How to quickly register a marriage in Russia. The procedure for expedited marriage. Documents for marriage registration

The first step towards legal married life is the choice of the district registry office in which you are going to legalize your relationship. You can register at any branch or Wedding Palace.

After choosing an institution, preparation of the necessary documentation begins. The list of required documents includes:

    • Valid passports of the bride and groom.
    • Receipt for payment of state duty, the amount of which is 350 rubles.
    • Additional documents that are provided if the potential spouses were previously in a marital relationship, or one of them has not yet reached the age of majority. In the first situation, you will need documents about the death of your spouse or a divorce certificate. In the second case, permission from the district administration.

How to register in another area or country

If you are citizens Russian Federation, but in this moment If you don’t live in the country, you can get married in any district of your city. If marriage was concluded abroad, then in Russia it is recognized as legal in the case where no contradictions with state legislation have been identified.

What to do with registration

Russian legislation also prohibits refusing registration due to any inconsistencies in residence or registration. Registration of relationships in Moscow is available not only to residents of the capital, but also to those living throughout Russia. At the same time, no one will require a registration from you, permanent or temporary.

When should you apply for registration?

According to the law, the deadline for filing an application is only one month. But it may be increased or decreased due to the following circumstances:

      • Bride's pregnancy and imminent birth child.
      • The potential spouse is in the military service or is just about to join the army.
      • The bride or groom must leave the country immediately.
      • An unexpected long business trip for one of the newlyweds.

Each of the above cases must be documented. This could be a certificate from a doctor, confirmation from the military registration and enlistment office, official papers from the place of work. It is worth noting that summer and autumn periods are the height of the wedding season. It is at this time that a huge number of couples want to get married. Therefore, it is recommended to submit all documents and apply for registration in advance.

Fast registration on the day of application

Sometimes newlyweds have reasons why the registration of the relationship may occur on the very day when the future spouses submitted the application. Such cases include the following:

        • Late pregnancy of the bride.
        • Having children together.
        • The groom's stay in military service.
        • Urgent departure.
        • Of course, you will be able to carry out urgent registration only when you provide all supporting documents to the department.

How is the state duty paid?

The fee is an important item when filing an application, so it is paid in mandatory. Without it, your application will be considered invalid. The amount of state duty is the same in all cases. Pay this fee You can go to any Sberbank branch. And if payment occurs when submitting an application electronically, then the amount is withdrawn from the bride or groom’s payment card.

Weekends in Moscow registry offices

All city registry offices and wedding palaces operate on two days off. They are closed on Sunday and Monday. In addition to weekends, the department schedule also includes sanitary days. As a rule, registry offices are open at this time, but no applications are accepted or registered. Sanitary days are usually on Thursdays or Tuesdays.

Before going to the registry office or the Wedding Palace, check in advance whether the institution is open and accepts applications. Don't forget about lunch time. Usually the break is from 13.00-14.00, and the working day lasts from 9.00 to 17.00.

What to do if the bride or groom is out of town

If under any circumstances one of the future spouses is not in the city, then the other half can submit two separate applications to register the relationship. But first you need to go and get registration forms in advance. They must be filled out personally. The statement of the absent party must be officially certified by a notary. The same requirement is presented to brides and grooms from near and far abroad.

One surname for two

At the request of the newlyweds, their premarital surnames can be combined into one. But it is worth noting that if one of the spouses has a double surname, then such a procedure will not work. It should be taken into account that all personal identification documents will need to be redone if they change. Of course, you can also just keep your last name.

Is it necessary to arrange a ceremonial registration?

Often newlyweds cannot play magnificent wedding for many reasons. Some people think that this is a waste of time, others cannot afford to organize a holiday due to lack of finances. Regardless of whether a celebration will be held, registration is considered legal in any case.

Non-ceremonial marriage registration

This form of registration is suitable for newlyweds who do not have the desire or time to organize a whole celebration out of the painting procedure. Moreover, it takes minimal amount time. Non-ceremonial registration is carried out not in the main hall, but in the office of the branch employee. All you need to do is put the murals in necessary documents, after which you receive your passports back with stamps. These stamps indicate that you can now be called legal spouses.

