How to do a pedicure with a liquid blade. What is a liquid pedicure blade? What is "Liquid Blade"

A liquid blade is a special gel that is applied to areas of the skin in those places where it is planned to be removed. The tool also easily copes with calloused formations on the heels and rough skin. Such tools for unedged pedicure have become very popular among women and are used everywhere, not only in private practice, but also in salons that provide relevant services. The gel allows you to eliminate the long steaming of the skin before processing, and also makes it possible to avoid lengthy procedures, during the implementation of which you can injure nail plate, which contributes to the development of a number serious illnesses including an ingrown toenail.

How to use a liquid blade: instructions

Usage this tool has nothing complicated, it allows you to put your fingers and feet in order in a minimum period of time, making them beautiful and neat. Most often, undergo a procedure using liquid blade recommended for people with the following problems: cracked skin of the legs, ingrown toenail, foot and toe fungus, hyperkeratosis, and so on.

All you need to do before starting the procedure is to purchase everything necessary components complex "liquid blades" and prepare a number of auxiliary tools. Among the processing equipment, it is necessary to have an acid cream that comes with a special brush that provides softening and exfoliation of excess skin and nutritious cream used at the end of the procedure to remove the dryness of the skin of the legs.

It is necessary to prematurely take care of a container with clean and warm water, which will later serve as a foot bath, a towel, plastic wrap or plastic bags, hand gloves and cotton pads. When everything you need is ready, you can proceed to the procedure.

It is important to remember that this product can only be applied to clean skin without wounds and cuts. Starting the corrective manipulation, you should slightly soak the skin of the legs, for this you should place the legs in a container with warm water and leave them there for a few minutes. After steaming, dry your feet with a prepared towel and put on gloves on your hands. Before you start applying the product, you should thoroughly disinfect the soles of your feet and those places that you plan to treat, as well as put on gloves.

If everything was done correctly, then you can start applying the gel - this is done carefully with the help of cotton pad, distributing the composition evenly in places with keratinized skin. After applying the acid cream gel, it is necessary to wrap the treated areas with cellophane tape, or ordinary bags. In this state, the limbs should be for some time, depending on the place of treatment and the degree of keratinization. If we are talking about the heels, the duration of the procedure can vary from five to ten minutes, while for the fingers, one minute is enough to remove the cuticle.

When required amount time has passed, you can remove the wrapper, while the hands should remain in gloves. Then you should begin to roll up excess skin with light movements, for this you can use a pumice stone or a special soft nail file, however, you should use the tool very carefully, working it in one direction, as when filing nails. When the skin has sufficiently curled up, the treated area is washed with water and once again covered with a disinfectant composition. Thus, you can get an excellent result at home, spending no more than 15 minutes on everything.

Review of foam express softeners for legs

There are many competing companies on the market that produce liquid blades. Each of the brands offers its own product, however, in order to make a choice, you need to independently get acquainted with the proposed means. The thing is, it all depends on individual characteristics skin of each person, for this reason it is impossible to unequivocally answer which of the products sold is more suitable for this or that person.

Domix green professional

This is a professional skin care product, by softening the keratinized areas with their subsequent exfoliation. The manufacturing company is a domestic brand, which makes the tool not only a reliable tool for individual care, but also a more affordable product.

callus eliminator

This cosmetic product, presented by the express skin softener, is an excellent tool that allows you to get best result for a short period of time. The manufacturer is a market leader and provides high quality product and reliability in the process of application.

Video lesson of a pedicure using a liquid blade

The lesson allows you to visually familiarize yourself with the procedure for processing the feet and toes, which greatly facilitates the understanding of the event. After watching the video once, you can begin to implement the procedure, as the process of its implementation is shown carefully and step by step. Each person who has watched this video will be able to independently, without anyone's help, treat their legs with high quality, and carry out a neat unedged pedicure.

Beautiful pink feet are every girl's dream. In pursuit of perfect skin On the heels of a woman, they change one file after another, do foot baths, use a scrub. Many regularly visit salons where they offer hardware pedicures. But there is an easier way - a liquid blade for quick pedicure. Correct use will bring the skin of the feet in order, you can carry out the procedure yourself at home.

