Liquid blade. Liquid foot scrub. The best pedicure at home

A liquid blade is a special gel that is applied to areas of the skin in those places where it is planned to be removed. The tool also easily copes with calloused formations on the heels and rough skin. Such tools for unedged pedicure have become very popular among women and are used everywhere, not only in private practice, but also in salons that provide relevant services. The gel eliminates the long steaming of the skin before treatment, and also makes it possible to avoid lengthy procedures, the implementation of which can injure the nail plate, which contributes to the development of a number of serious diseases, including an ingrown nail.

How to use a liquid blade: instructions

Usage this tool has nothing complicated, it allows you to put your fingers and feet in order in a minimum period of time, making them beautiful and neat. Most often, undergo a procedure using liquid blade recommended for people with the following problems: cracked skin of the legs, ingrown toenail, foot and toe fungus, hyperkeratosis, and so on.

All you need to do before starting the procedure is to purchase everything necessary components complex "liquid blades" and prepare a number of auxiliary tools. Among the processing equipment, it is necessary to have an acid cream that comes with a special brush that provides softening and exfoliation of excess skin and nutritious cream used at the end of the procedure to remove the dryness of the skin of the legs.

It is necessary to prematurely take care of a container with clean and warm water, which will later serve as a foot bath, a towel, plastic wrap or plastic bags, hand gloves and cotton pads. When everything you need is ready, you can proceed to the procedure.

It is important to remember that this product can only be applied to clean skin without wounds and cuts. Starting the corrective manipulation, you should slightly soak the skin of the legs, for this you should place the legs in a container with warm water and leave them there for a few minutes. After steaming, dry your feet with a prepared towel and put on gloves on your hands. Before you start applying the product, you should thoroughly disinfect the soles of your feet and those places that you plan to treat, as well as put on gloves.

If everything was done correctly, then you can start applying the gel - this is done carefully with a cotton pad, distributing the composition evenly in places with keratinized skin. After applying the acid cream gel, it is necessary to wrap the treated areas with cellophane tape, or ordinary bags. In this state, the limbs should be for some time, depending on the place of treatment and the degree of keratinization. If we are talking about the heels, the duration of the procedure can vary from five to ten minutes, while for the fingers, one minute is enough to remove the cuticle.

When required amount time has passed, you can remove the wrapper, while the hands should remain in gloves. Then you should begin to roll up excess skin with light movements, for this you can use a pumice stone or a special soft nail file, however, you should use the tool very carefully, working it in one direction, as when filing nails. When the skin has sufficiently curled up, the treated area is washed with water and once again covered with a disinfectant composition. Thus, you can get an excellent result at home, spending no more than 15 minutes on everything.

Review of foam express softeners for legs

There are many competing companies on the market that produce liquid blades. Each of the brands offers its own product, however, in order to make a choice, you need to independently get acquainted with the proposed means. The thing is, it all depends on individual characteristics skin of each person, for this reason it is impossible to unequivocally answer which of the products sold is more suitable for this or that person.

Domix green professional

This remedy professional care behind the skin, by softening the keratinized areas with their subsequent exfoliation. The manufacturing company is a domestic brand, which makes the tool not only a reliable tool for individual care, but also a more affordable product.

callus eliminator

This cosmetic product, presented by the express skin softener, is an excellent tool that allows you to get best result for a short period of time. The manufacturer is a market leader and provides high quality product and reliability in the process of application.

Video lesson of a pedicure using a liquid blade

The lesson allows you to visually familiarize yourself with the procedure for processing the feet and toes, which greatly facilitates the understanding of the event. After watching the video once, you can begin to implement the procedure, as the process of its implementation is shown carefully and step by step. Each person who has watched this video will be able to independently, without anyone's help, treat their legs with high quality, and carry out a neat unedged pedicure.

Speaking of pedicure, we usually mean using a blade or, which uses a special machine with nozzles of different hardness to remove rough skin from the surface of the feet and fingers. Relatively recently, a new pedicure tool has appeared in the nail industry - a liquid blade. Masters nail service appreciated this novelty and began to use it in the salons for their customers. Let's find out What is the benefit of this treatment option? and what to pay attention to.

