Chinese foot socks instructions. All about miraculous pedicure socks

By purchasing these socks, you can count on next result from their use.

  • Increased activity of epithelial cells with their rapid regeneration.
  • Providing an antiseptic effect.
  • Reducing the symptoms of foot swelling and fatigue.
  • Restoring the normal functioning of sebaceous and sweat glands.
  • Returning an attractive appearance to the skin of the feet.

Socks for pedicure - fruit peeling for soft skin

This action is ensured by the gel present inside the polyethylene socks, consisting of milk or fruit acids. A combination is also possible vegetable oils, extracts that soften and disinfect the skin.

How long should I keep pedicure socks from Aliexpress?

According to the recommendations given in the instructions, you should keep these socks on your feet for about two hours while going about your business. Overexposure to a cosmetic accessory can cause itching, redness, and even symptoms of skin burns. The final result of peeling appears after 2-3 weeks, during which the rough skin gradually peels off, revealing young epithelium.

Chinese socks for pedicure - an effective alternative to mechanical cleaning

To obtain the expected effect, it is worth considering following rules use.

  • Feet are first rinsed with clean, cool water and blotted dry.
  • The socks-cases are put on, fixing them on the leg with a special Velcro.
  • Wear regular socks on top to prevent your feet from slipping on the floor.
  • After the specified time, the cases are removed and the feet are washed with soap and water, removing the acidic gel.

If the time of wearing socks has been extended and redness of the skin of the feet is noted, antihistamine gel fenistil is immediately applied to them, accelerating tissue restoration.

How to use socks for pedicure: who is contraindicated for such care

A contraindication to wearing Chinese socks is.

  • Peeling the skin if there are open wounds, scratches, abrasions, or inflamed areas.
  • Presence of signs fungal infection skin in the form of mycosis of the feet.
  • The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Another nuance of application concerns the forced removal of exfoliating skin. Doing this is strictly prohibited due to the risk of injury to the young epithelium and infection.

Among Chinese pedicure socks, Foot Mask and Silky Foot products deserve trust, as they have no disadvantages such as an unpleasant odor or uneven distribution of the gel content.

Every woman strives to find the perfect self-care product. This also applies to pedicures. Pumice, laser graters, electric files, various baths and creams - there is no limit to perfection. In pursuit of smooth heels, a lot of money and time are spent, but the result, as a rule, has a short-term effect or does not live up to expectations at all. cramped and uncomfortable shoes, wearing heels quite quickly negates the achievements of salon specialists or your own efforts.

What is baby foot?

However modern cosmetology does not stand still. A few years ago, clever Asian masters invented another miracle remedy that changed the idea of ​​pedicure as a whole. It's about about special socks, the so-called baby feet. Manufacturers promise that by using this product, you can get rid of corns, calluses, unpleasant odor and get perfectly smooth, soft skin.

The most popular are Japanese, Korean and Chinese products. However, knowing China’s love for imitation brands, it makes sense to think about the advisability of purchasing such a “pig in a poke.”

Pedicure socks

What are socks for? pedicure exfoliating? Outwardly, they are similar to thick polyethylene shoe covers, only higher and with special adhesive tapes for fixation. Inside each product there is a layer of nonwoven fabric. It may be soaked in peeling solution, or the solution may be supplied separately and will need to be poured into the socks before or after putting them on your feet - this is a personal choice. There is no fundamental difference here.

There may be one or two pairs per package. It depends on the manufacturer. Soso pedicure socks are sold in 2 pairs, while Chinese and Korean brands, as a rule, produce one pair each. But in any case, it turns out that using socks is more profitable than visiting a beauty salon.

You don’t have to worry about not being able to use the miracle remedy due to non-standard leg parameters. The size chart is impressive - from size 35 to 45. So the socks are suitable for both Thumbelina and larger ladies.

Pedicure socks: application

Let's figure out how peeling socks work, what is included in their composition and what types they come in. The composition of socks for each manufacturer is, of course, different, but lactic or fruit acids will be mandatory components.

