April Fool's Day: the history and traditions of the holiday. World Fool's Day

Why April 1st is April Fool's Day? The tradition to arrange funny pranks, joke, laugh and have fun in every possible way on this day exists in almost every country in the world. This day, which is not officially marked in any calendar as a significant event, nevertheless, deserves the status of an international holiday.

It has no specific official name(about why March 8 is International Women's Day you can find out). In some countries (such as Russia) it is called "April Fool's Day", in others (for example, in England) - "April Fool's Day", and in France it was originally called "April Fish Day". Where and when exactly did this tradition originate?

The main milestones of the birth of the holiday

History of April 1: "April Fool's Day" or "April Fool's Day"? There are quite a few versions as to why the custom of having fun was fixed on April 1, and this is not surprising: after all, the tradition of joking and laughing merrily existed in ancient Greece.

And in ancient times...

1. Ancient Greek healers claimed that laughter is able to cleanse the soul and body, thanks to which, getting rid of negative emotions and anxiety, a laughing person experiences the so-called catharsis (purification).

The ancient spring orgies, arranged by the population of ancient cities on forest clearings and in shady groves. These merry festivities were accompanied by dances, chants and generous sacrifices to the ancient gods.

It was to this time that the emergence of anecdotes (short humorous stories) and epigrams (even shorter witty inscriptions) dates back.

2. There is a hypothesis according to which the origins of April Fool's humor were laid in the ancient Roman custom of celebrating the fool's day (however, there is some discrepancy in the time of the celebration, because it was celebrated not in April, but at the very end of February).

The most likely version seems to be that Ancient Rome there was a tradition to appease the god of Laughter, inventing witty practical jokes and jokes, and this should have been done in April.

Funny hoaxes in Europe

1) Why April 1st is April Fool's Day? Most likely, this is due to the transition to a new (Gregorian) calendar. It happened at the end of the XVI century, at the initiative of Pope Gregory XIII. According to his instructions, the celebration of the new year was postponed from April 1 to January 1.

However, due to the fact that information spread very slowly in those years, some part of the population continued to celebrate the new year according to the old calendar.

Some subjects of the French crown did this (against the decrees of the Pope and their monarch) because of their adherence to old customs. People who ignored the instructions of those in power began to be called fools, they made fun of them in every possible way and made fun of them without malice.

2) The Neapolitans claim that the tradition of celebrating April 1 with jokes and laughter was introduced by their king Monterey, who lived in the 17th century. It was on this day that they were ordered to arrange fun party about the recent earthquake.

One of the local fishermen brought a very large mackerel to the monarch, the taste of which Monterey liked so much that he ordered the same dish to be prepared on next year. However, a year later, the palace cook did not have mackerel, and he risked preparing another fish, passing it off as mackerel.

The deception was revealed, but Monterey did not think to be angry: this incident amused not only him, but all the courtiers. Since then, funny hoaxes have become an indispensable component of palace festivities.

What's with the fish?

We can meet the first mention of this holiday in a poem by one of the French poets who lived in the 16th century. It describes the funny custom of discreetly gluing a fish cut out of paper to the back of a gaping prankster.

We can only assume that all famous phrase about the "white back" appeared precisely thanks to this medieval tradition.

How did the "triumph of the smile" become the "day of fools"?

The first documentary evidence of the existence of this term can be found in the poems of the English poet John Aubrey, written by him in 1686. To this day, pranksters living in countries where the population speaks English, do this only before lunch. The rest of the day is spent on the disclosure of the draw.

The very first draw, reflected in documentary sources, took place in London, at the very end of the 17th century. Young London rakes (with the most serious look) invited everyone to become eyewitnesses of a unique spectacle: bathing lions in the Tower.

April Fool's drawings in Russia

The Russians (as well as the Europeans) had a pagan spring holiday, inseparable from joy and fun, however, the tradition of organizing April Fools' hoaxes appeared after the inhabitants of St. Petersburg woke up in the morning from the ominous blows of the alarm warning of a fire.

