Exfoliation socks. Chinese socks for pedicure: instructions, brands and reviews

Every woman strives to find ideal remedy self-care. This also applies to pedicures. Pumice, laser graters, electric files, various baths and creams - there is no limit to perfection. In pursuit of smooth heels, a lot of money and time are spent, but the result, as a rule, has a short-term effect or does not live up to expectations at all. cramped and uncomfortable shoes, wearing heels quite quickly negates the achievements of salon specialists or your own efforts.

What is baby foot?

However modern cosmetology does not stand still. A few years ago, clever Asian masters invented another miracle remedy that changed the idea of ​​pedicure as a whole. It's about O special socks, the so-called baby foot. Manufacturers promise that by using this product, you can get rid of corns, calluses, unpleasant odor and get perfectly smooth, soft skin.

The most popular are Japanese, Korean and Chinese products. However, knowing China’s love for imitation brands, it makes sense to think about the advisability of purchasing such a “pig in a poke.”

Pedicure socks

What are exfoliating pedicure socks? Outwardly, they are similar to thick polyethylene shoe covers, only higher and with special adhesive tapes for fixation. Inside each product there is a layer of nonwoven fabric. It may be soaked in peeling solution, or the solution may be supplied separately and will need to be poured into the socks before or after putting them on your feet - this is a personal choice. There is no fundamental difference here.

There may be one or two pairs per package. It depends on the manufacturer. Soso pedicure socks are sold in 2 pairs, while Chinese and Korean brands, as a rule, produce one pair each. But in any case, it turns out that using socks is more profitable than visiting a beauty salon.

You don’t have to worry about not being able to use the miracle remedy due to non-standard leg parameters. The size chart is impressive - from size 35 to 45. So the socks are suitable for both Thumbelina and larger ladies.

Pedicure socks: application

Let's figure out how peeling socks work, what is included in their composition and what types they come in. The composition of socks for each manufacturer is, of course, different, but the required components will be milk or fruit acids.

Japanese pedicure socks

Babyfoot from the Japanese company Sosu is most popular in Russia, perhaps due to its availability - you don’t have to wait long for the package, you can go and buy the product you like. In addition, these pedicure socks have numerous and mostly positive reviews. According to them, peeling can improve even very neglected heels and restore smoothness and softness to the skin. There are three versions of the socks with different scents - mint, rose and lavender. The products are convenient because they are already impregnated with the active substance. inner surface, all that remains is to put them on and wait for the result.

The peeling contains lactic acid, which affects the exfoliation process. In addition, the tool has added:

  • Ivy. The extract tones the skin of the feet, has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.
  • Sage. Reduces redness and irritation that may appear on the skin. Reduces sweating and eliminates bad smell.
  • Soapwort. Prevents the occurrence of dermatitis.
  • Soybean and castor oil. Nourish and moisturize the skin of the feet.
  • Ceramides. Helps improve immunity skin.
  • Hyaluronic acid. Deeply moisturizes the skin and gives elasticity.

Due to the action of lactic acid in the active substance, rough skin, corns and calluses soften and peel off. Plant components enhance the exfoliating effect and care for the feet.

Korean pedicure socks

Another fairly well-known product for pedicure at home is Shiny foot peeling from the Korean company Tony Moly. The company has existed for many years and has proven itself well both in the domestic market and abroad. Pedicure socks have good reviews. The manufacturer assures that peeling, in addition to its intended purpose, will eliminate unpleasant odor and relieve increased sweating, will relieve stress and help restore water balance. In addition to lactic acid, the composition contains extracts of green tea, peach tree leaves and sophora root.

The set includes one pair of socks, active peeling agent and instructions. Unlike Japanese Sosu, the Korean version involves pouring liquid into your socks yourself.

Chinese baby foot

No less popular are Chinese Foot fit pedicure socks. Such products in Lately are in great demand. Although these pedicure socks have the most controversial reviews: some buyers are satisfied with the result and note that the product can even get rid of old plantar warts, others write that the products are ineffective. Perhaps it all depends on the duration of the procedure or on the quality of the socks.

