Is it possible to do transvaginal. How is an ultrasound transvaginal examination of a pregnant woman performed? Dependence of the results of the study on the day of the menstrual cycle

Transvaginal ultrasound is a method of ultrasound diagnostics, in which the study of the pelvic organs is carried out with a special vaginal sensor. Such a study is carried out for gynecological and urological diseases, as well as for early dates pregnancy. Transvaginal ultrasound allows diagnosing gynecological and urological diseases, diagnosing pregnancy in the early stages. This type examination is more informative than examination through the abdominal wall, since in this case the sensor of the device is separated from the organs of the small pelvis only by a thin wall of the vagina. Transvaginal ultrasound of the pelvic organs is widespread, safe, informative, and can be performed repeatedly.

Indications for transvaginal ultrasound

Indications for this method examinations are a suspicion of diseases of the pelvic organs, emergency conditions (for example, ectopic pregnancy), control of ongoing treatment. Transvaginal ultrasound is performed under the following conditions:

  • Diagnosis of pregnancy in the early stages;
  • Pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Diagnosis of the causes of infertility and monitoring of the ovarian follicular apparatus;
  • Violations menstrual cycle(delayed menstruation, bleeding in the middle of the cycle), pathological discharge from the genital tract;
  • Identification of inflammatory gynecological diseases;
  • Diagnosis of neoplasms of the small pelvis, including uterine fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, etc.;
  • Reception hormonal drugs, Availability intrauterine contraceptives(spirals) to control the condition of the endometrium and prevent complications;
  • Early stages of pregnancy, when traditional transabdominal access (through the abdominal wall) is uninformative;
  • Accompanying the IVF procedure (in vitro fertilization);
  • Establishing the causes of urological diseases, urination disorders, urinary incontinence and pathology of the urethra (urethra).

Transvaginal ultrasound of the pelvic organs is ideal option in women with obesity, since the usual study through the abdominal wall is not very informative for them.


There are no absolute contraindications to transvaginal ultrasound. In virgins, examination through the rectum (transrectal) is possible. Transvaginal ultrasound during pregnancy is justified only in the early stages (up to 11-12 weeks).

Preparing for a transvaginal ultrasound

For trans vaginal ultrasound uterus and appendages special preparation (filling Bladder) not required. When visiting the ultrasound room, you will need a towel or diaper on which you will lie down during the examination.

If a transvaginal ultrasound is performed during pregnancy, then the patient's bladder should be moderately full (drink about 500 ml of liquid one hour before the examination).

A prerequisite for transvaginal ultrasound of the pelvic organs is the absence of gas in the intestines. To do this, 2-3 days before the study, you need to limit foods that cause increased gas formation(vegetables, fruits, bread, dairy products, confectionery), as well as the recommended intake of some medicines that reduce gas formation in the intestines - enzistal, Activated carbon. Performing cleansing enemas before the study is not recommended. Transvaginal ultrasound of the uterus and appendages does not have to be done on an empty stomach.

In emergency cases, transvaginal ultrasound can be performed without preparation, but its information content may be reduced.

Ultrasound examination of gynecological organs is recommended to be carried out in the first half of the menstrual cycle (usually on days 5-7), since in the second half of its endometrium the uterus is in the secretory phase, which can lead to incorrect interpretation of the results. However, with endometriosis, it is recommended to perform transvaginal ultrasound of the uterus in the second phase of the cycle. To assess folliculogenesis (the formation and development of ovarian follicles), the study must be carried out on days 5, 9, 11-14 and 15 of the menstrual cycle.


The patient lies on the couch, head to the ultrasound machine. The doctor puts a condom on the vaginal sensor, lubricates it with gel and inserts it into the vagina. The study is absolutely painless, with the exception of acute conditions in inflammatory processes. During the study, the doctor may press on the abdomen to better locate the organs. The time for transvaginal ultrasound of the pelvic organs is usually 15-20 minutes.

Complications of transvaginal ultrasound

At correct execution transvaginal ultrasound procedure complications do not happen.

Progress in the medical industry has made it possible to successfully cope with health problems and identify them at an early stage. This, in turn, is the key to the effectiveness of treatment and wellness. The above applies to ultrasound diagnostic devices. Thanks to them, women today not only know exactly who will be born to them, but all 9 months are under reliable control.

