How to cut a girl's hair at home with scissors. How to cut your hair to your shoulders? What tools are needed for cutting your own hair?

Almost every one of us has thought about whether it is possible to cut our own hair at home. Some are motivated by saving money, some by saving time, and some want to learn a new skill for the sake of experimenting.

Required Tools

Of course, you can try to cut your own hair, but it won’t be easy. You will need at least basic skills, effort and a lot of time. You will also need to have the tools to help you complete this delicate task.

  • Buy yourself some very sharp scissors, preferably just for cutting hair. These conditions cannot be neglected, because you will definitely not succeed with dull and inconvenient scissors, and even if you cut your hair, you will be left with split ends.
  • You will need a thick comb.
  • Two mirrors, at least medium size.
  • Spray bottle.

So, let's look at haircut options that you can do at home. First, let’s clarify one point: it’s impossible to make it yourself at home. new haircut, it is only possible to straighten those lines that you already have after going to a professional. It is also much harder to get everything right with wavy, voluminous, thick, curly hair, so not everyone will be able to achieve good result at home.

Trimming the bangs

So, the first thing we'll talk about is the most simple procedure at home. How to cut your bangs? If you want to give yourself bangs, and you haven’t had them before, then first determine the hair line where it will start, comb them forward, wet them and comb them well with a thick comb. After that, decide how long it will be, straight or parted sideways. Then run your fingers along the bangs and stop a little above the place where you will cut.

  • If the bangs are even, then simply repeat this action with each strand, aligning them with each other.
  • If the bangs are parted on the side, then slightly tilt the scissors in the direction it will go, at the angle it will go so sharply. And start moving like this, going down a little with each movement. Don't cut off too much hair at a time, otherwise it will be easy to make mistakes.

Remember one thing important rule, wet hair is always longer than dry hair, so after drying you may be in for a very long time. an unpleasant surprise, if you don't take this subtlety into account. In the case of bangs, this centimeter will be especially noticeable, and cutting your hair at home will turn out to be a problem for you. Wavy and curly hair jump a lot more.

Dry your hair and, if necessary, smooth out any small irregularities.

Simple haircut

Now let's talk in more detail about doing a simple trim of your haircut and removing split ends at home.

For this you will already need two mirrors. Place them against each other. So that in one mirror you see the second with the reflection of the back of your head, so you can control the correctness of the haircut. You need to wet your hair and comb it very well. Determine the length you want to cut. Start running your hands along a small section of hair, moving from roots to ends, stop your hand a little above the place where you will cut, place the scissors perpendicular to the hair and cut desired length. Continue doing this with each strand, but be sure to do it evenly.

If you have thick or voluminous hair, divide them into levels, selecting layers with an elastic band and hairpins. Process one layer first, and then lower and trim the next one. It will be much more difficult to do this work from behind, because it will be difficult for you to see and completely uncomfortable due to the position of your hands, so immediately decide for yourself whether this task is feasible for you, or whether it is better to contact a hairdresser.

To check whether you have cut the hair evenly on both sides, you need to pinch the side strands with your hands and move smoothly downwards; if the hair ends on one side earlier, it means it is shorter there.

Making a cascade haircut

A more difficult task is to do it yourself. Preparation for this haircut is the same as in the previous case.

  1. We wet our hair.
  2. We comb them well.
  3. We sit down so that there is good review all over your head.

But now you need to take a strand and place the scissors not perpendicular, but parallel to it. You need to move with scissors, cutting off the hair little by little, from top to bottom, with each cut lengthening the hair. So you can do it multi-level haircut. Don’t risk cutting off a lot of hair at once; long hair can always be trimmed, but too short hair cannot be restored.

Lifehacks for such cases

Considering the complexity of doing a haircut at home yourself, there are many so-called life hacks that make this process a little easier.

  • For example, if you just want to remove split ends, you can simply tie a low ponytail and trim it with thinning scissors, or regular scissors, holding them parallel to the hair.
  • The second way is to make a ponytail by combing your hair forward. First, cut the hair exactly to the desired length, and then thin the tail with scissors, holding them parallel to the hair, with the tips facing up. This will make the haircut look more casual and natural.
  • If you want to make multi-level bangs at home yourself, take in your hand the hair that you separated for bangs. Twist them into a tight rope and simply cut them evenly with scissors.
  • Another useful advice if you have curly hair, then it is advisable to straighten them before cutting them yourself at home.

