Oaths of the young. Funny from movies. The oath of the bride to the groom in verse

The tradition, when painting in the registry office or during a wedding ceremony on the road, to make such a speech as the wedding oath of the newlyweds is quite old and touching. This is an exciting moment that needs careful preparation. It is important to think over the text well, arrange it beautifully and also read it in public, because not everyone is gifted with the talent of a writer and speaker.

Ideas for writing an oath

looking for the right words for the vows of the bride and groom for the wedding, you can first make a simple outline. Write down the first thing that comes to mind, and only then collect everything to the heap. At this stage, decide what exactly you would like to say in your oath. It often mentions the following:

  • reverent attitude to the beloved (oh);
  • gratitude for support, care and understanding;
  • the seriousness of their intentions regarding family life;
  • what concessions will you make;
  • strong love;
  • how life has changed better side with his (her) appearance;
  • what are you willing to sacrifice for your soulmate;
  • What do you want your relationship to be like in the future?
  • about some romantic moments that beautifully beat.

After receiving a general picture of the future wedding vow of the newlyweds, you can already bring it into human form. To do this, think over a short storyline - reproduce the day you met, the story of your first dates, with what trepidation you were waiting for them, when and how you realized that it was the one next to you, the only one.

It will be great if the oath of the bride and groom reminds in detail about some bright day of a joint relationship. It can be a common trip abroad, a seaside vacation as a savage, a sailing trip, a tandem parachute jump, etc. Memories of such significant events are very close and give speeches warm colors, emotionality and solemnity.

Since the wedding vow of the newlyweds should not stretch longer than 2 minutes, place the accents in it correctly and throw out phrases that do not carry meaning. Focus on common desires, dreams, interests and needs of each other. Slowly, move on to what you most like in a relationship, what you cherish, which is their foundation. Do not forget to write who you are for each other, for example: “You are my devoted comrade, reliable shoulder and support."

At the end of the vow of the bride and groom, you can also avoid the standard text: "I promise to love you, no matter what happens." Instead, a phrase that is personally relevant to you will do. If the groom loves football, then he can say to the bride: "I promise that football will always be in second place after you." Such phrases in an oath will make the audience smile and your soulmate with tears on their faces. On this, you can end the vow, you should not write a whole novel, because the main thing is to say the case, and not just verbose!

How to take an oath

Usually the bride and groom learn the wedding vow by heart. But since some phrases can be forgotten when reading vows during painting from great excitement, it would be logical to print the text on paper. If you arrange it beautifully, you can save it as a keepsake of the holiday and use it on anniversaries. Ribbons, artificial flowers, various beads are suitable for decorating the leaflet. It will be original if you prepare a speech on A4 colored cardboard, rolled up in the form of a scroll. From above it will be interesting to add a bow. A good option is to write vows to the bride and groom on the air tickets left from the joint trip or on the pages from the menu of a gastronomic establishment that both of them love.

How to read an oath

The presentation of the text should be slow and legible, but not devoid of emotion. An emphasis in the form of raising the voice on important events for both is welcome. To make wedding and brides read more effectively, you can add them musical accompaniment, which can go both with verses and without them. So, something from the classics will sound beautiful - a piano performance of the musical series of Bach, Mozart, Tchaikovsky. A rather good idea with the involvement of a violinist who will reproduce something from the repertoire of the legendary Vivaldi.

Of the modern compositions for the vow of the bride and groom, Celine Dion's song “A new day Has Come", Yiruma & Skullee "River Flows In You", Meiko "Reasons To Love You". But it is best to choose the music that both the bride and the groom will like, while the instrumental will be an excellent background for reciting vows.

You can finish reading the vows of the newlyweds at the wedding by exchanging souvenirs that make sense for both. For example, if young people decide to connect marriage bonds when it was raining outside, it would be original to give a figurine in the form of a girl and a man under an umbrella. Another touching option is to launch a flock of doves into the sky, in the paws of which written vows will be placed, or Balloons with texts inside.

Examples of wedding vows

Vows for the wedding of the newlyweds should be different from one another. A girl can afford a little unobtrusive pathos, and a young man light humor.

Groom's vows to the bride:

  1. When I met you, everything in my life became different. Now I know what I live for, what I want, and I am glad that I have someone to take care of. You burst into my world like a hurricane and left no chance for "salvation". Since then, I knew that I will always be with you, I will always love you. You are my other half, my true friend, with you I am not afraid of anything. I am ready to go through life with you, both fire and water, trusting my feelings, sharing the most intimate with you! I promise that everything will work out for the best. I love you and will continue to love you always, your chosen one!
  2. This groom's oath is suitable for a bride who has been in a relationship for years. “My dear (name), today I have to admit that you are a real miracle. In your face I found both a true friend and a good mistress, And the best mom for their future children. You are my muse that inspires me to conquer new heights. I give you my word that you will not regret anything by telling me yes.
  3. (Name), after the first meeting with you, I already knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you and only you. I was captivated by your soulfulness, natural beauty, sharp mind. I can say out loud that I am the most happy man in the world and I love you!

