Lemon peeling at home. Peeling with lemon juice at home: indications for use and recipes

Lemon peeling is an effective exfoliating agent that provides gentle care behind the skin. This product is easy to prepare and use at home, so many women prefer recipes containing citrus fruits. The components contained in lemon perfectly tone and refresh the skin, give it youthfulness and healthy color.

Interesting! There are many types of facial cleansing, among which they are especially popular. Due to the content of active acids, such products have an effective cleansing effect, carrying out additional care for the skin. Many acids used in peelings are obtained from fruits, because they contain a complex useful substances, vitamins and microelements, which are also beneficial for the skin.


Lemon is a citrus that is very beneficial for the whole body. It helps maintain our health, youth and attractiveness. Lemon peeling is a popular cleanser that gently removes dead cells epidermis and normalizes its health.

In addition to the main cleansing effect, this peeling has a number of other auxiliary properties:

  • Promotes epidermis renewal by removing a layer of dead cells;
  • Soothes the skin, eliminating irritation and increased sensitivity;
  • Actively protects against negative factors environment, pollution and stress;
  • Promotes healing of damaged areas skin, has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Softens and restores the epidermis, gives it softness and velvety;
  • Fills cells with oxygen, activates blood microcirculation and metabolism;
  • It has a tonic and rejuvenating effect, helping to eliminate sagging skin;
  • Provides significant skin whitening, restoring its natural tone and color;
  • Contains natural antioxidants that help neutralize the effects of free radicals;
  • Saturates cells useful vitamins and minerals, helps normalize their functions;
  • Combats increased sebum secretion, normalizes skin function sebaceous glands.

Important! Despite the high usefulness of the lemon peeling procedure, it has a number of contraindications in which facial cleansing is prohibited. Contraindications are the following factors: allergies to any citrus fruits, presence of serious skin diseases, wounds and scratches. In addition, this product should be used with extreme caution by those with dry and sensitive skin.


The main component of this peeling, lemon, contains a complex of useful substances. Each of them has a special effect on the skin:

  1. Acids are active substances that soften and remove the surface layer of cells. The basis of this citrus is not only citric acid, but also malic and galacturonic acid.
  2. Phytoncides are elements that have a calming and tonic effect. They help restore and soothe the epidermis, neutralize the negative effects of various environmental factors.
  3. Pectins are components that activate the regeneration of the epidermis and eliminate inflammatory processes.
  4. Thiamine is a vitamin essential for the beauty and health of the skin. It is very useful for problematic epidermis, helping to eliminate its various deficiencies.
  5. Caroin is a component that is involved in the renewal of epidermal cells and promotes the formation of a new layer of cells.
  6. Riboflavin is a vitamin that activates blood microcirculation and helps saturate cells with oxygen.
  7. Eriocitrin is an element that has a positive effect on sensitive and irritated skin.
  8. Ascorbic acid is an antioxidant that neutralizes Negative influence free radicals. Besides, ascorbic acid helps to activate the natural synthesis of collagen and elastin, necessary for youthful skin.
  9. Flavonoids have a rejuvenating effect, increasing skin tone and smoothing wrinkles.

Advice! Lemon is a very healthy citrus that contains a large number of valuable substances. However, you can always supplement your lemon peeling, made with your own hands, with auxiliary components. To do this, just add vegetable and essential oils, extracts, honey, oatmeal and other healthy products.


The components that make up lemon can dry out the skin somewhat. That is why it is important to supplement the peeling base with at least one softening and moisturizing component. IN this recipe Oatmeal is successfully combined with effective citric acid, which not only cleanses the skin, but also helps retain moisture inside the cells.

Take these components:

  • 1 spoon of lemon zest;
  • 1 tablespoon oatmeal;
  • ½ spoon of lemon juice;
  • A small amount of water.

Finely grated lemon zest must be mixed with oatmeal. If desired, this type of flour can be replaced with rice. Mix the dry ingredients and add a small amount of water and lemon juice to this mixture. The finished consistency should be mushy, so add water if necessary.

