Rosstat divorces. More than half of marriages in Russia break up

At present, divorces in Russia have ceased to be a rarity and are no longer condemned by everyone. Now this procedure has become “routine” for Russian citizens, and hundreds of thousands of "cells of society" are broken in the country. Annual popularity for registration official marriages is steadily declining, highlighting civil marriages. However, many supporters free relationship do not take into account the fact that in such a family the spouses have practically no rights and obligations to each other.

Rosstat has published the latest data on the number of marriages and their dissolutions for the first 3 months of last year (2018). According to the presented figures, there are still more people who want to register their relationship and decide to terminate marriage bonds. However, every year the difference between these indicators becomes smaller and smaller.

Thus, in 2018, 218,070 marriage registrations were recorded for the analyzed period, and in 2019 for the same period - 207,825, which is 10,245 less. A completely opposite situation occurs with divorces, because in 2018, during the analyzed period, Rosstat recorded 157,065 of them, and in 2014 - 172,310, which is 15,245 more.

Dynamics of divorces in Russia by regions in 2018-2019

Discarding the general statistics on divorce proceedings throughout Russia, the experts undertook to analyze each region of the country separately.

The analysis showed that last year in all regions of the Volga Federal District, except for Mordovia, the number divorce proceedings increased. The highest divorce rate (per 1,000 marriages) was recorded in the Penza region - 655 divorces, the lowest - in Tatarstan (646).

Experts, having gone through the main regions of the Volga Federal District, calculated the number of terminations for every thousand marriage registrations:

  • Kirov region - 646;
  • Saratov region - 623;
  • Orenburg region - 603;
  • Ulyanovsk region - 588;
  • Samara, Nizhny Novgorod regions - 587;
  • Mordovia - 574;
  • Mari El - 572;
  • Perm Territory - 543;
  • Chuvashia - 522;
  • Udmurtia - 519.

As regards the situation in Russian Federation, That highest score divorces are noted here in Magadan and in Leningrad regions(752). Next is the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (748) and the Jewish Autonomous Region (741).

Traditions still honored in Chechnya family values, because there are only 142 divorces for every thousand registered marriages. There are 182 divorces in Ingushetia, 251 in Dagestan, and 252 in Sevastopol.

The main reasons for divorce in the Russian Federation

Specialists conducted numerous sociological surveys to identify the main causes of divorce in Russia, and the results were as follows:

  1. The use of alcohol or drugs by one of the spouses is the most common reason for the breakup of about 41% of marriages.
  2. The lack of housing for a young family leads to divorce in 14% of marriages.
  3. The intrusion of relatives into the life of a newly-born family is also a serious reason for the dissolution of married couples - 14%.
  4. The impossibility for certain reasons to have a child causes the collapse of 8% of Russian families.
  5. The separation of spouses for a long time destroys 6% of families.
  6. Imprisonment of one of the spouses causes divorce for 2% of couples.
  7. Due to a long illness of one of the spouses, 1% of couples break up.

In addition, sociologists have identified a number of main reasons that prevent married couples from divorcing. The first place is occupied by the “indivisibility” of children, which holds 35% of couples. In second place are the difficulties with the division of jointly acquired property, which is why about 30% of families do not get divorced. The third place belongs to the material dependence of one of the spouses on the other and holds back 22% of couples from the divorce process. In last place, sociologists placed the disagreement of a wife or husband to a divorce - this stops 18% of families from breaking up.

IN different countries world there may be certain differences between the values ​​of marriage. In Russia, over the past hundred years, the way of life has changed so much that it has led to terrible divorce statistics. Literally a few decades ago, destroying the cell of society was a moral crime. Couples who actually separated did not file for divorce. Today, the destruction of the family is no big deal. Therefore, the percentage of divorces in Russia has been steadily growing over the past three years.

Reasons for divorce in numbers

Every year, social research, psychological surveys on the topic "Causes of divorce" are carried out. About 40% of broken couples claim that they hurried with the choice. Therefore, sociologists have derived the formula of marriage:

  • Several months of relationship + a year of living in the same area = after that marriage.

