Children's nasal aspirator for newborns. How to choose a nasal aspirator for children. Children's nasal aspirators for the nose: reviews

A nasal aspirator is a special medical instrument that allows you to painlessly and safely clear the nasal passages of a baby from mucus.

There are many types of aspirators and they are all made of different material. The softer it is, the more likely it is not to cause discomfort to the child during the extraction of mucus. Such equipment is used for newborn children and those who have not yet learned how to blow their nose on their own.

There are several types of nasal aspirators for the smallest. Consider the most popular types and models:

  1. syringe (enema) is a rubber medical pear. It is ideal for newborns as it is small and fits a tiny nose perfectly. For some models, a silicone tip is included in the package so as not to injure the mucous membrane of the inside of the nose. The wide tip of the bulbs allows you to control the depth of penetration. This device works as follows: the syringe is compressed and gently inserted with the tip into the child's nostril. After that, it gently unclenches and sucks out the mucus. Carrying out the procedure on one nostril, the second must be closed. One of best models is considered a syringe of Moscow production "Alpina Plast"
  2. the mechanical aspirator is made in the form of a tube and allows you to remove contaminants from the child's nose by pulling in the mother's mouth. That is, one end of the device is inserted into the nostril, and the other end of the mother's mouth. Thus, it is possible to control the force of retraction, due to which this method is considered more gentle, in contrast to the douche. To protect the mother from getting secretions into her mouth or infection, there is a special filter on the tube that holds mucus. Trade marks"NoseFrida", "Beaba", "Otrivin Baby" are among the most popular among modern parents and pediatricians
  3. The electronic nasal aspirator is a multifunctional device, since in addition to the function of retracting and suctioning the secret, there is one more function - the aerosol function, thanks to which you can rinse the nose and moisturize the mucous membrane. To activate this device, it is enough to press the button to activate the mechanism. The manufacturer ZOLI BREATHE is considered one of the best. Even though it's not cheap
  4. A vacuum aspirator is a device that works on the principle of a vacuum cleaner. This device can be used several times a day. It is especially appropriate to apply a vacuum when there is a lot of mucus, it is thick and viscous. Usually such secretions are characteristic of viral and bacterial diseases. among manufacturers, Atmos (Germany) and Choongwae (Korea) proved to be the best

For more information on how to properly use the nasal aspirator, see the video:

To provide complete care behind the nasal cavity of the child, in addition to suctioning the secret, it is necessary to wash the nasal passages, especially with a cold. It is best to use the following tools for this:

  • saline solution, which can be prepared at home by mixing a spoonful of table salt per liter of water, or purchased at a pharmacy already in ready-made. Marimer also proved to be the best
  • decoctions medicinal plants- chamomile, succession, linden,. They contain many vitamins, minerals, trace elements and antioxidants. The listed plants are considered the best natural antiseptics, therefore, they disinfect, relieve inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane in a child, improve breathing and soothe irritated tissues.
  • mineral water, a solution of soda and salt, you can add a drop of iodine - these methods also perfectly wash and moisturize the baby's mucous

Indications for use

Aspirators are used when a child has a stuffy nose, breathing is difficult. This may be in several cases:

  1. immediately after birth, until the respiratory system adapts to existence outside the womb, the baby may experience excessive mucous secretions and nose
  2. various diseases. The appearance of snot is a symptom or consequence of many diseases of the upper respiratory tract, which can occur as a result of hypothermia of the body or the development of pathogens
  3. allergic reaction can occur in a child due to excessive dust or dryness in the room (because of this, it is important to carry out wet cleaning daily and maintain humidity and temperature regime- 19-23 degrees). Also, the baby may have a reaction to pet hair.

It is imperative to rinse the nose of a child during excessive discharge, since snot not only makes breathing difficult and can cause oxygen deficiency, but is also a favorable microflora for the development of pathogens.