The product is applied to cleansed skin with massaging movements and left on the face to absorb beneficial substances. After the procedure, it is recommended to apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

Lemon and honey are good combination products not only for antiviral therapy, but also for skin care. This complex actively cleanses the epidermis, restores its youth and fills the cells with nutrients.

For cooking this tool we will need:

  • 2 spoons of natural honey;
  • 1 spoon of lemon juice;
  • 1 spoon of wheat bran.

If desired, wheat bran can be additionally ground in a blender to a finer consistency. Honey should be slightly warmed in a water bath. Do not overheat honey, as it loses its properties during heating. beneficial features. Mix the liquid ingredients with bran and apply the resulting mass to the skin. Wait 15 minutes and wash with cool water.


Lemon facial peeling at home is effective and affordable cosmetic product, which you can prepare with your own hands. Use these recipes to cleanse, refresh and rejuvenate your skin.

1343 03/26/2019 4 min.

Exfoliating with lemon at home is not at all difficult; in addition, this procedure will help tidy up your skin. a short time. This fruit is famous not only for its large amount of vitamin C, but is also an excellent whitening agent that allows you to pigmented skin in the appropriate form. In fact, masks with lemon juice can be used on any part of the body, be it the face or hands.

Rules for peeling with lemon

Advantages and disadvantages

Lemon facial peeling is great way not only rejuvenate the skin, but also bring it into healthy condition. It is worth remembering that any cosmetic procedure has both positive sides, and negative, so they need to be studied so as not to harm yourself.

As for the benefits lemon masks, then the following points can be noted:

  • allows you to cleanse clogged pores;
  • prevents the appearance of blackheads and pimples;
  • brightens skin color;
  • normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • slows down the appearance of wrinkles and stretch marks;
  • Helps get rid of age and sun damage age spots.

Video peeling with citric acid at home:

Another indicator is that anyone can prepare lemon peeling at home, since the cost of making it is minimal, because all the necessary ingredients are available in every kitchen.

If we talk about the disadvantages, the procedure is not recommended if the skin is highly sensitive or there are open wounds. IN such a case Peeling can only be carried out after consulting a qualified cosmetologist or dermatologist. Be attentive to your health, do not experiment with it! Also, what is diamond peeling? The types of chemical peels for the face are listed. Gain popularity .

Facial peeling with lemon enjoys well-deserved love among women who prefer skin care at home. This method cosmetic care economical and accessible to every beauty.

Peeling with lemon at home perfectly cleanses and heals minor damage, accelerates the elimination of toxins, relieves inflammation, activates cell regeneration and tissue rejuvenation. The skin of the face softens, its color becomes more even, and a healthy, delicate blush appears.

Peeling components help smooth out wrinkles and get rid of age spots. Despite the aggressiveness of the substances in lemon, some recipes can be used even for sensitive, dry and thin skin.

All about lemon peeling

Responsible for the positive effect of peeling unique composition lemon:

  • the main effect of lemon peeling is the impact fruit acids(lemon, apple and galacturonic acid);
  • riboflavin saturates with oxygen;
  • vitamin C activates the synthesis of collagen and elastin;
  • flavonoids help in tissue rejuvenation;
  • thiamine helps in the treatment of acne;
  • pectin helps heal minor injuries;
  • carotene is important for regeneration;
  • phytoncides tone and soothe;
  • sesquiterpenes protect against external negative impacts and relieve irritation;
  • hesperidin restores a healthy complexion;
  • eriocitrin reduces harmful effects acids
  • dull and tired dermis suffering from a lack of vitamins;
  • facial skin with contaminated and enlarged pores;
  • hyperpigmentation and freckles;
  • problematic skin prone to acne and inflammation;
  • stretch marks and scars;
  • fading with decreased tone leather;
  • leather with age spots, unevenness and small wrinkles.