What is a liquid pedicure blade

It's called a liquid blade. hygiene procedure for legs, for which it is used chemical composition, the main ingredient of which are fruit acids. The composition is applied to clean feet moistened with warm water, nothing needs to be steamed beforehand. The acid softens the upper layers of the epidermis, has a moisturizing effect on healthy skin and gives a noticeable effect after the first procedure.


How to use liquid blade

When using a liquid blade, be sure to wear cellophane or medical gloves! You should not resort to this species pedicure, if there are even minor cuts, wounds, bursting calluses on the legs, since the acid essence in the composition will become an irritant and lead to pain. If the liquid does get on the wound, immediately wash off the composition with plenty of running cold water!

The algorithm for the procedure is as follows:

1. First you should wash away dust and dirt. For this, it is used warm water with ordinary soapy water.

2. Then you need to blot the remaining moisture with a towel.

3. After that, evenly apply the gel-like mixture to the places with keratinized skin, fingers and the area between the fingers, using a special brush or cotton swab.

4. The next step wrap your feet in plastic wrap. The amount of time allotted for the procedure is determined individually, depending on what the condition of the foot was before applying the composition. Usually it is 5-20 minutes.

5. After the required time has elapsed, unfold the film and begin to roll the softened dead skin with a pumice stone or a wide pedicure file with fine abrasiveness.

7. At the end of the procedure rinse off excess with water, dry your feet and apply a nourishing cream on them with massage movements.

After applying the liquid blade and waiting for it to work, do not get up, walk or do household chores - this is not safe! The gel is very slippery - you can get injured, and for this a short time you are unlikely to be able to do a lot of things. It is better to take care in advance that the necessary things, for example mobile phone, were nearby, and you did not have to suddenly run after them.

How to choose the right liquid blade for foot care

The following are important points, for which pay attention when choosing liquid blade:

Where can I buy a liquid pedicure blade

The nail industry has a wide variety of stores where you can buy a liquid pedicure blade.

If you live in big city, it will not be difficult for you to find and buy the desired remedy, since it is freely available in almost all major nail industry stores.

You can also order a liquid foot care blade in online stores, but in this case, be careful and specify all the information you are interested in before placing an order.

Video on how to use a liquid pedicure blade

To clearly see how to properly do a pedicure with a liquid blade, we suggest watching short video With useful lesson on this topic.

Reviews of girls about the liquid blade for foot hygiene

To test the effectiveness of a new type of pedicure, it was decided to conduct an experiment. Several girls were asked to do the procedure themselves at home using several well-known firms. Here's what they told us after they tested the liquid blade on their own legs:

Irina, 26 years old

Personally, I immediately fell in love with this type of pedicure! The first time I tried the procedure in a hairdresser, now I do it myself at home. I just fell in love with the Domix liquid pedicure blade, it has a small consumption, acceptable price And good feedback. There are no difficulties in using at home, so I see no reason to overpay for the same service in the salon. The effect is still the same.

High demand among women in Lately occupies an unedged pedicure, which involves the gentle removal of the cuticle without the intervention of cutting tools. eliminates the need for steaming the skin and solves problems with the skin of the feet and nail plates.

A liquid pedicure blade can be described as safe procedure, excluding steaming, interference of blades and scissors for processing leather and hardware cutters.

Liquid blade is a whole series of different preparations designed for unedged European or acid pedicure. The drug is based on fruit acids, which allow you to give your feet, cuticles and nails a healthy look.

After using the liquid blade, the feet will become soft and silky, there will be no traces of corns and corns on the skin. It is important with this result that the skin will retain its integrity, because no cutting instruments will be involved.

Liquid blade - excellent tool with ingrown nails, mycoses and diabetic feet . Both men and women can afford this procedure, including completely young girls and pregnant women.

Unedged pedicure is very relevant lately, because you do not need to spend a lot of time on it. If you are limited by time, then by all means appreciate the ability of the liquid blade to take care of the legs.

