Salon foot skin care: what type of pedicure to choose? European pedicure: technology of execution and features of the procedure. Unedged pedicure

Despite the fact that many new technologies for performing pedicures have appeared, classic pedicure never loses its relevance and has many admirers. When performed correctly and accurately, you will receive perfect pedicure, which does not need to be frequently corrected.

To make your legs even more attractive will help stylish and fashionable coating nails with decorative varnishes using decor. Everything you need for classic pedicure- this is a neat implementation of technology and a little imagination and taste to create a beautiful style.

The classic pedicure was first applied in 1830 american doctor Zitz, who used metal instruments to trim cuticles and dead skin. At first, such a pedicure was called the "Zittz method."

Features of this type of pedicure

The classic pedicure is also called edged, because its essence is to cut off the dead or keratinized layer of the skin with the help of special tools. As a rule, scissors with different types blades and tweezers.

This type of pedicure is considered quite dangerous and traumatic and requires the utmost care from the master. Another important condition such a pedicure is the careful treatment of cutting tools with antiseptics - this helps prevent infection.

As a result of such a pedicure, you get perfectly beautiful and well-groomed nails. At the end of the procedure, the nails are varnished.

How is it different from other types

Exists four main types of pedicure who have their distinctive features in execution technology:

Fashion ideas for a beautiful classic pedicure with a photo

In addition to the fact that the classic pedicure is cosmetic procedure, it includes decorative coating nails. We offer you the most fashionable and interesting ideas nail design.

Single Color Varnish Ideas

Varnish is considered a classic, so a pedicure in this color will go for any occasion and style of clothing.

Black pedicure, despite some aggressiveness, continues to be popular and very fashionable.

Juicy in a pedicure will emphasize your femininity and will look elegant.

If you want to vivid image, then a turquoise pedicure with a manicure will definitely attract everyone's attention.

Ideas for combining colors in a pedicure

Combination of two contrasting colors in combination with the geometry of the pattern will look stylish and very impressive.

Marigold different colors will allow you to easily pick up an outfit and get a harmonious look.

French Pedicure Ideas

Decorated with rhinestones, it will look fresh and very elegant.

very bright and interesting option french pedicure when a neon gradient is used.

Multi-colored motifs of the French pedicure will emphasize your individuality and the details of your image.

A bright fuchsia jacket with a floral pattern will add casual style to your style.

Decor Pedicure Ideas

A bitmap on a bright background will make your pedicure interesting and bright.

Stamping with rhinestones on a dark background looks very beautiful and impressive.

Berry accents on a large nail in a pink pedicure look fun and bright.

A beautiful shade of blue in a pedicure looks extraordinarily chic in combination with rhinestones.

Classic pedicure technology step by step

When starting a trimmed manicure, you need to know and strictly follow the following rules:
1. Antiseptic treat cutting tools: scissors and tweezers.

2. Steam your feet in herbal decoction with the addition of an antiseptic.
3. Remove the remains of varnish from the previous pedicure from the nails.
4. Using scissors and a nail file, even out the length of all nails.
5. Apply a special emollient to the cuticle.
6. Treat the feet, especially places with keratinized skin, pumice or a special abrasive nail file.

7. If there are cracks or calluses, it is necessary to carefully cut off the steamed skin from them and grind it with a finely abrasive pedicure file.
8. The already softened cuticle must be moved with a spatula, and then cut with cuticle scissors.

9. Polish your nails with a buff, and sand the entire skin of your feet with a finely abrasive nail file.

10. Apply a cream (antifungal or anti-crack) to the skin of the legs and do a light foot massage.

11. Apply to nails transparent base and let it dry. Cover your nails with nail polish.

Video on how to make a beautiful classic pedicure

In this video with a lesson, you will learn what a classic pedicure includes and get to know the execution technology in more detail.

Combination with other types of design solutions

A beautiful pedicure must be in harmony with your whole image, so we offer you a few ideas of the most successful combinations pedicure with elements of your clothes, accessories and shoes, because the decorative nail coating is also included in the classic pedicure.

Combinations of pedicure with shoes

The red color of the pedicure is so versatile that it goes well with shoes of different shades.

