Why do men express love through intimacy. How do men show their love? Signs of male love

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HOW TO EXPRESS LOVE TO A MAN CORRECTLY. The truth is that men perceive love differently than women. What does a woman want to get for herself from a man?… Attention, care, tenderness, protection… When a woman has a man, what does she give him?… Attention, care, tenderness and even protection. That is, she gives him what she would like to receive herself. Because it is in the manifestation of these feelings for a woman that love is expressed.

But the truth is that men perceive love differently than women. Yes, a man will be pleased with your care, tenderness and attention, when it does not develop into maternal care. But it would be much more pleasant for a man to receive love from a woman in the form in which he understands it. Namely…

Accept as it is.

If a woman tries to remake a man, change the qualities of his character, lifestyle, style of dress or his interests, even for his benefit, for a man this is a signal “they don’t accept me for who I am.

They don’t love me here”… If a woman accepted a man as a whole, with all his interests, qualities and way of life, accepted not at the level of intellect, but at the level of the heart, then for a man this will be the best confirmation of her love.

Believe in him.

Believe in his wisdom, in his genius. Believe in him more than he believes in himself. Believe that he will achieve great success, that he will be able to provide for his family.

Believe that he himself knows how best to act in a given situation. To believe in your man means not to give unsolicited advice, not to be smart, not to take on the role of leader and male obligations.

Just believe in him as in God, and never deviate from your faith. Even if now he has nothing, even if he has not yet found himself and his way, the faith of a loving woman will inspire him to create the impossible.

It is their believing wives successful men they idolize all their lives, because thanks to their faith they discovered talents in themselves, were not afraid to take risks, fall, rise and go again, thanks to their faith they reached great heights.

Keep it strong.

A man feels that a woman loves him when she gives him support. If a woman does not support her husband in choosing clothes when they go to visit, if she does not take his side in controversial issue if she protects a man from some of his decisions, for him this means one thing - "they don't like me here."

Of course, this is a blow to the vulnerable male ego. If a wife does not support her husband, he loses confidence in her, which gives big crack in a relationship.

Any male decision wise wife should meet with questions “Did you think? You are sure? Then act!”. A man will never leave a woman who fully supports him.

Even if he has an angry nature, his anger will never touch his wife. On the contrary, he will always consult with her, trusting her female wisdom, because he sees in her his reliable rear, he sees that she loves him, which means that her love will bring him good ... Accept your men, believe and support them, and be happy!

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We are always waiting for love. And now she comes to us, and our gray life blooms bright colors. Love changes our thoughts, feelings capture us, the world is perceived differently. The communication channel between feelings and the mind ceases to exist, because of this there is a danger of confusing flirting or passion and true love. After all, heartache and serious feeling we will experience the same. And our sick mind unable to distinguish one from the other.

Behavior of a man in love

What are the signs of a man's love for a woman?

  • A man in love begins to care about how he looks in the eyes of his beloved. He takes an interest in his appearance. After all, you need to please your chosen one.
  • If a man seeks to win the heart of his beloved, he becomes interested in her hobbies, worries and deeds and demonstrates his readiness to share them with her, to help in difficult situations.
  • A man in love seeks to suppress his bad habits, manage negative emotions to please your loved one. This shows how much he appreciates you.
  • Many men give flowers, gifts, which are the usual courtship ritual, a manifestation of attention. But here much depends on upbringing and on customs in parental family. If no importance was attached to such signs of attention, then adult men are either shy, or do not know how to do it, or are afraid to seem overly sentimental.
  • If a man is in love, he strives to spend as much time as possible with his beloved. On early stage relationships are very clear. But when he's torn between his friends and you, think about the place or role you play in his life in this moment. But remember that all his life he will not be only with you, and you will get tired of his constant presence.
  • Pleasure and joy from with you. If he is ready to listen to you for hours, talk about himself, share his plans and interests, doubts and fears, then he is interested in you, perhaps he loves you.
  • Eye contact - important feature love. Strongly loving man constantly watching his beloved with his eyes, not paying attention to others. It is very important for him to constantly see her.
  • Declaration of love. It is difficult for most men. Usually he does not take risks until he is confident in the partner. Remember that these words of love are not spoken often.
  • Show of tenderness. This is so important for a woman, but, unfortunately, not every man is able to express or manifest it. The fact is that men are deeply sensual, very vulnerable, disturbing creatures, but they are completely incapable of demonstrating these qualities of theirs either by appropriate behavior or actions.

They are often afraid to show their love in order, God forbid, not to be rejected. Therefore, many of the men behave with restraint so that others do not guess about their feelings. Well, how would you react to a man trumpeting on every corner about his love?