We looked at the main ways to do your own haircut at home. But do not take risks, if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to contact a professional. And if you still decide, take this matter seriously and without haste.

A woman's morning cannot be complete without a mirror. Looking at themselves from all sides, they pay a lot of attention to their hair. How beautiful are they? Isn't it time to trim the ends or, on the contrary, grow long hair? Many people choose women's short haircut. The execution scheme can be simple or complex. Women even perform some types of haircuts on their own. But, of course, you can see from the hair whether the hands of a master worked on it or whether the hairstyle was done by an amateur. In this article we will look at common haircut patterns. Having studied them, it is easier to choose the option that suits you.

Short haircuts: advantages and disadvantages

So, if a girl decides to get a short haircut, she obviously understands that:

  • it is easy to care for;
  • installation is a simple matter;
  • the image changes with styling;
  • the open neck area makes the look the sexiest;
  • A short haircut makes a woman look younger.

At the same time, when deciding on it, you need to understand some disadvantages:

  1. Be sure to dry your hair after washing to avoid morning surprises.
  2. If you then decide to grow long curls, then get ready for certain period, when it’s impossible to do anything, and the required length is not yet available.
  3. You will have to have your hair cut frequently by a stylist.
  4. If you come across a master who is not very highly qualified, then appearance, and with it the mood will be lost for a long time.
  5. The owners are very thick hair they will get a head like a dandelion.
  6. It is better to avoid a short hairstyle if your facial features are sharp.

Haircut patterns take into account face shapes. If this is not done, the effect may be far from expected. For example, the task of a stylist working with a client with round face, is the lengthening of its lines. For this purpose they are used different techniques and rules.

  1. It is advisable to get multi-layered hair on the crown. This will lift your hair and lengthen your face.
  2. Parting in in this case excluded. The hair is combed into a side parting or asymmetrical bangs.
  3. Excessively short haircuts for this face shape are strictly prohibited.

But the bob looks good in any form.

Haircut patterns also involve visual stretching. To do this, raise the forehead line. This is achieved by:

  • side partings;
  • various asymmetries;
  • wavy strands;
  • slightly open ears.

But even thick, long and heavy bangs should be abandoned. Ideal option will become voluminous haircut with slightly open ears and no longer than the chin line.
For girls with triangular shape On the face, volume is added just on the chin. Long or side bangs suit them. Short and thick options are excluded. It is not recommended to do a high bouffant or too short haircut, as this will only emphasize the shape of the triangle.

Long hair will stretch it even more. The best option in this case, there will be haircut patterns in which the face is neatly framed and the ears are covered. For this type thick bangs will come in handy.

The most common types and patterns of women's haircuts

Today good stylist is able to create an individual image, combining classic techniques and haircut patterns using modern technologies. However, you need to spend time searching to find one a worthwhile specialist, who has a sense of style and an understanding of your hair.

If such a master is found, then all you have to do is choose general form hairstyles and trust a professional in all the nuances. Let's look at the most common haircuts today.

  1. Bob is a classic short haircut for different types faces. It is laid in different ways, and this should be done every day.
  2. The bob is suitable for all face types, with the exception of those with large features and round cheeks. If it is done professionally, then no special styling is required.
  3. The cascade is characterized by a gradual transition from short strands to long ones. Here a double or torn technique is used. The cascade looks great on its owners oval shapes persons
  4. Sessun frames his face with clear lines. Therefore, it is great for heavy, smooth hair.

Always wash your hair before cutting your hair. Therefore, if you are going to the hairdresser, there is no need to pre-wash. The master will do this for you.
Let's look at short haircuts step by step.


  1. Clean, not yet dried hair is divided into four parts, each secured with hairpins.
  2. In the lower zone on the back of the head, comb a strand along the growth line and, pulling it with two fingers (index and middle) perpendicularly, cut off the hair.
  3. They continue this way, moving upward along the horizontal parting. Strand by strand, the left and right sides are shortened alternately.
  4. Having combed the curls in the parietal area, cut them in the same way. The border should disappear with the treated strands.
  5. Then they determine the length of the hair at the temples and cut off the bangs. At the same time, the line of the cap is made perfectly even.
  6. At the end, the bob haircut (the diagram shows this) takes on the features of smoothness and softness. The effect is achieved by the hands of a master and thinning technique.


