What to do if you really like a boy. What to do if you liked a guy: useful tips

Youthful love is a natural and sometimes very strong feeling.

If it came for the first time, the girl may be confused.

What to do if you like a guy?

Act or wait? The unknown is painful.

If act, how?

What to do if you like a guy: how to attract him?

First of all, define a strategy. The minimum task is to attract the attention of a young person, to interest him. The maximum task is to maintain interest and establish a long and serious romantic relationship.

Now we need to decide on tactics. How to win a guy's heart? First of all, make sure it's free. If young man there is a girl, then it is dangerous to act as a homemaker: if the relationship of lovers is strong, this will cause ridicule or anger. Neither one nor the other does not increase women's self-esteem.

What to do if you like a guy you know well: a neighbor, colleague, classmate? To cast aside doubts and apply the very feminine tricks that work flawlessly on the males.

Coquetry. Yes, no matter how trite it may sound, but female coquetry arouses interest in men. It is important not to confuse the thin women's game with affectation: for smart men this is unacceptable.

Helplessness. It is important for a man to show his strength, and therefore the behavior in the style of "I myself" will not contribute to rapprochement. Ask for some little thing that will not burden the young man too much, but at the same time show his importance. In the end, you can just ask for advice in some typically "male" business. By this you will at the same time show that you do not have a young man.

Eye contact. The gaze has great attractive force. Make the man look you in the eye and don't look away for a little longer than is normal between strangers. Talk about the "spark that flashed between us" is not empty words. If anything can ignite that spark, it's the eyes.

Femininity. The image of your boyfriend is not quite what you need for the emergence of romantic feelings. If you suddenly appear before a young man in a new way, he can see the girl in a different light. You might wonder what type female beauty he likes, and try to copy the ideal. Hairstyle, shoes, style of dress - every little thing matters.

Verbal strokes. The psychological term actually means simple thing: learn to say something nice to a guy, as if stroking him with words. A little more subtle than a frank compliment, a little more than friendly praise. Use it constantly.

Touch. It is no coincidence that thousands of people describe the sudden emergence of feelings with the words "our hands accidentally touched and ...". Indeed, touch is no less effective than verbal strokes. Of course, you should not grab the chosen one for anything and constantly touch him with your hands. But a minor "accidental" touch can actually change fate.

Don't be afraid to show your joy at meeting a guy. Are you embarrassed and blushing? No problem! This will show the young man that you are interested in him. And this is very good: he can reconsider his attitude himself. And if he secretly harbors warm feelings, then he may well offer new stage relations.

What do you do if you like a guy you don't formally know? The most important thing is to organize an acquaintance. You can act through friends, friends, social networks. If you have the courage, there is nothing wrong with coming up and getting to know yourself (although this is the most extreme option - everything should look as natural as possible).

Gone are the days when a girl could not take the initiative. The world is rapidly changing, and there is nothing wrong with suggesting a trip to the cinema together or a cup of coffee at the nearest cafe.

You shouldn't do it in a meaningful way. Some kind of light, non-binding phrase, a light invitation - everything should be as natural as possible. And no panic if he refused! Firstly, he still will not forget about the invitation. If he is busy today, then he himself can invite you tomorrow. Secondly, it may simply not be your person, and it is better not to start any relationship with him.

What to do if you like a guy: how to keep him?

It is one thing to make a person see himself from a different perspective, he will like it and start dating, and it is quite another to keep the sympathy that has arisen. No matter how insulting it is, there are a lot of pretty girlish faces around, and sometimes it’s not easy to remain someone special for him. What to do if you like a guy so much that you want to be with him always?

Important to find common interests. Despite the fact that male and feminine energy different and fed from different sources, the presence common themes a must for a conversation. Otherwise, the sum of yin and yang will really give ... an empty result, and the young man will lose interest.

If you manage to say something smart about the interests of the guy, it will be generally wonderful. Therefore, be keenly and sincerely interested in what the chosen one lives and breathes. Having learned about his hobbies, hobbies, try to keep abreast of news on this topic. So you can speak the same language. Romance and friendship young age are practically synonyms. Therefore, it is much more interesting for a guy to be friends with his girlfriend than to love one that is far from his interests.

Second important point Be sure to listen to your partner. If a girl does not consider the guy’s opinion to be something important, if she constantly speaks herself and considers his silence normal, then the danger of destroying the emerging relationship is very high.

What to do if you like a guy and want to be with him as long as possible? Create conditions so that next to you he feels comfortable, confident and joyful. Jokes and laughter here the best helpers in the establishment of trusting, close, close relationships.

This does not mean that you need to constantly giggle or tell jokes you read online. It is enough to pay attention to something funny or funny, to laugh at some general situation. If you understand each other's jokes, then everything will be fine. Just great! Nothing builds strong sympathy better than a similar sense of humor.

But the first to admit strong feelings, in no case can one declare one's love. The initiative should come only from the young man. A man by nature is a hunter. He must win the woman, and she must submit and give him her love. If you do the opposite, then interest will fade instantly, because there will be no one to win.

What to do if you like a guy and what not to do

In addition to the taboo love confession There are many other things that a prudent girl who wants to keep falling in love and turn it into love should never do.

Quickly settle for physical intimacy. It's hard to say whether the twentieth date can be considered a sufficient reason for this, but the first or even the fifth is definitely not. The courtship period will lay the foundation for a long-term relationship. Despite the general “emancipation”, it is important for a man to know that next to him is a self-respecting pure woman, that he is someone special for her. That's why candy-bouquet period should be long enough.

Allow yourself critical, mocking, harsh remarks and criticism in general (especially in the presence of mutual friends or relatives). Such behavior is unacceptable, a man will take it as a humiliation (and he will be right), and on this, the romantic page of your life with this guy will be written to the end. The break is inevitable.

Demonstration of their relevance to other men. The strategic mistake of insecure girls is to try to inflate their worth through SMS or messages on the network from mythical fans. This is stupid and will end badly.

Jealousy is just as unproductive and nasty feeling. If you harass a guy with constant interrogations and calls, he will not endure for a long time. If there are grounds for jealousy, it is pointless to try to act ahead; if not, it is insulting.