The composition of the active substance includes lactic, hydroxysuccinic, glycolic, salicylic and citric acid, alcohol, castor oil, natural extracts (soapwort, chamomile, horsetail, clematis leaves, sage, ivy, citrus), arginine, butylene glycol and water.

The package contains one pair of products with an inner layer impregnated with a special gel. They need to be kept on your feet longer than Korean or Japanese Soso pedicure socks (2 hours). Significant differences also include what is allowed to achieve best result and speed up the peeling of old skin, gently rub the heels with a hard washcloth 3-4 days after the procedure. Of the minuses, all buyers note the unpleasant smell of the product, and some are alarmed that the nail polish comes off, even if it is freshly applied.

European socks for pedicure

European manufacturers, as always happens, could not stay away from the product, which is very popular, and released their own analogues of Asian products. Almea baby foot pedicure socks from the British company Almea are proof of this.

It is stated that exfoliation occurs due to the action of fruit acids, but they are not listed in the composition. Orange and grapefruit oils, extracts of meadowsweet, sage and clematis leaves, cellulose and glycerin.

Unlike their Asian counterparts, European socks do not have a special adhesive tape for fixation, nor any ties. Therefore, if the choice fell on Almea, it makes sense to stock up on tape in advance.

It is recommended to keep the socks on your feet for 2 hours; before use, you need to remove the coating from your nails. Although, judging by the reviews, the active substance does not affect the varnish in any way. The process of peeling off the epidermis takes a long time, up to 5 weeks even with the use of scrubs. These pedicure socks have mixed reviews: equally enthusiastic praises and negativity.

Instructions for use

How to use pedicure socks? The big advantage of this procedure is that there is no need to purchase any additional accessories or tools. Except scissors.

For those who decide to try pedicure socks, the instructions will not be superfluous. Because the final result will depend on the correct sequence of actions. In order not to be disappointed in the product, you must follow all the recommended steps.

Doing it right

  • Open the package. Get out the exfoliating pedicure socks. , carefully cut along the perforation top part each product. Be careful not to damage the socks themselves or spill their contents. If the solution comes separately, pour it inside.
  • Put on plastic socks and try to evenly distribute all the liquid so that your feet are completely covered with it. Don't be afraid to tear your socks, they are quite thick, so they will survive all your manipulations.
  • Secure the socks with the included adhesive tapes. If you suddenly forgot to put them in the kit, use tape. If desired, you can additionally wear regular cotton items on top. This will not affect the procedure in any way, but guarantees reliable fixation pedicure socks and will not allow them to slip.

  • Be patient. You need to stay in socks from an hour to an hour and a half or two, depending on the condition of the skin of your feet and the manufacturer’s recommendations. If you keep them less, no visible result will not be. It’s also not worth overexposing, focusing on “just to be sure.” It is not recommended to actively move or move around the apartment during the procedure, so as not to tear your socks, spill the peeling liquid, and this is also inconvenient. Read a book or watch your favorite program - combine business with pleasure. While you are relaxing, a special solution will transform your legs.
  • After waiting right time, remove your socks and wash your feet with warm water without soap.
  • Pedicure socks are designed for one use. Therefore, after the procedure, throw away the used sachets. Repeated use will not give any result, since the active composition will no longer be so.
  • Get ready to wait. There will be no immediate results. Approximately 3-5 days after the procedure, exfoliation of the upper layers of the epidermis will begin, which will take about a week or a little more. To speed up this process a little, you can do steaming baths, but under no circumstances should you treat your heels with a hard washcloth or pumice stone. You can damage the delicate new skin and cause some kind of infection.

Keep in mind that the exfoliation process is not very aesthetically pleasing, if not scary. Therefore, try to carry it out before the barefoot period.

Where can you buy pedicure socks?