Experts call the acid pedicure procedure chemical. Despite this, the natural fruit acid in the liquid blade acts on rough skin, which allows it to be saturated with an acidic composition. The dead skin is then sloughed off without harming healthy skin.

Indications for using a liquid pedicure blade

Acid, creamy, diabetic - all these words are also called a liquid pedicure blade, because in fact it is not only a tool, but also a way to make nails and feet beautiful. Of particular interest in the liquid blade pedicure should be people with the following indications:

  • Dry and rough feet
  • The presence of cracks in the skin
  • Hyperkeratosis
  • Having an ingrown toenail
  • Calluses and calluses
  • diabetic foot
  • Fungal diseases of the foot and nails
  • Foot hyperhidrosis
  • All other categories of women who want to take care of the beauty of their legs.

Compared to edged pedicure, the use of a liquid blade has many advantages.

  • Absence of cutting objects - scissors and blades.
  • The presence of fruit acid in the composition of the product, which does not pose any danger to young and soft skin, but only neutralizes rough skin.
  • No need to purchase additional pedicure products that affect different parts of the foot. This results in time and money savings.
  • The durability of the tool. One large bottle of liquid pedicure blade can last for a year.
  • Healthy skin care.
  • After the procedure, you will be able to observe how soft, smooth and elastic the skin of the feet has become.
  • A liquid blade can be used at home. The liquid blade can be found in Japanese, Korean, or Chinese pedicure socks, such as Baby Foot or Silkyfoot.
  • The acid pedicure procedure using a liquid blade can also be done in a beauty salon. What attracts women to this is that this procedure costs much less than a service like hardware pedicure. However, unlike hardware, the repetition rate of the procedure is much less, since dead cells skin is completely removed.
  • Availability of funds. A liquid blade can be easily purchased at the store household chemicals and cosmetics.
  • The procedure is safe and effective, as evidenced by the numerous reviews of women.

To carry out the acid pedicure procedure at home, you should purchase the Liquid Blade complex of preparations, which involves:

  • Cream with acid
  • Disinfectant composition
  • Nutritious cream.

You should also take care of a foot bath with warm water, a towel, plastic bags or film, plastic gloves and cotton pads. After harvesting necessary tools you can start the pedicure procedure.

  • Examine your feet carefully. For inspection, you can use a mirror that will help you see if there are any wounds and abrasions on the legs. If such defects are not observed, you can carry out the pedicure procedure.
  • Dip your feet in warm bath for 5-10 minutes.
  • Dry your feet with a towel.
  • Put on polyethylene gloves on your hands and disinfect your feet with a special tool.
  • Apply cream to your feet. To do this, squeeze a little cream on cotton pad and cover the rough areas of the skin with it.
  • Wrap your legs in plastic wrap or put on plastic bags. Keep the liquid blade on your feet for as long as indicated on the package. This usually takes about 10 minutes.
  • Remove the film from your feet and, without taking off your gloves, massage the skin of the feet so that the rough skin leaves the feet. It is allowed to use a pumice stone, but it should only be moved in one position. As a result, the skin should curl up into a small roll.
  • Reapply disinfectant. Excess skin should be completely removed.
  • The acid pedicure procedure using a liquid blade at home is over.

The cost of a pedicure procedure using a liquid blade in a beauty salon can vary from 200 to 2000 rubles. Coupon sites offer excellent opportunity save on visiting the salon, providing discounts on procedures up to 90%. The duration of the procedure in the beauty salon is 1-2 hours. You will be asked to go through the following procedures:

