How to bring a man to his knees. The story of a London dominatrix. Dominant woman: convention or condition of the game

I'm standing in a luxury Covent Garden store whose products include leather corsets, lace bustiers costing almost a thousand pounds, ponytails, collars with spikes and rhinestones, as well as anatomically shaped objects, the purpose of which should not be written on a decent website. Human imagination is endless and the inquisitive mind is limitless. However, they also took care of satisfying the latter here and assembled a bookshelf with tomes on the theory and practice of BDSM and fetish. Among the books is the world’s first fundamental scientific study on the history of female dominance, written by my new friend, from whom I am painfully waiting for a call at this very moment.

We agreed to meet her on Sunday, but, like the heroes of some quest, we did not confirm where and what time exactly. Evening is approaching, and I, like Indian shamans, decide to attract good luck by dancing a ritual dance - that is, going to a store where people are not allowed until they are eighteen. The spell works. At the very moment I pick up a familiar book, the bell rings: “Hello! Sorry, I was at a session and couldn’t call back right away. Meet me in an hour in my “dungeon”. I sent the address via SMS.”

In total, there are about 10-12 professionally equipped “dungeons” in London, available, by appointment, to the general public

What happens next is a series of completely mundane actions. I buy a box of chocolates in the store (after all, I’m going to visit!), get on the bus and, since the route is unfamiliar, I’m worried that I’ll miss my stop. But everything is ok - it’s waiting for me at the exit a tall girl with luxurious curly hair and Australian accent. We, as befits residents Foggy Albion, we kiss on the cheeks and on the way to the “dungeon” we discuss the weather and complain about the guys.

She sighs - her boyfriend works constantly, and on weekends he drinks beer with friends. “So what, you don’t punish him?” — I ask cautiously. “It’s a pleasure for him, so no beer.”

They met their boyfriend at a fetish club. Five minutes after they met, he crawled to her on his knees, holding her favorite cocktail in his hands, ten minutes later, she spanked him, and a month later she moved in with him. Now they are going to get married, and when asked: “Where did you meet?”, they answer without hesitation: “In a club.” Without specifying, however, which one.

Aesthetically, “dungeons” are divided into theatrical (in which the main thing is a finely thought-out atmosphere) and purely functional (such as garages, in which all the tools are hung so that, most importantly, they are easy to reach).

Most of my new friend’s friends are not aware that she is not only an art historian and a PhD candidate, but also a professional dominatrix. On the Internet you can find her website (naturally, with a changed name), which lists the list of services that she provides to clients. Among them: ritual ceremonies, binding and piercing with needles, scenarios with beatings and interrogations, sophisticated torture of particularly sensitive parts of the body (including using electricity), elements of cross-dressing and role reversal.

“The simplest thing,” she explains to me, “is tying. Look". Let's start small. We cut off a piece of thin rope and begin to twirl the knots. This reminds me of macrame lessons at school club- but then, it seems, I was weaving a toy turtle out of knots, and my task today is to learn how to tie the penis so that it cannot rise when it suddenly wants to. The result is like a Christmas present - all that's missing is satin ribbon and “With Love” cards. In general, it's really quite simple. The main thing is not to forget the loop on which you can hang the weight if the “patient” behaves badly.

Next we have almost a museum tour. With meticulousness good guide, they explain to me why this or that piece of furniture is needed in a dungeon. A throne resembling an electric chair, a spanking bench, a huge birdcage, a hospital couch, a table with medical instruments. They justify to me that in general this is not an ideal environment; it would be better to separate the medical topic from the school topic by organizing separate “offices”. Each fantasy has its own atmosphere. But reality sometimes turns out to be harsher than the worst BDSM - and you have to plant the entire garden of vices on the square meters allowed by the house building.

Many interior details are designed according to individual sketches and cost more than one thousand pounds

A two-hour session with a professional dominatrix in London costs, on average, from 250 to 500 pounds. That is, in general, quite decent; The only catch is that, as with any freelancing, you can’t tell in advance whether orders will fall on you. And of course, no paid vacations, maternity benefits or other government-approved benefits.

At the same time, the profession of “dominatrix” itself does not officially exist at present. But this work (at least in England) is not illegal - rather, it is a kind of “gray area” in which there are no clearly defined laws, but a number of well-established rules apply. Often quite absurd. Like, for example, the need to register an equipped “dungeon” as a Bed & Breakfast. And in Australia, like all sex workers, professional dominatrixes must undergo regular check-ups with a gynecologist - even though they never sleep with clients. “The chance of catching something from a gynecologist is much higher for me than at work,” my friend jokes.

Dominatrices never sleep with clients, and the chance of catching something from a gynecologist is higher for them than at work.

There are, however, other professional risks. Lack of vitamin D - dominatrixes spend most of their working time in spaces without windows or daylight. Severe dehydration as a result of frequent wearing of latex. Risk of losing consciousness from tight corsets and high heels. At the same time, clients should not guess that the dominatrix is ​​suffering. They must suffer during the sessions, and their mistress must be powerful, strong and seductive.

