Facial peeling with fruit acids - “I am my own cosmetologist. Homemade acid peeling using improvised means. I’m successfully getting rid of blackheads.” Lemon facial peeling at home

Facial peeling with lemon enjoys well-deserved love among women who prefer skin care at home. This method cosmetic care economical and accessible to every beauty.

Peeling with lemon at home perfectly cleanses and heals minor damage, accelerates the elimination of toxins, relieves inflammation, activates cell regeneration and tissue rejuvenation. The skin of the face softens, its color becomes more even, and a healthy, delicate blush appears.

Peeling components help smooth out wrinkles and get rid of age spots. Despite the aggressiveness of the substances in lemon, some recipes can be used even for sensitive, dry and thin skin.

All about lemon peeling

Responsible for the positive effect of peeling unique composition lemon:

  • the main effect of lemon peeling is the impact fruit acids(lemon, apple and galacturonic acid);
  • riboflavin saturates with oxygen;
  • vitamin C activates the synthesis of collagen and elastin;
  • flavonoids help in tissue rejuvenation;
  • thiamine helps in the treatment of acne;
  • pectin helps heal minor injuries;
  • carotene is important for regeneration;
  • phytoncides tone and soothe;
  • sesquiterpenes protect against external negative impacts and relieve irritation;
  • hesperidin reduces healthy color faces;
  • eriocitrin reduces harmful effects acids
  • dull and tired dermis suffering from a lack of vitamins;
  • facial skin with contaminated and enlarged pores;
  • hyperpigmentation and freckles;
  • problematic skin prone to acne and inflammation;
  • stretch marks and scars;
  • fading with decreased tone leather;
  • leather with age spots, unevenness and small wrinkles.


It is forbidden to apply concentrated lemon juice to your skin, as this may cause chemical burns skin.

Recipes for lemon peelings for the face

Among the variety of lemon peelings, you can always choose the most suitable recipe for yourself. Although lemon peeling is suitable for all skin types, it should be used with caution by those with thin and dry skin. For such dermis, it is enough to add only 3-4 drops of juice to a mixture of less aggressive ingredients.

It is advisable to carry out the peeling procedure no more than four times for oily skin, and twice a month for thin, dry skin.

The effect of the procedure will be greater if you steam and clean your face well before using the peeling.

Lemon peeling for oily skin

Thanks to this cleansing peeling, pores on the face will shrink and oily shine will disappear.

  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • a couple of spoons of warm water
  • 1/2 tbsp. l. olive or flaxseed oil

The well-mixed composition is applied with a brush or soft sponge and after 15 minutes is removed with a damp cotton swab.

Peeling with sugar and lemon

Peeling with sugar and lemon cleanses and refreshes oily, breakout-prone skin.

  • Brown sugar – 2 teaspoons
  • Lemon juice – 4 teaspoons

The mixture is stirred until the sugar dissolves. 15 minutes after application, the mixture is removed with a dry cotton swab.

Citrus peeling with gelatin

Facial peeling with lemon with the effect of a film mask allows you to cleanse pores, tighten facial contours and smooth out fine wrinkles.

  • Edible gelatin – 25 grams
  • Lemon juice – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Orange or grapefruit juice – 3 tbsp. spoons

The ingredients are heated in a water bath with regular stirring until the gelatin crystals dissolve. The slightly cooled mixture is applied to the face in a thin, continuous layer. After 20 minutes, carefully remove the frozen film from bottom to top.

Peeling with lemon and honey

This recipe can be used to care for thin and sensitive skin y.

  • a couple of tablespoons of fresh honey
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice
  • 1/2 tbsp. spoons of oat bran

The mass heated in a water bath is applied to the skin. in a circular motion. After 15-20 minutes, it is removed with a moistened cotton swab.

Lemon peeling for dry skin

Allows you to saturate and tone dull, tired skin.

  • Finely ground zest of 2 lemons.
  • Olive oil – 1 tbsp. spoon

The mixture is distributed over the skin of the face, which is removed after 15 minutes using a cotton swab.