Alarmed Petersburgers at first rushed to save their lives and simple belongings, but when they were told that the alarm was just a joke, their joy and delight knew no bounds.

An equally amusing example of an April Fool's prank is the prank of a German troupe of comedians who called a huge crowd of people, promising to show an unprecedented spectacle. Tsar Peter I himself came to see the outlandish performance.

When the curtain was raised, the astonished spectators saw a white canvas with the inscription: "The month of April - do not trust anyone!" Moving away from surprise, Peter laughed along with the rest of the fooled audience. This case is the first in Russian history mass draw. It happened in Moscow, at the very beginning of the 18th century.

How do they "fool around" in different countries?

The stiff English only joke until noon. Their most common prank is an offer to tie a shoelace or bring a lagging watch. On this day in the UK it is customary to exchange funny souvenirs and postcards.

The Scots love this holiday so much that they celebrate it for two days. April 1 is called “Cuckoo Day” and April 2 is “Tail Day”. On this day, one should be very careful not to sit on a slipped pillow that makes sounds indecent in a civilized society.

The French and Italians are making every effort so that no one can attach a paper fish to their backs. Those who fail to do this are "remained in the fish" (in other words, "the fools").

The French often play pranks on each other, adding sugar to the salt shaker or adding pepper to a sweet dessert.

Finns love to play pranks on their children. Often they send them to neighbors for non-existent items (such as glass scissors).

Americans with a sense of humor have always been quite complicated relationship. Therefore, their April Fool's jokes are very banal and mostly come down to untied shoelaces and soiled clothes.

Their tradition of involving television in pranks is very funny, because before making a joke, the announcer or host of the program is required to warn the audience that a joke is about to sound.

Cheerful Italians will not miss the opportunity to attach a paper fish to their neighbor's back - a symbol of the holiday. They consider it a great success when on this day it's raining: you can quietly pour bright circles of confetti directly into the umbrella, and then the person who opened it will certainly laugh.

A traditional Italian draw is considered to be the translation of all the arrows on the home clock.

Bulgarians are a people with good developed sense humor. Residents of the town of Gabrovo are especially self-ironic, telling very funny jokes about their own stinginess.

The Bulgarian media are adept at presenting believable-sounding "news".

April Fool's Day- there is no such holiday in official calendars. But this has not stopped anyone for many centuries, it was on April 1 that it was fun to make fun of friends and relatives. Have you prepared for the holiday? We will tell you about the loudest pranks in history and how you can have fun - take advantage, if anything.

Mysteries of history

Do you know what is the funniest thing about the most fun holiday? Yes, the fact that no one will reliably tell you how, when and where it originated. Versions of his appearance - more than enough. We know only one thing for sure: April Fool's Day is a holiday with a long history.

And in principle, what's the difference, they came up with it in ancient Rome or in the Middle Ages, it is associated with spring equinox or with a change of calendar. Those who are interested can read about these versions of the appearance of the holiday.

april fools

“Laughing, really, is not a sin ...” - once said a classic. We will agree, but only if the jokes are harmless and do not degrade the dignity of a person, do not bring him to nervous breakdown. And then anything happens...

April 1 jokes are traditional in many countries and, to put it mildly, are quite specific.

Tell me, do you find this custom funny: on April Fool's Day in the villages, children were given the task to run to their neighbors for some urgently needed tool.

What's the catch - and such a thing simply does not exist in nature, for example, a child was asked to bring a goniometer for a heap of manure or glass scissors. The insidious neighbors said that they gave the instrument to someone else, and the poor kid went further in search of a non-existent thing. And so, until someone compassionate takes pity on him and confesses - yes, we were joking!

There is no limit to human gullibility, it would seem how much you can “buy” for the remark “your lace is untied” or “look, the sole has come off.” But they do believe! So they joke this way from year to year, especially the Americans.

