Words of gratitude to dads at the wedding from the bride. Gratitude to parents at a wedding in your own words in prose. Luxurious words of gratitude to the groom's parents from the bride

A wedding is a touching and exciting event, filled with a lot of positive and joyful events.

In addition to fun, competitions and congratulations, at the wedding the newlyweds say words of gratitude parents.

The newlyweds' response to their parents at the wedding

The bride and groom say words of gratitude to the parents at the wedding after congratulations. They are pronounced sensually.

The words should contain gratitude for birth and upbringing, patience and obstacles on the way to growing up for both spouses.

Grateful statements in your own words after serving a loaf:

  1. « Parents! Beloved and dear. We express gratitude for the loaf, for the blessing, for the opportunity to unite destinies and hearts.”
  2. « Beloved moms and dads! Today you gave us into the hands of fate, we became husband and wife. Thank you for your patience and for the baked loaf.
  3. « Parents, thank you for the bread and salt, they are delicious because they were served by you. You are family, friends and dear people to us.

    Sorry for the tears and hurt feelings caused. Bless on happy life. Accept the invitation from us, become guests of honor at the holiday, share the happiness and rejoice for us.”

It is better for parents to prepare beautiful words in advance and write them down. After all, a chaotic speech will not turn out successful.

Pre-recorded words From newlyweds to parents, it is better to learn by heart and repeat before pronunciation.

After all, a wedding is an exciting event and spouses may forget solemn speech against a backdrop of excitement.

The response of the young people in prose when their parents present a gift:

  1. « Fate made us rich from birth. She gave you to us. You are the ones who understood, empathized, mentored and supported.

    Bow to you, parents. We raise a glass to you and say thank you, happiness and long life to your dear ones!”

  2. « Today the families were reunited. We have two mothers and two fathers, a huge family. Thank you for accepting, not refusing, supporting and helping in organizing the wedding.

    We owe you our life and happiness. You have come a hard way, you have raised and raised us, taught and mentored us.

    We promise to remember the advice and instructions. We promise to love, respect and help.”

Important! Touching words of gratitude are pronounced with expression. Don't be afraid to smile or cry with happiness.

This will give an emotional color to the spoken expressions.

Words of gratitude from the groom to his parents

Groom's words:

  1. Mother-in-law:“You are not a mother-in-law, you are a second mother. You gave me happiness in the person of your daughter. I undertake to protect her, keep her and not upset her.”
  2. Father-in-law:“Father, I know how much you love her. She is your little girl whom you protected from adversity.

    Now let me do this. I swear an oath not to offend and to love. Thank you for your daughter, for the ray of light, for the joy in your heart.”

Words of gratitude from the bride to her parents

The bride at the wedding says words of gratitude to her mother, father, mother-in-law and father-in-law.

Note! Gratitude is expressed in poetry or prose. The main thing is that the expressions are sincere.

Responses of young people to their parents in poetry and prose, writing letters of gratitude to parents, musical and video congratulations

Typically, weddings are held according to pre-written scripts, so the bride and groom know the sequence of events.

Newlyweds can prepare musical gift parents as a sign of gratitude and respect.

An original greeting can be made from a photo collage inserted under a song. Usually such videos are made by specialists, but there are a number of programs where you can create a broadcast of photographs to the tune of a melody yourself.

It is better to fill congratulatory videos with pictures from the childhood of the bride and groom from birth to marriage proposal. Pick up better songs with meaning, well known to parents.

Having seen my children in the video as infants, teenagers and at a young age they will remember all the thrill of their anticipation, the happiness from birth, and will feel again all the emotions of joy and nostalgia.

Such congratulations will touch them, will show that the children have grown up and are grateful to them.

Song adaptations have become popular at wedding celebrations. The music of the song remains the same, only the words change.

The song is sung to a negative soundtrack. Reworking songs helps to dilute the holiday with colors, introduce new elements and give guests and parents a lot of emotions.

An integral part of the holiday should be Thanksgiving letters.

