Stories about the rules of the road. Fairy tales about the rules of the road

The Story of the Truck...

In one small town lived a variety of cars. And almost all the inhabitants of this town lived together and happily: they were polite and kind, they knew all the rules traffic and very respected road signs and the great teacher of the Traffic Light. Why all residents? Yes, because I lived in it fabulous town one naughty Trucker who was not friends with anyone, did not listen to anyone and did not want to learn the rules of the road. Many times because of this Truck, there were almost accidents on the roads of the city. But the cars-residents were so kind and polite that they did not punish the Truck for his unbearable behavior.

One day, the inhabitants of the town decided to build a garage for a large fire engine. The excavator dug a huge hole for the construction of a garage. Uncle Svetofor put an attendant near the pit - the sign "Entry is prohibited" so that the cars-residents do not accidentally gape and fall into this huge pit. And everything would be fine, but only our fidget Truck (as we have already said) did not know the rules of the road at all and did not respect road signs. And therefore, one evening, when the Truck was having fun on the street, he drove very close to a dangerous pit, despite all the warnings of the duty sign, and, of course, fell into this pit.

The inhabitants of the town were very frightened and hurried to help our hero - the klutz. Uncle Crane pulled the Truck out of the pit, kind Aunt Ambulance began to heal dents and scratches, and small cars began to treat him with warm engine oil. I saw the Truck how all the inhabitants of the town were taking care of him and he felt so ashamed that he cried and of course all the cars began to calm our hero and forgave him.

And as soon as our Truck recovered, he immediately went to school with Uncle Traffic Light and began to learn the rules of the road and traffic signs. Since then, all the inhabitants of this wonderful town began to live together and happily.

sharp turn

This story happened to a little Fox cub who lived in the forest not far from the road. Very often, the animals ran across this road to the neighboring forest to visit friends, while violating the Rules of the Road, since no one taught them how to cross the road. Once the Hare fell under the wheel of a car and broke his leg, and then the parents of the animals decided to conduct a lesson on the Rules of the Road at the animal school. All the animals listened very carefully, studied the signs. Now they knew that the road can be crossed slowly, at a right angle, making sure of safety, and it is best to reach the pedestrian crossing. Only Little Fox dabbled in the lessons and interfered with others. He said that he was not interested, bored, that he already knew everything, and he did not need signs.

On Fox’s birthday, dad gave a beautiful scooter and said: “You can ride a scooter only in a wide clearing and along forest paths. On the road - not a foot! You are only seven years old. Yes, there is a lot of traffic there. But Little Fox really wanted to rush at high speed along a smooth asphalt road, and he went to her.

The road climbed steeply, and then there was a long winding descent. It was from him that the Little Fox wanted to roll. As he walked, he met three road signs on the way. One sign indicated a steep ascent, the other a descent. And the third sign is that there will be a dangerous turn ahead on the descent and you need to drive very carefully, at low speed. But Little Fox did not know these signs, so he did not understand anything.

The magpie, which flew everywhere, knew everything, strictly followed everything that was happening in the forest. It was she who saw where the Fox Cub was going, wanted to stop him, but it wasn’t there, the Fox Cub didn’t even listen to her. Then Soroka flew to Fox's father and told him everything. Papa Fox was very scared for his son and rushed to the road in order to have time to stop naughty kid, but he was already rushing down the mountain. Then Fox ran to the turn, hoping that he could help his son.

The fox cub was rushing at such a speed that he himself was frightened, but he could not stop (the scooter has no brakes). Papa Fox spread his paws, caught his son and flew with him into the bushes, but the scooter did not fit into the turn and fell into a deep ravine. “You see what you have done. It’s good that I arrived in time, otherwise you would have fallen into the ravine along with the scooter, ”said Papa Fox. The little fox, scratching his bruised knee, lowered his head low and said: “Forgive me, dad, I will never drive on the road again, and I will definitely learn the signs.” Dad took pity on the baby, stroked his head and said: “Good. I believe you. I'll make you a new scooter, but you'll ride only when you learn the Rules, and only in the clearing. Remember that the road is not a place for games and entertainment!”

Adventures of Baba Yaga

Once Baba Yaga was flying in a mortar over the city. Her stupa broke, and she had to walk home to the forest through the city. Baba Yaga tried to cross the road to wrong place, but the policeman stopped her: “How are you, grandmother, not ashamed! An accident could happen because of you. Don't you know that you need to cross the road at the intersection, where there is a traffic light, or along the "Zebra"? Baba Yaga did not know anything about the rules of the road, she was frightened: “How is it on a zebra? What is an intersection? The policeman was surprised at such illiteracy and led her to the crossroads.

At this time, a red light came on at the traffic light, and Baba Yaga began to cross the road. There was a squeal of brakes, Baba Yaga was almost hit by a car. Then the policeman decided to fine the grandmother, and Baba Yaga said in a plaintive voice: “Yes, my granddaughters, I don’t know these Rules of the road, I’m illiterate, and this is my first time in your city.” Then the policeman decided to take my grandmother to the kindergarten to the guys, they are smart, they study the rules of behavior on the road.

The children in kindergarten told her about how pedestrians should behave, what a traffic light is and how it works, what the word “zebra” means, why only cross the road along it, and not anywhere.

After such lessons, Baba Yaga began to cross the road correctly, quickly got to her house and told the forest dwellers about the Rules of the Road, just in case they accidentally get into the city.

That's the end of the fairy tale, and whoever knows and follows the rules, well done!

Who is more important than everyone on the street

Katya was fast asleep. And she had a dream. As if she was walking down the street, and cars were passing nearby - cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles, scooters. Even a bicycle passed by, and all without drivers. Well, just like in a fairy tale! And suddenly Katya heard that the machines were talking to each other. Yes, even in a real human voice.

“Disperse! Skip!" - shouted a car with checkers hurrying somewhere - a taxi.

"Here's another! I don’t have time either,” muttered a truck loaded with bricks.

“Whoever is in a hurry, it’s me,” said the bus that stopped at the bus stop. “I am the most important. I drive people to and from work.

“And I am spreading letters and telegrams,” a passing motorcycle squeaked. "Isn't that important?"

“Important, important, but let me through,” said a motor scooter with a cab on which was written “Sausages”. Me to school. The kids are there waiting for breakfast.”

Everyone is important, everyone is important! Suddenly, a traffic light clicked at the crossroads. “But let’s go in order, according to the rules.”

And he looked at them with an angry red eye.

All the cars at once stopped at the traffic lights and fell silent. And the traffic light blinked a yellow eye, and then said: “Please go!” - and lit a green eye. The cars have gone.

“That's how it is. Everyone is important, but obey the traffic light. It turns out, - Katya thought, - as the traffic light said, the most important thing is order on the street.

What do you guys think?

E. Zhitkov

Traffic light

We stopped and all the other cars stopped and the bus stopped. I asked why?

Mom explained: “There, you see, a red flashlight? It's a traffic light."

I saw a flashlight on a wire above the street. It glowed red.

"And how long will we stand?"

"No. Now they will pass, who needs to move across the street, and we will go.

And everyone looked at the red flashlight.

Suddenly it turned yellow, and then green.

And we went.

Then, once again, a red light was on in the street.

"Uncle, stop! Red fire!"

The driver stopped the car, looked around and said: “And you are a good fellow!”

We stopped again, and there was no light at all. Only I saw a tall policeman in a white cap and white jacket. He raised his hand. When he waved his hand, we drove off. As a policeman raises his hand, everyone will stand up: cars, buses.

How Kitty Purr Stopped Riding a Bicycle

On Sunday early in the morning, Lenochka was awakened by the ringing of her mobile phone.

It's me. Doggy, save...He got lost...His...probably...- sobbed into the phone.

Calm down, Dog, - answered Lenochka. - I'll come to you now.

Lenochka dressed quickly and in five minutes she was in the fairy forest.

The whole honest company gathered in the clearing: the Dog, the fox Alicia, the cat Barbos. Everyone was crying.

What happened to you, - Helen asked.

Purr Kitten got a bike somewhere and rode it on the roadway. And there's a car, a second one... And now... He's in the hospital... - It was heard from different sides.

How could you let this happen? Lenochka was indignant. - After all, Purr still does not know the Rules of the road for cyclists!

Why does he need rules if he rode a bicycle? Alicia the fox was surprised.

Don't you know that cyclists have their own rules of the road?

No! - the animals answered in unison.

Then listen, - Lenochka said and began her story.

The animals listened attentively as they moved slowly towards the central hospital.

When someone gets behind the wheel of a bicycle, he automatically becomes a driver, because he drives a vehicle - a BIKE. Besides, how could Purr's kitten get behind the wheel and drive onto the road, because he is only four years old. And you can only drive a bicycle and ride it on the road from the age of fourteen.

How? Alicia the fox was surprised. - So, in a year I will be able to ride a bike through the streets?

Certainly! Only first I will tell you all the rules, and then you will go. In the meantime, forget about the road and think!

In such conversations funny company got to the hospital. Fortunately, Purr's kitten only injured his paw and was left without one mustache - when he flew from a bicycle to the ground.

Lenochka, - the Purring kitten cried, - I did not believe you that the rules of the road are very, very important! But now I understand everything!

Lenochka calmed the kitten, took him home from the hospital, looked after him, and the animals helped. When the kitten recovered, he was offered to ride a bicycle, but Purr said that until the age of fourteen he would not ride a bicycle at all.

That's how it happens sometimes!

To which Petya replied:


There was a boy in a city. His name was Misha.

Misha was a good boy, but he did not want to follow the rules of the road at all. And teachers at school taught Misha the rules, and parents, and even extraneous adults, but the boy repeated one thing: “Wrong rules, why are they?” And when Misha was criticized and sometimes scolded, he always blamed someone else, but he never considered himself guilty.

Misha goes to school in the morning, crosses the road, and counts the crows flying by. With a screech, a motorcycle stops in front of him, the motorcyclist teaches Misha, and he answers: “It’s the birds’ fault!” Misha plays ball on the road, the bus stops, the driver asks the boy to leave the roadway, since according to the rules of the road it is impossible to play there. Misha answered: “Wrong rules, the road has been made for everyone.” And so it always was, until one incredible story happened to him.

Once Misha crossed the road at the crossroads, where there was a traffic light. The boy looks - the red light is on, but there are no cars.

Misha no doubt stepped onto the roadway, when suddenly, out of nowhere, a small and not at all new car appeared, driven by an old man. “Where are you, boy, in such a hurry, not observing the rules of the road? You could have been hit by the wheels of my car!” - said the old man. Misha, as always, answered: “It’s the traffic light’s fault, the green light should be on, because there was no one around. And in general, these are wrong rules, such old people should not drive cars, it is better to walk or even stay at home. “Wrong rules? For some reason the old man smiled. - Well, then you will really like living in the “Land of Wrong Traffic Rules!”

With these words, both the car and the old man disappeared as if they had never existed. At the same moment there arose strong wind that Misha closed his eyes in fear. When he dared and looked around, he saw houses, a road, footpaths, but everything was unfamiliar to him. He still stood in the middle of the road and wondered what had happened, and what other country was the old man talking about?

As soon as Misha wanted to take a step, he saw a cyclist rushing straight at him. The cyclist hooked Misha on the backpack with the wheel of the bicycle, and they both fell directly onto the asphalt. “What are you! Bicycles are not allowed to ride in the middle of the road!” Misha protested, trying to get to his feet. The cyclist turned out to be a boy of the same age as Misha. He got up, picked up the bike and said: “Are you new? After all, this is the country of “Wrong traffic”, here everyone drives where they want!” With these words, the boy got on his bicycle and sped away. Misha hurried to the side of the road.

Before Misha had gone ten steps, a truck came out from around the corner. The truck drove down the sidewalk and straight at the boy. Misha jumped into the ditch and shouted after him: "Don't you know that only people walk on footpaths!"

Misha almost burst into tears and hurried away. He turned into a street where there was a lot of traffic. On the other side, he suddenly saw an old man he knew. "Wait!" Misha shouted. But how was he to get to the other side of the road? “Somewhere there must be an underground pedestrian crossing,” he thought. But alas! According to the rules of this country, there were no pedestrian crossings at all. The old man disappeared again, but suddenly Misha saw a terrible picture: a little girl ran out into the road. She, apparently, also wanted to cross to the other side, and now she was among the moving traffic. Misha began to wave his arms, trying to stop the cars passing by. He tried his best, and finally the transport stopped. He took the girl by the hand and led her across the road. “You can’t, you can’t, cross the road in the wrong place! he taught the child.

And where are your parents? You can’t even approach the roadway alone!”

The girl was silent, apparently she did not know anything about it. She pointed to the house and saying that she lives there, she ran away. Misha decided that no matter what, he needed to find that old man so that he would return him home, he really did not like this country. And then he saw a rather adult uncle who was walking along right side roads. "Wait!" Misha shouted, but the man did not hear him, as he was listening to music on his mobile phone and looked at something. Cars honked at him, but he didn't notice them either. “What ignorance of the rules of the road! After all, you can only walk on the left side, and you can’t be distracted when you are next to the roadway!” Misha didn't have time to think when he heard the squeal of the car's brakes. Misha realized that something was wrong. He was completely scared, and he ran, but where?

Not far away, he also saw children running along the highway. The boys stopped in front of each other. "Who are you and why are you running down the road where cars drive?" Misha asked. “We train in running, we want to become athletes,” the guys answered. “Do you know that by running along the roadway, you will not become athletes, but in best case spend two months on crutches! In your country, absolutely no one follows the rules of the road!” Misha continued. "And what is it?" the guys asked. But some noise and crackling caught their attention. It turned out to be a boy of about eleven, riding a moped. He crashed right into the road barrier, trying to turn away from the bus. “You can’t get on a moped if you are under the age of sixteen,” Misha explained. The boy, limping and rubbing his broken knees, went up to the guys. "Tell us about the rules of the road!" - the guys asked him. “You know,” Misha said, “I also often violated traffic rules in my city, but now I understand how dangerous it is. And now I will never break a single rule! How can I get back home?"

The boys came to the courtyard of a house where there was a sandbox. Misha began to draw road signs with a stick on the sand and explained what to do in this or that situation, because he knew the rules! All children at school are taught to cross the road correctly, to be careful near the roadway. The children listened carefully and memorized. “Now we will tell everyone what the rules of the road are, both moms and dads!” they rejoiced. And suddenly Misha wept bitterly. "What happened to you? - the guys were surprised. “You helped us so much!” “But mom and dad are also waiting for me at home, they worry and think, what happened to me? They always told me to be careful on the road, but I didn't listen to them! If they only knew that I would never, ever break traffic rules again!” Misha spoke through tears.

And suddenly a strong wind rose again, everything rustled and spun around. When everything calmed down, Misha saw that he was standing on his familiar street in front of a long-familiar traffic light. The red light was still on. Misha stood as if rooted to the spot, waiting for permission from the traffic light to cross the road. The boy smiled at the traffic light. And it seemed to him that the traffic light smiled back. Then Misha saw an old car passing by, driven by an elderly man. The old man waved his hand to Misha.

And then the green light came on. Misha proudly crossed the road!

Dispute on the road.

One day, traffic lights quarreled with each other.

I am in charge, - said the red light, - because when I light up, everyone stops and does not dare to move on.

No, I'm in charge, - said the yellow light, - when I light up, everyone is getting ready to move - both pedestrians and cars.

And when I light up, - said the green light, - everyone starts moving. So, I am the most important and everyone should obey me.

For a long time they argued like that, blinking their lights and did not see what was happening on the road. And there was a real mess - the cars did not give way to pedestrians, ran into them and each other, breaking headlights, scratching the cab and body; pedestrians also walked, without waiting for the cars to pass, interfered with them and each other. It was not clear what was going on at the crossroads - cars crowded into a heap, honked, flashed their headlights, which still remained. If someone wanted to give way, then he did not succeed - there was a traffic jam on the road.

What have we done? - said the red traffic light, seeing what was happening on the road.

Is it all because of us? - the yellow traffic light was surprised.

We urgently need to correct the situation and put things in order! - the green signal said in the affirmative.

The lights began, as before, to light up in turn - red, yellow, green. For a long time they put things in order on the road, and only when traffic was restored, they said with relief:

We, the signals, are all important,

Everyone is needed on the road.

Since then, they never argued again and always lit up in turn - red, yellow, green.

Bear dream.

The bear walked and walked through the forest, got tired and decided to rest. He lay down under the Christmas tree and did not notice how he dozed off. Mishka sleeps and sees a dream.

“Gave him a bike for his birthday. The bear is glad to receive such a gift - he has long dreamed of it. Mishka got on a bicycle and went to show his gift to his friends - a wolf, a hedgehog, a hare. All friends lived in a birch grove, and in order to get to them, it is necessary to cross a wide road. The bear was very impatient and did not wait for the green light to turn on at the traffic light. As soon as he entered the roadway, a large truck appeared next to him. The truck did not have time to slow down and ran into Mishka. The new bike broke down - the frame bent, the handlebars bent, the wheels flew off, and Mishka himself ended up in the hospital.

The bear woke up from fright and decided that he would never violate the rules of the road

Kitten and puppy.

Once upon a time there was a kitten and a puppy in the neighborhood. The kitten was affectionate, calm, obedient, and the puppy liked to play pranks. He was often naughty, indulged .. Once the puppy saw a kitten and said:

I want to be friends with you!

Me too, said the kitten.

I'm going for a walk, said the puppy.

Me too, said the kitten.

I will jump, - said the puppy.

Me too, said the kitten.

I caught a butterfly, said the puppy.

Me too, said the kitten.

So they played, jumped, ran and imperceptibly approached a wide road along which large and small cars drove. Cars raced along the road quickly and made a very loud noise. The kitten was frightened, sat down to the ground, ears pressed to the head. And the puppy, it seems, was even glad that the cars raced at such a speed.

I'll run with the car to the races, - said the puppy.

Me too, said the kitten.

I run fast, said the puppy.

Me too, said the kitten.

