Socks for pedicure exfoliating instructions for use. Pedicure socks – what are they, which ones are better to choose, how to use, instructions, composition

Pedicure socks are an innovative Asian technology for foot skin care. This product is produced in China, Japan and Korea, however, quite recently some well-known Israeli and European companies have started producing such products. cosmetic brands. From this article you will learn how such socks work, and also understand whether they can completely replace salon care procedures.

Indications for use

The term "socks" in in this case is quite conditional. Outwardly, such products are more reminiscent of shoe covers without a specific size, so they can be used by both men and women.

The socks are made from transparent, airtight material in two versions. In the first case, there is already a special pedicure impregnation inside. In the second case, the kit includes bags of working fluid, which should be poured into the product immediately before use.

Depending on the problem, pedicure socks are divided into several types:

  • to remove dead skin;
  • softening and nourishing the surface of the feet;
  • peeling

Using such pedicure products is quite simple. You just need to pull them on your feet and leave them for a while. After this, the liquid should be washed off the skin. During the procedure, freedom of movement is not limited in any way - you can walk around the apartment and perform any actions, doing your usual things.

Many women expect that as soon as they take off their socks, they will see soft and rejuvenated skin on their legs.

Unfortunately, they will be greatly disappointed - immediately after treatment, the skin of the feet will remain as rough as it was. A noticeable result will be visible only after 5-7 days.

However, this figure is conditional; it largely depends on the degree of keratinization skin and individual characteristics.

The main indications for the use of pedicure socks are:

  • constant peeling of the skin on the feet;
  • excessive sweating of the feet;
  • corns;
  • thickening of the upper layers of the skin with a light yellow tint;
  • frequent cracking of heels;
  • old callous formations;
  • tendency to fungal diseases of the feet;
  • ingrown nails;
  • warts on the sole.

Gradually, dead skin cells will begin to flake off, so the first days of the legs after treatment do not look very aesthetically pleasing - whitened areas and hanging pieces of skin are visible to the naked eye, but these are only short-term inconveniences.

The situation will improve within a week. The result of using pedicure socks is a smooth smooth skin on the feet and soft heels“like a baby.”


The use of socks for pedicure is not recommended if you have any skin lesions such as wounds, cuts, abrasions, burns, abscesses or scratches. Inflammatory pathological process on the limbs, diabetic feet and complex trophic ulcers are also considered contraindications to this procedure.

You should treat your feet with caution if you are allergic to any component of the working fluid. If individual intolerance is detected, the procedure should be stopped immediately.

If you have cracks on your feet, it is better to wait until they heal. Only after this can you use this care product.

The instructions for use indicate that the socks are not recommended for use by persons under 18 years of age, as well as pregnant and lactating young mothers. In practice, this only means that the products were not tested on this category of users during clinical trials. As user reviews indicate, the use of pedicure socks does not in any way worsen the condition of mother and child during pregnancy and breastfeeding, unless, of course, it occurred to the woman to soften the hardened mammary glands in this way (such use is strictly unacceptable).

Socks have an exceptional external exfoliating effect. The components of the product do not penetrate into the blood, therefore they do not affect internal metabolic and chemical processes in organism. However, during this period you should choose the product especially carefully and refrain from purchasing cosmetic preparations of dubious quality.

Operating principle

The exfoliating effect of the socks is due to the presence of a special working fluid in the kit, which actively affects the skin of the feet during the procedure. It contains a set of acids (fruit, salicylic and glycolic), which has a peeling effect, softening all rough layers of the skin.

Hyaluronic acid makes the skin more elastic and promotes its rapid regeneration. Squalane softens and moisturizes, has a wound-healing effect. In addition, it is this component that is responsible for complete diffusion, as a result of which active ingredients The active substance penetrates the skin and is evenly distributed in it. Castor and soybean oils soften the skin of the feet and nourish it nutrients. Extracts from medicinal herbs additionally impregnate the epidermis with vitamins and minerals, thereby stimulating its rejuvenation.

Chemical peeling The pain that occurs during the procedure is quite mild. It does not create any discomfort for the woman, does not cause pain or inconvenience. Many manufacturers produce a line of alcohol-containing products, as well as socks with a strong moisturizing component. Such remedies effectively soften corns and promote nutrition rough skin, but at the same time they act more gently.