Of course, guests unofficial registration they will not be able to attend in large numbers, because there is not enough space in the office. Usually, invitees wait in the hall, and only after registration are they allowed to congratulate the newlyweds.

What to choose: Civil Registry Office or Wedding Palace

The registry office is an organization where the registration of a wide variety of life events is carried out. Here you can not only legalize your relationship, but also get a divorce and obtain a birth and death certificate. Only marriages are registered in the Wedding Palaces. By and large, the difference between them lies mainly in design. Wedding palaces are decorated more beautifully and presentably, and they usually have more capacity.

What does exit marriage registration mean? Is this legal?

Registration of relations in Moscow can become exclusive if you order this procedure not in the registry office, but, for example, in a museum, art gallery or in a nature reserve. But first, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for organizing such an event. Exit registrations can be made only by the capital's registry offices: Ryazan, Khamovnichesky, Perovsky, Kutuzovsky, Tsaritsynsky, Tversky. The Wedding Palace staff can also carry out field registrations. But this applies to Palaces No. 1 and No. 3. Such ceremonies are performed only on a specific day set aside for the wedding, so the date must be agreed upon in advance.

Official and unofficial marriage registrations

Field registrations of relationships can be not only legal, but also of an unofficial nature. Legal registrations are carried out only by employees of the registry office or wedding palaces. Unofficial ceremonies include registrations that are performed simply in honor of the newlyweds who entered into marital relations in another country, or it may be celebrating another date life together. No legal documents are issued in this case.

Are witnesses necessary?

If you don’t have people who could become your witnesses, then don’t be upset. The well-known tradition of the mandatory presence of witnesses at wedding ceremony is already long past. Today the witnesses simply represent compliance national customs. They do not put their signatures on documents.

Information about shooting and photo for memory

Photographing the ceremonial registration in the Wedding Palaces or in the registry offices of Moscow is not prohibited by law. In all Wedding Palaces, no one will forbid you to completely remove wedding celebration. But please note that only one photographer and videographer is allowed to work in the hall. A large number of masters according to the rules is considered unacceptable.

Currently practice cohabitation without official registration of marriage is widespread everywhere. However, spouses are endowed with legal duties and rights only after registration in the registry office.

Who can and who is prohibited by law from getting married?

The following persons can officially register their union:

  • adults;
  • with a voluntary desire to formalize the relationship;
  • not married.

It is prohibited to marry between:

  • relatives of close kinship;
  • persons who together or at least one of whom is already in an official union or have mental disorders and are declared incompetent;
  • adopted children and adoptive parents.

Marriage registration: step-by-step instructions

From a practical point of view, registering a marriage is not at all difficult. The main thing is to follow the order of these actions:

  1. Payment of state duty. If you make the appropriate decision, you can go straight to the bank branch and pay the fee for the wedding. IN currently this is 350 rubles.
  2. Submitting an application. A responsible step that both future spouses must take. If the bride or groom is unable to attend the filing of the application, a separate petition is drawn up. The signature of the absent person must be certified by a notary. Applicants are offered three options to choose from possible options submitting an application:
  • In writing by personal submission to any of the registry offices throughout Russia.
  • IN in electronic format through the Unified portal for state and municipal functions.
  • In writing through the Multifunctional Center.

The following must be attached to the completed application:

  • Passports.
  • Documents that confirm the dissolution of the previous union (a copy of the divorce certificate, a document on the death of the former spouse or on the court declaring the marriage invalid, etc.).
  • A copy of the receipt for payment of the state duty.
  • A written opinion on the existence of special circumstances under which a minor (over 16 but under 18 years of age) can marry. It is issued by local authorities.

3. Official registration. The marriage must be concluded no later than two and no earlier than one month from the date of filing the application. At special conditions these periods can be increased or decreased, for example, due to pregnancy, illness of one of the spouses, the birth of a child, moving to another place of residence, etc.