So the boundaries of age are erased, and the couple can fully recognize each other's character. This provides an increase in the duration of marriage. Other reasons for family breakdown include:

  • Pernicious craving for alcohol - about 40%;
  • Presence of relatives of one of the spouses - 15%;
  • heavy living conditions or lack of their own housing - 14%;
  • Reluctance to have children or inability to have children various reasons(incompatibility, infertility, drug addiction, serious illness) - 8%;
  • Finding spouses in different cities – 6%;
  • Imprisonment of one of the spouses - 2%;
  • Incurable disease - 1%.

These figures change every year. For example, the problem of alcoholism is only getting worse in the country. Therefore, the percentage of broken families for this reason is growing. There are also statistics on the reasons that spouses themselves indicate when filing for divorce.

  • Approximately 25% indicate treason;
  • 15% of divorced couples talk about sexual dissatisfaction with their partner;
  • About 13% refer to the incompatibility of characters;
  • 7% indicate alcohol dependence.

The fact of the birth of a child changes the attitude of the spouses. Not all couples endure the first months of sleep deprivation. Nervousness and irritation appear.

Therefore, the birth of a child can both unite a family and destroy it.

But there are couples who can live in the same territory, but not be complete family. Sometimes spouses even start parallel families. The reasons for such situations can be:

  • Preservation of the stamp in the passport for the sake of the child;
  • The impossibility of one spouse to move out;
  • Dependence of the material plane;
  • Disagreement with divorce (most often women);
  • The age of the child is up to 1 year according to the law of the Russian Federation.

Statistics of marriages and divorces for 15 years in Russia

Divorce table in numbers:

Year marriages Divorces % of divorces
2000 897327 627703 70
2001 1001589 763493 76
2002 10019762 853647 84
2003 1091778 798824 73
2004 979667 635825 65
2005 1066366 604942 57
2006 1113562 640837 58
2007 1262500 685910 54
2008 1179007 703412 60
2009 1199446 699430 58
2010 1215066 639321 53
2011 1316011 669376 52
2012 1213598 644101 53
2013 1225501 666971 55

The period from 2000 to 2004 is characterized by the highest percentage of divorces. Approximately 700 couples out of 1000 broke up the family. From 2005 to 2012, the situation improved markedly. Sociologists attribute this to the strengthening of the country's economic condition. Statistics of recent years show that the number of divorces is growing. According to UN studies, the Russian Federation after 2012 ranks first in the world in terms of the number of divorces. The number of divorces over the past three years reaches almost 70%. Since 2013, the number of divorced marriages has been on the rise. Scientists attribute this increase to the fact that children at the beginning of the 90s are getting married. It was a period of instability in the country.

Every year the number of broken families increases significantly. There is an opinion that by 2020, 850 out of 1000 couples will end marriages.

Divorce rate by years of family life

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Years lived together:

  • Most often divorced are people who have been married for 5 to 9 years. The number of such divorces is 28%;
  • Further - 22% diverge after 10-19 years. Most often, the cause is betrayal;
  • 18% of couples divorce within 3 to 4 years of marriage. This is the time of the "first crisis family life". The birth of a child can be a salvation for a family;
  • 16% of young people scatter after 1-2 years of a joint union;
  • After a long marriage for more than 20 years - 12%;
  • And 4% of couples terminate their union after not having lived in it for a year. Most often due to the transience of marriage.
  • What is the result for couples? A large number of spouses decide to separate before 4 years of marriage.

Marriage statistics by age

Approximately 33% of men put a stamp in their passport at the age of 25–30. The second place in terms of the number of marriages is occupied by young people from 20 to 25, and the third - 35. For women, the picture is slightly different. The age group from 20 to 25 years, i.e. girls born in 1900-1995, account for 40% of all marriages. Girls from 26 to 30 years old - 27%. And the group of 30-35 years old takes only 12% of the total number of marriages. The vast majority of unions are concluded by men and women, whose age is from 20 to 35 years.