Black pedicure in this case goes well with the accent decor of shoes.

A chic combination of gold and turquoise in shoes, jewelry and pedicure. Great choice for summer holidays!

Combinations of pedicure with clothes

The three-color scheme of your suit can be an idea for beautiful pedicure. Strips in a pedicure are always relevant.

simple monochrome clothes can be diluted with a multicolor decorated pedicure in the same range or in contrasting colors.

Combinations of pedicure with accessories

Neck jewelry can be not only in the same color with a pedicure, but also harmoniously combined with decorative elements.

If you like to wear bright and extravagant bracelets, then their color, decor geometry and style can be repeated in a pedicure.

It is very beautiful when your pedicure is combined with unusual decor your handbag. It looks very stylish and trendy.

If you decide to do a classic pedicure yourself, be sure to follow our step-by-step instructions. Get inspired by new pedicure ideas and create your own personal style. Be beautiful!
We are waiting for your comments.

  1. The client's feet are processed with a grater (the master processes the client's heel and foot from keratinized skin with a grater);

From 1400 RUB

without beautiful and well-groomed legs can't do now! Pedicure is an essential part of taking care of yourself.

Now in the beauty salon you can choose a lot of pedicure options, but they are all divided into two types: unedged (European) or edged. 2018 classic edged manicure is the most popular, as evidenced by numerous reviews. In this case, the cuticle is very carefully removed with tweezers, and the heels and toe area are carefully processed with special files.

Inexpensive this procedure in Moscow can be performed in the network of manicure and pedicure studios "Nigotok".

Performing a classic pedicure in the salon

In the studios "Nigotok" only professionals in their field work. Performing a classic pedicure can only be performed by a professional, as the procedure can be traumatic. Each master in our salons undergoes regular re-certification and advanced training. We also carefully monitor the cleanliness and sterility of the procedures. The tools used in the work are subjected to multi-phase processing. Our clients can be sure of the quality of the services provided in all the "Nigotok" studios.

How does it happen and what does the classic pedicure procedure include?

  1. The hands of the master are treated with an antiseptic. Gloves are put on and treated again with the drug;
  2. The client's feet are treated with an antiseptic;
  3. The shape of the nail plate is given;
  4. Remover is applied to the cuticle and side rollers (means for softening the cuticle);
  5. The client's feet are soaked in the bath (maceration);
  6. A pedicure of the 1st leg is performed: the cuticle is pushed back with a scraper, the side rollers and the cuticle are cut with nippers;
  7. The client's feet are processed with a grater (the master processes the client's heel and foot from keratinized skin with a grater);
  8. Pedicure of the 2nd leg: the cuticle is pushed back with a scraper, the side rollers and the cuticle are cut with nippers;
  9. The client's feet are processed with a grater (the master processes the client's heel and foot from keratinized skin with a grater);
  10. A drop of oil is applied to back side legs and cuticles and rub;
  11. The cream is applied to the client's feet with rubbing movements and the cream is distributed and a mini-massage is performed.

Choose any of the 15 Nail Studios and come for the beauty of your legs!

* Removal of corns, treatment of corns and cracks is additional service and carried out at the request of the client.

* The price at a certain point may differ. More detailed information can be found in the application "Nail" or in the form of an appointment online.

Classic cut or wet pedicure is the most common nail care procedure in our country due to its availability. The age of the procedure is more than a hundred years old, the history began with this type of pedicure professional care behind your feet.

During the procedure, piercing and cutting instruments are used: scissors, tweezers, etc., which is why classic pedicure called cut.


  • Classic pedicure able to put in order any, even the most running feet(in this case edged pedicure- the only option).
  • Makes legs not only beautiful, but also healthy.
  • A large selection of foot baths allows you to deal with various shortcomings and problems.
  • Edged pedicuregood preparation legs to other procedures (from to).
  • Many people like the feeling thin skin"on the legs, which they receive after the removal of the keratinized skin of the legs.

Preparing for a pedicure


  • There is a possibility of cut and/or infection.
  • Trimming dead skin with a razor stimulates its further growth.
  • There is a possibility of infection (water is a breeding ground for fungi).