Writing rules:

  1. Letter written by hand and signed by the spouses.
  2. To the groom's parents and the brides are writing different letters, because then they are stored as memory.
  3. Letters are written on postcards. Postcards can be made manually using scrapbooking techniques or purchased.

Letters of gratitude are presented at the end of the celebration:

Example:“We thank you for the love and care with which we were surrounded. For you we will remain children, we know that. We felt your awe and love every hour. Thank you for what you do for us. We love and appreciate you!”

Congratulatory poems sound beautiful.

Important! Friends of the newlyweds can also congratulate the fathers and mothers of the married couple. Congratulations from friends can be humorous.

It's better to do it in musical form. For fun, you can dress up and act out a mini-scene, telling a story about parents, about the importance of father and mother in a person’s life.

Useful video

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Parents at the wedding from the bride and groom are considered an important part of the holiday, everyone thanks their family. They raised him, educated him, and gave him wings to fly on his own.

Speeches of thanks

A time when grown children can thank their parents, taking the chance to express love and respect to loved ones who were there from the moment of birth to today. They gave advice, listened, and helped in any way they could. They inspired and endlessly believed in their child. So that anxiety does not interfere with forgetting the right words, it is better to prepare your speech in advance. First, put your thoughts on paper, then learn them to look more natural.

A wedding unites two destinies into one, so the newlyweds can prepare one speech for two, dedicating it to their parents. This is the first step towards family life in which everything will be common.

In your speech, you should not get carried away with intricate expressions and loud statements, imitating the characters of your favorite films or politicians. Will be more enjoyable with family and friends simple words, close to everyone. The speech preparation process takes 3 stages:

Writing text;
rehearsals - a couple can divide the speech equally so that everyone says their part, can parse the speech into phrases. After a few rehearsals everything will work out;
the actual performance at the wedding.

Write a thank you speech

The couple can write words of gratitude to the parents at the wedding from the bride and groom themselves or ask for help from specialists, giving them information about the parents on a sheet of wishes. The speech itself consists of:

Addresses to those present: parents, grandparents. It's important to mention everyone;
introductory part, the newlyweds indicate the purpose of their speech;
the main part is a list of all the merits of the parents, family values(pay special attention to each family, its characteristics), achievements, examples from life, possibly scenes from the past;
the final part with gratitude, respect and devotion.

It is not so important what kind of speech it will be, in prose or in verse. Simple with errors, spoken with excitement or written by a professional hand, taking into account all important points. The young people will sing or read their speech. The main thing is that every word comes from the heart. Then you can’t pay too much attention to one person, all parents are equally important, everyone deserves praise and gratitude for everything. Can be done.


Also, you should not write out long verses for several pages, then say it all for half an hour or longer. It's best to keep it short touching speech, which is easy to remember and then convey in words. But a cheat sheet still won’t hurt, because in extreme excitement it’s easy to forget something or get confused. The main thing is not to constantly read with a piece of paper, but to spy on some thesis. You can indicate the outline of the speech in the cheat sheet, then the points themselves will remind you of what was written.

You can choose a person whom the couple trusts as an appraiser. So that he watches how they behave during speech, comments on gestures and tone of speech. This will help carefully polish your words of gratitude.


Behave naturally, do not be afraid of the emotions you experience, tears or a joyful smile are not superfluous. Eye contact is also important, but don’t constantly look in one direction, even if the people you care about most are sitting there. After all, there are many guests at the wedding and everyone wants to get attention from the newlyweds.

Both perform. If one of them can speak more eloquently, he begins, and the second needs to complement the speech.
When saying words of gratitude, you need to remember sincerity, because parents have invested a lot, and you need to say “thank you” for this.
There is no need to be afraid of tears, this is a sign of sincerity in a touching moment.
After finishing your speech, you need to go to your parents, take a blessing, hug your loved ones, and kiss them deeply. Present prepared certificates, bouquets of flowers, gifts.

Words of gratitude to parents at a wedding from the bride and groom in prose

A speech of gratitude composed in prose is no less touching than it would sound in verse:

However, the moment has come when the grown chicks must leave the nest in search of their own path. Such a moment has arrived. And in parting, we sincerely, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you! Our nest was the warmest, safest and most comfortable.