But the cars were moving very fast. The puppy and the kitten were tired and decided to rest. On the other side of the road they saw a beautiful lawn, a blue stream and many, many flowers. But the pedestrian crossing was still far away.

I want to go to that lawn, - said the puppy.

Me too, said the kitten.

I'll cross the road here, - said the puppy.

And I - no, - said the kitten. My mom won't let me go out on the road alone. She told me that children should only cross the road with adults. I'd rather rest here and go home.

The puppy thought and thought and decided to do the same as the kitten. They found a cozy place, rested, and then returned home to their mothers.

Kiseleva Natalya Konstantinovna

Traffic light lesson.

There was a traffic light. He was tired of standing in one place and blinking with lights: “I’ll go for a walk, I’ll look at everything, I’ll show myself.”

And the traffic light went down the road. He walked and walked and turned into the forest. saw him wild animals, birds, insects and everyone thinks to himself: the ant thinks "How tall", the magpie thinks "How important", the lizard thinks "How handsome", the hare thinks "I'm afraid of him." And the hedgehog came up and asked:

Who are you? Something we have never met a three-eyed beast in our forest.

I am not a beast, I am a traffic light and my eyes are not simple. They help regulate traffic on the roads. I walked through the forest and did not see a single sign or traffic light. How do you manage without them?

And what are road signs and why are they needed? - animals, birds and insects asked at the traffic light.

The traffic light blinked his eyes, looked at everyone in surprise - he did not understand how it is possible not to know what signs are and what they are for. But he decided to help the inhabitants of the forest - to tell about everything that he himself knew.

So, listen, - the traffic light began, - road signs are different: indicative, prohibiting, warning and others. They talk about where you can cross the road, where to turn, where you can walk and where you can’t, how to get to the hospital, etc. I have three eyes: red, yellow, green. I can talk to them too.

How to talk? - the magpie was surprised.

Very simple (traffic light lit red eye). If the red eye is open, it tells pedestrians: "Stand and wait!"

Oh, the yellow eye has opened! - the squirrel exclaimed, - so you can go?

No! Can't move yet. The yellow eye tells pedestrians to get ready to cross. But when I open my green eye, it's time to cross the road. You need to walk calmly and look around. Did everyone understand?

Animals, birds and insects nodded in unison, thanked the traffic light for the lesson and set to work. And the traffic light returned to its place and again began to help regulate traffic.

Traffic Laws

One simple fairy tale, or maybe not a fairy tale, or maybe not a simple one, I want to tell you. About traffic rules, about a wise traffic light, about polite drivers. Well, let's get started.

There lived an ordinary traffic light, familiar to all people, it always served perfectly, but suddenly it fell ill. It does not want to shine red, and the green does not light up, only yellow blinks, probably ate something.
And this traffic light stood at the crossroads, it stood near the school, where children are here and there. And here across the road, kids and teenagers are always running, running, running without delay. You can’t do it without delay, there are traffic rules, even though your favorite traffic light is sick. You look left, then look right, go if you can't hear a motor nearby.

At this intersection, an inexperienced inspector, waving his stick, formed a traffic jam. And then, out of indignation at the traffic rules, our wise traffic light suddenly started working again.
How the red "The road is dangerous here" lights up, and the yellow "Get ready" he warned everyone. When the green light is on - "Go, the passage is free", it worked properly, and all the congestion was gone.
The driver, be careful, besides very vigilant, such intersections are more difficult than all others. For a boy and a girl for every parent, for every child, their soul hurts.
The idea of ​​this fairy tale, and maybe not a fairy tale, will be understood not only by an adult, but even by kids. When crossing the road, look at the traffic lights, your light is always green, go and take your time.

traffic light idler

In the forest, where everyone walked without rules until now, one day appeared traffic light. A bear brought it from somewhere on the road, and the animals ran to look at the equipment. And the hedgehog started first:

What nonsense! Need for a traffic light and current and wires. And if it doesn't burn properly, then we shouldn't even look at this thing.

I agree with hedgehog! - Said, yawning, wolf. - And if it worked, what would be the use of it? When I'm chasing a hare, it just doesn't make sense for me to run to the green light, to stand at the red light.

And I, - said the hare, - when I’m already running, I’m sorry, I can’t follow the traffic lights.

I don't need it either! - Said the mole from the mink. - I'll dig my own underpass!

Hearing reasonable words above you, - and I, friends, fly! - said the owl.

Everything remains as it was, the dense forest rustles, the idler traffic light sways on the Christmas tree. But you and I are not hares, not wolves, not moles, everyone goes to work, and you go to school. And cars rush past, turning on their lights, and we need your lights at the crossroads. They help us, they teach us from an early age to step into the green light, stand at the red light!!!

How Cheburashka, Crocodile Gena and their friends taught the rules of the road

Cheburashka lived in a telephone booth, and in the morning he went to the zoo. There he worked as a crocodile best friend- Crocodile Gena. It is not known what would have happened next if Svetofor Migailovich had not appeared on the street. When Cheburashka crossed the street in the wrong place, all the cars, trams, trolleybuses stopped in their tracks. And Svetofor Migailovich said:

You don't know how to walk the streets. Very ashamed! You must always know the rules of the road, so that trouble does not happen to you!
Cheburashka asked:

What are traffic rules?

Here they are, the rules. Signs are hung overhead.

Along the pavement, Svetofor Migailovich took him to school, where Cheburashka found out what kind of mysterious signs were written above his head near the road. Traffic light Migailovich winked merrily with his eyes and said:

I have three glass eyes: the top is red, below it is yellow and at the very bottom is green.

I stand on the streets and crossroads, alternately close my eyes

I open - I manage the road. And now, Cheburashka, open your eyes, but look, make no mistake. Red light - no passage. Yellow

Get ready. Green - go.

Cheburashka also learned that you need to cross the street only at the pedestrian crossing, where the sign "Crossing" hangs.
After his adventures, Cheburashka ran to his friend, but on the way he did not forget to cross the street to the green light.

Cheburashka, where have you been? - Gena asked.
-I made friends with Svetofor Migailovich. Let's go, I'll introduce you to him, he stands at all crossroads. He is very kind and smart. Cheburashka and Gena went out into the street of their hometown and suddenly they saw their old friend - a small and nimble old woman Shapoklyak. She walked along the sidewalk and led a large gray rat-Lariska on a rope. Seeing Gena and Cheburashka, she started across the road to tell them. That she came up with another evil and that she needs helpers. But at that time, a red light was on at the traffic light, and Shapoklyak got hit by a car. She broke her arm and knocked out her last milk tooth. An ambulance arrived and took the old woman to the hospital.

Gena and Cheburashka, of course, were very worried about her, and constantly visited her in the hospital. Somehow they brought Svetofor Migailovich with them. He sadly shook his head, listening to the story of Cheburashka and Gena. And said:

And if the driver had said: - And I would sneeze at the traffic light, I began to drive at random, the guard would have left the post, the trolleybus would drive as he wanted, everyone would walk as best he could. Yes, where the street was, where you used to walk, incredible things would happen in an instant! To keep you healthy and save you from troubles, I will tell you a few more rules. Which everyone should know. Be careful!

The girl Yulia came to visit Shapoklyak in the hospital. She brought her two apples and an orange. Seeing such a company together with the Traffic Light, she sat down and began to listen. Svetofor Migailovich began to continue:

In a second, a car with a speed of 60 km/h travels 16 meters. And if its speed is 80 km / h, then 22 meters. Another hurried man sees - the car is very close, but no! All the same, he hurries to cross the road in front of her very nose. He is not aware that with all the desire and diligence, the driver will not be able to stop in time, even if he presses the brakes with all his might. Especially if the road goes downhill. As a result, at a speed of 80 km / h, on an ice-covered road, the car will be able to stop only after 400 m. That is why the road must be crossed carefully, especially in winter.

Walking carefully, follow the street, only where possible, cross it!

Thank you very much, Svetofor Migailovich! You interestingly told us the rules of the road, - said Gena the crocodile. And old Shapoklyak even cried:

I will never break these rules again. I will do only good deeds, I swear by my rat - Lariska!
The girl Yulia was very proud of her friends and promised to tell her classmates about what she heard.

Dear Svetofor Migailovich! When we build the House of Friendship, please come to visit us, we will all be glad to see you, - said Gena the crocodile.

And a month later it was great holiday. Friendship House was built. All the builders came to him beautiful and smart, and Svetofor Migailovich winked at the guests with his eyes. Crocodile Gena is wearing the best suit and a straw hat.
The girl Yulia was in her favorite red cap. Cheburashka excitedly delivered a speech.

We built, we built, and finally we built! Hooray! And now the floor is given to our beloved Svetofor Migailovich. Traffic light Migailovich smiled, winked his green eye and said:

Dear guests! Memorize it like a multiplication table! Both avenues and boulevards, everywhere the streets are noisy, walk along the sidewalk, only on the right side!

If there is a bicycle on the sign, it says "Bicycle Path". Remember that you can only ride a bike from the age of 14, and if you are younger, wait a little more.

Do not play snowballs, football, do not sled near the roads.

Most often, a trolleybus and bus stop is located behind a crossroads or a pedestrian crossing. Therefore, you need to reach the pedestrian crossing and cross the street there.
Crossroads are the most dangerous place for a pedestrian. It must be crossed only at pedestrian crossings. A street where there is no pedestrian crossing must be crossed from one corner to another.
before crossing the street. Look left. When you reach the middle, look to the right. Never cross the street in front of oncoming traffic.

You need to remember these simple rules. Goodbye, friends. Sincerely yours, Svetofor Migailovich.

hedgehog adventure

Lived - there was a prickly hedgehog. Mom taught him: “Son, don’t go far from home, you will get lost. The forest is big, and you are small.”
Once the hedgehog was left at home alone, he got bored, and he decided to take a walk. He left the house, walked around. Suddenly he heard that something crunched behind the birch, he went to look. Then there was a rustle behind the bush, he ran there. And so, bush by bush, tree by tree, he did not notice how he had gone far from home.

At this time, the boys came to the forest. They saw a little hedgehog and took it with them to the city. They played with him, passed from hand to hand to each other, and then they got tired of him. They left him alone in an unfamiliar city. The hedgehog had to find his way home.

He went to high road home, and then a huge car jumped towards him. The hedgehog closed his eyes in fear ... and then someone grabbed him. It turned out that it was the dog Sharik. He saw a hedgehog and decided to help him. He was a city dweller and knew the rules of the road well. Sharik explained to the hedgehog that he should only walk on the sidewalk or on the side of the road. If you need to cross the road, then you need to look at the traffic lights. The ball led the hedgehog to the forest. There he easily found his home, near which sat a tearful mother. The hedgehog promised not to go far from home again.

Guys! Do not take animals home from the forest, because they do not know the rules of the road, and in the city they can get in trouble!


In one glorious Siberian city there lived a boy Vanechka Ivanov. The boy, as a boy, did not differ much from other boys. But he had one bad habit: Vanechka liked to play on the carriageway, where cars rush back and forth.

One day a very unusual story happened to Vanechka. He was returning home after a walk and suddenly saw an interesting pebble on the pavement. The pebble shone with an unusual light, then it was warm. Vanya put the stone in the pocket of his jacket and hurried home. When Vanechka finished all his homework, he decided to play with toys. He took out cars, built houses out of cubes, and began to figure out how he would play outside tomorrow. Suddenly the boy heard music that sounded like a small bell: ding, ding, ding. Vanya looked around. No, there is no one in the room. Vanechka guessed that the music comes from a wonderful pebble. The boy pulled out a pebble from his pocket, put it on the table and began to look at it. Bright, with shades of all the colors of the rainbow, the light of a pebble blinded my eyes. Vanechka closed his eyes and immediately saw the city in front of him. The city was quite small and all colorful. The houses here were built from cubes. Cars that looked like toys drove along a multi-colored road. One lane of the road was purple, the other orange. A narrow white stripe was drawn in the middle of the road. And the pedestrian crossing was very reminiscent of a real zebra. Bunnies, dolls, bears and many, many other toys lived in this city.

Hello Vanechka, - said the toys. Welcome to our City of Road Signs.

What kind of city is this? - Vanechka was surprised.

And the toys began vying to talk about their city, and what are the rules here.

You should never cross the street at a red light, - said the hare.

You can’t run and jump on the roadway, you will interfere with traffic, ”Tanya doll said sternly.

Look, look! Cars give way to pedestrians because the traffic light is red! Let's go, the zebra invites us to cross the road! - the fox shouted and waved its fluffy tail.

Vanechka saw the zebra nodding its head affably. He took the little animals by the paws and began to cross the road with them. On the other side, the boy met a real wizard named Svetoforkin. The Wizard controlled all traffic in the city. In this he was helped by a magic wand. She glowed at the end with a red light. Drivers and pedestrians obeyed her magic power. Vanechka listened with pleasure to the stories of toys and the magician Svetoforkin about the rules of the road. He was told that the signs are different geometric shape and different color. There are prohibition signs and there are permission signs. Pedestrians and drivers must be friends without violating these rules. And many, many more interesting and new things Vanechka learned in the city of Road Signs. He did not want to part with the good wizard Svetoforkin at all. But then the music came again: ding, ding, ding. Vanechka opened his eyes and saw a pebble in front of him. The boy took a pebble and ran out into the street, to his friend Petya Petrov. Let Petya visit this interesting city.

Traffic light history

Do you know when the traffic light familiar to us appeared?

It turns out that they began to regulate traffic using a mechanical device already 140 years ago, in London. The first traffic light stood in the center of the city on a pillar 6 meters high. It was run by a specially assigned person. With the help of a belt system, he raised and lowered the arrow of the device. Then the arrow was replaced by a lantern that worked on lighting gas. There were green and red glasses in the lantern, and yellow ones had not yet been invented.

The first electric traffic light appeared in the USA, in the city of Cleveland, in 1914. He also had only two signals - red and green - and was controlled manually. The yellow signal replaced the police warning whistle. But after 4 years, three-color electric traffic lights with automatic control appeared in New York.

Interestingly, in the first traffic lights, the green signal was at the top, but then it was decided that it was better to place the red signal on top. And now, in all countries of the world, traffic lights are arranged according to a single rule: at the top - red, in the middle - yellow, at the bottom - green.

We have the first in the countrytraffic lightappeared in 1929 in Moscow. It looked like a round clock with three sectors - red, yellow and green. And the traffic controller manually turned the arrow, setting it to the desired color.

Then in Moscow and Leningrad (as St. Petersburg was then called) there were electric traffic lights with three sections modern type. And in 1937 in Leningrad on Zhelyabov Street (now Bolshaya Konyushennaya Street), near the DLT department store, the first pedestrian traffic light appeared.

Hurry on the street

Before you - Toropyzhka, tomboy and rascal!
He is cheerful, mischievous, restless, funny.
Everyone is good, but the trouble is - he is always in a hurry!
Toropyzhka sat at home and looked at the pictures in the book.

Then suddenly Masha calls, Toropyzhka says:
“I have a holiday today, I turned six years old.
We invite you to visit us for a festive dinner!
Mom baked a cake for me, I called all my friends.
Hurry, come, do not forget - the beginning is at three!

Toropyzhka dressed up, put on new pants.
And he went to Masha's birthday soon,
To Mashenka congratulate the very first of friends!
Here Toropyzhka rushes out into the street.
Tires rustle on the asphalt - different cars drive.

There are cars, small in size.
They run very fast, even a bird can't keep up!
And here is the truck. He is powerful, strong as a bull.
He has a huge body. Body - for various cargoes!

What is this, a bicycle? No doors, no cab! Dashingly rushes, rumbles, flies along the street,
It rushes faster than all cars, it is called a motorcycle.
He sits like a rider on a horse, the driver on his back!

The house is on wheels. People can ride in it.
On the sides - large windows, on top - a roof, so as not to get wet,
The house is called a bus, it has its own route.

Here is a trolleybus, it has a mustache. He goes under the wires.
If the mustache suddenly slips, then the trolleybus will freeze in an instant!
Ding-ding-ding! What's the call? A wagon rolls along the rails. There are armchairs inside, people are sitting in armchairs.
Such a car, remember, is called a tram.

Toropyzhka was confused: how to get through the street?
The boy has pedestrians and cars on the way.
He hurries, hurries and runs along the street.
And around him people go about their business.

The pavement is for pedestrians, there are no cars here!
A little higher than the road, footpaths,
So that everyone can walk along the sidewalk without worries,
So that cars do not enter, pedestrians are not scared!

And soon Toropyzhka ran along the sidewalk,
Along the way, he touched and pushed all the pedestrians!
Why is he pushing everyone, hitting everyone with his elbows?

They say to Toropyzhka: "Move to the right lane!
Let other people pass, don't get in the way!"

Toropyzhka apologized, he moved to the right lane.
And now the boy has become very good to go:
He now walks with everyone together in one direction,
Toropyzhka does not push any of the pedestrians!

Where cars move, people shouldn't walk,
Because it is very easy to please a car.
On the street, such a place is called a roadway,
And people are strictly forbidden to walk on the roadway!

You see white stripe? What does she mean?
It separates lanes from each other.
There are many rules for cars - you need to know them on the road!
But there is one rule, it is very important:
All drivers must keep to the right!

Near the edge of the sidewalk our Toropyzhka is standing,
He looks at the tall house across the street.
There is a flower shop, on the whole street - one!
Toropyzhka really wants to buy flowers for Mashenka,
So that later, at the birthday party, everyone will be pleasantly surprised!

How to get across the Toropyzhka road to the store?
Very, very, very many cars on his way!
Maybe you should ask where and how to go?
The pushover is not like that! He waved his hand
And across the road straight to the store ran...

At this time, a dump truck appeared on the road!
The driver saw the boy, stopped the dump truck,
Otherwise, Toropyzhka would have fallen under the wheels.
Toropyzhka was frightened, Toropyzhka was confused.
The driver tells him: Boy, you are painfully fast!
You run without looking back - you will fall under the car!
Listen, I'll tell you how to behave,
So that you can cross this road safely!
There is an underground passage - He will transfer you.
See the sign over there? This sign tells everyone:
"In order not to please you need to cross here!"
Underground, it's clear, it's safe for people to go.
But it is not possible to build a path underground everywhere!