Terms of use

In order not to harm the aspirator, you must follow the rules for using the device:

  1. Softening the crusts on the mucous in the nose of a child is the most important step when using an aspirator. First of all, you need to drip 1-2 drops of saline into each nasal passage. It can be just salt with water or, Marimer or herbal decoction.
  2. Mucus elimination. The snot removal process directly depends on the type of aspirator used. To begin with, it is important to read the instructions. Then wash your hands well and, if possible, disinfect (or can be used for this purpose). After that, you can start. It is necessary to suck out the mucus one by one, first from one nostril, while the second must be closed, then from the other.
  3. After that, you can drip drops into the child's nose to moisturize the mucous membrane. You can use both salt drops and oil drops. most often recommended by pediatricians, as they consist of natural composition and do not cause irritation.

During the procedure, it is important to ensure that the child does not spin, otherwise this may lead to injury to the mucosa.

In order for the suction of mucus to bring results, the following recommendations must be observed:

  • if it appeared as a result of a cold, it is important to provide the baby with plenty of fluids and complex treatment
  • it is important to improve the nutrition of the mother if the child is breastfed
  • it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning daily, ventilate the room and humidify the air
  • the temperature in the nursery should be between 19-23 degrees
  • the child must be dressed according to the weather, overheating and freezing should not be allowed
  • if you have pets, you need to constantly carefully clean the hair

The neonatal aspirator is irreplaceable thing, which should be in the first-aid kit of every child of the first years of life. With its help, it is possible to easily remove the mucus that has collected in the nasal passages. The use of a nozzle suction is considered justified in case of diseases, as well as if crusts form in the nose of the child, provoked by dry air in the room. We will talk in more detail about the types of aspirators, their characteristics, indications and contraindications for use in the presented article.

Most often, a nozzle pump for newborns is used to combat the common cold. With the help of an aspirator, it is possible to get rid of the mucus that has accumulated in the nasal passages, which makes it easier to breathe. It is considered a real salvation, because Small child can't blow his nose.

The main indications for the use of an aspirator is the cleansing of the nasal passages with:

  • chronic rhinitis;
  • chronic sinusitis;
  • chronic adenoiditis.

A nasal aspirator is also used for prophylactic purposes, especially if crusts appear in the nose, provoked by dry air. The procedure helps to get rid of pathogenic microorganisms, prevents the appearance and accelerates the process of recovery from the disease.

Despite the fact that the aspirator is convenient and necessary thing, it is not always allowed to use it. Its use is contraindicated in:

  • violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity;
  • the absence of a special limiter on the aspirator tip;
  • specific structure of the nasal septum.

Frequent aspiration provokes an increase in the amount of secretion, so it is better to use the accessory in extreme cases.

A few minutes before suction nasal cavity washed saline solution or decoction medicinal herbs. Care must be taken when diagnosing this manipulation, because excessive washing can provoke an exacerbation inflammatory process in the ear.


The nozzle pump works like a pump; when used, negative pressure is formed in its cavity. This allows you to gently suck the mucus out of the nose. There are several types of aspirators in retail chains.


A syringe is a simple and cheap type of aspirator. This is a rubber pear that has a soft tip. It is quite easy to use: all that is needed is to squeeze the bulb, insert the tip into the nostril and slowly release. In a manual aspirator, air is sucked along with mucus. After you need to rinse the product and boil it.

The negative side of the use of this type of aspirator is the absence of a limiter. That is why it is necessary to insert the tip into the nostril "by eye", there is a risk of injury to the mucous membranes. Another disadvantage is the opacity of the pear, because it is not possible to control whether the mucus is sucked out of the nose or not.

The first place in the popularity rating is occupied by the Chicco aspirator. Its main advantage is that it is made of soft plastic, which prevents injury to the delicate mucosa of the child. It has a foam filter, with its help control over suction power is exercised. In addition, the aspirator can be easily disassembled, which simplifies the process of washing it. The average price is 335 rubles.