Obsession. If a girl constantly reminds of herself, sends emoticons and messages thirty times a day, it seems cute for the first two days. Then it starts to get annoying.

delicacy, respect, sincere interest- this is the basis of long-term and happy relationship. What to do if you like a guy who does not show reciprocal feelings for you, despite hints and even direct words? Forget about it as soon as possible and not be tormented by vain hopes. Life is so fleeting that you need to take the best from it: joy, happiness, positive. And this is possible only if the sympathy is mutual.

Like a guy, but don't know what to do in this situation? We will tell him how to hint at his sympathy, what your behavior should be, taking into account different moments, how to attract attention to yourself and not alienate a man. In addition, you will learn what to do if he does not reciprocate, is much older than you, he has a girlfriend and under other circumstances.

Men, in most cases, do not understand hints. Therefore, it is most effective to inform him of sympathy in person.

. Gotta wait suitable moment and mood, or do it through someone. A mutual acquaintance should "accidentally" blather to him. In this case, the girl will not have to blush, and if the sympathy is not mutual, you can always refer to the fact that the friend was mistaken.

If you don’t have the courage to directly tell a guy about your sympathy, flirting is suitable - flirting, compliments, shooting eyes, light unobtrusive touches. Before that, in order not to be in a bad position, you need to understand whether the guy likes you. We told how to do it by postures, gestures, behavior and words.

In the presence of a guy you like, it is undesirable to talk about other men. A young man (hereinafter - MCH) can take all the hints for friendly communication, decide that the girl has another passion and give up trying to start a relationship.

Another way is a note with a declaration of sympathy (without a signature). It should not contain any high-flown speeches about eternal love write a concise text. It will be enough to drop "I'm crazy about you" or "And you're handsome." A note can be sent by one of the mutual acquaintances.

When meeting, you need to flirt with the guy and try to let him know that the mysterious stranger is you. Then go further - try to subtly hint at the relationship. In order not to make ourselves look bad, we have prepared step by step plan actions.

If this is the boyfriend of your best friend, you need to think carefully about what is more valuable to you - a long-term friendship or a hypothetical relationship that may not lead to anything. Try to figure out what it is: just an ordinary sympathy or you fell in love for real. Here are the surest signs that everything is serious.

Decided not to beat the MCH? Then it is advisable to try to see the object of adoration less, not to dwell on this sympathy and lead an active life.

Try to focus on the guy's shortcomings, imagine that you have to put up with them every day.

In the event that you do not value friendship, try to become better than this girl. Study her faults, see if you have them, and if so, try to get rid of them. Here detailed instructions what to do if you like a guy, but he has a girlfriend. Here we figure out whether or not it is worth taking him away, how to do it humanly, how to win a man's heart.

If a guy doesn’t like you, and he doesn’t pay attention to you, you need to find out what hobbies the MCH has, what he does, how and with whom he spends his leisure time. At the first opportunity, you can try to keep him company (play together in his favorite computer game, go to a match to cheer for your favorite team, etc.).

The winning move is to get to know his friends and try to please them. If a guy hears among his friends that you are very cool, the chances of mutual sympathy will increase.

Also be sure to think about why guys don't like you. Maybe they're repulsed by your behavior appearance or habits. We talked about this topic in another article on the site.

If the guy is 10 or more years older, then before confessing your sympathy, it is advisable to make sure that you have common interests and the rhythm of life is similar.

A girl should be prepared for the fact that an adult man may not be as romantic as her peers, prefer other entertainment, or be aimed at family and children.

Before confessing your feelings, you should try to spend time with him (at work, school or in a common company) and show that you are not a child. Be smart, talk about adult topics, talk about serious things. Left alone, you can try to communicate your sympathy. It is desirable to do this directly (the older a man is, the more he appreciates directness and honesty in a girl).

If the guy is married. it is advisable to immediately abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bstarting a relationship with him. Attempts to destroy someone else's family are fraught with backfire. Lots of free around interesting men relationships with which will be filled with pleasant emotions.

If you still can’t wait to tell the family guy about your sympathy, say so directly and look at the reaction. normal man will make it clear that he has a beloved woman. If the MCH reciprocates, it is worth seriously considering whether such a windy and unreliable copy is needed.

Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We advise you to look free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women". You will receive a 12-step step-by-step plan on how to drive any man crazy and keep his affection for years to come.

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When communicating with a guy you like, you need to:

  • make eye contact;

  • lightly play a joke (carefully so as not to offend);

  • listen carefully when he talks about himself;

  • unobtrusively touch it (shake off a speck of dust, straighten a tie, etc.);

  • laugh at his jokes;

  • smile;

  • compliment, praise.

  • talking about ex-boyfriends;

  • dirty jokes;

  • indecent hints and suggestions;

  • caustic remarks;

  • bored, detached look;

  • complaints about life or gossip.

It is necessary to strive to ensure that communication is easy, pleasant and natural. Don't try to pretend to be someone else.

Girls, if you want to interest a guy, never see yourself as shown in this video. Don't be afraid, act and be real.

If you have something to tell, please share your experience in the comments, maybe it will help other girls.

Hello dear blog reader website!

I really hope that you have already read my notes and. But I think those articles would be incomplete without a description of the features. male sympathy. I know that a girl in love is capable of taking every look in her direction at least as a declaration of love, but this is far from being the case.

It is important to assess the situation as realistically as possible. To do this, today will the signs that a guy likes you as fully as possible.

10 signs that a guy likes you

So, what are the 10 signs you can understand that a guy likes you?

Gestures as a sign that a man likes you

Perhaps this is the most striking, one of the most reliable signs of understanding whether a guy likes you or not. It is theoretically possible to inflate body language if you know all the signs by which you can be seen through. But I assure you, if your lover (or how do you feel about him?) Does not have a psychological education or a special craving for studying psychology, he is unlikely to do this. You are required to arm yourself with attention and monitor his body. So what are clear signs that a particular guy likes you?

To start you you need to watch the position of his body in relation to yours. When his body in most cases is turned in your direction, and besides, he almost never turns his back on you, we can conclude that he is either afraid of you or this is the first sign that he likes you!