Here is the usual transition. People follow him.
Here is a special markup, "Zebra" is aptly called!
White stripes lead across the street!
Sign "Pedestrian crossing", where the pedestrian is on the "zebra",
You find it on the street and go under it!

Toropyzhka did not listen to the end, he immediately hurries to the zebra,
To cross the road... - Stop! the driver yells at him.
- Where did you run to? I didn't tell you everything.
He approached the zebra - and wait, do not rush to go forward:
You look to the left, if there are no cars, go.
Cross half way - and wait a bit.
You look to the right - there are no cars, that's it, step into your store!
Do not rush along the road, you first look around,
Slowly walk forward like a normal pedestrian! If you run away, then troubles will not wait long:
Suddenly you stumble, you fall, you get hit by a car!
And the car is moving fast, it won't stop in an instant!

Toropyzhka said goodbye to his good uncle, the driver,
And rather, he rushed along the street to the zebra again.
As the driver taught him, Toropyzhka did:
He does not run across the road, he stands near the zebra
And looking left and right along the whole street.
There are no cars on the left - our Toropyzhka is moving forward.
Half way behind, Half way ahead.
Hurry to the right looks, Continues the transition.
A car appears and does not slow down!
What should Toropyzhka do? Stand? Back to go?
How to pass the car and cross the road?

Suddenly he sees: an island is drawn on the pavement.
This island was created to save pedestrians.
Quickly Toropyzhka ran up to the island,
Until the path cleared, he calmly waited.
Here, having finished the transition, he goes to the store.

There are many beautiful flowers here - and a touchy mimosa,
And violets, and tulips, and what else is there!
Toropyzhka chose a wonderful bouquet for Masha!

Hurry crosses the road

But Masha Toropyzhka didn’t buy a gift yet,
And about the store "Toys" he asked the seller.
The seller smiled: - Oh, what a fine fellow you are!
So that you can get to the Toy store as soon as possible,
Through a noisy intersection you need to go!

What is a "crossroad"? - The little girl is thinking.
He is walking along the street with a bouquet for Masha.

He looks - the street intersects with another ahead.

And this intersection is called a crossroads!

So that you cross the road near the intersection,
All the colors at the traffic light must be remembered well!
The red light is on - there is no way for pedestrians!
Yellow means wait, and green light means go!

Hurry up, he forgot about the rules
And he rushed to the red light, ran as fast as he could.
Pedestrians shouted: - Little boy, where are you running?
You're so easy and just hit the car!

So that you can correctly determine the transition time,
At a large traffic light, you need to look for a small one.
Look, he has two eyes in total:
If the red eye is on, the little man is standing in it.
So, we must wait, stand by the road.
The traffic light changes its color, the green eye lights up.
The little man is walking in it - that's it, the transition is free!

Here is a green man caught fire in front.
The hasty intersection was finally able to pass.

Toropyzhka runs into the children's store "Toys".
The boy must hurry, or he will be late!
And there Toropyzhka bought Mashenka a bear as a gift!

And with flowers, and with a gift, he walks down the street.
The exemplary pedestrian now knows a lot of rules!

poems by S. Volkov, artist V. Polukhin

All the best! Until we meet again!

Return to magical land dreams

traffic rules

My name is Dima Simonov. I am 5 years old. I have a friend - a bear Zhenya. We've been friends for 2 years now. He went with me to the Black Sea, flew by plane to Turkey. During the day he is always with me. I love him very much and cherish him.

At night, when everyone is sleeping, the bear cub Zhenya goes to the magical land of dreams. He meets there with other friends - toys. They play together, walk, ride toy cars, bicycles. In the magical land of dreams, toys live their own lives, with their own rules, they also have rules of the road.

One night I had a dream that a misfortune happened in the magical land of dreams - all the inhabitants of the country forgot the rules of the road. And my bear cub asked for help: “Dima, friend, help us! Take me outside during the day when you go for a walk with your mother, tell me and show me all the rules of the road. Will you help? And I agreed.

The next day, we went for a walk with my mother and took Zhenya the bear with us. We told him everything and showed him how to cross intersections, about traffic lights for cars and pedestrians, about a zebra - a footpath, about underground passages, about buses. I told where the children walk, about the police officers - traffic controllers who help us follow the rules of the road, I also told about the dangers on the roads.

When night fell, I again had a dream about a bear, about a magical land and its inhabitants. They thanked me and the bear Zhenya, because we helped them remember all the rules of the road. And in the magical land of dreams, order came again.

The rules of the road must be observed by both adults and children, and then in our country there will be order on the roads and there will be no terrible accidents.

How Pinocchio learned to walk.

Autumn has come. Papa Carlo sent Pinocchio to school. And he said, "Be careful on the road! And Pinocchio went to school. Then he saw a three-eyed creature. Pinocchio shouted loudly: “I’m going to school, and you are standing here and blinking your huge eyes! The traffic light asked: “Pinocchio, do you know where you can cross the road? " "No! "- answered Pinocchio. Then the traffic light said that the road can be crossed along the zebra and where there is a traffic light on a green signal. Pinocchio was very happy that the traffic light taught him how to cross the road and sang his cheerful song.

Tale of how 4th grade

taught the rules of the road.

Lived - there were children. Normal, cheerful children, girls and boys. All of them were in the fourth grade and considered themselves adults and serious people. And then, once, during the break, they had an argument: do they, such serious and smart people, need to know the rules of the road?

Masha, an active and smart girl, said?

And what is there to know, we already know everything and know how, and the rules are written for adults who drive cars, and they don’t give way to us, children!

Exactly! And I'm on my bike and so, without rules, I drive great.

And then, out of nowhere, a Hare appeared in their class. The most gray Hare, with ears and a tail with a navel, but he was dressed in a police uniform and cap, and in his hand (sorry, in his paw) he held a striped stick.

The children were so surprised that an unprecedented silence reigned in the class, and Lisa even crawled under the desk - out of fright.

And the Hare, as if nothing had happened, jumped onto the teacher's table, and in a human voice said:

Oh, you smart people! Yes, how so! I, the forest traffic inspector, taught all the animals the rules of behavior on the roads. After all, so many birds, cats, and even moose and roe deer die under the wheels of cars! And you smart kids don't want to know them! And, well - ka, in places! Let's start a fun lesson on the rules of the road!

The children were so amazed that they did not even argue, and quietly sat down at their desks.

Suddenly, instead of a blackboard, a large screen appeared on the wall, it became dark in the classroom, and on the screen the children saw an elephant - a pedestrian who was crossing the street along a pedestrian crossing and humming this song:

I cross the road like this:

First I look to the left

And if there is no car

I go to the middle

Then I look closely

Right for sure.

And if there is no movement

I walk without a doubt.

Did everyone remember? - asked the Hare - the inspector. “Now let’s look further!”

A cozy courtyard appeared on the screen, and the city street was noisy nearby. A baby appeared in the yard - Bunny with a sled. And with him his friends - Chanterelle, Kotik and Badger.

Bunny said:

Magnificent mountain!

Now I'm rolling! Hooray!

And the other animals replied:

You can't, you roll down, oblique,

On a sled straight to the pavement!

What a stupid bunny! Susanna said. - Of course, sledding and skiing is possible only in the forest, at the stadium, and not on the street.

Then the Bunny said to the Chanterelle:

Foxy, play with me

But not on the pavement!

Can't play outside

Hurry to the yard, friends are waiting there!

And now let's see the next cartoon, - said the Hare - inspector. - Attention to the screen!

On a busy street stood a sad Monkey with a huge bump on his head.

The donkey asked the Monkey:

How did you get the bump?

I was standing by the car

And looked at the tires.

Suddenly the door opened - bang!

How to hit right in the forehead!

Now I want to say to everyone:

You can't park near cars!

And suddenly the bell rang. Andrew sat up in bed and looked around in surprise. He was at home, in his room, and it was not the bell that rang, but the alarm clock on his mobile phone. “What a wonderful dream!” the boy thought, “I wish there was such a fun lesson at school, then all the guys would definitely remember all the rules of behavior on the roads.”

And when he walked to his school bus, a funny song kept spinning in his head: “I cross the road like this ...”

About Pete...

Petya Vasechkin studied at the same school. He did not want to learn the rules of the road. He said no one needed it. He always dreamed of a bicycle.

And for his birthday, his parents gave him a bicycle. Peter immediately decided to try it out. He went out into the yard, and an old man met him. Petya was driving so fast that he almost hit the old man. Grandpa asked:

Petya, don't you know the rules of the road?

To which Petya replied:

But who needs them, where I want, I ride where I want to cross the road, and

you, old man, watch where you are going, and I will do without your rules.

Well, let's see, - said the grandfather.

Petya rode around the yard on a bicycle, it's time to go to school. Today it was impossible to be late, since Petya participated in the competition and he could not let the team down. Approaching the roadway, the boy, without waiting for the green light, was about to cross the road, and even not along the “zebra”.

Suddenly a large traffic light leaned over him and said menacingly:

Where are you going? The pedestrian crossing is very close.

Petya was frightened, but snapped:

And I don't care where I want, I go there.

Then the traffic light took him by the collar and put him in front of the zebra. Now Pete was no longer in the mood for jokes.

When the green light for pedestrians came on, everyone went to the other side, and Petya could not move. He made a few more attempts and began to cry. The traffic light told him:

If you now remember at least something from the rules of the road, then I will let you go.

Fragments of phrases flashed through Petya's head, because at school they were repeatedly told how to behave on the road. He said that he remembered and the traffic light let him go, but took a promise from Petya that by tomorrow the boy would learn all the rules about behavior on the road.

Since then, Petya has never violated the rules of the road, and when he met that old man in the yard, he apologized to him.

Masha and the Bear

Masha lived. The big girl has already grown up and her mother sent her to the forest for mushrooms. With joy, Masha ran into the forest. Runs with a basket. Doesn't look around. She began to cross the road, suddenly a car came out of nowhere ... The brakes creaked ... Masha stopped, as if rooted to the spot in the middle of the road. She goggled her eyes. She can't even speak out of fear.

Got out from behind the wheel Bear.

What are you doing, Mashenka? Why are you throwing yourself under the wheels?

I didn't rush. I wanted to cross the road. My mother sent me for mushrooms.

Didn't your mother tell you about the rules of the road?

She said, Uncle Misha, but I did not listen. Why do I need them.

Eh, Masha, Masha ... Traffic rules are needed so that there are no accidents on the roads. To keep pedestrians safe and sound.

Who are the pedestrians? Masha asked.

Pedestrians are road users. They must follow the rules of the road. So you ran across the road without looking anywhere.

I looked - Masha was indignant - there is a mushroom growing under that birch. I ran after him.

When crossing the road, you need to look at the traffic lights. You see, hanging on a tree with three eyes.

If the red eye is on, you cannot cross the road.

The yellow light is on - get ready - the movement will begin soon.

Well, if the green eye lights up, then you can already cross the road.

Got it, Mashenka?

Understood, Mishenka. Only it is not clear to me what to do if there is no this three-eyed?

Well, if there is no traffic light, then you need to stop near the edge of the road, look first to the left, and then to the right. That's when you make sure that there are no cars - feel free to cross the road.

Oh, Misha, how interesting you tell. And learn something else.

The Bear put Masha in the car and they drove along the road. Masha is fun to ride. Cars go by around. Masha leaned out of the window and began to shout and wave to the passing Hare. For some reason, the hare was not happy with Masha, but shook his finger at her. Masha almost lost her arm, which she waved, because another car overtook them. She managed to remove her hand. But the car in which she was driving almost turned over, because the Bear was distracted by Masha's behavior and could not follow the road.

Fu what an ill-mannered Hare - Masha was offended.

This is not an ill-mannered Hare, but you. You're breaking the rules.

What are the rules again? I don't cross the road. I'm driving in a car.

Hey Masha. If you are in a car, then you are a member of the movement. While in a vehicle, you cannot jump from place to place. You can not lean out of the windows, scream and wave your arms. By doing this, you distract the driver of the car in which you are driving and the drivers of other cars. Because of this, an accident may occur.

I understood - Masha was embarrassed. - I won't do that again.

Bear started the car and they drove on.

Oops, someone stained the road with white paint! Masha screamed.

No, Masha, this is a special place for pedestrians to cross the road. It is also called Zebra, because the stripes are like those of a zebra.

And what kind of a man is drawn? Masha asked the Bear.

And this is a special sign. It warns drivers that there is a crosswalk ahead.

And there's a pedestrian crossing sign! Masha screamed. - I realized: you can cross there with a large company. It has two people on it.

You, Masha, are right, but not entirely. Misha smiled. - Look at what's ahead.

Masha sees a forest school nearby. The forest animal comprehends science in it.

This sign warns the driver that there is a place ahead where children can appear on the road. It means that there is a school, kindergarten or other children's institution nearby.

It must be the way everything is thought out! Masha wondered.

Oh look! the fidget shouted again. - Pointer path to the mole in the mink.

Well, you are an inventor, Masha! Bear smiled. - This sign indicates that there is an underground pedestrian crossing nearby. It was specially dug out. In this place it is very dangerous to cross the road even along the Zebra. For convenience, they came up with an underground pedestrian crossing.

And there are places where a pedestrian crossing is arranged above the roadway. It's called the Overhead Pedestrian Crossing.

In general, Masha, everything is arranged for the safe movement of pedestrians and drivers. And if you follow all these rules, then you will live long and cheerfully.

Thank you, Uncle Misha, for science. - Masha Medveda thanked. Now I know the traffic light rules:

Red light - no way

Yellow light - stay alert

And green - run on the road.

I know about the footpath called Zebra. The same goes for pedestrian crossings.

Oh, there's my house! Well, you're a sly one, Bear. He spoke to me and imperceptibly brought me home. And I still had to collect mushrooms.

I brought you home on purpose. It's too early for you to walk on the roads again. Here you will learn all the Rules of the Road, then you can go on the road.

What else are the rules? Masha was surprised.

Of course have. - answered the Bear. And they all need to be known.

All right, Uncle Misha, - Mashenka agreed. – I promise you that I will learn the Rules of the Road and, of course, I will follow them.

Oh, mommy, - Masha shouted, seeing her mother on the porch of the house. - I learned so much today!

Fidget you are my fidget - Mom smiled. – Thank you, Mikhail Potapovich, for escorting my dragonfly. And thanks for the science. Now, until she knows all the rules, and most importantly, to observe them, I will not let her go anywhere.

Well, you, Masha, what did you understand for yourself? the Bear asked the girl.

I realized, Uncle Misha, that you need to know the Rules of the Road, and I also realized that you need to listen more carefully and memorize better.

Fairy tale-drafting according to the Rules of the Road "Merry Geese"

(for children 5-7 years old)


To form ideas of preschoolers about the rules of the road,

Cultivate cultural behavior skills on the street and in public places;

To promote the development of goodwill, attention, mutual assistance;

Develop interest in staging fairy tales and various types of entertainment.

Preliminary work:viewing illustrations on the rules of the road;

Production of road signs;

learning poems;

Reading fiction.

Equipment: animal costumes, road signs, ball, fruits (apples), toys (cars).

Characters:children of the preparatory group.

In the village of granny, there were geese. One Gray, the other White - funny geese. Since the geese decided to visit the city, to show themselves. Cheerful geese bowed to the grandmother, put on backpacks and went to the city.

They walked and walked, obstacles stood in their way. Finally arrived. And in the city of cars, apparently, invisible. And everyone is in a hurry. Around cars and trams, then, suddenly, a bus on the way. To be honest, the geese were confused: Where is the way for them to cross?

Suddenly, the geese see a goat walking towards him, shaking his beard.

You tell us, Goat, how kindergarten"Stork" should we get in order not to get hit by a car?

And Kozel answers them: “Why are you going to kindergarten, but will you take me with you?”

The geese answer in unison: “We are going to the kindergarten for the Autumn Festival, to dance and show ourselves. We'll take you with us. You rather lead us and show the way.

And friends went to kindergarten, they are in a very, very hurry.

Attention! A three-eyed traffic light is staring at us. And the geese ask the goat: “Tell us, Goat, what is a traffic light?”

Even though you have no patience, wait - red light!

Yellow light on the way - get ready to go!

The light is green ahead - now move on!

They crossed the road and see animals by the side of the road - hares, badgers and foxes are playing ball. Geese to them: "Ha-ha-ha, give the ball here as soon as possible, we also want to play."

And a merry ball flew to jump at a gallop.

And Goat goes to them, shakes his beard, says:

At the roadway, animals, do not play these games! You can run without looking back in the yard and on the playground! The rules of the movement, without exception, should be known to animals, badgers and pigs, hares and cubs, ponies and kittens.

The animals listened to the Goat and went to play on the playground.

They go and see, the Hedgehog is walking to the crossroads along the side of the road, carrying apples on his prickly back. Goose to him:

Hedgehog, where are you going, who are you bringing apples to?

I go to visit, to kindergarten, I bring gifts from Autumn for the children.

Why are you walking along the side of the road?

The hedgehog answers:

I'm an exemplary pedestrian

I know every transition!

I follow the rules

Safe for me Ezhu!

Because everyone knows

On the road and highway

All the way I should walk

Only on the left side!

The goat praises the Hedgehog:

Well done Hedgehog! You know the rules of pedestrians well!

And they continued on their way together.

And here is Aist. Music is heard in the kindergarten, children are having fun. The guests entered the hall and greeted each other.

We guys were in such a hurry to see you today, we were running so fast. We apologize for being a little late. And now we ask you to listen to us: we are funny geese, we live in a village with a grandmother. We went to visit you on a holiday - obstacles met on our way. We did not know the rules of the movement, but the wise Goat and the prickly Hedgehog helped us, taught us a lot. And so now we want to play with you and find out if you know the rules of movement. And the game is called "This is me, this is me - these are all my friends."

Which of you goes forward only where the transition is?