It is forbidden to apply concentrated lemon juice to your skin, as this may cause chemical burns skin.

Recipes for lemon peelings for the face

Among the variety of lemon peelings, you can always choose the most suitable recipe for yourself. Although lemon peeling is suitable for all skin types, it should be used with caution by those with thin and dry skin. For such dermis, it is enough to add only 3-4 drops of juice to a mixture of less aggressive ingredients.

It is advisable to carry out the peeling procedure no more than four times for oily skin, and twice a month for thin, dry skin.

The effect of the procedure will be greater if you steam and clean your face well before using the peeling.

Lemon peeling for oily skin

Thanks to this cleansing peeling, pores on the face will shrink and oily shine will disappear.

  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • a couple of spoons of warm water
  • 1/2 tbsp. l. olive or flaxseed oil

The well-mixed composition is applied with a brush or soft sponge and after 15 minutes is removed with a damp cotton swab.

Peeling with sugar and lemon

Peeling with sugar and lemon cleanses and refreshes oily, breakout-prone skin.

  • Brown sugar – 2 teaspoons
  • Lemon juice – 4 teaspoons

The mixture is stirred until the sugar dissolves. 15 minutes after application, the mixture is removed with a dry cotton swab.

Citrus peeling with gelatin

Facial peeling with lemon with the effect of a film mask allows you to cleanse pores, tighten facial contours and smooth out fine wrinkles.

  • Edible gelatin – 25 grams
  • Lemon juice – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Orange or grapefruit juice – 3 tbsp. spoons

The ingredients are heated in a water bath with regular stirring until the gelatin crystals dissolve. The slightly cooled mixture is applied to the face in a thin, continuous layer. After 20 minutes, carefully remove the frozen film from bottom to top.

Peeling with lemon and honey

This recipe can be used to care for thin and sensitive skin.

  • a couple of tablespoons of fresh honey
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice
  • 1/2 tbsp. spoons of oat bran

The mass heated in a water bath is applied to the skin. in a circular motion. After 15-20 minutes, it is removed with a moistened cotton swab.

Lemon peeling for dry skin

Allows you to saturate and tone dull, tired skin.

  • Finely ground zest of 2 lemons.
  • Olive oil – 1 tbsp. spoon

The mixture is distributed over the skin of the face, which is removed after 15 minutes using a cotton swab.

Peeling with cranberry and lemon

Use this peeling for problematic, oily skin. Peeling with cranberry and lemon cleanses and reduces enlarged pores, removes dead cells and improves metabolic processes in tissues.

  • teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • teaspoon lemon zest
  • a couple of tablespoons of crushed cranberries
  • tablespoon bifidokefir

The mixture is rubbed onto the facial skin using massage movements. After 10 minutes, the composition is removed with a gauze napkin, and the face is washed. cold water.

Lemon peeling with pomegranate and honey

This peeling recipe is suitable for cleansing acne-prone skin and smoothing the skin. Perfect for combination skin.

  • Freshly squeezed pomegranate juice – 4 tablespoons
  • Lemon juice – 2 tablespoons
  • Liquid honey – 1 tablespoon

A thin layer is distributed on the skin of the face and covered fabric mask. After a quarter of an hour, the peeling is removed.

Lemon peeling at home is a highly effective and high-quality facial skin care procedure that is accessible to every woman. Preserve beauty, prolong youth, cleanse your skin and give it necessary nutrition The peeling procedure with such a familiar winter fruit as lemon, or rather its acid, will help.

Benefits of lemon for skin

It is quite difficult to underestimate the benefits of lemon. human body, because it's very healthy fruit to strengthen the immune system, but in addition to its usual purpose, lemon is also used to improve facial skin. Most likely, everyone who suffers to one degree or another from freckles, hemorrhoids and age spots has tried to remove them with lemon juice, because this fruit has long been known for its whitening properties. Lemon juice also tightens pores, disinfects its cells and is a valuable antioxidant that can maintain youthful skin and body for many years.