Vaginal ultrasound has become a new stage in the development of ultrasound diagnostics. About him, his role for expectant mothers and will be discussed.

Ultrasound abilities

Modern ultrasound equipment allows you to examine the uterus, cervix, vagina, fallopian tubes, ovaries and bladder. Ultrasound with a vaginal probe has a number of advantages. First, it does not require bladder filling and is therefore more comfortable for patients. Secondly, such a sensor allows you to more clearly visualize the organs under study, so the quality of such diagnostics is much higher. In addition, the vaginal diagnoses pregnancy at an earlier date than usual. Everyone knows that such a procedure is absolutely safe for health. That is, such diagnostics is a fast, economical and comfortable method of examination and does not require special training.

Indications for vaginal ultrasound are the diagnosis of gynecological diseases and early pregnancy, monitoring its course, folliculometry, monitoring the state of the IUD and the condition of the woman after extraction. There are no contraindications to such an ultrasound, it can be performed on any day of the cycle.

During a vaginal ultrasound, the doctor can diagnose congenital anomalies uterus, endometriosis, fibromyoma or leiomyoma, hyperplasia, polyps, malignant tumors. In the presence of these diseases, with the help of continuous research, it is possible to monitor the course of treatment, changes in the size of tumors or the final cure of patients.

In order to prevent vaginal ultrasound of the pelvic organs, women over 40 are recommended to do it once a year.

Vaginal ultrasound during pregnancy

Nowadays, ultrasound is a reliable and common way to examine a woman during pregnancy. Vaginal ultrasound diagnoses different types: tubal, cervical, ovarian.

If in the later stages, in most cases, an abdominal sensor is used (traditional ultrasound), then in the first trimester, preference is given to the transvaginal ultrasound technique. This technique most accurately displays the image of the uterus on the monitor with developing fetus. Since pregnancy with such an ultrasound is visible much earlier, problems in the development of the embryo can be diagnosed at the earliest possible time.

By the way, for this procedure you must have a condom. It is put on the sensor purely for hygienic purposes. For this, any classic pharmacy condom is suitable.

So, what are the indications for a vaginal ultrasound for expectant mothers in the early stages?

  1. Determination of the presence of pregnancy.
  2. Monitoring the development of the fetus.
  3. Diagnosis of the threat of gestation.
  4. Assessment of the peritoneal space.
  5. Diagnosis of uterine fibroids.

After the first trimester, the use of such an ultrasound is not very common. It is done to assess the condition of the cervix, the ability to hold amniotic sac, diagnosis of placenta previa, assessment of the condition of the scar on the uterus after CS.

Pregnant women often wonder how harmless such an ultrasound is and how often it can be done. Transvaginal ultrasound is safe and there are no restrictions on the number of diagnostics performed in this way. As for the protection of the child in the uterus from the sensor, then there is nothing to worry about at all. The vaginal sensor does not reach the child and does not even come close to him. The ultrasonic wave is absolutely harmless to the fetus, and the benefits and possibilities of such a study are extremely significant.

Good news and sunny mood!

Especially for Elena TOLOCHIK

Transvaginal ultrasound is an analysis by ultrasonic waves of the condition internal organs. Due to the special design of the sensor, the gynecologist in various projections studies the structure and structure of the patient's uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, vaginal surface, and so on.

Is a transvaginal ultrasound done during pregnancy?

One of the significant advantages of vaginal ultrasound scanning is that the method allows you to examine organs without the help of traumatic intervention in the body, non-invasively. The vaginal examination method is completely non-traumatic and painless, including for the fetus during pregnancy.

The doctor fixes even minimal changes in the development of the fetus when examining pregnant women, due to the fact that the sensor is "selected" as close as possible to the uterus, ovaries. Only the vaginal septum separates the transducer from the organ under study.

The resolution of the transvaginal method is such that a viable fetus in the uterus is already determined from 5 obstetric weeks. At the same time, the heartbeat is heard and the embryo is visualized.

What is an ultrasound scan used for?