Japanese pedicure socks

Babyfoot from the Japanese company Sosu is most popular in Russia, perhaps due to its availability - you don’t have to wait long for the package, you can go and buy the product you like. In addition, these pedicure socks have numerous and mostly positive reviews. According to them, peeling can improve even very neglected heels and restore smoothness and softness to the skin. There are three versions of the socks with different scents - mint, rose and lavender. The products are convenient because they are already impregnated with the active substance. inner surface, all that remains is to put them on and wait for the result.

The peeling contains lactic acid, which affects the exfoliation process. In addition, the tool has added:

  • Ivy. The extract tones the skin of the feet, has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.
  • Sage. Reduces redness and irritation that may appear on the skin. Reduces sweating and eliminates bad smell.
  • Soapwort. Prevents the occurrence of dermatitis.
  • Soybean and castor oil. Nourish and moisturize the skin of the feet.
  • Ceramides. Helps improve skin immunity.
  • Hyaluronic acid. Deeply moisturizes the skin and gives elasticity.

Due to the action of lactic acid in the active substance, rough skin, corns and calluses soften and peel off. Plant components enhance the exfoliating effect and care for the feet.

Korean pedicure socks

Another fairly well-known product for pedicure at home is Shiny foot peeling from the Korean company Tony Moly. The company has existed for many years and has proven itself well both in the domestic market and abroad. Pedicure socks have good reviews. The manufacturer assures that peeling, in addition to its intended purpose, will eliminate unpleasant odor and relieve increased sweating, will relieve stress and help restore water balance. In addition to lactic acid, the composition contains extracts of green tea, peach tree leaves and sophora root.

The set includes one pair of socks, active peeling agent and instructions. Unlike Japanese Sosu, the Korean version involves pouring liquid into your socks yourself.

Chinese baby foot

No less popular Chinese socks for pedicure Foot fit. Such products in Lately are in great demand. Although these pedicure socks have the most controversial reviews: some buyers are satisfied with the result and note that the product can even get rid of old plantar warts, others write that the products are ineffective. Perhaps it all depends on the duration of the procedure or on the quality of the socks.

The active substance includes lactic, hydrosuccinic, glycolic, salicylic and citric acids, alcohol, castor oil, natural extracts (soapwort, chamomile, horsetail, clematis leaves, sage, ivy, citruses), arginine, butylene glycol and water.

The package contains one pair of products with an inner layer impregnated with a special gel. They need to be kept on your feet longer than Korean or Japanese Soso pedicure socks (2 hours). Significant differences also include what is allowed to achieve best result and speed up the peeling of old skin, gently rub the heels with a hard washcloth 3-4 days after the procedure. Of the minuses, all buyers note the unpleasant smell of the product, and some are alarmed that the nail polish comes off, even if it is freshly applied.

European socks for pedicure

European manufacturers, as always happens, could not stay away from the product, which is very popular, and released their own analogues of Asian products. Almea baby foot pedicure socks from the British company Almea are proof of this.

It is stated that exfoliation occurs due to the action of fruit acids, but they are not listed in the composition. Orange and grapefruit oils, extracts of meadowsweet, sage and clematis leaves, cellulose and glycerin.

Unlike their Asian counterparts, European socks do not have a special adhesive tape for fixation, nor any ties. Therefore, if the choice fell on Almea, it makes sense to stock up on tape in advance.

It is recommended to keep the socks on your feet for 2 hours; before use, you need to remove the coating from your nails. Although, judging by the reviews, the active substance does not affect the varnish in any way. The process of peeling off the epidermis takes a long time, up to 5 weeks even with the use of scrubs. These pedicure socks have mixed reviews: equally enthusiastic praises and negativity.

Instructions for use

How to use pedicure socks? The big advantage of this procedure is that there is no need to purchase any additional accessories or tools. Except scissors.

For those who decide to try pedicure socks, the instructions will not be superfluous. Because the final result will depend on the correct sequence of actions. In order not to be disappointed in the product, you must follow all the recommended steps.