The lemon peeling procedure gives the skin freshness, smoothness, it looks significantly younger and becomes pleasant to the touch. All this is achieved thanks to the citric, malic and galacturonic acids contained in lemon. Lemon pectins can heal wounds and damage, relieve inflammation, and carotene helps renew skin cells, calming is achieved through phytonicides, so very often lemon peeling is recommended for residents of large cities due to the excessively polluted air in them.

Acid peeling at home. Cosmetics with acids

Home chemical peeling lemon faces

Fruit facial peeling at home. Peeling with lemon

In addition to this basic work, lemon acids will also help:

  • in nourishing the skin with oxygen thanks to riboflavin;
  • in the treatment of problem skin using thiamine;
  • in the production of collagen and elastin necessary for the skin thanks to ascorbic acid;
  • in softening the skin and restoring it natural color due to hesperidin.

Facial peeling with lemon can also be safely done on sensitive and irritable skin, because the eryocitrin contained in it beneficially contributes to this procedure.

Enough positive reviews about peeling with lemon only once again confirms all of the above, but at the same time they once again warn everyone who wants to cleanse their skin to act exclusively according to the recommendations for this procedure, and if possible, it is also advisable to consult with a cosmetologist.

Peeling procedure at home

Facial peeling at home lemon juice It is not some complex and intricate procedure. Before you start preparing the mixture for peeling, you need to assess your skin type and analyze the composition of mixtures for lemon peeling at home, which will optimally affect its health, beauty and youth.

First, the skin of the face must be thoroughly steamed over herbal bath, for example, with chamomile or calendula, thyme. You can also do peeling after taking a bath or sauna, when the pores are open and ready for good nutrition, hydration and rejuvenation. Then the peeling mixture is applied with light massage movements over massage lines. Peeling on the face lasts from 5 to 15 minutes, which also directly depends on the sensations during the procedure, skin type and its problems. On dry skin, the peeling mask lasts less time, and on oily and combination skin - a little longer.

Lemon peeling must be washed off warm water. After the procedure, it is important to apply moisturizer to the skin. The frequency of the lemon peeling procedure directly depends on your skin type. For dry skin, it is not recommended to do it more often than once every 14-21 days; for normal and combination skin, the optimal interval is 2 weeks, and for oily skin, lemon peeling can be done every week.

Lemon peeling options

Among best recipes Lemon peeling should highlight:

  • honey-lemon. Mix honey, lemon juice and wheat bran in proportions 2:1:1. Pre-melt the honey in a water bath, and if necessary, wheat bran should be additionally crushed in a blender.
  • olive-lemon. Grind 2 lemons without skin and seeds in a blender and dilute with 1 spoon olive oil. This mixture is ideal for dry skin.
  • oat-lemon. Beat 1 lemon in a blender and mix with 2 spoons oatmeal and beat everything in the blender again.
  • coffee-lemon. Mix coffee cake and lemon juice in equal proportions, you can add a little more gel for washing. This peeling is suitable for fatty type skin.
  • cucumber-lemon. 1 cucumber, 1 lemon and 1 egg beat in a blender. This is an excellent peeling for all skin types, which perfectly rejuvenates and brightens it.

Lemon peeling can be done without any additives on the basis of crushed lemon, which is applied as a mask on the face, or simply on the basis of lemon juice, which is used to wipe the face as a tonic and leave on the skin for the required amount of time.

The pros and cons of lemon peeling

Regardless of the reviews about lemon peeling, when choosing this procedure for skin care, you need to re-analyze it individual characteristics. Lemon peeling is recommended for tired and contaminated skin, when the sebaceous glands are not functioning properly, for aging skin that has already begun to show the first signs of aging, and for problematic skin.

