Pets for children. What is the best pet to have in an apartment

As a rule, the question of what kind of animal to have in an apartment is asked in two cases: in the first case, parents are pushed to take such a responsible step by young children who, with pleading eyes, ask to buy them a dog, cat or hamster; in the second case, lonely people who do not have enough warmth, but at the same time, they are busy enough to fully care for their "friend". This is exactly the case when you seem to want to get a smart dog, but in the end you stop at silent fish just because they do not require one hundred percent attention to themselves.

What is the best pet to have in an apartment

The small-sized area of ​​​​the apartment is also connected to the issue of choice, in which family members can barely fit. Where else to take a Labrador or german shepherd? Let's look at options for neighborhoods with households of various pets. And let's start with some of the smartest.

If there is a dog in the apartment

The dog is considered the most intelligent and loyal pet, it is not for nothing that it is called a four-legged friend. Probably this the best option for children and their parents, because dogs are very devoted to their owner, but not as idiosyncratic as cats, or not as indifferent as fish. They become attached to family members exactly as much as the owners are attached to the dog, and stories about how these smart animals travel thousands of kilometers in search of their owners who left for another city squeeze the heart. The advantages of having a dog in an apartment are obvious, so lovers of furry beauties do not even think about which animal is better to have in an apartment - they just choose a dog.

Along with the obvious advantages cohabitation dogs and people, of course, there are also disadvantages:

  • First, this daily care. Birds and fish also need to be looked after every day, but are you ready to walk the dog at least twice a day, while in the morning you need to have time to walk with her and not be late for work, and in the evening go for a walk again, when, in general, no more strength for anything.
  • Secondly, training. A dog needs a lot of time if you want something worthwhile out of it.
  • Thirdly, expensive food - are you ready to spend a certain amount per month to feed your pet?
  • Fourthly, the additional costs of finance and time for the passage of all medical preventive measures and vaccination.
  • Fifthly, additional space, because keeping animals in an apartment requires the allocation of a separate space for them.

Do not stop such difficulties? Then go ahead! Choose the right breed and bring it into the house, just keep in mind that in the first months you will often step on puddles left by the puppy without malicious intent.

Wooden dog house

If there is a cat in the apartment

Someone loves dogs more, and someone loves cats, and the latter argue that it is difficult to find a more affectionate animal. She will rub against her leg and purr, and some doctors even single out cat therapy (which is scientifically called feline therapy) as a very important component of normalization mental health person. With its rumbling and caress, a cat helps with depression, treats neuroses and heart disorders.

Cat on the door, photo

In care, this animal is less whimsical than a dog. A cat can go out on its own, the main thing is to open it in time front door. And if you teach a cat to go to the tray, then the need for street walks generally disappears.

These were the pros of keeping a cat in an apartment, and now let's talk about the cons. The first drawback is the smell. But you can put up with it. Make sure that the tray is always clean, if the waste products of the animal do not accumulate there, then there will be no smell. For extra cleanliness, use special cat potty fillers, they absorb liquid and do not allow odors to spread around the apartment. If a cat lives in the house and the smell is not associated with a dirty tray, but with the fact that he marks the territory, then castration of the animal will be the best way out.

Another disadvantage is that the feline can cause irreparable damage to your repairs and furniture. We are talking about the sharp claws of a cat and her constant desire to sharpen them. In the course are carpets and rugs, sofas and armchairs. However, if you teach your cat to clean its claws on a special device that is sold in any pet store, then your upholstered furniture and wallpaper are more likely to remain in their original form.

In addition, get ready for the fact that wool will be everywhere, especially in places where cats like to sleep, and long-haired breeds will also need to be combed regularly so that the wool does not tangle. Cats can choose to sleep anywhere in the house, they are especially interested in wardrobe and shelves with clothes, but with the same success they settle in special houses for cats or sleep on soft fabric beds.

What animal to get in the apartment

The next disadvantages are no longer so significant - these are additional costs for vaccinations and special food, collars or flea and tick sprays (by the way, fleas live even in the fur of cats that do not go out at all). And at first you will need to potty train the kitten and keep him away from the curtains - they really like to ride curtains and tulle.