The second place is occupied by the Nuby syringe, it is made of soft silicone, due to which it allows you to gently clean the nose. The advantage of the aspirator is that it comes with special nozzles for cleaning the ears. Caring for the suction pump is quite simple: you need to wash it in warm soapy water and dry it. The average cost of a nozzle pump is 320 rubles.

Mechanical aspirator

This type of aspirator consists of a soft tip, a tube with a reservoir and a replaceable filter, the main function of which is to prevent mucus from entering the oral cavity adult.

The rules for using the product are simple: by inserting the tip into the nasal cavity of a child, an adult must draw air into himself. After the end of the procedure, the accessory is sterilized if it is intended for disposable, then discarded. The price of a mechanical aspirator reaches 200 rubles, everything will depend on the manufacturer.

Most positive feedback managed to get an aspirator called NoseFrida. The aspirator is equipped with a large capacity for collecting mucus, which allows you to clear two nasal passages at once, its tip is rounded, which reduces the risk of injury to the mucosa. Price from 630 rubles.

On the second step of popularity is the nozzle pump Otrivin Baby. positive side aspirator is that the kit includes additional nozzles. You can buy an aspirator at any pharmacy, its price will be 350 rubles.

In third place is the Bebe Confort aspirator. With it, you can easily clear the nose of the child from mucus. Due to the fact that the tube is short, the process of mucus suction is fast and does not require special efforts. The kit includes 2 brushes for washing the aspirator. average price is 460 rubles.

Electric aspirator

The electronic aspirator is considered the most expensive and efficient. Its main advantages are:

  • the presence of a soft tip with a limiter;
  • automatic suction of mucus.

The electric device is equipped with a transparent reservoir for collecting mucus, which allows you to control the process and evaluate the effectiveness of the procedure. Its power is low, and this reduces the risk of damage to the mucosa. Due to the fact that the dimensions of the aspirator are small and it can operate on batteries, it can be easily transported.

The first line in the ranking of electronic aspirators is occupied by Coclean New. The advantage of this nozzle suction is that it has a curved tip, which facilitates the suction of snot. It can also be used as a sprayer, which helps a lot to fight colds (special nozzles are included in the kit). The only disadvantage of such an aspirator is the high price, up to 8000 rubles.

The second place goes to B.Well WC-150, the aspirator is easy to use, but at the same time quite effective. Has a soundtrack that helps to distract the child. Due to the fact that the aspirator is small, it can be easily taken on the road. The main advantage is considered to be a low price compared to analogues up to 1600 rubles.

Vacuum nasal aspirator

This species has recently appeared on the market. The aspirator works with a vacuum cleaner, it is connected to it through a mouthpiece, which, like the tip, will be disinfected.

The positive aspects of using this type of aspirator are:

  • high level of efficiency;
  • fast suction process;
  • safety.

The vacuum aspirator is considered the best, the only drawbacks are that the child may not like the loud sound of the vacuum cleaner. The Baby vac vacuum aspirator received the most positive feedback. He is different high level efficiency, durability, nozzles made of soft material. Due to the presence of a special tube, it is possible to control the process of mucus absorption. Its average price is 1450 rubles.

The second place was taken by the Happy Baby nozzle pump, it is made of soft flexible material, due to which it does not bring discomfort. A case is attached to the aspirator, which makes transportation of the mechanism easier and more convenient. You can buy an aspirator for 500 rubles.

Rules for using the device

Before carrying out the mucus suction procedure, it is necessary to moisten the nasal cavity, for this, the usual saline, spray or decoctions of herbs. When carrying out irrigation, it is necessary to keep the baby upright, this will reduce the risk of the solution entering the respiratory system.

The process consists of the following steps:

  1. The child must be held in his arms, he must be calm, you can distract him with the help of some kind of toy.
  2. After moistening the nasal passages, it is necessary to pinch one nostril with your finger, and insert the aspirator tip into the second and suction the liquid.
  3. Similar actions must be carried out with the other nostril. It is important to keep the tip level so that it does not touch the mucous membranes, otherwise they can be injured.