It is strictly contraindicated to carry out the lemon peeling procedure on damaged skin if there are wounds and inflammations, the skin is overly sensitive or there is an allergy to citrus fruits. Those with dry sensitive skin must be extremely careful during the procedure, and if there is an urgent need and desire to still peel with lemon at home, choose more gentle mixtures for the procedure and leave them on the face for no more than the specified time for this type of skin, i.e. . no more than 5-8 minutes.

Mandatory moisturizing after the procedure should be combined with further nutrition and softening of the skin with the usual cosmetic or folk cosmetology products.

Peeling with lemon - it would seem unlikely that such a procedure could help improve the condition of the skin, unlike, say, ultrasound. But, as practice shows, even such a simple product can work real miracles with our epidermis, and we’ll talk about which ones later.

Lemon peeling: description, pros and cons of the procedure

Whatever peeling we are talking about, it simultaneously cleanses the skin mechanically and chemically. This means that it must contain not only a component that removes dead cells from the dermis, but also a substance that will dissolve the element that holds these cells together. The function of the latter is successfully performed by lemon.

Cleansing your face with lemon is a very simple procedure: it can be easily done at home. Among the advantages of the product are the ease of implementation, shallow penetration into the dermis, so it can recover quite quickly. Unlike most chemical peels, cleaning the epidermis with lemon or citric acid is available even in summer. In addition, the composition is suitable for all skin types, however, those with dry and sensitive skin should exercise extreme caution.

Why is lemon so good? First of all, its unique composition:

  • Fruit acids are the basis for chemical facial cleansing;
  • Pectin substances – eliminate damage and inflammatory processes;
  • Carotene – renews dermal cells;
  • Thiamine – effective for treating problem skin;
  • Phytoncides – restore and soothe tired dermis;
  • Riboflafin – saturates cells with oxygen;
  • Ascorbic acid – activates the production of elastin and collagen;
  • Flavonoids – rejuvenate the epithelium;
  • Hesperidin – evens out facial tone;
  • Eriocitrin – softens the effect of other components;
  • Sesquiterpenes – perfectly protect against environmental influences.

Among the disadvantages of lemon peeling, we can only note it aggressive influence on skin that has even the slightest inflammatory foci.

Indications and contraindications for use

Homemade lemon peeling requires some caution and a clear understanding that it is right for you. So, you can use citrus to cleanse the upper layer of the epidermis in the following cases:

  • For tired skin;
  • In the presence of clogged pores and pollution;
  • For any dysfunction of the sebaceous glands;
  • If you have acne;
  • If there are signs of wilting;
  • Hyperpigmentation and freckles.

But there is also certain contraindications for using citrus:

  • Allergy to citrus fruits;
  • Presence of open wounds;
  • Severe foci of inflammation.

It is important to consider that lemon should be used very carefully for those with sensitive and extremely dry skin. If, upon first application, the composition begins to burn strongly, the product is not suitable for you.

Rules for using the product

To achieve maximum effect from citrus, it is necessary to apply it correctly: it should be used differently depending on the skin type.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed. The person must be previously prepared: perfect option carrying out the procedure - after taking a bath.

Peeling should be applied with gentle massage movements, it should be kept for about 10 minutes (if your skin is oily/combination, you can increase it to 15 minutes). Rinse off with warm water and finally apply a good moisturizer.

It is not advisable to cleanse your face with lemon too often: once a week will be enough (for oily skin). For dry skin - once every 2 weeks.

The best lemon peeling recipes

Lemon juice

Perfect for removing dead skin cells, as well as eliminating shallow wrinkles (by the way, this recipe will help get rid of age spots). peeling is suitable pure lemon juice with added oatmeal.

You will need 2 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal and 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice. The consistency should not be liquid, but not too thick. A homogeneous mixture is applied to the face (except for the area around the eyes). The skin must be gently massaged for about 5 minutes, then hold the mixture for the same amount of time. Rinse off with warm water. Apply cream.