It is important to see the client's eyes to understand how he feels. That's why even many masks are designed so that you can quickly remove the blindfold.

Professional relationships with some clients can last for years, sometimes even developing into an ordinary friendship between two people. In the dungeon, clients of BDSM sessions are slaves on all fours, but in everyday life they are leaders large companies, fathers of families, people on whose decisions the well-being and fate of other people often depend. It happens that “slaves” fall in love with the “Mistress” and even ask for her hand in marriage, but here it is worth clearly distinguishing love for a professional image from love for to a real person. IN ordinary life Most mistresses also don’t walk around from morning to evening, dressed in corsets and with a whip in their hands, and in general are not much different from other women, even the fundamental problems are the same: children, age, money, struggle with extra pounds. At work it’s completely different.

Spanking is one of the most sought-after rituals, and there are many instruments, including school pointers and camel whips.

“Men are mortally tired of responsibility and come to me for relief,” explains a friend. What happens in her prison is, of course, extreme, but on the whole, psychologically understandable. Remember the famous Internet meme “I’m a girl, I don’t want to decide anything, I want a dress!”? In the era of gender equality, another passage is just as legitimate: “I’m a man, I don’t want to decide anything, I want to kneel and woof-woof-woof.”

There are psychological techniques that can minimize the client’s need to think and make decisions independently. For example, each order of the mistress must be extremely specific. Not just “put the phone away and get on your knees,” but “put the phone on the edge of the window sill, unfasten your belt, take off your pants, fold them, put them on the nightstand...” And no more than three orders at a time. A person is not able to remember more. This applies, by the way, not only to BDSM sessions. When you order food at a restaurant, do not tell the waiter more than three dishes if he is not holding a notepad in his hands - anyway, he will either forget something or get everything mixed up.

Each session follows a clearly developed script. Often, professional mistresses complain, coming up with something new for regular clients becomes a truly tedious practice. But if this is the first meeting with a client, then the dominatrix asks in great detail what he needs, what he likes and how far he is ready to go. In essence, there is a discussion of the rules of the game, which neither the mistress (nor the slave) should violate. And there is always a safe word that stops this game at the request of either party. Sometimes clients ask for things that are simply not safe for life, and the job of a professional dominatrix is ​​to explain why, say, hanging is a bad idea.

Professional dominatrixes have to play the role of not only Mistress, but also maid. After each session, they must wash the dungeon, thoroughly treat it with cleaning agents, and put all the tools in order. Cleanliness should be like in an operating room.

Girls working in the dungeon must have not only the skills of a psychologist and an actor, but also be able to provide first aid medical care. Occasionally, clients lose consciousness or acupuncture does not go as planned, resulting in the risk of significant blood loss. There is always, of course, the option of calling an ambulance, but most clients would rather die there than explain to the NHS what they were doing on the cross or why they had sharp objects inserted under their skin.

My friend also calls the need to hide from society and family what you do, as well as to play along with your clients, one of the significant disadvantages of her work. “Sometimes,” she complains, “it’s very uncomfortable when the phone rings during a session and the client starts talking to his wife, saying that he’s late at work. I have never considered my work “dirty,” but at such moments I feel like an accomplice to a lie, and it’s unpleasant for me.”

Most traditional wives would shudder to find out what their husbands do during their dungeon sessions. And these wives, of course, can be understood. At the same time, according to my friend, if women, before furiously condemning men, would try to trace psychological aspects their behavior and even, perhaps, slightly get involved in this game, then there would be no need to lie to anyone, and marriages would be stronger, and sex life both are richer and more interesting. “BDSM provides virtually unlimited opportunities for sexual expression,” she says. “It doesn’t always have to be extreme games with electricity, cutting, torture and humiliation. Sometimes simple tying There are enough eyes to diversify sex. Moreover, no one expects from their girlfriends the same thing that can be expected from professional dominatrixes during sessions.” That is Wellingtons and the whip are not at all necessary. But a beautiful corset and stockings will not hurt in any woman’s wardrobe.

Often valuable items are passed down from one dominatrix to another. Some of the instruments they use in their practice are truly vintage. Like this one for example electrical appliance, which at the beginning of the last century treated mental disorders in women. It has been modified by modern electricians, and now it can be used to transmit current signals from body to body and even simulate the process of castration.

However, if one of the girls wants to go further along this path, it is also possible to learn dominance as a profession. In England, however, there are no official schools, and for a serious two-year course you will have to go to Australia, for example. People often come into this profession from areas such as school teaching (surprise!), psychology, acting, sometimes former prostitutes retrain as dominatrixes, but these are quite rare cases. Most professional mistresses are quite mature (27-35 years old), smart and confident girls.

As in any profession, there is both competition and great support between them. Sometimes dominatrixes get together to gossip like women, complain about strange clients, or, conversely, boast about brilliant sessions. “Once,” a friend tells me, “we had a tea party at a lady’s house, about 7 of us gathered, we just chatted and ate cakes. And our slaves served and poured tea for us.”