Thanks to fate, we found each other, met and fell in love. We realized that the halves of one whole and decided to build our own nest, uniting two clans into a union. Having received the best from you, we will take it with us into our lives. Let's preserve the traditions, add our own, and someday pass them on to our children. Please accept my deepest gratitude and deepest gratitude.”

Words of gratitude to parents at the wedding from the bride and groom in verse

An example of a speech for the older generation, written in verse.
It seemed like just yesterday we were still little,
We were kept, growing in tenderness and love.
And we played and joked carefree,
And now we are newlyweds.
And time has only silvered your whiskey little by little,
And let wrinkles furrow your faces.
The road to us from our favorite threshold
Will always be happy back.
Having invested in us with soul, trembling feelings,
Raised in tenderness and love.
But today is fun and a little sad.
And we cannot hide a tear.
Now we will stand at the altar together,
And happiness will flow endlessly.
There is no more fun and beautiful bride and groom.
And there is no one happier than our mother and father.
We are grateful for all those years
What you gave in full by raising.
We promise we will become the best continuation of the family,
And you and I with a light heart having spent
Look happy into the eyes of the invited people.
Let us bow low to you, our dear parents,
Forgive us all the tears, past grievances,
And that we were rarely seen
Although you were calm, without showing it.
May God always bless you,
Will give you love, peace and tranquility.
Then you, happily knowing no hard feelings.
Wait until our wedding, it’s already golden.

Words of gratitude to parents at a wedding from the bride and groom; almost every family can boast of a video nowadays, because a cameraman is invited to the celebration. He films all the interesting moments of the wedding, then edits beautiful clip. Unfortunately, twenty years ago, parents did not have such luxury. wedding dresses can only be seen in photographs, most of them black and white. But how much mystery and charm there is in them!

Study old photographs and immerse yourself in that time true pleasure. It seemed that back then people not only dressed differently, but also thought differently. What lies behind the smiles, the bouquet of flowers, the painting in the registry office? Few photographs were taken, each family had a maximum of 4-5, but the importance of the wedding was paramount even then. It’s just that not every family had the necessary equipment, and besides, the pictures were developed in a different way.

How did the parents save wedding vows, acceptance speeches? After all, no one recorded them with a voice recorder or filmed them with a video camera? Everything is simpler - they kept it in their memory, in their hearts. Sometimes on paper, then glued to an album or hidden in a pocket on the cover. But what a memory. A speech of gratitude from newlyweds of the 21st century will also remain in memory new family, so it’s worth approaching the matter with all responsibility. To then tell the children about what happened.

Words of gratitude to parents at the wedding from the bride and groom, in their own words

“Our dear parents! Let me first congratulate you on this day, because your merit is no less. For many years, you have been walking towards this day together and now you have the right to be proud of your success: we grew up, met each other and decided to start a family. Of course we'll start independent life, but your role in it does not decrease over time. Yours wise advice, your support, even the silent one: “hold on” will be needed as always. Like no one else, you know our weaknesses, you feel when we feel bad and rejoice at our successes, even the most insignificant ones.

Dear parents, let me sincerely express my deep gratitude to you for this day, for all the days, weeks, years that we will spend together, for our love, for us, for our future children, for everything! We are so happy and this happened thanks to you.”

“Dear parents, we are glad to see tears in your eyes, because this is a sign of great joy. You are standing there, so beautiful and proud of us, it’s very nice. You have every right to be proud of us, because we have become best result of your life. Therefore, today we solemnly promise: to preserve the acquired knowledge, increase it, follow traditions! Live together in love and harmony. If we quarrel, then quickly make up and be sure to fulfill all our dreams. And you need to wait for your grandchildren! We promise not to delay this.”

