Meeting children from the registry office with a loaf of speech. How the groom's parents meet the young after the registry office. Towel for a wedding loaf - you can't do without it

March Mendelssohn put an end to single life. Ahead - wedding celebration and new life. What it will be depends on the husband and wife. In the meantime!.. How do parents meet the newlyweds after the registry office? What to say on such an exciting day for everyone?

What to do?

If the main participants want wedding ceremony meeting of the newlyweds to be held in accordance with Christian traditions, you can contact the local parish to the priest, where advice will be given and exhaustive answers to all questions will be received.

If this is not possible, then the following is required:

  • Parents and those invited to the venue of the banquet should arrive early in order to have time to prepare for the meeting of the young;
  • Prepare those icons with which the son and daughter were blessed for marriage. Do not forget about towels for icons. What icon to meet the newlyweds? The same icons that blessed the children before the wedding. Son - an icon of Jesus Christ, daughter - an icon of the Mother of God;
  • Bake or buy a loaf, or maybe just bread and salt to meet the newlyweds. A towel is also needed here, on which the loaf will be placed;
  • A towel that spreads under the feet of young people;
  • Prepare rose petals, hop cones, wheat, rice, millet, sweets, coins.

In this case, the bride and groom must be baptized.

Blessing after the registry office

The meeting of the bride and groom before entering the room where the banquet will take place is held by the groom's parents with icons and bread and salt, as their house includes new member families. The bride's parents meet with glasses filled with champagne. Guests also take part in the meeting. They line up in two lines, forming a corridor. It will not be considered a violation if the young family receives a blessing for happy marriage after leaving the registry office.

The newly arrived young people go to their parents along an impromptu corridor, and the guests shower them with rose petals, hop cones, wheat, rice, oats, sweets. All this has a semantic meaning - the wish for a happy and comfortable life, health and beauty, many children.

A towel is laid on the floor in front of the welcoming parents. The newlyweds come up to their parents and stand on a towel, which symbolizes a long and beautiful family life. The mother of the groom, and now the mother-in-law, blesses the children with icons for family life. It is advisable to think over the words of blessing in advance, but they must be sincere, from the bottom of the heart. For a happy family life, you can bless the icon of the Kazan Mother of God. The icons are handed over to the young family, where they are kept.

With a loaf of parting words to the newlyweds, the father-in-law speaks.

Young people can bite off or break off each piece from the loaf, salt and treat each other. There are many meanings to this ritual. It is believed that the one who breaks the first and more bread from the loaf will dominate the family. A treat with salted bread is considered to be so young last time"salt" to each other.

Then the parents of the bride also bless the main heroes of the occasion for new life and serve champagne. Sip a little champagne, pour the rest behind your back. After that, the glasses must be broken by throwing them over your shoulder. For luck!

Parents accompany the young family to wedding table and three times circled around him for the eternal connection of wife and husband. To live without quarrels, young people break a plate and step over the fragments - they will live without quarrels.


Life makes its own adjustments and the plan may not always be fulfilled. It happens that only one of the parents is present at the wedding. It's okay if one parent blesses. In the absence of both parents, the eldest of the relatives or godparents can give the blessing.

It is not uncommon for the bride and groom to be unbaptized, then their meeting after the registry office will take place with a wedding loaf and champagne, without icons.

At many weddings, children are greeted with icons by the mothers of the bride and groom, and fathers with bread and salt and champagne. Is it correct? If you could not get an answer to this question from the priest, but decided to give a blessing in this way, do as you decide. The main thing is that everything is done from pure heart, sincerely.

New traditions appear and old ones are forgotten. In those days, when wedding feasts were held in the house of the groom's parents, the young husband carried his wife into the house in his arms. There was a lock on the threshold, which was then locked with a key. The key was then thrown away. Now locks are being closed on bridges, on trees.

What is reprehensible in this? The actions of parents are aimed at ensuring that the life of children is happy. Who doesn't want this?

The correct implementation of all traditions and rituals does not guarantee a long and happy life for a young family. The main guarantor of family happiness and well-being is the husband and wife.

Every city, village, and sometimes even families have their own interpretations of well-known wedding traditions, customs and rituals. The final decision on how a particular ceremony will take place at a particular wedding is made by the newlyweds and their parents. For example, the presenter Natalia Soboleva (Mogilev, Belarus) offers her interpretation of the well-known wedding ceremony of meeting the newlyweds at the restaurant.