For examination from the inside of the pelvic organs, genital organs, special type sensors are used - intracavitary. They are used inside a woman's natural orifices, the vagina, or are inserted rectally.

When transvaginal ultrasound of the uterus is performed, the transducer is carefully and slowly inserted into the vagina to a depth of up to 10 cm, with a depth of focus of 2–7 cm. The sensors have a high resolution with an operating frequency of 5–7.5 MHz. They provide a 90-110 degree view, and if the transducer design has a rotary transducer, then 240. Average length 19 cm, diameter 3 cm, many models include a biopsy adapter. Shorter ultrasound probes are used to examine virgins and older women.

When is a transvaginal examination performed?

Almost all types of vaginal ultrasound are done in the first half of the menstrual cycle. The reason is that the processes in a woman's body are cyclical, the first half, before ovulation, is considered hormonally calm. Ultrasound examination for suspected uterine endometriosis is performed in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. Ultrasound for ovulation or folliculometry is prescribed strictly on days until the maturation of the dominant follicle from the 10th day of the menstrual cycle.

Inspection of the pelvic organs, the bladder is carried out regardless of the day of the cycle. Scheduled screenings that assess the development of pregnancy and the fetus are prescribed once per trimester.

The transvaginal research method during pregnancy is effective only until the uterus has gone beyond the small pelvis, up to 12 obstetric weeks. The rest of the time prenatal development the fetus is examined transabdominally.

The process of ultrasound examination includes preparation and diagnostic session. This method of ultrasound has practically no contraindications. It is equally used as an internal examination procedure during pregnancy, with gynecological diseases, and is also suitable for girls who do not live sexually.

How to prepare for an ultrasound?

For a transvaginal ultrasound examination, if preparation is needed, it is small. It is to seize your own women's calendar, since the doctor will be interested in:

  • Date of the first day of the last menstruation;
  • Cycle duration;
  • The age at which a woman began menstruating;
  • duration of bleeding.

For hygienic purposes, it is necessary to have a diaper for the couch and a condom. The sensor must be protected, sometimes in medical centers there are special condoms without lubrication designed for ultrasound. However, not all ultrasound rooms have them, so you need to take a regular condom for diagnostics.

If a vaginal examination is preceded by a superficial one, then a napkin will be required to remove the medical gel from the skin, it is also recommended to bring it with you for diagnosis. Woman frees from clothes lower part body.

Diagnostic session with ultrasonic waves

Examination during pregnancy, pelvic diseases, scanning is done through the anterior abdominal wall and vaginally.

Prepare for examination through the anterior abdominal wall in advance, drink at least a liter of water 60-90 minutes before the procedure. During this period, it is required to refrain from urinating. The fluid inside the bladder will act as a screen.

The gases accumulated in the intestines can put an image on the screen, so doctors recommend taking an anti-flatulence medicine (espumizan, smecta, and so on) an hour and a half before an ultrasound diagnosis.

In some cases, ultrasound diagnostics is performed immediately by the two aforementioned methods. After an abdominal examination, the woman is allowed to empty herself, after which the session of the study of the uterus is continued transvaginally.

Unlike surface method vaginal examination does not require a full bladder, the fluid will obscure small features on the screen.

For free ultrasound monitoring, the patient takes a horizontal position on the couch or on a special gynecological chair. At the same time, for the required angle of penetration, the legs are bent at the knees, the feet are pressed against the couch.

The gynecologist puts a medical condom on the transducer and squeezes a little colorless glycerin-based gel onto the surface of the transducer for better glide.

This ensures better sliding of the transducer inside, and the patient does not experience discomfort. The gel is hypoallergenic, safe, leaves no residue, completely absorbed.

What diseases are detected by the vaginal transducer?

Transvaginal ultrasound detects pregnancy gynecological diseases. Ultrasound examination shows:

  • Inflammatory diseases of the oviducts, ovaries;
  • endometriosis;
  • accumulation of fluids;
  • cysts and polyps;
  • fibromyoma of the uterus;
  • Benign or malignant formations;
  • Pathology of the cervix;
  • Bubble skid (partial or complete).