However, if the skin is too sensitive, it is better to use others cosmetical tools, free of acids and alcohol.

Instructions for use

The high popularity of pedicure socks is due to the fact that you don’t need to leave the house to use them - all the necessary manipulations can be done while in your apartment, without interrupting your daily routine. If you like the procedure, then in the future you will be able to avoid visiting the pedicure room altogether.

The procedure takes place in several stages.

  • First, you need to unroll the exfoliating socks and put them on your feet so that they fit as tightly as possible to the skin, hold well and do not slip.
  • To enhance the effectiveness of these socks, you can wear regular socks over them, which will not only provide a tight fit to the skin, but also provide additional warmth.
  • The products are left on the feet for an hour and a half. At this time you can walk, lie down or sleep - physical activity is not limited by absolutely anything. During this entire time, the acids will soften rough areas of the skin.

  • After the allotted time, the products are removed and the feet are thoroughly washed. warm water with soap, wipe and cover with moisturizer.
  • The socks themselves are used only once, so they must be disposed of after processing.
  • After three to four days, the skin in the places of contact with the socks will begin to peel off and even come off in “rags.” This is completely normal, do not be scared or upset. During this period, it is better to move around the apartment in cotton socks so as not to damage the skin of your feet.
  • If the skin “slips” too intensely, you can prepare a small foot bath, which will speed up the process of cell renewal.

Review of the best brands

The majority of users unanimously declare that pedicure socks from the company are characterized by maximum effectiveness Sosu. Feature products of this brand - the absence of aggressive chemical elements, as well as the presence of ceramides, valuable plant components (sage, mint), as well as castor oil and hyaluronic acid. Socks of this brand have a cumulative effect, so you need to wear them regularly (preferably 2 times a month).

Baby Foot- This Japanese products, which also consist of natural ingredients and natural acids. The composition includes malic acid, lemon oil, extracts of calendula, chamomile and sage, as well as other plants.

Braphy Callus Removal Food Pack– products from a Chinese manufacturer that contain quite a large number of alcohol This component causes severe exfoliation. This is one of the cheapest types of skin care products. It is not recommended for users with dry or excessively flaky skin.

Floresan– new from Russian manufacturer. Such socks are much cheaper than their imported counterparts, but their effectiveness is significantly lower. The result is achieved by a combination of glycolic and salicylic acid, enhanced with apple and papaya squeezes. The products dry out the skin greatly, so after using them it is necessary to further soften and moisturize the epidermis. You can resort to re-exfoliation no earlier than after a month.

Braphy Callus Removal Food Pack


There are also other types of products on the market. famous brands socks. Eg, Ecotools Sustainable(products from iherb). These socks moisturize the skin very well, but they do not solve the problem of calluses and unsightly corns.

Skinlite– exfoliating peeling mask based on propylene and glycolic acids. It is highly effective, thanks to which it quickly solves the problem of keratinized skin on the heels.

Pedicure socks Tony Moly from the Korean brand show maximum results on hard skin. They contribute good cleansing, however, they do not get rid of the layers.

Ecotools SustainableS


Tony Moly

Pedicure exfoliating socks are innovative development Japanese. With their help you can special effort, effectively and safely perform procedures for the care of the delicate skin of the feet and heels. Proper Use The product will make the skin elastic, but will leave it soft and elastic, and there will be no trace left of annoying calluses, cracks, and corns.

Having pedicure socks at home, there is no need to waste time and money on visiting beauty salons. Can be carried out necessary procedures in the comfort of your own home, independent of time and the human factor.

Pedicure socks

sosu pedicure socks were developed specifically to combat rough and rough skin on the heels. But that’s not all, the remedy can relieve some diseases and conditions:

  • suppress the activity of fungal infections;
  • cope with deep cracks, promote their rapid healing;
  • help relieve fatigue and swelling of the legs;
  • remove minor inflammatory processes.

The main active ingredient that is responsible for high efficiency products, lactic acid appears. It easily exfoliates the stratum corneum, which consists of dead cells. Due to the gentle action, this process occurs painlessly, and any damage is completely excluded.