Who flies forward so fast that they don't see a traffic light?

The children are silent.

Which of you, going home, keeps his way along the pavement?

The children are silent.

Does anyone know that a red light means there is no way?

It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!

Geese praise the children: “Well done, guys! And so we will dance for you now!

And the geese began to dance. The geese danced and began to say goodbye: “Goodbye, kids, it’s time for us to go home!” The hedgehog treated the children to apples, and the Goat gave the children the following order:“On the street, be careful, children. Keep these rules in mind. Always remember these rules, so that trouble does not happen to you!

Here the fairy tale ends, and whoever listened - well done!


Sometimes this is what happens!

The music "Visiting a fairy tale" sounds. The king enters and sits on the throne.

Once upon a time there was a glorious Tsar Yegor, nicknamed Traffic Light!

King: (Reads the decree) By decree of the state, everyone in my kingdom must

Without any exception, follow the rules of the road!

The sound "Accident" is turned on (a series of discs "Theatrical noises")

King: (angrily) Who violated? How dare?

Vovka runs onto the stage. All disheveled.

Vovka: Yes, I wanted to cross here! ..

And then the car hit

Wanted to crush me!!!

King: (sarcastically) And where are you in such a hurry?

Vovka: There was a bus ahead.

I wanted to chase him...

Interfered ... did not have time.

And it's not my fault!

The traffic light distracted me.

colorful lights

He suddenly started blinking at me.

I thought "Disco"

On the road began to dance.

King: Who is dancing on the road!?

Vasilisa!!! Help!

Vasilisa runs out onto the stage.

King: Foolish child,

How can one live without knowledge?

Vasilisushki, please

Vovka quickly train!

Vasilisa perform ditties about road signs. Children demonstrate traffic signs.

We are funny girls

Vasilisa are smart.

We will teach you the rules

Movement on the streets.

And where are you flying to?

You will fit under the car.

Save your life


Do you want to take the bus?

He won't open the door here.

For landing, Vovka,

Here's the stop.

If something suddenly happened -

The phone is your true friend.

You quickly go there -

Call and wait for help.

Everyone knows for a long time

How a traffic light works:

Red - stop, if yellow - wait,

Green light - go!

Vovka : If only I knew all this, I wouldn’t get into this fairy tale !!!

Tsar : A fairy tale is a lie - yes, there is a hint in it !!

All: Violators - a lesson!

Know the rules of the road like a multiplication table!

Lived in a big fabulous city inseparable friends: Mark the hare, Misha the bear and Lisa the fox.

But their worries were not fabulous at all. They loved to play, especially football. And the yard is tight. Therefore, they chased the ball under the arch of the gate. Bad place to play, dangerous! Where can you get a good one?

It was, of course, a good place. Just on the other side of the street. There is a sports ground and a large wasteland. There is where to roam!

But how to cross such a wide street? Fortunately, the bear cub Misha had an older brother who was a driver, and he took up their education.

You can only go to the other side of the street strictly along the crossing. It is marked with white stripes. Here is the traffic light. He has three eyes - red, yellow and green. Here he lights up the red eye. Crossing is prohibited! Cars are rushing. The traffic light lights up the yellow eye. This is a signal - "attention"! All cars begin to slow down, and pedestrians prepare to cross. Finally, a green eye lit up. The cars stopped. You can move freely. Go and don't be afraid! Don't hesitate, but don't run either. Suddenly you fall!

But what if there is a crossing, but there is no vigilant traffic light?

Then Filin, the traffic controller, will come to the rescue. He will show with a striped stick when you can cross. Well, what if there is no regulator? So, first look to the left to see if cars are coming. If they don't go, then go boldly. I reached the middle of the street, now look to the right - if there are any cars. If not, then step forward again. Like teddy bear Misha with friends!

You need to know a lot to cross the street safely. How should a bus and a trolleybus be bypassed - in front or behind? That's right, behind! But the safest thing is to politely skip the bus and trolleybus. This is what Mishin's elder brother advises. And he knows everything!

But how to get around the tram? Well, fox answer! Behind?

Wrong. Need it in the front! Otherwise, you will not see the oncoming tram and your tail will be crushed.

The teddy bear and the hare easily figured everything out. And the little fox was always confused about the fact that the bus and trolleybus should be bypassed from behind, and the tram - in front.

Tired of her mistakes to one strict trolleybus. And he went out into the street with the inscription: “Go around me from behind.” Moreover, he suddenly raised the little fox with his long arches and put it right behind him.

So inseparable friends learned to cross the street. And now they calmly went alone to the wasteland to drive the ball. Thank you Big Bear Brother!

Fairy tale - staging "Bear on duty"

Target: Activation cognitive interest children preschool age to the topic of road safety using their own poetic texts shared with children.

Lived in the world Mishka

Funny prankster.

He did not want to listen

Road alphabet.

By your behavior

All the animals were disturbed.

But one evening

Mishenka can't sleep.

Looking out the gate in the morning

What's happening on the street?

Pedestrians on the road

Where you have to run!

Drivers at traffic lights

They don't pay attention!

It didn’t happen that troubles

Need to hurry

And on the street

Put in order.

He looks serious!

He is at the crossroads.

He is an example for everyone!

Hare (runs in):

In the morning I overslept,

I quickly ran to school.

I run a red light

I can't be late.

The bear stopped here

He warned the hare:

"Be careful all the time!

And remember ahead:

They have their own rules

Driver and pedestrian. "

Jump across the road

You are always on the street

And help and advise

Talking colors.

The red light will say "No!"

Restrained and strict

Yellow light will give advice

Wait a little.

And the green light is on

"Come in!" he says.

Bear (refers to the hare):

Green light - go!

And on red - stop!

Nothing bad then

Won't happen to you! "

(Green light on

The hare crosses the road).

Our hero smiled

And walked down the street.

It doesn't just go!

Looked at the post:

The wolf is having fun

On the roadway he


Wolf cub (rushes and sings):

"I'm going faster than everyone,

Don't chase me! "

The bear instantly caught up with him

And he punished the wolf cub:

"Naughty on the road

Strictly prohibited!

In the yard, on the sidewalk

Riding is allowed! "

He grabbed Wolf

And handed over to parents:

"You are your son

Did you buy rollers?

Where to ride them?

You didn't teach! "

At the post our Mishka

Strict and attentive

He keeps order!

What a mess

Does it happen on the bus?

It's the squirrels riding

Fight and swear!

Our bear is right here:

"Uncultured - they will do!"

Bear (plants squirrels):

"What are you doing here?

Why such noise - din?

Why can't I see

Your dads and your moms? "

Squirrels (shrug their shoulders).

Bear (frowns):

"Are you alone on the street?

Pushing in transport!

You interfere with everyone around. "

(Squirrels appear - mothers):

"Help, help,

Keep our kids! "

"Learn by heart

Laws of streets and roads!

When you don't know the rules

It's easy to get into trouble" -

Mishka answered them.

And sat down on a stump

(Sits down in the center of the intersection,

Wipes his forehead wearily).

"Well, it's been a day!

Oh, hard work -

Put things in order here! "

Watches steel pedestrians

All follow the rules.

Yes, they did not pamper

And play on the pavement.

(All participants move according to the rules.

Bear looks, smiles).

Here he should rest.

Yes, Chanterelle is right there:

"Hello, dear kumanek!

Tell me a lesson

What are the traffic rules

Worthy of respect? "

(Walks around Mishka).

Our hero did not lose his head:

"What are you walking around?

You are crossing the road in the wrong place!

Pay a big fine.

You are a bad example for children! "

Lisonka answered him:

"There are no traffic lights here!

Don't talk nonsense

Wherever I want, I go there."

(Mishka brings her

To the pedestrian crossing):

"If there is no traffic light

Every pedestrian knows -

On the road you will find


And the drivers respect you

Stop and let go. "

(translates Lisa across the passage)

All participants leave:

"Here's our Mishka!

Put in a lot of effort

Follow the laws of the streets

He taught everyone around!

We know without a doubt

Traffic rules! "

Bear (addressing the participants):

"Know the rules

And don't break it! "


The Story of the Truck……………………………………………………………………..2

Sharp turn……………………………………………………………………………….3

Adventures of Baba Yaga………………………………………………………….…………..5

Who is more important than everyone on the street…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Traffic light……………………………………………………………………….……………..7

How Kitty Purr stopped riding a bike………………………………….8

The tale of how the boy Misha began to always observeRULES

ROAD TRAFFIC! ………………………………………………………………………eleven

Dispute on the road……………………………………………………………………………….15

Bear dream………………………………………………………………………………..16

Kitten and Puppy……………………………………………………………………………..17

Traffic Light Lesson…………………………………………………………………………………18

Rules of the road………………………………………………………………20

Loafer traffic light……………………………………………………………………………21

How Cheburashka, Crocodile Gena and their friends taught the rules of the road……...22

Adventures of a hedgehog………………………………………………………………………………25

Tale about the city of road signs …………………………………………………….….26

Traffic light history………………………………………………………………………..……28

Hurrying on the street……………………………………………………………………………29

Return to the magical land of dreams………………………………………………...…….34

How Pinocchio learned to walk…………………………………………………………...……35

The tale of how the 4th grade taught the rules of the road……………….……..36

About Petya…………………………………………………………………………………………39

Masha and the Bear………………………………………………………………………………….41

Fairy tale-drafting according to the Rules of the Road “Merry Geese”……………...45

Fairy tale-drafting according to the Rules of the Road

"FUNNY TRAFFIC LIGHT"……………………………………………………………………..48

Know the rules of the road like a multiplication table! ...51

Fairy tale - staging "Bear at the post"……………………………………………….…53

Radchenkova Tamara Ivanovna, teacher primary school MKOU Kuibyshevskaya secondary school of the Petropavlovsk district of the Voronezh region
Description: The story was written by me for elementary school students. Kindergarten teachers can also use it in their work, since the fairy tale is written in a new way and is an entertaining form of organizing work to study the rules of the road. It is possible to stage a fairy tale. Thus, children are attached to literary creativity, and expand and deepen their knowledge of the rules of the road.
Target: consolidation of knowledge of traffic rules and road signs through a fairy tale.
1. To instill in children the desire, desire and need for constant compliance with the rules of the road.
2. Develop speech and communicative qualities of the personality of students.
3. Cultivate a socially active life position.

"One simple tale,
Or maybe not a fairy tale
Or maybe not simple
I want to tell you
I remember her from my childhood
Or maybe not since childhood,
Or maybe I don't remember
But I will remember."

I'll tell you a story about Emelya,
It was called "At the command of the pike."
I'll tell the story in a new way,
Maybe you'll be happy to listen.
Like Tsar Ivan
The daughter of Nesmeyan grew up.
From night to morning
Tears are shed in two buckets.

What are you, daughter?
So sad?
Bad feeling?
Nesmeyana says:
- Roared to insensibility.
King in sorrow: -How can I be?
How can I treat my daughter?
During the day it roars, it roars all night.
Who can help me?
Maybe give her a potion,
Or bring down the temperature?
No, it won't be successful...
You need to heal with laughter!
Daughter should be sent to the circus,
To laugh out loud.
How to send? How to get there?..
Our king began to doubt.
Tsar Ivan goes to his daughter
And he gives her advice:
- Go to the circus, my heart,
There is your salvation.
What are you talking about, king father?
Mind where yours, finally!
I'm not laughing at all!
How can I go to the circus?
I confess to you now
On the road I get lost.
'Cause I don't know at all
Traffic rules!
And again the princess is grieving,
Tears are pouring, puddles on the floor.
Then the Minister said to the king:
- King, listen to my speech:
The Internet will help us!
I need to get into it.
place an ad,
Like, we need a teacher
According to the rules of the road!
Tsar Ivan issued a decree.

The clerk wrote that hour
Like a pike

There was an announcement:
“Nesmeyanu who will teach,
He will receive her as a wife.
I need it without delay
The healer of traffic rules!

Didn't have to wait long
A solution has been found!
Immediately this announcement
Read the connoisseur - Emelya.

And this man decided this:
- I'm an expert in all matters!
Can't I be king?
I will help the queen!
Long stomp to the palace,
I'll erase everything to the end!
I'll go to them on the stove,
I'll be there by lunch time!

Here Emelya rushes forward,
Made honest people laugh:
He is without horses, on the stove
I went and ate kalachi myself.
And Yemelyan shouted to everyone:
- I'm a teacher without a flaw!
Wait for me, Nesmeyana!
When I arrive at the palace
An end to all tears!
Oh, and the oven is amazing!
The stove quickly rushes me.
How do I get to the princess?
I will become the king's son-in-law!
Here are the royal mansions,
The general stands stern.
-Who is this and what do you need?
What drove up to the fence like that?

- I am a teacher, I am Emelya.
I read the ad here.
- Oh, Emelya, well done!
He himself came to the palace!
If you teach crybaby -
Get a Snickers bag!

I will teach crybaby
Drive the stove correctly.
Nesmeyanu I will teach
I want her to be my wife!
Well, and your sneakers
You give the kids!

- Nesmeyana dear,
Listen carefully.
You will be traffic rules
You must know.
To laugh, dear
From dusk to morning
Performing in front of you
Pike, stove, two buckets.

(Perform ditties)

- As per pike command
We go, we walk.
About road signs together
We'll sing today.
On the road under the car
Miraculously, they didn't.
We are all here from fear
Barely boarded.

There is a helper on the way!
Where to cross the road.
The sign will indicate this here -

Slide number 2, sign "Pedestrian crossing"

Don't cross the road
There is a stream of cars.
Don't worry - there is an overground
And the underpass!

Slide number 3, "Underpass", "Ground crossing"

Need a bus urgently?
No need for you to bother.
This sign will indicate exactly
"Transport stop".

Slide number 4 "Transport stop"

Kohl got hungry on the way
Here is such a sign look for.
And you will see him soon
There will be tea, salad and cabbage soup.

Slide number 5 "Service marks"

And on the way I got sick -
Anything is possible.
Look on the sidelines
This is a road sign.

Slide number 6 "Service signs"

Everyone knows for a long time
What is a traffic light.
Red - stop, if yellow - wait,
Green light - go!
Slide number 7, "Traffic light"

No more crying.
I'm happy now
All about traffic rules
I know perfectly well.

- Oh, Emelya, oh, thank you!
He cured my daughter!
And now you, my dear,
I give her as a wife!

A, Emelya - well done
With Nesmeyana - down the aisle!

Someone was listening
Someone heard
Well, look, my friend,
All lessons of Emelyan
Take note!
This is where the story ends!
Who remembers - well done!

Sources used:
1. Yandex search engine (illustrations, ditties)
2. E. Uspensky "Plasticine Crow", excerpt

Presentation on the topic: Road signs

Fairy tale about the rules of the road (Grade 4)

Actors and performers:




Snow White……………………………………………………

Baba Yaga…………………………………………………………

Traffic light……………………………………………………..









Road signs:


Sounds like melody screensavers for the TV show “Visiting a fairy tale”. Against her background:

Leading. We invite you to a wonderful holiday,

Into the world amazing and interesting,

Let's go to the fabulous city together

And let's not forget the dances and songs.

We will show you an interesting program,

Although the topic will seem familiar to everyone,

Learn everything today without a doubt

Traffic Laws!

Melody screensavers for the TV show “Visiting a fairy tale” (continued).

Vitya appears on the stage. He's counting something. An excited Masha runs out to him with a book of "Fairy Tales" in her hands.

Masha: Vitya, Vitya, can you imagine!

Victor: Masha, what happened?

Masha: Trouble has occurred in a distant kingdom! The evil stepmother drove Snow White out of the house! Poor thing! She will die alone!

Victor: Masha, have you read fairy tales again? My dad denies fairy tales and all sorts of miracles. And my dad, by the way, is a candidate of technical sciences. And now we are working on one invention with him ...

Masha: Woo! Professor! Are you all bespectacled people unimaginative?

Sounds likemusic from the movie" New Year's adventures Masha and Viti.

Masha: Well, then I'll go alone and help find Snow White. (Masha tries to leave.)

Victor:(stops her) Masha, wait! My dad says girls need help.

I will help you on the road

To everyone who needs help!

Masha: Well done professor! Forward!

Sounds likemusic from the movie “New Year's adventures of Masha and Vitya” (continued). Masha and Vitya leave to the music.

Leading. Snow White found shelter in the house of the forest gnomes. The stepmother found out about this and decided ...

Sounds alarmingmusic (for example, from the film "The Master and Margarita" by I. Kornelyuk).

« Safe in a big city

Snow White can be hidden.

Gnomes will not go to the city,

They won't find a way to it.

There is always one picture:

Cars scurrying back and forth

Zebras, signs, traffic lights -

You can't take it all apart so soon."

Baba Yaga came to her aid.

Sounds likemusic Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga: I will conjure road signs,

And these gnomes, oh, I will lead!

Leading: Meanwhile, the unsuspecting Snow White was picking flowers in a clearing not far from the forest gnomes' house.

Sounds likemusic waltz Flowers. Snow White appears on the scene. She picks flowers, dances. Baba Yaga sneaks up to her unnoticed, throws a bag over Snow White, knits with a rope and takes her away.

Sounds likemusic (for example, Joe Dassin "Il faut naitre a Monaco"). The gnomes appear.

Monday: Come on, gnomes, equal and introduce yourself by name!

Gnomes in turn(taking a step forward e) :

Masha and Vitya run onto the stage.

Masha: Trouble, trouble! The evil stepmother found out that our dear Snow White lives in your forest house! And she persuaded Baba Yaga to kidnap her!

Victor: And the stepmother ordered Baba Yaga to hide Snow White in the big city. How will you find it now? You have never been in cities and do not know the rules of the road!

Monday: What is road traffic?

Victor: The city where Masha and I live

It can rightly be compared with a primer.

The inhabitants of the city are all, without a doubt,

Know the rules of the road!

Masha: We will teach you along the way

Let's help find Snow White!