Fruit acids are part of many face and body peels, so they are absolutely safe when used. correct application. Acids act on healthy skin as gently as possible, without injuring and without leaving chemical burns. The liquid pedicure blade contains nutrients, which soften the skin of the heels and help to quickly and painlessly remove corns.

A liquid blade helps to make a high-quality unedged pedicure. When trying to cut a callus or free an ingrown toenail, it is easy to infect or injure yourself. The drug with fruit acids makes the skin softer, and it can be removed with a file.

Types of funds

Depending on the condition of the legs, you can choose blades containing hydroxy acids. They act very quickly and instantly soften rough skin. Products with such components are included in the category of professional preparations for chemical pedicure. For very dry and coarsened epidermis, you can buy an alkali-based product.

If the skin, even on the feet, is very sensitive, it is recommended to choose a gentle remedy. They cannot “dissolve” the corn on their own, so the kit usually contains nail files or abrasive caps. This method will allow you to get rid of rough skin, corns and cracks as delicately as possible.

Removers are no less popular. This is the name of a special kind of liquid blades, which is used to remove the cuticle. A small amount of the product is applied around the nail, after which the cuticle is simply pushed back with an orange stick. Nothing needs to be trimmed and the nails look neat.

To combat the fungus, special liquid blades with antimycotics are used. They are applied to problem areas and not only make the surface of the epidermis softer, but also fight the fungus.

Pros of a chemical pedicure

The procedure in a short time has more than one thousand fans who no longer want to return to the usual hardware or edged pedicure. Even in the best salon the risk remains unpleasant disease due to insufficient processing of tools, and the master may accidentally cut off more skin from the fingers or heels than necessary. And through the water when steaming the feet, the fungus is easily transmitted.

The advantages of a liquid blade are more than enough:

  • even with regular use, one bottle will last for several months;
  • thanks to the acids in the composition, the skin becomes soft and tender;
  • during a pedicure, you do not need to use scissors;
  • to treat the feet, you only need a preparation and a nail file for the heels;
  • you can do a pedicure with fruit acids on your own at home;
  • there is no discomfort during the use of the liquid blade.

Many girls who have tried the liquid blade have completely abandoned the services of pedicure masters or now go to them only to change the design of their nails.

Indications and contraindications

Be sure to buy an exfoliating pedicure gel for those who suffer from the following problems:

  • ingrown nails;
  • thick and hard corns;
  • hyperhidrosis, in which the feet are constantly wet with sweat;
  • fungus;
  • hyperkeratosis, which is characterized by an acceleration of the process of keratinization of epithelial cells.

Serious contraindications for chemical agent No, the exception is the individual intolerance of the components. It is strongly recommended to read the instructions, there is a list possible contraindications for each specific drug.

Top Brands of Liquid Blades

Before you buy the first foot exfoliator that comes across, you should familiarize yourself with the drugs included in the rating of the most effective.


One of the most effective remedies for removing rough skin. It comes in the form of a foam, which is applied to the heels and left for a while according to the instructions. The composition contains fruit acids and lemon extract, so Domix can be classified as gentle. Each jar contains 200 ml, so it will last a long time.


Very budget friendly but effective remedy. Ideal for removing thick and rough calluses, but for sensitive skin won't fit. The composition contains alkali, which acts more aggressively than fruit acids. The gel is available in jars with a convenient spout that dispenses the amount of the drug and allows it to be applied pointwise. Due to its liquid consistency, a small amount of gel is easily distributed over the entire foot.

Callus Remover

The drug is very different quick action. Just a few minutes is enough for the epidermis to begin to soften and exfoliate. The gel is made on the basis of glycolic acid, and also contains caring and anti-inflammatory components. Produced in small bottles of 125 ml.


This gel is suitable for lovers natural cosmetics. The composition contains glycerin and amino acids, which make the skin soft, delicate and well-groomed. Fruit acids act as an exfoliating component. The gel is completely natural and safe.

wilde pedique

The tool was created specifically for those who often suffer from the problem of ingrown nails. The gel contains silver particles that disinfect the skin and help fight the fungus. But Wilde Pedique can also be used on a regular basis to exfoliate rough epidermis and eliminate corns.