Since many people constantly have the question of why a “dominant” woman gives away a resource, while a dominant man always takes it, I’ll explain. In short, the point is that a “dominant” woman is dominant in quotes. Women don't have that thing that can dominate men.

What resource does a man get when he dominates a woman or other men? His masculinity increases due to the decrease in the masculinity of everyone else (masculinity is dominance, if anyone is not in the know). Psychophysically, this manifests itself in the fact that the “alpha” brain receives a signal for encouragement, many hormonal hatches open, energy increases, charisma arises, the man feels bolder, more confident, creative, stronger, more grandiose, and the sea is knee-deep to him, subjectively and even objectively . This is the law of the pack hierarchy: the leader is given energy for sole leadership. The subordinate environment, which has transferred the resource to the dominant, experiences awe, feels dependence, readiness to obey, feels the authority of the leader and respect for him. A woman who submits to a man feels her femininity (anti-masculinity) increase, especially if she does not resist submission. She feels softer, more tender, more seductive, more flexible, and this can give her not only physical pleasure (erotic sensations), but also moral satisfaction, since it corresponds to the archetype of an ideal woman.

What resource can a woman increase from male “worship”? All the same femininity. She feels delightful, seductive, attractive, desired, beautiful, that is, her objectivity increases, which means that very black hole in ego identity that requires male gaze and male evaluation, male need for embodiment. Neither more independent, nor stronger, nor more creative woman“worship” does not make men. After all, she is not worshiped as a man, not as a leader and leader, her masculinity does not grow, which means her real strength, self-confidence and courage do not increase one gram. A woman, from worship and adoration, can become more beautiful and feminine, and can subjectively feel a certain power, but not the power of personality, but the power of enchantment. This is about the same as feeding the body simple carbohydrates, without giving it any protein, complex carbohydrates, or complete fats. The feeling of fullness from the cakes comes, but after an hour it passes, and the muscles become weaker and weaker, and the body essentially starves. The more men “worship” a woman and the more she gets used to feeding on this, the weaker she becomes, the fewer her real resources and the less desire to develop them. That is why the fate of such women is most often sad when their youth fades and their beauty melts.

This mechanism cannot be repeated if a woman takes the place of the lower man. Being below, she will never receive a drop of power, but will receive only sexual pleasure (sometimes tremendous), which almost always accompanies an outflow of energy towards the upper partner.

That is why a woman striving for power should avoid male worship in the same way as male dominance, without being seduced by shapeshifters. Gender distortions in the structure of resource exchange are so deep that any “changes” are most often nothing more than psychological defenses.

Do you think it’s an accident that now many celebrity women enter into relationships with men much younger than themselves? Let's remember Pugacheva and Galkin, Babkina and Gore, Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher and many other couples.
There are no coincidences here, but a natural trend. Now I’ll tell you what it is.

One of my friends has been living for permanent residence in Germany for many years. She is 45 years old, divorced, works as a programmer, and has an adult son.
From time to time she goes on dating sites. And opened it there amazing thing. It turns out that dominant women who are older than them are now very popular among men.

A friend discovered this completely by accident. When advertising for acquaintance, she wrote that she was used to dominating in relationships. God, what started here! Letters poured in from men eager to meet her.

She began meeting with them and spending time. Previously, she did not even suspect that now there are so many men who want to unconditionally obey a woman, “to be her slave,” as they themselves say: kiss shoes, kneel, endure command and get great pleasure from it.
Men crave for the “mistress” to take the initiative, be strict, demanding, and dictate to them what to do. In short, so that she rules in relationships, and, first of all, in sex. And the harsher she commands, the happier they feel.

A friend says that she was amazed that all these men belonged to fairly high strata of society. These are bank employees, top managers, and highly qualified specialists. They are well off, make great money, dress expensively, have prestigious cars and other signs of social success.
They are generous, ready to spend money on a woman, to give her expensive gifts, take you to good restaurants. In short, for the sake of “their mistress” they are ready to do anything.

Over the twenty years of living in Germany, my friend had relationships with men (there were even two civil marriage). But ordinary representatives of the stronger sex often became greedy, became poor, and tried to save money on a companion.

But lovers of dominant women, on the contrary, are ready to throw everything at the feet of their “mistress.” There is no talk of greed; on the contrary, sheer generosity.

As I said, my friend is a programmer by profession. Previously, she dressed quite modestly and simply, nothing pretentious, in general, as programmers like.
And now she had to update her wardrobe. She bought high black boots with stiletto heels, a leather suit - a tight leather skirt and a fitted jacket. She bought metal jewelry: chains, a belt with rivets, etc. Her new fans really like these clothes, they go crazy about her image. And she herself is interested in feeling herself in a new role, completely different from the previous one.

A friend said that she had already received a marriage proposal and was considering whether to decide to marry. The fan has already introduced her to her parents and friends. In a normal environment, he behaves quite normally and adequately. Submission to “your mistress” and taking on the role of a “slave” begins only after closed door bedrooms.