  • Deep cleansing and pre-peel preparation of the feet. For this, it is applied to the legs liquid soap, which contains fruit acids that cleanse and disinfect the skin.
  • Peeling. This may be a peeling with mocopil, which contains papain, plant extracts and fruit acids. Such peeling promotes hydration, accompanies antibacterial protection, renews the epidermis and normalizes microcirculation.
  • Gel peel treatment. Gel-peeling is applied to problem areas, which contains urea, papain, fruit acids, aloe vera. Gel peeling softens the stratum corneum, which is then removed with a blunt scalpel.
  • Treatment of an ingrown nail. The procedure is carried out if necessary. For this, peeling is used, which warms the skin, softens the nail plates and improves blood circulation. The peel may contain salicylic acid, fruit acids, lactic and glycolic acids, oil tea tree and cinnamon.
  • Disinfection nail plates and stop. The tool does not allow to appear bad smell legs, prevents hyperkeratosis and fungal infections areas of skin and nails.
  • Applying cream to the feet. The application of the cream is necessary for dry skin of the feet, as well as in the presence of cracks and hyperkeratosis. The composition may contain olive oil, oil grape seeds, tea tree, eucalyptus, vitamins A and E, Peach oil and etc.

Liquid blade in pedicure socks

Japanese, Korean or Chinese socks for a pedicure, they suggest lactic acid in their composition. By appearance they are plastic bags in which the liquid blade is located. The socks are very easy to use.

  • It is only necessary to apply them on the legs for two hours and then remove and rinse with water.
  • For two weeks, the skin of the feet will peel off and peel off in layers. After the expiration this period You can enjoy smooth and soft skin stop.

The cost of socks for a pedicure varies from 200 to 1500 rubles per pair. You can purchase a liquid blade in a 0.5 liter bottle at a price of 130 rubles.

A woman should be perfect at any age and in any situation. No matter where you are - at home, at work, on vacation or study, you can only feel confident if everything in your appearance is perfect, from the tips of your toenails to the ends of your hair.

Many people suffer from the unaesthetic appearance of corns and corns on their feet, in addition to everything, obvious formations interfere with walking, and in some cases completely deform shoes. Can solve this problem cosmetic product with the intriguing name liquid leg blade. This drug often used by masters during a pedicure and few people know what to do acid pedicure possible at home.

What is liquid blade

In cosmetology, a liquid blade is a substance in the form of a gel, cream or foam that softens corns and rough skin of the feet, which allows without special efforts remove these formations with your hands, a grater or other pedicure tools. The drug is made on the basis of fruit acid with the addition of such medicinal components as hyaluronic acid, retinol, glycerin. They have a good anti-inflammatory effect, deeply nourish the epidermis.

Benefits of Liquid Pedicure Blade

Acid or chemical pedicure has a number of advantages over the usual edging. Product Advantage List of Liquid Pedicure Blade:

  1. The risk of cuts with scissors and all kinds of blades is excluded.
  2. The presence of fruit acid in the composition guarantees the neutralization of rough skin without injuring the young.
  3. Saving money and time on the purchase of other local pedicure products (for different parts of the foot).
  4. Economical consumption of funds, one medium bottle of the product is enough for a year regular use.
  5. The tool not only removes thickening, but also cares for young, soft skin.
  6. The effect is visible immediately after the first application.
  7. Easy to use at home, this product is included in some pedicure socks, which further simplifies the procedure.
  8. The ability to undergo a procedure in a beauty salon, the frequency of repetition of a chemical pedicure is less than a hardware one, since dead cells are almost completely removed.
  9. The availability of a cosmetic product, you can easily purchase different types drug in mass markets and other stores of cosmetics and household chemicals.
  10. According to numerous reviews, the procedure is safe and very effective.

Indications for the use of a liquid blade

  • dry skin of the feet;
  • rapid coarsening of the epidermis;
  • ingrown nails;
  • corns, old calluses;
  • hyperkeratosis (thickening, compaction) of the epidermis;
  • fungal diseases;
  • heavy sweating of the feet;
  • the appearance of cracks on the heels and other parts of the foot;
  • problem areas associated with increased level blood sugar.

People resort to the acid pedicure procedure with the onset of the warm season, when everyone changes shoes into open shoes, thereby exposing problem areas of the feet. You need to take care of the health of your legs throughout the year, paying maximum attention to them in winter. At this time, the epidermis dries the most. In winter, it is necessary to deeply nourish the skin, to the point of making cream masks and sleeping in natural socks, as well as regularly carrying out an acid pedicure procedure.