Remedy for home peeling can be purchased in chain stores: “Rainbow Smile”, “Scarlett”, “Spectrum” have Asian pedicure socks in their assortment. The price is more than reasonable - from 100 to 300 rubles, depending on the manufacturer. L’etoile offers its customers Korean pedicure socks at a very affordable price - 252 rubles per pair. They are quite effective. In addition, you can purchase pedicure socks at the pharmacy or order directly from Korea, Japan or China. However, they will cost more - from about 500 rubles.


Like any other cosmetic product, pedicure socks have contraindications for use.

They can be used no more than once every 3-4 months. Direct exposure should also be avoided sun rays during the procedure. Pregnant women, diabetics and women during lactation should use such products with caution. There is no clear opinion about these groups: some people calmly use socks both during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. It's like dyeing your hair: some people do it, others don't. To avoid consequences, you should first consult your doctor.

It is strictly forbidden to carry out the procedure if there are fresh cracks on the feet, any irritation or wounds, including scratches. Don't forget that the peeling contains acids!

Pedicure socks are prohibited for children under 12 years of age.

If during peeling there is a clear feeling of discomfort or burning, you need to take off your socks and rinse your feet with plenty of water.

Pedicure socks are an innovative way to care for the skin of your feet, characterized by convenience, high efficiency and safety. In the vast majority of cases, this method allows you to soften the rough areas of the skin of the feet, and also has a certain healing effect relatively mild forms of mycoses and small pyogenic formations of the upper layers of the skin. Just one manipulation allows you to get rid of cracks in the epidermal cover without a visit to specialized salon, resurfacing, cryogenic procedures or laser exposure.

How do pedicure socks work?

The idea belongs to the Japanese, and consists of constantly wearing transparent containers containing the optimal dose of acids (fruit or lactic). The socks do not embarrass the owner; almost any shoes can be worn with them (the polyethylene that makes up the outer shell of the tank is quite durable). Cosmetic defect when worn, no – the entire structure is transparent and blends seamlessly even with open shoes.

Convenience at home this method discouraging - after water procedures and drying with a towel, just put on socks. No additional movements, soaking your feet in water, using scrubs or creams.

Technically, this example of Japanese cosmetology thought is simply convenient option acid peeling. Inside the “case” there is an acid-based gel-like liquid that penetrates the surface layers of the skin, producing a pronounced exfoliating effect. In addition, thanks to the addition special oils and herbal components, the gel has a softening and anti-inflammatory effect, prevents the development bacterial infection, tones the skin.

Effect of pedicure socks

Contraindications for use and situations when socks should be used with caution

In addition to Japanese ones, there are already socks from Chinese, Korean and other manufacturers on the market. All manufacturing companies are trying to choose the optimal composition for exfoliating and softening the skin, the aggressiveness of the acidic environment is selected differently, and accordingly, the wearing time of the socks is different.

Before using socks for pedicure, carefully read the instructions, this will help to avoid acid burn, redness, skin rashes. Under no circumstances should you use this type of foot skin care if you have open wounds or other skin defects in the area. The same goes for fungal infections. In case of mycosis of the feet, socks for pedicure are contraindicated, so as not to write the manufacturer. Wearing socks during the acute phase of mycosis of the feet is more likely to lead to the aggravation and spread of fungal infection.

Pregnancy and feeding are a contraindication to the use of socks, since the safety for the mother and fetus is in this case has not been proven (and is unlikely to be in the near future).

How to use pedicure socks correctly

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Rinse your feet with cool water without soap (or other detergent);
  • Pat your feet dry with a towel;
  • Put on the cases and secure their edges with a special “Velcro”, which should be included in the kit;
  • Wear regular socks on top to avoid falls on slippery surfaces. The polyethylene of the covers greatly contributes to this;
  • Remove socks after the time specified by the manufacturer;

If you forgot to take off your socks in time and the skin of your feet turns red, immediately apply an antihistamine gel, for example, fenistil. This will allow the skin of the feet to recover faster.