Under music Baba Yaga runs in (Mussorgsky's "Baba Yaga").
Baba Yaga: Wanted to help? You will never be able to help! The way there is long and difficult and there are no signs.
Masha (surprised) :

Check this out! The real Baba Yaga!
Baba Yaga: Yes, I am Baba Yaga. And I bewitched all traffic signs. And now you'll never find your Snow White(runs away).

Victor: Well, we'll see about that!Ah, come ongnomes, equal and introduce yourself by name!

Gnomes in turn (taking a step forward e) : Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday! The calculation is over!

Victor: And now on the road! In search of Snow White!

Sounds likemusic from the movie “New Year's adventures of Masha and Vitya” (continued).

Masha, Vitya and the Gnomes leave to the music.

Baba Yaga peeps out from behind the curtains and shouts:

Baba Yaga:

But Baba Yaga is against!(Runs away).

Street. Road signs stand with their backs to the audience. Sounds like music cities (sounds of the city).

Scooters (3 children) leave to the music, gnomes run between them.

Leading: The city is full of movement

Cars run in a row

But only traffic lights

The fires don't burn here.

The driver turned abruptly

Sweat like never before!

One more minute

There would be trouble!

The scooters are leaving.

Monday: Oh oh oh!
Once in a big and noisy city,
I'm lost, I'm lost...
Seeing no traffic lights
Nearly got hit by a car.

Tuesday: Around cars and trams,
Then suddenly the bus is on the way.
To be honest, I don't know
Where can I cross the road.
Wednesday: Oh guys help me
Defeat Grandma-Yozhka.
If possible, please tell
How to cross the road
So as not to please the tram.

Masha: It's good that we started learning the rules of the road on the way!

Victor: And we started with road signs.Come on, gnomes, get in line everyone!Let's repeat the signs!

The gnomes line up and begin to read poetry:

Monday: Once!!!

Tuesday: Two!!!

Wednesday: Three!!!

Thursday: Four!!!

Friday: Five!!!

Saturday: Everyone should know this!!!

Sunday: May signsforbid. (presentation - Prohibition signs)

Monday: Can andwarn. (presentation - Warning signs)

Tuesday: Inform all of us. (presentation - Information signs)

Wednesday: Help in difficult times!

Thursday: Signs are needed!

Friday: Signs are important!

Saturday: If only they knew, brothers, everything

Traffic rules...

Sunday: Wouldn't get in trouble...

Monday: It is without a doubt!

Tuesday: Would not create an accident with injuries on the body,

Wednesday: If only they applied all the rules in practice.

Thursday: We declare firmly, we will say without a doubt.

Friday: We really need in lifeTraffic rules!

Saturday: Let there be no more troubles

Sadness and anxiety.

Sunday: Let the green light burn

On your road!

Baba Yaga: But Baba Yaga is against!

Victor: (Babe Yaga). Tell us, Baba Yaga, do you know whatTraffic light?
Baba Yaga (sarcastically) : Of course I know! This is street lighting. She is now red, then yellow, then green light blinking. And I'm standing next to sing and dance(accompanies the words with a dance with the sultans under music ).
Masha: Friends, even though Baba Yaga bewitched road signs and turned off traffic lights, one traffic light miraculously escaped. I think he will help us.

Under music traffic lights come on the scene. Baba Yaga runs away.

Traffic light: With lights I sparkle tirelessly day and night,

I help cars, and I want to help you too.

Red the light is on: Stay where you are, says!

Yellow the light blinks, wait warns.

A green the light is on: Come on, the path is open!

Friends, I will tell you a secret. I know how to get road signs back. Need to say like this magic words: Signs, signs! Respond.
Come back to us soon!

Masha, Vitya and the gnomes repeat the spell in unison.

Signs (children with cards with the image of road signs in hands) turn to the audience.

Traffic light: Well, gnomes, we have disenchanted road signs. Let's get to know them.

Road signs: 1. We are road signs We are very easy!

    And we value your attention very, very much.

    We are all different signs, but we are connected by one:

    Faith to serve friends - Day and even at night.

5. There are many road signs in the world. But the main thing did not stop you from learning!

Road signs show their cards to the gnomes and ask questions:


    Everyone knows the stripes known to the small, the adult knows.
    A pedestrian walkway leads to the other side…

Gnomes (in chorus): Transition!


    Hey driver, be careful! It's impossible to go fast
    People know everything in the world: they can run out here ...

Gnomes (in chorus): Children!


    If you are going to the zoo or cinema with a friend,
    You will have to make friends with this sign anyway.
    Get there quickly, cleverly! Sign …

Gnomes (in chorus): "Bus stop"!

Masha: The alphabet of streets, avenues, roads

The city gives us a lesson all the time.

Victor: Always remember the alphabet of the city

So that trouble does not happen to you!

Traffic light: Where do you need to cross the street?

Remember the simple rule:

With attentionleft first look,

Right take a look later.

1st character: And avenues and boulevards -

Everywhere the streets are noisy
Walk on the sidewalk

Only with right sides!

2nd character: If you're just walking

Look ahead anyway
Through a noisy intersection

Pass carefully!

3rd character: But the main of the rules of motion

Know how the multiplication table should!
On the pavement - do not play, do not ride,

If you want to stay healthy!

Monday: Let's listen without argument

We are a traffic light.

Let's go to the traffic rules

Treat with respect!

Baba Yaga runs out from behind the curtains and shouts:

Baba Yaga: But Baba Yaga is against!

No, I don't play like that. You know too much about the rules of the road.
I just don't understand why you're happy, huh? You still helped out the road signs, but you won’t see Snow White! Because you don't know which path you can take to get there.
Gnomes (in chorus): Bypedestrian track.(show sign) Sounds like melody waltz. Snow White appears.

Baba Yaga: All! I'm gone! My sorcery is now powerless. Everything is against me. I'm leaving you. (Exit.) Snow White: Thank you friends for helping me out. I missed you so much, our lovely forest house. Let's go home soon!

Traffic light: Don't forget to follow the rules of the road along the way!

Sounds like music Joe Dassin "Il faut naitre a Monaco". Snow White and the dwarves are dancing in a round dance. Against the background of music:

Leading: Snow White is back
She settled with the gnomes again.
And so they began to live
And make everything good:

Gnomes mine stones
Snow White rules the house.

Friends! You have accomplished a great deed today: you have saved Road Signs from the witchcraft of Baba Yaga. There will be no more chaos on the streets of the city. And now the traffic lights are flashing at the crossroads. And you also saved Snow White.

Vitya (Masha): Well, you were worried. My dad in such cases says: “The world is not without good people!”

Masha: We say goodbye to you! Goodbye!

Gnomes (in chorus): Until we meet again!

Traffic light: And remember: everyone should know the rules of movement, like the multiplication table!
Leading: Here is the end of the story.
And who listened - well done!
Always know the alphabet of the city,
So that trouble does not happen to you.

The final song is performed (to the motive of the song by Masha and Vityafrom k / f

New Year adventures of Masha and Vitya” ) :

    We found snow white
    In the magical city
    And friends helped us

Get on the right path.

Let the road be hard
We know without a clue
That good is stronger than evil
Real and in a fairy tale.

    There are many friends at school
    And reliable friends.
    On the road, the best friend -
    Traffic light!

Relentless day and night

Three lights are flashing

To help us all along the way,

We are being warned.

    How to cross the road

We know without a doubt

Help us along the way

Driving rules!

Let there be no more troubles

Sadness and anxiety

Let the green light burn

On your road!

Collection of children's fairy tales about the rules of the road.

"About Stupid Barney Bear"

Smirnova Sofia, 6 years old
MBOU "Toropovskaya OOSh"
Vologda region, Babaevsky district, Verkhnevolsky settlement

Once upon a time there was a bear cub Barney in the forest. He was only 6 years old. Once the bear cub got bored and he wanted to go to the city. But how to get there? Then he came to the fox Alice and said: “Aunt Alice! Take me to the city, I have never been there!” And then Alice decided that we should take Barney to the city, let him look. Barney happily jumped into the car, sat in the front seat and said, "What are we waiting for?" And Alice replies: “Before you go, you must sit in this car seat, and we must definitely fasten our seat belts.” Barney did everything as Alice said, and they drove into town.
As they pulled into town, Barney asked, "Aunt Alice, why are we driving so slowly?" And Alice answered him: “Do you see the sign there? It means speed limit, i.e. we must travel no more than 40 km/h.”
There are a lot of cars in the city, and suddenly they stopped. Barney did not understand anything: "Aunt Alice, what happened now?" And Alice says to him: “We are standing, because we cannot go now. You see, this is a traffic light: red means stop, yellow means get ready, and green means you can go. Suddenly a green light came on and they were off. Barney was very interested.
"Now, Barney, let's walk around the city!" They parked and went for a walk around the city. Barney saw a very interesting big store on the other side of the road and yelled, "Aunt Alice, I want to go there!" and ran. Alice barely had time to stop him and said: “Where are you, so you can’t, before crossing the road, we must reach the pedestrian crossing.” They did just that. Then Barney said that the crosswalk looked like a zebra.
They came to the store, and there he saw very interesting key chains. Barney asked, "What's this?" “Those are reflective badges,” Alice replied. "What for?" Barney asked. “And then, when it’s dark outside, you will be clearly visible from afar, especially to the driver.” And then they bought a lot of key chains. Barney was interested in everything.
Suddenly he asked Alice to go home, said that he was very tired. When they arrived home, Barney immediately fell asleep. And when I woke up, I realized that it was a dream. After all, how could he go to the city without his parents!

"The Adventures of Bibicalka"

Alekseev Vasily, 9 years old
MBOU "Yavengskaya school"
Vologda region, Vozhegodsky district, Baza settlement

One day, the car got bored with the streets of a big city, and she decided to take a walk along the forest roads. And it turned out that the car was completely alone in the dense forest. She didn't know which way to go.
All the details of the car immediately began to vigorously discuss how to find the way home. Tired of all this Bibikalka. She decided to walk along the forest path alone. She somehow freed herself and slowly went, singing to herself the song "Bibi-bibi-bibi ..."
She was walking, and suddenly three doors appeared in front of her: on the left - green, on the right - red, in front - yellow. Bibikalka thought for a long time which door to go through. Finally I decided - in the brightest, most beautiful - red. She slowly opened the door and entered.
In front of her are the streets of the city, big houses, people are all crying, shouting: some from pain, some at each other, swearing, broken cars, children huddled against the trees. "Why is that? What's the matter?" - Bibikalka thought, and then she realized - people do not respect, do not yield to each other, there is no order in this city, there are no rules on the roads. It's a pity for everyone, but what can you do - it's your own fault. Bibical came out of the red doors and wrote "STOP" on the sign.
Without thinking for a long time, she opened the door opposite - green, entered. Before Bibikalka is completely different. The same city, but arranged in a different way: people smiling, talking friendly to each other, walk along the sidewalks, cars drive in a certain order (who follow each other no more than 60 km / h, who give way - an obstacle on the right), pedestrians cross the street along some stripes that look like a zebra. “It's a happy, safe city. It is possible, no, it is necessary, it is necessary for everyone to live in it!” - thought Bibikalka and went out of the door, on which she wrote "GO".
Well, the last yellow door remains. She did not want to go there, and she spent a lot of time, but curiosity got the better of her. What is waiting for her there? She opened it, went in, sees: the city is the same, the streets are the same. Everything seems to be fine, wonderful, but suddenly - two cars collided at one of the intersections. An ambulance is on the way to the scene. People in white coats carry the victims.
Children are walking along the sidewalk. Suddenly, one of them saw his mother, and ran across the street to her, and at that time a car was driving right at him. The baby's mother did not have time to grab him. Cry... Tears... Ambulance...
“Everything seems to be in this city, but something is missing. What exactly?" - looking at the city from above, Bibikalka thought - "Maybe some signals, signs that would regulate everyone - both cars and pedestrians?"
Leaving the yellow door, Bibikalka decided that it was too early for this city to get a good mark for order, they need to wait. And she wrote on the door "WAIT".
Then Bibikalka, thinking, went to her home - to the car, thinking about her neighbors, how they will be without her attention, songs. “But still, it’s not in vain that these doors of the city with their own rules met me. What can I give to the townspeople?
And here's what: three circles - red, yellow, green. Three circles that carry light on lanterns - TRAFFIC LIGHT - carry rules, order for everyone. And the order will be as follows: red - STOP, yellow - WAIT, green - GO. And let all cities, villages, where people live, know and observe these rules. Only then will there be laughter, joy, fun, smiles, happiness among people. Well, it's time for me to get in the car. She can't leave without me. I won't break the rules!!!"

"The Tale of the Road Sign"

Karandasheva Amina, 7 years old
MBOU "Babushkinskaya secondary school"
Vologda region, Babushkinsky district, Yurmanga village

There was a traffic sign on the forest road. It means "Wild Animals". He had been standing in this place for a long time, he was lonely. And one day, one sunny day, he felt very sad. He decided to go on his own journey. Suddenly, somewhere he will find himself the same friend. And he did not even think about what might happen in his absence. The sign walked along the road and looked around with a spellbound look and delight. How beautiful is the nature around. Not far away ran a stream. Modest daisies were whitening in the forest clearing. Strawberry berries peeked out from under the leaves - hearts. Fascinated by nature, the sign did not even notice how it had gone very far from its place.
At this time, where the road sign used to be, a family of moose decided to cross the road. They, as usual, slowly and without suspecting anything, moved forward. When they were on the road, they were horrified to see that a truck was rushing towards them. So - as there was no road sign "Wild Animals", the driver did not know that animals could cross the road here. But he was able to slow down in time and the animals were not injured.
The sign heard the squeal of brakes and was taken aback. What could happen? When he returned, he was very upset. After all, innocent people could suffer through his fault. Since then, he has not left his place anywhere. He knew that he plays no small role on this road. And what a beautiful nature around. And he stands in that place until now, and every time a car passes by, he affably reflects the light of his headlights, warning: "Beware of wild animals!"

"How Baba Yaga taught the Rules of the Road"

Gorokhova Nastya, 7 years old
BDOU SMR "Kindergarten No. 10"
Vologda region, Sokolsky district, Sokol

Baba Yaga lived in the same forest with her cat named Fufel. She did not want to learn the rules of the road, because she believed that she did not need them at all. After all, she always flies high on her mortar, does not touch anyone, and no one interferes with her.
Once Baba Yaga flew with her cat Fufel for lingonberries. Yes, that's the trouble, she landed unsuccessfully in a swamp. Baba Yaga and Fufel managed to jump out, and the stupa got stuck in a quagmire.
How to get a stupa? Baba Yaga decided that the Bogatyr, who lived nearby, would help her. True, the heroic farmstead was located at the other end of the forest. To get there, you need to cross the road. But Baba Yaga does not know the rules of the road at all. Baba Yaga and Fufel approached the carriageway. And there is a lot of traffic on the road. Fufel, without hesitation, ran across the road. And then it happened! The noise of cars, the creak of brakes, the screech of horns - Fufel had an accident. Fortunately, Carlson flew past, he called an ambulance on the radio. Dr. Aibolit arrived in an ambulance and took the cat Fufel to the hospital. Baba Yaga wanted to hurry after them, but for this she first had to get a stupa out of the swamp.
Bunny passed by. He was very smart and educated. Baba Yaga turned to Bunny: “Dear Bunny, please tell me how can I get to the other side of the road?” The bunny answered her: “You need to cross the road to the green traffic light, along the zebra, which ...” But Baba Yaga was in such a hurry that she did not listen to the bunny, she exclaimed: “I know who the zebra is! It's a black and white striped horse!" - and ran along the road to look for a striped horse.
For a long, long time, Baba Yaga walked along the side of the road, but nowhere did she meet a horse with stripes. Suddenly Baba Yaga saw a Hedgehog standing by a strange two-eyed lantern. This lantern winked alternately with a red and a green eye.
Baba Yaga turned to the Hedgehog: “Dear Hedgehog, have you seen a striped horse here - a zebra, on which you can cross to the other side of the road?” The hedgehog explained to her that the zebra on the road is a pedestrian crossing. And this is not a horse at all, but a path of white stripes. You can also cross it with the help of a traffic light - a two-eyed lantern on a green signal. Baba Yaga thanked the Hedgehog for his help, crossed the road at the pedestrian crossing exactly at the green traffic light and went to Bogatyr.
The hero, after listening to the whole story that happened to Baba Yaga, sympathized with the cat Fufel and hurried to help. The hero possessed great strength- he was easily able to pull the stupa out of the swamp, helped Baba Yaga put it in order. As soon as the stupa was cleared, Baba Yaga and Bogatyr went to the hospital, where Dr. Aibolit took Fufel the cat.
It turned out that the cat was very lucky: as a result of the accident, he was not injured, but only escaped with a slight fright. When Baba Yaga and Bogatyr, after listening to the whole story that happened to Baba Yaga, Fufel returned home from the hospital to their hut on chicken legs, they decided: “We will definitely learn the Rules of the Road, because everyone needs the rules of the road!”

« New fairy tale about Chicken Ryaba"

Sirotkin Denis, 5 years old
BDOU KMR VO "Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 6" Alyonushka "
Vologda region, Kirillovsky district, Kirillov

Once upon a time there was Ryaba Hen, her mother, father and sister Nyushka. They lived in the world.
The hen Ryaba once went for bread. She was walking across the road, not at a pedestrian crossing, and the traffic light was red. Her uncle shouted to her: “Stop!”, And she replied: “Isn’t it possible to go to the red light?” The uncle replied that he could not. Uncle told Hen that you need to walk along the pedestrian crossing and at the green light of the traffic light, then you will not be run over by a car. Hen Ryaba has ears on top of her head, she listened to her uncle and went to the pedestrian crossing, and waited for the traffic light to turn green. And the car didn't hit her. And she went further for bread.
Chicken Ryaba decided to visit her sister Nyushka. And I saw that Nyushka was rolling balls along the road. The hen screamed that it was impossible to play on the road and dragged her sister home, and the car went on and did not crush her sister. The hen saved Nyushka. And at home, mom and dad were delighted with them, and Kurochka told them that one child should not be allowed to go for a walk.