Text: Natalia Soboleva, presenter (Mogilev, Belarus)

The meeting of the young usually takes place on the threshold of the restaurant (cafe, canteen) where the wedding takes place. The young parents meet, and the guests become a corridor. If the parents are divorced or not (or there is no one of them), any other close and well-known people to the couple can meet - godparents, uncles, aunts, and so on. In the "corridor" that the guests are building and where the newlyweds will go, they spread a carpet or a path.

In the hands of the parents welcoming the loaf, an icon, two glasses of vodka, salt and a spoonful of honey. The loaf and salt are held by the groom's mother on the "bread and salt" handbrake, the icon is the mother of the bride.

First, the groom's mother presents to the newlyweds wedding loaf. They can kiss it, break it off or bite it off. The last option, in my opinion, does not look the best. in the best way: in practice, the bride and groom literally "bite" into the loaf, and everyone around shouts: "Who will bite off more !!!". It happened that half of the pie was broken off, and then what to do with it?

In my opinion, the best option- is to break off a piece, salt (and mom will say: "Salt for the last time to each other.") And feed each other.

Then comes the turn of the icon - you need to kiss it. Often the question arises: what should be the icon. The mother of the bride escorts her daughter from the house with the icon of the Mother of God, and the mother of the groom escorts her son with the icon of St. Nicholas, and which one to meet? There is no single answer here. Usually they meet either two at once or one of them. The question can be further clarified with the priest in the church.

After that, glasses of vodka are presented by one of the popes as "the last bitter thing that will happen in life." Do not pour mineral water or champagne into glasses, because the bubbles will be visible. Even if you can’t drink young, still pour vodka. You can simply sip the drink, and pour the rest over your left shoulder.

After that, the glasses must be broken: according to custom, an empty bowl is not left, the glass is beaten for good luck. Then the newlyweds are treated to honey.

At the end of the ceremony, the bride and groom invite all the guests to go to the called feast, they go first along the path, and after them they twist it so that no one else steps on it. At this time, guests shower them with rice, coins, rose petals or grain.

According to the wedding tradition, after painting in the registry office, the newlyweds go to a restaurant, where the ceremony is to take place - “The meeting of the young with the loaf”. Bread and salt. The wedding loaf is a symbol of wealth and family well-being, round form is a symbol of the sun, which in ancient times was worshiped by many peoples, but salt has always been a protection from evil forces. Of course, according to tradition, a happily married woman with children should knead and bake a loaf, so she, as it were, shares her happiness with the newlyweds through a wedding loaf. Now they don’t do that anymore and they just order a loaf. Almost everyone knows what and when to say, but there are situations when people get lost from excitement. Read in detail how everything happens.

Scenario of the meeting of the bride and groom with a loaf

According to today's traditions, while young people walk in the park or winter garden and take pictures, guests gather at the entrance to the restaurant. Parents are served a loaf on a towel (a special embroidered towel) and an icon. Guests - friends and relatives of the young - line up in a living corridor and ...

  1. When the spouses arrive, the guests greet them with loud congratulations and shower them with petals.
  2. Then the parents first say welcome words and then bless their children for a long and happy life.
  3. After the parental blessing, the couple should break off a small piece of loaf, salt and feed each other.
  4. It is very important to break off a piece of the wedding loaf, but in no case bite off! Bread is holy and to do so means desecration of the holy.
  5. At the end, before entering the restaurant, the newlyweds break a plate for good luck. And the smaller the pieces, the better.

On the one hand, everything is simple and clear, on the other hand, it requires preliminary preparation (which must be carried out during the time that it takes the newly-made spouses to arrive at the restaurant). And so that no one forgets anything, it is necessary to remind each participant of his place, action and words. Recall what exactly is required for the meeting of the newlyweds.

Preparing guests for a meeting of young people with a loaf

Having gathered at the restaurant, guests gather in one big crowd, then they break into groups according to their interests. You will have to work hard to explain to all their roles and put them in their places, hand over baskets with petals, rice, coins and sweets. Build a living corridor at the end of which the young will be expected by parents with a loaf.

The main thing is that during the shedding of the newlyweds, the guests do not accidentally injure them (you can leave a bruise with a coin, and a grain of rice in the eye is not too pleasant) or spoil appearance(rice and petals can get stuck in the hair and in the folds of the clothes). The guests should be explained that it is necessary, as it were, to sow in front of the couple, and not to purposely throw the young from the breadth of the soul. The organizer of the wedding should deal with all this, respectively, which is what is needed for everything to go without a hitch.