Instructions for use

Before starting the procedure, test for an allergic reaction. Apply to small plot foot remedy, then remove and follow this area. Carefully inspect the legs for open wounds and cuts. If they are missing, then you can proceed to the procedure:

  1. Soak clean, washed feet in a bath of warm (not too hot) water. This soaking helps to swell and absorb liquid keratin formations and cuticles. Skin in a loose state is better susceptible to the effects of the drug.
  2. After 5-10 minutes, the feet should be wiped with a dry towel, then treated with a disinfectant. Do not forget to protect your manicure and the skin of your hands in general by wearing rubber gloves first.
  3. Next, apply the acid pedicure gel with your hands or a brush. Swabs soaked in the product can be applied to problem areas to enhance the effect.
  4. Wrap your feet cling film, put on plastic bags or purchase special socks for a pedicure. Keep the feet in this state for at least 10 minutes, then remove the film.
  5. Soft in a circular motion massage the skin, stimulating the exfoliation of dead skin areas of the epidermis. If there are difficulties with this, then you can use a special grater or pumice stone. You need to act carefully so as not to damage the lower young layer of the epidermis.
  6. Use a soft brush or an orangewood stick to remove the remaining cuticles on the fingers around the nails.
  7. Reapply disinfectant.
  8. After the procedure, it will not be superfluous to treat the skin with a moisturizer.

Contraindications to the use of a liquid blade

Acid pedicure is gentle cosmetic procedure. Usually, allergic reaction not available for this tool. Preparations based on glycolic or hydroxyacetic acid are safe for pedicures of children and adolescents. The use of a liquid blade is contraindicated in the presence of small cracks, scratches, obvious foci of fungal diseases and other lesions of the epidermis. It is recommended to conduct an express allergy test before the procedure and carefully read the instructions for use.

Overview of effective remedies

Currently in high demand professional tools for pedicure, made on the basis of fruit acid. One of the popular and available funds is a product such as Domix Green Professional liquid blade based on glycerine. It is a foam softener for the skin of the feet. Domix products are often used by masters in beauty salons. A 200 ml bottle can be purchased on average for 650 rubles.

Trademark Naomi offers a creamy product called Callus Remover for calluses and corns. The tool contains glycolic acid, which has a good anti-inflammatory effect, while qualitatively eliminating keratinized skin and deeply nourishing the young layer of the epidermis. The cost of such a product in a 125 ml bottle is approximately 340 rubles.

The Faberlic pedicure product has a convenient spout (applicator), with which it is convenient to apply the product to rough areas of the epidermis and cuticles. The product is abrasive, contains alkali, and therefore requires careful handling. Due to its high abrasiveness, it removes old dry corns well. A 150 ml bottle will cost an average of 200 rubles.

Another effective and safe remedy for a pedicure is socks with Balbcare biogel. This biogel contains fruit acid, glycerin and beneficial amino acids. Thanks to natural composition the product is safe, the risk of injuring the young layer of the epidermis is excluded. You can buy a pedicure set with Balbcare socks for only 160 rubles.

The novelty in cosmetology Wilde Pedique from LCN perfectly fights the problem of ingrown nails, is suitable for preventive and therapeutic purposes. Represents single phase gel With active ingredients silver, which destroy fungal diseases. In addition to the fact that the tool takes care of the nails, it makes the legs soft, keeping the effect for a long time. The product is expensive, the price for a 10 ml jar is 34 euros.

Rounding out the list of effective acid pedicure products is Clearance. It also contains fruit acids and various antiseptics. The drug has a convenient bottle with a pump, which helps to economically spend a cosmetic product. A liter of this acid pedicure product costs an average of $125. This amount is enough for several years of regular use.

You can buy preparations for chemical pedicure in household chemicals and cosmetics stores, order in an online store or on the website of a specific manufacturer. The choice of funds should be based on the density of keratin formations on the feet, otherwise high abrasiveness can harm the young epidermis. It should be remembered that neglected conditions of the feet, accompanied by fungal and other diseases, can affect the health of the body as a whole.


Recently, pedicure products have become especially popular, allowing you to remove rough skin of the feet, corns, calluses without the use of cutting tools, minimizing the risk of injury.