Or maybe rodents?

Hamster, rats, laboratory mice and guinea pigs are pretty funny animals, but not for everyone. It is interesting to watch them how they take food with their front paws, how they stuff their cheeks, how they run with businesslike by apartment. They often make stocks of provisions in the most unexpected places, and, of course, they gnaw at everything, justifying their true name. Such small animals often appear in homes where children live, but here we must warn that rats, hamsters and guinea pigs can bite, and, of course, parents of a small child will not like this.

In addition, the cage where these cute creatures live needs to be regularly looked after and cleaned. Many people ask how to get rid of the smell of an animal in an apartment, we answer - you just need to remove their waste products in time, clean the cage, if we are talking about rodents and birds, and to wash the tray, if we are talking about cats. The disadvantages of the neighborhood of rodents in the apartment include a short period of their life, they live several times less than cats and dogs.

Birds in the apartment

An interesting option for those who do not care tactile contact with an animal. Of course, you can pet a bird, but you can’t press it to your chest like a cat, and you can’t rub it by the ear like a dog. Most often, parrots and canaries are brought into apartments, their care is minimal - all you need to do is monitor the availability of food, water and regularly clean the cage (at least twice a week). Yes, and parrots and canaries live for a relatively long time - 15-20 years, delighting the owners with a gentle trill and even human speech.

Of the minuses, it can be noted that the birds wake up early and can wake up the household with their singing. But we also solve this issue - you just need to cover the cage with a dense cloth.

Fish and turtles in the apartment

Watching the movement of fish in an aquarium is quite interesting activity. Undersea world always calmed and relaxed a person, and if he is still in the apartment, then in general the benefit is double. But, from experience, we can say that children quickly lose interest in fish and turtles - you can only watch them, you can’t press them to your chest ...

It happens that the owners begin an allergy with the appearance of fish in the apartment. If you are allergic to dry fish food, you can always buy live or flake food. This is what concerns the fish, and land turtle generally a vegetarian, give her dandelion leaves, plantain, lettuce, cabbage, and she also willingly eats chopped vegetables.

We hope that our recommendations will facilitate the difficult choice regarding the question of which animal to have in the apartment. AND last tip- choose the animal to which your soul lies, only then taking care of it will not burden you, but will give you joy.

If you want to raise your baby as a responsible and kind-hearted person, ready to take on sometimes difficult responsibilities, then be sure to get a pet for your child. We are offering to you practical advice on the choice, cultivation and care of a pet.

Before getting a pet for a child

Before you get a pet for a child, when choosing a dog, consider the physical capabilities of the child. A Labrador in a fit of enthusiasm will carry a preschooler and a junior schoolchild from their place and will not even notice it. A Yorkshire Terrier or Chihuahua is so fragile that it may not survive a fall off the couch or a strong hug from a child. Large, strong and potentially aggressive dogs should not become pets for a child - you yourself will have to deal with their upbringing and walking. A pet for the child should be calm and not aggressive.

Sooner or later, any child starts a conversation with his parents about fish, birds, cats, turtles, hamsters or dogs. Let's figure out how to get a pet with the least loss for the whole family.

How to choose and which pet to have for a child

Planned for family council decision is made to adopt a pet. You choose the species, breed, sex of the future pet, find a pet store or breeder. This The best way to get someone, take into account the preferences of family members, exclude in advance possible allergic reactions, plan the cost of buying an animal and a "dowry" for a new family member. Before choosing a pet, ask the child himself about his preferences.

The planning period can be used to raise children: boldly set the conditions under which the animal will become a member of the family. Let the children prove that they are ready for responsibility by making their beds for several months, putting the nursery in order, and so on. Let them also study the literature about the future pet and pass you an exam on knowledge of habits, preferences, and care features. Children "broke" for more preparatory stage? It's good that this happened before the fluffy ball got into your house. You still have the right to decide which pet to get for your child.