I thought and thought about all this and came to the conclusion that such a change in the roles of men and women is quite natural in modern society. Everything was leading up to this.

Previously, there was a stereotype in the public consciousness that a woman should be quiet, passive, soft, compliant and should obey a man. Such ideas have reigned since time immemorial, and are still alive.

But reality has changed dramatically over the years! Judge for yourself: modern women strong, independent, they know how to earn money, get settled in life, and often do it better than men. Women now actually dominate, and men are often in secondary roles.

In addition, many men were brought up in single-parent families, they were raised only by women. At home in kindergarten At school, they are accustomed to the fact that a woman is always in charge, that she is in charge, commands, and must be obeyed. Men have learned this role arrangement and feel quite comfortable in it.

This inevitably had to affect personal, sexual relations. After all, the stereotypes that reign in female-male relationships reflect what is happening in society. It simply cannot be otherwise.

Of course, it’s difficult to break stereotypes in your heads. Many independent, self-sufficient and, in fact, dominant women feel unhappy and shed a tear, saying, “Oh, how I want to lean against a strong man's shoulder».
Is this really so? Maybe it’s sweeter and more familiar to command, lead, take initiative and force a man to do everything his own way - first of all, in bed?

It seems that Europe has already come to this. We are also gradually moving towards this. As always, the tone is set by the “pioneers” - celebrities.
It seems to me that similar views may spread among us over time.
What do you say?

Sometimes men want to be weak... Dreams of female dominance are dreams of a new role, completely unusual for traditional sex. The principle of such a fantasy is based on dominance and subordination, when, as a result of a preliminary agreement, there is inequality of partners and the representative of the stronger sex is the oppressed.

Popular men's magazine Men's Health in 2010, he conducted a large-scale survey on his website about the sexual dreams of men. The creators of the questionnaire offered 22 common plots, inspired by “documentary films of varying degrees of frankness” (read: pornographic), and gave the opportunity to choose several options at once. 4269 respondents took part in the survey. So, there were 14% who wanted to try on a subordinate role!

To satisfy this kind of dream, a whole industry of closed clubs operates, the dear guests of which are those who want to play the role of oppressed slaves. The relationship scenario in such clubs is clearly outlined, and the interaction between partners is subject to ironclad rules. By agreeing to contact with the Mistress (this is what the priestesses of love are called in clubs), a man loses the right to vote: his desires do not bother anyone, he must unquestioningly respond to his partner’s commands. The only thing the guest has the right to is to indicate in advance the boundaries of what is permitted and come up with a word indicating the end of the game. Until this word is spoken, the Mistress has the right to everything.

A woman can choose, for example, corporal punishment: tying up, chaining, hanging - anything that deprives a man of control over the situation. Or he may focus on psychological techniques: pressure, humiliation and insults. In general, everything that will remind a man for the hundredth time that he is a slave and is not worthy of a good attitude.

You probably imagined the image of an insidious villainess, wrapped in latex and armed with a whip. However, the reality is far from this picture. Surprisingly, the role of Mistress is not always played by stunningly beautiful vamp women with raven-colored hair. Most of the employees of such clubs dress quite vulgarly and loudly for “work” (having met such a woman in ordinary life, we would never have thought that she could enjoy the attention of very influential people). But some men simply kneel in front of them - literally.

The paradox is that the women who work there become special to men. Why? They own psychological techniques and know how to work with the subconscious.

No matter how strange it may sound, you have to pay for humiliation, and considerable sums, which is partly why wealthy men become clients of such centers. But it is not only the opportunity to buy a slave role that brings rich people into the realm of dominant women. They are driven to such an adventure by the desire to feel completely different. These “humiliated and insulted” in real life occupy a high position, manage many people, are very influential and powerful. Such men gradually develop a hidden desire to experience a woman’s power for themselves, to feel weaker, but they cannot fulfill their desire either with their wife or with their mistress - everywhere this is socially taboo.

But in the club, men, for their own money, gladly put on the attributes of subordination and live out the role that is not available to them in life. And then, having realized their fantasies, they return to work, where they continue to lead and dominate.

Many advertisements in the spirit of “I will be your Mistress” are published on the Internet. An intimate service based on this sexual desire is in considerable demand. An important nuance in this matter is the complete anonymity of contacts. About 60% of men periodically experience such fantasies, but most would never admit to them, let alone bring them to life. No one would agree to tell something like this about themselves precisely because of social condemnation: there is a generally accepted male sexual role– and it doesn’t fit in with female domination at all.

It seems natural to us all that a woman submits to a man, and a man dominates in a relationship, but we forget the simple truth: everything has back side. These manifestations of sexuality always go together, which means that where there is dominance, there is always submission. Another thing is that this need is repressed and not recognized. The dual nature of each of us reappears. This secret dream can be expressed in dreams or in watching porn films. In this way, the lack of desired sensations will be filled.