Open postures in your direction - meaning open gestures, a demonstration of the wrists, a slightly relaxed posture, slightly turned towards you - all this is a continuation of the previous sign. When talking, his whole body seems to be slightly turned towards you, and his head is slightly tilted towards you.

Pay attention to his posture: every guy involuntarily tries to make his back even, and his chest like a wheel, under the gaze of the girl he likes (even if in life everything is the other way around - his chest is even, and his back is a wheel).

If a guy involuntarily copies your gestures, then this is also another sign of his sympathy for you.. There is such a moment in human psychology - we involuntarily try to be like those we like and vice versa - we avoid similarities with those who are not sympathetic to us. How to understand it? Well, for example, sitting in front of the guy and chatting make some gesture, for example, rub your earlobe or change your position by leaning on the back of a chair and crossing your legs. After that, carefully watch his reaction..

I'm not saying that he should exactly repeat all your actions, no, but involuntarily stretch in an attempt to copy your gestures, his body should if you like him. Let him not stroke his ear, but he can reach for a cigarette or scratch his nose. He may not take exactly the same position as you, but he must somehow change his in response to a change in yours.

Close attention to the legs: if in the presence of other people (especially sure sign in the presence of other girls) the toes of his shoes are turned in your direction - do not go to the fortuneteller, he likes you the most in this company!

When we are next to the girl we like, we involuntarily want to reach out to her., feel the warmth of her skin, feel the pressure of her figure. And it is clear that unconsciously (or maybe consciously) we try to touch it.

So if a guy touches your hand, at every opportunity hugging the waist trying to skip you ahead by accident falls on you, friendly pats on the knee or even just leans against your shoulder- you can assume that this is another sign that he likes you.

But closed poses, on the contrary, indicate his dislike for you. Crossing your arms over your chest, folding your wrists in a "pyramid", and if you also cross your legs to boot ... well, it seems this guy is not interested in you yet.

Social activity

Body language is, of course, a very sure indicator of male sympathy, but what if you are trying to understand if a guy likes you, with whom you practically never cross paths?

Fortunately, in the 21st century there is the coolest image of humanity, which in the common people is called social networks. Activity from a guy towards you on social networks is a sure sign that this guy likes you. There are a number of points that you should pay attention to when taking into account the degree of sympathy:

First you need to understand how actively the guy lives " social life". Many guys go to social networks only to see if someone has written to them or not. I think it would be unfair to expect high social activity from such guys. Another thing is if he updates his profile twice a week and spends half a day online.

Faithful a sign of affection through social networks you can count likes, comments and private messages from him to you.

Look at what kind of pictures or posts he comments on (what if he is interested not in you, but in yours) best friend Dasha, who is present in a good half of your photos).

Analyze the "mood" of his messages. In front of the girl he likes, every loser will try to look smarter and wittier than he really is. A sure sign of his sympathy is carefully chosen words and insertion "between the lines" true attitude to the girl. I advise you to open your correspondence with him right now and look at it with an analyzing eye.

To attract attention

If a guy likes a girl, then he will try in every way to attract her attention. Do you think he always behaves like this or only in your presence? If a guy with you from a shy nerd turns into a kind of merry fellow, merry fellow, a favorite of the public and the loudest and brightest dude, the soul of the company, then who knows, maybe this is his way of attracting your attention

Personally invites you to parties

When a guy asks you out, even if it's not a date, it can also be a sign that he likes you. It’s hard to invite a girl you like on a first date, but it’s much easier to go to a party with your mutual friends. It's kind of like unobtrusive way to show you that he is interested in you, and a reason to spend time together, and at the same time you can see your reaction to the guy.

awkward looks

Pay attention to how the guy looks at you. If a guy looks at you more often and longer than other girls, then there are two options: because this is a sign that he likes you, or your makeup is smeared(if at the same time he also smiles, then rather the second).

It is also important how he looks at you. If the guy allows himself unequivocal frank views, then he is most likely serious and absolutely not shy about it. But, I think in this case, the question of how to find out that a guy likes you would not have sounded from your keyboard, so I think everything is not so obvious.

Often a guy in impulses of embarrassment may try to hide his sympathy. And then I can give you a couple of tips on how to bring it to clean water.

First, can you ask friends for appraisal. From the outside, it is usually more visible as who looks at whom.

Secondly, she follow his gaze with peripheral vision. There is a cool trick: when you feel his gaze on you, move your gaze somewhere into the distance, where the horizon line smoothly turns into the sky. After looking into the distance for a short time, turn around sharply and look at the guinea pig.

If he has such a look as if he was caught on something hot, if he is shy and blushes, then another sign that the guy likes you is already in your pocket. But not every guy will be ashamed of his interest in a girl. And if, instead of embarrassment, he continues to frankly stare at you, then this is the same sign of his obvious interest in your person.

Speaking of a look is fair to draw your attention What part of your body is the guy staring at the most?. If his gaze walks along your neckline, and then smoothly flows down, then most likely the guy doesn’t like you easily, but he also wants you.

too shy

If a guy is overly shy in your presence, trying to talk to you is some kind of nonsense and looks generally stupid - this can also be interpreted as a sign of his sympathy for you.

Constantly preening

Just don't do it Round eyes believing that only girls tend to dress up and preen to attract male attention. The stronger sex of this world can also show its sympathy in such a simple way. If a guy in your presence tries to look better than usual, constantly adjusts his clothes, strokes his head at every opportunity, looks in the mirror and at the same time smells good from him, there can only be 2 options: either he is a narcissistic narcissist, or he really wants to please you.

Frequent random encounters

Think about whether your meetings with him are always accidents, or maybe the guy is specifically looking for a reason to see you and happens in places that are absolutely not characteristic of him for the sake of meeting you? .. we will not dwell on this point in detail, I think you understand that I I mean.

Reliable male shoulder

Usually a guy who likes a girl tries to help this girl in every possible way.. Sure married girls now they will start arguing furiously with me, spitting on the monitor, shouting: “My, bastard, nothing helps me, all he does is lie on the couch or play with his tanks all day long.” So it is, I will not argue. But things are drastically different when a guy tries to understand.