Vows to the groom from the bride:

  1. When I met you, I learned what a sincere, selfless, pure love. You made me better, kinder, stronger, wiser. You helped me always and in everything, you were support in moments of bad weather, and I appreciate it and will always remember. With you, I learned how bright, interesting, rich life can be. I learned a lot, understood a lot, rethought a lot. By making this vow, I promise you that I will always share my secrets with you, discuss my desires, strive to make you happy.
  2. I take an oath that I will not get on your nerves, check your mail, phone, act like a jealous wife. Instead, I assure you that I will take care of you as you take care of me. You can rely on me in any life situation. I will become your best friend, with whom there will always be something to talk about. I will be faithful to you in mind and body. Today I make that promise, and I will always keep it.
  3. It is a great honor for me to become your wife, to accompany you through life, to be the mother of your children, to create comfort in our house. I will do everything in my power to preserve peace and love in him. I promise to always share with you my dreams and desires, sorrows and joys. Let us be accompanied only by luck in life!
  4. I promise you won't go hungry with me. I will cook you breakfast in bed, meet you with a delicious dinner after work, arrange hearty dinners. I will create my own paradise in our house, where every day will be filled with light and goodness. You can always count on me, no matter what happens.

pledge of allegiance newlyweds.

pledge of allegiance newlyweds is a verbal expression of the very essence of the wedding. If you want to make your wedding romantic and beautiful, tell your fiancé about your love and find out about his feelings, then you should say allegiance. In our article, you will find the 4 best pledges of allegiance and tips on how to write your text.

pledge of allegiance: what is it about?

When your loved one offered you a hand and a heart, he let you know that you are the only one with whom he wants to live his whole life. By answering him with consent, you confirmed that your desires are mutual. So here's the wedding pledge of allegiance newlyweds expresses these desires of yours.

Unlike dry official words in the registry office, your wedding vow can be unique, sincere, sensual and romantic.

How to write an oath of allegiance?

Remember all the good things about to her future husband feel all your love for him. When your eyes sparkle with tenderness, just pour all your feelings on paper. Write that you are ready to support him in all his endeavors. Say that his shortcomings do not irritate you, but on the contrary, they touch you, and that it is for them that you love him.

Say that you want to see his eyes every morning, and for this you are ready to compromise and learn to understand each other. Most importantly, be sincere, do not blindly follow patterns.

So honest and beautiful words your fiancé will not be indifferent, and the guests will have to get handkerchiefs.

The best texts of the vow of the newlyweds

#1: love you just the way you are

I promise to accept you just the way you are. I love (a) you for the qualities, opportunities and lifestyle that are unique to you, and I will not try to change you.

I promise to respect you as a person with certain interests and desires and understand that they may differ from mine, but this does not make them less important than my own.

I promise to spend my all with you free time you will win all my attention I will bring joy to our relationship.

I promise to always be an open book for you, I will share with you my fears, secrets and dreams.

I promise to grow old with you, to meet the changes that will occur in you and me, I promise to make sure that our relationship is always alive and interesting.

I promise to love you in sorrow and in joy. Once and for all.

№2: pledge of allegiance favorites in verse

Promise to pity your husband

Help him where needed.

Thoughts, feelings understanding.


- I promise!

Promise us to be cheerful

Accept his friends.

Pour not only tea.


- I promise!

Promise to the theater with friends

Let go without knowing worries

And greet with a smile.


- I promise!

Promise us before the storm

Don't throw pots at him.

We will not know your quarrels.


- I promise!

Promise us to be beautiful

Kind, gentle and sweet,

Live without forgetting your friends.


- I promise!

#3: And this is a humorous oath

I, the wife, commit love your husband

And in the heat, and in the cold,

to share grief for two!

Do not argue and do not anger

Don't wake up early in the morning!

And delicious food every day!

Do not drive in vain to work,

Get paid on time!

On holidays - serve a glass of intoxicating!

to issue good sons,

And don't forget about your daughter!

#4: Listen to your husband's commitment

I, the husband, undertake to carry my wife in my arms,

Wash floors, wash clothes!

Drink only on holidays.

Give gifts to the wife

Don't even squint at your neighbors!

And I'll say it frankly:

"Love your wife I will forever!”

And we give a family toast:

Let's give the country a big boost!

And let the children be born swarm -

Hero father!

You can use these wedding vows or write your own. The main thing is that you pronounce these oaths sincerely and be able to fulfill them throughout your life. So be careful - pledge of allegiance sacred!

wedding vows last years have become very popular. And if during the wedding in Orthodox Church the exchange of vows is inappropriate and not included in the ceremony, then during the marriage procedure in the registry office or on the road, young people may well say something important to each other, make love promises.

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Photo gallery: Romantic traditions: wedding vows

The oath of the bride and groom brings romance and sensuality to a rather concise procedure. Even the most unemotional guests' hearts skip a beat when they sound touching words about love, fidelity and the desire to live with each other a long and wonderful life. This beauty is found in many European ceremonies, both civil and church.

Naturally, oaths can be not only serious, but also comic. Then they are able to defuse the nervous situation and give a reason to smile once again.

Bride's vow

Wedding vows usually consist of several parts. First, the young people tell each other how happy they are that they met their soul mate, thank their fate for this. Followed by promises and commitments. You can read an excerpt from a suitable work or, if you have a good ear, sing an oath song. The main thing is that all words come from the heart and be filled with sincerity.

Before you start writing the bride's wedding vows, you need to agree with the groom whether your marriage vows will be romantic or comic, as it is better to keep them in the same style. Turn on your favorite music that evokes pleasant memories of your loved one, tune in to a romantic mood and try to put your feelings and hopes into words on paper or through a computer. Remember that guests will also listen to you, so avoid overly intimate details.