Peeling with cranberry and lemon

Use this peeling for problematic, oily skin. Peeling with cranberry and lemon cleanses and reduces enlarged pores, removes dead cells and improves metabolic processes in tissues.

  • teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • tea spoon lemon zest
  • a couple of tablespoons of crushed cranberries
  • tablespoon bifidokefir

The mixture is rubbed onto the facial skin using massage movements. After 10 minutes, the composition is removed with a gauze cloth, and the face is washed with cold water.

Lemon peeling with pomegranate and honey

Recipe for this peeling will do for cleansing and smoothing acne-prone skin skin. Perfect for combination skin.

  • Freshly squeezed pomegranate juice – 4 tablespoons
  • Lemon juice – 2 tablespoons
  • Liquid honey – 1 tablespoon

Distributed on the skin of the face thin layer and covers fabric mask. After a quarter of an hour, the peeling is removed.

Another option for a facial peeling scrub with lemon and soda:


The combination of lemon juice with caffeine has a strong tonic effect on the skin, encouraging it to recover at the cellular level and rejuvenate.

To do this, mix:

After mixing, the mixture should be thick and slightly squeaky to the touch.

It is applied to the face without massage and left for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with cool water. Details about peelings with coffee -.

With a lifting effect

To prepare a composition with a skin tightening effect you need:

  • brew 5 g of any starch 100 ml hot water, cool;
  • Add 15 ml of lemon juice to the resulting jelly.

The resulting mass is applied to the face 3-5 times, layer by layer. Exposure time - 20-30 minutes.

For dry type, you can add 5-7 ml of jojoba or avocado oil, and to obtain an additional whitening and toning effect - 10 g of sour cream.

In this way, you can tighten any type of skin, eliminating sagging from your face and returning a clear oval face. Read separately what else there are.

Peeling mask made of starch and lemon for wrinkles and whitening facial skin:


If your face is very neglected, flaky and has an uneven texture, then it makes sense to use the following composition:

  • almonds - 10 g;
  • sour cream - 15 g;
  • lemon juice - 10 ml.

The nuts are ground in a coffee grinder and then ground in a porcelain or glass mortar, gradually adding liquid ingredients.

If the resulting mass turns out to be too liquid, it can be stabilized with any starch or flour.

Exfoliation duration is 25-30 minutes.

Combination of citric, mandelic and lactic acids will relieve the epidermis from peeling, and the saturated and unsaturated fatty acids contained in sour cream and nuts will immediately nourish it after cleansing.

With clay

Any cosmetic clay in combination with lemon juice will have an intense cleansing effect on the face.

This peeling is used for very oily, porous skin with old comedones.

For preparation take:

  • 10 g of any clay (even pink will do, despite its softness);
  • lemon juice in the amount necessary to obtain a creamy substance.

The mixture is immediately applied to the face, left for 5-7 minutes, and washed off. After removal, the skin is lightly massaged, rolling off dead cells, washed again, and a moisturizing serum or gel is applied.

Frequency of use, contraindications

Lemon based, very easy to prepare and use:

Frequency of application depends on skin type. Oily and combination skin can be exfoliated twice a week, normal skin once every 7-10 days, and dry skin once every two weeks.

Many people consider peeling with lemon at home “grandmother’s option,” but in vain. Read why American top model Kendall Jenner is in love with him. Try the best star recipes for yourself this weekend.

Some people think lemon is boring. But this fruit strengthens the immune system and neutralizes free radicals. It would be stupid not to treat yourself to such an affordable multivitamin cocktail. Plus, it saves a lot of money.

Lemon peeling is also popular because the skin quickly returns to normal after it: in just 2 hours. (For example, rehabilitation afterward takes weeks and even months). And uneven color faces are a godsend.


Lemon peeling It works like this: the exfoliating effect removes the surface layer of dead cells. Pores are narrowed and cleared of dirt. Work is returning to normal sebaceous glands. Tissue perception after the procedure is 4 times better nutrients from creams and serums.

Citrus fruits whiten well and relieve inflammation. These are good antioxidants. People use them for freckles and...

Lemon is valued in cosmetology as really active component.Helps against fine wrinkles and fatigue.