Doing it right

  • Open the package. Get out the exfoliating pedicure socks. , carefully cut along the perforation top part each product. Be careful not to damage the socks themselves or spill their contents. If the solution comes separately, pour it inside.
  • Put on plastic socks and try to evenly distribute all the liquid so that your feet are completely covered with it. Don't be afraid to tear your socks, they are quite thick, so they will survive all your manipulations.
  • Secure the socks with the included adhesive tapes. If you suddenly forgot to put them in the kit, use tape. If desired, you can additionally wear regular cotton items on top. This will not affect the procedure in any way, but guarantees reliable fixation pedicure socks and will not allow them to slip.

  • Be patient. You need to stay in socks from an hour to an hour and a half or two, depending on the condition of the skin of your feet and the manufacturer’s recommendations. If you keep them less, no visible result will not be. It’s also not worth overexposing, focusing on “just to be sure.” It is not recommended to actively move or move around the apartment during the procedure, so as not to tear your socks, spill the peeling liquid, and this is also inconvenient. Read a book or watch your favorite program - combine business with pleasure. While you are relaxing, a special solution will transform your legs.
  • Pedicure socks are designed for one use. Therefore, after the procedure, throw away the used sachets. Repeated use will not give any result, since the active composition will no longer be so.
  • Get ready to wait. There will be no immediate results. Approximately 3-5 days after the procedure, exfoliation of the upper layers of the epidermis will begin, which will take about a week or a little more. To speed up this process a little, you can do steaming baths, but under no circumstances should you treat your heels with a hard washcloth or pumice stone. You may damage delicate new skin and cause some kind of infection.

Keep in mind that the exfoliation process is not very aesthetically pleasing, if not scary. Therefore, try to carry it out before the barefoot period.

Where can you buy pedicure socks?

The product for home peeling can be purchased in chain stores: “Rainbow Smile”, “Scarlett”, “Spectrum” have Asian pedicure socks in their assortment. The price is more than reasonable - from 100 to 300 rubles, depending on the manufacturer. L’etoile offers its customers Korean pedicure socks at a very affordable price - 252 rubles per pair. They are quite effective. In addition, you can purchase pedicure socks at the pharmacy or order directly from Korea, Japan or China. However, they will cost more - from about 500 rubles.


Like any other cosmetic product, pedicure socks have contraindications for use.

They can be used no more than once every 3-4 months. Direct exposure should also be avoided sun rays during the procedure. Pregnant women, diabetics and women during lactation should use such products with caution. There is no clear opinion about these groups: some people calmly use socks both during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. It's like dyeing your hair: some people do it, others don't. To avoid consequences, you should first consult your doctor.

It is strictly forbidden to carry out the procedure if there are fresh cracks on the feet, any irritation or wounds, including scratches. Don't forget that the peeling contains acids!

Pedicure socks are prohibited for children under 12 years of age.

If during peeling there is a clear feeling of discomfort or burning, you need to take off your socks and rinse your feet with plenty of water.

How to use foot socks to make your heels soft and tender. This question is relevant at any time of the year. Rough heels, the appearance of cracks and painful sensations when walking significantly spoil the mood of their owners. Special socks for peeling will help prevent such disappointments.

Briefly about the product and its advantages

Socks for exfoliating feet are very popular in the cosmetology market. Externally, these are hermetically sealed plastic bags, inside of which there is a special acid composition. When you put on socks, the acidic composition penetrates deep into the skin and causes active removal of dead cells and keratinized layers.

This is the best option for eliminating corns, roughness and roughness of the feet. These socks eliminate cracks, calluses and subcutaneous seals.

Peeling socks combine all the desires of users:

  • lightning-fast results - after just one use, the situation with the feet will noticeably change, they will become soft, moisturized, pleasant to the touch;
  • ease of use – the product is easy to use even without special cosmetology skills;
  • safety - despite the acid composition used for peeling, there is a risk of complications and side effects minimum;
  • availability, a large assortment– in the market, in a specialized store awaits you big choice foot peeling products from manufacturers in Korea, China and other countries. It is worth noting that the most popular are Korean peeling socks Sosu and Footfit from China;
  • no need to waste time going to the salon, the procedure can be easily carried out at home;
  • democratic price - the cost of socks is quite affordable for every user;
  • versatility - socks are suitable for any age and skin type.

