Funny contests for children aged 10-12. Hitting the ball on the target. Competitions in nature

It is easiest to entertain children aged about 10 years at a birthday party celebrated at home by arranging fun games and contests.

If you are now on this page, then your child's birthday is coming soon!

What to give, and how to surprise? How is it more interesting to spend the holiday itself if friends and classmates are expected to visit?

Organize interesting contests and game quizzes, and then no one will be bored!

Where to begin?

Oddly enough, I advise, with banal safety precautions for knees and elbows:

  • free up enough space for children's fun - furniture can make room on such a day;
  • hide sharp and breakable objects - little guests are usually mobile.

The game itself should not tire the children - otherwise the planned fun will cease to be fun!

The room is ready. Now you can start the contests themselves!

We offer several types of home games-competitions for boys and girls of 10, 11 and 12 years old for a variety of birthdays.

Mobile games-competitions

Pop the balloon

Children are divided into 2 teams. Each has a colored ball in his hand.

On command, you need to burst the opponent's ball with your hands. The team with the most whole balls left wins.


The leader throws up a balloon. As long as he is in the air, you can move, dance, talk. As soon as the ball touches the floor, everyone freezes.

The one who did not have time to freeze is out.

The game continues until the last winner.

runaway chair

Chairs are arranged in a circle. The number of players is one less than the "seats".

On command or with the beginning of the music, the players begin to walk around the chairs. The music breaks off or the “stop” command sounds - the players try to sit down. The one who does not get a chair is out. After that, one chair is removed.

The competition is held until the last "sat down".

As an option - instead of chairs it is interesting to use hoops. With the end of the music or at a signal, the players sit (or stand) in free hoops.

potato spoon

Two teams. In one corner of the room is a container with potatoes. In another, there are children with spoons in their hands near two empty bowls-plates.

On a signal, each team must take turns in a relay race to bring only one potato with a spoon to their plate.

Those who moved all the potatoes the fastest win.

floating apples

Children are divided into two teams.

In two large basins apples with petioles float in the water. Apples exactly according to the number of children. On a signal, the players of each team take turns trying to catch an apple by the handle without the help of hands.

Those who complete the task the fastest win.

When choosing apples, I advise you to ensure that the petioles are long enough and strong.

Basketball basket

Two teams of players. Before each, an equal number of sheets of paper and a basket (as an option, you can use a saucepan or other deep container).

The task is to roll up a paper “ball” and throw it into a basket.

The team with the most hits after the sheets run out wins.

Option - play for a while. More paper is then given.

Get dressed in a minute

You can play in winter.

They play two blindfolded. The same number of items are placed on two chairs. outerwear- jackets, hats, scarves.

The winner is the one who puts on all the laid out clothes faster and more correctly.

Option - 2 blindfolded players dress one of the guests.

I think everyone will have fun!

Birthday gift

Two teams - two "gifts". It can be a toy, fruit, or any suitable object.

The players line up one after another. On command, "gift" is passed along the chain. Those whose item will reach the birthday person faster will win.

And the gru is best held only with a sufficient number of guests.


One of the guests turns away or goes into another room.

The rest of the children join hands, and a long “thread-spider web” is obtained. Then, without releasing their hands, everyone gets entangled in a tight ball.

The host must unravel the "cobweb" without ever tearing it.

lego relay

Two teams - two identical Lego sets (or any other constructor).

At the time it is necessary to build a curious building. The speed and "architectural solution" are evaluated.

Option - the game is played in a chain. Children take turns placing their piece.


Two players are given a rope or any cord of equal length.

The task is to wind the ball faster.

Option - stick (pencil). It is necessary to wind the attached rope.

Children's bowling

With the help of simple skittles and balls, you can organize an almost adult bowling alley. Instead of skittles, other objects or toys can be used.

hit the target

You will need a painted target and balls with Velcro. After hits, we count points.

Creative and intellectual competitions

Who called me?