Natural extracts complement the action medicinal plants, which moisturize and nourish the skin of the heels. The components are borrowed from sage, soapwort, watercress, ivy, lemon and burdock. Also contains hyaluronic acid, with the help of which the skin begins to independently produce new cells.

How it works

Pedicure socks are made of dense polyethylene and look like small bags or bags containing a softening compound inside. Thanks to the existing ties, or Velcro, they can be firmly fixed on the leg, which allows you to walk without fear. familiar image life, while at this time the feet will be freed from rough skin.

The components have the following effects:

Composition of pedicure socks

  1. Hyaluronic and lactic acid - promote the dissolution of rough cells;
  2. A complex of natural oils – moisturizes, nourishes, rejuvenates, relieves inflammation and irritation;
  3. Extracts from herbs - additionally care for the skin, promote the healing of cracks, and work as antiseptics.

Before purchasing, you should pay attention to the manufacturer, because now there are many fakes on the market, and each one fills pedicure socks with its own composition, which is not always good. To get better results, it is recommended to buy only Japanese products.


The skin of the feet and heels is exposed daily physical activity and constant friction. The upper layer of the dermis tends to renew itself: old cells die and fall off, the feet peel off, and new ones grow. Due to the fact that the layer of these cells on the feet is quite dense, this process does not always occur fully on its own, and lasts several months.

  • to exfoliate old calluses and corns;
  • if the skin has changed its color, or pigment spots have appeared;
  • cracks have formed on the foot;
  • there are skin burrs or thorns;
  • there is an unpleasant smell.

Socks help to quickly correct all these problems.


Among the contraindications for use, the first thing to note is the presence of fresh wounds or abrasions, fungal infection and various defects of the dermis. In this case, it is not recommended to perform the procedures. Also, you should not get a pedicure if you have mycosis of the feet.

Due to the lack of necessary data regarding the safety of the constituent components, pedicure socks cannot be used during pregnancy and lactation. Also, those with allergies should use the product with caution, and first conduct a sensitivity test.

After the procedure, you cannot visit the pool, sauna or bathhouse, or the beach for several days, due to the renewal of the skin and the possibility of infection. Contact with ultraviolet radiation can cause burns.

How to use

Rules for using socks for pedicure

If you are used to always keeping your feet clean, but have no particular desire to visit beauty salons, then unique Japanese socks will come to the rescue. To obtain top scores from their use, it is recommended to adhere to the standard instructions.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. First perform foot hygiene, after which sosu pedicure socks are put on and fixed;
  2. Leave in this form for 1–1.5 hours;
  3. While walking, you should be very careful to prevent the composition from splashing out;
  4. To improve heat transfer and ease of movement, you can wear regular socks on top;
  5. After the time has passed, you need to remove your socks and wash your feet in warm water and soap;
  6. The product itself must be thrown away immediately, it is disposable and reuse is unacceptable;
  7. After the procedure is completed, about 5 days should pass, and only then will it be visible how the top layer of skin begins to slowly fall off;
  8. All this time better at home wear socks made of natural fabric;
  9. To improve skin renewal, you can take a therapeutic foot bath.

Adhering to this scheme, it is very easy to perform a professional pedicure at home. However, it is worth remembering that it is better not to wear socks for more than 90 minutes, otherwise you may get burned by the acids included in the composition.


The result of using pedicure socks

Some girls may be disappointed, because immediately after taking off their socks, miraculous healing does not occur. It takes about five days for the skin to begin to recover under the influence of its constituent components, and only then will there be a visible effect. The time may be reduced if steaming baths were taken before the procedure and the technology was not violated.

Don’t be afraid that the skin on your heels will be too flaky at this time. For some, the rejection of dead dermis occurs in large layers. To alleviate the condition, you can do regular moisturizing treatments.

Advantages and disadvantages

If you do everything right the first time, then the likelihood is that pedicure socks will be your main secret weapon in this case, the maximum. However, do not forget that the product also contains chemical components, so it is not recommended to use them too often. You also need to remember some contraindications for use.