Students can have fun and so - they will move the clock forward, and the roommate has to break away in a panic and rush to class.

Such drawings on April 1 have already become traditional, but they still work! A few ideas for April Fools' pranks - in this video:

The French are still not tired of secretly sticking paper fish on each other's backs and making fun of the unsuspecting victim of the joke and calling her "April fish".

The British, with their subtle English humor, are allowed to play pranks on colleagues and friends only before dinner. Later - already "bauvais ton". Those caught on the hook of a joker are called "April fool" - "april fool". It's nice, isn't it?

The first of April is the day we remember who we are every other 364 days of the year.

Funny pranks on a grand scale

On April Fool's Day, it is easy to become a victim of a prank anywhere - in transport, at work, at a university or school (children - they are like that, they are not averse to joking). After all, we are by nature naive and easily believe everything that they try to give us at face value.

Especially if the information comes from the media. How can you not trust what you hear in a news release on radio or television?

But no one canceled folk wisdom- trust but check. Especially on April Fool's Day April 1st.

In the 80s, one of the American newspapers reported on the creation of a telescope with which you can see ... the inhabitants of the moon. Their appearance was even described: the lunar inhabitants are very reminiscent of winged monkeys. There were a lot of people who wanted to buy such a telescope to observe these creatures.

Do you know about the first draw in the Soviet press? It was in 1988, and the Izvestia newspaper decided to make a big joke. In all seriousness, the pages of the publication reported: Moscow football club Spartak intends to replenish its ranks with the legendary Argentinean Diego Maradona. And even such a serious news agency as the Associated Press believed the Soviet newspaper and reprinted the sensational information.

Do not mind joking on April Fool's Day and the esteemed BBC. For example, on April 1, 2008, a message about flying penguins went on the air. Allegedly, the film crew, which was working in Antarctica on the film from the series "Wonders of Evolution", managed to photograph Adélie penguins quite by accident.

Animals hovered in the air, even a video clip was shown, capturing this miracle. According to host Terry Jones, intelligent animals do not want to freeze in the Antarctic winter, they huddle in flocks and fly to South America. The penguins hibernate there, enjoying the tropical warmth. The video has become one of the most popular on the web.

On this day, many eminent publications of the world are not averse to joking on a large scale. What just do not come up with inventive merry fellows!

Have you heard of such April Fools' jokes as a flying five-star hotel or a parade of planets that allows you to temporarily experience the feeling of weightlessness? And the paradise republic of San Serriffe in the Indian Ocean (fictitious, of course) - so many people turned out to book a tour to this beautiful place.

Contests by April 1

What should be done on April Fool's Day - of course, joke, laugh and have fun. After all, even if the world's information giants allow themselves jokes on April 1, then why don't we organize something fun and funny on this day.

The scenario of April Fool's Day should be thought out in advance. Someone will arrange Yumorina, KVN, competitive program or a fun quest.

Since many companies practice team building today, it is quite possible to organize some evening of laughter and jokes on April 1st.

You can have fun from the heart by participating in funny contests. We offer a choice:

  1. participants put on boxing gloves and try to tie a headscarf around their heads. Task for a while - whoever is faster wins;
  2. players choose cards with some funny phrase: boom-boom, shake-bream, boom-boom, plop-splash and so on. You need to perform a famous song using only these words;
  3. each team is given the task of depicting a famous picture (“Cossacks write a letter to the Turkish Sultan”, “Heroes”, “ Unequal marriage"," Hunters on a halt "). The audience guesses what kind of picture it is;
  4. competition for the shortest and funny joke- the winner is determined by the reaction of the audience, which is more laughed at;
  5. aphorisms from comedies are selected, for example, “It’s a pity for the bird!”, teams guess who the phrases belong to (the question is for both teams - whoever guesses more characters faster will win).

And you can pick up as many such contests as you like, as long as it is interesting for the participants, causes excitement and a desire to win. And laughter and jokes in the process are a matter of course.