Ways of independent application

The advantage of a liquid blade is that it is very easy to use at home. To perform a pedicure, you must:

  1. Wash your feet and dry with a towel.
  2. Apply the gel to the skin. If disposable wipes soaked in a solution were purchased, they must be applied to the feet.
  3. The gel stays on the skin for about 10 minutes. In more detail, the aging period is indicated on the packaging.
  4. The upper skin layer will begin to roll itself under the fingers, the remnants must be removed with a nail file.
  5. If desired, the surface is polished with a smoother file.
  6. Wash your feet again.
  7. A nourishing cream is applied to the feet, it is a good idea to put warm socks on top so that the moisturizer is better absorbed.

Important! There should be no wounds on the feet and fingers! Fruit acids will get inside and begin to corrode the wound. This is very painful and can slow down the healing process.

Some manufacturers produce pedicure gels along with a caring cream. A good option is a complex with cellophane socks, which accelerate the action of the exfoliating solution. If there are no such socks, it is recommended to wear regular packages or wrap with cling film. But most products work well without polyethylene.

With socks there important nuance. They are designed to be worn for a couple of hours, the product contains the most gentle components. For some, they will be enough to soften small corns or just rough skin, but others will need additional processing with a nail file. For the second category of people, a regular exfoliating gel based on fruit acids or alkali is more preferable.

To compare the result from using socks and more powerful means, it is necessary to use the first remedy daily for several days. But it is more profitable to buy a bottle of gel and use it if necessary.

Salon application

In salons, a slightly different scheme operates:

  1. For pre-peeling preparation, the master uses soap, which also includes fruit acids. They soften hard areas a little and facilitate the further procedure.
  2. Gel is additionally applied to particularly problematic areas and aged for a certain time.
  3. If necessary, the ingrown nail is treated.
  4. The exfoliating gel is removed from the foot and a disinfectant solution is applied.
  5. After processing problem areas and disinfection, a nourishing cream is applied to the skin. Ideal if it contains natural oils and disinfectants.

Usually just enough chemical peeling, the master may not use the apparatus or file. After exfoliation, at the request of the client, the cuticle is removed with the help of a remover, and colored varnish is applied to the nails.

The liquid pedicure blade has become a real revolution and is very fond of girls who prefer to take care of their feet at home. After using the gel or exfoliating socks, the skin becomes pink and tender, like a baby. Now you can wear sandals or walk barefoot, not embarrassed by hardened heels.

Video: Using foot peeling in the salon

Many people suffer from the unaesthetic appearance of corns and corns on their feet, in addition to everything, obvious formations interfere with walking, and in some cases completely deform shoes. Can solve this problem cosmetic product with the intriguing name liquid leg blade. This drug often used by masters during a pedicure and few people know that you can do an acid pedicure at home.

What is liquid blade

In cosmetology, a liquid blade is a substance in the form of a gel, cream or foam that softens corns and rough skin of the feet, which allows without special efforts remove these formations with your hands, a grater or other pedicure tools. The drug is made on the basis fruit acid with the addition of such medicinal components as hyaluronic acid, retinol, glycerin. They have a good anti-inflammatory effect, deeply nourish the epidermis.

Benefits of Liquid Pedicure Blade

Acid or chemical pedicure has a number of advantages over the usual edging. Product Advantage List of Liquid Pedicure Blade:

  1. The risk of cuts with scissors and all kinds of blades is excluded.
  2. The presence of fruit acid in the composition guarantees the neutralization of rough skin without injuring the young.
  3. Saving money and time on the purchase of other local pedicure products (for different parts of the foot).
  4. Economical consumption of funds, one medium bottle of the product is enough for a year regular use.
  5. The tool not only removes thickening, but also cares for the young, soft skin.
  6. The effect is visible immediately after the first application.
  7. Easy to use at home, this product is included in some pedicure socks, which further simplifies the procedure.
  8. The ability to undergo a procedure in a beauty salon, the frequency of repetition of a chemical pedicure is less than a hardware one, since dead cells are almost completely removed.
  9. The availability of a cosmetic product, you can easily purchase different types drug in mass markets and other cosmetics stores and household chemicals.
  10. According to numerous reviews, the procedure is safe and very effective.

Indications for the use of a liquid blade

  • dry skin of the feet;
  • rapid coarsening of the epidermis;
  • ingrown nails;
  • corns, old calluses;
  • hyperkeratosis (thickening, compaction) of the epidermis;
  • fungal diseases;
  • heavy sweating of the feet;
  • the appearance of cracks on the heels and other parts of the foot;
  • problem areas associated with high blood sugar.