Who and how holds the loaf

Here the newlyweds walked along the soft petals, crunching the spilled rice and approached the doors of the restaurant. On the threshold are excited parents with an icon and a wedding loaf. The loaf should be held by the groom's mother (mother-in-law) as a sign that she accepts the bride into the family and calls her her daughter (in the past, young spouses lived with their parents). Unfortunately, very few observe all the nuances of this ceremony, and sometimes the mother of the bride holds the loaf, and sometimes one of the fathers.

This is not given much importance because more and more often a young couple does not go to live with their parents, but immediately settles in a separate house and does not consider it necessary to adhere to all the canons of this ritual. Therefore, it is believed that the addition takes place in both families at once and all parents can take part in the ceremony. Then both mothers can keep the wedding loaf on a towel - thereby personifying the unity of families.

The role of fathers in the ritual of meeting the young

Don't forget about dad! While mothers are busy with the loaf, fathers are also entrusted with a responsible task. One dad is given a tray with glasses of champagne, because the young will need to drink a wedding loaf. The other is given to hold the icon, which also lies on the towel, for the parental blessing, which will follow further in the scenario. The parents of the groom bless in turn, then the parents of the bride.

The ritual of treating guests with a wedding loaf

The meeting of the young with the loaf must necessarily end with the “Ritual of Treating Guests”. When the young couple are blessed with a long, happy life, everyone goes to the restaurant and takes their seats. After that, the bride and groom should treat everyone present with a wedding loaf. Sell ​​the pieces, as is the case with wedding cake it is forbidden. Bread is a holy symbol, you need to break it off with your hands and treat guests with joy and pure thoughts. Newly made spouses are required to go around the entire banquet hall, all the guests and break off a piece for each.

The meeting of the young with the loaf falls on the shoulders of not only the parents of the newlyweds. The guests also do not sit in silence, but sincerely thank the young people, saying congratulations. Today, again, many depart from traditions and either parents or waiters treat the loaf under the supervision of the evening manager.

Congratulations to the young from their parents

Samo parental blessing native children to life in joy and happiness is a very touching moment and few people are able to refrain from tears. In order not to spoil the solemn and heartbreaking moment, it is necessary to prepare in advance, rehearse the necessary words. According to tradition, each parent has his own speech of blessing. Below is an example of such a speech.

Congratulations to the daughter-in-law and son from the mother-in-law

In principle, if you do not trust your memory or do not want the words to sound insincere and pretentious, you should not torture yourself and cram some verses or solemn phrases. You can just say some words that are important to you, the main thing is that they come from the heart. You can wish a bright future, the birth of a child (grandson), a calm family life, so that they walk through life inseparably. In your blessing, the children should not only hear, but feel everything that you wish them on this unforgettable and such an important day.

Here is an example of blessing the young:

“I want to congratulate you on your marriage.
Keep the warmth that you have acquired.
And put in your best efforts.
So as not to waste everything that you found.
Live peacefully, amicably, fairly.
So that trouble could not sneak up on you.
So that life is fun and beautiful.
Do not part, children, never.

I want to throw flowers at your feet.
So that the road was paved with them.
So that secret dreams come true.
You ask for blessings from God.
I will shower my family with congratulations.
Which is a little more than an hour old.
I will sprinkle you with holy water.
I will bless, yes so that with a margin.
I hasten to congratulate you with all my heart.
After all, marriage was a combination.

Here is an example of congratulations to the young in prose:

“Our dear children! Accept our my sincere congratulations on this wonderful day. Love is a fragile vessel that holds the great gift of your hearts. Protect it, do not break it or drop it on the road of family life. And no matter how difficult it is, do not rush to go through it to the end. Enjoy every moment that life gives us. May grace and love be with you, may the source of your tenderness, mutual understanding and respect not run dry.

Father of the Groom and Father of the Bride

After the words of the mothers, the newlyweds should break off a piece from the wedding loaf, salt and eat.

Next comes the blessing of the fathers. For example:

"May the sun, peace, love and children
You will be a great joy!
Live in peace and harmony
Until your golden wedding!
Let the sun shine only for you
Flowers grow for you
The whole world and the sun at your feet -
Happy to be you!”

Parting words of the father of the bride:

"Our lovely children! So the moment has come when you have grown up and fly away from your parental nest into free flight. Your own life path awaits. Sometimes it will be light and simple, sometimes dark and thorny. But I believe that you will pass it without turning and the smile that we see today will always shine on your face.

Although the tradition of the “wedding loaf” originated a long time ago, it has not been forgotten and has come down to us, albeit in a slightly different form. Without it, it is impossible to imagine any modern wedding. This touching and ancient ritual gives the wedding a touch of mystery. And young spouses thereby show that they do not forget their roots and remember the precepts of their ancestors. In order for you to have the opportunity to study this ceremony with a wedding loaf in detail, we bring to your attention a video of the meeting of the newlyweds at the restaurant.