How to give your man this dream? Again, due to social norms and upbringing, not every woman is able to easily fulfill male fantasies about a dominant partner in bed, especially if she was raised in a modest family where any topic of sex was taboo, and even more so if she is naturally feminine and calm . To be assertive, active and even a little aggressive, you sometimes have to overcome yourself; it’s not about matching shoes to a dress. IN such a case you have to be able to get out familiar image and try to live at least a day differently, although this is not easy - after all, submission, as a natural role, is given to us much easier. However, you shouldn’t go to extremes: you can step back from harsh scenarios and come up with something calmer, using only some elements and attributes from the world of imagination. By and large, whether the dream will be fulfilled or not largely depends on how often and how openly the partners discuss their sexual fantasies.

So, the first step towards eliminating the barrier is talking about your secret dreams. You can come up with a game like this: every day you prepare a new erotic story and send it via SMS. This is quite safe way share fantasies and receive feedback. Over time, having decided on what most excites and turns on your partner, you can try to move from words to action and bring your fantasies to life. Or maybe erotic correspondence will be enough - discussion, acceptance will already give a feeling of a dream come true.

It is worth noting that when entering into the game of changing roles, it is important not to forget: this is a simulated situation and it has boundaries. It often happens that couples who have overcome the internal barrier become addicted to action-packed games. Of course, a situation when a man and a woman reveal their secret dreams to each other, and even make them come true together, benefits the relationship. The connection in a couple becomes even closer - the understanding comes that it would be impossible to implement these scenarios with another partner, therefore close person becomes unique. The feeling of gratitude, affection, and intimate unity increases. But if you don’t take off your masks in time, this mirror communication will gradually break through into the world outside the bed. In this case, relationships at all levels will begin to be perceived only through a sexual context, as a result of which the woman will no longer feel comfortable, and the man will feel insecure in a strictly written and already played out scenario more than once. Acting talent can run out, and who wants to be an actor of one role? Therefore, moderation is important in realizing fantasies. Experimentation should not be allowed to become the norm. Don't forget - this is a game with a beginning and an end.

It is important not to deceive your own nature and not become a hostage to your own sexual desires. Biologically and historically, the role of a Real Man is always accompanied by the manifestation of activity, assertiveness and even aggression. As a rule, representatives of the stronger sex want to be in charge most of their lives - this is the main trend. A various kinds Femdom dreams are nothing more than a stop to fill up your tank.

It is worth mentioning another common dream - about male dominance. Men also most often try to hide these dreams and usually the best way implement them outside of a sexual context. And here lies good tip for charming people! Many intelligent women allow men to express and act out their dreams within the confines of the bedroom. After that in all other areas life together their companions show more patience and seem calmer and more balanced. However, in no case should dominance be confused with physical aggression or sadism - these are already serious violations, perversions, which need to be addressed to sexologists or psychiatrists.

Nastya unbuttoned her jeans and carefully hung them on the back of the chair. Then she took the jump rope and lay down on the bed, hanging right hand with a skipping rope. Twisting around, she tried to whip herself on the backside. At the last second, the hand treacherously “restrained itself”, and only a relatively small pain burned the butt. Nastya tried to hit herself harder, but sharp pain, which followed, made her freeze and stop. She felt that she could not hit herself hard, hit herself the way her mother did when she was angry with her. The surging excitement demanded release: a pleasant feeling spread in the lower abdomen and demanded release. Nastya tried to massage between her legs, but the feeling of incompleteness remained...

- Nastya! Well, how long can it be, when will you start studying normally? “The mother’s scream rang in my ears. – You only understand the belt!

Nastya shrank in anticipation of the impending punishment. It was like a wave ran through my whole body.

- In the seventh grade, and you still need to be beaten! Aren't you ashamed yourself?! “The mother just couldn’t calm down.

“I wish I could start sooner... I'm sick of you with my screaming! “, - flashed through Nastya’s head.

Nastya slowly undressed, imagining what it looked like on the outside. The look thrown into the mirror only excited her even more: her figure and ass were very “nothing like that”...

As usual, placing a small pillow under her stomach and burying her face in a larger pillow, Nastya tightly clung to the head of the bed. The spanking began: the belt came down forcefully on her buttocks, Nastya only pressed herself harder into the soft bed, trying to hold back her screams.

Perhaps the most unpleasant thing was the beginning of the spanking: strong pain, which did not yet deliver that joyful feeling for which Nastya actually endured everything. Gradually the pain spread throughout the entire backside, individual blows began to merge into a single whole; Nastya felt that it was becoming “damp” between her legs, and peace came.

Suddenly it all ended, at the very “peak” of that inexplicable pleasure that spread throughout the body. Nastya raised her head - her mother was putting away her belt.

"Crap!! But why? Why did it all end so quickly? “Nastya almost said it out loud.

- What, don’t like it? – The mother misinterpreted her daughter’s sigh.

Nastya, wiping her hand from sweat and tears (which she still couldn’t hold back), went to the bathroom and locked herself in there. Touching her whipped bottom felt pleasant, but it was all “wrong”: Nastya clearly missed the end of the spanking, as spectacular as a month ago, when her mother really whipped her hard. “Nastya was still under the impression of that recent spanking.