Words of gratitude to parents at a wedding are one of the most touching moments. After all, a wedding is the day when the newlyweds leave their parents’ home and go to their new family. Therefore, it has become a glorious tradition to thank parents for all the good moments. After all, it was largely thanks to them that this took place. wonderful holiday. Who knows how life would have turned out if not for their upbringing and daily work. Touching gratitude from the bride and groom, in prose and verse - in our article you will find sincere words for this.

Recommendations: how to give a better thank you speech

In order not to forget words from excitement at a crucial moment, it is better to think through your speech in advance. Better yet, write it down. You can arrange your notes in an unusual way, for example, make a roll stylized as an ancient scroll, or sign beautiful postcard. On your wedding day, give it to your parents, and then they will re-read it for a long time, remembering the wonderful holiday.

It is better to give a speech to two newlyweds. This will be a sign that they have become one, one family. And from now on they will help and complement each other.

Thank not only your parents, but also the parents of your young spouse.

Avoid too pretentious phrases and complex speech patterns. This is difficult to hear. Simple, concise language is much more suitable. You can insert a couple of short quotes into your speech famous people or aphorisms appropriate to the topic.

Words of gratitude in prose

Such gratitude is especially appreciated, since it is usually the prose that is pronounced “from the heart.”

The main points that can be touched upon in your words:

  • That young people have the best parents;
  • About the fact that they taught a lot - to love, forgive, take care of a loved one;
  • Parental example is an example of a happy family life for a young couple;
  • That you will not leave them when your family life begins. On the contrary, by marrying off their daughter (marrying their son), they also acquired a son (daughter). And soon there will be small continuations of the two families - grandchildren;
  • Apologize for everything unpleasant situations and the troubles you caused them;
  • Remember the most vivid and touching moments of childhood;
  • Promise that you will be just as good parents for your children.

Video of congratulations in prose:

Gratitude in verse

Poetic gratitude also sounds impressive and touches the hearts of those present. It is better if the poems are your own or written to order specifically for your wedding. I'm already pretty tired of the hackneyed cliches, but an original poetic speech will be a wonderful end to the holiday. If you don’t know how to compose yourself, and copyright prices are prohibitive, use ready-made poems. But choose from very carefully - it’s better not to take them from the first page found by the search engine. Look for the most unusual, rarely encountered and close poems. You can make some changes “for yourself” - this is not so difficult to do in a finished verse. And the result will please you.

Below is the video touching words gratitude in verse.


Perhaps the most original look gratitude from the young - songs of their own composition. Many wedding planning agencies have long caught this trend, and you can turn to them for the song. This is especially true if the vocal abilities are excellent, but the epistolary genre let us down. They will select according to your preferences musical accompaniment and they will write the text, and the newlyweds will have to sing - and receive thunderous applause. The video below shows several such congratulations.


When giving your acceptance speech at a wedding, remember a few things you should never say:

  • Morals and hints of unpleasant situations. Of course, young people may not consider their parents ideal in everything. Of course, there may be resentment and disappointment. But a wedding is not the place to sort things out. Just keep silent about the slippery moments, thanking them simply for the fact of birth.
  • The same applies to the family life of parents. If they are divorced, or you do not approve of the choice of mother and father, do not say so at the wedding. If you can’t call them an example for yourself, don’t say anything.

Don’t forget, thanking your parents is a joyful moment that will bring tears of tenderness to everyone present. Tune in to a positive mood - and everything will go well!

Gratitude from my daughter

Women are usually more articulate than men. Therefore, it is the bride’s speech that moves everyone present to tears. You can take ready-made clichés as the basis for a thank-you speech and add your personal feelings and experiences to them.

« Dear mother and dad! Thank you for your care, for protecting me all my life. Thanks to you, I became what everyone sees me now. Thank you for believing in me and supporting me even in the most difficult situations. Thank you for this holiday, for your help and for your love. I promise that our connection will not be interrupted, our family will always be there. And I will do everything to make you proud of me!”

“Our beloved mommy and daddy! Today is a magical day, a holiday of true love - our wedding. You taught us a lot, and we always remembered that the most important thing is love, understanding and respect for each other. At this celebration, you are the main one, because without you this day would not have happened!”