On the eve of the wedding, young parents have a lot of questions in their heads. Including how to meet young people with a loaf, what to say in this situation. It is recommended that you at least minimally prepare for such a meeting in advance so that the right words are found at the right time.

Despite the fact that with modern traditions the meeting of the young with the loaf has little in common, it is important to respect the traditions of the old and Slavic wedding rituals. The feast begins only after cutting the loaf by the young, they are the first to enter festive hall and sit down at their table, and after that the active seating of the guests begins.

History of tradition

Once in Rus', it was the loaf that was the main bread product, which symbolized the satiety and well-being of the family. Therefore, the festive feast on the wedding day symbolically began with a loaf. As a rule, they baked it themselves a few days before the wedding. Was taken as a basis Wheat flour, cones, spikelets of dough were made as decorations - this symbolized wealth, fertility. The top of the loaf was decorated with doves, which personified love.

How to meet young people with a loaf, what to say to parents on this day modern times? To be honest, the traditions here have changed little. Already by the arrival of the wedding cortege from the registry office, parents should stand at the entrance to the restaurant with a tray on which there will be a loaf. As a rule, the mother of the groom should present the young with a towel with a loaf and salt - this is a symbol of well-being, harmony in the future life together.

Some special rules what to say when meeting young people with a loaf does not exist. It's just that every parent should express wishes, parting words and blessing.

The first word, as a rule, goes to the mother of the groom, and the father stands modestly with glasses of champagne for the newlyweds nearby and quietly agrees with the words of the mother. Of course, if dad - a real man, then he says a parting word and a blessing, and my mother adds congratulations in verse and says her blessing. Usually there are difficulties – What to say? We will give several examples of the speech of the father (mother) of the groom for this case. The moment is exciting, so you need to speak with all your heart, for poetry you must have a cheat sheet, and it is better to say the words of blessing from yourself, in your own words. But you still need to rehearse the speech before the arrival of the newlyweds.

After all parting words for a happy and long life together they say that the young should break off a piece on each side of the loaf, dip the bread in salt and treat each other. This sweet tradition is a symbol and personification of how young people should take care of each other in marriage.

It is believed that whoever breaks off or bites off a larger piece of loaf will be the head of the family. Salt in this case means that the last time the young annoyed each other and in the future they promise to live only in peace, harmony, not to quarrel. As for the father of the groom, during the ceremony he holds in his hands either the icon of St. Nicholas, or the icon of the Mother of God. This is a symbol of spirituality, that the family will adhere to family traditions and Christian values.

It is clear that the mother and father of the bride do not stand empty-handed. They present honey and champagne to the young after the ritual with the loaf. It's a symbol sweet life and the beginning of a wonderful period - honeymoon. Having drunk champagne to the bottom, the young should break the glasses.

According to the fragments from the glasses, the people calculated who would be the first-born in the family. If the fragments are large, then a boy will be born first among the young, small fragments are a symbol of the birth of a girl.

At the end of the loaf ceremony, the young must bow to the ground with their parents three times, kiss each of the parents three times on the cheeks. After the ritual is over, the loaf is placed on the table for the young, where it remains until the end of the wedding day. It was accepted by the people upper part leave the loaf to the young, and give the rest to guests in return for gifts, good wishes.

Approximate words from the mother of the groom on the loaf (it is she who holds the towel with the loaf and salt, she is the first to meet the young):

  • Kids! Congratulations on your wedding day and birthday new family. I want to bless you for a long and happy life, giving this loaf as a symbol of well-being. Advice to you and love!
  • Dear our children! Please accept my sincere congratulations on your wedding day. Let this salt be the last in your life, and from this moment begins Honeymoon for the rest of your married life.
  • Children, we are extremely happy that in this wide world you found each other and were able to create new family. Take care of your feelings and your love, appreciate everything that is between you and trust each other. We hope that your home will be a full bowl, and resentment and adversity will always bypass it.
  • Our beloved children! We are very glad that you found each other and connected your sincere feelings by starting a new family. Love, appreciate and trust each other! May your house always be a full bowl, and let resentment and adversity bypass you!
  • Dear children! We are glad for your conscious choice! We bless you for a happy marriage with sincere mutual feelings love! Show respect and care for each other. Share all the ups and downs, joys and sorrows together! Advice to you and love!
  • “Our dear (Names of the newlyweds), I also want to congratulate you on your marriage. Be happy in your union that you have created today. Cherish the warmth of this day for the rest of your life. Save your happiness and multiply it many, many times over. Oh, you are my doves. What happiness. They arrived beautiful, smart, happy. Let me kiss you on both cheeks."
  • “Dear children! Congratulations on joining legal marriage. We wish you happiness, health, for long years married life. Welcome to our house - your house. Taste our bread and salt, and we'll see who's boss in the house."