Andrey was upset. The landlady raised the rent by another 1,500 rubles. In addition, the transfer from his parents, which he had so counted on, was late. Moreover, this only “good” in the exam - the scholarship of the “excellent student” was covered with a “copper basin”. And yet Andrei didn’t even think about moving out of his rented apartment; a comfortable, albeit small, two-room apartment suited him very well. And the pay was, to be honest, “divine.”

Tutoring, in principle, provided a good income, but he was so tired of messing around with these stupid, and for the most part ugly, “clubs.” The classes were useful, and in “narrow” circles Andrei was deservedly “in demand.” It's really easy for him and in simple words managed to convey information to their wards.

Andrei, to a certain extent, was an “esthete”: now that he had gained a certain authority and a “circle of clients,” he allowed himself to choose how psychologically comfortable it was for him to work with a “student.” He preferred to choose smart and intelligent boys, and also beautiful pretty girls, 12-16 years old. He specialized in mathematics and physics, but could also get good at chemistry.

With one of these girls, Lenka, they even developed a feeling of “mutual attraction.” – Lenka from a certain moment began to pay increased attention to his appearance, appeared before Andrey in a very bold outfits and with bright cosmetics. True, working with this 15-year-old brat became problematic at some point: her deliberate flirting did not at all contribute to success in the field of education. True, Andrei himself actually didn’t mind flirting with this precocious girl developed girl, but her parents demanded success from her studies, and they were not so brilliant. In short, Lenka hired a new tutor - a real “vixen”, and Andrei, not without pity, parted with Lenka.

- And what are we going to do with Larisa? What are your successes? last week? – Larisa’s stepfather turned to Andrey, holding a diary with another “troika” in his hands.

Andrey was confused by the situation in which he found himself. – He, as expected, arrived exactly at 16:30, going over the lesson plan in his head and expecting to find Lariska in full “combat readiness” for the lesson. However, I found a completely different picture: Larisa’s stepfather, Sergei Mikhailovich, shaking a diary in one hand and actively gesturing with the other, gave Lariska a “whack.” In addition, Sergei Mikhailovich was quite a giver. Lariska was in tears and without a robe, wearing only panties. Andrei suddenly saw a belt on the table, and instantly an understanding arose in his head of what was happening here.

Lara did not look at all her 12 years old: she was still just a child. At one time, Andrei, precisely because the girl looked so “small,” did not want to take classes with her: he preferred older students, to whom it was easier for him to explain everything. However, the payment “for Larisa” was offered well, and he began to explain mathematics to her. And he soon regretted it: Lariska was doing “waves,” and could—Andrei could not deny this—understand “when she wanted” the first time, but she might not have prepared either for school or for their next lesson.

– In a word, Lara, now we will “stimulate” you to study! “The stepfather, after thinking, made a decision.

- Why are you standing there like lost? Come on, help! – He turned to Andrey. – As you did, so will you receive.

Andrey tried to refuse, but Sergei Mikhailovich “pushed” that there should be responsibility for the classes, and if Andrey and Larka got a “crappy” result, then both of them should “answer”, each in their own way.

Larisa tried to appeal to “mom,” but Sergei Mikhailovich grabbed her tightly, almost threw her onto the sofa, and ordered Andrei: “Come on, teacher.” And then Andrei was overcome with a feeling of annoyance: he spent so much time on this capricious girl who “either studied or didn’t study.” So Andrey carefully took the girl by the shoulders and pressed her.

- Hold it tight! Now she will receive “from the folder”! – Sergei Mikhailovich went into a frenzy.

The spanking was indeed “strong”. Larisa squirmed and tried to break free, Andrey tried with increasing effort to hold her. Sergei Mikhailovich worked with a belt as if “driving in nails”: with a confident swing and accurately hitting the intended “points”.

... - Well, that's all, that's enough for now. – With these words, the stepfather stopped, threw the belt on the table and looked at Andrey. – Now you know “what” will happen to Larka if he continues to shirk his studies. “And there’s no point in feeling sorry for her, just study and you won’t have to punish her!”

Andrei thought after this incident that Larisa’s mother would be against continuing classes because of Andrei’s participation in the punishment, but she only asked the next time: “Try, Andrei, not to complain about Lariska to your husband again. Tell me... You've seen what happens...”

The most interesting thing is that Andrei was introduced to Nastya’s mother by Larisa’s mother. They worked together, and when Nastya’s mother complained Once again In response to the “successes” of her Nastena, Larisa’s mother for some reason immediately thought about Andrey. – After all, no matter what you say, Lara’s successes have “gone up”, especially after her stepfather’s last “inspiration”, so why not recommend it? She even talked about the incident with her daughter’s punishment, without failing to mention Andrei’s role in this punishment.

Nastya greeted her mother’s offer of tutoring with caution.

- Ma-ah, you constantly swear, and now this same “tutor” will “take your brains out.” – That was Nastya’s first reaction.