It is paradoxical, but true: a girl who likes a guy can count on small household help with much more confidence than the one who has been preparing borscht for him for 5 years and removing his socks from under the sofa. But I digress a little.

Briefly speaking, if the guy tries his best to help to solve various small issues and problems for you, this is another sure sign that he likes you. Unconsciously, with such a simple trick, he seems to be trying to bind you to himself.

touching things

When we like a girl, we willy-nilly try to get closer to her through her things. In other words, the guy who feels for you romantic feelings happy to stroke your purse, turn the handle in your hands or rub your kitten by the ear.

You can even arrange a kind of test: put your thing (phone, keys, lighter) near it and see how it will behave in relation to your thing. If he touches her in every possible way (corrects, strokes, twists in her hands), then you can be sure - he likes you! Well, if it does not react in any way - do not rush to despair, there are also a bunch of other signs!

How to understand that a guy likes you by conversation

Courtesy in conversation is a clear sign of male sympathy. I doubt a guy will be too nice to a girl he doesn't like.

To start pay attention to the way you speak. In what tone does he communicate with you? A soft tone, not entirely characteristic of the idea of ​​courage, is one of the very first and surest signs of male sympathy. Again, it is important to consider the manner of speaking in comparison. If a guy with friends and other girls is all so rude and dry, and you are a complete sissy - you can’t even guess on the coffee grounds, he definitely likes you. But there are also such lads who everywhere and always with everyone and in everything lisp "in such a nice little voice", then here the sign of sympathy loses its authenticity.

Also I advise you to pay attention to the level of his involvement during the conversation: does he look into your eyes (or maybe at your bust? Then this is generally a cool sign), how easy is it to distract him from your conversation? Analyze Also what he says. Does he flirt with you? Or maybe he constantly teases and teases, or even throws not decent hints at all?

A good sign that a guy likes you, This when he is interested in you personal life (especially its presence or absence). He is interested in your affairs, worries, talks about personal things. All this can be said in two words: interested in you. How often does a guy tell you about himself? In addition to the fact that few guys will talk about themselves to an unsympathetic girl, there is also an interesting pattern: the more a guy tells a girl about himself, the more he falls in love with this girl.

It is also important to evaluate what exactly is the guy saying?. When a young man tells a young lady about his other girls (plural is important), he may try to show her in such a simple way what a demanded man he is. Or to put it another way: make her jealous.

But, on the other hand, stories about their adventures can also be banal boasting in front of a girl friend. Men love to brag quantitative indicators in front of friends, so if he perceives you as a friend, then ... It is important to catch this fine line. But be that as it may, remember that every time he tells you about himself, he continues to fall in love with you, and if you also flatter him, assenting to what a Don Juan he is, then the effect will only increase.

Another sure sign that a guy likes you is when he compliments you.. Only here it is important to understand: not all guys will compliment the girls they like. There are too many shy guys around who (even funny to say this) are embarrassed by their own manifestation of sympathy. Often, by the way, guys in live communication can be shy to show sympathy, mistakenly confusing it with sentimentality, but they are very active in social networks. This point also needs to be taken into account.

In general, if we are talking about signs of showing interest from a guy to a girl, to complete the picture, we would need to know this degree in comparison. This refers to the comparison of how he behaves with you, but as with other girls. If he squeezes and teases only you, then this is of course a sign that he likes you. But if these manifestations of attention are typical for a guy during communication with every pretty girlfriend, then he is either a womanizer, or he just has such a meaningless manner of communication.

Three additional signs that a guy likes you

The top 10 signs that a guy likes you were listed above. Next, I will list three auxiliary signs of male sympathy for you.

Boasting as a sign of sympathy

If a guy boasts to you (or to others in your presence) how cool and clear he is, that he is, they say, the very best and there are no others like him, then such boasting can also be seen as a sign of interest in you.

Attention to details

If a guy is attentive to details, to you, to important dates for you, then of course he likes you. This means that the guy remembers everything that you told him about yourself, and even a little more, congratulates you on all important dates for you (which you are aware of) and on all holidays.

The desire to get closer

Think a how often does he try to get close to you? If a guy walks with you every chance he gets(it is also considered in the company), and in general he tries to spend as much time as possible next to you, then this is another sign that the guy likes you. It is also worth paying attention to which companies you walk in. If he invites you to those companies where most meetings take place "in pairs", then this already means a lot.

How to check if a guy likes you

Touch him casually and watch the reaction. If he likes you, then he will certainly try to touch you in return.

Well, that's all, my dear reader, I tried to make out everything possible signs that the guy likes you. I hope you don’t have any questions left and now you can easily determine whether you like him or not. Well, if you still have questions, I will be happy to answer them through the comment form.

And you can check with . Answer all the questions and the test will give you the right answer!

P.S. Make your friends happy - share signs of male sympathy with them in social network. To do this, click on the social buttons. By the way, it is quite possible that your beloved, having seen the repost on your wall, will go here, read it, and understand how to show you that he likes you. In short, you need to reap in any way, the output is only good!

Well, that's it, it's time for me to reel in the fishing rods and for you to arm yourself with attention and scan your boyfriend for the degree of interest in you. Good luck in this difficult task!

Sincerely Vitaly Okhrimenko!

87 comments on ““The most accurate signs that a guy likes you””

    You figured out the weaker sex

    To understand that you like is not difficult, but to understand whether the person you need is already much more difficult.

    The main thing is not to miscalculate when choosing a companion, because by actions you can easily determine the character of a person, and there is no need to rush even if the guy really feels sympathy for the girl!

    Here is another point: each of us, being in a state of love, tries to show himself with the best side. And besides, being in love with a person, we try not to notice his shortcomings, emphasizing his merits. But someday these glasses lose their pinkness, and we have to look at a person without pink eyepieces. This is where most couples break up.

    And you also need to understand a person wants to spend the night with you or wants a serious relationship.

    They say that in order to recognize a person, you need to make repairs with him, and then the person will show himself in all its glory.