This trend has appeared relatively recently. In Russia, before the 90s, it was customary to enter into an alliance, having a younger age. However, values ​​have changed, the boundaries between the sexes have been erased, women have received emancipation, age has also ceased to have great importance. Marriage unions began to be concluded after 25 years. At this time, both spouses are educated, social status and mature outlook. But early age marriages also take place. It is they who very often fall into the 16% barrier of divorced, not lived and 2 years of marriage.

civil marriages

About half of all couples choose not to formally marry. Main reasons:

  • Uncertainty in a partner;
  • Lack of housing for young people;
  • Fear of responsibility;
  • The absence of a child;
  • Prejudice. Some couples are sure that after registration their life will change dramatically.

This trend came to Russia from Europe. France and Sweden are the world leaders in the number of civil marriages. So, the statistics of divorces in Russia is growing every year. There are more and more unregistered marriages.

People have stopped fighting for their relationships and believe that there is nothing wrong with divorce. The ratio of divorced and the birth of new marriages in 2014 is 60/40%.

There are no exact data for 2015 yet, but the approximate figure is 70/30%. There are plenty of reasons for official breaks in relations. One of them is the unstable situation in the country, which hinders development and becomes financially independent. In addition, personal conflicts, alcoholism, the inability to have a child and infidelity literally attacked the country.

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Divorce statistics are on the rise in many parts of the world. So, for example, in Russia, about half of the marriages will break up. Even if the newlyweds make a vow to be with each other "until death do them part", there is a 50 percent chance that they will break it. After studying divorce statistics in detail, sociologists have come to some interesting conclusions. What to do to avoid being on the "dark side"?

Get married closer to 30

Newlyweds who make informed choices are more likely to build strong family. According to statistics, the fewest divorces are registered if people got married closer to their thirtieth birthday. If the newlyweds are not even twenty, then they are the first in line for a potential break. Psychologists explain it this way: desire marrying or getting married cannot be a pledge healthy relationships. One desire, passion or love is clearly not enough here. On the other hand, if the newlyweds are over 32 years old, there is a danger that the couple will scatter due to an acute rejection of the partner's established habits.

Do not take a joint vacation as getting rid of problems

After analyzing the outbreaks of activity of those wishing to divorce, the experts established another curious pattern. It turns out that people often feel the desire to break with relationships when they return from vacation. If the spouses have any problems in the relationship, they dream of spending a vacation together, believing that they can strengthen the relationship. However, quarrels and quarrels do not disappear anywhere even in romantic setting southern coasts. This becomes the biggest disappointment. That is why, after returning home from vacation, one of the partners will be ready to file for divorce.

Husbands should be busy with work

If a spouse sits at home or works odd jobs, he experiences dissatisfaction with his status in the family. This hurts the ego of a man who is sure that he should be the main earner. According to statistics, a part-time spouse is more likely to get divorced in next year higher than those who work at least 40 hours a week. It is curious that female employment does not greatly affect the percentage of breakups. This is due to the fact that women are accustomed to perceive themselves as the guardians of the hearth and do not hesitate to tell others that they are sitting at home. It turns out that the stereotypes that developed among our distant ancestors still live in the minds of people.

Don't change your spouse

In fact, women who had several sexual partners before marriage do not continue their "adventures" in marriage. This is a myth invented by people who do not want to put up with the fact that girls no longer retain their virginity before marriage. Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity can easily settle down by choosing a worthy life partner. Most often they are guided by the saying “they don’t look for good from good”.

However, this does not work in relation to women who, due to some physiological or psychological features cannot find satisfaction in a stable relationship with one partner. The statistics say the following: if a married woman cheats on her spouse, she is more likely to get divorced. If we talk about persons who married virgins, then they often fall into the trap of their own curiosity. The desire to compare sexually the spouse with another man is too strong.

Mature couples break up less often

When all critical periods marriage behind, it's easier to put up with habits dear person, it is easier to turn a blind eye to his shortcomings and easier to forgive. mature people gained invaluable life experience. When diapers, domestic squabbles and grinding with new relatives are in the past, people are much more likely to save a marriage until old age. Psychologists consider the so-called seven-year relationship crisis as the starting point. If at this point the couple creates only the appearance of a family and lives for the sake of children, she has no future. If the spouses manage to cross this Rubicon painlessly, they are no longer afraid of any adversity.