To the procedure acid pedicure people come running with the onset of the warm season, when everyone changes into open shoes, thereby exposing problem areas of the feet. You need to take care of the health of your legs throughout the year, paying maximum attention to them in winter. At this time, the epidermis dries the most. In winter, it is necessary to deeply nourish the skin, to the point of making cream masks and sleeping in natural socks, as well as regularly carrying out an acid pedicure procedure.

Instructions for use

Before starting the procedure, test for an allergic reaction. Apply to small plot foot remedy, then remove and follow this area. Carefully inspect the legs for open wounds and cuts. If they are missing, then you can proceed to the procedure:

  1. Soak clean, washed feet in a bath of warm (not too hot) water. This soaking helps to swell and absorb liquid keratin formations and cuticles. Skin in a loose state is better susceptible to the effects of the drug.
  2. After 5-10 minutes, the feet should be wiped with a dry towel, then treated with a disinfectant. Do not forget to protect your manicure and the skin of your hands in general by wearing rubber gloves first.
  3. Next, apply the acid pedicure gel with your hands or a brush. Swabs soaked in the product can be applied to problem areas to enhance the effect.
  4. Wrap your feet in cling film plastic bags or purchase special socks for pedicure. Keep the feet in this state for at least 10 minutes, then remove the film.
  5. Soft in a circular motion massage the skin, stimulating the exfoliation of dead skin areas of the epidermis. If there are difficulties with this, then you can use a special grater or pumice stone. You need to act carefully so as not to damage the lower young layer of the epidermis.
  6. Use a soft brush or an orangewood stick to remove the remaining cuticles on the fingers around the nails.
  7. Reapply disinfectant.
  8. After the procedure, it will not be superfluous to treat the skin with a moisturizer.

Contraindications to the use of a liquid blade

Acid pedicure is gentle cosmetic procedure. As a rule, there is no allergic reaction to this remedy. Preparations based on glycolic or hydroxyacetic acid are safe for pedicures of children and adolescents. The use of a liquid blade is contraindicated in the presence of small cracks, scratches, obvious foci of fungal diseases and other lesions of the epidermis. It is recommended to conduct an express allergy test before the procedure and carefully read the instructions for use.

Overview of effective remedies

Currently in high demand professional tools for pedicure, made on the basis of fruit acid. One of the popular and available funds is a product such as Domix Green Professional liquid blade based on glycerin. It is a foam softener for the skin of the feet. Domix products are often used by masters in beauty salons. A 200 ml bottle can be purchased on average for 650 rubles.

Trademark Naomi offers a creamy product called Callus Remover for calluses and corns. The product contains glycolic acid, which has a good anti-inflammatory effect, while qualitatively getting rid of keratinized skin and deeply nourishing the young layer of the epidermis. The cost of such a product in a 125 ml bottle is approximately 340 rubles.

The Faberlic pedicure product has a convenient spout (applicator), with which it is convenient to apply the product to rough areas of the epidermis and cuticles. The product is abrasive, contains alkali, and therefore requires careful handling. Due to its high abrasiveness, it removes old dry corns well. A 150 ml bottle will cost an average of 200 rubles.

Another effective and safe remedy for a pedicure is socks with Balbcare biogel. This biogel contains fruit acid, glycerin and useful amino acids. Due to the natural composition, the product is safe, there is no risk of injuring the young layer of the epidermis. You can buy a pedicure set with Balbcare socks for only 160 rubles.

The novelty in cosmetology Wilde Pedique from LCN perfectly fights the problem of ingrown nails, is suitable for preventive and therapeutic purposes. Represents single phase gel with active silver components that destroy fungal diseases. In addition to the fact that the tool takes care of the nails, it makes the legs soft, keeping the effect for a long time. The product is expensive, the price for a 10 ml jar is 34 euros.

Rounding out the list of effective acid pedicure products is Clearance. It also contains fruit acids and various antiseptics. The drug has a convenient bottle with a pump, which helps to economically spend a cosmetic product. A liter of this acid pedicure product costs an average of $125. This amount is enough for several years of regular use.