Pets: how to choose without a choice

Sometimes animals appear by themselves. In this case, you do not have a question about how to choose pets. You can only accept or be. Unscheduled, one of the family members (often the child himself, tired of the constant refusals of his parents) puts the rest before the fact. Like, this is Druzhok, and now he will live here. Alternatively, an animal enters your house by accident - a kitten or puppy from the street, a parrot that flew into the window, a hamster found in the entrance, etc. First, you honestly look for another owner for him, and then you realize that the animal remains.

Many families adopt pets this way. In this case, you do not predict either the size or habits of a new family member, you may not be ready for the costs associated with the animal. If the pet enters the family from the street, he can bring fleas, worms, lichen, and scabies with him. Not fatal. But unpleasant.

How to care for pets

Children who swore a couple of weeks ago that they themselves would wash the hamster's cage, clean the cat's pot and mop up puddles after the puppy very quickly begin to avoid unpleasant duties. Tell them in advance how to care for pets.

Even if the offspring honestly keep clean, feed and walk the animal, you still have to buy food and vitamins, take a new family member to the veterinarian, monitor the timeliness of vaccinations and antihelminthic measures, and place the animal on vacation. If the child's dog, God forbid, bites someone, you will also have to be responsible for this.

Care and care of pets

Also, be mentally prepared for the fact that children will grow up faster than their pets will grow old. In 8-10 years, you may find yourself the parent of children - students who come to see each other twice a year. Elderly dogs or cats, they are likely to leave you "survival". Taking care of the pet in this case will fall on your shoulders. And this is despite the fact that caring for pets requires not only moral and physical strength but also time, which is often not enough anyway.

Child allergic to animals

Allergic reactions to animal feed, fur, feathers, saliva and skin flakes are very common. If your child is prone to allergies, make sure that the child is not covered with spots and snot in the first half hour of contact with the animal.

To get started, go visit those who have guinea pig, canary or aquarium. Let the child communicate with the animal he dreams of in someone else's territory. Everything is fine? Try to take care of someone else's animal for a week while the owners are on vacation. Or invite friends with a dog of the chosen breed to stay with you for a couple of days.

There are myths among breeders about the hypoallergenicity of some breeds. Hairless cats and dogs are called safe for allergy sufferers, as well as non-shedding breeds of dogs: poodles, schnauzers, terriers. Do not listen to the breeder, a child's allergy to animals is very individual. If a child reacts to cat saliva, a "naked" cat will cause a reaction. The same person may have a reaction to a shepherd dog, but not to a poodle. So try before you become the owner of the animal.

Whom to choose?

As a general rule, the animals with the least amount of hassle are the least interactive. They live in their cage, terrarium or aquarium and do not need your company. For the most part, a child will simply look at fish, water turtles, snakes, frogs, snails, lizards, insects, spiders. Not all of them can be picked up and squeezed, it is hardly possible to play with them. Therefore, there is a high risk that the child will quickly get bored with such a pet.

Small rodents are more interesting - they are easily tamed, they can be picked up. Keep in mind that rodents are extremely prolific, and by buying a “girl and a boy”, in a month or two you will become the owner of a dozen babies in addition. Uncleaned rodent cages smell strongly. There are known cases of people being infected with rare diseases from exotic rodents that were caught in nature, and not bred for generations in a pet store.

Land turtles are very cute and seem like suitable pets for children. In fact, they often become living toys and live for years in completely unsuitable conditions, crawling around the apartment and hibernating under the sofa. Provide them full life in a city apartment is not easy: most of these turtles would prefer to live in a large terrarium with a sandy bottom, where it is much hotter than in a nursery.

The bird can become good friend for a child. A parrot, moreover, can be taught to speak. Remember, the birds rise before dawn and greet the new day with a loud chirp. Many species yearn alone, they definitely need a couple. There are birds with a delicate psyche, which, from sharp sounds, can begin to beat and damage themselves, such birds are definitely not worth buying for children.