Rest assured, with foot exfoliating socks, foot care will turn into pure pleasure and will not take up much of your time.

Instructions for use

Carrying out foot rejuvenation using special socks does not cause any difficulties. The manufacturer thought through all the details down to the smallest detail and made the task as easy as possible.

Let's take a closer look at how to use Sosu socks or other brands to cleanse your feet yourself:

  1. Prepare your feet for peeling: remove nail polish and wash your feet well, but you don’t need to scrub them with a pumice stone or a foot file. Dry your feet.
  2. Now take your exfoliating socks. Cut along the line marked by the manufacturer.
  3. If your socks come with a separate peeling agent, pour it into each sock. There are socks with a napkin already soaked inside, so there will be no liquid.
  4. Place the bags on your feet, secure them with stickers and smooth them. This will prevent liquid from splashing out. Make sure that the acidic composition inside them evenly covers your feet.
  5. For comfort, wear plain cotton socks on top.
  6. You need to stay with the bags on your feet for about 2 hours, as the manufacturer recommends. During this time, do not limit yourself to movement and walking.
  7. After the time recommended by the manufacturer, remove your socks. To neutralize the acidic composition, wash your feet with soap.
  8. Dry with a towel.

That's it for exfoliation with socks from Sosu and others famous brands completed, all that remains is to wait for the result.

How to care for your feet after peeling

The positive effect of the procedure is not immediately noticeable. Around the third day, the skin on the feet will shine with an unusual shine and begin to become rough and flaky. Outwardly, this does not look the most pleasant, so peeling with socks is rarely performed in the summer.

Be patient and wait for the skin to completely renew itself. Do not tear off hanging films. This threatens the appearance of wounds and infection. In addition, after such “acceleration” scars remain.

To skin after peeling you recovered quickly, without any troubles, cosmetologists recommend adhering to the following rules:

  1. For the first 5 days, do without baths or long water procedures so that the skin on your feet does not steam.
  2. Do not try to speed up the renewal of the skin of your feet with ointments, creams, or baths. Wait for the process to complete naturally.
  3. Moisturizing, nourishing creams for feet, set aside until complete completion peeling.

Precautionary measures

Achieving perfectly soft heels and toes from Sosu and other manufacturers is a dream come true. To avoid disappointments and troubles, read frequent mistakes that are allowed during exfoliation:

  • Before peeling, perform a rough cleaning of the heels. To do this, use a pumice stone, a pebble or a foot file. You can't do this! You violate the integrity of the integument, this will cause a burning sensation, and unpleasant consequences are possible.
  • Each package of socks (Sosu, Almea Baby Foot, Braphy and others) contains instructions for use and manufacturer's recommendations for peeling. Listen to them to avoid misunderstandings and grief.
  • During exfoliation, the feet are exposed to direct sunlight.
  • There is no test for allergic reaction. This error can cause serious problems if the user is allergic to the drug.
  • Burning, itching is an abnormal reaction. If you feel discomfort, rinse immediately with plenty of clean water.
  • The peeling composition should cover the entire area of ​​the foot and affect the entire sole.
  • When purchasing peeling socks, pay attention to the expiration date and the tightness of the packaging. Violation of these facts poses a danger to the user's health.
  • The procedure is not recommended in summer. When the old skin is peeled off, your feet will not look aesthetically pleasing; you will have to wear closed shoes or not go outside until the tissue renewal is completed.
  • Peeling should not be performed if there are contraindications.
  • Before full recovery after exfoliation, do not wear heels or tight shoes.

Strictly adhere to the timing of foot peeling. The interval between procedures is allowed at least 2 months.


Peeling special socks has a small list of restrictions:

  • women at any stage of pregnancy;
  • when breastfeeding;
  • there are wounds or damage to the skin of the feet;
  • allergy to the components of the product used;
  • excessive dry skin;
  • age up to 12 years.

With extreme caution, only after prior consultation with your doctor, peeling can be performed for patients with diabetes and various chronic diseases.