4. Obtaining a marriage registration certificate. On the appointed day, the newlyweds are given a certificate indicating:

  • past and present surnames of the husband and wife, as well as places and dates of their birth, citizenship and nationality;
  • place (name of the registry office) and date of conclusion of the union;
  • date of preparation and entry number in the registration act.

The issued certificate has legal force in all countries of the world. If you discover an error made by a registry office employee, you can submit an application and receive a corrected version for free.

Why do we need state registration of marriage? We need to define the concept of “marriage”. Marriage is a legally formalized, free and voluntary union of a man and a woman, aimed at creating a family and giving them mutual personal and property rights and obligations. Consequently, state registration of acts of civil status is established in order to protect property and personal moral rights citizens, as well as in the interests of the state. Does civil marriage have legal force? Based on the definition of “marriage”, it can be argued that the so-called civil marriage has no legal significance. Only religious marriages concluded before the founding of the civil registry office (before 1917 or during the period civil war), are equivalent to registered marriages. In the bustle of the wedding, the marriage certificate turned out to be lost. How quickly will it be restored? On the same day, you can contact the registry office archive, write an application and pay the state fee, and immediately receive a second certificate. This also applies to any other act of civil status. A repeated certificate is issued only to those persons in whose name the deed record was drawn up, and until the marriage is dissolved. Can the groom apply for marriage registration for himself and the bride? If one of the persons is unable to appear at the registry office to submit a joint application, the expression of will of the persons entering into marriage may be formalized in separate applications. The signature of a person who is unable to appear at the civil registry office must be notarized. Is it possible to register a marriage in the capital's registry office without Moscow registration? You can, but registration of your stay in Moscow is not required. How long before the proposed wedding can I apply for marriage registration online? An application for marriage, both electronically and in the usual way, is submitted no earlier than six months and no later than one month before the expected wedding date. Since the end of 2013, all metropolitan civil registry offices have been connected to the system. Learn more about applying online. When submitting the application, the bride wished to leave her maiden name. When the certificate was issued, she changed her mind, wanting to take her husband's surname. What to do? For this there is an act of changing the surname. The bride can submit an application to the registry office at the place of birth registration, or at the place of residence. The law sets a period of one month for this procedure, but if all the documents are in one city and there is no need to make requests from the archives, the period may be shorter. Changes are made to the marriage certificate, and based on the certificate of change of surname, a new passport is issued by the internal affairs bodies. Either spouse can change their surname at any time. At what point do you need to decide on your future surname? At the time of submitting the application, a column is filled in indicating what surname the husband and wife will bear after registering the marriage. From the moment of filing the application to the registration of the marriage, it usually takes one to two months. During this time, you need to make a choice. When the bride and groom arrive for registration, they announce their decision: whether to use a common surname or remain with their premarital surnames. Can a husband take his wife's surname after registering a marriage? The husband has the right to take his wife’s surname at any time by contacting the registry office with an application to change the surname. In what cases is a marriage declared invalid? Firstly, a marriage is recognized as invalid if the conditions and procedure for concluding a marriage are violated: at its conclusion there was no mutual voluntary consent of the citizens who entered into the marriage, or these citizens did not reach marriageable age and there is no permission from the local government for marriage of persons over 16 years of age. Secondly, if the marriage is concluded between persons, at least one of whom is already in another registered marriage, or if the marriage is concluded between close relatives or between adoptive parents and adopted children. Legal significance is given only to kinship in a direct ascending and descending line between parents and children, grandparents and grandchildren, full and half blood (having common father or mother) brothers and sisters. Also recognized invalid marriage, if it is concluded between persons, at least one of whom is recognized by the court as incompetent. A marriage can be declared invalid if one of those entering into it concealed from the other the presence of a sexually transmitted disease or HIV infection. And finally, if the marriage is fictitious, i.e. without the intention to start a family, it can also be declared invalid. The wife has a child. Does he adopt a new surname when registering his mother’s marriage and changing her surname? The child remains in the surname that he received when registering his birth. A change in the mother's surname does not necessarily entail a change in the child's surname. The groom's passport contains entries for foreign language. Is it possible to register a marriage? Are stamps placed in the passports of foreign citizens? Documents of foreign citizens must be translated into the state language of the Russian Federation. The accuracy of the translation must be notarized. There is no stamp in the passport of foreign citizens. Is it possible, with the help of the Civil Registry Office, to determine whether a citizen is in another legal marriage? Civil registry offices are not investigative bodies. Citizens certify with their signature