The players stand in a wide circle. The blindfolded driver stands in the center. They spin him a little and ask him to guess who called by name. The one who was guessed sits down or stands in the place of the driver.

chain of words

Two teams with an equal number of players. Each has a piece of paper and a pen (pencil). The first player from the team writes down any word. Each subsequent writes his word on the last letter of the previous one. It turns out a chain of words.

The game is played on time.

The team with the most words written wins.

Cat in a bag

The most simple objects are placed in a beautiful bag that you need to recognize by touch without taking them out. The one who guesses the most items wins.

Option - for greater entertainment and fun, objects are shown to guests, but in this case the driver is blindfolded.

Two or three teams, each with 3 people. Three sheets of paper are issued.

In the allotted time (2-3 minutes), the players disperse into different sides and draw a fantastic animal: who is the head, who is the body, who is the legs-paws.

Then all the sheets are compiled together, and the team that has the funniest animal wins.

In this competition, I think, the most important thing is not the victory of some team, but the general fun!

Broken phone

What adult doesn't know this game?!

But I suggest you make a pageant out of it for kids at a birthday party.

Divide guests into 2-3 teams. Put them one after the other. The first in the chain of each command has its own word. The players pass it in a very quiet whisper to each other. The latter must say aloud what word he heard.

Those who more accurately conveyed the word to the first in the team win.

colored tags

This, in my opinion, is a very funny competition that combines movement and quick wits.

The host says the words: “One, two, three! White (blue, green, gray, red ...) find!

The players immediately grab the named color wherever they can find it around.

Whoever cannot touch an object with a given color, or will be the last one, is out of the game. The rest continue until there is a winner.

Cheerful alphabet

The host calls any letter of the alphabet. Children must write as many words as possible with this letter in a certain time (2-3 minutes).

Whoever has the longest list wins.

Collect the picture

Each player is given a cut picture to collect. The theme can be different: cartoons, games, nature, animals ... You can use the pages of children's magazines or pre-print pictures on a printer according to the number of guests.

The game is played on time.

Match puzzles


  • "Write" the given phrase with matches.
  • Draw an animal.
  • Mathematical tasks with moving and removing matches.

You can buy either regular or long "fireplace" matches.

Games-competitions for girls 10-12 years old

Agree that there are competitions that the boys will look at with a smile. But the girls are happy to participate.


In 5-10 minutes, find something in the room with which you can decorate yourself for the holiday. It can be any items of clothing, ribbons, scarves, ropes and hairpins ...

The guests then choose the funniest fashionista.

It is interesting to put boys on the jury.

Who is hiding there?

The hero of a popular fairy tale or cartoon is drawn on a piece of paper. The image is completely covered by the second sheet. The facilitator gradually opens the picture.

The first person to guess the character wins.

sad princess

A driving girl is selected (not necessarily a birthday girl), who sits on a chair and tries not to smile. The task of the players of this competition is to make her laugh.

The condition is that you can’t touch the “princess”.

clockwork doll

In the basket-box there are pieces of paper with the names of the players.

Everyone comes up with a task for the “clockwork doll”: sing, dance, spin around, .. Show the task with facial expressions and gestures with or without a voice.

The driver pulls out the papers and says who will perform the task.

Stylists (artists)

The guests are divided into pairs: the client and the artist.

Each couple is given watercolor paints. You need to put on a fun makeover. Whoever gets the funniest wins!

Option for boys - draw on the face funny face or an animal (existing or not).

Exciting competitions for boys 10-12 years old

pick up the key

The players are offered several locks and a wide variety of keys.

The task is to open each lock.

Collect the dragon

The players receive a box of paper clips. It is necessary for the allotted time to collect paper clips in a chain. Whoever "dragon" will be longer, he won.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

The competition involves couples who stand with their backs to each other and grapple with their elbows.

The task is to run to the opposite end of the room without opening your arms.


Draw a non-existent funny animal and come up with a name for it. The winner is the one whose animal turned out not to look like real ones.