The text of the wedding vow should not be very long. Even 2 minutes is too long. Try to be brief but convincing. After writing the oath, rehearse it well in front of a mirror or in front of a girlfriend to give your speech as much charm and eloquence as possible.

The text of the bride's oath at the wedding may be as follows:

You are with me in the morning, you are with me at night, you are with me in joy, you are with me in sorrow, in my thoughts, in my dreams, but most of all, dear, you are in my heart. Forever!

I love you. Today is a very special day.

Long ago you were just a dream and a prayer.

Thank you for who you are to me.

I will take care of you, respect and protect you.

I give you my life my friend and my love.

When I met you, I learned the meaning of true love. I promise that as long as I live, I will honor and respect you. I will become better for you and will work to ensure that our relationship is stronger every year. I promise to be honest and listen to you, always respect your opinion. I promise that I will be faithful to you in body and soul. I promise to be yours forever.

Now, looking into your eyes, I understand how much I love you! Once you were just the embodiment of my dream, now it has come true. Thank you for all that you do for me, thank you for filling my life with meaning. I give my life into your hands, my soul and heart belong only to you.

I love you. You are my best friend.

Today I am marrying you.

I promise to encourage and inspire you, to laugh with you

And comfort you in your sadness.

I promise to love you Good times and bad ones

When life seems easy and when life seems hard

When our relationship will be easy and when we will have difficulties.

I promise to protect you and always deeply honor you.

All this I promise today and all the days of our life together.

Thanks to you, I laugh, I smile, I'm not afraid to dream again.

I look forward with great joy to spend the rest of my life with you,

Caring for you and helping in all the difficulties that life has in store for us,

I swear to be faithful and devoted to you for the rest of my life.

Groom's vows

Many men neglect marriage vows, believing that expressing their feelings in public is not quite right. good idea. However, if your beloved dreams of hearing words of love from you at the wedding, then you should not upset her. After all, you don't have to write the oath yourself. You can take ready-made texts or read a romantic poem, taking the bride by the hand and looking deeply into her eyes.

In the oath of the groom at the wedding, there are usually promises to protect his wife from all adversity, to protect and be true friend always and in everything.

Groom wedding vows examples

All my thoughts are about you, my immortal love.

I can live only with you or not live at all ...

Love me and never judge the devoted heart of your beloved.

Forever yours.

Forever mine.

Together forever.

From the moment I first saw you and knew what kind of person you are, I realized that I want to live with you all my life. Mind, beauty, the soulfulness of which nature has endowed you inspire and make me be better. I promise to love you always, all my life. I promise to respect you, to always be honest and faithful with you. I solemnly swear this to you.

We promise each other to be loving friends and partners in marriage.

Speak and listen, trust and appreciate each other, respect and cherish each other's uniqueness;

Support and make each other stronger throughout life's joys and sorrows.

We promise to share hopes, thoughts and dreams as we value our lives together.

May our lives forever be connected and our love helps us to be together.

We will build a house in which harmony will reign.

May our home be filled with peace, happiness and love.

I promise to cherish and love you.

Everything bad is to forget, to understand everything, to forgive everything.

I will surround you with care, attention, warmth.

I swear to those at this table

Do not spare warm affectionate words for you.

I will remember that day, a hot look, gentle nonsense,

And the moment when the fire flared up.

Do not break the thin thread of understanding.

Divide in half bitterness, sweetness, dream.

And soar to incredible heights.

Fall together, and stand up together stubbornly.

In the morning, kiss the baby with you.

In grief, in weakness, in fear - I will not turn away,

I won't sell, I won't betray and I won't leave, I swear!

funny wedding vows

Vows with a bit of humor are especially appropriate if the wedding is themed. For example, in the sea or folk style. It is difficult to write such a text on your own, it is better to take a ready-made one or consult with a toastmaster.

It was still yesterday (mother's surname), today already (groom's surname). Well, I take command. And I promise, there will never be boredom in our house! I swear not to be very capricious, only some days. I honestly promise that I will always find a use for my spouse in the house! I will honestly accept the salary every month, directing it in the right direction.

I promise that lunch and dinner are always ready on the table, so that the union is strong and friendly. I will not leave my husband, because for me he is the best and the best. I won't let anyone hurt him! Well, if necessary, I will beat him myself!

I, the wife, pledge to love my husband

And in the heat and in the cold, grief for two to share!

Do not argue and do not anger

Don't wake up early in the morning!

And delicious food every day!

Do not drive in vain to work,

Get paid on time!

On holidays - serve a glass of intoxicating!

to issue good sons,

And don't forget about your daughter!

When is the best time to say wedding vows?

If you are getting married in a church according to the Protestant rite, then vows can be exchanged by putting rings on each other. IN Orthodox rite it's inappropriate.

To take the oath at the ceremony at the registry office, you need to warn your registrar in advance, as the process is strictly regulated.

In addition, with the vows of the bride and groom, you can open a feast or precede your first dance with them.

Publication date: 27.02.2018 11:27

Now more and more couples are arranging a beautiful outdoor ceremony, during which the newlyweds say not just “Yes”, but the most tender and nice words to his soul mate - vows of love and fidelity. If you're having trouble writing a vow and you're having trouble getting inspired, check out our selection of wedding vows.

