony, the priest would definitely talk with them for a long time, thus determining the degree of their faith, baptism and readiness to honor each other and be faithful in church marriage. Also, it is in the temple that young people will be able to learn all the information about both the rite itself and the unique process of preparing for it.

In fact, not everyone is ready to undergo a wedding ceremony, therefore, before that, it is recommended to carefully consider everything and carefully analyze it several times. Try to listen to yourself - do you feel inside the desire and need to conclude a family union in the church, is it worth burdening both yourself and your partner with additional obligations, because it is a married marriage that can be the heaviest burden in the future if family life never succeeded, and your joint boat leaked.

After the breakup of a marriage in heaven, life does not end at all. Many in the future will definitely find their soul mate again, with which they will gladly unite their fate.

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