You can buy preparations for chemical pedicure in household chemicals and cosmetics stores, order in an online store or on the website of a specific manufacturer. The choice of funds should be based on the density of keratin formations on the feet, otherwise high abrasiveness can harm the young epidermis. It should be remembered that neglected conditions of the feet, accompanied by fungal and other diseases, can affect the health of the body as a whole.


In order to put your feet in order, you can use a variety of means. The latest in foot care is the liquid pedicure blade. This is a new and effective remedy that allows you to get rid of corns and helps to make the legs more well-groomed.

What it is?

Liquid pedicure blade is a biogel, which contains fruit acids that provide proper care for your legs. The tool will perfectly replace all the tools for cutting or cutting the skin on the legs, and will also be a great alternative to long steaming in baths and visiting a beauty salon to create a pedicure. The acids that make up the liquid blade accelerate skin regeneration while moisturizing the fresh and healthy layers of the skin. They actively work and perfectly remove dry and rough skin, without interfering with metabolic processes soft and healthy skin. In addition, it contains many components that have a calming effect. They are able to make the skin of the legs soft and velvety.

Why is it necessary?

A liquid pedicure blade is special remedy professional cosmetology. This liquid can replace the steaming of the legs, with its help you can do an unedged pedicure. This is a Brazilian or European, depending on the manufacturer, a preparation that is great for heels. It can easily replace peeling, its effectiveness is many times higher than the effectiveness of pumice and brushes. Such an acid gel is needed in order to make the skin of the legs smoother and softer.

With the help of a liquid blade, you can provide the legs with proper care by removing calluses, corns, and rough skin. It can be used not only on the feet. With it, you can make your nails more well-groomed, because it actively affects the cuticle.

A liquid blade is also necessary for those women who suffer from ingrown toenail problems and are prone to fungal diseases. Also, this tool can help those who are prone to skin and vascular diseases legs.

A huge advantage of a liquid pedicure blade is that you can save a lot of time with it. It's no secret that salon procedures pedicures are very long in time. In addition, you can save money, because one bottle of this cosmetics costs much less than a pedicure in a beauty salon. And at the same time, such a bottle will be enough not for one, but for several procedures. This tool is very affordable, it can be purchased at any pharmacy or cosmetic store.

What are there?

Liquid blades are very diverse, they are divided depending on the composition. The most common and effective are the means that include keratolytics, that is, active substances that contribute to the rapid and high-quality exfoliation of old epithelial cells. Usually they are presented in the form of an active gel, which consists of hydroxy acids, and also includes salicylic acid. These tools are included in the line of professional cosmetic preparations and are very efficient.

Some types of liquid blades contain fewer active substances in their composition, that is, they are more gentle. They are applied in hardware pedicure along with abrasive caps, which are used as nozzles for removing skin softened by a liquid blade. Abrasive caps are designed to remove dead cells from the roughest parts of the legs.

For toe care, some women use a remover. This is a type of liquid blade that allows you to quickly and painlessly remove the cuticle on your legs. High-quality removers soften the cuticle very quickly, because they contain chemicals. After this tool, the cuticle can be very easily removed with a special stick.

There are also liquid blades with a different spectrum of action. Very popular antimycotic gel, which is designed for prosthetic nails on the legs. About perfectly copes with the fungus and helps to restore nails in just a matter of days. The highest quality such products include microcrystalline silver in their composition, which actively affect the fungus and helped get rid of it.

Most liquid blades have a gel texture and include citric, lactic or fruit acid. These components are chemicals, which soften calluses and rough skin and help to get rid of it easily. One of these components is always included in the composition of liquid blades, which are made on an acid basis. Liquid blades are also isolated, the basis of which is alkali. These are less gentle products, but they work more deeply on rough and dry skin of the feet.

Popular firms and drugs: rating

The rating of the most popular liquid blades opens the remedy from the manufacturer Domix. It contains in its composition fruit acids, as well as lemon extract. It is presented in the form of a foam express softener, which allows you to provide professional care And deep cleansing. This tool perfectly copes with corns, in addition, it is presented in a fairly large volume of 200 ml. The cost of this tool is about 600 rubles.

Faberlic has a very budget cost - 200 rubles. It effectively eliminates corns and keratinized skin, and also copes well with corns. hallmark This tool is that the active substance in it is alkali, so you need to use it with extreme caution. That is why the bottle is equipped with a convenient dispenser in the form of a thin spout, thanks to which you can distribute the product pointwise on the feet. The gel has a liquid texture, it perfectly softens the skin and removes dead skin cells.