How to prank friends and work colleagues on April Fool's Day? It all depends on the imagination and sense of humor. The main thing is not to the detriment of the workflow.

Here is a popular and quite harmless prank: take a box without a bottom, put it somewhere higher, say, on a closet. Outside, stick a catchy inscription, for example, "Free Candies" and wait for the reaction of the first person to enter. Surely he will try to look into the box, and then a shower of sparkles or confetti falls on him. Fun and not offensive at all!

Laughter, of course, prolongs life and is generally a useful thing.

Good laugh is sunlight in the house

But when arranging pranks, think about whether they will be offensive, because you can’t humiliate and scare people. This has nothing to do with humor.

April Fool's Day usually falls during Great Lent and believing Orthodox Christians, of course, will not celebrate it. Fun is out of place in these days, when we limit ourselves not only in food, but also in entertainment. Everyone decides for himself what is more important for him - to have fun, because it is customary on April 1, or to leave for a while from worldly fuss and prepare yourself for the meeting of the Bright Resurrection of Christ.

April 1 - April Fool's Day (April Fool's Day). We will tell you about the history of the appearance of the holiday April Fool's Day or April Fool's Day. Let's tell you about how to have fun on April 1 in different countries. This is a story about the holiday April Fool's Day for children.

Have you ever wondered why on the first of April everyone jokes, has fun and suits each other funny pranks? After all, this custom exists not only in our country, but in many countries. And this despite the fact that "April Fool's Day", or "Fool's Day", as the people call this holiday, is not included in any calendar significant events. So where did the tradition of celebrating the first of April come from? There are many opinions.

First opinion . Once upon a time in France New Year celebrated at the end of March. From March 25 to April 1, people went to visit, gave gifts, had fun as best they could. But in 1562, Pope Gregory XIII introduced new calendar- Gregorian, and the New Year was moved to January 1. However, the French were sorry to part with the "Old New Year", so they continued to celebrate it on April 1, for which they were nicknamed "April Fools".

second opinion . The holiday originated in ancient Rome, where the "Feast of the Fools" was celebrated. True, this holiday was celebrated not on April 1, but on February 17.

Third opinion. The tradition originated in Eastern India, where people to this day celebrate "Joke Day", but not on April 1, but on March 31.

Fourth opinion. "Joker's Day" arose at the behest of the Neapolitan king of Monterey, who on one of the holidays prepared a fish dish.

He liked the treat and asked to cook it again. There was no such fish, and the cook “slipped” something similar to the king. However, it turned out to be impossible to deceive the king - the prank failed, and the king did not get angry, but laughed. If all this happened just on April 1, it is understandable why the tradition was born on this day to joke and arrange funny pranks.

How to have fun on April 1 in different countries

Since the 18th century, in almost all countries of the world, everyone has been happy to play a joke on April 1 over their friends.

You, of course, also like to play pranks on parents, friends and even teachers. Well, why not? Most importantly, remember that jokes should be kind - why put a person in an awkward position? There is this rule: best joke is a joke that is laughed at the loudest by the person who is being played with.


Australians are a cheerful people. And their April 1 begins with the laughter of the mockingbird kookaburra. Waking up, everyone immediately starts playing pranks on each other and giving unusual funny gifts. Only you need to have time to do all this before dinner, otherwise the joker himself will be considered not very smart.

Even newspapers, radio and television take part in the drawings. Agree, to fool a friend or colleague is not too difficult, but to play the whole country is a serious matter!

One day, one of the main metropolitan newspapers published a "true" story that employees of Chinese restaurants, delivering food carts through the halls, would now have to obtain a special driver's license. Restaurant owners clutched their heads - after all, they would have to pay for the training of their subordinates! And another newspaper reported that the drought forced many freshwater crocodiles to move into the southern rivers. Of course, no one swam in the rivers that day...


In England, it is customary to play pranks on each other only until 12 noon. Standard April Fool's jokes are to say, "Your shoelace is untied," to set the clock, or something like that. In England, on April 1, it is customary to send each other funny postcards or souvenirs.