  • Wash your feet with soap - the acidic gel should be completely removed from the surface of the skin.

TO How does skin cleansing happen?

After you remove the cases, nothing will change at all, this is normal. The keratinized tissue begins to exfoliate abundantly only after a few days. At the same time, the spectacle reminds seasonal shedding in reptiles. The process is completely painless, under the exfoliated layer you can see clean, rejuvenated skin (at first it looks like a child’s skin). , folds, cracks of the epidermis disappear without a trace.

You cannot speed up the process or forcefully peel off the skin. The epidermis can be significantly damaged, which will lead to unnecessary defects in the skin, cause itching and create conditions for a secondary infection.

Using silicone socks for prophylactic purposes

After the procedure, the skin of the feet becomes surprisingly pleasant, and an involuntary desire arises to keep it that way for a long time. To prevent the appearance of new calluses and corns, the manufacturer recommends wearing silicone pedicure socks 3 times a week for half an hour.

This is a slightly different product that softens, cools and nourishes the skin. From the outside the case looks like a regular one terry sock from thick fabric. The inner layer is impregnated with herbs and nourishing oils. These socks can be used up to 50 times, i.e. they last for 4-5 months. After the procedure, the feet smell very pleasant, the risk of infection is reduced (due to the herbal component).

You can wash the restorative pedicure socks, but you cannot wring them out - the gel layer is deformed.

Care socks should only be worn on clean feet. There is no need to use additional whitening, softening or moisturizing agents. The cooling, anti-inflammatory, trophic (nourishing) effect of the cases is quite sufficient to maintain the skin in excellent condition.

Care socks can serve as a preventative measure to reduce the risk of skin infection by bacteria or fungus, but they should not be used if there is existing mycosis. The fact is that contamination with fungal spores turns the case from a care product into a source of infection.

Choosing a manufacturer

As mentioned above, original socks Made only in Japan. This, by the way, does not mean that Chinese prototypes will not have the desired effect; in addition, their cost is traditionally three times lower. Unfortunately, in some cases China did not please the end consumer. Here are the main complaints from end consumers in Russia about Chinese pedicure socks:

  • Horrible smell. By the way, this may be a cultural difference in perception;
  • The gel is pouring out of the socks and is unevenly distributed. This situation is unacceptable, since both the process of desquamation (exfoliation) is disrupted and the effect of acid on certain areas of the skin increases, which can cause burns;
  • The skin peels off for a week. In Japanese counterparts, the entire process takes several days. Due to an inadequate selection of acids in the case.

Recently, the situation has improved, and such reviews are much less common. Here are the main brands:

Chinese brand silky foot socks

  • Japan. Brands "SOSU" and "Baby Foot" - excellent quality, relatively high cost. When analyzing prices, it is necessary to take into account that the Japanese always sell two pairs of socks in a set;
  • China. The Silky Foot brand is a generic version of the Japanese Baby Foot. The quality is quite acceptable, in addition, the socks are accompanied by accessories in the form of gloves and cuffs, and the box may contain instructions for use.

Domestic consumers need to take into account that the Chinese like to counterfeit their own brands. When buying from an unverified seller, customers from Russia often encounter low-quality goods, not related to real brands manufacturer of skin care products.

  • Korea. "Foot Mask" - excellent inexpensive socks, quite High Quality. They are distinguished by a complex composition of herbal extracts, as well as a thoughtful combination of lactic and malic acid.

It is not advisable to use socks with a keratolytic effect more than once every six months. Skin care socks can be your constant companions, regardless of seasonality. IN summer period You should not visit the beaches immediately after the manipulation - young skin is very sensitive to ultraviolet radiation (there may be a burn).

Thus, pedicure socks are an absolute breakthrough in the field of individual skin care products. Proper use of this method will allow you to make the skin of your feet soft and elastic without unnecessary hassle, and supportive care will allow this condition to become the norm.