We have selected the most beautiful words that you can use in your wedding vow:



Win (win your problems and goals)


Create comfort

Create (Create a beautiful home together)

Dedicate (dedicate yourself to you, to all your desires, goals and dreams)

Protect (to protect you from anything that could steal even the smallest part of your happiness)

hug (hug you and your family)


Enjoy (Is there a sweeter compliment than "I enjoy you")


Be a partner (for projects and goals)


To provide (not just money, but to provide the security, comfort, and warmth you will ever need)

Maintain (This is the most happy marriage when you have each other's support in everything you do)

Give thanks (thank you every day for sharing your life with mine)

It is appropriate to mention the following in the oath:

  • about a reverent attitude towards the second half;
  • about the power of love;
  • about pleasant moments together;
  • about the readiness to be together “both in sorrow and in happiness”, to take action;
  • about devotion and fidelity;
  • about communication to keep the family hearth and take care of a loved one;
  • about their intentions to live a happy life together.

Bride's vow

Thanks to you, I laugh, I smile, I'm not afraid to dream again. I look forward with great joy to spend the rest of my life with you, taking care of you and helping in all the difficulties that life has in store for us, I swear to be faithful and devoted to you until the end of my life.

I love you. You are my best friend. Today I am marrying you. I promise to encourage and inspire you, to laugh with you and comfort you in your sadness.

I promise to love you in good times and bad, when life seems easy and when life seems hard, when our relationship is easy and when we have difficulties.

I promise to protect you and always deeply honor you. All this I promise today and all the days of our life together.

You are my best friend, the one I can always trust. You make me cry and laugh, you are honest and wise. You are my strength and you are kindness itself. No matter what, you always love me. You have always helped me to cope with difficulties in bad times and I can't imagine my life without you. Today, I want to promise myself and you, in front of our friends and families, to love and honor, protect and respect you all my life.

I always wanted to tell you that you are my happiness, my friend.

I promise to carry our friendship until death.

I vow to understand and inspire you

Laugh with you together and console.

I swear to love you always and never change.

I swear our relationship won't change

I swear that I will respect you and accept you the way you are.

All this I promise you today and forever, my friend and husband.

And finally, I discovered the meaning of true love. As long as I live I will love, respect and honor you. I will cultivate myself and improve our relationship.

I promise to be honest and discuss all my needs and feelings, just as I promise to listen to you. I will be faithful to you in soul, body and spirit. Today I make this promise to you.

I promise to give you the best that I have and ask you no more than you can give me.

I promise to accept you just the way you are.

I fell in love with your qualities, abilities, outlook on life, I will not try to remake you.

I promise to respect you as a person with your self-interest, wants and needs.

And, of course, I promise to love you in joy and sorrow and give you everything I have ... completely and always.

I love you very, very much.

I am glad that I waited for this day, because it is special.

Once you were only a dream, and I was waiting for our meeting,

But today you are my life and my reality.

I thank God that I have you andI am grateful for every minute I spend with you.

I swear that my love will not run dry, will not thin.

She will be your bright sun during the day and the mysterious moon at night.

I promise to encourage and inspire you, laugh with you and comfort you in your sorrows.

I promise to love you in good times and bad, when life seems easy and when life seems hard, when our relationship is cloudless as the sky, and even if lead clouds appear on the horizon.

I promise to protect you and always deeply honor you.

All this I promise today and all the days of our life together.

I promise to speak and listen, trust and appreciate, respect and cherish, support and make each other stronger throughout life's joys and sorrows.

Share hopes, thoughts and dreams.

I will cultivate and improve our relationship.

I promise to be honest and discuss all my needs and feelings, I promise to listen to you. I will be faithful to you in soul, body and spirit.

Today I make this promise to you.

Groom's oath

Knowing that in my heart you will always be my one and only, my faithful partner in life, and my true love, I promise to give you all the best. What I have and ask you no more than you can give me.

I promise to accept you for who you are, because that's how I fell in love with you.

I promise to respect you as an individual with your own interests, desires and needs.

And understand that sometimes they are different from my own, but they are no less important than my own.

I promise to be open to you, to share with you my inner fears and feelings, secrets and dreams.

I promise to grow with you to be ready to face any change as we both change in order to keep our relationship vibrant and exciting.

Each country has its own special, therefore, the vows of the newlyweds have some features. For example, Europeans usually come up with words themselves that they will pronounce to their other half. When the Japanese exchange promises face to face, it is customary to stand not only for the bride and groom, but also for their families. Thus, in the future, not only the young, but the whole clan is responsible for fulfilling the oath. But Muslims do not pronounce any vows, instead they carefully listen to what the mullah says about mutual duties and great responsibility to Allah and people. In Hinduism, a young couple takes 7 steps around the divine fire, and 7 oaths are pronounced at this moment.

What should be the pledge of allegiance?

Aimwell's statement shows a marked change in his character. When the bride and groom turn to each other to say their Christian wedding vows, this is a very important moment of the ceremony. Although each element Christian wedding is important, it is the central place of duty.

During the vow, both people promise each other publicly, before any witnesses are present, to do everything in their power to become what God made them, no matter what, as long as they both live. Couples often choose to write their own wedding vows. Keep in mind that the vows for the Bride and Groom do not have to be the same.

How to write a wedding vow

The words of the promise can sound both in the form of a poem and in prose. Of course, it is easiest to copy someone else's words, but it is much more romantic to write it to your loved one yourself. Before picking up a pencil, it is worth remembering the touching tender moments associated with the chosen one and pouring emotions into the text of the oath. And let it not be perfect in terms of literary style, but it will be truly sincere and sincere. No need to copy templates, the wedding vow of the bride or groom should contain a piece of the author. It is then that the second half will be delighted, and the guests present will be moved to tears.