Contraindications for face peeling with lemon:

  • Allergy to citrus fruits.
  • Hypersensitivity and dry tissue.
  • Inflammation in the area of ​​intended treatment.
  • Fresh wounds, scratches.
  • Dermatological diseases.

If at least one limitation is detected, you should refrain from the procedures.

The benefits of lemon in cosmetology

Lemon - this is a storehouse of useful substances:

  • Ascorbic acid helps to activate the production of collagen and elastin fibers. Fabrics are renewed naturally at the expense of its own internal resources.
  • Aromatic molecules sesquiterpenes Lemon relieves stress big city. Lemon is loved by aromatherapists and cosmetologists all over the world.

Other beneficial features sour fruit (see TABLE):

Ascorbic acid
  • Natural stimulation of collagen and elastin production
  • Whitening
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Strengthening barrier function
  • Cellular regeneration
  • Minimizing acid damage (for delicate epidermis)
  • Better oxygen penetration




  • Cleansing
  • Normalization of the sebaceous glands
  • Wound healing effect


  • Strengthening blood vessels
  • Color alignment
  • Softening the epidermis
  • Cell renewal


To carry out lemon peeling yourself, you need to purchase either the fruit itself or the acid powder in advance in a regular supermarket.

Before the session it is worth conducting an allergy test: to do this, let's try a little exfoliant, for example, on the bend of the elbow for 5-10 minutes.

If an allergy test causes strong burning sensation, must be washed off immediately, otherwise you may get a thermal burn!

It is important to choose the right time for the procedure: better evening. This will protect the new epithelium from stress and sunlight.

A good time after a bath or shower: after open pores nutrients are better perceived.

Prepare your face for peeling in advance:

  • In addition to the mandatory cleansing, oil massage is recommended,
  • problematic and steam over a water bath with thyme, chamomile, calendula.

Classic lemon facial peeling, unlike scrubs, does not require mechanical rubbing of abrasive particles: it acts on a chemical level.


  • Face cleansed of cosmetics and impurities wipe with a cotton pad with lemon solution ( 1 tsp. freshly squeezed juice in 0.5 cups of filtered water). This will prepare you for exfoliation.
  • Optional step: apply a thin layer of any cosmetic oil. After 15 minutes, remove excess with a dry paper towel. oil from grape seeds, for normal - peach oil, for
  • While the oil is absorbed, Let's prepare the main peeling mixture. Distribute with a brush over the entire treatment area.
  • Protect sensitive areas around the eyes and lips with Vaseline.
  • Wash off warm water after 2-3 minutes (for beginners) or after 5-10 minutes (from the second session). The oilier the skin, the longer you can keep the composition.

TINGING and REDMENT (but not abnormal itching and burning!) mean: the process of CELLULAR RENEWAL is underway.

At the end of the treatment, a soothing mask is applied for 10 minutes, after which you can use a moisturizing cream (nourishing). As a homemade alternative to store-bought moisturizers suitable for the means ordinary sour cream.

Precautions and care after peeling

Lubricating the face pharmaceutical product(Clearvin or Retinol):

  • To remove
  • For faster recovery.

Although citrus peeling is a summer procedure, it is extremely important (at least 14 days after the procedure) to use creams with sun filters.

Frequency of application

Peeling courses with citric acid can be carried out continuously, so that between cycles of sessions there is break for at least 6 weeks(usually not necessary):

  • interval between procedures - at least 2-3 weeks,
  • for normal or combined - at least 2 weeks,
  • can be exfoliated weekly.

The effect of the procedure is noticeable immediately: the face is cleansed, tightened and fresh.

For pronounced results, 6-8 sessions are needed.

The frequency of the procedure directly depends on the skin type:

  • - no more than once every 14-21 days,
  • for normal and combined- once every 2 weeks,
  • lemon facial peeling at home is carried out weekly.


Whitening lemon peeling for face, hands and feet does not require special preparation.

Simply wipe the desired areas with half a lemon and rinse with warm water.

Proven compatible components will bring even more benefits.

Lemon mask from supermodel Kendall Jenner

The fashion model, known to the general public for her participation in the reality show “Keeping Up with the Kardashians,” shares her beauty recipe.