Video about Japanese pedicure socks

Of the existing methods for removing rough skin from the soles, the most effective and non-traumatic is chemical. For chemical peeling There are special shoe covers with a concentrated gel-like solution of fruit acids. We'll tell you how to use it Sosu pedicure socks– the most popular Japanese socks.

Composition and effect of the product

Packaging of Soso socks

Exfoliating socks for pedicure allow you to achieve results professional pedicure which you can spend at home without interrupting your favorite activities. The secret of the Japanese development lies in its composition:

  1. Lactic acid, softening the stratum corneum of the epidermis, loosening intercellular connections between growing and dead cells. Thanks to this, dead keratinized scales are rejected without harm to the underlying layers of skin.
  2. Burdock extract helps restore skin defects: heals microcracks, soothes the skin.
  3. Ivy extract has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant effects on epithelial cells.
  4. Lemon extract smoothes the skin, increases its firmness and elasticity.
  5. Sage eliminates unpleasant odor, soothes sweat glands, reduces foot sweating.
  6. Hydrogenated lecithin saturates epithelial cells with moisture, prevents their dehydration, which is fraught with the formation of cracks and corns.

Interesting: TO The concentration of exfoliating substances is harmless to living cells and merciless to old cells that are ready to be rejected.

Pedicure and socks: rules of use

Instructions for using Japanese socks Sosu for a pedicure it looks like this:

  1. Before the chemical peeling procedure, steam your feet warm water 15-20 minutes to facilitate the penetration of acids into the horn cells. There is no need to use pumice: it injures the skin.
  2. Open the package. Cut off the top of the shoe covers.
  3. Put the socks on your feet and secure with adhesive tape.
  4. Depending on the degree of coarsening of dry calluses, keep your feet in socks for 1-2 hours.
  5. After the specified time has passed, remove the pedicure socks and rinse their contents off your feet with warm water.

How to put on Sosu socks

How long does it take to wait for the effect?

2 days after using pedicure socks dead cells the skin departs from the interdigital spaces, and on the 3-4th day - from the lateral and plantar surface of the foot. On day 5, dry calluses on the heels and balls of the feet are removed. After a week, the peeling of the skin stops and you will see the final result.

Important!Effect of Sosu socks in the form of smoothness, elasticity, hydration of the feet lasts at least 3 weeks. Socks can be reused after 2 weeks.

Pedicure of the future

Chemical peeling is as gentle as possible and eliminates damage to the living layers of the skin. It provides not only permanent deletion layers of excessively keratinized cells, but includes comprehensive care for the skin of the feet. The effect of using Sosu socks lasts for a long time.

Hello dear readers. Our feet have a hard time. Not very comfortable shoes and high loads lead to the appearance of rough areas, abrasions, and cracking on the skin. To eliminate these troubles, you have to resort to various pedicure measures. They can be carried out in a salon or at home. But they all take a fair amount of time. There is a special way: socks for pedicure exfoliating, o which we will talk today. Let's consider popular brands, instructions on how to use, and what results can be achieved.

What are pedicure socks?

The concept of “socks” here is quite arbitrary. These devices are more like shoe covers, which are usually suitable for any size foot, both female and male.

They are made of waterproof transparent or translucent material. There are two types of pedicure socks. Some already contain a special impregnation with a special composition.

And the others come with sachets filled with this active liquid. It must be poured into socks before use.

There are several types of pedicure socks:

- to remove thick dead skin;

- with peeling effect.

These pedicure products are very easy to use. It is enough to put them on your feet certain time, which is necessarily indicated in the attached instructions. And then remove and wash the skin of the feet.

During the procedure, you can move freely around the house, performing your usual activities. However, there is a “but” here. After the specified time, you will not see any changes. The skin will remain the same rough.

The result will appear only after a few days - from four to seven. This is an individual figure. It depends on the characteristics of the skin and the thickness of the keratinized layer, as well as the active composition.