Examples of Christian wedding vows #1

These model oaths can be used as they are or modified to create a unique pledge. You may consult with the minister conducting your ceremony for assistance in choosing or writing your vows.

Examples of Christian wedding vows #2

Examples of Christian wedding vows #3. Examples of Christian Wedding Vows #4 Never has there been a time in the history of mankind when marriage and the institution of the family were so endangered as in this generation. Almost all the circumstances that have made family life in the past the most natural way for people to live together have changed - and all this has happened within a short span of the last seventy years.

The oath usually consists of three parts. In the first one, it is worth saying how dear your loved one is to you, to whom these words are dedicated. That you dreamed of connecting your future with him and starting a family. Then, as beautifully as possible, describe your feelings so that those present are imbued with your experiences. The family rests not only on love and passion, but also on mutual respect. Therefore, in the final part of the wedding vow, you can take on certain responsibilities, from the classic promise to be together in sorrow and joy, to the comic not to cut your spouse for football with friends or not to grumble at your beloved for improper parking.

Just over a year ago, members middle family had to work long hours to ensure a modest life, and dark evenings made them burn around the fire, enjoying each other's company in singing and exchanging personal experience. It was natural way for education and entertainment and was an almost ideal environment for a harmonious family life.

Today, influence from literally unlimited sources through the media of radio, television and print, together with the many inventions of modern civilization, has fundamentally changed the historical cultural setting of the family. In this time of special concern for marriage and the family, the Lord has restored through his prophets to these last eternal eternal dimensions of this sacred covenant between husband and wife and has entrusted us with a new awareness of the true purpose of the family.

Bride and groom vow at wedding

The traditional words of the oath look like this:

I, (name), take you, (name), to be my (husband / wife), my constant friend, my faithful partner and my love from this day forward. In the presence of God, our family and friends, I offer you and solemnly promise to be your faithful companion in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, in joy and in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to rejoice with you and mourn with you, to cherish you as long as we both live.

McKay, who said, "No other success can make up for a failure at home." It is obvious that in marriage today we cannot rely only on the patterns of the past without developing, perfecting and exercising the power that the Lord has given us as the greatest commandment - the commandment to love one another. Yet, nearly two thousand years later, the people of the world refuse to accept the Savior's words found in Matthew chapter 5.

You heard what was said: love your neighbor and hate your enemy. This love that Christ teaches us is not like the love of the world. It does not mean just loving someone who is good, who behaves well, respects, is strong and influential. Our Heavenly Father through his prophets in these last days calls us to develop the love of God as a power from above that cannot be threatened from without. This love of God, according to the Book of Mormon prophet Nephi, must be achieved and is "most desirable first of all."

romantic vow

I take you (name) as a wife (husband) and promise to accept you the way you are. I love you for those qualities that only you possess, I love all your flaws and virtues. I promise that I will not change you, because I fell in love with you just like that. I promise to bring only joyful notes to our relationship and cherish them reverently. I love you and appreciate you for who you are!

We must overcome this natural man - this "enemy of God" - our natural self. According to King Benjamin, we must learn to listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and literally make a covenant with God, accept the Savior's atonement, and become a child - submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, and is ready to obey everything, even when the child obeys the father. What a powerful message and what a difficult responsibility! We must learn to recommit ourselves every day so that our life is centered around this - a key commandment from God to his children.

I promise that I will always be for you like an open book - I will share with you all the sorrows, joys, experiences and happiness. I want to spend my whole life with you!

Wedding vows of the bride and groom

Bridegroom: “In front of everyone here, I promise to love you and take care of you. I accept you with all the advantages and disadvantages and ask the same in return. I will protect and help you if you need it, and I am ready to walk hand in hand with you all my life.

Moroni, another Book of Mormon prophet, tells us how we can achieve this love. But mercy is the pure love of Christ, and it endures forever; and whoever is in it on the last day will be well with it. So, my beloved brethren, pray to the Father with all the energy of your heart that you may be filled with this love that he has given to all who are true followers of His Son, Jesus Christ; so that you become sons of God.

Our Heavenly Father wants us to fill ourselves with this love—this love that is unconditional. Filled with this love, we are ready to accept the exhortation to take up the cross of our Everyday life and humbly learn to follow in his footsteps, according to the words of the Savior found in the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 10.

Bride: “I accept your oath and in return I ask you to hear mine. I promise to love and respect you as my spouse. Do not swear over trifles, bring warmth and comfort to the house, provide you with help and support when you need it. I choose you as the person I want to spend my whole life with.”

Groom's wedding vow

The moment I first saw you, I realized that it was with you that I wanted to go hand in hand through life. You make me better, kinder, brighter, so I want to promise: no matter what happens, to be faithful and honest with you. To love and respect you, relieve adversity and help in everything. I ask you to become my lawful wife and walk with me through life. And let the people gathered here become witnesses of my sincerity and straightforwardness.

And he who takes up his cross and does not follow Me is not worthy of Me. "Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever spares his life for My sake will find it." Marriage based on this foundation unconditional love in the covenant and vow of the eternal dimension, does not know two selfish people living together, as we often see in modern society. In a marriage founded on the cornerstone of unconditional love, which is the love of God, the idea of ​​divorce is unthinkable, and even short separations bring unquenchable pain.