An aspirator is a wonderful device that helps fight rhinitis in a child. However, parents should be responsible for its acquisition. To do right choice aspirator, it is better to consult a doctor on this issue.

Useful video on how to choose an aspirator for a child

When parents begin to collect a first aid kit for their newborn child, an aspirator should become its mandatory component. This is very important subject for caring for a newborn, because almost all babies may have breathing problems in the first weeks, which means that, accordingly, there will be problems with feeding. Many parents do not know that a child under 4 months old cannot eat normally if he has a stuffy nose. If there are in the nasal passages a large number of mucus and secretion, then it must be removed. An aspirator for a newborn is also needed when the room where the child spends most of the day has very dry air. This can lead to disruption of the full functioning of the nasal mucosa and the development of rhinitis. And given that for newborns there is practically no safe medicine to solve problems with the spout, the need for an aspirator increases several times.

Why does a newborn need an aspirator?

When a child under four months has even slight signs of rhinitis, you should immediately consult a doctor. When a child has at least a little stuffy nose, he begins to refuse the breast, sleeps very badly and little, and in his sleep he can cry. In addition, the baby will constantly lack oxygen, since he does not know how to breathe through his mouth, and, accordingly, the brain and everything internal organs will be in a state of hypoxia. In no case should vasoconstrictor drugs be used for a newborn, because they can cause serious poisoning of the crumbs. There is a nasal aspirator great solution this problem, because it effectively and quickly pumps out liquid secret from the child's nose, and if there is a crust in it, then it must first be softened. To do this, you can use special drops that were prepared on the basis of sea ​​salt or use a regular salt solution, which can be prepared at home.

When a child is four months old, he gradually learns to breathe through his mouth, which somewhat simplifies the problem. At the same time, he still does not know how to blow his nose in order to get rid of accumulations in his nose on his own. In this case, nasal discharge, if not removed, can freely pass through the internal auditory tube into the middle ear cavity. For the same reason, the child begins to develop acute otitis media for which very dangerous antibiotics must be used.

Aquamaris - drops for a newborn

In order to slightly eliminate breathing problems, you can use special drops for a newborn - aquamaris. It very quickly and effectively flushes all the nasal passages of the baby's nose and is an absolutely harmless remedy for the tiniest children.

It is worth noting that a lot of children do not know that a child may develop hypoxia due to breathing problems, which is very dangerous for the health of a newborn who is still very weak. Therefore, if you use an aspirator along with properly selected nasal drops, then it is quite possible to solve the problem of shortness of breath in a newborn baby. It is also worth noting that the entire process of mucus suction occurs without any pain, very fast and efficient.

Of course, very little was heard about aspirators before, but today they are becoming more and more popular devices for solving breathing problems in a newborn child. At the same time, numerous reviews show that the aspirators are really effective and fully cope with their work.

Aspirators for a newborn: everything parents need to know

IN Lately neonatal aspirators have become increasingly popular. They are very effective if you need to remove mucus and other contaminants from the baby's nose and at the same time do not use drugs that can be dangerous for your child.

What are the types of aspirators for newborns

In the most different places you will be able to see advertisements for aspirators and each manufacturer will claim that his device is the best. Do not buy into beautiful advertising, because high price aspirator may not always be justified in practice. It is worth noting that all today's aspirators can be divided into two groups: syringe aspirators, which are actually pears small size; mechanical aspirators - they remove the secret from the baby's nose at the expense of the parent's lungs; electronic aspirators are the most modern models in which a special compress operates, which can be controlled using a special microcircuit; vacuum - such devices are very effective, but the device must be attached to a vacuum cleaner.

Pros and cons of different types of aspirators

Each type of aspirator has its pros and cons, which must be taken into account when choosing a device for your child. Douches can be bought at every pharmacy, they are inexpensive and easy to process before use. At the same time, it is very easy for them to damage the mucous membrane, and children do not like it too much when such a syringe is in their nose.