a statement indicating their Family status. If a citizen’s passport does not contain a marriage mark, the civil registry office has no reason to refuse to accept the application. In what cases are persons under marriageable age allowed to register their marriage? If the bride is expecting a child or has already established a family, then, upon the application of citizens wishing to register the relationship, local government authorities can issue a marriage license to persons over the age of 16 years. Is it possible to register a marriage between cousins? Yes, between cousins and marriage between sisters is not prohibited. It is not kinship in general that prevents marriage, but only close kinship. How much time should pass between filing an application and registering a marriage? Marriage registration is carried out after a month from the date of filing a joint application. This period can be changed upon a joint application of the bride and groom by the head of the registry office. The initially scheduled registration time, for example, 9 am, did not suit the bride and groom. Is it possible to transfer it and how? This will depend on the number of people wishing to register a marriage on that day. Of course, at 1 pm on Saturday it is impossible to register everyone. If citizens are not satisfied with the established time, it can be changed or the date of marriage registration can be postponed. In what cases can I sign immediately? In exceptional cases, a marriage can be registered on the day the application is submitted. These must be very compelling reasons, supported by relevant documents. If the newlyweds are late for registration, will they be served on that day? Civil registry office workers will always find time to register the marriage of a late couple. Do the bride and groom have the right to choose instead of the Mendelssohn march musical accompaniment wedding ceremony at your own discretion? Undoubtedly. To accompany the wedding ceremony, there are more than thirty programs in the repertoire of the registry office ensemble, starting with Tchaikovsky and ending with Presley and the Beatles. Do civil registry office employees have the right to refuse marriage registration to citizens wishing to get married? Should they explain the reason? The reason is certainly explained. A refusal to register a marriage will take place if the registry office employees become aware that there are reasons why the marriage cannot be registered for the reasons already listed. Our actions can be challenged by citizens in court. Is it possible in unilaterally refuse to register the marriage and take the application back? The application is not issued to citizens. It must be stored in the archives of the registry office. The bride was hiding long time from the groom your age. Can someone getting married provide incorrect information on the application? The application is filled out in accordance with the identity document. Therefore, the bride will have to provide the correct information. The date of birth of the spouses is indicated both in the marriage registration stamp and in the certificate. Can an application for marriage registration serve as a basis for establishing paternity in court? I think that an application for marriage, in the event of the birth of a child and the father’s refusal to acknowledge paternity, can be a serious argument for establishing paternity in court if the child is common. In what cases can you count on registering a marriage at home? Such an exceptional case as a serious illness of one of the spouses gives the right to register a marriage at home or in a hospital. The presence of a serious illness must be confirmed by a medical certificate attached to the application. Is it necessary to register a marriage at the regional registry office? Is it possible in another? In any civil registry office on the territory of the Russian Federation, at the choice of persons entering into marriage, marriage registration is carried out. Fashion trend: getting married in the air with a parachute and in other extreme conditions. Is it possible to get married outside the registry office? Marriage can be concluded both in the registry office departments and wedding palaces, and on the territory of cultural, historical and sports facilities of the city In what language is the ceremony held if one of the spouses does not understand Russian? The ceremony is held at state language Russian Federation, Russian. Is it possible to exchange rings when registering a marriage? unconventional shape or put them on left hand? Rings of any shape and type are acceptable. You can wear rings on both your left and right hands. What is the difference between the Civil Registry Office and the Wedding Palace? Only one act of civil status is registered at the Wedding Palace - marriage. Is the consent for marriage, asked by the employee of the registry office from the bride and groom, of a formal nature? No. The bride and groom are asked whether their decision is free and thoughtful, for a reason. Mutual voluntary consent of a man and a woman is one of the main conditions for marriage. If one of them answers “no”, the marriage cannot be registered. Is it possible to refuse the solemn registration of marriage altogether or ask to change the text? Ceremonial registration Marriage is carried out only at the request of those entering into marriage. A marriage can also be registered in the so-called working order, non-ceremoniously, in a specially designated office. Nevertheless, department employees ask each couple about voluntary mutual agreement, warm congratulations. Can the bride and groom choose a civil registry office employee to perform the ceremony? No. Otherwise, it may turn out that all fifty couples a day will have to be served by one worker. Usually there are several presenters, regularly replacing each other. In order to undergo a wedding ceremony, you must provide a marriage registration certificate to the church. Is this an agreement between church and state? No, there is no such agreement. This order was established by the church. Should Russian citizens living permanently or temporarily in another state go home to get married? Marriages between citizens of the Russian Federation living outside the territory of the Russian Federation are concluded in