    I want to object. This is only a superficial description. Each person is individual.

    Oh yes, renovation is another test for the family.

    If there is no mystery in a girl, then she is not interesting. And if all the girls around are like open books, then life becomes completely boring.

    My husband and I have this test next summer. I wonder if it will come to a divorce or will it still cost?))))

    Ekaterina, don’t be so strict: you should always first describe what is common, characteristic of all girls, and only then move on to individual differences.

    By the way, I, too, Ekaterina wanted to say that if there are no secrets in something, someone, then interest disappears.
    Here, on TV, one psychic admitted that he was bored with the girls, about whom he knew in advance all their cheerful past.

    And about this even in the famous song it was sung: “We choose, we are chosen ... How often this does not coincide ...”

    Come on, what a divorce? Repair is a difficult test of feelings, but please do not go to extremes.

    I completely agree! The mystery in a woman is the most attractive female trait! If a girl very quickly reveals herself completely and completely with minute details then interest in her quickly disappears.

    The fact that feelings do not coincide and are not mutual, i.e. about the so-called unrequited love"A lot of prose and poems have been composed, but such is the cruel reality.

    I am figuratively!)) But someone can escape from the house for a while))

    I am not criticizing in any way. It's just that many people equate everyone with the same brush. For example: all men are goats or all women are bitches. And everyone's soul is different.

    Mutual sympathy is not so common. Sometimes people meet on principle, because everyone meets someone and I need to.

    In order not to tempt fate during repairs, it is better to hire a worker who will do everything. You just need to choose the material. And then there will be no tests.

    And you should not choose the material, let the master do it himself, that's why he is the master.

    Enough. We have recently trusted the "masters" as a family. So they picked so many things for us and left jambs behind them. But how much beautiful words and smart speeches about the repair was that you. Not always the one who knows how to tell beautifully can do well.

    Hire a worker perfect option but costly. Not everyone will be able to financially master.

    Hired craftsmen need an eye and an eye. And you can't trust them. You need to check every little thing behind them.

    Of course, if you write about individuals and articles, nothing will work. Therefore, we have to unite everyone and write about the majority.

    We love girls to guess: loves, does not love. At some point, I just got tired of it and I began to perceive only one sure sign that a guy likes me: if he tells me about it himself. In general, the advice is cool, especially about the fact that the guy likes to touch the things of the girl he likes. This is the real truth, don't even doubt it. Another question is how much the guy likes you at the same time: he wants to go to coffee with you or introduce you to your mother. This is something we girls cannot know until the guy reveals himself. Vitaliy, well done, there is a lot of humor and psychology in the article, I really liked everything!

    For my husband and I, the repair rather became a test of our physical training than relationships. They were terribly tired, they made repairs until one in the morning, then they went to sleep in another apartment, in the morning both of them went to work. We were very tired, but thank God we did not quarrel. Until now, when I hear the word repair, it gives me the creeps))

    So you and your husband are perfect for each other. Now, the main thing is that the repair stands as long as possible.))

    I would also never entrust the material to be purchased by craftsmen.

    I agree with you, Irina. I am very impressed with Vitaly's sense of humor in Vitaly's articles. Articles, despite their size, are read very easily and naturally.

    I think everyone who has ever come to this terrible word “repair” for the second time being in a sober mind and blessed memory will not subscribe to this

    Girls, thank you for your kind comments. It seems to me that I have not written anything for so long that I have sometimes forgotten how to do it.

    Haha, don't hesitate. In 10 years, at most 20, you will have to do it all over again)))

    By the way, when will the new interesting article about the relationship between a man and a woman?

    Oh Kat, that's a good question. I think specifically for the publication of new interesting articles I'll do it after the new year. Now I really want to win contests with Sanya Borisov (at least get into the 3 leaders), so before NG it's all about improving the quality of the resource.

    The repair has no chance, our son constantly checks whether we glued the wallpaper well, and what draws on them better: a pencil or a felt-tip pen)))

    And sometimes, hiring a worker is the beginning of trials, sometimes such shots come across !!

    And another cool expression: the husband is known in the decree. And my wife, by the way, too. The birth of a child is another shake-up for a young family!

    Might have to do it again as soon as possible. Technology does not stand still.

    The decree gives some complications. I encountered them immediately after the birth of my child. And now everything settled down and my husband and I even began to understand each other better.

    I am very worried about this myself. The child is small and I'm afraid that the new wallpaper and laminate will not last long.

    Vitaly, you have already written a decent number of articles, so you can be distracted a little by other things. I hope that after the New Year you will delight us every day with new articles.

    Oh, Vitaly, I’m waiting for an article from you on the topic: “How to deal with a crisis in a relationship after the birth of a child?”

    Yes, my husband and I were married for five years without children, we lived in a relaxed atmosphere, and for us, of course, it was a concrete shake-up. But everything settled down with us, too, after our son turned about a year old.

    Children are wonderful, but you need to come to an understanding of this. At first it was very difficult for me with a child, I used to devote all the time to work or myself. And then the child. And now everything is going like clockwork.

    Although it can be difficult with children, life with them becomes more complete and interesting!

    And I'm not particularly worried. Nothing is eternal. I explain, of course, what is possible and what is not. But I don’t punish for damaged wallpapers, he’s still small))

    And you can not punish and the wallpaper is a pity. Well, whatever you don’t sacrifice, if only the child was happy.))

    Thank you for your congratulations! To be honest, I was immediately embarrassed by the 4th place, but after receiving my gifts, I realized that everything was great!

    I took note, wrote it down in a notebook ... it will be a little freer over time, I will definitely write!

    Don't get upset! It's cool to take 4th place among so many blogs. No wonder he did so much work.