Ferrets have become very popular pets. They are easy to train and fun to watch. Be aware that ferrets can be specific smell, and castration of the animal does not always solve this problem.

Cats and dogs can be the best companions for children. As a rule, they patiently endure children's caresses, willingly enter the game with a child, they can be taught various tricks. However, it is with them that the most trouble in Everyday life and during vacation time. The wrong choice of breed can turn the whole family away from wanting to ever have a pet in the house again.

There are many sports that a child can play with a dog, including from an older preschool age: show handling, frisbee, agility, obedience, pitch and go, etc.

How to raise a pet

Animals by themselves will not teach a child anything. In order for the baby to grow up responsible, remember his duties and take care of the animal, parents must make a lot of efforts. You will have to take care of the pet together with the child, remind you of the need to change the water and take it for a walk, reinforce the child's interest in the animal. Otherwise, the aquarium will soon become overgrown with algae, the hamster will escape from the cage, and the bird will "accidentally" fly out the window. Another difficult aspect is how to raise a pet from a small ball of wool into a beautiful and healthy animal.

If a child has been begging for a puppy for years, it is possible that he will work diligently with the dog. Otherwise, mom and dad will have to spend time mastering dog literacy, at least at the level of the “dog in the city” or “obedient dog” program.

It is believed that children who grow up with animals are more sensitive to their loved ones. Perhaps these are someone else's children, who themselves became sensitive after they were presented with a bird or a cat. With most children, it is just the opposite, teaching a child by the example of how to treat an animal is additional labor for parents. A hamster or a rat will use its teeth if they are squeezed hard, and will quickly "teach tenderness" to their little master. A cat or dog will humbly endure completely unacceptable things, making allowances for tender age tormentor. If parents look with tenderness at how a child swaddles a cat in order to ride it in a stroller, the child will not learn any timidity.

How much does it cost?

For responsible owners, an animal costs much more than a kitten, puppy or chick costs. Food from the human table is not suitable for any animals, so you have to invest in special food. An aquarium, equipment for it, plants, a cage, a wheel for rodents, a hammock for ferrets, toys, beds, sometimes even clothes, the list of necessary things is very wide.

Cats and dogs need regular veterinary visits, vaccinations and vitamins. If you choose a breed known for health problems (such as the Shar Pei), get ready to pay the bills from the veterinarian right away. Many dog ​​breeds known to be non-shedders require regular washing And professional haircut or a pinch of wool. Long-haired cats are also sheared.

What about vacation?

The smaller and more unpretentious the living creatures, the easier it is to attach it for the duration of the vacation. Some types of aquarium fish will survive a couple of weeks without human help. Friends or relatives usually agree to look after birds or rodents.

With cats, it’s a little more difficult, not every cat is mentally ready to go to someone else’s house and use the potty there without a miss. Sometimes it makes more sense to find someone who will come to your house, feed the cat and change the litter in cat litter. The larger and stronger dog, the less ready your relatives and acquaintances are to shelter her during the holidays. Keep this in mind when choosing a puppy. Ask the breeder if he takes his "graduates" for overexposure if necessary. Also make inquiries about dog hotels, if no one agrees to adopt your dog out of love for you, professionals will help you for money.

To take or not to take?

From the foregoing, we can conclude that there are so many troubles from pets that it’s not worth getting involved. This is wrong. Start an animal, weighing all the pros and cons. Keep in mind that the child is likely to play enough quickly and shift the care of the pet to you. In fact, having a pet will allow you to spend more time with your children, in caring for someone who needs it, in love and joy.

First of all, you need to decide what you expect from your pet. If you need a companion for walking or jogging, then your choice is an active breed dog. Many consider a dog to be an ideal pet, a faithful companion of its owner. But the temperament of the dog and its inclinations are largely determined by the breed. For some, a cheerful and active Labrador is suitable, while for others, a tame Yorkshire terrier is more to their liking. So before buying a puppy, be sure to study the information about the breed and the requirements for keeping.