Additional points are given for a story about the habits and habits of this miracle yud.


The players receive a long stick with a fishing line or rope, on which a magnet is attached.

In front of them are toys with magnets. The task is to "catch" with eyes closed as many fish as possible. The difficulty is that they play in pairs: the "sighted" one directs the actions of the "fisherman", who is blindfolded.

Option - you can attach small magnets to sweets with tape. And then the pleasure after the game will also be sweet.

Pirate map

Draw several maps of the room in advance, indicating the location of the “cache” with a cross. Hiding the “treasure” (any item), each time ask the “pirate” to find it, guided by the map.


There are various things in front of the children (clothes, kitchen utensils, stationery etc.) The players must take the maximum number of items .. You can hold it with your hands, head, help with your knees ...

The winner is the one who manages to collect more and not drop items.

Assemble the scarecrow

Guests are divided into two teams. before each set various items clothes (scarves, towels, hats, shirts, etc.) It is necessary to build a “scarecrow” from improvised means.

The creative team wins.

Birthday contests for children 10 years old at home: funny and fun games

For any child, age 10 is the first real anniversary, round date. On this day, the child needs to arrange all kinds of entertainment, contests and games. How to arrange everything, and what competitions are better to arrange and we will talk further.

To begin with, the child needs to create festive mood, which means you need to decorate the house with balloons, Christmas garlands, shining rain. Hang the date and congratulations in the center of the room. If games and competitions are planned in another room, which is much larger in space, then the table can be placed in the middle. At the entrance, give out various accessories for the celebration to the guests who will come: masks, glasses, caps, and so on. So they will have the appropriate mood at the beginning of the celebration.

Games and contests for the birthday of 10 years

If the boy has a birthday, then intellectual, musical, artistic contests are suitable, but with a certain bias: about weapons, about cars. You can show your imagination and make a holiday in some certain style, for example, "Guess the melody."

If the girl has a birthday, then creative competitions more needs to be done. As an option to decompose a lot different clothes and offer to create one out of all this stylish outfit. Invite guests to make their own original brooch or hairpin, just do not forget to purchase everything for the competition in advance. Many girls love to cook, cook sandwiches or salads with them, you can choose any dish or sweet, while taking into account the age of the “cooks” and choosing the easiest recipe to cook.

Everyone knows that it is very difficult to make children sit at the table, even if it is a birthday, then all the same, children try to eat everything quickly and run away to play. Funny and fun birthday contests for kids 10 years old. They will help you keep all the children at home. Each competition is interesting tasks and a lot, a lot of positive and good mood.

Funny and funny contests for children's birthday on 10 years at home


In this competition, we will not only play, but also help decorate the place of the holiday. You need inflated balloons and markers. Each child receives two or three balloons and markers. At the command of the host, the children should draw emoticons on the balls. Whoever gets the brightest and most beautiful emoticons wins.
And when you hold a competition, then all the balls can be hung in the form of decorations.


For this contest you need boxing gloves. Children put them on their hands. At the command of the host, he picks up a spoon, that is, in a boxing glove, and with its help feeds his partner with fruit salad. At the same time, in his second hand he has a handkerchief to wipe the mouth of the second participant if the salad spills. Who is original way eat the whole plate first fruit salad, he won.


And again you need balloons. Only balls with pigs painted on them from the game angry bears. And also needed Stuffed Toys- Angry Bers birds. We tie the balls in a room near one of the walls. And from a certain distance we throw birds at them. Whoever can hit the most different balls with pigs wins.