Armenians, as you know, have always been famous for their sparkling humor. And for some time now in Armenia April 1 is celebrated as the Day of Satire and Humor quite officially. They say that the reason for this was the vagaries of the spring weather - the Armenians are trying to appease nature with jokes and practical jokes.


In Bulgaria, April Fool's Day is held in high esteem. The inhabitants of this country are very fond of jokes and practical jokes. Children especially enjoy the holiday. Newspapers and radio are also happy to play tricks on the population, presenting simply stunning news!

There is such a city in Bulgaria Gabrovo. The inhabitants of this city are famous for their unsurpassed sense of humor. There are constantly held exhibitions of cartoons and arranged humor. Gabrovites are known as terrible misers, and they themselves make fun of themselves because of this.


"April Fools" - that's what they call this in Italy international holiday. Italian jokes are completely harmless. On April 1, on the back of an Italian, you can see a cute paper fish, carefully drawn and painted.

If it rains on April 1, then someone can throw confetti into your umbrella. Open the umbrella - there will be real fireworks! And one of the family members can easily set all the clocks in the house back an hour. For some reason, instead of sugar, salt appears in the sugar bowl, and, out of nowhere, sugar appears in the salt shaker!


In Romania, April Fool's Day is not official holiday, but Romanians love this day very much and find a reason to play a trick on someone. In general, Romania is often called the country of laughter and humor, its inhabitants are so witty. They always have an anecdote, a joke or a funny story ready.

The main characters of jokes in Romania are Pecala and Tyndale, who most often make fun of themselves. Pekale is small, cunning, but kind and honest. Tyndale is tall, rustic and roguish. The jokes of the Romanians are very kind and not offensive at all.

In America, April 1 is a very harmless joke. Something like this: “Oh, your lace is untied!” or "What's wrong with you?" Schoolchildren tirelessly play pranks on each other, and the one who "gets caught" is called the April Fool.

But on TV that day they can announce a list of the most stupid people, and usually it includes the most famous people. But at the same time, the announcer must first warn that an April Fool's joke will now be uttered.


In Finland, April 1, as in other countries, is considered the Day of jokes and lies. Finns know how to joke! For example, long time ago big holidays parents gave children joking assignments - they sent them to the neighbor's yard for something non-existent, for example, for glass scissors.


In France, as in Italy, on April 1, you can meet people with paper fish on their backs. They are called "April fish". Everyone is trying to be vigilant, "not to remain in the fish", that is, in the fools.

And the French joke like this: they add salt to friends in a sugar bowl, in sweet pie put pepper. They also like to give each other meaningless errands, such as finding and fetching sweet vinegar.


In Scotland, April Fool's Day is celebrated not for one day, but for two! The first day is called the Day of the Cuckoo, and those who managed to deceive are called "razin". The second day of the celebration is called Tail Day. The Scots are happy to put special rubber bags on each other, which, when pressed, make not quite decent sounds.

On the first of April, one of the most fun and unusual holidays is celebrated all over the world.

On this day, people disinterestedly and kindly seek to play each other or just make others smile.

This holiday has several names: April Fool's Day, April Fool's Day, Humor Day. But have you ever thought about where he came to us from and where his roots lead.

Versions of the origin of the holiday

Today, there are several generally accepted versions of the origin of April Fool's Day. Until recently, it was believed that this holiday was first celebrated in the Middle Ages, but scientists managed to find out that its origin dates back to even more ancient times.

Here are some common versions of the occurrence World Day laughter:

Jokes and pranks were already inherent in people living at that time. True, they celebrated the Day of the Fools and this happened, as a rule, in mid-February.

But the Celts celebrated a kind of April Fool's Day on the first of April. Their holiday was dedicated to the god of laughter, Lud.

The second version, as mentioned above, refers to the Middle Ages.