    It's cool to take 1st place, but the fourth is so, about nothing. Gifts are certainly good, but conceit does not raise at all

    Well, I don't know, I think you're too hard on yourself. There were not 5 participants, but much more)

    Guys, now I realized that I liked the new one! In short, listen, and after school we were left alone in the wardrobe with my girlfriend, chatting. A new one comes up, gets dressed, joins our conversation. We dressed, and he was already dressed and stood waiting for us. Then, he often very often puts his hand on his shoulder. And so softly, softly. He thinks of me, his ear burns, or rings. We've only had him for 5 months!☺ I like him too. I’m also the only girl in the computer science group, he sings such shorter songs about relationships, it’s too embarrassing for me. Then he didn’t obey the teacher, I persuaded him, he went to another desk☺ I dream of him 5th day! So like this)

    Alice, now I read your comment, and even smiled. I'm happy for you with the "new one".
    He doesn't seem to be able to take the first step, so you may have to take matters into your own hands. But I just ask you, be careful so ... we guys do not like it when girls take pressure. Shooting eyes, double-digit hints: this is exactly what you need now!

    And what if, with me, a guy begins to actively talk with everyone around, but not with me, so like to show attention to others, and even to a girlfriend. but not to me, but I often catch his eyes on me

    Well, there are two options: either very pretty, or very unpleasant. You need to study other signs of his sympathy to draw the right conclusion.

    I really like one guy from school, but I can’t understand if it’s mutual. In general, the story is very long.
    He is, so to speak, a womanizer. He met with my classmate and on the first day he offered to sleep. I like it somewhere in October. But he found out, somewhere in November, in December, and after that he began to look at me. He looks without looking away, when I look at him he looks away, but then he starts staring again (a friend is watching him). When I got sick and did not go to school, he often passed by the place where I stand with my friends at recess, looking for someone, looking out. Then, for a while, there was such a thing when he specially touched his shoulder, touched me. When his girlfriends look at him, he asks: “What are you looking at ?!” But when I wrote to him, he said that I was not his type. But for half a year now everything has been looking at me.
    His words and actions don't match. I'm confused, please help.

    From what you wrote, most likely there is sympathy. As for “not to my taste”, most likely it is a blockage, perhaps the fear of being judged. How do I know he's older?

    Oh those spy friends. From own experience I will say that sending friends to "find out" is far from the best the right way. Judging because they come 5 km to go to the river - like it. And what laughs aside, well, it’s still not a girl to intercede every time.
    My verdict: yes, you do!

    For 3 months I like one kid who is a year older than me.
    Two months ago we got to know each other normally, and I finally got to know his name :3
    3 days after we met, I wrote to him about my feelings.
    He wrote that he also likes me (at that time he had never seen me in his life).
    Then we got to know each other live, a week ago he invited me to go for a walk in the city, but they didn’t let me go.
    Then he came to me on a bicycle (I live 5 km from the city)
    It was the first joint walk.
    True, he was with a friend ...
    We went to the river.
    There, his friend threw clay at me because I didn’t want to swim, for this Egor (the boy I like) hit his friend on the head and scared him: 3
    History repeated itself the next day. Before that, Egor called me for a walk more than once, but I refused.
    Three days ago I left for the village, he saw me off with SMS messages ala “I will miss you”, “I will wait”. I even got embarrassed)
    Yesterday, closer to the night, I had so little to do that I wrote to him again that I like him, to which I received the following answer: “You me too: 3″
    But, something I can’t believe, because we hardly talk live, and in general one of his friends can’t stand me.
    And when this creature humiliates me right in the face, Egor laughs on the sidelines ...
    It's a shame.
    I still don’t believe him because he has known for 2 months that I am not indifferent to him, and this, according to him, is “mutual”, but he still has not offered to meet ...
    And in general, neither the face nor the figure, I did not come out very well. I highly doubt his words.
    Oh, yes, three weeks ago, a friend asked him how he feels about me?
    He replied to her: "as a friend"

    Hello! Can you advise me. I’m not amorous at all in life, I take relationships very seriously, even though I’m still quite young (I’m 16, he’s 19, by the way, the difference in birthdays is only 5 days, a sign of fate?!). But recently I liked 1 guy, I think about him, and I can’t do anything! We study with him in the same institution, but in different groups . I met him (there seems to be no problem with courage), the conversation was still so funny .. My brain turned off altogether and instead of asking the usual things (how are you? Tell me about yourself?) I asked how he canteen that day (yes, yes, I said that it turned out very funny and ridiculous) and, surprisingly, he kept up the conversation, started telling something .. And even before that, on the same day, in the same canteen , it turns out I went already to take the tray (we weren’t familiar then), so, I put this tray on the tape and turn around, and here he (as an accident turned out) is standing with his tray, I exclaimed in such surprise Oh! And she looked at him with surprise and pleasure, he said "Hello!" me, got a little flustered, answered him and walked around him with a quick step and went. I didn’t believe myself at that moment and inside everything screamed Aaaaaa.!. Well, then when I went out, I see he was following me, there was no one else in the corridor, and I decided not to miss such a wonderful chance to get to know each other and what happened next I already told (about the tomato: D). Be sure to hug when we meet. He speaks in a sweet tone, it’s always easy for us to somehow get it .. even with just 2 meetings, he told me something about his family (rather personal info, you won’t trust all your friends, I was surprised that he I devoted it, because we have only known each other for a month).. And it’s also so incomprehensible to me.. I was sick recently, I didn’t see each other for 2 weeks, and then when I went to school, I saw him, I so wanted to hug him tightly, snuggle up .. In a special way .. And here he comes, he didn’t have time then, because. they urgently needed to go into the canteen, and as soon as I saw him, I immediately hugged him and bowed my head to him and he smiled so much (a friend was standing nearby, she saw) and in surprise, raised somehow, unexpectedly said Oh! He hugged me and because He did not have time to quickly go to the canteen. How is it his "oh!" can you understand? Bad, is it good? And recently... I go out into the street and look, and behind in 5 steps he goes out with a friend, my friend and I stopped, he was walking somewhere and looked in my direction on the go, smiled and said somehow openly, good-naturedly, “Hi ! "And I raised my palm like this in the air (well, as a sign of greeting) I smiled, answered him the same way, asked how you were doing, said that everything was fine and that he was going home now (he is from a neighboring city) and then said Bye! (he was already 7 meters away from us) and I said playfully, mysteriously, as if flirting with him, “Hurry, see you! ... ”and he turned around and said That's for sure! And with his hands he did so in my direction .. Please tell me, does he like me? A friend says that he always starts smiling when he sees me .. I don’t really want to believe in it, because she can say it on purpose, but on the other hand, I would like it to be true .. What do you say ?!