Three ribbons are placed on the floor, at a distance of about a meter from each. The first ribbon is white, the second is blue, and the third is red. The first participant is blindfolded and untwisted. Then he should go to the first white ribbon. When it comes, they tell him. What's ahead of the white tape. And now he must remember how the other ribbons lie, and try to get straight to the red ribbon and not step over it. When he reached, in his opinion, they remove the bandage from him and measure the distance that he did not reach the tape. And so are all the participants. As a result, whoever has the smallest distance to the red ribbon wins the competition.

guess the picture

The host shows the players a picture that is closed big sheet with a hole two to three centimeters in diameter in the middle. The facilitator moves the sheet around the picture. Participants must guess what is shown in the picture. Whoever guesses the fastest wins.

ball races

Contestants (children and adults can participate) stand in one line and pinch a balloon between their legs and in their armpits. At the command of the judges, they begin to run to a certain mark and back. For example, go around a tree and back.

The reverse is very important in this competition, as participants can bump into each other, adding fun and joy to the audience and themselves.


The rules are very simple. Participants line up one after another at a distance of a meter from each other and bend forward (or squat if the difference in height of children is too big). The last one starts jumping. As soon as he jumps to the beginning of the queue, he gets up and bends down. The participant who has just been jumped over immediately begins to jump himself.

If there are a lot of children, then you can line up two lines and arrange a competition, who will get to the conditional mark faster.

Equestrian fight (game on the water)

Children are divided into two teams, taking into account the physical fitness of the players. Pairs are formed - "horse" and "knight". The rider sits on the shoulders of his partner. At the command of the referee, the teams begin combat. The task of the "knight" is to throw the enemy off the "horse" into the water. "Horses" cannot participate in the battle. Grabs are allowed only by the hands. The discarded "knight" together with the "horse" are eliminated from the game.

Sea battle (water game)

Children are divided into two teams and stand facing each other at a distance of one and a half to two meters. On command, they begin to splash at each other. The contestant who turns away or starts wiping his face with his hands is eliminated. The team with the most members left at the end of the time (usually 30 seconds) wins.


Children are divided into three teams. Two teams stand at a distance of 10-15 steps from each other. The third is between them. With two balls, the players of the first two teams try to knock out the players in the middle. This continues for 30 seconds. Then the teams switch roles. After all the teams have been in the middle, the points are counted. The team with the most players not eliminated after 30 seconds wins.

Get rid of the match

A match is taken, dipped in water and stuck on the participant's face. Which will need to get rid of it, using only facial expressions, but not hands.

Blow the ball

Both children and adults can participate. The contestants stand in one line on all fours. A balloon is laid out in front of each. At the command of the judge, the participants begin to blow on the ball, trying to "finish" it to the finish line.

To make the competition more fun, you can make the participants reach a mark, such as a tree, go around it and come back. In this case, the participants will collide with each other, causing delight onlookers.

We offer a list of the most common games for children 10 years old

Each child is given a card with ten unpopular words written on it. It could be anything, because lexicon children are not so big and they simply do not know many words yet. Most importantly, so that they can explain these words, choose not very complex in content.


All children are given several letters, which are made of cardboard or plain paper, on a rope and clothespins. The task is to assemble the words “Happy Birthday” as quickly as possible and fasten the congratulation on a rope using clothespins. Whoever completes this task first is considered the winner of the competition.

Who gave

Giving presents is also easy to make an unusual event, turning it into a competition. To do this, all the kids must describe their surprise, using only words and gestures, it is forbidden to pronounce its name. If the hero of the occasion guesses immediately what the guest wants to tell him, then the latter receives a present in the form of a candy or candy.

Making a gift yourself

Plasticine is given to children and rhythmic music is turned on. While she is playing, the participants must have time to mold several small figures, which will be a gift for the birthday man. Traditionally, the winner is the one who can make the figurines the very first. And of course you can not leave the favorite without a gift.


Divide the children into two teams and give each team 10 apples and 10 toothpicks. Designate the place where the finish will be, and install on it large sizes piece of foam. Then announce the start and the children in turn must run to the finish line and attach an apple to the foam with a toothpick. The winner will be the team that will collect the hedgehog faster, that is, attach all 10 apples.

Number 10

First you need to find a paper tape or fabric, write numbers on it with a marker, starting from one and ending with ten on each side. As a result, the sign number 10 should be exactly in the center. When the signal sounds, participants from both sides begin to twist the ribbon, whoever reaches the number 10 faster, that is the winner.