Among the advantages are the following:

  • if you use socks regularly and correctly, then there will never be cracks, rough areas or calluses on your heels and feet;
  • after using the product, the skin goes through a regeneration stage, which is very beneficial for the body as a whole;
  • the procedure is an excellent prevention premature aging skin;
  • thanks to unique composition Not only cracks disappear from the skin, but also fatigue, swelling and inflammation;
  • pedicure socks help fight fungal diseases;
  • the procedure can be done for people with diagnosed diabetes mellitus and fat deposits;
  • This method of pedicure is absolutely non-traumatic;
  • busy girls have unique opportunity save money precious time and means;
  • almost 100% guarantee of results.

The disadvantages include only a minor number of contraindications, which were described above.

If you want a pedicure at home to be performed at a professional level, then you should choose exclusively Japanese-made products, rather than their cheaper analogues, which may not give therapeutic effect. The authenticity of the product is indicated by the absence of an unpleasant odor from the composition and the uniform distribution of the gel inside the socks.

To the arsenal feminine tricks Personal care includes many procedures, one of which is pedicure. Every girl dreams of having soft pink heels without keratinized skin and a feeling of dryness. What is not done to achieve this goal: steaming the skin, peeling, and using various creams. Unfortunately, all these procedures take a lot of time and money, so not every woman can provide timely and proper care for her feet.

Pros and cons of pedicure socks

Like any other cosmetic product, exfoliating pedicure socks have their own contraindications for use. But, about everything in detail. It’s worth starting with the advantages of this method of dealing with rough feet, because there are much more of them than the disadvantages:
At regular use pedicure socks, you can forget about corns and calluses forever.
Pedicure socks carefully care for the skin of the feet, promote cell regeneration and slow down the aging process;
The solution inside the socks has anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects;
Exfoliating pedicure socks are good for those who suffer from diabetes mellitus and obesity. People with this disease need careful care for the skin, which the socks cope with 100%;
Time saving;
Low price for a similar product. Sometimes the kit does not include a pair of pedicure socks;
A brilliant result is not long in coming, and is also in no way inferior to the result that can be achieved with standard procedures foot skin care.

It is not recommended to use pedicure socks during pregnancy and lactation;
It is also not recommended to use such socks for allergy sufferers. Despite natural composition solution in socks, some components are very active and can cause allergic reaction. Therefore, people suffering from various allergies should consult a doctor and make sure. That the solution contains no substances that could cause an allergic reaction or harm health.

If you carefully read the instructions for use, as well as the recommendations for use and all contraindications, and also take them into account, then pedicure socks will bring only the best results. pleasant emotions and make your heels soft and silky.

What brands of socks should I buy?

The modern market, due to the popularity of the procedure, provides a lot of options for exfoliating socks for pedicure, which operate on the same principle, but have some differences. There are top 3 brands that have proven themselves to be the best.

Pedicure socks SOSU

SOSU is Japanese trademark, which produces pedicure socks.

What are the advantages of this particular brand:
The solution inside the socks is colorless;
The socks offer an assortment of scents: you can buy socks with the scent of lavender, mint and rose;
There are packages with one pair and two pairs of socks.
The price of exfoliating socks for pedicure varies from 850 rubles to 1300 rubles. The price depends on how many pairs of socks are included and on the region of residence.

Pedicure socks from Baby Foot

It is too Japanese brand, home distinguishing feature which is the gel filling of the socks.

Others include:
The price for such socks usually does not exceed 800 rubles.
There are socks different sizes, up to 46, so men can use them too.

Pedicure socks SilkyFoot

This time, Chinese manufacturers are also pleased with the quality of the product. According to numerous reviews, this product is in no way inferior to Japanese brands of pedicure socks. So what is the difference between this particular brand?
These socks are the most budget-friendly on the market. For one pair you can pay from 500 to 700 rubles;
The socks are also sold in size 45;
Duration of the procedure – 2 hours;
Inside the socks there is a gel-like solution;

All products from the brands described above are a guarantee of quality and effectiveness. Exfoliating socks for pedicure have already been loved by many and helped to forget about time-consuming procedures that do not give the same wonderful result as when using socks. You can verify this by reading numerous reviews.

Marina, 28 years old

I work as a hairdresser in a salon, so I have to stand a lot, which is why my legs are constantly tired and my heels get rough every now and then. I used to go for a pedicure, but the results were short-lived. My pedicurist advised me to try Sosu pedicure socks. At first I didn’t believe that you could get soft heels without making any effort.