To cope with inflammation, Kendall Jenner does homemade peeling mask egg white and juice of half a lemon. The star beats the mixture in a blender and applies it to the face for half an hour, and after this time, simply rinses it off with water at a comfortable temperature.

“Teamwork” squirrel chicken egg and valuable yellow fruit normalizes the acid-base balance, thereby preventing the formation of acne.

The effectiveness of the “penny product” is highly valued by top models with impressive fees.

Mattifying soap-citrus balls from BONI

And this is an improved version of the recipe: with added lemon. This option solves the problem and minor imperfections ( except for fresh pustules: it is prohibited to treat them with peeling!).

Fill a dessert spoon of acid powder with the contents of 1 ampoule of calcium chloride. Apply to face with a cotton pad and massage lightly for 3-5 minutes. massage lines until soap pellets form, rinse with cool water.

Lemon-rosemary peeling for stretch marks

To get rid of stretch marks:

  • grate the peel of a thoroughly washed lemon on a fine grater,
  • add 5 drops essential oil rosemary.

Apply all this to the required area for 5 minutes.

Let's massage for 3 minutes.

You can leave the mixture on the problem area for another 20 minutes.

Rinse with water at a comfortable temperature.

The effect appears only in course application.

Matting with cranberry and clay

And this lemon peeling combines chemical and mechanical effects.

Take 1 large spoon (without top) of cane or regular sugar.

Add 2 pinches of lemon zest, grated on a fine grater.

Dilute with 1 dessert spoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice to form a grainy mass.

Facial procedures at home are often not inferior in effectiveness to some more professional ways offered in beauty salons. However, homemade products are much more affordable, which makes them quite popular. For example, lemon peeling is widely known, which will help cleanse and refresh the face as well as any other technique.

Composition and properties

Citrus fruits contain a lot useful components that can improve the condition of delicate facial skin. The composition of lemon is replete with biologically active substances, among which a special place belongs to:

  • Organic acids (citric, malic, galacturonic).
  • Bioflavonoids (hesperidin).
  • Phytoncides.
  • Terpene compounds (sesquiterpene).
  • Vitamins (ascorbic, folic and nicotinic acids, rutin, retinol, thiamine, riboflavin).
  • Macro- and microelements (potassium, calcium, iron, zinc, copper, phosphorus, manganese).

This fruit contains carbohydrates (mono- and disaccharides), fiber, pectin, and ash substances. Lemon is just a godsend for those who want to implement complete care for facial skin, its value for home cosmetology huge.

Peeling as a procedure involves cleansing the skin of impurities, accumulated fat and dead cells. Lemon does this softly and delicately - thanks to the content of natural organic acids. But citrus helps not only with cleansing and exfoliation, because it also has other beneficial properties:

  • Antioxidant.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Vascular strengthening.
  • Antimicrobial.
  • Brightening.
  • Healing.
  • Moisturizing.
  • Tonic.

Based on the above, lemon peeling for the face becomes a procedure with complex impact on the skin. It helps to cope with the main disadvantages of oily and combination skin: excess sebum production, clogged and enlarged pores, acne, age spots.

The active ingredients of lemon (primarily ascorbic acid) stimulate the synthesis of collagen fibers in the dermis, which makes it more elastic and reduces the severity of wrinkles. Therefore, the rejuvenating effect is another advantage of using peeling with citrus at home.

In addition to cleansing and exfoliating properties, lemon peeling has other beneficial effects for the face.


There are many recipes for lemon peeling for the face at home. Among them there is sure to be one suitable for specific case. Lemon juice is best suited for cosmetic purposes. The peeling effect can be achieved by adding the following ingredients to it:

  • Edible gelatin and orange juice.
  • Honey and wheat bran.
  • Olive and rosehip oils.
  • Cucumber pulp and eggs.
  • Pomegranate and honey.
  • Oatmeal.

There are also recipes using lemon zest, which also has cleansing properties. For example, it can be mixed with olive oil or make a multi-component mask with the addition of citrus juice, cranberry pulp and kefir. Effective scrub with lemon is prepared from pre-crushed coffee beans, mixing the resulting mass with washing gel.