Mechanical aspirators are very easy to use: one end is inserted into the nasal passage of a child, and the other into the mouth of an adult. Thanks to a special replaceable filter, mucus does not enter the body of an adult. In addition, the tips are very easy to sterilize, but this depends on the model.

Electronic aspirators can be used not only to remove mucus, but also to wash the nasal passages of a newborn, as well as to fully moisturize them. Big disadvantage there is the cost of the device, as well as the fact that it can break down quite often. At the same time, children are delighted with fun music issued by the aspirator during operation.

Vacuum aspirators work thanks to household vacuum cleaners, but at the same time they have an independent power regulator, which reduces the risk of injury to a minimum. Of course, not all children react normally to the sound of a working vacuum cleaner, but it is quite possible to turn the whole procedure into a game. Such an aspirator can be used for a very long time, but with the condition of careful care of the nozzles.

Complete systems for newborn nose care

Many doctors recommend immediately after the birth of a child to purchase a special kit for him, which will help to take care of the nasal cavity normally: a bottle of sea water, an aspirator and vasoconstrictor drops, but which will be released in a dosage for a newborn and will not harm him. The most popular for many years remains the complex for newborns - Otrivin.

Using an aspirator for a newborn

Before you start using the aspirator for a newborn baby, you need to carefully study the instructions for its use. It is also advisable to use a small amount of sea water before the procedure, which will then help remove all crusts and impurities from the nose. Then you need to carry out the suction of mucus in accordance with the instructions and thoroughly wash the aspirator. Be sure to sterilize the aspirator tip before next use.

A runny nose for an adult is an ordinary phenomenon and as such does not pose a danger, especially with the right timely treatment. But children tolerate this disease worse, especially newborns, since the child will definitely not be able to blow his nose on his own. And the accumulating mucus will definitely not be able to do anything good, it will only provoke new and serious complications.

Therefore, among young parents, it has now become fashionable to use nasal. It is possible to pump out with the help of this device quickly, preventing the development of an unfavorable infection. And they will definitely appear in time and it will be difficult to solve this problem. If the nose is not cleaned on time, then the following complications can be expected:

  • breathing difficulties;
  • Bad sleep;
  • The development of diseases in the internal organs.

Therefore, once you buy such a device, you can significantly simplify your life, and in the article we will show you how to use the aspirator.

Instrument influence

You can clear the sinuses with an aspirator in a few minutes, and for children this device is harmless. Removal of negatively affecting substances favorably affects the child's body and allows him to normalize the work of the mucous membrane. The aspirator draws irritants out of the nose that interfere with normal breathing, after the nose becomes clear, breathing normalizes and the child becomes calmer.

Many parents note that if you remove the snot from a child, then he becomes calm, recovery is more active and faster, colds retreat.

Device types

Available in many versions, it depends on the manufacturer. Although they all have the same application, the most common option is an ordinary rubber bulb, which is also called a syringe, with a long soft tube. In most cases, the nasal aspirator ends with a special nozzle, which is needed so that the child does not get hurt during manipulation. Such a simple device is used as follows: blowing out the accumulated air inside by pressing the pear, immediately insert the tube into the nasal sinuses, after which we release the pear. The snot is sucked into the tube and the liquid can be squeezed out by pressing it back. There are more complex types of aspirators:

  1. A mechanical aspirator is a malfunctioning device in the form of an oblong tube for sucking snot from the nose. The tube should be taken not short and not long, of medium size. One end of the tube is inserted into the sinuses, and the other end is lowered into the mouth by a person. Runny nose is removed by gentle drawing in of air and mucus. The convenience of this method lies in the fact that the adult himself can regulate the retraction force. Doctors consider this method safer than a douche, it is almost impossible for them to harm a child;
  2. The electronic nasal aspirator is practical in that all actions are performed by automation. That is, parents just need to point the device into the nasal passages of the newborn and press the power button. Such an aspirator for children is also convenient because most models are equipped with side functions - almost every model has an aerosol and a humidifier, it is very convenient;
  3. The vacuum nozzle aspirator is the most powerful and fast way removal of snot from the nose of a child. The set of this device includes several adapters that are needed to connect the hose to the vacuum cleaner. Many people are afraid of using the power of a vacuum cleaner, parents are worried that this type of children's nasal aspirator can harm the child. But in fact it is safe, the main thing is to set the minimum power on the vacuum cleaner in advance. It is also important that the hoses fit snugly together at the connection points.