High-quality and ongoing care. Peeling socks are a confident step in quickly, painlessly cleansing your feet and getting rid of roughness and calluses. There is nothing complicated about how to use socks for foot peeling, and the price does not exceed simple salon procedures for feet. Take care of the beauty and health of your heels with special socks - and enjoy the victory over corns and roughness for a long time!

It seems like there aren't many people left who haven't heard of exfoliating pedicure socks. A few minutes - and your feet are in perfect condition. It’s worth figuring out what their secret is.


Socks for pedicure are the salvation of any fashionista, and just a person who takes care of themselves. The result will surprise many, since even professional craftsmen do not work so efficiently.

These products cope perfectly with the following problems:

  • peeling of the skin of the feet;
  • calluses and corns;
  • yellow skin of the feet;
  • painful cracks in the heels.

It is traditionally believed that they were invented in Korea and China, which does not prevent other manufacturers from using this technology.

For an opinion on using exfoliating socks, watch the following video.

Home distinctive feature Such socks are characterized by a gradual (over 2-3 weeks) removal of the skin from the feet. Not everyone has that kind of patience, but it will be rewarded. The use itself will not cause much trouble, at the same time the result is cumulative.

This product is not suitable for all situations. If there are wounds or burns on the feet, use is prohibited. Before acceptance sunbathing It's worth waiting a few days. The skin on the feet is too soft and can cause burns.


The socks themselves consist of two polyethylene or silicone containers, which are put on your feet. All models have tightening fasteners for convenience.

The socks contain a special gel-like liquid that acts on the skin. Its composition is of interest to many, since the chemical component of the product is usually of great concern to women.


The liquid composition inside the containers can be in a simple form. Often inside you can find cotton linings soaked in liquid. This helps to better distribute the composition across the legs.

The composition of silicone socks varies, but most often it includes:

  • Various acid components. This is the basis of the effect on the skin. Acid can be citric or lactic. Vinegar is also used.
  • Quite often the composition includes alcohol.
  • Manufacturers do not forget to take care of the skin, so they include various oils. Oils can be different: lavender, avocado, pharmaceutical plants.
  • All kinds of extracts: buckwheat, sage, fruit and so on.
  • Flavorings for pleasant use.

The composition may vary - from the most natural to the chemical.

How do they work?

The operating principle itself is based on the chemical action of all components. It is this that makes the rough skin simply come off. With this method, there are no injuries (unlike mechanical impact in the cabin). This also prevents the entry of various infections. The stratum corneum simply peels away, leaving new pink dermis.

Exists a large number of manufacturers and models of these socks. Every woman will be able to choose for herself exactly the option that will be ideal.

Review of popular models

So, we can highlight several of the most popular models. All of them have won the trust of consumers.

Socks for express pedicure Faberlic

Manufacturer - Russia. Contains shea butter, rosehip oil and hyaluronic acid. These are the main active components. Possess pleasant smell roses.

One package contains 1 pair of socks with a comfortable fastener. Inside is cotton fabric soaked in a creamy liquid. It should be noted that this product provides a caring effect similar to a mask.

The skin on the feet is moisturized, cracks are healed, the composition deeply nourishes the cuticles on the toes, but there is no significant exfoliating effect.

Pedicure socks SoSu

Manufacturer - Japan. Aromas can be different: rose, milk, mint. The composition is quite rich: hyaluronic acid, watercress, castor oil, ceramides, sage, soapwort, ivy, soybean, burdock. The composition is intriguing. The manufacturer claims that the product can be used in the presence of deep cracks and fungi. The package contains 2 pairs of socks, which is quite economical. They contain active liquid.

Exfoliation begins 3-5 days after use. The moisturizing effect is noticeable immediately.

Peeling socks “Avec Moi”

Manufacturer - Korea. There is a pleasant aroma.

The composition contains the following components:

  • hyaluronic acid - hydration and elasticity;
  • apple extract – rejuvenation;
  • grapefruit extract – restoration;
  • coconut extract – softening;
  • mint - healing effect.

The manufacturer claims the main difference - thanks to the fruit components, cracks are healed and the skin is nourished. The effect is noticeable on the fifth day. The box contains a pair of socks with a zipper.