Gradually, the dead skin will begin to peel off. Yes, it doesn’t look very aesthetically pleasing, to put it mildly: whitened areas, peeling, hanging “rags.” But these are temporary inconveniences. Everything will pass within a week.

And the result is a smooth, even surface of the feet and soft pink heels. And in order to hide unsightly moments from prying eyes, it is recommended to carry out the procedure in the cold season, when there is no need to leave the feet open.

Operating principle

The action of exfoliating socks is carried out due to a special liquid that acts on the skin of the feet during the procedure.

It contains the following components.

  1. Salicylic, fruit, glycolic or lactic acid, which carries out acid peeling, softening rough skin layers.
  1. Hyaluronic additive, the action of which is aimed at giving the skin elasticity and activating regenerative processes.
  1. Squalane, which has a softening, healing, moisturizing effect. It also improves diffusion, promoting better penetration of active components into the skin and their uniform distribution.
  1. Vegetable oils, usually castor or soybean. They soften the surface of the feet, and also help to moisturize and nourish them.
  1. Extracts of medicinal plants – carry out extra food and moisturizing the skin, stimulate their rejuvenation.

Chemical peeling is done quite gently. None pain and you will not experience much discomfort. But for skin that is especially sensitive to acidic effects, there are other types of cosmetic socks.

Exfoliating pedicure socks are also available that use alcohol-containing ingredients. As you know, such additives can greatly dry out the skin. Therefore, after using such products, special attention will need to be paid to moisturizing the skin of the feet.

Advantages and disadvantages

Using socks to tidy up your feet has a lot of benefits. Such means:

- easy to use - you just need to follow simple instructions;

- do not require a visit to the salon;

— during the procedure, they allow you to do housework and move freely;

- given that correct selection and proper use do not cause discomfort or pain;

- eliminate keratinized thickening of the skin, rejuvenate and soften the skin;

- increase resistance to infectious skin lesions.

The effect after the procedure lasts for a very long time, from several months to six months. But exfoliating socks also have their downsides.

These include:

- results do not appear immediately, but after several days (usually it takes 4-7 days, less often - more);

- unsightly appearance stop during cleansing;

— the type of socks may not be suitable, you need to select them individually;

— high-quality products are not cheap;

- Possible adverse reactions.

Indications for use

  1. Dry skin on the soles, constant peeling.
  1. Excessive foot sweating (hyperhidrosis).
  1. The presence of corns, compacted layers of skin that are whitish or yellowish.
  1. Tendency of heels to cracking. There is a tendency for the depth of heel cracks to increase.
  1. There are dry or old callous formations.
  1. Susceptibility to fungal diseases (mycotic lesions of the skin and nail plates).
  1. Possibility of ingrown nails.
  1. Plantar warts appeared.

But there are also contraindications:

young age(up to 18 years old);

- Availability skin lesions(wounds, abrasions, burns, abscesses, scratches, etc.);

diabetic foot, trophic ulcerations;

inflammatory process;

— presence of an allergy to any of the components of the working fluid;

— individual intolerance;

- severely dry or overly sensitive skin;

— less than ten days have passed since the previous similar procedure.

Considering external application and local effects, there are no special contraindications for the use of exfoliating socks during pregnancy and breastfeeding No.

But in this case, you should be especially careful when choosing products. Never use cheap samples of questionable quality. Also, before carrying out the procedure, be sure to consult your doctor.

Exfoliating pedicure socks - instructions for use

Even in the absence of any contraindications, a preliminary consultation with a cosmetologist will not hurt. When choosing socks, remember that low-quality products may not have any effect or, on the contrary, lead to the fact that the skin on the sole will have to be restored for a long time, so it will become overdried.

Moreover, an unbalanced aggressive composition can cause the appearance of quite strong chemical burns, which will cause you to have significant mobility problems.

When the choice is made, it is recommended to conduct a sensitivity test immediately before the procedure. To do this, apply the existing impregnation, or a little liquid from the bag, to small area skin on the foot or wrist.