"Rules of the road - reliable rules"

Stepanov Andrey, 8 years old
MBOU " Primary School- Kindergarten in Borisovo
Vologda region, Chagodoshchensky district, Borisovo village

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a people. Lived together and did not know grief. But suddenly, out of nowhere, an inventor appeared in this kingdom. He built cars, motorcycles, bicycles and all other vehicles.
And the people are amazed, rejoice, ride along the roads back and forth, but the inventor is praised: “Here is a well done inventor!”
And everything would be fine, but only there accidents began to happen, then the motorcycle would collide, then the car would knock down a person, then they would not pass, the drivers looked at each other, waved their fists and did not know who to drive ahead.
Then the people were frightened, but they did not know what to do. And they decided to send a messenger to the neighboring kingdom - the state of Rulelandia, to find out how to save their people from accidents.
A messenger arrived in a foreign country. And there cars are visible - invisible, they drive and not a single accident. The messenger was surprised, the people began to ask what and how.
And they say to him: “You see, the signs are placed everywhere, they are not simple, but road signs, for pedestrians and drivers, and you need to know all of them. And in our kingdom there is one magical thing, a traffic light is called, and all people obey it. And in order for these signs to work, you need to know special rules road traffic. Without them, nowhere! The messenger was surprised: “How everything is arranged with you, if only such signs were in our kingdom! And we will definitely learn the rules!” The messenger began to study the rules of the road and traffic signals. And when I learned everything, I went home.
The messenger opened a driving school, where he began to teach the inhabitants of his kingdom the Rules of the road.
The king ordered to establish road signs throughout the kingdom and not to violate them. And so that all this was under control, he appointed special responsible persons - inspectors. There were no more accidents on the roads. People began to live - not to grieve and learn the rules of the road by heart.

"Road adventures of Vova and Seryozha"

Ogrokhina Ksenia, 10 years old
Detachment UID "Experts on the road"
MBU DO "Babaevsky House of Children's Creativity"
Vologda region, Babaevsky district, Babaevo

On one of the streets of the city there was a large sports shop. Behind the glass showcases were sports equipment, balls, rackets. But one window was special, it featured super trendy roller skates. It was near them that two boys stood and dreamed of having such a miracle. Well, the rollers dreamed of a good owner.
And then one day the boys came to the store with their dads. Their names were Vova and Seryozha, they were 12 years old, and they were friends. Dads bought them roller skates, and they were very happy about it. And the videos were glad that they had owners with whom they would ride through the streets of the city.
And so it happened. It was summer outside, the boys had holidays, and every day from morning to evening they rode in the yard near the house. And the rollers rejoiced that everything turned out so wonderful. But soon their joy began to fade. Vova has long said that there is not enough space in the yard, there is nowhere to accelerate, so it's time to go to big road. Vovina liked the idea of ​​Seryozha.
And in the morning, immediately after the parents left for work, they drove out of the yard into the street. It had so much space! At first they just drove, and then they decided to arrange competitions. They began to overtake each other, to change lanes from one lane to another. The drivers honked, leaned out the windows of the cars and scolded the boys, but Vova and Seryozha did not pay any attention to them. There was a squeal of brakes as they ran out into the intersection, into the red light of the traffic light, right under the wheels of the cars. Drivers jumped out onto the road, someone called an ambulance, someone called a traffic police inspector. An ambulance came and took the boys to the hospital. And the traffic police inspectors wrote down everything that happened. And the rollers were silent and sighed heavily. They were very sorry that it all happened and that they were treated so disrespectfully.
For two whole weeks the children were in the hospital, and the rollers no longer wanted to return to Vova and Seryozha. The traffic police inspectors sent them to school in a detachment of young traffic inspectors. Soon the school received a letter from the traffic police with information about how Vova and Seryozha committed
traffic accident. The inspector said that the boys did not know the rules of the road, and asked the teachers to seriously work with them. And then the class teacher enrolled Vova and Seryozha in a detachment of young traffic inspectors.
They were accepted into the squad. Only the videos recognized them and got scared, they thought that everything would start all over again. But after all, it was a detachment of young traffic inspectors, so no one gave them any offense. And the boys themselves became different and did not break the rules.

"The Tale of Naughty and the Magic Traffic Light"

Bondar Egor, 5 years old
MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 38"
Vologda region, Cherepovets

A girl lived in a city. They called her Naughty. She did not obey anyone, did everything the other way around and did not want to follow the rules of the road. Both parents and teachers taught Naughty the rules, but the girl repeated one thing: “Wrong rules, why are they needed? As I want, so I go!”
Naughty crosses the road, but counts the birds. With a screech, a motorcycle stops in front of her, and the girl says: “It’s the birds’ fault, they distracted me!” She plays ball on the road, the bus stops, the driver asks Naughty to leave the roadway, since according to the rules of the road it is impossible to play there. And she answered: “Wrong rules. The road is made for everyone! Wherever I want, I play there! And so it was until one incredible story happened to her.
Once, Naughty was crossing the road at a red traffic light. And suddenly the traffic light said: “I don’t want an accident at my intersection because of you! I'm sending you to the Land of Wrong Traffic Rules!"
There was such a strong wind that the girl closed her eyes in fear. When she looked around, she saw houses, a road, footpaths, but everything was unfamiliar to her. As soon as Naughty wanted to take a step, she saw that a cyclist was rushing right at her. He knocked the girl off her feet, and they both fell to the pavement. “What are you! Can't you see where you're going? There are special paths for cyclists, you can’t ride on the road!” - Naughty was indignant, trying to get to her feet. And the cyclist stood up and said: “Are you new? After all, this is the Land of Wrong Traffic, here everyone drives where he wants! With these words, the boy got on his bicycle and rode away. The girl hurried to the sidewalk.
But before she had gone ten steps, a bus came round the corner. The bus drove along the sidewalk straight to Naughty. She jumped back into the bushes and called after him: “Don’t you know that only pedestrians walk on the sidewalk, and vehicles drive only on the roadway!” Naughty cried. She was afraid to leave the bushes, because cars were driving everywhere, not following any rules. And then she realized how dangerous it is not to follow the rules of the road! She went to the traffic light andI promised him to always follow the rules and teach other children the rules of the road!
And suddenly a strong wind rose again, everything rustled and spun around. When everything was quiet, Naughty saw that she was standing on her street in front of the long-familiar Traffic Light. The red signal for pedestrians is still on.
The girl stood waiting for permission from the Traffic Light to cross the road. She smiled at the traffic light. And the Traffic Light smiled back at her and winked a green signal. The naughty girl crossed the road and never violated the rules of the road again! The girl told everyone: “If you don’t want trouble to happen to you, follow the rules of the road!”

"Adventure in the City"

Dieva Uliana
MBOU "Upper Cuban School",
short stay group
Vologda region, Vozhegodsky district, Derevenka village

They lived in a certain kingdom, in a certain state - there were Tsar Koschey and grandmother Ezhka. Lived - did not grieve, did not teach anything.
One day they decided to visit Ivan the Fool, who lived in a big city. Koshchey and grandmother Ezhka sat in a mortar and flew off. Ivanushka the Fool met his guests and decided to show them his handsome and Big city. They walked and walked and came out on a big road, along which cars were rushing. How to go? They don't know. They saw a traffic light and were surprised: why is he winking? Suddenly, a creak of brakes was heard ... It was Tsar Koschey who decided to cross the road between cars, and behind him was Grandmother Ezhka.
Tsar Koschei is in the hospital with a broken leg, and Grandma Ezhka with a broken arm. Ivanushka - the fool did not have time to tell them anything about the rules of behavior on the street. kind doctor Aibolit, of course, will cure them.
Why did it all happen? You just have to follow the rules of the road. They didn't even know the traffic lights. And the good uncle Traffic Light winked at you for good reason: red light - we are standing still, yellow light - attention, and green light - we are going. There is also a zebra on the road, but it does not run. Before you stand on a zebra, you need to look around.
You need to know a lot of traffic rules in order not to get hit by a car. Remember this, Tsar Koschey and grandmother Ezhka. And when it gets dark outside, everyone needs to have retroreflectors. The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for all readers.

"Dunno on the road"

Belyaeva Victoria
MOU "Mondomskaya high school", 1 class
Vologda region, Belozersky district

Once a real circus arrived in the city where Dunno lived. Dunno began to persuade his friend Znayka to go with him to the performance.
- Do you know the rules of the road? Znayka asked sternly.
- What are the other rules? Dunno was outraged.
- The circus is on the other street, do you know how to cross the road? - the friend did not let up.
- I cross the road where I want, and nothing happens to me. And if you don't want to go, say so, and don't make any rules. I can go without you, - Dunno said offendedly.
- All right, I'll go with you, and, first of all, so that you don't get into some unpleasant story.
The friends are on their way. Approaching the track, the restless Dunno almost ended up on the road itself, but his friend stopped him abruptly.
- Before entering the roadway, you need to stop to observe the road and in no case cross it without making sure it is safe. Dunno, cars drive here. The driver may not notice how you run out from behind the bushes, do not create an emergency! You can only move along the road on the sidewalk or the roadside.
- And where do we cross this road? Dunno said sadly.
“Along the pedestrian crossing, you can see it in the distance,” Znayka answered firmly, holding his friend tightly by the hand.
Approaching the crossing, Znayka pointed to the traffic light:
- When the green flashlight lights up, it will be possible to cross the road.
The stranger grumbled indignantly:
- And I thought that these lights are blinking here for beauty.
- These lights are here for safety! exclaimed Znaika. Remember:
If the eye is lit red, then you can’t go - it’s dangerous!
If yellow - wait, and green - go!
Friends began to cross the road along the striped path. Znayka noticed that an old woman with a large bag was crossing the road next to them.
- Let's help! he suggested to a friend.
- Can i? Dunno doubted.
- Need to! A young pedestrian is obliged to help the elderly when crossing the carriageway! Znaika answered.
Dunno picked up a heavy bag, and Znayka helped the old woman cross the road, holding her hand. All together they safely reached the opposite side. Grandmother thanked the children and even treated them with sweets.
Satisfied with themselves, the friends continued on their way.
- Listen, Znayka, let's play at the bus stop, I took the ball with me, - Dunno asked.
- You can not play near the roadway, directly on it, as well as at stopping points public transport! the friend replied sternly.
Thus, they safely made their way to the circus and got into a fun show. There were clowns, and trained dogs, and jugglers, and even lions. Friends had a lot of fun.
Going out into the street, Znayka said:
- Remember, friend, one more rule: young pedestrian is obliged to warn his comrades against violation of traffic rules.
- I think that you coped with it perfectly, - Dunno said.
The way home friends passed without incident.

“Children are supposed to know the rules of the road! You, my friend, trust them: you will be safe and sound!”

"The Adventure of Petya and Kolobok"

Bogdan Alena, 6 years old
MBDOU "Totemsky kindergarten No. 5" Ship "
Vologda region, Totemsky district, Totma

Once upon a time there was a boy named Petya. He asked his grandmother to bake him Kolobok. Grandmother baked Kolobok, gave it to Petya, and the boy went outside with him. Gingerbread man turned out to be very smart and quick-witted. Petya told him about the Rules of the Road. It was interesting for Kolobok.
Here they are walking along the street, and a Bunny came across them. Bunny stands, roars, bursts into tears. Petya and Kolobok asked Bunny: “Why are you crying?” The bunny said: "I want to cross the road, but I don't know how to do it." Then Petya and Kolobok told him that the road should be crossed at a pedestrian crossing, but first you need to look around, left and right, so that there are no cars, or so that all the cars stop and calmly cross. The bunny crossed the right road, thanked them and merrily ran home.
Petya and Kolobok go further, and the Hedgehog meets them. The hedgehog was very upset because he did not know which traffic light to cross the road. Petya and Kolobok explained to him that the road should be crossed at the green light of the traffic light, but first you need to make sure that the crossing is safe. The hedgehog did so, and then thanked them.
Returning home, Petya and Kolobok saw two Bear cubs. The cubs were playing ball near the road. Petya and Kolobok told them that you can’t play by the road, you can play so much that you run out onto the road and fall under the wheels. The cubs said: “Thank you,” and went to play in the park.
So Petya and Kolobok helped the animals learn the Rules of the Road.

"The Tale of How the Traffic Light Came to Be"

Eregin Saveliy, 5 years old
MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 2" Sun "
Vologda region, Babushkinsky district

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived and was Tsar Jeremiah. And he had a tame, three-headed Serpent Gorynych in his state. And so, trouble came to this state - the king father got bored, lost interest in all sorts of things. The Serpent Gorynych began to inquire, what was the matter: “Why are you Tsar Yeremey not cheerful, that you hung your little head? Al ailment what attacked you, al misfortune happened? The king answers him: “I'm tired of everything, I want some kind of miracle overseas, unprecedented! Maybe you’ll fly, Serpent Gorynych, around the world, talk to people, and look at overseas countries! You look, what a miracle you will notice, and you will bring it home.
How long did the Serpent Gorynych fly across the wide world? And he found an unprecedented miracle, the name of which is a car. He brought it to the palace, to be shown to the king's father. The king marvels, and asks: “What kind of carriage with windows is this, and where are the horses? What is the miracle? The Serpent Gorynych answers him: “This is a car, you get into it, and he himself takes you where you need to go.”
The tsar father got into the car, took a ride, and was pleased with the curiosity. And he gave the order: "Build a plant to get along with such cars, and distribute to everyone." How much time has passed, the whole kingdom was filled with cars. Everything would be fine, but there are a lot of accidents at intersections, drivers swear, they do not give way to each other. The king was sad again. He calls the Serpent Gorynych to himself: “What are we going to do, Snake?” Gorynych answers him: “It is necessary to install a multi-colored lantern at every intersection. Put three colors - blue - stop, white - attention, orange - drive through.
And so they did: they installed lanterns with three colors at the crossroads and gave it a name - a traffic light. Everything would be fine, but like fog or rain, again accidents, drivers do not see the prohibition signal. Again, Tsar Yeremey calls the Serpent Gorynych and tells him: “We need to change the colors at the traffic lights, not to see them in bad weather!” They thought and thought, and they came up with the idea that let it be red - stop, yellow - attention, green - drive through. And there was order from then on in the kingdom of Jeremy. A traffic light is still working at intersections. Here the fairy tale ends, and who listened well done.

The Tale of the Runaway Bicycles

There was a large sports shop on the main street of the city. He had glass showcases in which there were sports equipment, mannequins in tracksuits, lay balls and tennis rackets. But one window was special. There were bicycles in it. It was near her that the boys passing by most often stopped. Still, after all, bicycles shone in the sun with all their details - from the spokes to the steering wheel. All the boys dreamed of having such a miracle of technology, and bicycles dreamed of an owner.

They have been in the window since the beginning of winter and have long been tired of such a pastime. They wanted to spin their pedals, rustle their tires on the road, brake. The snow had long since disappeared from the streets, many boys were already rushing past the shop window on their old bicycles, and our new ones stood and looked at them with envy. By the way, our bikes were called "Salute" and "Aist". They met the day they were put on display. The bicycles became friends, and although they no longer wanted to part, they still really wanted to go outside.

So day after day passed, but then one day two boys came to the store with their dads. The boys' names were Misha and Vanya. They were twelve years old, they were neighbors and friends. And they came to the store so that dads would buy them bicycles. Bicycles realized this when the boys began to touch their spokes, handlebars, saddle. They realized that now one of them would have a dream come true, and he would carry one of these boys along the street. But at the same time, both Salyut and Aist realized that the time had come to part, and they were sad. But, it turns out, the sadness was in vain. After all, there were two boys and two bicycles. Misha chose "Salute" for himself, and Vanya - "Stork". And now two boys were walking down the street and driving their new bicycles, which shone in the sun with all their chrome parts. The boys' dream came true - they became the owners of two beautiful new cars, and the bicycles were glad that they had owners with whom they would ride the streets, and besides, they did not have to part, because Vanya and Misha are friends, which means they will ride bicycles together.

And so it happened. It was summer outside, the boys were in full swing, and every day, immediately after breakfast, the boys jumped into the saddles of bicycles and rode until lunchtime. Sometimes they rode together, and sometimes other boys from their yard joined them. But these boys had old bicycles, and they looked with envy at the happy owners of new cars.

"Aist" and "Salyut" were glad that everything turned out so wonderfully, but soon their joy began to disappear. Vanya and Misha turned out to be not quite disciplined cyclists. One day they decided to ride up the steps of a large staircase that leads from the main avenue to the embankment. The staircase is large, it has more than a hundred steps. But most importantly, she is very lively. After all, a lot of people go down to the embankment along it. Among them are elderly grandmothers, and mothers with children, and young couples. But this did not stop Vanya and Misha. They decided that their bikes were no worse than mountain bikes and decided to play extreme sports. "Aist" and "Salyut" rang with all spokes and creaked with all bearings. They understood that they were not allowed to drive on such routes, because they were not at all adapted for this, but the most important thing was that no transport was allowed to drive where people go. Both bikes struggled not to hurt pedestrians, because their owners themselves were already struggling to hold the steering wheel in their hands. But they didn't hold back. Both Vanya and Misha, upon hitting the next step, released the steering wheel from their hands and rolled down with their bicycles. When the stairs ended, they could hardly get up. Fortunately, the boys escaped with only bruises and abrasions. But bicycles were less fortunate. The Aistu twisted the steering wheel and bent the pedal, and the Salyut's front wheel became egg-shaped, except for the peeled paint on the frames. For an hour the boys dragged their wounded cars home.

In the evening, dads were busy fixing bicycles. Of course, at first the parents smeared scratches and bruises with brilliant green and iodine, made suggestions to their sons about where and how to ride bicycles, but the boys did not really listen to them.

And the bicycles, each in their apartment, were silent and sighing. They were very sorry to be treated so disrespectfully. They were so new, shiny, they wanted to drive their owners along paved roads, rustle their tires around the yards, but they never thought that the owners would test their strength. Indeed, after the purchase, very little time has passed, and they already have the whole frame in scratches, abrasions on the steering wheel, bent spokes. When the bikes met on the street, they looked at each other's injuries and complained about the breakdowns. But just recently they were so beautiful. But "Salute" and "Aist" did not even suspect that their misfortunes were just beginning and riding up the stairs was not yet the most terrible.