This haircut, unlike the previous one, is performed without pulling the strands. That is, the hair is left vertical, and the cut line is parallel to the floor. Let's look at the technique step by step.

  1. First, two partings are made: one goes from the top of the head to the sides to the top points of the ears, and the second goes from midline forehead to neck. After this, another parting is made: from temple to temple.
  2. The strand in the lower zone is separated in a manner similar to the previous haircut. But the cut is made strictly horizontal. This first strand is then used as a guide when cutting.
  3. The next part is taken half a centimeter higher and, pulling it down, it is cut two to three millimeters longer than the previous one. This continues until they reach the horizontal parting at the top.
  4. In this zone, a strand is combed parallel to the parting from temple to temple and cut, focusing on the line at the back. The curls are cut on both sides of the parting, which runs from the midline of the forehead to the neck.
  5. The remaining hair is divided into two parts and cut, gradually lengthening it.
  6. Each strand that is processed is checked against the cut line.


This type of haircut is similar to a bob. However, the work here goes in a different direction. The same hair length is achieved by combing upwards. In this case, the control, as in the previous case, is a strand from the lower occipital zone.


This haircut is done in the shape of a semicircle. It can add extra volume to hair. Sessun is universal, meaning what suits young girls and older women. However, it is not recommended to choose it for chubby and full-cheeked people. It looks best on those with thick hair. Also looks beautiful with wavy curls. Sessun - good decision for women who decide to rejuvenate. It has complex technology this hair cut. The scheme consists of the following stages:

  1. The curls are combed from the crown to the sides downwards. After this, they are separated by a vertical parting.
  2. A horizontal parting is used to separate it, which is then divided into two more parts, and the parietal zones are pinned.
  3. Select the central strand and cut it to the desired length. They further focus on it.
  4. The remaining hair in this area is trimmed.
  5. Having released the clamps, comb the strands and cut them in the same way as the base one. The length will be slightly longer than the previous one.
  6. Next, the parietal part is combed down, the curls for the bangs and temporal part are separated, and the bangs are cut below the eyebrow line.
  7. Then the temporal area is cut at an oblique angle.
  8. Further provide smooth transition, picking up curls from the side areas with bangs and trimming them.

The haircut is done without haste, as it is complex and requires a careful approach. But the result is a feminine, romantic and stylish look.

A few words about men's haircuts

For creating male images often use a typewriter. But it is suitable only for those who prefer hair length up to five centimeters. Scheme men's haircuts no simpler than a woman's. Masters sometimes work wonders, emphasizing individual style. We list the most common men's haircuts:

  1. Half box.
  2. Boxing.
  3. Tennis.
  4. Hedgehog.
  5. Bobrik.
  6. Kare.
  7. Garson.
  8. Boxing ring.

Do you need to refresh your hair or remove the length? Of course, you can sign up for a very expensive salon or ask a friend. But there is another trick! Knowing how to cut the ends of your hair beautifully, you will no longer depend on anyone.

What do you need to cut your hair?

To achieve results and make a beautiful cut, be sure to buy the following set of tools:

  • Comb with frequent rounded teeth;
  • Spray bottle with water;
  • Brush;
  • Clips, elastic bands, hairpins;
  • Classic scissors for an even cut;
  • Thinning scissors;
  • Mirror.

Important! Do not use ordinary household scissors for cutting. Be sure to buy them in a special store - professional tools They have a very good sharpening and will not cut strands.

Cutting the tips yourself - 7 simplest options

To trim the ends yourself, use any of the master classes described below.

Method 1. Low ponytail

Perhaps the simplest and most affordable option. Even a novice “stylist” can cope with it.