Callus Remover- This is another emollient for the feet, which is characterized by an express action. It is produced by the manufacturer Naomi, it is very popular in Russia. Its composition includes glycolic acid, which is produced on the basis of fruits. In addition, this tool contains in its composition anti-inflammatory components that gently care for the skin. The price of this product is lower, but the bottle is also available with a capacity of 125 ml. Its cost is about 300 rubles.

Balbcare- this is a biogel, which also includes fruit acids, as well as glycerin and useful amino acids. He has natural composition Therefore, this tool is very effective and safe. It can be used to provide careful care behind the legs.

wilde pedique- this is a novelty that allows you to adjust the toenails. This tool is perfect if you are faced with the problem of an ingrown toenail. This is a single-phase gel, which includes in its composition active ingredients silver. In addition, it is recommended to use it as a preventive measure so that the feet are always soft and the nails are well-groomed.

How to use at home?

The skin on the legs is treated with a liquid blade, regardless of its condition. It is very important that there are no damages and open wounds, as well as cracks on it. This procedure carried out in the salon, but it is very easy to do at home, for this you need to follow the instructions. Moreover, you can do chemical treatment with a liquid blade, which is available in the form of a liquid, or you can use special socks that are impregnated with active substances. So, first you need to decide how you are going to do such a pedicure, then you need to purchase everything necessary funds, while it is better to choose one of the best brands in order for the action of the remedy to be effective.

Some manufacturers offer liquid blades that come with nourishing cream and foot disinfectant, which should always be used during this procedure. Having prepared all these preparations, you can proceed to the treatment of the legs with this remedy at home. It is very important to act step by step, following the instructions.

First you need to make sure that there are no various damages and deep cracks on your legs.

Then you need to fill the basin with warm water and lower your legs into it for about 15-20 minutes so that the skin steams a little.

After that, you need to wipe them with a dry cloth or towel and you can proceed to processing. An important condition using a liquid blade at home is that it can only be applied by putting gloves on your hands, otherwise the sensitive skin on your hands may begin to peel off. First, you must treat the entire surface of the feet with a disinfectant. After that, with a cotton swab or a dense dry napkin, you can apply the gel composition of the liquid blade to the affected parts of the skin.

Having processed all the coarsened areas of the feet, you need to wrap the legs with plastic bags. This composition must be left on its feet for certain time. Manufacturers usually indicate the exact time on the package, usually 10-15 minutes. After this time, the upper layers of the skin soften and exfoliate.

If you do not have special bags, you can use cling film. At the end of the time indicated on the package, you need to remove the bag or film and gently massage the hands to remove the softened tissues of the legs. You can also use a special pedicure file for this.

Then you need to move on to the next step - grinding the feet with a special grater. Moreover, all these tools must be used very carefully, because the skin of the legs will already peel off, it will only need to be removed. In this case, you need to move only in one direction, without making much effort. After that, the skin that was rough is exfoliated from fresh and healthy, and the feet become smooth and soft. After that, you need to rinse your feet cold water and disinfect them with a special composition. Then you need to move on to moisturizing your feet. To do this, you need to apply a high-quality nourishing cream to the entire surface of the treated skin areas, and you can enjoy soft and velvet skin knife.

But some women recommend using these funds differently. They add the liquid blade to the footbath, diluting it into warm water. It is believed that this way the product acts more deeply on the skin, it is better steamed. After that, they dry the legs and re-apply the liquid blade to the skin wiped dry. Further, the procedure is similar to the first option, but it is believed that this method is more effective.

You can also choose a completely different version of a pedicure with a liquid blade. Now in some stores and on the Internet you can buy socks, they are treated with a special composition, which also includes acids.

The main element of this composition is lactic acid, which effectively affects the rough skin of the legs.

In addition, it can make the skin on the legs fresher and more elastic. Usually, this composition also includes many other components that are natural antiseptics; you can also find socks with healing and soothing plant extracts.