Now we need to say a few words about safety and how to properly use the aspirator for newborns. First of all, you should be careful and carefully clean the nose of those children whose sinuses are narrow, since it is easy to harm in this case. Also, before you start cleaning, you need to thoroughly rinse your nose. brine or saline purchased at a pharmacy. Just do not pour a glass of liquid directly into the nose, you need to drip a little there. During the procedure, the baby must be in vertical position, otherwise the liquid will drain down the nasopharynx into the throat. In a newborn, seepage of water into the larynx can cause breathing to stop or spasm. So ahead of time, before using the nasal aspirator, you need to prepare carefully.

Also, instead of saline, you can use special preparations that can be purchased at a pharmacy. Another alternative is to brew herbal decoctions, it is better to use calendula, sage or oak bark. However, do not make the decoction too concentrated, otherwise an allergic reaction may occur, which is difficult to notice in a newborn.

If you urgently need to use an electronic nasal aspirator, and there is no suitable liquid at home, then you can make a saline solution yourself. To do this, boil a liter of water and pour a tablespoon of salt into it, then mix thoroughly.

It is also important to remember about hygiene - before each use, you need to sterilize the device, and then wash it thoroughly.

doctors for normal effective work of the device, it is recommended to use the device for sucking snot from babies several times a day, preferably before bedtime and before each meal. In this case, the child will be able to sleep normally, become calm, and food can be better absorbed.

Watch how you use the aspirator, as inept actions can greatly harm the child and injure the sinuses. It happens that an adult unsuccessfully predicts the child's behavior and injures the nose, allows the aspirator to stick to the epithelium, and bleeding occurs. Therefore, follow each action and do not be distracted during the procedure.

In every family with a newborn child.

A nasal aspirator is a simple device for sucking mucus out of a child's nasal passages. People call him "snot sucker".

What is the danger of a runny nose in a newborn

Mucus, dust accumulate in the nasal passages of the crumbs, and crusts may even form. This is not always the result of a cold. It's just that in the rooms, especially in winter, the air is very dry, which does not affect the mucous membranes of the child's nose very well.

As a consequence of this, the baby may experience rhinitis, in a simple runny nose.

  • Mucus prevents him from breathing, the child cannot suckle the breast, sleep peacefully. This is very dangerous for the baby. He cannot breathe through his mouth, and his nose is clogged with mucus. Some parents try to put drops in the nose from a runny nose. But they will not improve the condition of the baby.
  • The baby is still helpless, he cannot blow his nose on his own. A runny nose can lead to respiratory distress and the most unpredictable consequences.
  • Abundant mucus, if not removed, can enter the baby's middle ear cavity through the internal auditory tube. This may cause serious illness- otitis. And require much more time-consuming treatment using antibiotics.

Therefore, in the first months of a baby's life, it is important to consult a pediatrician. He will prescribe treatment.

And to avoid using medicines with a runny nose, help will be provided by a small device - an aspirator. Using it, you can quickly and easily remove nasal discharge.

Types and characteristics of nasal aspirators

What types of aspirators are there?

In the form of a syringe

This is the most primitive and cheapest type of aspirator ( about 50 rubles). It consists of a rubber bulb with a soft silicone tip.

Using it is simple:

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  1. Squeeze the pear.
  2. Carefully insert the tip into the nasal passage.
  3. Slowly release the pear.
  4. Mucus will also be sucked in with the air.
  5. After cleaning, the syringe must be thoroughly rinsed and boiled.

The big disadvantage of this aspirator is the lack of a limiter on the tip. You have to enter "by eye", so there is a danger of injuring the nasal mucosa.