- Not only will I swear, but I’ll also tear Lariska out! – Her mother threatened her and retold “in colours” the incident with Larisa.

To her mother’s surprise, Nastya somehow became thoughtful after these words and no longer protested.

Nastya’s studies really went uphill. It’s even surprising that Nastya didn’t seem to mind at all that the initial two classes a week smoothly grew into four. This, of course, was quite expensive, but what can’t you do for your beloved daughter. However, Nastya seemed to like the classes; she even went to Andrei’s apartment more than once when he did not have time or could not drive up to their home.

The only thing that surprised – not only the mother, but also the teachers at school – were Nastya’s incomprehensible “breakdowns”: absolutely “stupid” “twos”, as if on purpose. However, after a certain time, the mother no longer took hold of the belt; Andrei even asked her, somewhat embarrassed, to do so a couple of weeks after the start of classes. She didn't mind.

... And yet this incident, with Nastya’s “party” until midnight, made the mother remember the “proven remedy” - the belt. However, Nastya behaved strangely: if earlier there had been no special arguments on her part about the belt, now Nastya tried to “evade” this punishment. Which, of course, only “inflamed” the mother: the girl had completely gotten away from her hands!

It was just Saturday evening, so the timing was right for the seemingly inevitable punishment. Nastya hesitated, but still undressed. After waiting some more, hoping for something, she took off her panties and appeared before her mother.

Having habitually “knocked” her daughter onto the bed, the mother raised her hand and... stopped. Nastya’s entire ass was covered with characteristic “abrasions” from her recent punishment. And she was flogged, judging again by the marks, very diligently.

- Well, get up! Explain what's happening?! - Mother pulled Nastya into a “ vertical position" Nastya was silent. Then, sighing, she spoke...

After the incident with Lenka, Andrei swore off crossing the line in relationships with beautiful “students.” And yet he immediately liked Nastya: tall, nice girl, already quite “ripe”, not like this Lariska is a “junior”. Now Andrey, besides Larka and Nastya, had three more guys in training. With this “tutoring” there was no time left for “ personal life“, so at least I would like to have more “nice” “students” for communication...

The very first conversation and acquaintance with Nastya convinced Andrei that Nastya was not at all a simple “little thing”, that she did not suffer from excessive modesty and did not go into her pocket for words.

- What, Andrey, did you really flog this Larisa? “Nastya immediately puzzled him with a question, not at all embarrassed by her mother’s presence.

But Andrey was embarrassed.

- Nastya, don’t talk nonsense! Think about studying! – Her mother immediately pulled her back. “If we have to, we’ll lay you out and tear you out “for the glory of God.” - Really, Andrey?

Andrey became even more embarrassed and remained silent. This is how the first lessons with Nastya began.

It should be noted that Nastya did not seem “stupid” to Andrey at all - on the contrary, she was very smart. Andrei could not understand: she was lazy or something else was preventing her from studying normally...

And yet, after three classes, seemingly successful, Nastya again brought a “C” and a “diary entry.” An unpleasant conversation took place with the mother and with Andrei present: the mother, as if asking Andrei for advice, threatened Nastya with another spanking. Andrey was also uncomfortable: indirectly, he attributed his dissatisfaction with Nastya’s “grade” to his own account: “apparently, something was wrong in class,” because the “bad” grade was a “minus” for him too.

Naturally, Nastya was punished in Andrei’s absence, after he left. Nastya this time was completely dissatisfied with the punishment: not only did her mother interrupt the spanking at the most “inopportune moment,” but Nastya also received a lot of screams from her mother and was banned from going out for walks.

... - So what, Andrey, are you happy that I was punished because of you? Show? “Nastya expressed this to Andrei at the next lesson and even pretended to try to pull back the hem of her robe, showing the marks.

- Yes, and mom gave it to you right! Listen, come on over here and don’t get distracted! – Andrey could not restrain himself.

It seemed that the lesson went well, and he managed to “swing up” Nastya and achieve a stable solution to the problems from the textbook. And then... Nastya, as if mocking, said again at the end of the lesson: like, but I still didn’t understand anything! Andrey got really angry: this girl was making him “piss off.”

- So we need to beat you like Sidorov’s goat! – Andrey hesitated a little and added. “Honestly, I would take it and rip it out right now!”

Nastya’s reaction was unexpected: not at all embarrassed, she suddenly suggested:

“Or maybe, instead of complaining to your mother, you’ll take it upon yourself to punish me?”

Here Andrei was completely taken aback: this “mean” girl was simply mocking him, confident in her impunity.

- Lets do it! - Andrey got wound up. – You solve this and this problem, but if you don’t solve it, you have yourself to blame!

Nastya buried her face in her textbook, thought for just a minute, scribbled something on paper, and defiantly declared: “I don’t know!” "

- So what now? – She said with a grin. - Carry a belt?

Again, not at all embarrassed, Nastya went to the closet, took out a belt (Andrei appreciated it - the belt was “good” for use “for its intended purpose”!) and handed it to Andrei. Then she unbuttoned her robe and was left in only panties and a bra.