Have time to sit on a chair

All chairs are in a circle. The calculation is taken from the fact that there are one more chairs than the participants in the game. Then they turn on the music and, on command, they begin to walk around the chairs. When the music suddenly stops, the children should have time to sit on a chair. If someone is left without a chair, he is out. After that, one chair is removed. The game continues until one player remains.

We play with balloons

Children are divided into two groups, and each participant is given a colored hot air balloon. On a signal, everyone tries to burst the opponent's ball with their hands. Whoever has the most whole balls left wins.

Freeze on command

A balloon is tossed into the air until it falls, the children can move, dance and talk, but as soon as it touches the floor, everyone should freeze. Those who fail to do so are out of the game. Play until there is only one winner left.

The search for a birthday

Parents should collect several photo cards in advance, depicting small children in infancy and a little older, including the birthday man. The goal of the game is to find a birthday boy among all the kids. The one who found it the fastest wins a prize - a photo as a keepsake.

Costumed holiday

Not a single child will be able to forget the holiday, which is based on the film “Harry. Lost." In this case, the mother of the birthday boy will have to work hard, as you need to take care not only of your child, but also of the incoming guests. But it is best that the guests themselves do everything for this, so it will be interesting and fun for them.
1. magic wand. Get everything ready for the kids necessary materials for its manufacture.
2. Potion. Several ingredients are put on the table, which must be put on your plate strictly according to the proposed recipe and filled with magical power.
3. Magic conspiracy. It is necessary to pronounce it clearly and without hesitation, only in this case it can take effect.
4. Portrait of Voldemort. But you need to draw it not just, but blindfolded, the one who manages to do it best should receive a prize.
5. The science of herbs - herbology. Previously, threads with gifts are tied to the stick, and the children begin to cut off the chosen thread with their eyes closed.


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Each parent is not averse to making their child happy, it can be trips, gifts, various entertainments, competitions that they themselves can arrange. We will talk about them in this article. Children at the age of 10 are already quite independent and try to seem like adults, proving it. different ways, therefore, competitions for them should be appropriate. Most often, teenagers gather in large teams at a friend's birthday party, which makes it quite easy to find entertainment.

Competitions for a large company

So, contests that are convenient to hold at home if you have a large number people:


All children sit in a row. The first person speaks a word into the ear of the next person so that others do not hear. The second player must also pass to the third and so on. The last one says what he heard, if it's right, then the first one sits down at the end and everything starts anew, if not, then everyone remains in their places.

frog gaze

The guys stand in a circle, the leader is selected. Everyone closes their eyes, and the driver walks in a circle and somehow notifies one person that he is a frog, and the other that he is a hunter. When the circle is completed, the children open their eyes. The essence of the game is for the frog to eat all the mosquitoes (the remaining guys), but not be caught by the hunter.
The frog winks first to one, then to the other, those who saw it sit down. But if the hunter noticed, then he goes to the center and announces to everyone that he has found the frog.

eye color

Children are divided into 2 teams. The leader says: "To the start, attention, march." As soon as it sounded the last word, the guys scatter and remember the color of the eyes of other participants. The essence of the competition is to line up according to the shades of the eyes, from lighter to darker or vice versa. Which team is faster is the winner. Variations of such a game can be varied. For example, by hair color, by date of birth or by the letters with which their name begins.

guessing game

You need to prepare pieces of paper with words in advance, then wrap them well so that what is written is not visible and put them in some kind of container, let it be a hat, a saucepan, etc.

Then the children are divided into teams, more than two can be, it all depends on the number of applicants and is assigned certain time to explain words. For example, 30 seconds, during this time the player must take out pieces of paper and talk about these words so that his teammates can guess, but he must not say the same root words and synonyms. Time is running out, and the container with words is passed on. The next round is explained by other players from the same companies. When the words end, it is calculated who has more pieces of paper.