Gratitude from my son

A son is the pride and support of his parents. Therefore, his words of gratitude to his father and mother are very important. Here sample text speeches:

“My dear parents, dad and mom! Thank you for giving me life, raising and raising me as a worthy person. Thank you for all the lessons you have taught me and all the truths you have revealed to me. Today I became a husband beautiful girl, my beloved. I promise you that I will live my life with dignity with her, I will be the real master of my home and the protector of my family. Thank you!"

Gratitude from the bride to the groom's parents

“Our dear parents! Please accept my sincere gratitude for giving the world a wonderful person - the one who today became my husband. I am very grateful that you accepted me, and I promise to be your daughter, take care of my husband and love him. Thank you that I was lucky enough to be his soul mate!”

“Dear dad and mom! Thank you for not feeling sorry for yourself and raising a kind, honest and sympathetic person. Today he became my husband. Only with him I found true love, and I promise to carry her through all adversity!”

Gratitude from the groom to the bride's parents

These are special words. The man openly thanks the bride's parents and thereby shows them that his daughter is in good hands. Men usually speak clearly, to the point and in their own words. Therefore, just write down the groom’s thoughts on this matter in advance to make the speech smoother.

"Dear Parents! Thank you for raising a wonderful daughter. And I'm happy that she chose me. I promise that I will love and take care of her all my life. I promise that I will be a faithful and caring husband, and will carry our love throughout my life!”

A wedding event is traditionally associated with congratulations and this is true. After all, during the wedding, a lot of instructions, pleasant words and toasts are addressed to them. However, there comes a time when young spouses have to get up from the table, pick up the microphone and say words of gratitude. Who are they addressed to? How to plan a beautiful What should be said during this action, you will learn from our article.

Why and what to say to newlyweds

During the wedding celebration, the newlyweds will have to, as they say, answer to their guests, relatives, friends, colleagues and classmates. The whole event they do is listen to congratulations, and at the end they simply have to say their words of gratitude to everyone present for congratulations, gifts, parting words, and most importantly, for the fact that on this important day for them the guests dropped all their business and came to the celebration. And of course, the bride and groom traditionally thank their parents for all the kindness and love they invested in them.

The speech of the newlyweds at the wedding can rightfully be called the most touching and sweet moment. And in order for it to be beautiful and consistent, it is necessary to sketch out a sample text in advance and, of course, include it in general scenario gala event. We will consider examples of diverse requests below.

How can you give thanks?

There are several options for saying thank you to guests and relatives. For example, these can be beautiful poems, individually selected for the person to whom they were originally addressed. Or you can speak prose, but it will sound natural and from the heart. The musical version of gratitude also looks original, for example in the form of a song. At the same time, it can be performed either by the newlyweds themselves or by a professional singer or musician.

Besides everything else, beautiful speech for a wedding can be supported by such pleasant little things, as a commemorative certificate or medal. Moreover, you can fulfill them using funny nominations and titles. For example: “Certificate for assistance in raising a daughter”, “Medal for courage in battles for the attention of a daughter”, “Certificate for raising a son”, etc.

Pleasant words of gratitude to parents

The very first people who deserve not just words of gratitude, but also low bows, are parents. They take care of you, educate you, don’t get enough sleep at night, and in most cases they are the ones who take care of everything for the upcoming wedding celebration.

A beautiful wedding speech is a wonderful way to thank your loved ones for everything they have done. It happens something like this: the host or toastmaster gives a sign to the musicians, and the music stops, then the bride and groom stand up. Then the bride begins her speech: “On this wonderful day, I would like to thank my mother for the fact that with her help I was born. For her kindness and affection. It is thanks to her efforts that I stand before you today. Thank you, dear!”

Then she turns towards her father and says: “On this day I want to thank you too, my father! For the fact that you have always been a support and support for your mother. For always putting up your strong male shoulder when needed. Thank you and low bow!” In response to this appeal, you can hear the mother’s speech. At the wedding of a daughter or son, this is one of the main moments. You should not forget about preparing such a speech.