Marry and marry peers

Another study showed that the likelihood of divorce increases in direct proportion to the age difference between spouses. Each year that separates the age of the partners from each other increases the chances of divorce by three percent. And a ten-year age difference increases the chances of parting by almost 40 percent. Everything seems to make sense here. Peers seem to be molded from the same test. They often share life views and principles with each other, have the same interests.

Don't make a grand celebration

As practice shows, the richer and more pompous wedding celebration the more likely the relationship is to break. Therefore, do not seek to spend your annual budget on a banquet, do not seek to surprise the public with something or to slay a former rival on the spot. Better spend that money on a romantic Honeymoon or put them aside. According to sociologists, excessive extravagance shows that spouses, most likely, will not be able to properly manage their finances. And on this basis, they will have disagreements. But a large number of invited guests, on the contrary, potentially indicates the strength of the relationship.

Divorce affects heart health

Recent studies show that divorced women are more likely to suffer from heart attacks. This information will be important for men who care about the health of their soulmates. Women who have gone through two or more divorces have an increased risk of developing diseases of cardio-vascular system by 77 percent.

Children won't thank you for your sacrifice

Many couples live in a real hell, maintaining the appearance of a relationship only for the sake of children. In fact, this sacrifice does not justify itself. When the son or daughter grows up, they will not thank their parents, and the marriage will fall apart anyway. Remember that your marriage model is projected onto your children. If you are deeply unhappy, they are more likely to take the baton from you.

Each country has developed its own traditions, norms of morality and behavior, cultural values ​​for centuries. Regardless of any factors, the family remains an integral unit of society. Although, unfortunately, for last years the number of divorces in our country has increased significantly, and citizens who once married are getting divorced, and often in conflict with each other, enduring family scandals ostentatious and attracting the help of the society, the courts.

Russia is not distinguished by long-term marriages, although it is not a leader in divorce proceedings compared to other countries. But a certain number of families sooner or later irrevocably break up, and the trend towards a decrease in the time period lived together is constantly growing. In addition, in recent years, many married citizens cannot get along together even for 3-5 years.

If you look at the statistics of divorces, there are more of them in Lately, but this was not always the case. Look into history and you will see that before the revolution the situation was different, and such a problem practically did not exist among people. It's all about the way of life, which was followed by many families engaged in subsistence farming and living in the countryside.

This was a kind of obstacle to divorce, because a woman simply could not do without male support and do hard physical work, and it was not entirely profitable for men, often the only breadwinners in families, to leave their wives and children, to leave what they had acquired for joint years life.

It was the land that served as a source of income for many families, it was simply unprofitable for men to leave the family. Another reason was the church, which to this day is negative about divorce, and previously accepted the most Active participation spending with the citizens different kind conversations, motivating to live peacefully, amicably, in a family way.

The party had a considerable influence on the masses during the years of the Soviet Union, because many people who were in it were afraid of publicity and other people's opinions, condemnation, in particular, of colleagues and party members. Divorce could cause a quick expulsion from the party, which citizens could not allow. During the years of the Soviet Union personal life more people were in sight, controlled by the state, so the number of divorces was minimized.

Now look at the situation during the years of the collapse of the USSR, which changed completely, and the new trend of the West played an important role. The number of divorces has increased exponentially. Once happy and prosperous families began to break up more and more often.

How much debt can early unions be?

WITH legal point In terms of early marriage, it is the conclusion of an alliance between citizens who have not reached the age of majority (18 years). In the people, early marriage is considered the age of 19-20 years. Units enter into marriage consciously, although it is worth talking about consciousness at a young age.

As a rule, early marriage is facilitated by a good reason or the appearance of one or another life circumstance:

  • unwanted or unplanned pregnancy at the girl;
  • the desire in this way to quickly leave the father's house, thereby leaving the custody of the parents;
  • the experience of hypertrophied first love or, as the people say, in a perverted form.

Look at the statistics, almost all early marriages are not viable and break up already in 1-2 years of their existence. In addition, public support similar marriages are unlikely to receive.

Table of processes for concluding and dissolving marriages in recent years

Today, experts are closely monitoring the trend of marriages and divorces, because the number of the latter is growing every year. Conducted various monitoring, questionnaires and research. The issue of divorce has become a real sore point.