    Judging by what you wrote: you like it, of course you like it! There can't even be any doubt!

    A new Arseniy has recently appeared in our class. At first I somehow did not pay attention to him, but then I realized that I like him. Naturally, I began to watch his behavior. It looked strange, but what can you do. Then from the middle school year at one lesson I was put together with him. I liked to sit with him, it's fun. Then he started to show signs that he likes me. When they put him away from me, he refuses. In every possible way, when we walk with the class in the yard, he comes up to me and, as it were, puts his hand on my shoulder or waist. I look at his posture in class. Even if we are sitting far apart, his body is turned in my direction. He got my phone number! When in sports we split into teams and we end up on the same team, if he leaves the game and I'm left alone, he cheers for me

    Great! It would be necessary to somehow bring him to the first step now. If there is such a desire, you need to actively flirt with him, not forgetting to turn on “ snow queen". A win-win

    We broke up with him
    But after summer holidays my feelings returned to him again (most likely they did not disappear)
    In the summer, he posted a photo with one girl from the camp and I became insanely jealous, in return I threw a photo with the same boy
    And now I often catch his eyes on me
    I don't get it, does he still like me?

    I communicate with a friend, we shoot acquaintances in childhood, we lived in the same yard. Then he moved to the city, but it's 15 minutes from me., Well, they stopped talking. In the summer I wrote to him and we started good communication. We have been talking for 4 months already, I know that he likes me and he knows that he likes me, but he does not offer me to meet because studying is important for him, he has no free time and the fact that in a year he will leave for another country to study and parting will be even harder, he told my girlfriends. . And now I don’t know what to do, I’m so offended to tears, I want to end this communication because, well, what’s the point of communicating further. If you communicate simply on friendly feelings, you won’t go anywhere.

    I communicate with the boy, we have known each other since childhood, but when he moved to the city, we stopped communicating. And in the summer of this year, we resumed communication. We communicate every day. He likes me and I like him. The problem is that he does not offer me to meet, because studying is important for him right now and the fact that he does not have free time and he will fly to another country in a year, he told my girlfriend. I'm very sorry, I don't know what to do in this situation. If you just continue to communicate as friends, then the feelings will not go away. Damn don't know what to do

    They told me that my classmate likes me, but I don’t really swear, he looks at me in class, so I can’t understand e
    I like him. Or not! Please help me to understand

    Help me please! I just can’t figure out if my classmate likes me or not ... In VK, he often doesn’t read my messages, he once called my girlfriend beautiful, often communicates with her, but I often notice his gaze on me, often touching me, who he likes me or she? Help!

    I have such a situation! I like a man! I work in a bank and he often comes, I help him complete certain operations! And in last time when he came, he talked a lot! And when I worked on his phone, his Internet was gone, I told him that your Internet was over, I will give you my Internet, and I say that I have already spent all my traffic on clients, and he said, let me replenish your balance) I said no thanks! Then he began to say that probably your husband is always looking at your phone! I said I'm not married! And in the end, he said that I was a fairy who would always help him) Do you think he has sympathy and how to understand this?)

    I really liked the article and its very design. Everything is very clear and precise. Just wanted to ask a question. I asked my girlfriend to ask if one boy likes me personally. She said the answer was no. I read all the signs and most of them have similarities, but the fact is that he is such a simple person and treats everyone kindly. And now I think he really doesn't like me or not. What do you say?

    Hello, I have a very important question… I hope you can help me!
    Recently it was my birthday and a guy I like came to my house to give a gift. The thing is that at the end of the conversation, already at the elevator, I, according to the classics, said: “thank you for coming,” and he answered me: “thank you for being you” ... I don’t know how to react! Tell me, please, what to do!

    And if at a meeting he shows attention, flirts, talks about himself, his plans, all the time he touches or hugs or tries to “squeeze” to kiss, and so on. Invites to "trip")) BUT at the same time - that's it. He does not call for dates, does not care (in the classical sense), can disappear for weeks without writing / not calling ... This is strange, because on the one hand - Yes, and on the other - No. Perhaps such behavior is so, just a pleasant pastime, sympathy, but nothing more. From the category of "with me - good, not with me - well, okay"?

    Hello everyone) I have such a situation, there is only one guy, we have known each other for a long time, about 5 years, (a friend from the dacha, but we talked in the company for a very long time, 3-4 years ago)
    And so he had a friend, and I congratulated him in contact, they started to hug, after 2-3 weeks they went for a walk, it was fun, they walked well, his hands were cold and I warmed them to him, but then he said if I was so worried by his hands, then he can put them in his pocket, I let them go and he put them in his pocket, after the walk they continued to communicate, then I called him to take a walk again a day later, he agreed, they walked very well and he offered to take a picture, then he spoke again that his hands were frozen, I started to warm them and he even squeezed my hand a little)) then we communicate well on VK, 5 days have passed, he communicates very nicely, but I don’t know if he likes me, he just moved away from me a little in the subway , was afraid to approach, then completely stuck on the phone
    It was a little embarrassing, but then, after the transplant, he showed me something on the phone and I wanted to sleep, it was late and I fell asleep on his shoulder) (we stood)) then he walked to the minibus and said thank you for the walk
    Now he hasn’t called for a walk yet, but he writes to me) I don’t know, can I confess to him that I like him? Well, suddenly not mutually ((
    What should I do??

    My husband has died for seven years since he has been gone. I am still alone, but I like one man and I seem to have a feeling that he also likes me, he gives me advice and sometimes gives me compliments, we see each other a week once he sells at our market and I’ve been a clerk for three years like this, but he looks at me and tries to talk to me and constantly praises me that I’m so good and if there are girls nearby he flirts with them and looks at me and seems to have my phone number but doesn’t call I really want to know if he likes me or not why he is silent I can't understand

Many girls are interested in knowing what to do if like a guy, and fear to approach the first prevents. After all, guys also do not always have the courage to come up and get to know each other, and sometimes you need to take the initiative into your own hands, especially if you really liked the guy. But there are actually ways for the guy you like to make the first move and get to know you.