Having tried pedicure socks once, I now can’t refuse them. The first time I was
I was shocked that the skin was slipping off in whole pieces! But then I got used to it, because the end result cannot but please me! The softness of the heels and their neatness, well-groomed appearance last longer. Than after a pedicure. Therefore, now pedicure socks are my priority.

Alina, 36 years old (cosmetologist)

From a medical point of view, socks for pedicure - safe procedure. However, you should pay attention to the composition of the solution, as there may be components that cause an allergic reaction. The best socks for pedicure are offered by Japanese manufacturers, and I recommend them to my clients. The only downside I can say is that the process of exfoliation of dead skin begins only a couple of days after the procedure and can last a couple more days.

Olga, 27 years old

I tried pedicure socks and they were very

IN Everyday life Our feet probably have the hardest time. Tight shoes, contact with various surfaces lead to calluses, corns, and rough heels.

Japanese cosmetologists came up with new technology, thanks to which there is no need to spend a lot of time on your favorite feet, but at the same time you can get rid of all the problems in the foot area.

The technology turned out to be simple, quite easy to use and, most importantly, not labor-intensive. These are just two plastic socks with a special liquid.

They will help you get rid of problems with the skin of your feet, namely calluses, corns, remove the rough layer of skin, small cracks, swelling and fungal infections.

Use of Chinese socks

Using Chinese socks for pedicure is quite simple. You only need:

  • wash your feet with water without using any products (water only);
  • wipe dry with a towel;
  • put on these wonderful socks and secure with Velcro;
  • wait the time specified in the instructions for use (usually about 2 hours), remove and throw away.

If everything is done correctly, then after some time the rough skin will gradually come off, and new and fresh skin will appear in its place.

Remember, even if you can’t wait to get rid of old layers of skin, you shouldn’t peel them off, as you can get infected.

Main properties of pedicure socks:

  • increased cell activity;
  • good antiseptic effect;
  • reducing swelling and relieving fatigue in the feet;
  • normalization of activities sebaceous glands;
  • improvement of the skin of the legs.

What are Chinese pedicure socks made of?

The basis of the gel liquid that is inside the pedicure socks is fruit or lactic acid. Sometimes they are used together and about 15 other natural ingredients, most of which are various oils and extracts that have antiseptic and softening effects. The effect is similar to the result of using acid for a pedicure.

Keep in mind that if you use pedicure socks for more time, itching, unpleasant redness, and even a possible burn may occur. Therefore, be careful. Do not forget about individual intolerance to components for a particular person.


  • do not use during pregnancy and lactation;
  • Do not use if there are open wounds of any complexity.

What is the difference between Japanese, Chinese and Korean pedicure socks?

Price. Chinese socks for pedicure are much cheaper than the original ones. On average, Japanese socks cost about 1,500 rubles, Korean ones are slightly cheaper, while their Chinese prototype costs 150 rubles. Of course, many will choose the cheap equivalent.

Smell. Unfortunately, 90% Chinese goods have enough unpleasant smell and Chinese socks for pedicures are no exception.

Quality. Oddly enough, pedicure socks are often counterfeited. Therefore, it is better to purchase well-known and proven brands. Today there are several companies known that produce good products - these are Silky Foot and Foot Mask. It is also worth paying attention to the places where you are going to buy Chinese socks for pedicures; it is better if there are pharmacies rather than online stores.

Time of action Chinese pedicure socks are a little longer than their original ones. Usually about 2-3 weeks.

Chinese socks limited in size, the maximum is considered 40, while Japanese ones are considered dimensionless.

  • If you experience a feeling of swelling, do not be alarmed - this is normal.
  • Skin renewal depends only on your body and can take up to a month.
  • Never reuse Chinese pedicure socks - this will lead to negative consequences.
  • It is advisable to choose a quiet time for the procedure and not walk around the house in socks, as they are slippery. You can use slippers.

Today, Chinese socks for pedicure are considered a fairly effective replacement for foot peeling. Therefore, anyone who strives for beauty and is not afraid to use new technologies should try this method. Many women will confirm its effectiveness.