Competitions for several people

If, nevertheless, the team of children is not so large, it does not matter, you can arrange competitions where everyone will be for himself or collective creativity:

Unseen Beast

For the competition you will need:

  • Whatman
  • Pencils

The first participant comes to the table where all the accessories are laid out, everyone else should not see what he is doing. He draws the head of the animal and wraps the image, the next player already marks the neck on paper and also wraps the drawn one. This continues until the animal is completely completed, after which it unfolds the entire piece of paper, and everyone sees a funny image of a new animal, unknown to anyone until this moment.


All the guys should bring their expensive things, well, not in the sense that they cost a lot, but that they are very important to them, maybe it will be a watch, a personal diary, stickers, etc. The host takes them to another room so that no one can peep. Then he lays out the brought things on the floor in a line so that you can easily walk between them and begins to call one by one. The leader blindfolds the child and asks to go from the beginning to the end of the lines so as not to step on anything. In the end, all the participants are already watching the passage of the distance friends and are very worried about their "treasures". The one who doesn't step on anything wins.


A couple of children are chosen. A pre-inflated balloon is tied to each left leg. The task of the guys is to burst the opponent's ball. Whoever does it faster is the winner.

Competitions in nature

Children can also gather at a friend's cottage or in some open area where there is a lot of space and where to turn around:

sea ​​battle

This competition should be held either somewhere in nature, where there is a pond or in a pool. Children are divided into 2 teams and stand on both sides. And they start splashing with water, but you can’t turn your head away, whoever did it is out of the game. The team with the last person left wins.

Winter shooting range

Winter version of darts. Children need to be as much as possible fresh air. But walking all the time is also boring, so you can come up with various entertainments, for example, the Winter Shooting Range contest. Players are divided into 2 teams, at some distance from them a target is hung, where points are indicated. Children take turns making snowballs and throwing them at a given place, whoever has more points wins.

hidden treasures

What is the birthday associated with? Of course, with some kind of treasure or treasure. You can arrange a mini-quest to find treasures. Parents hide sweets or gifts for children in advance and draw a map for the children to follow. On the way, they are met with various obstacles, such as: guessing a rebus, reading a poem, doing something with the whole team, etc. The team that reaches the treasure first wins. But, of course, friendship won, so parents reward children for their “effort”.

An increasingly common type of entertainment is children's birthday contests for children. They allow you to relieve tension and stiffness, make children more liberated. Most often, after various events, the guys become more sociable and friendly.

Today we will tell you how to arrange a really cool holiday.

It is not always possible to organize a celebration for children on outdoors. Therefore, parents often wonder how safe it is to play games indoors, what ideas do you have about this? To prevent injury to children during play, adults should be sure to remove all furniture from sharp corners and all glass items. The space needs to be cleared as much as possible.

There are a huge number of options for a holiday for girls and boys. They use a variety of things.

It is this factor that affects the total cost of props. Some of them (intellectual) are organized without additional things at all, respectively, do not require any costs.

It will take a lot of time to prepare. On average, this figure is from 3 to 6 hours. The most difficult are prepared even for several days. This is due to the fact that during the preparation you need to find a room, prepare and decorate it, write a script, draw up a budget, for example, 500-1000 rubles to purchase necessary items etc.

Competitions for children at the age of 10

What are the contests for children's day births at 10 years old are ideal, because the child begins to grow up!
By this age, he had accumulated a sufficient store of knowledge.
Right now, for the first time, he has a conscious desire to appear as an independent adult, to stand out from the crowd.
All this must be taken into account when preparing.

Competitions for children at the age of 11

When a child turns 11, he wants to show his individuality by all means.

They should be aimed at creating a cohesive and friendly atmosphere in the team.
Do not in any way hint at the failure of the child or his inability.

Let's see the most optimal options for this age:

Contests and games for children at the age of 12

What contests for children for a birthday at home are ideal? By the age of twelve, the child enters new period own life - transitional age. Teenagers are unlikely to like "stupid" ideas with waving their hands and shouting loudly.