diplomatic missions or consular offices of the Russian Federation. Where does a marriage take place between a Russian citizen and a citizen of, say, Canada, living together in a third country? Such a marriage can be concluded in the civil registration authorities in the territory of the country in which the bride and groom currently live, in accordance with the legislation of the country. Does a marriage certificate issued in Russia have legal force in another country (for residents of Russia, for citizens of other countries)? Documents from foreign countries must be legalized or certified with an apostille. Legalization and apostille are not required if treaties between two or more states simplify these procedures. In Moscow, the apostille for documents of civil registry offices is affixed by the United Civil Registry Office Archive. How quickly can newlyweds receive a marriage registration certificate? The certificate is issued immediately before the wedding ceremony, when the bride and groom arrive at the registry office for registration, and is presented in the ceremonial registration hall. If one of the spouses changes his mind about getting married while already at the registry office, his passport is stamped, a certificate is issued, is he considered married? No. If the marriage certificate is not signed, the marriage cannot be considered registered. You should contact the police department with an application to exchange your passport, since the entry in it does not correspond to reality. To obtain a second certificate, is it necessary to contact the exact registry office department where the registration was made? Necessarily. A repeated certificate is issued only at the place where the registration record is stored. How long does it take to issue a duplicate marriage certificate? The introduction of electronic archives of the civil registry office has made it possible to reduce the time for issuing repeated documents to citizens to 10–15 minutes. What to do if there is a mistake on the marriage certificate? If this mistake was made through the fault of a civil registry office employee, then you can obtain a second certificate from the archive for free. If an error is made in the act record, then it is necessary to make changes or corrections to the act record. After the entry is corrected based on the conclusion of the civil registry office, a new certificate is issued. When can you conclude a marriage contract? Marriage contract can be concluded both before the state registration of marriage and at any time during the marriage. A marriage contract concluded before the state registration of the marriage comes into force on the date of state registration of the marriage. It is in writing and subject to notarization. If one of the parties later changes his mind about complying with the provisions stipulated in the marriage contract, is it considered valid? Unilateral refusal to execute a marriage contract is not allowed. At the request of one of the spouses, the marriage contract may be terminated or amended by a court decision. Is it possible to write in a marriage contract that the wife agrees not to work? It is unacceptable to include provisions on non-property relations in the contract. If such conditions are included in the agreement, then this part of the agreement will not be considered valid. What is the validity period of a marriage contract? The validity of the marriage contract is terminated from the moment of termination of the marriage under Article 25 of the Family Code, with the exception of those obligations that are provided for in the marriage contract for the period after the termination of the marriage. Is it possible to update and correct a prenuptial agreement? The marriage contract can be changed or terminated at any time by agreement of the spouses. An agreement to amend or terminate a marriage contract is made in the same form as the marriage contract itself. The marriage contract determined the dominant position of the husband in the family. The wife signed without reading. How to change the contract? The court may declare a marriage contract invalid in whole or in part at the request of one of the spouses if the terms of the contract place him in an extremely unfavorable position. Can spouses who do not have a common citizenship enter into a marriage contract? Certainly. On a general basis, they can conclude a marriage contract with a notary. Is it possible to indicate in a marriage contract which parent will have unborn children? These issues are regulated in detail by law. What else can be discussed in a marriage contract, besides property issues? You can determine your rights and obligations regarding mutual maintenance, ways of participating in each other’s income, the procedure for each spouse to bear family expenses, and determine the property that will be transferred to each spouse in the event of divorce. Is it possible to conclude a marriage contract for families living civil marriage? The marriage contract comes into force only from the date of state registration of the marriage. Is it possible to register a marriage with a soldier? conscript service? It is possible, but the marriage registration procedure takes place on a general basis. After deadline From the date of filing the application, the marriage is registered with the civil registry office. If a marriage is registered by foreigners or one of those entering into marriage is a foreigner, in what language is the marriage certificate issued? The marriage certificate is issued in the state language - Russian. Is it possible to sign with only a certificate from the police about the loss of documents? Such certificates are not identification documents. This cannot be done until you receive your passport. Is it possible to legalize a marriage concluded abroad? Marriages concluded outside the Russian Federation in compliance with the legislation of the state in whose territory they were concluded are recognized as valid in the Russian Federation if there are no circumstances preventing the marriage, an exhaustive list of which is contained in the Family Code of the Russian Federation. Is it possible to do without witnesses at a wedding ceremony? Currently, witness signatures are not required in marriage records, so newlyweds can do without witnesses.