If you are not ready to walk the animal twice a day, actively play with it on fresh air and pay maximum attention at home, it is better to have a cat. She will wait for you from work and happily meet you at the doorstep. However, cats do not require as much attention to their person as dogs. It is enough for them to receive their portion of affection and food from the owner, and for most of the day she can calmly doze on the couch.

The cat does not need walks, she can live quite happily without leaving the apartment at all, if she is accustomed to a tray and a scratching post.

Cats also have different temperament depending on the breed. Some are calm and phlegmatic, such as Persians and Exotics. Others are more active and sociable, such as Siberian, Maine Coons.

The breed of a cat must be selected taking into account its character, so that the pet does not annoy, but matches your character.

Rodents and birds.

This category of pets requires very little attention, they are quite self-sufficient. Although if you buy one parrot, you will have to communicate with him a lot, since they are flocking birds and they need an active company.

aquarium fish.

These are the most calm and silent pets. An aquarium is more of an interior decoration and a means of relaxation than entertainment. Nevertheless, caring for fish is a rather responsible matter. When choosing fish, it is worth considering their adult size and compatibility. Otherwise, it may turn out that they will die due to crowding in the aquarium or eat each other.

The fish are also very sensitive to the purity of the water and the quality of the food, so leave them alone. for a long time self-service will not work.

In general, when choosing which pet is better to have in an apartment, you need to consider the following points:

the size of the living space;

The amount of free time

the cost of maintenance and care;

Do you agree in temperament?

Do you have someone to leave your pet at the time of departure.

If you approach the choice of a pet thoughtfully and without haste, you will minimize possible troubles, and your life will be enriched by communication with a new four-legged (winged, tailed) friend.

If you cannot decide which animal to have at home, the material prepared by us will help you. We will help you understand the pros and cons of keeping a particular animal.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Are you over 18 already?

An animal in the house is a friend for all seven, bringing joy and a lot of positive. When purchasing a beloved pet, it is better to immediately take into account all the pros and cons.

What are the advantages of Bobiks and Sharikov? They are sociable, easy to train, dogs are reliable protectors. Caring for Shepherds, Pekingese, Poodles and any other representatives of the dog will not be difficult. They need to be fed, walked, washed and cut. Anyone who believes that Tuzik will tear the pillows in the house, gnaw on the wallpaper and be sure to eat something, should immediately say that this is a clear exaggeration.

A dog in the house will delight you for at least 7 years of his life. According to experts, the most long life in cute lapdogs, poodles and chihuahuas.

If you want to come home, relieve all negativity and stress, and also get a lot of positive, then your animal is cats. Scientists say that these caudates have the most developed need for communication. Simply stroking a cat has been proven to normalize blood pressure and pulse. It even has a special term - feline therapy.

In addition to feeding, cats need toilet procedures, but no walking. You should not save on toilet filler, it should absorb odors well, otherwise the cat will choose any other items like slippers and shoes as a latrine.

Murki and Barsiki live up to 12-14 years. Don't forget to vaccinate and spay your cats, and they will delight you for years to come.

Absolutely comfortable and not bringing any allergies or damage to the interior - fish. They are beautiful, and the aquarium itself will give the house an atmosphere of comfort and peace. Not everyone knows that these aquatic inhabitants are amenable to learning by responding to feeding signals.

Care consists of regular feeding and cleaning glass container. Cleaning the container is not the easiest thing to do, but it should not be done too often. Aquarium fish will definitely not gnaw on wallpaper, will not tear pillows and curtains, will not leave puddles. Some copies are very expensive. In addition, their maintenance requires accessories like compressors, a heater, etc., but all the costs will exceed the pleasure of their soothing water dances.

Also, various exotic animals that you can only imagine have come into fashion: domestic frogs, crayfish, shrimps, lizards, etc. They, like fish, will not create unnecessary noise and fuss, keeping curtains, sofas and wallpapers.

Little fluffy hamsters also do not require special conditions content, they are cute and easy to eat with your hands. Their requirements are food and bedding change, timely filling of the drinkers, feeders, cleaning of the wheel and shelves for entertainment. Hamsters will not bring much damage, and their life expectancy is up to two years. However, families with small children are better off not having them.