Skinlite socks

Manufacturer - Korea. The composition includes flower and lemon extracts, papaya oil, alcohol, malic acid. With their help you can easily get skin elasticity. The functioning of the sweat glands is regulated. The package contains one pair of socks with liquid. There is an odor of alcohol, which is designed to disinfect the surface. Usually the cleansing process is completed in 2 weeks.

Fix Price SPA socks

The most budget representative. Manufacturer - China.

These are toeless socks with a gel lining inside. They are comfortable to move around the house.

What attracts attention is that they do not work on their own. Can be used as an addition to creams and masks to create a greenhouse effect. There is no exfoliating effect.

Scholl socks

Manufacturer - UK. Like all “colleagues”, this product contains acids and oils:

  • lactic acid – peeling;
  • shea butter, ginger and ginseng extract - relaxation and hydration;
  • vitamin B5 - for deep hydration.

The package contains one pair of socks. The action begins on day 5-7. Differs in vitamin content. Can be used for all skin types.

Magic Foot Peeling Socks

Manufacturer - Korea. It has good composition: lactic, salicylic, glycolic, hyaluronic acids, collagen, argan oil.

The manufacturer promises deep peeling and hydration. The package contains a pair of socks containing the active gel. Complete cleansing is expected within 14 days.

Futto socks

Manufacturer - Japan. They have a rather pungent aroma, which can be off-putting. The composition is quite predictable: lactic acid, hyaluronic acid, collagen and fruit extracts.

The package contains a pair of socks with stickers for fixation. Provide results within 3-4 days.

Avon pedicure socks

This product has a caring effect on the skin of the feet. These are cotton socks without any lining inside. Use with masks or rich cream provides a soft effect, no more. There is no exfoliating effect.

SilkyFoot socks

Manufacturer - China. They have a lemon scent. The box contains a pair of socks with liquid. There are not very many components in the composition, which is quite unusual: water, glycerin, lactic acid, glycolic acid, castor oil, alcohol, salicylic acid, vitamin E, lemon oil. This product can be considered natural.

Which ones are better?

Choose the best remedy quite difficult, since they all give a similar effect.

If we talk about moisturizing care without exfoliating dead skin, then Faberlic express pedicure socks are in the lead. A pleasant aroma, ease of use and long-lasting hydration are undoubted advantages. The product really takes care of the softness of the skin for a long time.

If the choice is between products for removing rough skin, then you should choose Korean and Japanese manufacturers. Pedicure socks were originally invented there, so the product is constantly being improved. Chinese manufacturers often counterfeit products. By purchasing socks of this type, you don’t have to worry about the effect, as it will definitely come.

How to do it yourself?

Many people are concerned about self-production similar products. It should be noted right away that this is not recommended, since you can easily make a mistake with the number of components. This can then lead to skin burns. If the decision about homemade socks for pedicure is accurate, a possible burn is not scary, then there is a safe option.

So, the bravest ones will need:

  • formic alcohol 1.4%;
  • cotton socks;
  • wool socks;
  • plastic bags;
  • fat cream;
  • a basin with warm water (so that the feet are completely covered with liquid).

Formic alcohol - medicine. Is a solution formic acid. Sold in pharmacies in a 50 ml glass tube. Dispensed without a doctor's prescription.

Formic acid in this product is 1.4%. Has bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Is pretty safe means, which is used in medicine for neuralgia, joint pain, arthralgia and the treatment of acne.

Attention: do not use on damaged skin, may cause an allergic reaction.

Procedure steps:

  • Formic alcohol (1 can) is poured into a basin.
  • To protect against burns, apply a thick cream to your feet.
  • Cotton socks are put on your feet.
  • You need to put your feet in the basin and stomp a little. It is necessary to ensure that the composition is absorbed into the socks.
  • Cellophane bags are placed on the legs.
  • Wool socks are put on top to create a greenhouse effect.
  • You should wait 3-4 hours. At the same time, you can go about your business.
  • After waiting, everything is removed. Feet must be washed and the fatty cream applied again.