  1. Comb it all back.
  2. Tie a low ponytail. Carefully make sure that the strands do not stick out and are without cocks. The tail must be absolutely smooth!
  3. For convenience, wet your hair with water from a spray bottle.
  4. And now you need to tie elastic bands (thin, made of silicone) along the entire length. Place them at an equal distance from each other (about 2 cm). Leave as much as you want to cut at the bottom.
  5. Just under the bottom elastic make a nice cut.
  6. Remove all the elastic bands, loosen your hair, and comb it with a brush.

Method 2. High ponytail for a cascade

To give yourself a cascading haircut yourself, you only need to spend a couple of minutes! But the results will be no worse than those of a professional hairdresser.

  1. Part your hair in the center.
  2. Comb yourself thoroughly.
  3. Prepare the necessary materials.
  4. Tie a tight ponytail, placing it almost at your forehead.
  5. For convenience, you can wet your hair with water.
  6. Tighten it with an elastic band at the desired level.
  7. Carefully cut off the tip.
  8. Unwind your hair - enjoy the result!

Method 3 – Classic

This method will not allow you to cut your own hair, but you will be able to help your friends.

1. Wash your hair with shampoo.

2. Remove excess moisture with a towel.

3. Comb your hair thoroughly, making it perfectly smooth.

4. Using the sharp tip of a comb, separate part of the hair (1-2 cm) growing in the back of the head. It should not be very wide - it will be difficult to trim. Twist the rest of the hair into a bundle and secure with a clip so that it does not interfere with it for now.

5. Comb the strands again with a fine-tooth comb.

6. Measure the desired length. Be sure to look at how the person holds his head while getting a haircut. If it is very raised or lowered, move the cutting line in accordance with the normal position of the head. Now you can make the cut.

7. Comb your strands again and trim any loose hairs again. The first row has appeared, along which you will align all subsequent layers.

8. Make another horizontal parting, separating another small section of hair.

9. Comb it with a comb.

10. Following the first row, trim this layer.

11. Comb the strands again and moisten them with water if the ends are dry. Trim stray hairs.

12. Separate another layer of hair from the bundle and comb it strictly from the crown down.

13. Trim this layer, aligning it with the others.

14. Comb the rest of your hair into a parting.

15. Trim the middle part to fit the overall cut.

16. Cut the side hairs at an angle. They will differ from the main cut line by only 1 cm.

17. Comb your strands again.

18. If there is extra hairs, carefully trim them.

Method 4 – Using a special level

Using a hairdressing level, you can trim the ends of your hair in a minute. It's easy to use - see for yourself!

1. Comb the strands well and straighten them with an iron.

2. Part your hair in the center, dividing your hair into two parts.

3. Gather hair under your chin and put on a level.

4. Pull it to the length that needs to be cut. Make sure the bubble is in the middle and cut off the ends.

Take advantage of this useful device it can be done differently.

  1. Tie a high ponytail.
  2. Pin it level at the base.
  3. Tilt your head down.
  4. Pull the level to the desired length.
  5. Trim the ends with scissors.

Tips to help you trim the ends of your hair yourself (video)

Method 5 – In different directions

To cut your own hair beautifully, take note of this very simple method.

1. Comb your hair, lift it up and twist it into a tight braid.

2. Holding it firmly above your head, cut it to the desired length with scissors.

3. Let your hair go and comb thoroughly.

4. Gather the strands again, lift them to the top of your head and twist them into a tight rope, twisting it in the opposite direction.

5. Trim stray hairs.

Method 6. Cutting two low ponytails

If you have neither the time nor the desire to bother with a haircut for a long time, you can use this unique option.

1. Comb your hair thoroughly, making a central parting.

2. Tie the halves into two tight, low ponytails.

3. Pull the elastic bands to the desired length.

5. Trim the ends immediately below the elastic bands. Work the strand from its edges to the center. Hold the scissors themselves at an angle of 45 degrees - this will give the cut a soft, natural look.

6. Remove both elastic bands and comb your hair. The hair on your back will be V-shape. If you need an even cut, gather the strands into a ponytail and trim the ends.

Method 6 – Head down

Don't know how to cut the ends of your hair beautifully? We hope this method will be useful to each of you, because it can be used on strands of any length.