Wait the next couple of hours for a possible reaction to appear. If this does not happen, then you can safely start using cosmetic socks. Be sure to re-read the included instructions and carefully follow the instructions contained therein.

You need to act according to this scheme

  1. Clear nail plates on the legs from decorative varnish. Wash your feet with soap and dry them. To enhance the effect in the presence of thick layers, steam your feet in a warm bath.
  1. Open the package and take out the socks. Some species need to be cut off at the top before use.
  1. Place them on your feet. If sachets with the active substance are supplied separately, then you need to squeeze their contents into the socks.
  1. Make sure the liquid is distributed evenly across the sole.
  1. Ensure that the material fits snugly to your feet. Secure the socks at the top using the adhesive tape included in the kit.
  1. You can wrap a piece over your leg cling film or wear regular knitted socks, or woolen ones.
  1. According to the instructions, leave the product on for 1-2 hours. This time is necessary to active ingredients penetrated the skin and began to have the necessary effect.
  1. Remove the pedicure socks from your feet and wash your feet with soap. Apply moisturizer if necessary.
  1. Expect the unwanted skin to begin peeling off over the next few days. The entire cleansing and rejuvenation process takes about two weeks. Visually it looks simply terrible, because from wearing open shoes you will have to refuse for the entire period.

Special Cautions

During the procedure, if you are not wearing cotton socks, move with caution to avoid slipping. If severe discomfort, burning or itching occurs, you must immediately remove the cosmetic socks and wash your feet.

When the skin begins to peel off, there is no need to try to speed up the process and tear off the peeling layers manually. This can damage young, thin skin.

And such damage can become infected. Be patient and let everything pass spontaneously. Hanging edges can be carefully cut off with scissors, but no more.

Also, you should not immediately resort to steaming your feet or foot baths immediately after the procedure. This will be appropriate, but after a few days, when the exfoliation process is already noticeable.

But it is better to avoid softening the skin with creams during this period. First, you should wait until the skin is completely renewed. After this, it will be possible to fully moisturize and recharge.

In the future, you will need to use socks for pedicures no more often than once a season. But this interval between procedures can be significantly increased.

To do this, you need to regularly apply care products to your feet. Their action should be moisturizing, softening, soothing, nourishing, and scrubbing.

Review of popular brands

SOSU (Japan). This is a recognized leader. The set includes two pairs of naturally scented socks (scents vary).

In addition to the hyaluronic and lactic acid base, as well as squalane and castor oil, current staff contains extracts medicinal plants:

- burdock;

- sage;

- soapworts;

- watercress;

- lemon.

The product has an effective cleansing, softening, healing effect, promotes active rejuvenation skin cells.

SILKY FOOT (China). The socks are elastic and scented.

- lactic acid and fruit acid base;

- ethereal and vegetable oils;

- algae extract;

— plant extracts;

In addition to the main effect, these socks nourish the skin of the feet, moisturize and have a deodorizing effect.

FABERLIC. This product helps strengthen nails, soften cuticles, nourish and moisturize the skin, activate regeneration and anti-inflammatory activity. Contains hyaluronic acid, lactic acid component, vegetable oils.


— exposure time is only 15 minutes;

— the active composition has a creamy consistency and does not require rinsing;

- contains alcohols;

— provided they are stored airtight, the socks can be reused.

Women pay less attention to pedicure than manicure, but with the arrival of warm days, when open shoes are taken out of the closet, well-groomed feet become one of the main goals. In order to facilitate the procedure for putting them in order, cosmetic manufacturers have created special masks and socks for peeling. Find out if they are effective.

How do exfoliating socks work on your skin?