The first and third shortcomings are easily eliminated if an experienced craftsman takes up the matter. So don't try to do edged pedicure on your own or contact a non-professional.

Foot bath

Tools used in the process must be disinfected and stored in a sterile atmosphere (for example, in a UV cabinet).


Technique edged pedicure strongly reminiscent of:

  • The old varnish coating (if any) is removed from the nails.
  • Softening and steaming hygienic foot bath with sea ​​salt or medicinal herbs. Steaming takes 10 to 20 minutes.

Cuticle cutting

  • The temperature of the water at the same time depends on the characteristics of the body: hot baths are contraindicated for heart disease, hypertension, and pregnancy (you must tell the master about your features).
  • Correction of the length and shape of the nail plate with scissors, tweezers and files.
  • Grinding of the nail plate to eliminate microcracks.
  • Accurate removal of bulges on the heels and corns with a special razor, pedicure rasp or "harsh" pumice.
  • Removing .

Correction of the nail plate

  • The cuticle is pushed back with an orange stick and trimmed with scissors.
  • Burr removal.
  • Softening and moisturizing the skin on the feet with creams.
  • Light therapeutic and relaxing foot massage (optional).
  • Degreasing the nail plate and applying a medical or decorative varnish coating on it (at the request of the client).
  • Some steps in the procedure may be interchanged or omitted.

Average wet pedicure takes 40 minutes to an hour.

Removal of corns

There are several types of foot baths:

  • detergents
  • Improves blood circulation (with nettle, chestnut extract, arnica)
  • Antifungal and antiseptic (with essential oils, borax, triclosan)
  • Keratolytics (with sulfur, citric or salicylic acid)
  • Wound healing and promoting healing of microcracks (with plantain, chamomile, calendula)

Ready pedicure


Nail design

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Pedicure: types and techniques

Every woman always wants to look young, well-groomed, impeccable. To do this, you need to monitor your health and appearance every day. One of the types of necessary procedures is a pedicure. In this article we will tell you how to do a pedicure and what are its varieties.

Pedicure is periodically necessary procedure foot and toenail care. This is not only an aesthetic procedure, but also a medical one. Its essence is to remove and treat ingrown nails, calluses, hardening of the skin, nail plates. Constant attention to your feet will help to timely identify foot deformities, flat feet, various skin diseases. It is worth considering that for certain diseases it is contraindicated to do this procedure. If you have any doubts about the health of your feet, be sure to consult with a specialist.

The structure of toenails

Nails are derivatives of the skin, horny plates on the terminal phalanges of the fingers. The main component of the nail is keratin. Between its layers are placed thin layers of fat and water. It is thanks to these layers that the nails are elastic and shiny. Nails perform a protective function, protecting the sensitive ends of the fingers from possible damage. Nails are trimmed painlessly, like hair, due to the fact that they do not have nerve endings.

Many are interested in how much the toenail grows when growth is faster or slower. Below are short answers to these and other questions.

1. In an average person, a nail grows by 4 - 4.5 mm in one month.
2. In a lifetime, a person cuts 4 - 4.5 m of the total length of nails.
3. On the legs, they grow more slowly than on the hands.
4. The growth rate depends on the state of human health.
5. With age, the growth rate decreases.
6. Grow faster during the day than at night.
7. In the warm season, nails grow faster than in the cold.

How to cut your toenails the right way

In order to be correct form toenails need to be trimmed properly. Pour warm water into the foot bath, add sea salt. Soak your fingers in water for a few minutes. After that, dry with a towel. You need to cut the nail strictly in a straight line from edge to edge. Cutting the sides is not recommended - this can lead to a change in the position of the growth of the nail, i.e. to its ingrowth.

Many women love long beautiful, healthy nails, but not everyone grows quickly. In order to accelerate the growth of toenails, they need help. This can be done with folk remedies (cheaper) or cosmetic preparations(expensive).

How to speed up the growth of toenails (folk medicine recipes)

1. Use olive oil. Pour heated oil into the bath, lower the nails for 5-10 minutes. Do the procedure once a day for a week. The cuticles will become softer, the nail will shine more noticeably. If the nails have been damaged, then this is an ideal nourishment for their structure.