Besides, ultrasound diagnostics vaginal transducer is effective:

  • In the treatment of infertility and conception problems;
  • When determining pregnancy at the embryonic stage of gestation;
  • In clarifying the number of fetal eggs, the places of their localization;
  • When detected outside uterine pregnancy;
  • In confirmation of the fetal heartbeat;
  • When determining the sex of the child;
  • During the first screening for genetic and chromosomal pathologies fetus.

Even this method of ultrasound scanning is resorted to in the following cases:

  • Uterine bleeding of unknown origin;
  • Sharp or pulling pain abdomen and at the level of the small pelvis;
  • Timely medical preventive examinations.

Thanks to the special design, high efficiency and resolution, transvaginal sensors have become indispensable in obstetrics when observing pregnancy in gynecology in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the pelvic organs. Most diseases of the female genital area are detected on early stage which makes it possible to start timely treatment patients and a correspondingly high percentage of positive outcomes.

Recently I went to my old friend, it turned out that she was prescribed a transvaginal ultrasound for the first time, as she complained of pain in the lower abdomen. Before I had time to undress, she bombarded me with questions - “does it hurt, but how do they do it, and how to prepare?” etc.

I thought that among my readers there are many who are prescribed a transvaginal ultrasound for the first time and they are asking the same questions.

If you just have to undergo an examination, then read the article. In it, I tried to tell in detail about the indications for the conduct, preparation and the procedure itself.

  • irregular periods or their absence;
  • the appearance of selections outside the cycle;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • suspected ectopic pregnancy;
  • severe menstrual pain;
  • diseases of the mammary glands;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • suspicion of inflammatory process in the ovaries or uterus;
  • infectious diseases of the urinary tract;
  • suspicion of a neoplasm during a gynecological examination;
  • monitoring the results of therapy for an existing disease (acute or chronic);
  • preventive diagnostics to prevent the occurrence of diseases (screening);
  • preparation for the IVF procedure;
  • determining the location of the intrauterine device;
  • diagnosis of pregnancy and fetal development (in the early stages).

Preparing for a transvaginal ultrasound procedure

There are no contraindications to the use of transvaginal ultrasound, but there are some limitations:

  • examination of pregnant women with a transvaginal sensor is recommended only in the early stages. This is due to the fact that determining the condition of the fetus at the beginning of pregnancy through the abdominal wall may be ineffective, in contrast to transvaginal, which allows accurate diagnosis of the fetus;
  • transvaginal ultrasound to a virgin cannot be done through the vagina. For such patients, there are alternative ways Ultrasound - transabdominal and transrectal.

Special preparation for this type of study is not required, however, experts recommend refraining from sex for a day before an ultrasound scan, just like before any other gynecological procedure.

Dependence of the results of the study on the day of the menstrual cycle

Ultrasound must be done strictly in certain days female cycle.

  • The optimal time for the study is 5-7 days from the onset of menstruation. During this period it is possible maximum accuracy condition assessment reproductive organs and diagnosing the presence or absence pathological changes.
  • If the study is assigned by a gynecologist for monitoring reproductive function, monitoring ovulation or identifying the causes of a hormonal disorder, the recommended day for it is reported by the doctor.

How is a transvaginal ultrasound done?

Transvaginal probe for ultrasound

Transvaginal ultrasound is a completely safe and painless procedure, much more comfortable than a gynecological examination.

Having undressed below the waist, the patient lies down on the couch, bending her legs at the knees and slightly lifting them up, for the convenience of inserting the sensor. A special hygienic condom is put on the sensor, which ensures the sterility of the examination.

The diameter of the device - 2.5-2.8 cm in diameter - corresponds to the physiological structure female body, and a special gel facilitates its penetration.

During the diagnosis, the specialist slightly shifts the sensor, examining the uterus and adjacent organs.

If it is necessary to provide better access to the area being examined, the doctor may ask you to slightly change the position for a more effective position of the device.

The information transmitted by the vaginal sensor is displayed on the monitor of the ultrasound machine in different projections, and zooming allows you to enlarge the image and examine the tissue fragment of interest in detail.

The study lasts no more than 20 minutes. Upon completion, the specialist prints the received images and records the ultrasound data in writing.