In the article you will learn more about what to do if like a guy , what are the ways and methods so that he pays attention to you and wants to get to know you. But remember, all the knowledge gained must be put into practice in order to be convinced of the result.

What to do if you like a guy or a man

The first thing you need to do right away if you like a guy is to give him a sign about it. Perhaps he also likes you, but seeing that you do not pay attention to him, he will not approach you. Seduce him with a look so that he can boldly approach you first.

What if I like a guy but he doesn't like me

There are several ways to act if you like a guy and you don't give him. The first is to seduce and fall in love with a guy. To do this, you need to be as often as possible next to the guy, communicate with him. This will increase affection and he will fall in love with you as well as you with him. But if you are not familiar, then it is advisable to make sure that he first gets to know you, and for this you need to draw his attention to yourself.

The second way is not to waste time on the guy that you like, but he doesn’t like you. There will come a time when he will notice you and want to meet and create a relationship. So keep looking for the best guy who will like you as much as you like him.

What to do if you like a guy, a man - Get him

Don't waste time, what to do if you like boy so start getting it. Do not run after the guy, but make him start running after you, then you will create strong relationship. To do this, try to at least just be friends and communicate with him. Call back, correspond and, if possible, walk. Getting used to comes quickly and soon the guy himself will offer you to meet.

What to do if you like a guy - let him go

In fact, it is not always necessary to run after the guy you like, as often such behavior will reject every guy. By nature, a guy and a man must take the first step and seek a girl. If you take care of yourself, improve your beauty and mind, but the guy does not come to meet you and you are not interested in him, then he either simply does not see you, or is afraid of rejection, or simply does not suit you. Believe me, there are many guys in the World who will love you as much as you love him. Therefore, hold on with dignity, this will distinguish you from other girls and you will only date the most best guys which you like.

Very young and inexperienced girls, to whom the first youthful love came, often wonder what to do if you like a guy? The whole complexity of the situation lies in the fact that the girl, on the one hand, wants the guy she likes to reciprocate and offer to meet, but, on the other hand, she is afraid to be the first to take the initiative in a relationship and is embarrassed to show her feelings.

Of course, it is desirable that the initiative when tying romantic relationship came from a young man. Girl, straight talking to a guy something like: "I like you, so let's date" can be, to put it mildly, bewildering. But, at the same time, a guy may be afraid or simply not think of asking a girl out on a date, in whose reciprocal sympathy he is not entirely sure.

Therefore, girls, who demonstrate coldness and inaccessibility with all their appearance, rarely receive from guys. If your sympathy for a young man is sincere, then there will be nothing wrong if you give him a little hint about it. Naturally, you do not need to talk about your feelings directly. But how to do it?

Several ways to attract the attention of a guy you like

Coquetry is ancient women's weapons, the arsenal of which includes: smiles, glances, gestures, movements, with the help of which a girl can not only show a guy that she is not indifferent to him, but also emphasizes her feminine charm. Touches During a conversation with a guy, a girl can, as if by chance, touch his arm, straighten the collar of his shirt, touch his shoulder. All this has a very exciting effect on guys and can push them to think about the possibility of a closer relationship. Common Interests If you really like a guy, then think about what common interests you might have. When a guy finds out that you have common interests and hobbies with him, he will begin to communicate and make friends with you much more interesting than with other girls. And translate friendly relations in romantic is very easy. Praises and compliments Yes, guys sometimes need compliments no less than girls. With the difference that the emphasis should be placed not on their beauty (although this is pleasant for them), but on pure male qualities: mind, courage, determination, resourcefulness, strength. Having received such compliments from a girl, the guy will feel like a real man next to her, capable of any feat for the sake of such a beautiful lady.

Allowing yourself to be courted In order for a young man to finally fall in love with a girl, she must show him that she values ​​\u200b\u200bherself and respects herself, and that she must be won over with the help of beautiful courtship: flowers, going to the cinema, confessions, compliments.

What can not be done so as not to alienate the guy you love?

Falling in love with a young man is not enough - you still need to be able to keep him. Very often, girls, when building relationships with guys, make serious tactical mistakes that inevitably lead to a deterioration in relations, and even to their break.

Therefore, if a girl likes a guy, and she wants to keep him near her, then in no case should she:

The first to declare love Every young man has a desire to conquer and fall in love with the girl he likes. Well, if the fortress surrenders without a fight, the guy may not be interested. Agree to physical intimacy at the very beginning of a relationship Whatever modern young people say about their easy attitude to sex, in fact they do not appreciate and do not respect easily accessible girls. The very idea that a girl is ready to go to bed on her first date with a guy, which means that she has already been in more than one bed, can cause a feeling of disgust in a guy. Constantly criticize and humiliate the guy If the feelings for the young man are serious, always think about what you are saying. No self-respecting guy will date a girl who constantly focuses on his shortcomings and does not want to notice his merits, or who allows herself to speak offensive and humiliating remarks about him for a long time. Arrange scenes of jealousy with or without reason In the end, the guy will get tired of jealous scandals, and he will decide to find himself a more balanced and less jealous girl. Therefore, if you are in love with a guy and value your relationship with him, then always control your emotions. Even if there is for jealousy serious reason, the girl should behave with dignity and not stoop to noisy showdowns. Talking too much about your relationship with a guy to your girlfriends. If it comes to a guy that a girl is constantly discussing him and her relationship with him with her girlfriends, he can be seriously offended.

Sometimes a situation occurs when a girl tries in every possible way to attract the attention of a young man she likes, but to no avail. The guy shows absolutely no interest in her. The worst thing a girl can think of in this case is to start running after a guy, constantly catching his eye and making attempts to communicate. Such a girl from the outside looks ridiculous, ridiculous and pathetic. No young man would date a girl out of pity.

Therefore, even if you really like a guy, but you don’t have a relationship with him, then. And always remember that losing a man is not as scary as losing yourself because of him! Only if a girl respects herself and never loses her self-esteem, will she enjoy real success with the representatives of the stronger sex.