These socks are very easy and convenient to use at home. After purchasing them, you need to take a bath, steam your legs a little. After that, you need to unpack the miracle - socks and put them on your feet. They need to be tightly fixed on the legs, usually these socks have a drawstring. So the liquid composition with which the socks are soaked will not spill out. They are usually worn for 2 hours and then removed. After that, you need to rinse the legs with warm water. But it is believed that one such procedure cannot give you such a clear effect that a liquid gel blade is capable of. In order to notice the difference, you need to use such socks from five days to a week.

Well-groomed legs are the pride of any woman. Even if you wear closed shoes, a neat pedicure adds confidence.

There are several ways of this hygiene procedure.

IN Lately more and more often, hardware or acid pedicures are being used, increasingly replacing the edged pedicure, which was so popular in the recent past.

You can perform the procedure in a beauty salon or at home. And if skill and special tools, then any woman can master an unedged chemical pedicure.

Another name for chemical pedicure is "liquid blade". Due to the efficiency in its use, this method becoming more and more popular with women. Moreover, the domestic cosmetology industry has mastered the production of drugs for its implementation.

What is a "liquid blade" and how to use it correctly

"Liquid pedicure blade" is an effective remedy for beautiful pedicure which is easy to do on your own at home. This innovative product successfully copes with corns and rough skin.

Performing such a pedicure regularly, you can forever.

The composition of the "liquid blade" includes fruit acid. It is she who moisturizes the skin and accelerates its regeneration.

In addition to fruit acid, the composition includes additional components that nourish the skin and have an anti-inflammatory effect. The acid acts only on the keratinized tissue, without affecting other areas of the skin.

"Liquid Blade" is convenient to use, however, when using it for the first time, it is recommended to do a test for the tolerance of its ingredients.

A small amount of the product is applied to the skin area and if after a while everything is in order - there is no itching, redness and other unpleasant phenomena, you can safely use it. It is necessary to work with the drug in prints. Latex medical gloves, which can be bought at any pharmacy, are perfect.

Liquid blade for pedicure, how to use

When performing a chemical pedicure, there is no need to pre-soak your feet in hot water.

It is necessary to use the "liquid blade" in accordance with the attached instructions.

The general principles are as follows - the product is applied to clean feet, which must be thoroughly dried. Next, you should take a napkin, moisten it in the preparation and attach it to problem areas.

The exposure time depends on the manufacturer of the composition, but, as a rule, it ranges from 7 to 10 minutes. During this time, keratinized dead skin should soften and exfoliate. It is removed with a coarse pedicure file, and then polished with a fine-grained foot grater.

At the end of the procedure, the feet must be washed with water. room temperature and apply moisturizer to the skin. After that, you can enjoy soft and supple skin.

There is another way to use the "liquid blade". Many women using this method note its greater effectiveness compared to the previous one.

"Liquid blade" is applied to dry skin of the legs. After its processing, cellophane socks are put on the feet. The exposure time of the composition is 10 - 15 minutes.

After that, the socks are removed, the exfoliated skin is removed with a pedicure grater and polished with a fine-grained nail file. It is also recommended to disinfect the skin.

Who is shown a chemical pedicure "liquid blade"

"Liquid blade" is used by everyone who cares about the beauty and health of their legs. In this case, age and health status do not matter. The main thing is not to be allergic reactions on the drugs that make up this product, and skin damage in the form of wounds and abrasions.

The relevance of using acid pedicure will be appreciated by working women who have a constant lack of free time.

"Liquid blade" is just a godsend for those who are faced with the problem of ingrown nails and fungal diseases. It is indicated for those who have dry skin of the feet, cracked heels. This type of pedicure is popular with women who have skin and vascular lesions due to high sugar in the blood - diabetic foot.

"Liquid blade" has practically no contraindications and side effects, except for the individual intolerance of its components.

Fruit acid - the main component of the product, does not affect healthy tissue. Its action is directed to dead skin.

The tool saves not only time, but also money. It is quite economical. A bottle with an average cost of 500 rubles is designed for repeated use, and you can buy it in almost any cosmetics store.

"Liquid Blade" is one of the most popular Russian women socks for a pedicure of the Japanese and Korean production.

Recently, many beauty salons offer an unedged chemical pedicure - a “liquid blade” as an alternative to a trimmed pedicure.

This procedure consists of a complex of services and, depending on their number, lasts from one to two hours. First of all, the master performs deep cleansing, peeling and disinfection of the feet. If necessary, with the help of cuticle softeners, it is processed.