  • Manifestations of sexual attraction. Without this, all of the above is more likely signs of friendship. A man experiences an irresistible desire to touch your hands, hug, caress, kiss .... But he can also be wrong about you: experiencing sexual needs, he can sincerely believe in love for you. This is how hormones play with us and our destinies.
  • There was a time when one of the signs of love was the acquaintance of a man with the parents of his beloved. This allegedly indicates the seriousness of intentions regarding a girl or woman. May be. But now this is not always the case. Times have changed. For many young people, this is no longer a mandatory element.
  • Many believe that a sign of a man's love can be a girl's acquaintance with friends, parents and relatives. But not every man is ready for this.

Don't pass by your destiny

But most importantly, listen to your heart. And if doubts crept in, then be sure to analyze the above signs. And do not forget that the ability to love is different for everyone, including men. The strength and depth of feeling cannot be the same for everyone.

But it also happens: you meet a man, but he is not like you, like everyone else, and his courtship does not fit the signs of love at all. Here he does not know how to look after beautifully; this is not what you dreamed of. And as a result, you miss a worthy person.

Tale of Lost Love

Zhenya and Lena. Their love began after the ninth grade. Everyone was perplexed: well, what is he, handsome young man found in this little red-haired girl. After leaving school, she entered the institute, and he went into the army. Two years passed, their touching relationship continued. It was already about the wedding. And suddenly a catastrophe broke out: Lena announced that she no longer loved Zhenya. It was a severe shock for the young man. He did not understand anything: “What did I do wrong? Why?". He was comforted by friends and family. He was really sick. Three months later, he recovered. Everything is gone. Alyona? She matured within a year. Her love suddenly awakened. The suffering began.

Years have passed. Zhenya fell in love again. He has a family. Alyona? She's forty years old. She is one. Why did it happen? Lena and Zhenya lingered at the first stage of love, did not have time to step into a new wise relationship.

Under the concept of "love" every woman understands different things, but speaking of How does a man show love?, they certainly mean some certain actions with his hand. Many are sure that a man can convince a woman of his love only by demonstrating his feelings with the help of beautiful gestures and courtship. In most cases on initial stage relationships, this is exactly how everything happens: men give women gifts, invite them to movies or restaurants, call them several times a day, make compliments and try in every way to do something pleasant for them.

However, over time, when the relationship becomes more serious, they stop paying as much attention to their partner as at the beginning, and women worry because of this, because they think that the man has become colder towards her or even completely out of love. In fact, men simply do not like a frank demonstration of feelings at all, therefore, with the development of relationships, they stop flaunting them, believing that a woman will understand everything anyway. Experienced women are well aware that there are some signs by which they can always recognize true feelings that a man actually experiences.

Sexual and mental attraction

The most important sign of how a man shows love for a woman is sexual attraction that he feels for her. If a woman is not an attractive partner for a man, he will never be able to build with her. harmonious relations and love her. Indeed, by nature, men are hunters, but their attraction may well be temporary and cannot be considered a guaranteed sign of love.

indicative in this case rather is the behavior of a man at a time when sexual intimacy has already happened. If initially he looked at the woman as another adventure, then in most cases he loses interest in her after the end of contact. The situation when, after sex, he begins to behave even more interested, may indicate that he has serious feelings.

If between a man and a woman there is intimacy, that is, he is looking for contact and communication with her, trying to spend as much time together as possible, this clearly indicates that she is far from being indifferent to him. Men demonstrate this in different ways: some try to call their beloved often, others spend almost everything with her. free time, and still others prefer to show their feelings in a tactile form, but whatever form your man chooses, he is definitely interested in you not only as a partner for sex, but also as an interlocutor or even a friend.

A man lets you close to his life

How a man shows love can depend on a variety of circumstances, but if he easily lets you into his life, it means that he really loves you. After all, men are conservative and often women's attempts to take a closer part in their lives are perceived as a restriction of their freedom. If you notice that a man is trying to involve a woman in his life himself: he offers to live together, introduces relatives and close friends, or asks to spend more time with him, this clearly indicates that he is in love with her. On the contrary, you should not even think about it if he hides his past or present from a woman, does not allow her to participate in his affairs and hides the relationship that has arisen between them.

If a man really values ​​your relationship, he is well aware that certain concessions will be required from him. In this case, he readily gives up any habits or allows you to bring something new into his life, and this can serve as sufficient proof of his love for you. However, do not abuse it too much: frequent establishment of your own rules and active interference in his life can offend your man, which will certainly make him reconsider his attitude towards you once again.

Does a man care about you

The most obvious from the list of how a man shows love is his concern for a woman. If you notice that he is trying to predict your desires or pleasantly surprise you, and if he succeeds, he is sincerely happy, then this may well mean that he is completely sincere in his feelings for you. To women who are indifferent to him, he almost does not show feelings.

Note that the man showing to you sincere love, is unlikely to think about how much money he spent on it, because with the help of gifts he can show you his real feelings. It is not at all necessary that a man gives you every day chic bouquets roses, because sometimes they are small and inexpensive, but very useful gifts speak of his love much more eloquently.