Moreover, you can get rid of keratinized skin with their help not only painlessly, but also much faster than using traditional method. One such tool is a liquid pedicure blade, which allows you to completely get rid of dead skin within half an hour.

There are many companies that produce a liquid pedicure blade designed to remove keratinized areas of the skin of the feet. Among them are products Russian manufacturer"Domix Green Professional", as well as the more expensive product of the American manufacturer "Callus Eliminator", whose product is considered one of the highest quality in the world and has collected a lot of positive feedback.

The liquid blade is a cream, which, thanks to its constituent fruit acids and other components quickly cope with corns, corns and rough skin, without harm to healthy skin. According to reviews, after using this product, the skin of the feet becomes soft, beautiful, calluses and corns disappear.

Acid pedicure refers to one of the varieties of the traditional method and is an unedged (European) manicure. It avoids lengthy circumcision procedures, which involve processing the skin with scissors or tweezers, which can injure the feet or cuticles, provoking serious illness or an ingrown toenail problem.

Acid pedicure is especially recommended for people who have dry and rough skin of the feet, cracked heels, ingrown nails, calluses, corns, excessive sweating. Due to its antifungal and disinfectant properties, acid pedicure is recommended for treating areas of the feet affected by a fungal disease.

Among the advantages of a liquid blade, there is no need to buy additional tools for processing different parts of the foot. Another advantage of the procedure is that the effect lasts for two to three months (depending on the individual characteristics of the body). Thanks to this, a large bottle of liquid pedicure blade will last at least a year.

Proper procedure

Before you do an acid pedicure, you need to carefully study the instructions for the purchased product. In addition to the liquid blade, you must purchase:

  • disinfectant solution;
  • nourishing or regenerating cream;
  • cellophane gloves;
  • food film;
  • cotton wool.

Also for the procedure you will need a bowl for the feet with warm water and a towel: before doing an acid pedicure, you need to wash your feet. If the nails are covered with varnish, it must be removed: under the influence of acid, it will come off anyway. You also need to carefully examine the legs for wounds or abrasions, if any, the procedure should be postponed. If there is no damage to the skin, you can start doing an acid pedicure.

To begin with, lower your legs into a warm bath for five to ten minutes, if you wish, you can add herbal decoctions to it. When the time is up, dry the skin with a towel. Before you start doing an acid pedicure, you need to put on plastic gloves and treat your feet. antibacterial agent, then apply a liquid blade to the areas of skin that need treatment.

At the next stage, tightly wrap the feet with plastic wrap and keep the time indicated in the instructions. If only the cuticle is to be processed, only one minute is enough, but if you need to get rid of rough skin on your heels, it will take five to fifteen minutes.

After the time has elapsed, putting on gloves again, remove the film, and then proceed to massaging the legs, rolling the treated skin so that it moves away from the feet, folding into a roll. You can use a pumice stone, but you need to move it only in one direction and be very careful. If you need to process the area between the fingers, you can use a non-metallic foot file.

At the end of the procedure, with cotton pads Apply a disinfectant, removing any remaining skin. After getting rid of exfoliated skin, apply a nourishing or regenerating cream to the skin of the feet. It will help skin recover quickly after a rather aggressive procedure.

Exfoliating socks

Currently, a lot of products have appeared on the market that act by analogy with a liquid pedicure blade. For example, the so-called exfoliating socks, which are produced by Japanese, Chinese and Korean manufacturers, have collected good reviews about themselves. They are socks made of polyethylene, inside of which there is a gel to remove corns and corns.

They are considered a more expensive procedure: one pair costs almost as much as a bottle of liquid blade. This method is also inferior to the liquid blade in that it takes more time to process the feet: you need to wear socks from one and a half to two hours, and the first results are visible only on the fourth or fifth day, when the treated skin begins to peel off and move away over the next few days .

Therefore, women recommend doing the procedure with their help in winter, early spring or late autumn when the feet are hidden from the eyes of others. Such a mask contains a lot of nutrients and absolutely does not require massage or the use of pumice stone and grinding files: during this period, exfoliated skin completely disappears on its own.