“Well, come on...” The nasty girl said and lay down on the sofa.

Andrei did not hesitate, but with force twice lashed the ass, which was slightly protruding in his shorts. Nastya twitched, it was clear that the blows were painful, but she did not get up from the sofa. Andrey pulled it to the floor, then put it in front of him and sat down on the sofa. Her “triangle” with escaping hair was practically in front of his face.

- Listen!! I’m really going to take off your panties now and rip you out! – Andrey spoke on a “high note”. - Stop making faces!

- Well, come on, come on... Weak? – Nastya did not let up.

Andrey, not yet fully understanding what he was doing, pulled off her panties to her knees, dropped them on the sofa and finally pulled off her panties, throwing them on the floor. Before my eyes was a neat ass with traces of a recent spanking. Nastya suddenly got up, walked to the bed, took a pillow and lay down on the sofa again, placing the pillow under her face.

... Andrei hit with force once again, this one was probably closer to the second ten, but Nastya did not try to get up. Andrey didn’t want to stop himself: it’s hard to say whether it was anger at Nastya or the color of his butt changing before his eyes that was turning him on more now.

Nastya groaned, apparently she was really in pain, but Andrei decided: “who will win whom”, someday he will ask for mercy.

Andrey counted 37, 38...

- Enough!! “Nastya jumped up without waiting for permission, grabbed her hands between her legs and ran out towards the bathroom. There was a click of the door closing.

Andrei's attention was drawn to several small spots on the floor, towards the door. The understanding of WHAT these spots are somehow immediately came to mind. Andrey thought and listened. There was the sound of water in the bathroom, and a few minutes later Nastya appeared in the room. But now she tried to bashfully cover herself, quickly threw a robe on herself, wrapped it around her and only then lifted it and pulled on her panties.

Andrey was silent.

“Well, like this...” Nastya was the first to break the silence.

– Do you like THIS?! – Andrey could not hide his surprise.

- Well... in general - yes! – Nastya said with some challenge.

...And then Andrei’s aforementioned conversation with Nastya’s mother took place, in which he asked not to punish his daughter for studying. And Nastya also unexpectedly asked her mother to “work more often” with Andrey.

... - Well, that's it, mom. – Embarrassed, Nastya finished the story.

- Yeah, what are we going to do now? – Mom said thoughtfully and leaned back on the sofa.

Everything I heard had to be “digested”...

Nastya’s mother was completely stunned: her daughter LOVES spanking... No, she would have understood: “kisses and hugs,” but “Mom, I like spanking”... It doesn’t fit into any “gates”! And this Andrey! The so-called tutor... He SWAPED her daughter for more than a month. And in general, she even went to his house, God knows WHAT they could have had with their daughter!

“Mom, calm down, Andrey and I didn’t have anything “like that.” – Nastya tried to continue the conversation with her mother. - Only a spanking for my “grades”, Andrey even insisted that I always wear thin panties, he didn’t even see me completely naked!

- Is it in those ones, or what? “The mother waved her hand vaguely towards the closet. - So they don’t cover anything! What a disgrace!

Trying to calm down, she thought again - what to do? Apparently the only way to wean someone off from spanking is... a good spanking.

- Nastya, come on, lie down! – Pulling off her daughter’s panties and almost dropping her, the mother picked up the belt again. - Now you will receive it, daughter...

The blows rained down “one after another.” This time mom didn’t hold back her hand, but spanked her with all her might. The belt slammed into the halves with force, leaving clear bright stripes.

Nastya shrank. The pain “came on”, it almost became unbearably painful.

Now the blows went lower, to the legs. It was especially painful when the tip of the belt caught between my legs.

Nastya began to breathe heavily and a scream escaped. But the blows only intensified after that. – The mother decided to teach her daughter a lesson about her “foolishness.” Nastya’s breathing became unsteady, pain engulfed her whole body and every blow reverberated in her head.

Worst of all, that “pleasant feeling” that came very quickly when Andrei punished her did not come! Nastya remembered their last “punishment”. Andrei was then very angry with her that she deliberately grabbed the “couple” in order to again provoke him to punishment. “He then spanked her quite severely, but the pleasant languor poured out already in the middle of the punishment, so that each subsequent blow only “turned on” Nastya even more.

Now everything was different: the pain “interfered,” it was really painful, but there was no sign of “pleasure.” Then the mother turned the belt over, and the buckle cut sharply into her butt. – Nastya screamed: it hurt so much, and this pain was so unusual. The mother, exactly, was just waiting for this: with force the buckle crashed into the butt, again and again...

... When it was all over, Nastya was sobbing, the severe pain in her butt and legs seemed to never subside. Nastya, having received permission from her mother, somehow pulled on her panties, wincing in pain, and went to the bath. That’s where she was “covered by a wave”... - It was incomparable with anything, with early sensations, feeling: it seemed that everything inside her “exploded”!

The text is large so it is divided into pages.