Accounting is maintained by the Federal State Statistics Service. Pay attention to the data presented in the table. Compare the number of divorces and registered marriages in recent years.

The trend is:

Year marriages Divorces
2011 1 316 011 669 376
year 2012 1 213 598 644 101
year 2013 1 225 511 667 971
year 2014 1 225 985 693 730

It can be concluded that over the past 4 years the number of marriages has been registered at approximately the same level, but the number of divorces has increased significantly. If you take 1000 people, then they account for approximately 4.7% of divorces. The statistics are far from encouraging, and the number of divorces, according to experts, will only grow.

Today, divorce for many Russians is a common thing. Marriages fall apart different reasons sometimes absurd and irrelevant. The dynamics of divorces in 2015 became interesting, and if you look at the schedule proposed by Rosstat, the number for 2005 reached its peak over the past 10 years. Taking into account the 9 point scale - almost 90% per 1000 marriages.

The state of marriage and divorce in the world

By no means only our country is experiencing an acute problem of divorce proceedings today. The statistics are disappointing in other countries as well. The leader in divorces is Portugal, where up to 69% of divorces per 100 families. Spaniards, Hungarians and Czechs do not lag behind the Portuguese, where the divorce rate fluctuates up to 64-65%.

Things are a little better in the USA, where the divorce rate is about the same as in Russia - 50. The situation is even better in Australia, Canada, Germany and Norway, where the divorce rate is no more than 40% per 1000 families. But Ireland is considered one of the most stable countries, where the number of divorces in relation to marriages does not exceed 15%.

The comforting fact is that Russia is still not in the lead compared to other countries, and in some of them things are much worse. Although, of course, the Russians have someone to look up to.

At what age do people get married?

According to statistics, the age of women and men getting married in recent years has become significantly higher, and today the bar is 25-27 years. Today this is an innovation compared to the 90s of the last century, and the age of those wishing to marry has increased significantly.

Although there is a gradual increase in age. Many 25-year-old people got married in the 90s, in the 2000s the figure increased significantly. Today, the average age of those entering into marriage is 25-35 years. In 2010 age group at the age of 25-30 she became the leader among the couples. Today, young people have become less active and are not in a hurry to go to the registry office to get married and get a stamp in their passport. Many prefer to live civil marriage.

Early marriages under 18 have become simply uninteresting for extras in recent years. Their number is minimal and in Russia is no more than 0.2%.


If we take into account the age of married men who want to marry, then the leader is the age group of 25-30 years. The number of marriages at this age is 33% or 1/3 of all marriages. Further:

  • Group 2 and age - 20-25 years;
  • Group 3 and age - 30-35 years old with approximately the same percentage of 70-75% of all marriages.

Most men get married at the age of 20-35. The share of early marriages or a young group under 20 years old accounts for only 2.5% of marriages. No more than 0.1% of marriages were recorded among men under 18 years of age. But the fact of the growth of the trend of marrying men after 60 years has become interesting. They became 5% more in contrast to young men aged 18-19 years.


The statistics on women are such that most of them marry in age category- 20-25 years old. This is the largest percentage - 77%. The following age categories:

  • 27-30 years old - 38-40%;
  • 30-35 years old - 12% of the total number of married women.

Dividing the age of women into 3 three categories, we can conclude that the majority gets married at 20-25 years old. As a rule, the threshold is the same for men and women. All of them at this age enter into marriages most often.

What do statistics say about civil marriages?

Today, many couples do not want to formalize their relationship and prefer to simply live in a civil marriage, i.e. cohabitate, legally speaking.

Not all couples rush to the registry office for the official registration of their relationship, and even magnificent weddings today it has not become a special need for young people. Many rely on the opinion of European citizens, where living in a civil marriage is common occurrence, and such married couples among Europeans are the majority.

Sweden and France are the leading countries in terms of the number of civil marriages today, and according to the Institute of Demography, up to 50% of couples today live in a civil marriage, and even families that were previously married, but chose to divorce and no longer rejoin, finding themselves in this has its pros and cons. According to official data, the number of citizens wishing to join legal marriage, officially decreased from 65 to 57%.