Separations and divorces are a sign of weakness and sometimes evil. The Lord gave clear teaching regarding the sanctity of the marriage covenant. We read in Matthew chapter 19, the words of the Savior to the Pharisees. Is it legal for a man to remove his wife in all matters? And he answered and said to them: You have not read that the one who made them in the beginning made them male and female.

Bride's wedding vow

I (name), take you (name) to become my husband, my life partner and my only love. I will cherish our union and love you more every day. I will trust you and respect you, rejoice with you and cry with you, love you in sorrow and in joy, regardless of the obstacles that we can overcome together. I give you my hand, my heart, and my love, starting from this day, as long as we both live.

And he said: For this reason will a man leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife, and they will be one flesh? Therefore, they are no longer two, but one flesh. So what God has joined together, let no man separate. They say to him: why did Moses order to write a divorce and take her away?

An example of a traditional wedding vow

“He said to them: Moses, because of the hardness of your hearts, carried you to take away your wives, but from the very beginning it was not so.” The only way which we will not suffer from the hardness of our hearts, as Christ explains, is to build the power of love in ourselves by literally asking our Heavenly Father for this gift of love - and become holy through the atonement of Christ the Lord and becoming like a child in humility, so that we can be filled with this unconditional love and in this love, being in the Spirit and with this Spirit, heading into all the challenges of our life.

wedding vow in verse

I promise to feel sorry for my husband, to help him where necessary. Thoughts, feelings understanding. I promise, I promise! I promise to be cheerful, to accept his friends. Pour not only tea. I promise, I promise! I promise to let you go to the theater with friends, not knowing worries, And to meet with a smile. I promise, I promise!

We know that we, in our imperfect bodies and in our pursuit of perfection, face situations where our family members or even a spouse can act like an enemy. Then comes the time when love and strength are needed and tested, for the person who has earned love is the least in need of it.

My first natural reaction in my anger was to get up and follow him. Now my role was to put his crime into proper perspective and console him. A wonderful spirit came over us and we ended up crying together, hugging each other in love and finally in joy.

I promise not to throw a pot at him before the storm. We will not quarrel with you. I promise, I promise!!!

In order not to forget the words from excitement at the most crucial moment, it is worth writing them down on a piece of paper. A promise written on balloons or tied to the paws of doves - thus, oaths are sent straight to the sky, where marriages are made. However, do not forget - it is not enough to say a beautiful wedding vow, the promise must be fulfilled!

The vows of the bride and groom in verse

What could have been a disastrous confrontation between father and son became, thanks to the help of the forces above, one of the most beautiful experiences of our relationship that we both never forgot. Not in Brazil, where three women challenged deep conservative tendencies in Congress and broader traditional mores by celebrating political civil union. "This union is not just symbolic" because it defines "how they intend to have children," Leitao's lawyer said.

Lovers - business women and the dentist, who are both 32 and 34-year-old office managers, have been together for three years and wish to remain anonymous. According to the lawyer, despite offensive media speculation about the alleged love life they are actually shy.

wedding vow in prose
Groom's oath:
Darling, today I want to thank you! Thanks to you, I laugh again, I smile, I learned to dream again. I see our happy future ahead and will gladly spend the rest of my life with you. I will take care of you and support you Hard time. I swear allegiance and devotion to you for the rest of my life!

The union is not a formal marriage because under Brazilian law it would be bigamy. They also cannot automatically declare joint income or join a marital health plan. According to the lawyer, the civil union is still a big step.

They also have a better chance of improving their three-parent family plan, Leitao said. "Our union is the fruit of love," the unnamed businessman told the O Globo daily trio. Legalization is a way for the child and for us not to be left without a trace and without a penny. We want to use the same maternal rights, like everyone else.

Bride's vow:Darling, today I want to thank you! When I met you, I learned the meaning of true love. I promise that as long as I live, I will honor and respect you. I will become better for you and will work to make our relationship better every year. I promise to be honest and listen to you, always respect your opinion. I promise that I will be faithful to you in body and soul. I promise to be yours forever.

The oath usually consists of three blocks

According to Leitao, "all the principles and foundations" of this ruling "may also be applied to polyamorous relationships." Brazil, the world's most populous Catholic country with a growing evangelical population, is full of controversy, including a permissive view of sexual relations, typical of the famous tiny Brazilian bikini.

In the Congress, one of the most socially conservative in Brazilian history, lawmakers are currently debating a measure that would define "family" as the union between a man and a woman. However, not everyone is excited about the new family of models. “We are on our way to chaos,” thought Eider Faber Goodes, head of a major evangelical organization.

#1. wedding vow
I love you. You are my best friend.
Today I am marrying you.
I promise to encourage and inspire you, to laugh with you
And comfort you in your sadness.
I promise to love you in good times and bad
When life seems easy and when life seems hard
When our relationship will be easy and when we will have difficulties.
I promise to protect you and always deeply honor you.
All this I promise you today and all the days of our life together.

The vows you make are the heart of your wedding day and have been spoken by millions of couples over the centuries. They cannot be rewritten or changed in any way for legal reasons - they are words of commitment to living together that define you as "married". Wedding vows are spoken before God and before your family and friends. Along with the vows, you will make "Declarations" that affirm that you will always love and care for each other in a way that pleases God.

A lifetime commitment to these promises and declarations is presented when you give rings to each other as a symbol of endless love. This completes the marriage, meaning you can now sign the Registry as a legal record. At the moment when the vows are spoken, you turn to each other, take right hand each other and talk.