Every woman wants her heels to be perfect. Usually this can only be achieved using professional pedicure, but not everyone has the time, opportunity and desire to visit salons. Chinese socks for pedicure are a real find for those who value their time, money and strive for great result. This new product recently appeared on Russian market cosmetic products, but has already managed to earn the most enthusiastic reviews from the fair half of humanity. In this article you will find a description of this miracle remedy, detailed instructions on application, overview of the most popular brands and photos demonstrating the action of the socks.

How do pedicure socks work?

After reading the reviews, we can conclude that these socks are the most gentle and painless method restore smoothness and tenderness to your heels. They promote gentle, gentle exfoliation of dead cells, corns and calluses.

Having opened the package, you will find polyethylene socks inside, which contain a special composition that delicately affects the upper layer of the epidermis. A complex of perfectly selected natural substances helps to cope with rough heels even in the most advanced cases.

What does it contain? magic remedy? Most often, manufacturers use lactic acid and a whole complex of plant extracts, which are necessary to enhance the effect and nourish the skin of the feet. That is, it is thanks to the acid that a thick layer of rough skin is eliminated, and natural extracts promote tissue regeneration. After such home procedure, you will be pleasantly surprised by the well-groomed and attractive appearance of your legs. The photo shows what the process of removing dry dead skin looks like.

How to use pedicure socks?

Numerous reviews indicate that the socks are very easy to use. You don't need to waste time or make any effort to do this. In addition to the socks themselves, the box also contains instructions for use. Be sure to read it, as different manufacturers may have their own subtleties in using this product. For example, the recommended exposure time of the drug. In general terms, the pedicure procedure includes several stages.

  1. Wash your feet well with soap and dry them with a towel. If your nails are painted, remove the polish.
  2. Cut the bag sock along the line at the top. These products come in two types: in some, the liquid composition is already inside, in others, sachets with the product are included in the socks. In such cases, you need to open them and pour the contents into the socks.
  3. Carefully place them on your legs and secure them in place at the front with the adhesive tapes included in the kit. Make sure that the liquid is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the foot. Top with regular cotton socks for comfort and extra action.
  4. According to the instructions for the product, the exposure time ranges from one and a half to two hours. During this time, the active substances will saturate the skin well and begin to act. A little advice: to enhance the effect, try to move and walk all this time.
  5. After due date take off your socks and wash your feet thoroughly with soap.
  6. Don't expect an immediate effect. The first signs of skin peeling will appear only after 5-7 days. If you like to wear sandals in the summer, then it is better to postpone this procedure to another time of the year.
  7. When the first peeling appears, do not try to peel off the exfoliating skin. The process should proceed as naturally as possible. You can steam your feet to make peeling happen faster, but do not use scrubs or pumice stones. It is also not recommended to apply any moisturizing or nourishing products.
  8. After about 10-14 days, the skin renewal process will be completed. Now your task is to maintain the achieved results, providing your legs complete care. The procedure can be repeated once every 2-3 months.

Famous brands of Chinese pedicure socks

Nowadays you can see many different brands of pedicure socks in stores. They all work in approximately the same way, but at the same time they have some features. Let's look at a few of the most popular brands.

  1. SilkyFoot pedicure socks contain a gel-like structure inside that is easily distributed over the foot. In the box you will find only one pair of socks, which is not very beneficial for those who regularly resort to this procedure. The manufacturer recommends keeping the product on your feet for about two hours. During this time, the maximum effect of the active substances is achieved. SilkyFoot pedicure socks have received quite a lot of positive reviews.
  2. Butterfly pedicure socks are also deservedly popular. According to the instructions, the exposure time should be from 45 minutes to one and a half hours, and you will notice the first signs of peeling already on days 3-7.
  3. The Sosu brand, although it is Japanese and not Chinese, is considered the most popular, since it is the founder in the field of making pedicure socks. Judging by the photos and reviews that can be found in the public domain, the company produces very high-quality products. The active transparent liquid is easily distributed over the skin and provides maximum impact after just an hour and a half. You will see the result of the procedure in 4-6 days.

From this article you learned about quality using special socks. In conclusion, we invite you to watch a video of an experiment using this amazing product under the Foot Mask brand.