Entry of citizens into legal marriage regulated Family Code Russian Federation (Article 2). As a rule, after submitting an application to the registry office, future newlyweds need wait month before official ceremony(Article 11 of the RF IC). However, sometimes newlyweds think about how to quickly register their marriage. This is possible, but only for good reasons.

You can urgently register a marriage if the following special circumstances exist:

  • pregnancy;
  • threat to the life of a man or woman;
  • birth of a child;
  • a de facto marriage union;
  • conscription of a man into the army;
  • urgent but long business trip;
  • and so on.

In some situations, it is quite possible to sign directly on the day of application.

Each case is considered by authorized registry office employees in individually, upon confirmation of a valid reason relevant documents. It could be:

Full list There are no valid reasons for early registration of marriage in the RF IC. Local governments may recognize as special circumstances any of those that require urgent official registration.

If the registry office staff refuses to reduce the waiting period for marriage registration, you can appeal this decision to judicial procedure(Article 11 of the RF IC, paragraph 3).

Application for marriage registration

The main condition for marriage is joint statement from both future spouses (Article 24 of the RF IC).

Previously, it was impossible for one of the citizens to submit an application; the presence of both was required. Today the situation has changed. According to practice, applications for marriage are increasingly accepted, provided that the application from the second citizen is signed by him personally and certified by a notary.

After submitting the application, you are given a month to think and prepare for the celebration. This was done in order to prevent hasty unions, as well as to identify the presence of obstacles to marriage.

If a valid reason arises for shortening the time frame for registering a marriage, the date may be postponed even if an application has already been submitted. That is, if citizens have already submitted an application and the date of the ceremony has been set, if special circumstances arise in which urgency is necessary, it can be postponed to a later date. early time. To do this, you will need to submit an application to the registry office to change the date.

Exceptional circumstances

The period for marriage after filing an application can be reduced as much as possible only in the presence of exceptional circumstances. There is no complete list of them in the legislation. But according to practice, there are 3 reasons:

  • pregnancy;
  • child (birth);
  • danger to the life of the bride or groom.

In these cases, future spouses have the right to choose the option that suits them most: painting on the day of application or directly reducing the waiting period for the ceremony.

It is worth explaining this point in more detail "life threatening". It may include many different situations. For example, leaving on a dangerous expedition, to a war zone, serious surgical intervention and so on. Naturally, these circumstances must be confirmed.

However, all of the above does not give citizens the right to demand a signature on the day the application was submitted, or to reduce the waiting period for registration. Only the registry office decides whether to meet the young people halfway or refuse their request. If citizens believe that their rights have been violated in the form of a refusal to register early, they have the right to file a lawsuit to declare the actions of the civil registry office illegal.