#2. wedding vow
We promise each other to be loving friends and partners in marriage.
Speak and listen, trust and appreciate each other, respect and cherish each other's uniqueness;
Support and make each other stronger throughout life's joys and sorrows.
We promise to share hopes, thoughts and dreams as we value our lives together.
Let our life forever be connected, our love helps us to be together.
We will build a house in which harmony will reign.
May our home be filled with peace, happiness and love.

#3. wedding vow
And finally, I discovered the meaning of true love.
As long as I live I will love, respect and honor you.
I will cultivate myself and improve our relationship.
I promise to be honest and discuss all my needs and feelings,
I also promise to listen to you. I will be faithful to you in soul, body and spirit.Today I make this promise to you.

#4. wedding vow
I promise to give you the best that I have and ask you no more than you can give me.
I promise to accept you just the way you are.
I fell in love with your qualities, abilities, outlook on life, I will not try to remake you.
I promise to respect you as an individual with your own interests, desires and needs.
And understand that sometimes they are different from my own, but they are no less important than my own.
I promise to be open to you, to share with you my inner fears and feelings, secrets and dreams.
I promise to grow with you to be ready to face any change because we are both changing in order to keep our relationship vibrant and exciting.
And, of course, I promise to love you in joy and sorrow and give you everything I have ... completely and always.

#5. wedding vow
I, ____, take you ____, as a wife
Knowing that in my heart you will always be my one and only, my faithful partner in life and my true love.

#6. wedding vow
Thanks for being you! Now, looking into your eyes, I understand how much I love you! Once you were just the embodiment of my dream, now it has come true. Thank you for all that you do for me, thank you for filling my life with meaning. I give my life into your hands, my soul and heart belong only to you.

#7. wedding vow
I ______, take you, ______, as a wife / husband, to be with you and support you from this day on in joy and sorrow, in poverty and prosperity, in sickness and health, until death do us part.

#8. wedding vow
I ______, I take you, ______, as a wife/husband. I vow to openly share my life with you. Tell you only the truth about your love. I promise to respect you and tenderly care for you, cherish and support you for the rest of my life.
#9. wedding vow
I ______, I take you, ______, as my wife. I will loving spouse. I promise to respect you as a person. Every day you make me better and better. I will love you through good and bad as long as we are both alive.
#10. wedding vow
I ______, I ask the guests present here to become witnesses of the fact that I take you as a wife / husband
#eleven. wedding vow
______, I openly declare my love for you. I encourage you to share my life as a husband/wife. I promise to respect your needs and accept you as you are/as you are/as you are. I will be kind, trusting and selfless. And I will do my best to ensure that our family life was happy.
#12. wedding vow
______, I want to be with you always. I chose you among others to share my life with you in marriage. I love you as myself and want you to become who you can be. I promise to honor this oath as long as I live.
#13. wedding vow
I ______, I take you, ______, as my wife for life. I will do my best to keep our love. I will talk to you and listen to you. I will give you everything and I will expect the same. Your successes and happiness, grief and adversity will be mine.
#14. wedding vow
______, I feel proud to take you to legal spouses. We have always had those feelings and understanding that can only be experienced with true love. You helped me cope with all the difficulties that arose before me. Supported my personal growth, boosted my self-esteem and helped me become a better person. You helped me become who I am today. And with your help tomorrow I will be better than I was yesterday. I love the way you love and care for me. I love the way you believe and trust me. I love how beautiful you look for me. I love you and love my life with you. Today, as we begin our lives as husband and wife, I declare that I dedicate my life to you.
#15. wedding vow
______, I take you as a legal spouse. To say that I love you is to say nothing. It is impossible to briefly express the depth of my feelings. Words cannot express all the respect and love I have for you.
I will not tell you how much I appreciate you, how tender and caring you are, not about the joy that I feel when you laugh, nor about the tears that I hold back when you hurt, nor about the support that you give me when it is necessary, nor the pleasure I feel when I touch you.
But if I say I love you, it means all of the above.
So let me say, my love for you is getting bigger and bigger every day!
#16. wedding vow
I will hug you when you need it. I will listen to you when you need to talk. I will laugh with you when you are happy and support you when you are sad. I will love you for who you are and help you become who you can be. I will meet old age with you.
#17. wedding vow
______, you are my best friend and my only real love. When I am with you, I feel that I am who I want to be and cannot imagine my life without you. You make me smile, you support me, you care for me, and you are always interested in what I have to say and do. Today, I want to promise myself and you, in front of our friends and families, that I will love and honor, protect and respect you all my life.
I swear to trust you and value your opinion and help you. I promise to treat you like your best friend, on an equal footing. I will ask you for help when I need it, and I will offer my own. Let's be friends and lovers and grow old together. Let's make our joint years become best years life. Once and for all.
#18. wedding vow
You are my best friend, the one I can always trust. You make me cry and laugh, you are honest and wise. You are my strength and you are kindness itself. No matter what, you always love me. You have always helped me get through the tough times and I can't imagine my life without you. Today, I want to promise myself and you, in front of our friends and families, to love and honor, protect and respect you all my life.
#19. wedding vow
I promise to remain your closest friend, always be with you, take care of you, and love you no matter what. I will always share your interests and ideas. I will be with you in your heart and I will protect you in mine. When you are happy, I will be happy with you. When you feel sad, I will do everything to make you smile and not be sad. I will help you develop as a person as we work together towards common goals. I will be your friend and spouse, I will recognize that your choice is as important as mine. I promise you love, honesty, loyalty and commitment to you, and in general, to make your life the happiest.
#20. wedding vow
I ______, I take you, ______, as a legal spouse. I will be a loving wife/husband. I promise to respect and support you.
By marrying/marrying you, I vow to continue building the love and friendship that we have developed over the course of our time together. I also want to be happy that I am with you.
I will love you in joy and sorrow until death do us part.
#21. wedding vow
______, I take you as a legal spouse. I cherish the bonds of love that bind us. It's a relationship that I didn't have before. I feel your care for me, and I miss your smile and touch when we are far from each other. I like your sensitivity, caring nature, enthusiasm and optimism. I promise to support you in joy and in sorrow. I promise to appreciate you and us as we travel through our lives. I am very proud to be your husband/wife.
#22. wedding vow
______, I am proud to be your wife/husband. When you are around, you make me glow with happiness. Knowing that I can lean on your tenderness, support and strength if I need it, my fears recede. You have given me a lot. I love your calm. Like your smile. I love the way you love me. This is exactly how I always wanted to be loved. You contribute to my personal growth. You listen and support me like no other. Today, on the first day of our new life, I promise to be with you always.
#23. wedding vow
I ______, I promise to give you, ______, all my love, tenderness and support. I promise to be open and honest at all times.
#24. wedding vow
______, I want to always be with you, wherever you are. I chose you among others to live my life with you.
I will hug you when you need it. I will listen to you when you need to talk. I will laugh with you in moments of fun, and support in moments of sadness. I will love you, whoever you are and help you become the one in all endeavors. I will meet old age with you, and I will be with you until the end of our days.
#25. wedding vow
I promise to give you all the best that I have and ask no more than you can give me. I promise to respect you as myself and understand that your interests, desires and needs are no less important than mine. I promise to share my whole life with you, and bring joy, strength, resourcefulness into our relationship. I promise to be open and honest with you. I promise to walk with you through life in the same direction. I promise to love you and be with you through your best and worst times.