Scientists believe that it is she who is the most reliable. It all started, by the way, quite seriously.

In 1583, Pope Gregory XIII adopted a reform that moved the celebration of the New Year from April 1 to January 1. However, due to the fact that at that time there were big problems with the transfer of information, some ignorant people in the old fashioned way continued to celebrate it in the spring.

Well, those who knew about the official postponement of the holiday began to call their compatriots ignorant fools. That's how April Fool's Day was born.

A little later, this holiday began to acquire various traditions. The most thematic of them was the one according to which a fish made of paper was glued on the back of a person on the day of the first of April. Over time, the tradition of celebrating April Fool's Day gradually spread throughout Europe, and then throughout the world.

How April Fool's Day appeared in Russia

In our vast country, the history of the holiday on April 1 is closely connected with the name of Emperor Peter I.

The Day of Humor began to be celebrated precisely thanks to him, because this man was a big fan of practical jokes.

In general, this tradition was brought to Russia by the Germans, who at that time lived in St. Petersburg and in other regions of the country. Initially, April Fool's Day was celebrated only in Nemetskaya Sloboda. Then this holiday gradually became popular among representatives of the local nobility.

It was a lot of fun that day in the courts of privileged persons. The most skillful jesters entertained the hosts and guests until late at night. It is important to note that most ordinary townspeople and peasants were initially skeptical about new tradition and for quite a long time they did not perceive April Fool's Day.

However, during this holiday, buffoons and mummers roamed the streets, who did their best to entertain the people.

Today, April Fool's Day is celebrated in Russia regularly. Friends, colleagues and relatives try to prank each other.

And this applies to both banal jokes from the category “your entire back is white”, to subtle witty jokes and practical jokes.

Those who want to play a trick on another person should remember that this should be done in such a way as not to offend anyone. After all, April Fool's Day is not only the most fun, but also good holiday, which means that all the emotions that people experience during the draws should cause joy.

Do not forget that laughter prolongs life, and be sure to prepare a few funny surprises for friends and relatives on the first of April. However, you can kindly play others not only on April Fool's Day. Smile more often and give each other joy.

April Fool's Day is an extraordinary holiday. It has nothing to do with religion or historical traditions none of the countries in the world. Its origin is generally little known. It can be assumed that this holiday has common roots with the ancient days of spring, when the population of ancient cities and rural towns gathered in forests and groves and arranged truly wonderful orgies with songs, dances, and sacrifices to the gods. The ancient Greeks believed that a person should definitely laugh. They claimed that laughter cleanses, and even called this state of "catharsis" - cleansing with laughter. It was in the ancient period of history that anecdotes arose - short humorous stories, as well as epigrams - witty short lettering, first on gravestones, and then as a literary work.

One thing is known for sure about the Feast of Laughter - already about 2000 years ago in ancient Rome they celebrated a holiday similar to today's Laughter's Day, it was called the Day of Fools. On this day, all over Rome, people joked and arranged various practical jokes.

In the Middle Ages at the courts of European and Asian rulers, it became very popular to start jesters. Their sharp jokes often relieved the tension that reigned in the royal palaces. Some European cities had entire dynasties of jesters - people who passed on the traditions of jokes and humor from generation to generation. At the Russian court there were also jesters, and not only from simple families. For example, during the reign of Empress Anna Ioannovna, jesters were granted count and princely titles. There is such an anecdote about a jester, taken, according to legend, from real life. The court jester, passing through the chambers, saw that the king was bending low over his beloved huge aquarium with goldfish. Some whim hit the jester in the head, and he, quietly sneaking up to the king, pushed him in the back. The king fell into the aquarium and screamed. The guards came running and grabbed the jester. The king, getting out of the water, says to the jester: “You will be immediately executed if you don’t quickly come up with an excuse even more brazen than what you just did!” The jester almost instantly replied: “Sorry, your majesty, I just thought it was a queen!”. Of course, the jester was forgiven.