The main reasons for the dissolution of marriages

According to social polls, which in large numbers Today they are offered for holding on the Internet, many couples (up to 40%) get divorced only because of a hasty decision to marry.

Other common reasons for divorce include:

  • pressure from relatives - such couples cannot get along together even for 2 years;
  • adultery, as one of common causes divorces, which account for up to 20%;
  • sexual dissatisfaction, and for this reason up to 5% of families break up;
  • absence common views for life - 13 pairs out of 100;
  • alcohol as hindering happy life together, leads to the disintegration of up to 7% of the spouses.

Today is in vogue new reason for decay, it's social media. So in St. Petersburg, a survey was conducted at a psychoanalytic center, according to the results of which it was social networks that began to lead to the destruction of marriages up to 15%. According to psychologists, this percentage will only grow over the years, because there are more Internet users every day, and some people have become truly addicted.

Yet many spouses agree that regardless of the reason for the divorce, both parties are equally to blame. This, at least, is a positive trait among Russians - to admit their mistakes, although to keep good relations After a divorce, not everyone succeeds.

Cohabitation statistics

According to statistics, the share of divorces in married couples:

  • 5-9 years old account for 28-30%;
  • 2-3 years - up to 17%;
  • 3.5% cannot get along together even for 1.5 years.

In 13% of cases, couples who have lived together in marriage for more than 20-25 years divorce. Those who noted silver wedding today, units - no more than 3%.

The number of divorces in the marriage interval from 5-10 years is higher - up to 35%.

According to the Civil Registry Office, 99,720 couples of Muscovites got married last year, which is 763 couples less than in 2014. “For 71 percent of men and 69 percent of women, this was the first marriage. In addition, 16 percent of marriages in 2015 were between Muscovites and representatives of foreign countries,” added the head of the Moscow Civil Registry Office.

The first place in the ranking of countries where brides and grooms come from is Turkey, the second is Germany, followed by Afghanistan, Israel, Great Britain, Italy, Serbia, France, Syria and the United States of America. And from the former Soviet republics, Muscovites most often register marriages with citizens of Ukraine, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Kazakhstan and Georgia.

In 2016, a leap year, according to the forecasts of the Civil Registry Office, Muscovites will marry less often. "Every leap year four or five thousand marriages less. But let's hope that in 2016 the number of divorces in Moscow will decrease," Irina Muravyova emphasized.

In 2015, 43,560 couples divorced, down 1,818 couples from 2014. “Over the past five years, in general, the number of divorces has decreased by two percent and the number of marriages has increased by an average of two percent. But unfortunately, most divorces occur by court order. And this means that in disintegrating families there are minor children or there are some controversial property issues, so people go to court. And yet, our statistics show that during economic crises, families often unite and decide either to postpone the separation, or not to consider this issue at all, ”explained Irina Muravyova.

According to Irina Muravyova, in 2015, 143,150 newborns were registered in the registry offices of the capital. This is 4,792 children more than in 2014. Last year, 73,839 boys and 69,311 girls were born. Thus, there are 4.5 thousand more boys.

“In general, over the past five years, the birth rate in the capital has increased by 14 percent. Another good indicator: 81 percent of children are born in families where the parents are in an officially registered marriage. It is also noteworthy that more than 70 thousand boys and girls became the first-born. We registered 52 thousand acts in families where the second children appeared. And 20.5 thousand boys and girls became third, fourth, and so on, ”said Irina Muravyova.

Still the most popular names for boys in Moscow are Alexander, Maxim, Artyom, Mikhail, Daniil, Ivan, Dmitry, Kirill, Andrey and Yegor. most popular female names 2015, the names Sophia and Sophia are recognized. In second place are Maria and Marya. Sophia and Maria are followed by Anna, Anastasia, Victoria, Elizabeth, Polina, Alice. Close the top ten Daria and Alexandra.

Among the unusual names, according to the Moscow Civil Registry Office, residents of the capital in 2015 chose the name Mercury for a boy and the name Joy for a girl.

Read the full interview with Irina Muravyova.