Results of a transvaginal examination: assessment and analysis

A qualified doctor, having received the results of ultrasound diagnostics, is able to quickly establish an accurate diagnosis and choose the optimal and effective method subsequent therapy.

During the survey, the following indicators are evaluated:

Position and size of the uterus. In most women, the uterus has a slight inclination in front - this is the absolute norm. Sometimes there is a deviation of the uterus back, or "bend of the uterus", which is conventionally considered to be a deviation from the norm. This situation may hinder the onset of long-awaited pregnancy and requires individual recommendations from a gynecologist.

The size of the uterus depends on the age of the woman, the number of pregnancies and childbirth, and the individual anatomical features of the body. Normally, the size of the uterus is about 70x60x50 mm (in women who have given birth), 50x50x45 mm (in nulliparous women). A significant increase in size requires observation - as a rule, this indicates a pathological condition.

With the development of fibroids - a benign tumor that develops from muscle tissue - surgery or long-term drug treatment with constant monitoring is required. A decrease in the size of the uterus is relatively rare and indicates an anomaly of underdevelopment of this organ.

The thickness of the inner layer of the uterus. The inner layer of the uterus - the endometrium - has different norms depending on the phase monthly cycle. In the first phase, corresponding to 3-4 days of the cycle, the endometrium is restored after menstruation, and by 5-7 days (the beginning of the second phase) it reaches 3-6 mm.

In the middle of the cycle, during ovulation, the thickness of the layer grows to 10–15 mm, gradually increasing to 12–20 mm by the beginning of menstruation. The condition of the epithelial layer should correspond to the day of the study, otherwise the development of inflammation can be suspected.

The structure of the uterus or its echogenicity(walls and cavities). At healthy woman the structure is homogeneous, the uterus has even clear boundaries. Hyperechoic inclusions recorded during observation indicate the presence of neoplasms.

Cervix. Normally, the cervix has a size of up to 40x30 mm, has a homogeneous structure. Endocervix - the cervical canal - is filled with mucus (homogeneous liquid) and no more than 3 mm in diameter.

The presence of free fluid in the pelvis. A small amount of fluid in the pelvis in a healthy woman is observed after ovulation, i.e. rupture of the follicle. On other days, there should be no free fluid - such a “find” may indicate inflammation of the ovaries due to an infectious disease.

Dimensions and contours of the ovaries. Normal sizes ovaries in women up to 37x30x22 mm, left and right may differ slightly. The volume of the ovaries should not exceed 10 cm3.

Increased sizes can be not only an individual anatomical feature, but also a sign of inflammation or the development of a polycystic syndrome. The contours of healthy ovaries are clear, well visualized and uneven due to the formation of follicles.

Fallopian tubes. On ultrasound, the tubes are determined more often in the presence of pathological changes - inflammation or ectopic pregnancy. For monitoring status fallopian tubes ultrasound can be used with the introduction of a contrast agent, which allows you to assess their patency.

The most common diseases diagnosed by ultrasound

  • Inflammation of the ovaries (oophoritis) - an increase in the size and volume of the appendages, the lack of clarity of contours, the presence of fluid in the small pelvis is possible.
  • Inflammation of the fallopian tubes (salpingitis) - visualization of the tubes, thickening of their walls.
  • Inflammation of the endometrium of the uterus (endometritis) - an increase in the size of the uterus and the inner layer.
  • Polycystic ovaries - the presence of multiple immature follicles, the excess of normal ovarian volumes.
  • Uterine fibroids - an increase in the size of the uterus, a violation of the contour, the presence of a hyperechoic area.
  • Polyps of the uterus - "protrusions" of sections of the endometrium into the uterine cavity, are defined as volumetric formations, single or multiple.
  • Endometriosis of the uterus - an increase in the size of the uterus, asymmetry in the thickness of its walls, uneven endometrium.
  • An ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled formation larger than 28–30 mm.
  • Cervical cancer is a change in the size and shape of the cervix.
  • Ovarian cancer is a significant increase in the size and deformation of the contours of one ovary.
  • Uterine cancer - manifested by violations of the structure and contours of the organ.

In most cases, these diseases require drug treatment or surgical intervention, and only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis based on the examination. Even the presence of any anomalies in the contours of the organ and volumetric formations does not indicate their malignant nature.