The procedure is completed, now you need to wait up to 7 days. During this time, the rough skin should come off your feet. The procedure is relatively safe, but it should be carried out with caution - depending on the characteristics of the body.

Instructions for use: how to use correctly?

You won't spend on home pedicure a lot of time and effort. Anyone can cope with it, and the results will last for a long time.

How to use socks depends on the manufacturer. You must carefully read the instructions on the packaging.

Usually there are several stages:

  • Open the package.
  • Cut off the top of the socks.
  • Put on socks and secure them on your feet.
  • Wait a while.
  • Remove socks and wash feet with water.

How long to keep?

The holding time must be indicated on the packaging. Usually it ranges from 30 minutes to 2 hours. This depends on the concentration of acids in the product. You may feel slightly cold during use. You shouldn’t be afraid of this, this is how the substances in the liquid act.

The complete cleansing procedure does not take more than 2 weeks. It is allowed to help with steaming foot baths. However, it is not recommended to use pumice.

During pregnancy

This type Pedicure does not need to be used if there are deep and severe damage. Pregnant and lactating women should also use such products with caution. Manufacturers indicate that the effects of substances on this group of users have not been studied. This means that in case negative impact The responsibility lies entirely with the user. Some manufacturers talk about the possibility of using the product during pregnancy, but it’s still not worth the risk.

Comparison before and after

Comparative analysis before and after will help many to confirm their choice of a specific pedicure product.

First the feet have common problems: dryness, deep cracks, peeling, calluses and corns. There is a yellowish tint to the skin (on the parts of the foot most used for walking).

As practice shows, appearance is transformed: the skin becomes pink, cracks disappear, peeling is not observed, cuticles on the toes are missing. At tactile contact the skin feels soft and elastic.

Socks for exfoliating heels may be primarily needed by those girls who are faced with the problem of corns on their feet. These unpleasant thickenings most often appear in those whose professional activities involve a standing position. In addition, the risk group includes women with flat feet, obesity, diseases, as well as those who wear shoes with high heels, narrow toes or shoes that are smaller than your size. Before buying socks for cleaning heels, you need to find out the true cause of corns and eliminate it.

How do thickened skin appear on the legs?

(not only in the heels, but also on the toes and under the toes) occur as a result of the fact that dead skin cells in these areas did not fall off in time and gradually turn into a dense layer. It puts pressure on those above soft fabrics, what causes painful sensations while walking, which special socks for heels can help eliminate. Unlike plantar warts, corns do not have root shoots, which makes it possible to remove them both in the salon and at home.

Alternative options

In the salon, these formations are removed using a laser, which removes keratinized areas with great precision, which allows new cells to appear in these areas within a week. average price for such an operation will range from 0.9 to 1.5 thousand rubles. It is believed that the effect is painless and allows you not to be distracted from active life immediately after removing the corns. Another type of salon procedure is hardware pedicure, performed by a special machine with various attachments. With their help, problem areas are polished, through which the keratinized skin is removed. Such a procedure may also not be cheap, so today many girls prefer to use therapeutic socks for heels, the cost of which is quite affordable for almost every representative of the fair sex.

Pedicure is not only beautiful, but also useful!

The soles of your feet with calluses actually impede free circulation to a certain extent. vital energy in the body, since there are many active points associated with various internal organs bodies. For example, keratinized skin particles in the heel area can deprive the genitals and glands of energy supply, and also affect the condition of the knees and hips (if trampled on the sides). Corns under the middle three toes on the left foot can affect the condition of the right eye, under thumb- on thyroid gland, under the little toes on the left foot - on the right ear, and on the right foot - on the left ear. A lump under the little toe on the left foot can prevent the liver from working well. Often due to wearing narrow shoes compactions appear in the area thumb, which restrict energy flow to the pituitary gland and This is why exfoliating heel socks can be beneficial for general strengthening health, and not just to increase the attractiveness of women's (and men's) legs. After completing this procedure, for example, the effectiveness of (Thai foot massage) increases, which helps relieve fatigue, swelling, get rid of headaches, insomnia, changes blood pressure. A similar type of massage can be performed at home by simply stroking the entire surface of the sole after waking up in the morning.