1. Wash your hair and dry it with a towel. You don't need to dry it with a hairdryer - your hair should be fairly damp.

2. Spread the towel down in front of you.

3. Bend your head down and comb your hair.

4. Moving from left to right, trim your hair. Do not grab wide strands - it will be very uncomfortable. Comb your hair with a comb from time to time to ensure you are cutting evenly.

5. Considering that your hair is damp, remove a little less than you would like. They will become a little shorter when the head dries out.

6. Raise your head and comb your hair.

Method 7 - Haircut 6 tails

Cutting ends at home is unlikely to be possible without this. interesting master class. We're sure you've never had your hair cut like that before!

1. Wash your hair with shampoo and remove excess moisture.

2. Keeping your head straight, divide your hair into 6 sections - bangs, 2 top (left and right), 2 side (left and right) and occipital. To avoid confusion, please look at the photo carefully.

3. Tie each section into a tight ponytail.

4. Trim the ends of the tails to the desired level. Depending on the result, hold the scissors differently:

  • Straight cut – horizontally;
  • Soft multi-layer cut - at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • Ragged cut - first horizontally and then vertically, making one movement for each strand.

5. Unwind your hair and comb thoroughly.

6. Trim any hairs that stand out from the total mass.

You probably know why you need to trim the ends, because the entire appearance of your hair depends on it. Finally, let’s clarify a few important points:

  • Trim your hair only when the moon is waxing - there is a special calendar in which you can find out favorable days;
  • Long hair should be trimmed 2 cm every 3 months. For the rest of the period you can use various masks and hair strengthening products;
  • Do not neglect this procedure if you constantly wear makeup or do perm. This kind of hair is very susceptible to external influences and require special care;
  • The ends need to be trimmed when medium length strands. This will allow them to keep their shape better;
  • To make the process easier, cut dark hair on a light background, and light ones on a dark background. This way you can avoid any inaccuracies;
  • Do not hold the scissors at a right angle to the hair. This will make them hurt even more. Give preference to a diagonal position - it will prolong the health of the strands;
  • If the ends split 2 centimeters upward, you will have to remove a little more - up to 2.5 centimeters. This increase will provide your hair with a neat, well-groomed and neat look. If you remove strictly 2 cm, the cross-section will return very quickly;
  • There is one more effective method cut off split ends. Divide your hair into thin curls, twist each into a bundle, stretch it with your fingers from bottom to top and cut off any protruding hairs.

But sometimes, due to a number of circumstances, such as saving time, money, and sometimes nerves, girls and women decide to take the initiative and cut their hair themselves at home. In most cases, they resort to independent work when they just need to trim long strands, eliminate split ends and shorten bangs. How to cut your hair evenly at home so that you don’t need the help of a hairdresser to correct the haircut?

How to cut your hair straight: organizing your workplace

Doing your own haircut at home is not only a way to save time and money, it is an opportunity to try yourself as a stylist. If you are interested in how to cut your hair straight, then the first thing you need to do to get desired result- This proper organization workplace and preparation of all necessary tools.

To carry out a haircut, you need to choose a bright and fairly spacious room, preferably with a smooth floor, so as not to worry about the subsequent cleaning of the cut strands. It is advisable to cut your hair in front of a large dressing table or wall mirror; this will be enough to shorten your bangs and eliminate split ends. However, cutting long hair evenly is usually more difficult for beginners; in this case, it is advisable to organize a 360-degree view of your head using a second large mirror.

You will also need basic set tools, which include:

  • sharp scissors;
  • clips for fixing strands that the hair does not cling to;
  • combs different types– with dense and sparse teeth, even and round, etc.;
  • styling gel.

However, it is not at all necessary to purchase professional set tools, it is enough to acquire ordinary sharp scissors that will fit comfortably in your hand.

How to cut your hair evenly: preparation

How to cut your hair evenly at home? At the preparation stage, you first need to wet them thoroughly. The thing is that dry strands during work can begin to become electrified from contact with combs or clothing.

This causes them to stick out, rise and curl, making the job very difficult and increasing the likelihood of unsightly cuts of different lengths.

To cut your hair properly, you need to comb it properly. This should be done in a wet state. First you need to comb them with a wide-toothed comb, and then with fine ones. This will help make them as smooth as possible and guarantee the quality of the haircut.