2. Nourishing ointment. Mix in a toe 5 g of beeswax, 50 ml of calendula oil, boiled egg yolk. Heat the resulting mass in an enamel bowl, stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula. Apply at bedtime by rubbing into each nail and the area around the nail.

3. Universal oil. Mix in a glass bowl (jar) 2 drops essential oil tea rose, 2 tbsp. l. oils apricot kernels, 5 drops of geranium essential oil, 1 tsp. almond oil. Apply to fingers before going to bed, rubbing well. Store the resulting mixture in the refrigerator.

4. Iodized coating. For aesthetic reasons, this procedure is best done in the cold season. No one will see your yellow fingers in socks. Each nail plate, with cotton swab, cover with one layer of iodine. With such a pedicure, you need to walk from several days to one week.

5. Sea breeze. Get a bag of sea salt, vitamins A, E (in drops) at the pharmacy. It is better to choose salt complete with a pleasant essential oil. Pour warm water (0.5 - 1 l) into the pedicure bath, add 1 - 2 tbsp. l. fragrant sea salt, a few drops of vitamin A and E. Lower the fingers for 5 - 10 minutes. Use the procedure several times a week.

6. Softening toenails with a soda bath. Pour hot water temperature comfortable for you, add a couple of tablespoons of soda there and lower your feet there, wait 15-20 minutes, then lubricate the skin of your feet with a softening cream.

Most importantly, think about your nails at least a few times a month. If you do any procedures a couple of times a year, the effect of this will be small.

Varieties of beautiful forms of toenails

The most popular nail shape is oval. The nail is elongated and is a continuation of the cuticle line. This form can often be seen on the fingers.

pointed. It is one of the most difficult techniques to perform. "Sharp claws" love confident, eccentric women. Very rarely done on feet.

Rectangular. elongated nail, top cut with right angles. Performed with manicure and pedicure.

Round. All lines are smooth, rounded. The length is short. It is not often seen on toenails.

Square. Like a rectangular one, only short length. It is the most common on the legs.

Features of a pedicure at home

For those who do not have time to go to salons and who want to save costs ideal method There will be a homemade pedicure on the feet.

It is necessary to prepare:

- nail polish remover, nail polish;
- cotton swab;
- towel;
- warm water;
- sea salt;
- tools (scissors, nail file, cuticle spatula);
- bowl (bath);
- Scrub with oil (for aroma).

Pedicure procedure at home:

We clean nails from varnish. Pour water into the bath. Add sea salt and oil. We lower the legs into the water, let it soak for 10 minutes. After that, we rub the skin with a scrub, wait a few minutes and wash everything off. We cut desired length, clean, form the desired shape. We file and polish nails. We wipe dry, apply the base and paint with your favorite varnish. After the procedure, be sure to lubricate with a moisturizer. And you will succeed trendy pedicure at home.

Types of professional pedicure

Medical pedicure

Our legs sometimes need not only aesthetically pleasing procedures, but also medical ones. One of the types curative care behind the feet is a medical hardware pedicure. Its main task is to the right combination not traumatic hardware pedicure with a professional medical cosmetics. Therapeutic pedicure can only be performed by a medically trained specialist.

Advantages of medical pedicure

1. Minimal risk of injury.
2. Removers are used to soften the epithelium.
3. Used cosmetics perform healing, antiseptic functions.
4. Multifunctionality of the procedure. Experienced master able to cope with any severe cases (ingrown toenail, fungus).
5. Only the keratinized layer of the skin is removed, and healthy tissues are not damaged.

Step by step instructions for pedicure

1. The master examines the feet and offers treatment options.
2. Foot treatment with antiseptics.
3. Applying a softening agent to the skin of the feet.
4. Removal of the keratinized layer of the skin, its polishing.
5. If there are any skin diseases, then procedures are performed to treat them.
6. Nail plate given the desired shape. It is cleaned, polished and treated with medical means. At the request of the client, varnish is applied to the nail.
7. Treatment of the foot with an antifungal agent and massage using nourishing cream.

Medical pedicure: video

Classic pedicure

One of the most popular and available methods- This is a classic edged pedicure. This pedicure is performed in the salon and at home.