If you intend to peel your face with lemon at home, you should pay attention to certain factors that limit its use. First of all, it is indicated for oily, combination and problem skin. People with normal type epithelium, it is necessary to reduce the exposure time to 10 minutes. And for dry, sensitive and irritated skin, such a procedure should be carried out very carefully. From recipes, you need to choose those that contain moisturizing and nourishing substances (for example, egg yolk or vegetable oils).

For open injuries and acute inflammatory process peeling is contraindicated. We must not forget about the risk of individual intolerance to lemon - similar situation may occur in persons with an allergic predisposition to citrus fruits. Therefore, before using the prepared product for the first time, it is recommended to test for hypersensitivity by applying a drop to the skin of the forearm. If redness, itching and swelling do not appear within 20-30 minutes, then peeling can be safely carried out.

Although lemon fruit acids have a mild effect on the skin, you should still pay attention to a number of limitations when using them.

Lemon peeling is affordable way cleanse your face and get rid of a number of imperfections inherent in problem skin. At regular use It is possible to cope with excess fat, reduce acne, eliminate age spots and rejuvenate aging epithelium. All this becomes possible thanks to useful substances, which is part of lemon.

In the list of active ingredients of cosmetic companies, you can most often find fruit acids. One of the most common in cosmetology is lemon. Today Medvyan's magazine will tell and show you how to do home peeling based citric acid. Let's look at how to get it, which is the safest, and how to properly do natural lemon peeling.

Variety of fruit acids

Fruit acids are the most used ingredient in cosmetology. These include glycolic, apple, wine, lemon, milk. These acids are referred to as AHAs, which stands for alpha hydroxyl acids. They have a pronounced effect on our epidermis, dissolving the top layer, smoothing the relief, improving cellular respiration and rejuvenating.

Peels with fruit acids act not only superficially, but also in the dermis. They fight the signs of aging, literally polish the face, smooth out wrinkles, and eliminate age spots.

Citric acid is one of the varieties of fruit. As is already clear, it is obtained from citrus fruits, not only lemons, but also limes, grapefruits, pineapples, oranges, and kiwis. Each acid has its own specialization. Lemon's specialty is bleaching.

Peeling the face with lemon for this reason - good opportunity whiten the skin, even out its tone, lighten pigment spots. In addition, among the properties of citric acid:

  1. antioxidant - fights free radicals;
    bactericidal - fights acne, pimples, inflammation;
  2. improving metabolism in cells, stimulating their renewal;
  3. improving the production of your own collagen;
    increasing the protective functions of the skin;
  4. activation of regeneration processes;
  5. slowing down the aging process.

Citric acid is used not only in exfoliating products, but also in moisturizing face creams, washing gels, and toning body gels.

Cosmetic effect of peeling

Peeling with citric acid is so popular because it is one of the most affordable, because there are lemons in every kitchen. It can be easily used at home, without fear of causing a burn to the epidermis. Lemons are used not only because of their availability, but also because of their undeniable effectiveness.

Lemon is a source of natural fruit acid, which perfectly dissolves the upper keratinized layer of the epidermis, making the face cleaner, younger, fresher. If it's time to cleanse your face, then lemon is the first remedy that should be on hand.

Lemon facial peeling at home helps fight age spots, blackheads, acne and other imperfections that you don’t want to see on your face.

The effect of lemon peeling is very extensive:

  • dissolves blackheads;
  • controls the secretion of sebum;
  • whitens the skin, which is especially important if you have
  • age and sun spots;
  • acts on the principle of a roll, literally removing the old layer of epidermis from the face, leaving a renewed one.

Facial peeling with citrus juice is the simplest and most effective method get natural citric acid for fruit acid exfoliation. It can be done regularly at home to deep cleansing face from blackheads and dissolution of the upper layer of the epidermis.

The only “disadvantage” of homemade lemon peeling is that it does not have such a pronounced effect as a salon peel, so it will not make your skin perfect after use. Therefore, a course of procedures is necessary, then you will see changes for the better.