Outdoors and at home

It is preferable to play games outdoors. A house or apartment does not always have the required area. A small room will constrain the actions of the guys, so the rivalry may not turn out to be fair.

If there is no way to take the guys out into nature, then on the eve of the holiday you need to prepare the most big room in the house. All furniture should be removed from it so that there is more free space.

In advance, you need to lay out all the things that the leader will need. To do this, in the corner of the room you can put round table and cover it with a screen from prying eyes. You can also put a music center or a laptop with speakers there.

In nature, doing all of the above is much more interesting. The stop itself is conducive to joy and fun. It has been noticed that if the game is played outdoors, children are more willing to take part in it.

For competition, you can use a variety of sports equipment that cannot be used at home: badminton, volleyball or soccer ball, tennis rackets, etc. Naturally, the direction changes - most often they acquire a sporting character. These games are suitable for children of all ages.

What to pay attention to when carrying out

First of all, it is necessary to clearly define what age group will take part in the game. When children of the same age play, then it is much easier, because they have the same interests.

If guys different ages, it is important to consider whether a particular idea will be of interest to everyone present.

The organizers should take care in advance about where the holiday will take place.

You should also take into account the nature and personal characteristics of each invited child. If for the most part the children are not active, there is no need to include in the script and competitions for children's holiday birthday sports ideas. IN this case intellectual competitions.

original ideas

"Finish the drawing."

You need to draw some animal on a piece of paper.

In place of his nose or tail, draw an empty circle.

Now you need to blindfold the contestant and ask him to correctly fix the previously prepared nose in the drawing.

You can also take as a basis a flower, the middle of which, and the subject must establish.

You can ask the painter (again, blindfolded) to depict what he wants himself. And let the audience guess what the artist wanted to say. Whoever answers close to the truth wins.

"Who will eat faster?"

You will need two plates in which you need to put nuts (without peel), raisins, candied fruits, sweets like peanuts in chocolate or jelly.

Players on the “start” command will try to eat their portion without helping themselves with their hands.

Whose plate is empty faster - he will receive a prize.

"Shall we dress up?"

Need to prepare a few things universal clothing one that is easy to wear over another outfit. And accessories - hats, holiday caps with elastic, bright wigs, funny glasses and masks. All this goodness must be put in boxes or containers.

A pair of competitors is selected.

Let each of them, blindfolded, take turns approaching the baskets and choosing items for himself by touch. As soon as the contestant chooses right amount clothes, assistants from the audience will help him put it all on himself.

The prize is awarded to the one whose ensemble turned out to be the most harmonious.

"Listening to a story"

You need to take an audio recording of some well-known fairy tale.

The host completely turns off the sound, then turns it on again for a short moment, then turns the sound off again. You need to do this several times, then turn off the recording.

Children are trying to guess what kind of fairy tale it is from short fragments. The one who guesses the story correctly wins.

Competition "Jump Rope"

All participants receive a skipping rope and start jumping together.

Who lost or confused - leaves.

Whoever lasts the longest wins.

Competition "Jumping with the ball"

Let two players squeeze a small ball between their knees and try to jump with it to the finish point.

Who is faster?

Whisper distortion game

Children sit in a row.

The longer this row, the better.

The leader whispers a word into the ear of the first in a row.

He passes it on to the next, also in a whisper. When the word "reaches" the end of the row, the last player says it out loud. Usually funny distortions are obtained.

Game "Unseen Beast"

Two or three players participate.

You need a sheet of paper on which the first player draws the head of a fictional animal, then wraps the edge of the sheet.

Passes on to the next one, who continues the drawing - depicts upper part body.

Also closes his masterpiece.

The third player draws the paws and tail. The picture unfolds and everyone sees an unprecedented beast.

The game "To whom is the question?"

Children sit in a circle.

The facilitator approaches some and asks simple questions.

What is the name and what is the age.