It should be remembered that a man in love usually seeks to protect a woman from danger and not cause her the slightest harm. A man will not hurt a woman if he feels for her sincere feelings And we are talking not only about cruelty and application physical strength: in the actions of a man in love there is no place for insults, humiliation, rudeness and psychological pressure.

Girls in love idealize their partners, considering them impeccable, and for their sake they are ready for many crazy deeds. But often, the beloved turns out to be not worthy of such sincere and tender feelings, his sweet girl. Over time, he will leave her, and, having hurt her heart, will leave her life forever, and even insulting, and more than once, a poor, fragile girl. In order to bypass similar situation, it is worth knowing the six basic rules male love, with the help of which you can easily determine whether your partner’s love is pure, or whether you are another hobby that will be forgotten over time.

Psychology of love. Officially, there is no such science, but everyone is well aware that even love has its own character. Signs of love can be equated with one of the chapters of a non-existent science, which speaks of true understanding and respect for a partner. But, unfortunately, none of the scientists dares to take on the study of this subject - love! As you know, women know everything about love, and following the logic, the psychology of love, as a science, can be developed by the fair sex, because no one forbids doing research in this area. Girls are experts in this matter.

Imagine that psychology already exists as a science. Let's start our study with the main signs of male love.

Sign 1 - physical attraction.

The engine of humanity is the sexual instinct. Based on this, there is nothing strange that the first and main sign of a man's love is sexual attraction to a partner. The main thing is not to confuse the presence of physical intimacy with the presence physical attraction. The presence of the first does not guarantee love, and a sincere attitude on the part of a man. Therefore, it is premature to believe that love is present only in the presence of sexual contact.

Sign 2 - the desire of a man to establish a spiritual connection.

An equally significant sign is the openness of a partner to his beloved and the desire to make friends with a girl, to find common interests. In such cases, the man usually begins to seek the attention of the girl. different ways. For example, phone calls or chatting in social networks. It may seem that such behavior is a little mundane in our time and it is not surprising that a guy texts or calls a girl. But you shouldn’t look so superficially at such things, because what is important for us is his desire and desire to establish contact and find mutual language with a girl, without a hint of sexual relations. The presence of aspiration guarantees the presence of high feelings.

Sign 3 - a man allows a woman into his personal space.

Men have always been conservative, and when invading their personal space, they believe that a girl restricts his freedom, which any man will not like. Following this, if the beloved not only let his girlfriend into personal life, but also tries to make it a part of that very life - this says that he absolutely loves his soulmate. Although in most cases, the girl does not become the focus of his life, she is provided with one of the main roles.

Sign 4 - a man is ready to sacrifice.

If a young man makes concessions, for the sake of your radiant smile, is ready to correct himself, change his principles, and change things that are familiar to him, then he really loves the girl. Sacrifice for the sake of the second half is the main manifestation of love.

Sign 5 - a man shows concern.

If the beloved seeks to help in some way, solve all problems, take responsibility and take care of later life girls, then she can proudly tell her friends that he really loves her, with all her heart, very cleanly and openly. An exception to the rule are whims. Even the most patient and calm person is unable to withstand the constant oppression of whims and requests. In the end, the guy can not stand it and leave. In addition to the 5th sign, one can attribute the desire to give a smile, joy.

Sign 6 - a man seeks to protect the girl from resentment and pain.

The lover will never hurt. Do not deliberately offend. It's just not possible for him. If there are situations when a loved one brings discomfort to a girl, then it can be firmly stated that the young man does not do this on purpose, and initially the cause of trouble had completely different goals and intentions. You should not be fleetingly offended by a man, or deliberately shed tears to challenge an act, as a man can understand that you are manipulating in this way. Perhaps the guy will stop trusting his beloved. And soon love relationship will sink into oblivion, and the girl will not find anyone guilty of parting, except herself.

If a guy is indifferent to the pain of his soulmate, this means that he does not love her, and, therefore, such a guy is not worthy of the attention of the weaker sex, and it is simply necessary to part with such a person.

In this article, we have given six main signs by which a girl can determine the sincerity of the intentions and words of an idealized lover.

With their help, any "princess" will be able to make sure that her boyfriend is not just another heartthrob, enjoying the attention of the female, and taking advantage of their weakness.

Every girl should love and be loved! After all, they are so skillfully versed in this difficult science called “Love”. Knowledge of the above factors, for most girls, will only be necessary for the first time, then the ability to recognize the feelings of young people will appear on a subconscious level. Without straining, the consciousness of the girl will push her to the right actions in relation to young man. Not one womanizer will be able to cheat a girl who knows these rules well, and, therefore, will not be able to break another heart.

They say that a woman has the ability to instill manifestations of love in a man who even did not seriously love before. Women are priestesses of love!

Finally, we wish our readers to meet good guys on the road of life!