Wedding speech: an example for the groom's parents

After her laconic but meaningful speech, the bride expresses words of gratitude to the groom’s parents: “A wedding is a difficult and troublesome matter. Therefore, on this day I want to thank you (name and patronymic of my husband’s parents) for your prompt assistance in resolving most of the issues. organizational issues. Thank you for your comprehensive help and support."

Next, according to the scenario, the bride sits down in her place. Now the thank you speech at the wedding is the concern of her young husband. He also turns first to his parents and says: “My beloved dad and mom! I am very glad that you came to support me at this important and memorable moment. Thank you for raising me, teaching me and helping me get on my feet. I couldn't have done anything without you. You were always by my side, supporting and protecting me. Today I have my own family, which I will take care of in your image and likeness. Thank you for everything!”

Thank you speech for the bride's parents

After the groom pays his respects to the parents, he must turn to the bride’s mother and father: “Dear (parents’ first and patronymic)! On this sunny day, I gladly want to thank you for the efforts you made while raising your own daughter. Thanks to you I met and fell in love with this charming creature(name of the bride). She is the best and kindest thing I have in my life. Thank you for helping to organize this holiday, for your affection, care and love. Low bow to you."

What words of gratitude does the mother say to her daughter?

Often, in response to sincere praise from their loved ones, parents make a reciprocal gesture. For example, this could be a mother's speech at her daughter's wedding:

“Thank you very much for your praise and pleasant to the heart words! I'm glad I lived to see the moment when my daughter thanks me for everything. Of course, as with any family, there are some excesses. But I would like there to be as few of them in your life as possible. Be happy and keep what you have. Advice and love to you!”

What words does a father say to his son?

The answer to a long and heartfelt word of gratitude from his children will be a memorable speech from a father at his son’s wedding. For example, he might say:

“Dear son! I'm glad I lived to see this have a wonderful day. Today you have become a real father of a family and a man with capital letters. Remember and appreciate all the advice that I once gave you. May my experience and guidance be useful to you. My mother and I, in turn, promise to support and help you in the first stages of your life together. Advice and love to you!”

An alternative speech from a father at his son’s wedding: “Son! I congratulate you on this wonderful date for all of us - your wedding day. I wish you great happiness, love and good luck in everything family matters. May your guardian angel protect you and your family. Be happy!"

Words of gratitude to parents for bread and salt

If in your wedding celebration everything goes according to traditional scenario When your parents present you with bread and salt, you should remember to thank them for it. We offer you examples of this speech. The bride and groom say together: “Our dear and beloved mom and dad! Please accept our words of heartfelt gratitude for presenting us with this wonderful loaf at an important moment for us. This is the best dish we have ever tasted together. We promise to love each other and never forget about you, our family!”

Another beautiful wedding speech performed by the newlyweds: “Our beloved parents! My wife and I thank you for the warmth with which you gave us this wedding bread. We promise to love and care for each other, just as you have given us this wonderful gift. We hope that you will not leave us in Hard time and you will always be by our side."

Thank you speech from the young guests

The newlyweds owe a special thank you to their guests who came, congratulated them and gave many valuable gifts. Example of a thank you speech: “Dear our guests! We are very glad that you came to our wedding. Thank you for pleasant words, for beautiful and meaningful toasts, for gifts and other signs of attention. We value and respect you! Thank you very much for what you are!

Here is another speech of the newlyweds at the wedding, addressed to the guests:

“We welcome all the guests gathered here. Today is our holiday - day solemn wedding. At this time, we want to say a big human thank you for not forgetting about us, no matter what, coming and congratulating us, giving us many pleasant and kind words. I would like to say a special thank you to those people who took direct participation in the design and organization of a wedding. Without them our celebration would not have happened. Thanks to all!"

One of the guests' response to congratulations

The response to the pleasant words of gratitude from the newlyweds will be the speech of the wedding guest. For example, this could be a colleague or classmate. He says: "Thank you for Nice words from wonderful couple. I have known you for a very long time, almost since childhood. You have always been wonderful people: valued and respected elders, were fair and honest, shared the latter with their friends, honored their family and friends. Congratulations on your wedding day. We wish you to remain as you are and pass on all your knowledge and skills to your children and grandchildren.”