The essence of the procedure

The cream is applied to hard areas of the skin. Then the nails are cut (dry), their length and shape are formed. Only after this does steaming occur. To do this, use different infusions of herbs, aromatic essential oils. Steaming takes no more than 15 minutes. The next step is foot cleaning. With the help of a pumice stone (rough at first, then softer), the feet are cleaned of keratinized skin. Then, with the help of a pedicure set, the cuticles are cleaned. The final step will be washing in clean water and applying a nourishing cream to the feet. On average, the procedure takes 40 - 60 minutes. It is enough to do it once a month to maintain the result.


Affordable price;
- the effect is noticeable for a long time.


Possible infection;
- risk of minor injury (cut);
- only needed good specialist Otherwise, the effect will be short-lived and unpleasant.

Variant of the classic pedicure

Hardware pedicure

This processing method is a lifesaver for problem nails and the skin of the feet, so this perfect option men's pedicure, as men have more rough skin and more often there are problems with the nails and skin of the feet, unlike women.

Hardware pedicure step by step

At the beginning of the procedure, the feet must be treated with a disinfectant. After that, a preparation is applied to soften the keratinized skin. Few minutes soften the legs. Then the master with the help of different nozzles can remove calluses, ingrown nails, cracks. Cuticles also do not go unnoticed. Even warts can be removed painlessly. The electric device has different nozzles, thanks to which the master can perform work of any complexity. The result is noticeable immediately, but sometimes in severe cases, the procedure must be repeated several times. After finishing, a softening cream is applied. Some specialists use place cream paraffin masks. Everything takes about 1 hour.


Hard to reach problem areas are removed;
- absence of possible injuries;
- saving time;
- painless;
- Ideal for people with diabetes.


The high cost of equipment and procedures;
- a small number of skilled craftsmen.

Fraser for pedicure

A pedicure machine is not very expensive if it is intended for home use, which cannot be said about professional models. Purchasing a device for home pedicure saves you a lot of time for foot care. For best result you can take a few pedicure lessons from professionals or watch a video with a similar technique. The main thing when choosing to look at the quality of which the nozzles (cutters) are made, and the device itself. The best option For professional pedicure- these are routers with a spray or a vacuum cleaner, as they will partially remove dust from the processing area and protect against it.
A good router is defined by the absence of handle vibration at maximum speed with a new thin diamond nozzle installed and the presence of forced cooling of the handle (except for routers with a brushless (brushless) motor, where the handle is sealed and very durable).

European pedicure

Most safe method care for feet and nails - this is a European unedged pedicure.

The essence of the procedure

With frequent use of this method, the cuticle becomes thinner. Used to remove cuticles special agent. It can be in the form of milk, gels, creams, masks. Under their influence, the hardened cuticle dissolves within 10 minutes. At the same time, the area around the nails is nourished. After dissolving the cuticle, it is moved to the base of the nail with an orange stick. Scissors in the European pedicure are not used, the formation of the nail occurs only with the help of different nail files. After that, cream and remover are applied to the feet. After softening, grinding is carried out with a pumice stone. Then it is moistened with a cream and a light massage is done for better blood circulation. Lacquer is applied last.


Saves time;
- painless;
- no risk of infections;
- lasting result.


For the best result, you need to do the procedure often at first;
- not suitable for heavily groomed nails and feet.

SPA pedicure - complete relaxation

The essence of the procedure

SPA is one of the most expensive and lengthy foot care procedures. For complete relaxation of the client, calm music plays, various incense smells, candles burn. The work is aimed at relaxing the client (cooling, moisturizing, softening, massage). All this is done with the help of scrubs, creams, lotions, therapeutic mud, sea salt and other necessary substances. Horny skin areas are not removed with blades or hardware attachments. Special concentrates are used here seaweed and salts from the Dead Sea. Thanks to the application of alpha hydroxy acids to the cuticles, they become softer. Old, unnecessary cells are removed. Calluses, rough skin areas are removed with the help of a special marine serum. It does not corrode the skin, but gently removes the dead layer of the epithelium. After that, peeling is carried out with the help of scrubs. The final step will be the application healing masks. IN summer period masks with a cooling effect are used (menthol, mint). Especially in demand are creams, oils with an antioxidant - vitamin E, which keeps the skin in good shape, gives it elasticity (prolongs the youth of the epithelium). After that, the feet are moisturized with a cucumber complex (cucumber extract, chamomile extract, aloe, panthenol). All this takes approximately 1.5 hours.