The second minus is that the pear is opaque, so it is not visible whether the liquid contents have been sucked out of the nose.



  • A mechanical aspirator is a tube with a reservoir for mucus and has a replaceable filter that prevents mucus from entering the adult's mouth.
  • Its tips are soft, often replaceable, so the risk of injury to the mucosa is low.
  • The principle of operation is simple - an adult inserts the tip of the tube into the child's nose, sucks in air.
  • Allocations with air fall into a transparent reservoir, where they remain.
  • After use, the device is either thrown away (if disposable) or sterilized.
  • Such aspirators cost within 200 rubles. Some models require the purchase of disposable tips.

(Children's nasal aspirator Otrivin Baby)


It is one of the most expensive, but also the most effective types aspirators. Its positive aspects:

  • Soft silicone tip with stopper.
  • Automatic removal of mucus and crusts. Just insert the tip into the nasal passage, press the button, the device will do the rest.
  • There is a transparent container for collecting mucus. You can clearly see how and how much of it was removed from the baby's nose.
  • The ability to rinse the spout of the crumbs with water - plain boiled or sea water.
  • The power of the device is small, therefore, the risk of injury to the mucosa is low.
  • The small size of the device and the ability to work on batteries allow you to take it with you on the road.
  • Many electronic aspirators can play several tunes, which serves as a distraction during the operation to clean the baby's nose.

minus this appliance is its rather high cost (from one and a half thousand rubles) and fragility.

(Example of aspirator)


This is enough the new kind aspirators.

  • The principle of its operation is based on connecting the device to the tube of a conventional household vacuum cleaner (!) Through a mouthpiece.
  • The tip of this type of aspirator is removable.
  • Both nozzles must be disinfected after use.
  • Many parents are alarmed by the fact that the mucus will be sucked off by a vacuum cleaner. After all, it has a fairly large suction power.
  • It's not worth worrying. There is a flask in the device - a collector, and as soon as a vacuum of continuous suction is established in it, a quick cleaning of the spout takes place, literally in a few seconds.

The advantages of this type of aspirators are safety, efficiency of use, durability. This type of aspirator is considered one of the best.

The disadvantages include the noisy operation of the vacuum cleaner, which can frighten the baby, and the rather high price - about 1300 rubles.

How to use an aspirator

  • Regardless of the type of aspirator, be sure to read the instructions.
  • Use the device only when absolutely necessary. Its frequent use leads to drying and failure of the nasal mucosa, weakening its protective properties.
  • With an allergic rhinitis, it is better to use anti-allergic drugs.
  • Before suction, it is advisable to moisten the nasal passages with saline, a decoction of chamomile or sage. Wherein thick mucus liquefies, crusts soften. When irrigating, hold the child upright so that moisture does not get into the respiratory tract.
  • Before buying an aspirator, consult a pediatrician.
  • When suctioning, hold the tip evenly, avoiding suction to the nasal walls. Otherwise, you can injure the mucous membrane, causing bleeding.
  • If you do not know how to use a nasal aspirator or are just afraid, ask an experienced nurse to advise you. Carry out the first procedure under her guidance.

The sequence of cleaning the nose

  1. Read the instructions for use of the device carefully.
  2. When carrying out the procedure, follow the rules for operating the aspirator.
  3. Prepare a saline solution or a decoction of the desired herb.
  4. Hold your baby in your arms upright or reclining.
  5. Make sure that the baby does not worry, otherwise you can inadvertently damage the nasal mucosa.
  6. Turn the baby's head to the side and gently pipette 3-5 drops into one nasal passage.
  7. For newborns and infants up to a year, you can not use sprays.
  8. Close the second nostril with your finger.
  9. After instillation, insert the tip into the nasal passage and suck out the mucus.
  10. The child is in an upright position during the entire procedure.
  11. Do the same with the other nasal passage.
  12. Rinse the device after use, disinfect.
  13. How often to perform the aspiration procedure depends on the rate of mucus formation in the child's nose.