Follicular ovarian cysts, for example, can reach sizes of 5-7 cm in diameter, disappearing after a few cycles under the supervision of a doctor without surgical intervention.

However, women of any age need to visit a gynecologist regularly. Only timely diagnosis, attention to one's own body and a reasonable attitude to treatment is the guarantor of women's health.

I hope my article has helped allay your fears regarding transvaginal ultrasound. If you have any questions feel free to ask them in the comments below.

Why before this diagnostic procedure Do some patients need to drink a certain amount of liquid? What conclusions can doctors draw from the results of this study? The reader will find answers to these questions in our article.

The first ultrasound: how and why?

The ultrasound method is based on the principle of echolocation. A special sensor emits ultrasonic waves, which, passing through tissues and organs, are reflected from them, returned and perceived by the sensor. Organs of different densities reflect ultrasonic waves in different ways and “deliver” different response signals to the sensor. After the “brain” of the apparatus processes the information received, an image of a certain section of the organ under study (or the fetus during pregnancy) appears on the screen.

With the help of echography, in most cases it is possible to obtain sufficient information about the condition of the patient and the fetus.

The advantages of this method are:

* high information content;
* relative simplicity and speed of research;
* high level security;
* no need for special preparation of the patient;
* the possibility of conducting repeated studies in order to monitor the nature of the course of pregnancy, the development of the fetus, or to monitor the effectiveness of the therapy.

Ultrasound has been used for diagnostic purposes for more than 40 years. During this period, no adverse effects of this diagnostic method on the fetus were identified. The ultrasonic sensor is in the radiation mode for no more than 0.1% of the study time, and the rest of the time it receives ultrasonic waves reflected from the object. Therefore, the method is quite harmless not only for a woman, but also for her unborn child.

Currently, two main ultrasound techniques are widely used in obstetrics: examination through the abdominal wall and examination using a vaginal probe (transvaginal method).

Ultrasonic waves pass freely through the liquid, which is a kind of window for them. When examining the pelvic organs of non-pregnant women and short-term pregnant women, the role of such a window is played by a filled bladder. That is why the patient should drink 500-700 ml of liquid approximately 1.5 hours before the procedure1. As the gestational age increases, the volume amniotic fluid, which, surrounding the fetus, makes it available for ultrasound. Thus, the need to fill the bladder gradually disappears.

Transvaginal ultrasound

IN last years in many cases, a transvaginal method is used, in which a special sensor is inserted into the vagina with a condom put on it for hygienic purposes. Due to the closer location of the internal organs, they are better viewed, which increases the accuracy of diagnosis. In addition, with this study, there is no need to fill the bladder. However, the transvaginal ultrasound method is not recommended for the earliest stages of pregnancy, such as 5-7 weeks. The optimal time for transvaginal ultrasound is the 9th week of pregnancy.

At normal course pregnancy and absence additional indications three planned ultrasound research(one in each trimester: for a period of 10 - 14 weeks, 20 - 24 weeks and 36 - 38 weeks).

What can be the reason for an ultrasound for up to 10-12 weeks of pregnancy?

If there are indications, ultrasound diagnostics can be performed at any (including the earliest) stages of pregnancy, and more than once.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, an ultrasound may be prescribed to clarify the gestational age if the patient has an irregular menstrual cycle.

In addition, for periods up to 10 - 12 weeks, a study is prescribed if a woman suspects the following pathological conditions:

* the threat of miscarriage and the presence increased tone uterus, which are manifested by pain in the lower abdomen, spotting from the genital tract;
* non-developing or missed pregnancy (with the help of ultrasound, the absence of a heartbeat and motor activity in the embryo), other pathological conditions (for example, hydatidiform mole); the presence of an ectopic pregnancy;
* the presence of tumors and tumor-like formations of the uterus (myoma, endometriosis) and appendages (cysts and tumors of the ovaries);
* anomalies in the development of the genital organs (for example, doubling of the uterus, the presence of a septum in the uterus, etc.).

Diagnosis of a number of diseases can provide emergency assistance patient and avoid severe complications further.

It is very important that with the help of ultrasound it is possible to diagnose multiple pregnancies.