The idea to release such a product belongs to Korean companies. In Asian countries, care cosmetics are produced in larger volumes than decorative ones, since women there strive to improve what nature has given without creating artificial beauty. Here is the effect the producers achieved:

  • The 2 in 1 mask and sock are presented as an innovative product that allows you to do without salon procedures and even a pedicure exfoliating bath. The product helps remove dry calluses and corns and activate regenerative processes in cracks.
  • In addition to the classic skin renewal, socks help the feet: they make a healing mask.
  • The special composition with which socks for heels with a mask are impregnated will exfoliate the top dead layer of skin.
  • Some socks with a mask eliminate the unpleasant odor that appears in warm time years because of sweat.

To understand the operating principle of the Korean or Chinese mask in socks you need to know the main components. This:

  1. fruit acids to remove dead skin cells;
  2. plant extracts to soften, nourish and moisturize feet.

This exfoliating mask-sock for feet looks like classic socks covering the ankle, although the working composition is applied only to the foot area - the top of the product is needed for tight fixation. The sock material is thick cellophane, but it is disposable. Distinguishes between masks low price, thanks to which everything more women choose such a fast and convenient way tidying up your legs.

How to Use Socks to Exfoliate Heels

Taking care of your feet using such a mask is very simple, but you need to keep in mind that the procedure is prohibited in the presence of damaged areas with open wounds. If active exfoliating ingredients get on the mucous membrane, irritation, inflammation and a slowdown in the regenerative process may occur due to the acids in the composition. Exfoliating Asian Foot Mask Socks is not recommended for use by girls under 18 years of age.

Application scheme:

  1. Start with a simple hygiene routine - take a shower or soak your feet in warm bath: They need to be steamed and cleaned with a brush. It is not necessary to use pumice; exfoliation will occur due to the chemical mixture. The nail polish will also have to be removed.
  2. Wipe your feet with a towel, put them on each sock, wash your hands well, always using soap.
  3. You should keep your socks and mask on for 80-90 minutes, no longer. Throw away the product and rinse your feet with warm water.

The exfoliating Korean mask-socks for feet has several nuances, without knowing which women often begin to think that the product does not work and does not justify high cost. What to consider:

  • The renewal process will start immediately, but you will not see results on the same day - the mask begins to exfoliate the skin only by the end of the week. If the process needs to be speeded up, use a scrub.
  • Experts do not recommend peeling with a sock mask before important event– take a supply of 8-10 days.
  • Calluses and corns are eliminated within a week after the sock exfoliation procedure.
  • When the old skin comes off, the feet should be treated with oil or good cream to enhance and prolong the effect, keep the heels tender and soft, and prevent them from becoming rough again.

How to choose cosmetic socks for feet

The idea of ​​​​creating such an exfoliating product belongs to Asian brands, and only they have the secrets of the composition. European analogues of socks with a mask have not caught up with either the Chinese or Korean versions, although some are sold at a price 2-3 times higher than the “originals”. The rating of sock masks presented below is based on reviews from consumers and cosmetologists. What to buy:

  1. Skinlite is one of the very first and famous exfoliating socks with a mask effect to renew and nourish the skin of the feet. The manufacturer is Korean, the product is presented in a single size - 35, which stretches up to 40. The disadvantage of the socks is that you can buy them in an online store, but cannot find them offline, but at this price you can buy several packs at once.
  2. Feet Mask 7 in 1 – helps to save yourself from fungal diseases of the feet thanks to salicylic acid. The exfoliating effect is already evident next day. Cosmetologists call these mask socks in a great way for emergency deep peeling skin of the feet.
  3. Letual Bon Voyage is a good attempt to make a European analogue of an Asian sock with a mask. You shouldn’t expect strong moisturization of the skin of your feet; the action is faster than that of Korean socks; among the advantages is a neutral smell. The price is average, the product can be found offline.
  4. SoSu is a Japanese foot sock mask that is officially exported to Russia. The smell is acidic, there are several different options(mostly floral). There is a sock size for large feet (the range is from 35 to 41), the material does not stretch. The disadvantage is the high cost.

Price of pedicure socks

The cost of such a product depends on the point of sale: the numbers in the brand catalog and in the store can vary greatly. Exemplary price range looks like this for an exfoliating mask-sock.