What words to choose for a friend at a wedding?

However, it may happen that the wedding is not yours, but your friend’s. Suppose you were invited to this wonderful event, and at one of the moments of congratulations it turned out that you were the one who was supposed to cook for your friend’s wedding. So, you can say the following: “Dear (name of the groom) and sweet (name of the bride)! I'm glad I got to come to your wedding. This is a wonderful day for both of you, on which I want to wish you happiness, success, an inexhaustible source of love, joy and prosperity.”

Summary: words of gratitude are something that no wedding can do without. Both adults and children will be happy to hear the responses. The main thing is to carefully prepare for your role, prepare a speech for your friend’s wedding, and also take care of pleasant moments for parents, relatives and guests.

My beautiful, beloved and dear ones,
You gave me life, understanding, warmth,
good, kind person brought up,
Thank you, my parents, for everything, for everything.

Thank you for not sleeping at night,
Rocked my cradle and guarded my dreams,
Thank you for supporting all decisions,
And they helped me fulfill all my dreams.

Thank you, dear ones, for your understanding,
And I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your tolerance,
For you, I have always been your favorite baby,
Today, I am already a bride and starting my own family.

Thank you, my mom, for being with me,
Dad, thank you for being my wall,
Mommy, you always understand even with your glance,
Thank you for always waiting for your daughter to come home.

No one is happier
I'm not in the world
I am grateful to you
Parents, for this.

You raised me
In kindness and affection,
I was with you
A princess from a fairy tale.

Tenderness, love
You didn’t regret yours
And today I’m white
They put a veil on me.

thank you for everything
At the wedding I say
I love you very much
Parents, I love you.

Thank you parents
And bow to the ground,
You raised me, after all,
Forgetting peace and sleep,
For your work and attention
I thank you
Today is my wedding
I'm the bride now
Thank you again,
Dear ones, for the warmth,
I feel very strongly for you
Lucky in the world!

Dear mom, dad,
I love you more than anyone
And with all my heart I wish
See only light in life!

I want to say thank you
What, cherished for so many years,
They let their daughter get married,
They gave me the necessary advice.

Thank you for your warmth,
For tenderness, kind words,
For my best childhood,
Thank you for all this.

Thank you, my dears,
For all the care and warmth,
Over the years, bright, colorful,
I'm very lucky to have you!

For me you are my reward,
I will always appreciate you
And of course I'm very happy
Tell you these words!

I created my own family
But you are forever in my soul!
I love you two very much
And I will love you more!

Dear parents, today I became a wife wonderful person, wonderful man, today our family was born. I want to thank you for your love and sincere support, for your noble upbringing and moral values, for strong faith and wise advice. Be healthy, loved ones, happy and strong.

Dear mom and dad,
I'm leaving my family.
For your care and understanding
And I thank you love.

Low bow to you today
Here's to happy years.
Your kindness and patience
I will never forget.

Be happy, healthy,
My dear, dear ones,
Help me with advice
As before, dear ones.

Dear parents, thank you,
On my wedding day I want to tell you,
That I have always loved you immensely,
I haven’t forgotten a day from my childhood.

May everything be just as wonderful for you,
Wishes were fulfilled properly.
May your health grow stronger
And the joy in souls never fades.

Our glorious parents, dear to the heart people, we are immensely grateful to you for everything that you have given and done to us. I promise to remain an obedient daughter and listen to your advice. You will always be an example for us, and we will also try to build a strong, friendly, happy family. Today I am still a bride and I hug you tightly, and tomorrow I will wake up as a wife, but our meetings will be as joyful and kind as before.

Thank you, dear parents,
I don’t understand life even a day without you,
Thank you for life, my saints,
May grief and misfortune pass you by.

Low bow to you, sincere tears
We give honestly, without pretense,
Let no thunderstorms thunder over your house,
Well, comfort reigns in our hearts, peace lives.