In France The Day of Laughter and Deception has been celebrated since the Middle Ages, from the second half of the 16th century. In 1564, King Charles IX moved the celebration of the New Year from April 1 to January 1. But people are very accustomed to the spring holiday and continued to congratulate each other on the New Year on April 1st. Years passed, and it began to be perceived as a hoax. So the tradition was born to celebrate the spring holiday of deceit and fun. The French have been playing tricks on each other on April 1 for almost 500 years, and they do it with all responsibility. So, in 1986, a quite serious, at first glance, article appeared on the pages of the popular Parisien newspaper that the Parisian municipality decided to dismantle the Eiffel Tower and transport it a few kilometers from Paris, to the Marne River valley, where the French "Disneyland" and the famous tower was reinstalled. In France, real excitement began. The phone in the editorial office did not stop - everyone was outraged by this decision. This went on for a day, until the newspaper wrote that the article was simply April fool's joke. On the first of April, the French traditionally pin paper fish on each other's backs.

English, despite all their stiffness, are also not devoid of a sense of humor. True, the first of April there is not called April Fool's Day, but All Fools' Day. In 1860, many Londoners received official invitations on solemn ceremony washing of white lions, which was to take place at 11 am on April 1 in the Tower. Nearly everyone who received the invitation rushed to the Tower on the morning of the appointed day, trying to get through the gates of this London prison for a mysterious holiday. They did not immediately believe that it was just a prank.

Often, European newspapers and magazines publish a variety of jokes and practical jokes on the eve of the April 1 holiday. For example, editors advertise incredibly cheap round-the-world trips, or talk about chocolate trees suddenly sprouting in the north of the UK, or seriously publish information about aliens wanting to give an interview, etc.

Scots they joke rudely: they leave a leaflet on the back of their victims with the call: "Kick me!" Americans also like to joke, and not only on April 1st. For example, the famous writer Mark Twain once received a large parcel post cash on delivery. Unfolding a large pile of paper, in the middle he found a small note: "Don't worry, I'm alive and well," signed by one of his friends. Soon the joker received a parcel, also cash on delivery. Opening it, he found a heavy stone and a note: “This stone fell from my soul when I found out that everything was fine with you. Twain. And Mark Twain once said: "Every people on earth has one wealth - humor."

In Russia April Fool's Day, like many other undertakings that came from the West, began counting time from the era of Peter I. It was brought to Russia by foreign courtiers. At first, the festival of laughter was celebrated only in noble houses, but then it gradually spread to the entire Russian people. I must say that the day of April 1 in Rus' is folk calendar dedicated to Daria Poplavikha. They said: "Daria does not stain for nothing, she molds dirt on the clothes of those who are heavy with impure thoughts." And if jesters created fun at noble courts, then simple people they laughed with pleasure at the buffoons, who knew how to please any spectator, young and old, with their jokes and jokes.

In Russia, there are crafty signs and proverbs about April Fool’s Day: “If you don’t lie on April 1, when will you find time for this?”, Russians, who traditionally love to lie on any holidays, both official and folk, ask coquettishly.

Of course, in Russia, April Fool's Day is not the most common and popular holiday, but nevertheless quite beloved. At the very different time Years in our country, evenings of humor, humor, etc. are held. But still, expanse for comedians comes on a wonderful sunny spring day - April Fool's Day, April 1st. True, this is also the day of birds - delightful creatures that bring us spring on their wings.

The Russian people have no wit. Even special April Fools' announcements among the people came up with: “We knit children's blouses from the wool of parents”, “Teeth? Our dentists will do everything to make you forget about them”, “The elevator does not lift down”, “In connection with the repair of the hairdresser’s, women’s styling is done in the men’s room”, “The recycling stall accepts the waste of the Society of Hunters and Fishers in the form of bones”. In Russia, the main slogan of April Fool's Day is: "The first of April - I don't trust anyone!" Therefore, it is considered simply necessary to deceive someone on this day, preferably funny and not evil.