Misha has long said that there is not enough space in the yard for real cyclists, there is nowhere to accelerate. So, it's time for them to go to the big road, that is, to the street. Vanya liked the idea, and in the morning, immediately after the parents left for work, they drove out of the yard into the street. It had so much space! There were three traffic lanes on each side of the street. There were not very many cars yet, and Vanya and Misha had enough space to drive out onto the roadway.

At first they just rode forward, and then they decided to arrange a competition. Everyone, with all their strength, pressed the pedals and rushed forward. And then they began to overtake each other, change lanes from one lane of the road to another, and right in front of the noses of passing cars. The drivers gave horns, leaned out the windows of the cars and scolded the boys, but Vanya and Misha did not pay attention and continued to enjoy the good asphalt on the road. They raced in such a way that they did not pay attention to the red traffic light. There was a squeal of brakes as the cyclists ran out into the intersection, right into the red light. It's good that the drivers managed to slow down, and the traffic police inspector jumped out onto the road. The boys also slowed down, collided with each other and fell together right at the feet of the inspector. He picked up the traffic violators and led them to his traffic inspectorate. The boys rode their bicycles beside them and sniffled. And the bicycles sighed and looked at their new bruises. At the inspection, the bicycles were taken away and left in the yard, and the boys were told to come with their parents.

Here for the first time "Salute" and "Aist" met with other bicycles. They also stood in the inspection yard, but they were just like new. Their spokes shone in the sun, there were no scratches or abrasions on the frames, and the wheel hubs were oiled. At first, Salyut and Aist were afraid to be the first to talk to strangers, and then they decided. It turns out that these beautiful bicycles also had owners, and the same boys as Vanya and Misha. But they were young traffic inspectors. They did not violate the rules of the road, and even taught other guys to behave correctly on the road. They also learned how to ride bicycles to ride various bicycle figures and rode around a specially equipped bicycle camp. On these bikes, these young traffic inspectors took part in competitions and, of course, took care of their two-wheeled vehicles so that they would not let them down at the most crucial moment. "Salyut" and "Aist" also spoke about their owners, but their story was very sad. They realized that their boys do not know the rules of the road, and they are not going to take care of their cars.

Soon the guys appeared in the yard in nice shape. These were the young traffic inspectors. They came to the inspectorate for classes on the rules of the road, and now they got on their bicycles and went to a training session in a cycling town. Finally, "Salyut" and "Aist" found out that these wonderful guys study at a neighboring school.

Soon the parents of Vanya and Misha came and, after listening to the traffic safety inspector, took the bikes home. "Salute" and "Aist" on the way to the house silently envied the bicycles with which they met. They also hoped that after such an incident, their boys would no longer violate the rules of the road and would ride bicycles more carefully.

It was like that for a whole week. And then they got tired of it. Vanya came up with, in his opinion, a wonderful idea. He decided that it was very difficult to pedal a bicycle, but the speed was still small. But if you catch on to the car, then you can not turn the pedals and go very fast. In addition, a truck came to their yard every day, which brought groceries to the store. This is where you can practice. Misha approved the idea, and the next day they began to guard the car in the morning. She arrived closer to dinner and, as always, drove into the yard to unload. The boys waited until the car slowly began to leave the yard, and caught on the sides. Misha caught on the starboard side, and Vanya on the left. The car drove out of the yard, slowed down slightly at the exit to the road, and already on the road began to pick up speed.

The boys rushed forward and rejoiced, the wheels of the bicycles turned faster and faster, the hair on their heads fluttered in the wind, and only the bicycles themselves struggled to stop. After all, they could not otherwise stop the boys. And it had to be stopped. The car was overtaken by other cars, when they were overtaking, they almost hit Vanya, and Misha almost ran into the buses that were overtaken by the car that was speeding them. And then the truck came to an abrupt halt. A dog jumped off the leash onto the road, and the owner of the dog, a first grade girl, ran after her. The driver of the truck slowed down so as not to run over the dog and the girl, and the boys could not resist and, breaking away from the side of the car, flew forward along with the bicycles.

Stopped all the cars that were driving nearby. Drivers jumped out onto the road to help the boys, someone called an ambulance, someone a traffic police inspector. Misha and Vanya were lying on the road, near the wheels of the truck. They were very hurt. An ambulance soon arrived and took them to the hospital. And the traffic police inspectors wrote down everything that happened, they explained to the girl that it was impossible to run out onto the roadway even after a dog, and they took the crippled bicycles to the traffic inspectorate.

Here, in the yard, the Salyut and Aist inspections spent several days. No one came for them, because the boys were in the hospital and their parents came to them every day with fruit. They forgot about bicycles. And the bicycles themselves, crippled and broken, still remembered their owners. But at the same time, they were afraid that they would again be forced to violate the rules of the road.

And almost every day their new acquaintances came to the inspection - bicycles of young traffic inspectors. Their owners were preparing for the new school year, which will begin in a couple of days, which means that joint duty with inspectors at schools will begin again so that the kids cross the street correctly and, of course, new classes. "Salute" and "Aist" looked at them with envy. The lucky bikes greeted their injured brethren and listened to their stories of their misadventures. And they talked about their own affairs. About how great it is to ride cycling figures the best, to go through all the stages in the cycling city faster than anyone, and also to teach children from the lower grades of the school to ride on themselves. Our bikes listened to all these stories, and they increasingly wanted to become the same good machines.

Soon a new academic year and no one came for the bikes. And they themselves more and more often thought about how to get into the squad of young traffic inspectors. They thought for a long time how to do this and one day they decided. After lunch, when there was no one in the inspection yard, they slowly drove out of the gate and went to the school, about which their familiar bicycles told them. Since the bikes often told them about their school and where it was located, Salyut and Aist quickly found their way. They drove into the yard and saw how the young traffic inspectors were school yard trained in figured cycling. "Salute" and "Aist" drove into the yard and leaned against the school fence. Soon they were noticed. The Yuidovtsy (as the young traffic inspectors are called for short) saw two wounded bicycles and brought them to the school porch. "Salute" and "Aist" looked terrible: bent wheels and wings, folded handlebars, scratched frames, broken reflectors. And that's not all the breakdowns. Since the owners of the bicycles were nowhere to be seen, the YIDs decided that the bicycles had simply been abandoned in the schoolyard due to breakdowns. They took them to their squad.

For two whole weeks, after school, the young inspectors were engaged in repairing and painting the beginners of their bike garage. Meanwhile, Vanya and Misha were discharged from the hospital. They came home and, not seeing the bicycles, began to ask their parents where they were. The dads went to the inspection the next day, but it turned out that the bikes were gone. Everyone decided that the bicycles could no longer be repaired and they were simply taken to a landfill, especially since no one came to pick them up.

The boys were upset at first, but as the school year began and there was no time to ride bicycles, they quickly forgot about them. And soon the school received a letter from the traffic inspectorate with a story about how Vanya and Misha committed a traffic accident. The inspector reported that the boys did not know the rules of the road, and asked the teachers to seriously work with them. And then the class teacher took Vanya and Misha to a detachment of young traffic inspectors.

They were accepted into the detachment, especially since the Jews had two new bicycles. These newbies gleamed with shiny spokes and fresh paint, the wheel hubs were freshly oiled, and the wheels and fenders were aligned. These, of course, were Salyut and Aist. But the boys didn't recognize them. But the bicycles immediately recognized them and were frightened. They thought that everything would start over. But this was a detachment of young traffic inspectors, and the bicycles belonged to the detachment. So no one gave them any offense. Yes, and the boys themselves no longer violated the rules of the road, because they became Jews. True, sometimes they remembered their bicycles and regretted that they no longer had their own personal two-wheeled vehicles. They never found out that Salyut and Aist had run away from them.

The Tale of the Dog Who Crossed the Street at the Green Light

On the outskirts of the city many years ago, no one remembers when it happened, a park was planted. The trees grew very tall, their crowns were so dense that not everyone penetrated down under the trees. Sun rays but only the strongest. But even these rays were enough for shrubs and flowers that grew in the park under the trees. Thanks to them, the park was very dense and green from the very roots of the trees to their crowns. Such thickets allowed anyone to hide in the park. Perhaps that is why the park was so loved by boys and girls who came here to play different games.

Gradually, the city grew and new houses appeared around the park, to which new roads were then built, and along these roads cars and buses rustled with their tires. On them, people left for work and returned home from it, left the city and went to visit each other, brought new things from stores and took old things to the landfill. In a word, they lived the way people live in all cities. But not all cities had such a park in which children played, adults sat on benches, and birds nested in the crowns of trees. The park remained a favorite place for walks of the inhabitants of the city, despite the fact that it became more and more difficult to reach it. And all because there were more and more roads around it, as well as cars on them. Of course, gradually traffic lights and pedestrian crossings began to appear on the roads, but will all the boys and girls, seeing their friends in the park, stop at a red traffic light if the game has already begun, but you have to wait until the green light turns on. So parents were already afraid to let their children go to the park. They were afraid that along the way they would not get hit by a car, looking around. And not all parents encouraged children to communicate with stray dogs.

Because there were dogs in the park. Yes, yes, dogs. Some of them once had their owners, and then they no longer needed them and ended up on the street. But this did not make the dogs angry, they believed that sooner or later the owners would find them and take them to them. There were places to hide in the park, so the dogs settled here. And the boys and girls who came here to play fed them. Yes, and adults often, going to the park, carried with them some kind of treat for stray dogs.

One day a new resident appeared in the park - a poodle named Darik. His owners have moved to new apartment and decided that there the dog would spoil their new furniture, and threw him out into the street. Darik ran for a long time after the truck, in which the owners were transporting their things, but soon he almost fell under the wheels of another car. He was thrown off the road by a blow, Darik did not even immediately understand what had happened, and when he came to himself, the car was gone. He ran around the city for several days in search of his owners, but did not find them. During these searches, he ended up in the park. Once he was walking here with his master and saw the dogs living here. He even tried to play with them, but the owner took him away. No wonder, because Darik was a thoroughbred dog, had his own house, and the dogs living in the park were homeless, although many of them were also thoroughbred, but this could no longer be noticed by their appearance. Life in the park, hunger and cold made them unlike real pets. But this life did not make them evil. They continued to love people, especially children. And now Darik himself came to the park. He was afraid that the local dogs would not accept him, because he still looked so much like a real domestic poodle, who only does what he eats, walks and plays with his owners. But that did not happen. The same poodle as Darik immediately ran out to meet him and wagged his tail. This poodle was apricot in color, his breed was called the apricot poodle, and all the local children called him Ryzhik. Darik immediately became friends with him.

Gradually, of course, he got to know all the dogs, learned their stories about how they became homeless and ended up in the park, but it was Ryzhik who became his biggest and best friend. It was Ryzhik who taught him to choose a place to sleep, introduced him to the children who fed the dogs in the park, and taught him how to distinguish these boys and girls from those who strove to throw stones or sticks at dogs. And this little apricot poodle also taught Darik how to behave on the street. After all, you can’t sit in the park all day. We must constantly think about food. One cannot hope that every day one of the children or their parents will come and bring food for everyone. So the dogs have to run around the city in search of food.

Ryzhik told Darik that he should look for food near shops, cafes, and markets. There is always something to enjoy. Of course, Darik was not used to this and at first was against such searches, but hunger forced him to accept and start living like all stray dogs. But first he had to learn the main science.

In order to get out of the park into the city, it was necessary to cross the carriageway several times. There were a lot of cars in the city, and it was not easy to cross it. This is where Ryzhik came to the rescue. Although he lived in the park for a long time, he once had an owner too. It was a girl who liked to come to the park, sit on a bench in the shade of a large tree and read a book. And Ryzhik at that time was running around the park and playing with other dogs.

On the way to the park, he and the girl crossed the street at certain places. Ryzhik remembered these places and now told his new friend about them. He told him that these places have traffic lights, these are things that light bulbs on. different color. That's when the green light turns on - you can go across the street. And if you go for red or yellow, then you will definitely be left without paws, if, of course, you are lucky. Or they can be crushed to death.

Of course, Ryzhik told Darik not only about traffic lights. He also spoke about the "zebra". These are such white stripes on the road. People who drive cars, they are called drivers, must stop in front of the "zebra" to let pedestrians pass, these are the people who walk. But drivers do not always do this, and if a stray dog ​​walks along the “zebra”, they definitely won’t stop. So on the street, a dog's best friend is a traffic light.

But Darik believed that a dog's best friend is a man. There is nothing better in the world than a real owner who loves a dog, feeds it, walks with it in the park, treats it if it suddenly gets sick. And Darik really does not want to believe that he no longer has a master and never will. And all the dogs in the park hope that sooner or later their owner will come for each of them. But for some reason he does not come and does not come.

In the summer you can still think about the owner less often, but when it gets cold and all the dogs gather for the night in one place to warm each other with their warmth, they only think about a warm house and caring people, who for some reason are not enough for all the dogs . And how they envy those dogs that are led on a leash by their owners.

One autumn day, when it was still warm, Ryzhik and Darik were returning from the city to the park. They had a good meal at one of the city cafes and ran to the traffic lights. Suddenly Darik saw that a young mother and son were walking towards the park. Mom at the very road talked on the phone and released her son's hand from her hand. And he, without looking at the traffic light, ran straight to the road to quickly get to the park, where his friends started a game of Indians. The boy was already waving his hand to his friends and almost ran out onto the road when Darik caught him in his pants with his teeth. Of course, he got scared, stopped and started yelling at the dog. And then, right in front of the boy, a car that was driving along the road stopped. After all, the green light was on for her, and the red light was still on for the pedestrians. If not for Darik, he would have managed to run out onto the roadway. The boy's mother ran up to her son and waved her hands at Darik, driving him away. But the driver of the car, who saw the boy in time and stopped, explained to her that if it were not for this poodle, her son would be under the car now. When the intruder himself stopped crying and calmed down, he declared that he would not leave here without this dog. Mom thought and agreed. Darik did not believe his luck. He now has an owner who will love him. And all because his friend Ryzhik taught him how to cross the street correctly. But how will he leave Ryzhik?

Mom and the boy were already calling Darik to follow them, but he still could not decide to go, he was sorry to leave Ryzhik alone. They stood and wagged their tails to each other, and the boy's mother understood everything. She whispered something to her son, he laughed, ran up to the dogs, picked them up and carried them.

So both Ryzhik and Darik have a new owner. Soon they were running around the park together and playing, but the boy never again tried to cross the road at a red light. After all, even his dogs knew that there was green for this.

History of one ball

A soccer ball lived in the yard of a large and rather old house. No, of course, he did not live there alone. In the house lived friends of the ball - the boys. Since the house was large, there were many boys. A month ago, these boys, without spending the money given by their parents for ice cream, gathered them together and bought this ball. It was new, with a smell real leather, and its brown sides shone in the sun.

In the courtyard of the house was playground where the boys played football. They used to have an old rubber ball, the paint peeled off from kicks a long time ago. Of course, it was possible to play with such a ball, but one day this ball could not stand it and tore. There was nothing to play with, the boys got bored, but found a way out. Parents never found out that their sons ate one less ice cream that month, but instead they became owners of a real leather soccer ball.

And the ball was just a feast for the eyes. He didn’t even have time to get dusty on the store shelf, they bought him so quickly. It was made of thick real leather, painted with a wonderful paint that could withstand many kicks, and had a very strong chamber inside, ready to withstand any air pressure.

The ball was liked not only by the boys, but also by myself. He dreamed of big competitions, of huge stadiums, over the football fields of which he would soar, and then suddenly there was a small courtyard of a rather old house. And, of course, instead of famous football players, ordinary boys. And he wanted so much space. In general, it was not clear to the ball why it was necessary to play in such a small yard. He constantly heard that there was a large and wide street outside the gates of the yard, and, of course, the ball hoped that somewhere behind the street there was that very big stadium with a crowd of fans who wanted him, it was him, to fly into the gate, went over the penalty line, fell into the hands of the goalkeeper. He did not understand why the boys did not let him go outside and why they themselves did not go to play football there, because there is much more space there. But the boys knew that it was impossible to play with the ball on the street, that the sidewalk was for pedestrians, and the roadway was for cars. And, of course, you can’t run with the ball on the roadway, otherwise you will get hit by a car.

The worst thing is that the ball not only dreamed of the openness of the street, but also constantly strove to escape there from the yard area. As soon as one of the boys hit the ball harder than it should have, he flew out of the football zone of the yard and rolled with all his might towards the arch, behind which such an attractive, so alluring street began.

And then one day he rolled out onto this street. He saw that it was very similar to a large football field. The street was very wide, and its length for him, a small ball, generally seemed endless. He did not pay attention to the fact that there were no players running along the street, that there were no football goals either, but big and small cars were driving along the carriageway of the street. True, at first the ball did not know that these creatures on wheels were called cars, that the streets were created for the movement of these various modes of transport, and not at all for ball games. Yes, he simply did not have time to think about it. After all, the boys were already running after him, scolding the one who, in their opinion, had missed the ball from the yard along the way. These little footballers had no idea that it was their ball itself that was trying to elude them in order to become a big football star.

Everything worked out that time. The boys caught the ball at the very edge of the sidewalk and returned it back to the yard. They had a bit of an argument about almost losing the ball because of someone who hit it too hard. They began to tell him about the cars on the carriageway of the street, about the fact that they almost had to jump out onto the road. And this is very dangerous. The ball also listened attentively, but decided that the boys were simply afraid to be left without the ball. After all, he is so handsome that any footballer, of course, a real one, and not a yard one, will immediately want to play with him. So the stadium is somewhere nearby, and he just needs to get to it. And there, real football players will explain to the boys that such a ball has no place in the yard. His place is in a large stadium, on soft green grass, and not on the trampled earth of some courtyard.