Indications and contraindications

The procedure is contraindicated in the presence of unhealed wounds and various inflammations. Lemon peeling at home is not recommended for sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions and redness. Like any other folk recipes, this procedure is prohibited if you have a food allergy to citrus fruits.

Do not apply citrus juice to the area around the eyes or if you have inflamed acne.

An important rule: exfoliation with fruit acids, even natural ones, should not be done before going out in the sun. Be sure to protect your face after the procedure with SPF cream!

Magazine folk recipes Medvyana offers you recipes for homemade lemon peels that we have tested and are safe for your skin.

Please note that these are superficial procedures - that is, they only affect the superficial layer of the epidermis, and therefore serious defects They can't fix the skin. But at the same time so fruity acid peeling soft and gentle, and therefore absolutely safe.

So, let's make lemon peeling for the face at home.

Citrus peeling recipes with photos

Peeling with pure juice

Facial peeling with lemon pure form can only be done when oily skin. If you know that your skin tolerates acid treatments well and is not prone to allergic reactions and redness, then only in this case can you apply pure juice. If your skin is dry, thin or sensitive, it should not be used in its pure form.

Cleanse your face well. Squeeze the lemon juice, then apply it to your face using your fingertips or a cotton sponge, avoiding the area around the eyes. As soon as the juice dries, you can massage your face with your fingertips: then the peeling will act like a sheet, removing particles of the stratum corneum of the epidermis.

If your skin is prone to dryness, then perform lemon facial peeling with a lemon-cucumber mixture: mix citrus juice and cucumber juice in equal quantities, apply to face for 10 minutes.

Classic with honey and protein

The peeling, which includes both the juice and zest of the fruit, is rightfully considered the leader in terms of impact among homemade fruit peelings.

This product is easy to prepare at home. You will need:

  • Fresh lemon 1 pc.
  • Chicken protein 1 pc.

The process of preparing an effective exfoliant is quite labor-intensive. But the drug can be made for future use - stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

So, for 3 peelings you will need one chicken protein, a couple of tablespoons of honey (meadow, flower) and half a medium-sized lemon. Honey can be candied - you get extra mechanical cleaning. But you can limit yourself exclusively to acid cleansing.

Honey, if it is very hard and candied, it is better to first slightly heat it in a water bath. Remove the zest from the citrus fruit and squeeze out the juice. Separate the white from the yolk.

First, the zest is added to the honey. Stir. Then add lemon juice. Let the product stand on the table for an hour.

And immediately after beat in (preferably with a pastry whisk) the protein. Strain the resulting composition through a sieve. And you can pour it into a bottle for storage, leaving it for only one procedure. We get the composition as shown in the photo.

How to do this peeling lemon juice. The composition is applied to the skin cotton pads. And no massaging movements - just hold for 20 minutes. And then you need to wash everything off thoroughly, sparingly with water.

Sour cream and lemon

Lemon peeling at home can also be done with sour cream or natural yoghurt. It's even more mild remedy, but at the same time has a pronounced exfoliating and whitening effect, tones the skin well, but thanks to sour cream, it does not dry out or tighten it.

For the procedure, take fat sour cream, which we mix with the same amount fresh juice lemon. Apply to face for 10 minutes. For best result, especially if you have any skin problems, or if you have the first age-related changes, peeling with lemon at home can be done in a course.

What results can you expect?

After peeling with lemon juice, there are much fewer blackheads, the pores are tightened, the skin texture becomes more even and smooth, the complexion is evened out, and acne spots are lightened.

The question may arise: is citric acid in powder form suitable for peeling?

Never use citric acid powder for facial peeling! Take care of your skin - you have only one!

Acid powder is used to cleanse rust spots, they remove the scale, but our skin is too delicate to be subjected to such executions. By applying concentrated acid to your face, you can simply burn your dermis. Use for peeling only natural acid, obtained from fresh lemon.

Do you dream of deep cleansing the dermis? Return to face healthy looking, and natural color? Prevent acne? Peeling from the acid that we get from natural fruit can solve the above and other skin problems. Write in your reviews your impressions of this procedure, as well as the results you achieved.