How do foot socks work?

Most pedicure socks are based on the principles chemical peeling, when the skin of the legs is exposed to a combination of acids that promotes removal dead cells, and also slightly whitens the skin and has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. Socks for exfoliating heels, in addition to basic acids (malic and lactic), also contain oils and extracts useful plants, alcohol, glycerin, allontoin, propylene glycol, etc. This complex of substances allows you to reduce sweat secretion and eliminate unpleasant odors on certain period, cleanse the skin ducts of secreted sebum, soften the skin of the legs, relieve some types of inflammation and even somewhat rejuvenate the legs in appearance. Socks for exfoliating heels are available in universal sizes from 35 to 41, although there have been cases when socks were also worn on men's feet in sizes 45-46. Users note that socks may not fit big size with a high rise, and the products will have to be cut additionally. Although everything depends, of course, on the manufacturer.

Application procedure

Before putting on therapeutic socks for heels, you need to wash your feet, after which you will need to cut off the edges of the plastic bags, insert the feet inside and secure them with a sticker on top. For a better fit, it is recommended to wear another pair of cotton socks on top. The time for using socks should be found in the instructions. The procedure usually takes from forty-five minutes to one hour. After this, you need to wash your feet with soap (unless the instructions contain other recommendations) and wipe dry. Manufacturers point out that exfoliation of keratinized particles will not begin immediately after removing the socks, and not even the next day. On average, the process of removing dead cells will begin in 5-7 days and will also last more than one day. During this period, you need to treat your feet with hard pumice to speed up the process and, if possible, not wear open shoes, since the legs look quite unattractive (the skin can sometimes hang down in patches).

Socks for exfoliating heels: reviews

According to women from different countries of the world who have already experienced the effects of this product, such socks allow you to effectively deal with contaminants that have gotten into cracks, without spending extra money on salon pedicure. It is believed that foot treatment with socks will cost ladies one and a half to three times less than a hardware pedicure, and the result will last up to three months if you perform supporting procedures. The only limitation is individual intolerance to chemical components, as well as pregnancy. Otherwise, socks for cracked heels are suitable for almost everyone. Women note that during the procedure you need to sit upright, not lie down, and not raise your legs up, so that the contents of the bags (it is quite viscous, but still) do not end up on the floor or carpet. Since the exfoliating gel contains acids, it can leave light spots, which is not desirable.

Socks taken off - what next?

Immediately after the procedure, many ladies noted that the skin on their legs, even roughened, became more velvety, sweating disappeared, which helped many to walk in closed shoes even in summer ( medical indications with flat feet). After this, almost everyone’s skin began to peel off in layers after a couple of weeks, but without painful sensations. Many representatives of the fair sex did not like their feet. After the end of the exfoliating period, a number of girls reported that new roughness very quickly formed in place of the peeled skin, despite the use special creams. Some women encountered calluses on the “new” skin, which turned out to be too thin to effectively withstand the resulting stress. But, in general, the procedure really returns childish softness and beauty to your feet. This also applies to men, for whom the exfoliation process in some cases goes much faster.

Cautions when using the product

Like all popular products, heel exfoliating socks are often counterfeited, which can lead to negative consequences when using them. Firstly, some counterfeit products may not give any result at all. There are cases where ladies kept their feet in socks according to the instructions, but the exfoliating processes never began. The effect is also less pronounced in those who regularly visit a beauty salon and get a weekly pedicure. Secondly, counterfeits, unlike original products that have a pleasant aroma (mint, lemon, etc.), often have a very pungent chemical smell, which brings great discomfort, even headaches.

Buy goods only from reliable sellers!

Unknown companies do not follow the recipe, and the consequences of using such socks can be more than disastrous. The girls write that the process was so deep that the skin was torn off down to the meat, and they had to additionally go to the salon or to the doctors to reduce the negative effects of using such a product. Extra money and time were spent, so products of this kind need to be purchased from trusted suppliers. For example, expensive Japanese options are considered good, while Chinese socks for heels are more often falsified. Therefore, in order to protect yourself from counterfeits, which may not only not help, but also harm your health, you should not save on this product.