The ball decided to wait for time so that the boys would forget about this incident, so that they would be distracted during the game and could not catch up with the ball. Such a moment soon presented itself. The older boys, after playing ball, rested in the shady side of the yard, and the younger players decided at that time to practice shooting on goal. After one of these strikes, the ball flew over the gate and rolled into the street. He already knew the way and therefore rolled fast enough. At first, the kids decided for a long time who should run after the ball, and then, realizing that the ball would soon be on the roadway, they all ran together. The older boys also noticed what had happened and ran after them. And the ball, meanwhile, rolled out onto the sidewalk, and from it straight onto the road.

One of the kids was the first to run to the street and, seeing the ball on the road, without hesitation, ran after it. The ball did not expect a chase and calmly rolled right along the roadway. The kid rushed to the ball, grabbed it with his hands, but he stumbled and fell. At that moment, the brakes of a large truck screeched as it rounded the corner. The driver did not expect to see a young football player with a ball in his hands right under his wheels, and that he had the strength to press the brake pedal. Other cars stopped nearby, which happened to be next to the truck at that moment. Their drivers jumped right onto the road, picked up the boy and, of course, making sure that everything was in order with him, began to scold him. After all, they didn’t know that it was the ball that jumped out into the road, and the kid really wanted to save him. After all, the ball was not his, but the general one, of all the yard boys. At this time, the rest of the players ran up. They persuaded the drivers not to punish their younger comrade, promising that they would teach him not to run out into the street and inform his parents about what had happened. Having made some noise, the drivers went on about their business, and the boys took crying baby into the yard.

Here in the yard they argued for a long time about who was to blame, and decided that they would not give the ball to the kids anymore. And the ball decided that it was necessary to make one more attempt, but to choose a more opportune moment. Most importantly, he did not understand why everyone on the road was shouting about some kind of danger, about brakes and about high speed. And then he decided that he just needed speed in order to escape from the yard and still get to the stadium, and this was why the drivers were so worried about him. And all because he is beautiful ball. And then there are the boys again. Of course, they do not want to part with him, but they must understand that he must play with real football players, he is not some kind of rubber ball, but a real football one.

But time went on, the boys continued to play football in the yard, and the ball - to look towards the street, along which, as it seemed to him, he would get to the stadium. Sometimes, during the game, the ball suddenly began to think that he heard the screams of the fans, the whistle of the referee, and then flies into the net. But there were no real gates in the yard, and there were no referees with a whistle either, and the ball knew that it was still in its old yard.

Meanwhile, summer had already passed its half, the ball began to fade, of course, because every day they kicked it. And although the paint on it kept well, but the former shine was gone. The ball began to worry that it would soon become ugly, and then no players would want to play it. But here fate smiled on him. And the ball decided that he was just lucky, if he knew what would follow all this, then, for sure, he would have thought differently. But he wanted to get to his big stadium so much that he could not think of anything else.

The boys, having played football, ran to have lunch, and the ball was forgotten at their courtyard stadium. This had never happened before, someone always took the ball home, but on that day, for some reason, everyone forgot about it. First, the ball lay and looked around. There were no boys. He was very happy, but he didn't know how to move. After all, he could only move after a kick or at least a hand. And then the dog ran up to the ball. She first tried to bite the ball, but it was round and the dog could not catch it with her teeth. Then she began to roll it and suddenly, seeing a cat, she pushed the ball away and ran after it. That was enough for the ball, and it rolled into the street. The boys, of course, did not see this, otherwise they would immediately run after them. And the ball passed the sidewalk and rejoiced at his luck. His most cherished dream was about to come true. He already imagined himself flying across a green field, saw black goalie gloves in front of him, but ... These turned out to be not gloves. Directly on the ball, which had already rolled out onto the roadway, a bus was driving. It was his big black wheels that seemed to the ball to be attractive goalkeeper gloves. The ball did not understand what happened. There was a strong bang, the bus stopped, a frightened driver jumped out onto the roadway, who thought that the wheel of his bus had burst, and surprised passengers looked out the windows of the bus. The driver pulled out from under the wheel what used to be beautiful soccer ball. Now it was a torn football tire with the same torn tube. The ball is no more. The driver decided that the boys were playing with the ball on the road, but they were not visible. After standing for a while and making sure that no one was looking for the ball, he threw it into the nearest bin on the sidewalk and carried the bus passengers further. That's how this story about a soccer ball ended.

The boys never knew where he had gone. Of course, they worried for a long time, and then, again saving on ice cream, they bought themselves another ball. It's probably a good thing they didn't see their ball die. Otherwise, one of them could jump out onto the roadway and also be under the wheels of the bus. After all, the road is not a place for games. It is a pity that the ball did not understand this. And real football players, too, after all, grow out of boys who first chase the ball in their own yard.

Tale of how ice was tamed

Do you know who is the scariest animal on the road? Ice. Yes, yes, ice. Everyone is afraid of him. Drivers are afraid because they can crash the car. Road safety inspectors are afraid because the number of accidents on the road increases due to ice. Doctors are afraid because they often have to go to help injured drivers, and due to ice, they may not be able to arrive on time. But most of all, road workers are afraid. After all, it is they who must deal with ice, and this does not always work out well. Of course, because he always appears unexpectedly, try, catch up with him.

Yes, ice is a scary beast. After all, he spends most of the year in hibernation. Judge for yourself, when it is warm, it cannot appear, when it is very cold - too. Now, if in the autumn it rains during the day, and in the evening it suddenly freezes, he is right there. Or, if in winter there is a sudden thaw in the midst of frost, he will wake up again. And at other times no one noticed him. Sleeping somewhere, and okay. But even though it appears for a short time, the harm from it is great. He is in a hurry to a short time that he was released, to harm as many people as possible. The ice knows that they do not like him, so he takes revenge for this. Yes, and he appears in the most inappropriate places: at corners, at intersections, at bus stops. But these are the most dangerous places for both drivers and pedestrians.

Road services are chasing ice all over the city, but try to catch it. After all, it is made of ice, which means it is completely transparent, it is not visible until it lies on the road. And even when it is attached at a crossroads or a turn, then any car will be unhappy, even the road service, even the traffic safety inspectorate. It will skid and spin in such a way that it is not known where and when you will stop, but by the time you stop, the ice has already run to another place. He left behind two or three crippled cars, and that was it. Try it, catch up. So they rush after him on all roads until they catch up. Well, if they catch up, then there will be no mercy for him - they will melt it with salt or some other reagent or fill it with sand. That's all for a little while. As soon as the right weather comes for him, he is right there again and everything starts again from the beginning.

So in our city this winter the thaw happened. And then it's cold again. Yes, not alone, but with snow. This is the most expanse of ice. He will hide under the snow, go and find him. And then, as luck would have it, at the road service, either the cars all broke down, or the gasoline for them ran out, in general, the roads were covered with snow, the cars rolled it out, and the ice woke up. The inspectors were persuading the drivers not to rush on the roads, speed limit signs were put up, but where there. Everyone is in a hurry, some to work, some on business, and the ice is all that is needed. Cars are beating, road workers shrug their shoulders, and inspectors are moving from one turn to another, but are there enough of them for all the turns in the city?

We've got ice here! But the worst thing is that he found his assistants. Yes Yes. Near bus stops from constant braking, ice also formed. That ice taught the boys to cling to the approaching buses and roll on the ice behind the bus. He's cunning, he doesn't like people because they fight him. And the boys do not understand, they think that he made ice especially for their entertainment. But the road is not for fun!

In general, cars crash, boys break their arms and legs in traffic accidents, and ice is happy. And no one can do anything. And the end of winter is still far away. Traffic inspectors confer every day, but they can't come up with anything. But once...

There was one person in the inspection who worked with boys and girls. No, not with those that cling to buses and strive to get under a car, but with those that help kids learn the rules of the road in schools. And they are called young traffic inspectors or simply judists. Our inspector went to them for help. He gathered everyone in one school and said that the inspection alone could not cope with the ice. For a long time they all together decided what to do, and the next day this happened in the city.

At all dangerous turns, guys in orange vests of young traffic inspectors appeared. In their hands were buckets of sand and shovels. Ice did not expect such an offensive. He tried to shake the sand off himself, but more was immediately poured on him. Then he called the boys, who were clinging to the buses, to divert the attention of the Jews to them. But they were ready for it. Yesterday, while developing a program to deal with icing, the young inspectors came up with a way out. After all, they, too, were quite ordinary boys and girls and also loved games.

Agree that everyone loves winter for the opportunity to sled, ski, skate. And these boys are not hooligans at all. They just want to play and skate on the ice, enjoy the winter. But they have nowhere to go! And then the firemen came to the rescue. The inspector agreed with them, and they arrived in their cars, deployed fire hoses and flooded skating rinks in courtyards and parks, made ice slides. And it was also ice. It’s just that people once stopped being friends with him, stopped making skating rinks and slides, and he became angry and began to interfere with people on the road. After all, the ice would not sleep all winter if the boys and girls skated on the ice and played.

And now, seeing that people remembered him, the ice went out of the way and began again, as before, to entertain the children. And on weekends, their parents went ice skating with the children.

Calm reigned on the roads, accidents stopped, and doctors were surprised that even the children began to get sick less. They were now outdoors more often. So ice, without knowing it, helped to defeat colds and flu.

When the road services have repaired and refueled their cars with gasoline, they only need to remove the snow from the roads. And the reserves of salt and sand were no longer useful to them. There was no time for ice, he rolled children and adults, and on the road only snow interfered with the movement. Maybe someday people will remember about him - about how they once made snow fortresses and sculpted snowmen?

So the traffic inspector with his assistants helped our city. Of course, he was probably awarded another title, but the main thing is not this, but the fact that it has become safer on the road. So right?

Are there any inspectors in your city?

The tale of how the fairy forest was saved

Recently Andreika had a holiday - a birthday. Of course, there were guests with gifts, there was a cake with candles, it was fun. They gave a lot of gifts, but most of all Andreika liked the bike given by his parents, and magic book fairy tales, which was presented by the elder brother Dima, who was already studying at the literary institute. Andreika always loved to read, because only with a book can one imagine oneself as a hero-knight fighting in a medieval tournament, a traveler rushing towards the waves on a ship under full sail, and, of course, find oneself in some old fairy tale.

Dima himself loved fairy tales, although he was already quite an adult, and knew about Andreikina's love for fairy-tale adventures, and that is why he came with a new book that smelled of paint and glue. The book was not simple, but magical. The tales in it changed every day, so that it could be read indefinitely. And the heroes of the fairy tale could talk to those who read the book, they could ask for help, or they could scare. There were fairy tales with old, well-known heroes: Baba Yaga, Serpent Gorynych, Leshim, Koshchei. Dima told his brother that he had begged her from a familiar storyteller, but asked him not to tell his parents about her. After all, adults do not believe in fairy tales, which means they will not see anything magical in the book.

Andreika liked the book very much, he did not part with it for several days. He does his homework and immediately pulls the book to himself. He parted with her only to play and take a walk with Dima. He and his brother walked together every day. Andreika really liked these walks, because Dima knew a lot of interesting things and during the walks he told all kinds of stories to Brag, and he was also a dreamer and could compose any fairy tale himself.

But Dima somehow stayed at his institute, and Andreika read fairy tales longer than usual. It was then that he noticed that all the heroes of fairy tales were waving their hands to him, as if inviting him to their place. The boy at first could not understand what they wanted from him, but then a page with a drawing of Baba Yaga opened, which explained everything. It turns out that the fairy forest was in danger, and all its inhabitants called Andreika for help. The whole point is that fairy forest actually exists and is located very close, by fabulous standards, of course. After all, before, while the country was not yet completely explored and studied, it was believed that this forest might exist, or maybe not. The country is large, there are many forests, besides, they are deaf and dense. Try, find out, everyone lives in them devilry or not?

Andreika was so carried away by the conversation with Baba Yaga that he did not notice how Dima appeared in the room. He, too, listened attentively to the once considered evil old woman and began to understand everything.

So people got to the fairy forest, - Dima said quietly.

Hello, but I didn’t notice you, - Andreika greeted his brother in surprise. - Maybe you can explain to me to the end what is happening in this book of yours?

Certainly. Do adults all think when they grow up that there are no hedgehogs and various goblin with kikimors? And they are still afraid to go into the dense thicket of the forest. You, too, do not quite believe in fairy tales, but in vain. But there is a magical forest, or rather, it was, until people came to it, paved roads along it and started driving cars on it. And they didn’t think about those who live in it. And live there, besides animals and birds, of course, wizards. The most real. Only with modern inventions they can no longer cope with their old magic. Where are they with their flying carpet to a modern airliner, - Dima explained to the boy, - what can they do? So scare a little. But it is not in vain that people have put together all these fairy tales and pass them on from generation to generation.

Exactly, exactly, - Baba Yaga added, - how will I lead them into the thicket with their compasses and maps? And they have done something: they drive through the forest in their own cars, like them, they wash them in the witch's lake. The mermaids are all in fuel oil, Leshy right in the forest fell under the wheels, ran away by force. Koshchey does not know where to hide his duck with a hare from poachers.

So even though you are still small, you are still a modern child, and you will have to help out the old people, - Dima noted. - I'll help you.

Hooray, I'll go with you! Andrey was delighted.

Of course, - said Dima, - do you know the rules of the road?

I know, of course, I studied at school. And how can you help the fairy forest with the help of traffic rules? - the boy was surprised.

You'll find out soon enough, but for now, let's go.

Are we going straight to the book, - Andreika did not cease to be surprised.

Yes, come on, Baba Yaga, give us a hand, - Dima said cheerfully.

Yaga stretched out her hand from the book, Dima and Andreika gave her theirs, and immediately began to decrease in size. Andrey did not even notice how he ended up right on a forest clearing. There were real fairy-tale trees around: huge oaks, on which owls with large round eyes ate with nimble squirrels sitting on the branches. Moose and bears looked out from under the branches of trees into the clearing, and behind our friends the Serpent Gorynych was breathing heavily. Limping, Leshy went out into the clearing, followed by green, but not at all terrible Kikimoras. Together with Vodyany, they climbed away from people into the very middle of the fabulous swamp so as not to breathe the exhaust gases of cars in which people came to the swamp for cranberries. Only Koschey did not come, he could not accept that no one was afraid of him anymore, and after the film “New Year's Adventures of Masha and Vitya” he was completely offended and hid somewhere far away in the forest, hiding his life.

Well, - said Dima, - let's save the fairy tale. And then soon the children will forget about you all.

They will forget, they will forget, - the Serpent Gorynych spoke with all three heads at once. “We don’t scare them anymore, we ourselves are afraid.

We are afraid of adults, who were also once children, - added Baba Yaga.

And if we are not there, how will they teach children goodness, how will they explain that good always triumphs over evil? After all, we live in fairy tales for this, - Leshy noted.

I know what needs to be done, - Andreika exclaimed, - we need to make a nature reserve out of the fairy forest!

That's right, a fabulous reserve, - said Dima. - It is necessary to make sure that only children with parents or teachers can enter it, and we will prohibit entry by cars! Here, Andreika, the rules of the road will help us.

And then the work began to boil. On all the roads that led to the forest, Dima ordered to hang signs "Entry is prohibited." Now no one will dare to break the silence of the forest with cars. And for greater importance, a traffic police sign was hung next to this sign, so that not quite disciplined drivers would think before turning into the forest.

In case, nevertheless, some driver breaks the rules and enters the forest, signs “Movement prohibited” and “Wild animals” were hung on the trees. In order to prove the possibility of wild animals appearing on the forest roads, patrols were organized from wild boars and elks, which frightened drivers at the entrance. By the way, they just appeared near the signs, warning with their appearance that they are wild animals. And in the forest they hung signs allowing the passage of pedestrians, that is, people without cars and cyclists, because this is the most environmentally friendly transport. And they also created their own road inspection in the forest, and Leshy was the main one in it. Dima gave him a striped rod, but Leshy refused to whistle, saying that he himself would whistle louder. Leshy was allowed to frighten drivers who, breaking the rules, would enter the forest, and to fill up the road on their way with deadwood. But Leshem had to do this once or twice, because the drivers knew the rules of the road and tried not to violate them.

But the most interesting thing was waiting for drivers not on simple country roads, but on the highway, which was laid right through the forest. This highway led to Witch Lake, where the mermaids lived. After all, the most a large number of cars drove here. First, according to Dima's instructions, a sign was hung at the entrance to the forest - "Parking". But, as you understand, not everyone wants to walk through the forest on foot. This is where the fairy tale began, but not a forest one, but a road one. At the entrance to the forest sat the Serpent Gorynych. The eyes on each of his heads glowed with a different color: red, yellow, green. Dima came up with this, but Andreika suggested that this requires colored contact lenses. Red eyes always burned, so no one could enter. And if he tried, then hedgehogs rolled out onto the road, real, alive, with thorns. But if children with their parents walked into the forest to take a walk, swim in the lake, then the Serpent turned on yellow, and then green eyes.

So, using road signs, Dima and Andrey made the forest reserved. Soon the spots of fuel oil disappeared from the lake, it became quiet in the forest, and Baba Yaga, sitting at the threshold of her hut, told the children how Ivan Tsarevich forced her to become a kind forest grandmother. But first, Baba Yaga helped the brothers return home, again extending her hand to them.

The next day, Andrey was in a hurry to go home from school to look into the book and find out how things were in the fairy forest. Dima was already waiting for him, and together they made sure that their efforts were not lost. Fabulous life was no longer threatened. But then Andreika realized that they had saved only a fairy-tale forest from cars, but there is still a real one. And cars also drive along it, scaring the forest dwellers, and in the rivers and lakes, the drivers also wash their iron horses.

Dima, how can you help everyone else? he asked his brother.

We, of course, will not be able to re-educate all the drivers together, but maybe the signs will help us again? Dima answered.

But after all, there are no signs prohibiting washing a car in the lake, there are no signs prohibiting driving in the forest for flowers either, - Andreyka said.

So you ask all the guys in your class to come up with such signs, draw them and hang them in the forest. Then you will save the real forest!