#26. wedding vow
“Dear (th) (name of the groom / bride), putting on this ring, I take you as a spouse (wife). Know that from now on you belong to me, and I belong to you, for we are no longer two divided halves, but one whole.

#27. wedding vow
“Wearing this ring, I call you my wife (husband). I promise to love you faithfully and faithfully until the end of my days. I promise to share with you all the good and protect you from the bad. I promise to respect your opinion, take care of you and our future children, and I swear: no matter what happens, I will always be there for you.”

#28. wedding vow
“With this ring, I give myself to you and take you as my wife. With this ring, I find you as my other half and I swear that from now on there will be no one closer and dearer to me than you. Please accept this ring as a token of my love and devotion."

#29. wedding vow
“To you, my beloved, I give this ring as a visible symbol that you are my wife and I am your husband. Keep it and remember this day when we made an alliance between us, sanctified by Heaven. Let everyone who sees this ring on your hand know that my love for you is as bright and imperishable as this ring.

#thirty. wedding vow
"You are my life, my love, my most close friend. Take this ring and wear it as a sign that we are spouses, and there is no such force in the world that could separate us.

#31. wedding vow
“Take this ring as a pledge that I will keep my love for you pure and holy. I swear that I will never break the oath I made to you today. Put on this ring and wear it in memory of this sacred day when we became husband and wife before the Lord and our witnesses.”

#32. wedding vow
“This ring is precious, strong and timeless. I promise you that our union will be the same. Love will make it precious, fidelity will make it strong, hope will make it endless. Accept it as a symbol of the fact that from now on we are spouses.

#33. wedding vow
“Take this ring and know that it means not only my love for you and pledge marital fidelity. It is a visible reminder that God has brought us together, and as long as we love each other, He will always be with us.”

#34. wedding vow
“Wherever you are, and whatever happens to you, wear this ring. For even if you lose the whole world but keep the ring - the world will be born again for you, because it contains all my love for you. So, keep it and know that my life belongs to you from now on.

#35. wedding vow
“My beloved! In giving you this ring, I am giving you my heart, my soul and my life to the last breath. May this oath be strong and undefiled."

#36. wedding vow
I love you. Today is a very special day.
Long ago you were just a dream and a prayer.
Thank you for who you are to me.
With our future just as bright is the promise of God.
I will take care of you, respect and protect you.
I give you my life my friend and my love.

#37. wedding vow
Thanks to you, I laugh, I smile, I'm not afraid to dream again.
I look forward with great joy to spend the rest of my life with you,
Caring for you and helping in all the difficulties that life has in store for us,
I swear to be faithful and devoted to you for the rest of my life.

#38. wedding vow
I ____ connect my life with yours, as easily and freely as the Lord gave me life. Wherever you go, I will go with you whatever you face, I will too. In sickness or in health, in joy or sorrow, in wealth or poverty, I take you as my husband / wife, I give myself only to you.

#39. wedding vow
I …. (name and surname) I love you and I know that you ... (name and surname) also love me. Therefore, I am ready to be your wife. For so many years I asked God to send me a man in whom I would be sure. And now he fulfilled my request, and you are standing in front of me. I swear to love you, listen to you and trust you. As Jesus told us, “a wife should be submissive to her husband just as she is submissive to God.” Just as God is the head of everything, so the husband is the head of the family. I give myself to you and swear allegiance to the end of days.