But the answer should not be the one to whom they are addressing, but the neighbor on the right.

Whoever answers not according to the rules becomes the leader.

Brand new from 2014

"Fun Situation"

Several participants are selected, the host explains to them strange situations prepared in advance. Their task is to find a witty way out of an invented unusual situation. The audience must evaluate the creativity of the participants by giving them points. The winner will be the one who earns the largest number points.

Situations depend only on the leader's imagination. For example, you drowned the phone in the toilet, and they call you, and this call is urgent. Or you are standing on the balcony, and then a half-naked man turns to you from the neighboring balcony with a request to distract the neighbor's husband.


A long rope is stretched across the room so that a labyrinth is formed. The participant's eyes are closed. He must pass this labyrinth without touching the rope.

The spectators help him - they tell him where to dodge, where to raise his leg. The whole “interestingness” of the competition is that when the participant is blindfolded, the rope is removed.

If you have any ideas - suggest your idea in the comments!

Funny birthday contests for children 10 years old at home will be no less interesting than in some entertainment center. All you need is a little time and imagination, and then the children's holiday will become unforgettable. Here are games that can be played with children of ten years old.

A fun contest - the game "Hang the fruit"

Rules of the game:

We draw a tree on a large piece of paper. Participants of the competition are divided into teams, they are given paper fruits, which are pasted on double-sided tape. Each participant approaches the tree and blindfolds eats to hang fruit on the tree. The team that hangs the fruit on the tree faster and more correctly (does not miss) wins.

Birthday game for children 10 years old "Magic Tree"

Rules of the game:

The children are told the story of the magic tree. Grows like this magic tree. And once a year, it bears fruit. Today is that special day in which the tree bears fruit. So let's collect these fruits.

Children are given containers for collecting fruits that have fallen off the tree and lie on the rug. They, blindfolded, collect these fruits (sweets, chewing gum, etc.). The winner is the one who collects more "fruits" in his basket. The rest of the participants share their "harvest" with him.

Game "Feed the animal"

Rules of the game:

There are bottles on the table, on the neck of which are put paper heads of animals with open mouth. Each participant is given the same number of items (peas, small balls, etc.). Children must get into the mouths of animals from a certain distance. Whoever hits the most times is the winner.

Game "Stationary artist"

Rules of the game:

Participants are divided into pairs. Some are motionless artists, others are assistants. The artist is given a pen, pencil or felt-tip pen in his hand. Assistant - a piece of paper. The artist must stand still, the hand with the felt-tip pen should be extended, the assistant holds the paper parallel to the felt-tip pen. The task is to draw a certain picture. Important! The artist does not move, the assistant moves the paper himself to depict a certain subject.

Game "Snoop"

Rules of the game:

A surprise box is placed in the center of the room. All participants stand in a circle, they are given inflated, but not tied, balloons in their hands. About "three", the children should release their balloons. The winner is the one whose ball falls closer to the surprise box.

Game "Pests"

Rules of the game:

A room or any playground is divided into two halves. This space is being filled balloons. Red (or some other) balls will be "pests". Children are divided into two teams and try to drive these "saboteurs" to the side of the other team. The game is for time, a timer is set at the request of the host, and when the time runs out, the team with fewer "pests" left in its territory wins.

Game "Sleight of the Glove"

Rules of the game:

The game is played by two. Boxing gloves are put on the children and candy is given. The task of the children is to deploy it as soon as possible. The winner is the one who quickly removes the wrapper from the candy.

Game "Funny scarf"

Rules of the game:

All participants make a circle, in the center of which stands the birthday man. He is given a handkerchief which he must toss. The task of the rest is to laugh when the handkerchief is in the air, and freeze when it falls to the floor. Anyone who breaks the rules is out of the game. The one who remains (one person) wins.
can be changed, added, simplified or complicated. It all depends on the characteristics of children and the imagination of adults.

Make your little ones' holiday fun and special, and they'll love it more than anything else.