Citric acid

This - great option to eliminate rashes, greasy shine and shallow wrinkles. You only need 2 teaspoons citric acid(in powder) and purified water. Dissolve the powder until a homogeneous liquid is obtained. Apply to cleansed face. Massage for about 3-5 minutes and rinse with cold water. soften light skin cream.

With added salt

A simple recipe for shallow cleansing of the epidermis, which, moreover, has an excellent exfoliating effect. To prepare it you need the juice of 1/2 lemon, 50 g of well-chopped sea ​​salt and unsweetened natural yogurt.

Important. Do not use coarse salt under any circumstances, as it can simply injure the epidermis.

Mix salt with lemon juice (the mixture should be thick). Add some yoghurt there. Gently apply the mixture to your face and massage it for a couple of minutes. Wait about 10 minutes until the mixture dries completely (if your face starts to burn earlier, it is better not to keep it until completely dry). Then rinse with water.

Recipe for problem skin

With its help, you can quickly and painlessly eliminate redness and rashes on oily problem skin. To prepare the mixture you will only need 2 teaspoons of sugar and citrus juice (just enough to make the mixture thick like semolina porridge). Apply it to a cleansed face, gently rubbing in with massage movements. After 10 minutes, remove the mixture and apply a light cream.

With added honey

1 tbsp. Mix a spoonful of lemon juice and the same amount of wheat bran with liquid honey (2 tablespoons). Apply a homogeneous mass to the face with massage movements. Then leave for 10-12 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water.

Lemon-cucumber recipe

It will magically rejuvenate aging skin and slightly lighten its tone. To prepare the mixture you will need a small lemon, cucumber and one a raw egg. All components must be mixed in a blender or grated vegetables and citrus on a fine grater, beat the egg thoroughly and add to the aromatic mass. Stir until smooth. Apply to a well-cleaned face and leave for 12-15 minutes. Rinse with water.

With added aspirin

Clean thoroughly oily skin without leaving home, you can use simple peeling, consisting of aspirin tablets (5-6 pcs.), lemon juice (1.5 tablespoons) and olive oil (1 teaspoon).

Add juice and oil to the crushed aspirin. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. The composition brought to homogeneity is applied thin layer with a special brush. You need to let it dry slightly, then apply a second layer. Leave for 10-15 minutes (do not allow strong burning sensation). Rinse off with cold water.

And finally simplest recipe beauty from Elena Malysheva. You just need to clean your face of makeup and dirt, then run a slice of lemon along the massage lines. After 2-3 hours, wash with water. Soften your face with cream.

To achieve the effect of fresh, clean, youthful skin, it is not necessary to use expensive cosmetic procedures. As you can see, sometimes simple ingredients like lemon are enough. Use it carefully and achieve amazing results. Be healthy!

Lemon peeling at home: real reviews

I started having problems with my face a long time ago. At first I thought it was transitional age. They will pass! But when you're 27 years old, you have terrible subcutaneous acne, and instead of skin... Orange peel- this is complete horror. I tried everything, because of this I ruined the microflora of my face.

The restoration process is labor-intensive.

Lemon peeling is my favorite. To evaluate the effectiveness of the procedure, I will attach my photos before and after lemon peeling.

As you can see in the photo, I have acne scars that I fought a hard battle with. Namely, lemon contains components that help cope with problem skin. Lemon juice is good for healing, relieves inflammation, revitalizes and tones the skin.

Oatmeal good scrub for the face, cleanses the skin well, fights acne, dries and gets rid of oily shine on the face. Who is fat or combination skin- I recommend.

I do facial peeling once a week. The recipe is simple: grind two tablespoons of oatmeal and add lemon juice until a paste forms. I apply it to my face for 10-15 minutes. I wash it off with warm water.

Before applying it is better to steam the skin, but for those with enlarged pores, like me, this is not recommended. After home procedures apply moisturizer.

Lemon juice should not be applied to pure form, especially if there are wounds or severe inflammation. For those with dry and sensitive skin, peeling should be done very carefully. In any case, in order to avoid side effects you need to consult a doctor.