The result is visible for a long time (sometimes up to one month);
- relaxation not only of the legs, but of the whole body;
- there are no traumatic risks;
- infection is excluded.


One of the most expensive types of pedicure;
- specialized salons few masters.

Japanese pedicure

This method rejuvenates and tones the skin of the feet.

The essence of the procedure

First, the feet are treated with an antiseptic. Then, with the help of a tatibana stick, the cuticles are pushed back, and a remedy with cucumber extract is applied. A mineral-based emollient is applied to the cuticles. Scrub lubricates the entire foot. After that, aromatic baths are applied. The next step is polishing the nail with a rice block until perfect shape. To inhibit the growth of cuticles, they are lubricated with lotus oil. Powder is applied to the nails, which is made on the basis of beeswax. A substance based on citrus essential oil perfectly rejuvenates the skin of the feet. The last step Japanese pedicure is considered an application medical masks based on herbs and foot massage.


Relaxation of the whole body;
- painless;
- no risk of injury or infection.


The high cost of the procedure;
- few good specialists.

When using exfoliating Japanese socks at home, the effect will be almost like after visiting the salon. At first glance, these are ordinary plastic bags with a liquid substance inside. It is the composition of the liquid that plays the main role.


1. We purchase socks for a pedicure.
2. We put them on clean feet.
3. Wear exfoliating pedicure socks for 1 - 2 hours (depending on skin problems).
4. Remove them, wash off the remaining liquid from the legs, apply a moisturizer.
5. We are waiting for the result. Within one week, the skin will gradually peel off. It is important to have patience and not cut it off on your own. You can only use softening baths. Pedicure socks get good reviews, they will not always remove corns and calluses.


Affordable price;
- minimum time spent;
- long lasting results.


- with open wounds on the legs.

This type of foot care appeared not so long ago, but has already managed to gain great popularity. A bunch of positive feedback about pedicure socks they say that there really is an effect.

There are different manufacturers that offer Japanese socks. But not all of them are of good quality. Therefore, before buying, it is advisable to read the reviews of those who have tried the socks on themselves.

How beautiful well-groomed toenails! To make your image always complete and neat, it is impossible to do without a classic edged pedicure. Therefore, despite the fact that beauty salons every day offer everything more options to bring your feet in order, this type of pedicure remains the most popular.

Features of the classic pedicure

The classic pedicure technology necessarily includes trimming the excess cuticle in the periungual zone. That is why this type of foot care is called, and not due to the fact that during the procedure the master cuts off all rough skin, as many people think. The heel area and dense areas of the feet are processed only with pumice.

Razors and blades are not classic pedicure tools. Their use is strictly prohibited. Of the cutting objects, tweezers and scissors are used. Firstly, it reduces the risk of injury and cuts to a minimum, and secondly, blades and razors stimulate regeneration. skin, which accelerates the appearance of even more corns and seals. The "assistants" of the masters of this type of pedicure are also tools disposable(For example, bamboo sticks), bath, scrubs and nourishing cosmetics for legs.

To date, the classic is very often performed unedged. In this case, the cuticle is removed cosmetic preparations rather than scissors or tongs.

Classic trimmed pedicure procedure

Classic pedicure is performed in several stages, each of which is required:

The whole procedure of a classic pedicure takes about 50-60 minutes.

The benefits of a classic pedicure

Classic pedicure has several undeniable advantages. Its main advantages include the following:

  • high-quality manual cleaning;
  • small time costs compared to other types of pedicure;
  • use of multiple emollients;
  • durable result;
  • low price.

Performing a classic pedicure includes familiar and understandable procedures, so this type of foot care is suitable for those who do not like newfangled laser or resurfacing technologies.

Cons of a classic pedicure

Adherents of the classic pedicure argue that if you choose a good experienced specialist, this procedure will have no shortcomings. They are partly right, because the disadvantages appear only when the master does not know how to do a classic pedicure correctly.