Documents for marriage registration

We figured out how to shorten the time between submitting an application to the registry office and registration. Now let's talk about what documents, in addition to documents confirming the valid reasons for early marriage, will be needed.

According to Russian legislation, it is not necessary to wait the 30 days required for verification to get married. There are several reasons for urgent registration of the newlyweds' relationship. It is necessary to provide an extended one to obtain the right to marry in a short time.

Standard waiting periods after filing an application for marriage

According to the Law “On Civil Status Acts”, they range from 1 to 6 months. A minimum period of 30 days is required for specialists to verify all documents.

Professionals must ensure the following:

Also, sometimes newlyweds want to coincide the celebration with another event. That is why they can choose any day available for registration within the next 6 months. However, you need to approach the issue of choosing a date responsibly.

In this case, the newlyweds will need to enter the office, familiarize themselves with the grounds for registering the relationship, sign in a special book located in the registry office, and receive a marriage certificate. Everything happens within a few minutes. Passports are stamped in the presence of the newlyweds.

How to quickly register a marriage at the registry office?

To register a relationship, you need to perform several standard steps. If the marriage is urgent, then you will need to fulfill some conditions to obtain consent from the registry office specialist.

Application form and sample

It is standard, regardless of whether accelerated or regular registration of relations is required. One form must contain the information of both newlyweds.

The newlyweds write the following information:

  • the name of the registry office department where the marriage will take place;
  • Full names of the parties;
  • date of birth and age at the time of registration of the relationship;
  • Place of Birth;
  • citizenship;
  • nationality (specified as desired);
  • location;
  • passport details;
  • details of previously issued ones (if available).

At the end you must indicate and sign. According to the provisions of the RF IC, they can take the surname of one of the spouses, make it (prohibited if one of the newlyweds already has a double surname at the time of marriage) or choose any other.

List of required documents

Their list directly depends on the reason for an urgent marriage. For normal applications, you only need a passport and .

If someone was previously married, then you need to additionally provide. It is recommended to clarify in advance with a specialist from the Civil Registry Office what exactly is required in a particular case, since each situation is considered separately.

But when some situations arise, the actions have already been worked out, and the list of documents is known.

Reason for urgent registration Additional documents
Bride's pregnancy A certificate from the antenatal clinic confirming the fact of pregnancy and the duration in weeks.
Pregnancy of the bride before the age of 18 A certificate from the antenatal clinic confirming the fact of pregnancy and the duration in weeks, and notarized consent of the parents to register the relationship.
Availability common child .
Serious disease with a diagnosis, a disability certificate, an extract from the medical history.
Threat to life Various documents confirming the presence of this threat.
Urgent business trip Train/plane tickets, a certificate from the place of work about the duration of the business trip and the impossibility of rescheduling it (taken from the HR department or from senior management).
Force majeure Other documents, the list of which depends on the specific problem.

Thus, to provide everything at once necessary papers, it is worth contacting the specialists of the Civil Registry Office. They are always ready to provide full information support in person or by phone.

Expedited marriage procedure

The procedure is standard and boils down to the following:

  1. appearing on the appointed day and at the appointed time;
  2. checking the information on the marriage certificate;
  3. placing the signatures of the parties in the record book of the registry office;
  4. affixing stamps in the passports of the spouses and.

The entire process takes less than 10 minutes. If the health status of one of the parties does not allow registering the marriage within the registry office, then it is possible to conduct on-site registration.

To do this, you must place an appropriate order. The cost of this service depends on the locality and the registry office itself. You will also need to transport a specialist to the wedding venue and back to the place of work.

In what cases can an application for express marriage be refused?

There are several grounds for refusal to provide expedited marriage services. All of them are prescribed in the Federal Law “On Acts of Civil Status”.

The grounds for refusal include the following:

  • incomplete package of documents;
  • being married at the time of filing a new application;
  • an error in the payment document for payment of state duty;
  • lack of grounds for expedited marriage registration;
  • lack of Russian citizenship for both newlyweds;
  • one of the parties is incapacitated;
  • the presence of diseases in one of the parties that make marriage impossible;
  • filing an application while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.