What and when is “seen” on ultrasound

Currently, with the help of transvaginal ultrasound, the presence of uterine pregnancy can be established already with a delay of menstruation by 4-5 days, i.e. with a true, or embryological, gestational age of 2-5 weeks (4-5 weeks from the first day of the last menstruation). At this time, the diameter of the fetal egg is about 5 mm.

At the earliest stage in the uterine cavity is found fertilized egg a few millimeters in diameter. Later, the gestational age is determined by measuring the tip-parietal size of the embryo (in this case, the maximum distance from its head end to the coccyx is determined). The results obtained are compared with the existing normative indicators. In this case, the error usually does not exceed 3 days. At the gestational age of 3 weeks, the embryo is determined, at the same time, the heart pulsation is also most often visible. At that time coccygeal-parietal size embryo - about 4 mm. Its head becomes visible on the monitor screen from the 7th week of pregnancy, the limbs - from the 8th week, and the bones in them - after the appearance of ossification points (at 9-11 weeks).

With a period of 11-14 weeks, you can also see the number of fingers, which allows you to diagnose a number of pathological syndromes. Visualization of the stomach and bladder of the fetus with transvaginal echography is possible in almost all cases by the 11-12th week of pregnancy, and the kidneys - from 12 to 13 weeks of gestation.

Gender testing in the first trimester is not usually done, and you will most likely be able to get the first information on this issue for a period of about 15-16 weeks (in some cases it is possible, using the latest equipment, to try to establish the floor a little earlier). But more precise definition sex is possible only for more late term- 22-25 weeks.

Thus, most of the organs and systems of the fetus become visible after the 11-12-week gestation period. However, before the 12-14-week period, using ultrasound, only gross malformations can be detected (this may be the reason for the artificial termination of pregnancy), and it is impossible to reliably assess the detailed anatomy of the fetus: at this time, one can only suspect some non-rough birth defects In the future, to clarify the situation, repeated ultrasounds and additional methods research.

In the last decade, more and more often during ultrasound, the so-called “collar space” is measured (normally it is 2-3 mm). Doctors have noticed that the presence of an “edematous” (more than 3 mm) zone in the neck of the fetus is often combined with various chromosomal disorders. This sign is typical for the first trimester of pregnancy, so measuring the thickness of “ collar space” is produced for a period of 10 - 14 weeks. This indicator allows, when conducting an ultrasound examination, to distinguish among pregnant women a risk group for the birth of children with hereditary pathology. These pregnant women should undergo regular additional examinations in specialized institutions (preferably prenatal diagnostic laboratories).

What you need to know about the first ultrasound?

In conclusion, it should be noted that ultrasound should not become a method for diagnosing pregnancy: the very fact of pregnancy can be established using simpler and cheaper methods. In addition, despite the safety of ultrasound, in early pregnancy it is advisable to carry it out only when necessary. modern medicine does not have evidence that the intensity of ultrasound currently used in diagnostic devices can cause any harm to the fetus and mother. However, you should still avoid repeated studies conducted without a doctor's prescription.

Referring the patient to an ultrasound scan, the doctor must provide the ultrasound diagnostic specialist with information about the indications for this study orally or in writing. The fact is that the usual planned examination is carried out quickly and not always thoroughly, so the probability of detecting some anomalies in the development of the fetus may be less than with a targeted examination, when these defects are supposed to be searched. If a particular pathology is detected, especially requiring termination of pregnancy, it is recommended to re-examine, preferably in a prenatal laboratory.

It is very important that the patient saves the results of the ultrasound examinations. This will allow the doctor to assess the nature of the course of pregnancy, the dynamics of fetal development, as well as timely identify emerging complications.

1. Before an ultrasound, consult your doctor about how much fluid to drink and whether you need to drink at all.

2. Serious disease, manifested by the growth of chorion tissue. The embryo is initially absent or dies at the very beginning of pregnancy.

3. It should be remembered that in the event of medical “renderings to determine the sex of the fetus (if there is a suspicion of congenital pathology associated with sex) a number of complex additional studies are performed (amniotic fluid examination, chorionic biopsy), which are carried out in prenatal laboratories.