In addition, in order to cut your own hair exactly like in a hairdresser, you can apply a special gel to it. The strands will stick together a little and will not bristle in different directions.

The video below will help you understand how to cut long hair evenly:

How to trim the ends of long hair evenly (with video)

Most often, owners of long curls below the shoulders are interested in the question of how to trim the ends of their hair evenly. The thing is that long curls need correction more than others due to long length and bad delivery nutrients from roots to ends.

Well-combed strands must be gathered into a low hairstyle. Along the entire length of the tail, you need to put on thin elastic bands every two centimeters. The free tip of the tail should be as many centimeters as you need to shorten it by. Holding bottom part ponytail, you need to cut off the ends of the strands at the cut under the last elastic band.

Now you need to loosen them and comb them well. On each side you need to collect side strands from the hairline to the end of the ear. Pin up the rest of your hair or use an elastic band. Comb each strand separately and round the corner of the strand on the side of the face, holding it between two fingers.

The video below will help you understand how to cut your hair straight:

Elimination of split ends of hair

Often, only the removal of split ends is required, rather than shortening the entire length. In this case, the haircut method will be slightly different from the method described above.

Split ends should only be trimmed on dry hair. They need to be carefully combed and divided into thin strands along the entire circumference of the head and secured with thin elastic bands. There should be at least fifteen of them.

Now you need to twist one strand at a time into a tight flagellum. After it is twisted, you need to run your finger along its surface so that the ends “peek out.” Using scissors, cut off these ends and move on to the next strand.

How to cut hair on bangs in an even line

How to cut hair on bangs in an even line? First you need to comb them well, place the scissors parallel to the floor and, starting from the center, cut the strands to the desired length.

If you decide to cut your hair yourself, you should carefully study this process.

A video on how to cut your hair evenly yourself, presented below, can help with this:

In addition, it would not be superfluous to consult with a specialist.

Every hairdresser is sure that being able to cut hair with your own hands at home is useful and necessary. After all, if you need to cut your loved ones’ hair, this skill will come in handy.

How to cut hair correctly?

However, before you begin training, you should find out all the existing nuances of such work. First you will need to purchase scissors. Experienced hairdressers recommend buying not the most expensive tools. The main thing in this matter is their severity. To check the sharpening quality of these scissors, you need to following procedure: wet a piece of cotton wool and try to cut it. If the cotton wool is easy to cut, then scissors are great for cutting.

In addition to scissors, you also need to buy combs with rare and frequent teeth. It would also be a good idea to purchase a comb with a tail, which will allow you to easily and quickly separate one strand from another.

Since not everyone knows how to cut hair, experts advise starting to work only with damp strands. For this you will need a spray bottle. Another important accessory is a fabric cape.

In addition, you need to focus on disinfecting purchased instruments. To do this you need to boil them. This procedure also carried out after each use of any tool.

How to Highlights

When cutting wet hair You should take into account the fact that after drying they will shorten by about 1 centimeter.

The haircut itself begins with a conditional division of the head into zones along which it is carried out. Most often, the head is divided into three main zones: parietal, temporal and occipital. Most often, the occipital side is further divided into upper, middle and lower parts.

The procedure related to how to cut hair begins with choosing an area and collecting the remaining hair.

The selected area is combed, while the comb is held in right hand along with scissors.

Then you need to carefully cut it 1-1.5 cm above the level of the fingers.

Do not forget that the cut strand is also pinched with your fingers. After this, you can start combing the next one.

It is cut along the line along which the previous strand was cut.

Already cut hair is also pinned. As a result, the question “how to cut hair” is settled.

On what days can you cut your hair?

Every hairstylist should know which days are best to cut hair. Hairdressers advise against cutting hair during lunar calendar- these are 9, 15, 23 and 29. It is also better to refrain from cutting hair on sunny and lunar eclipse. There is a sign that after such a haircut you can get sick.

Besides everything, Monday, Wednesday and Saturday are considered great days to change the image. You should not visit the hairdresser on Sunday. On Friday you should take care of your beauty. On Tuesday, a trip to the hairdresser can be done if you have insufficient physical strength.

In any case, only qualified hairdressing courses will allow you to find the answer to the question: “How to cut hair?”