Sample words from a father:

  • Our children, we congratulate you - now you are a legal husband and wife. We bless you and your mother for a long and happy life, live together and happily. Live in such a way as to thank God for every day lived nearby, love each other, give birth to grandchildren to us as soon as possible, do not forget us - come to visit more often, Advice to you and Love! In the name of the father, son and holy spirit, ”the newlyweds are baptized with these words.
  • “Our beloved doves, so you finally became husband and wife. Before you now opened a long and happy road along which you will walk together to the very end. Congratulations on completing the first important step in your life. And we look forward to many more such steps from you! The birth of the first child, his first step, the construction of his own house - all this you have to go through. And while you are the most happy couple on this earth. I only want to wish you happy days so that you, like two swans, swim side by side through life, warming each other with your warmth. Be happy"!

In the matter of how to meet young people with a loaf, what to say, nothing depends on whether they are the parents of the bride or the groom. At this moment, parents say parting words to their children and good words for future family life, but everything is done quite briefly and quickly. Long congratulations and gifts should be saved immediately before the festive feast.

In Christian families, the blessing of parents for a happy family life for children is a long-standing and carefully observed tradition. It is believed that it will help the young couple in the future and will protect them from the evil eye and adversity. Therefore, today this ritual is strictly observed at most weddings. The portal will tell you how to meet the newlyweds.

Blessing daughter before marriage

It is believed that parting words of the mother of her daughter before marriage have a special protective power. This ceremony is an integral part of our culture. Despite this, it remains one of the most touching and exciting wedding traditions. A blessing from her daughter's mother means that she fully accepts her choice, and on her wedding day wishes the young only happiness. But at the same time, one should not forget that the words are addressed not only to the bride, but also to the groom, because on this day they become one.

According to custom, on the day of the wedding, the groom must come for the bride, go through a series of tests and pay a ransom for her. Only after that he is admitted to his betrothed, and it is here that the moment of blessing comes. If several days of celebration are planned, then this ritual is performed only on the first day, because the features of the second day of the wedding imply more relaxedness, fun and entertainment.

In our culture, there are two ways of this blessing:

In the first case, the ritual is carried out only with the participation of young people, parents and godparents in a separate room. The mother of the bride should hold the icon with the towel facing the young. At the same time, she should not worry about what should be said at the moment when she begins to bless the newlyweds with an icon. There are no special formulations for pronunciation, it all depends on the sincerity of the parents and their eloquence. But it will be obligatory for the mother to baptize her daughter three times, then the future son-in-law, then both, recognizing them as a couple. The father may do the same in this case. After that, young people should also cross themselves and kiss the icon.

The second blessing Orthodox tradition takes place after the registry office in banquet hall. They are met by the groom's parents with icons and a loaf and keep their word. According to wedding ceremony, the mother-in-law pronounces a blessing to her daughter-in-law already as own daughter. After such a speech, the young people kiss the icons and take bread and salt.

Icons for the blessing of the newlyweds

The portal site notes that in order to comply with all the rules, you need to know which icon and how the newlyweds bless. For such a ceremony, two icons are selected:

  • Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.
  • Saved by the Almighty.

Kazan Icon of the Mother of God - the most famous and canonical image of the Virgin. She is considered the protector of the Russian people, it was this image that protected Russia during the war with the Polish army. It is to her that the mother blesses her daughter before the wedding, uttering beautiful words.

Icon "Savior Almighty"- also a traditional image, but this time of Christ. On it, the Son of God holds the Gospel in one hand, indicating the path of salvation, and with the other hand blesses the beholder. With this icon on the wedding day, the future mother-in-law blesses the groom as her own. own son so that she guides the head of the family and protects the family.

In our time, icons are used both individually and in the format of a folding - the so-called wedding couple. It represents both images connected together and which can be added.

In addition, some icons can be presented as a wedding gift to newlyweds from guests. Wedding traditions and customs say that the icon of Peter and Fevronia of Murom, symbolizing family happiness and love. She is considered miraculous, she can be prayed for well-being. The design of the image in this case does not matter and depends on the imagination and financial opportunities giving.