If your choice fell on birds, then parrots are colorful, light and incredibly sociable. It is worth noting that males are considered speakers, but this does not apply to all types of parrots. All that is needed from you is to feed and water on time, clean the cage and change toys. If you intend to release them for free flights around the house, then under the gun of these beaks charming creatures may be wallpaper, books or houseplants.

Turtle in the house will not give opportunities active games with a pet. It is rather a phlegmatic and meditative creature. It is enough to feed them on time, clean the cages or the terrarium, take care of the paws and claws.

Iguanas also came into fashion. Having special harnesses, they can even be walked in the yard. They are not trainable, but they are quite sociable and attached to their owners. Provide her with a comfortable terrarium, and there will be no particular problems. Of course, the "mini-dragon" is able to encroach on the indoor flower, but this is not the biggest problem.

What is the best pet to have in an apartment?

Of paramount importance in the matter of establishment house friend have living conditions, because in small apartments it is not always possible to comfortably keep large animals (for example, large dogs).

A four-legged friend in the apartment, understanding the owner from a half-word and completely directing his energy to him, will give a lot of pleasure.

What do dog owners need to be prepared for? The need to walk the pet every day. If you want to teach your pet any skills, get ready for some serious training with him. You will also have to buy food, toys, make necessary vaccinations and other procedures. Also, despite the fact that the dogs in the apartment do not need a cage or an aviary, the dog should still have its own place with a bed and a place to play.

No less comfort will be required if there is a cat in the house. They are affectionate and with their rumbling help with depression, treat neuroses and heart disorders. If you want to give the cat the opportunity to walk in the yard, she does not need your presence nearby, just open the door.

Change the contents of the tray in time and no problems domestic cat won't call. Sterilization of the animal will help to avoid such a problem as marked corners of the apartment. Quality toys will help to avoid chewed, scratched and torn things. Your cat will be happy to play with the scratching post and leave the interior of the apartment alone.

Hamsters, mice, rats and other rodents outside the cage can also leave traces as waste products and gnaw on anything they like. They tend to sometimes stock up on food in the most unexpected places. So that there is no rodent in the house unpleasant odors, you just need to clean their cage in time.

If you decide to put birds in the house, you will need to monitor their food and water, and clean the cage. To prevent canaries and parrots from waking you up in the morning, just cover the cage with a dark cloth.

The aquarium in the apartment has a special aesthetic. This is a stylish element of the interior. The disadvantage of this choice is the lack of tactile contact.

What pet to get for a child?

Families with children need to be especially careful when choosing a pet. Often, parents buy pets to become wards for the child. Thus, you can teach the baby to care and responsibility. Parents need to understand that for a child, a pet is not only entertainment, but also a creature that will teach him to empathize. Moreover, caring for the animal will increase the child's self-esteem and give an understanding of the importance of his participation in the life of the animal.

The animal will help to avoid stress not only in adults, but also in kids. A purring "cat", a playful Ball, soothing fish will relieve the baby's fatigue after school loads.

The most popular with kids are a variety of fluffy animals, such as cats, dogs and hamsters. But not everyone can afford large dogs or playful and wayward cats, and with allergies, they even arise with this serious problems. Such families can please the baby with fish or a parrot. However, the fact that they are difficult to stroke and caress is definitely a minus for a child who wants to “communicate” with a small pet. It will be better if active kid will be able to establish tactile contact with the pet.

If the children want a parrot, explain to them that not all parrots talk. Tell more information about songbirds - it will delight any child.

It is better for an excitable hyperactive child to have fish. Their smooth movement around the aquarium will have a beneficial effect on them. In addition, it is a real home relaxation.

Be sure to discuss the issue of animal care, feeding, walking and cleaning. This shouldn't be a problem! Explain to the child that the animal does not start for a couple of months. The kid must understand that after a period of enthusiasm, caring for the little animal will be a common daily affair.

Get the kids involved in building and decorating the house, toys and more. necessary accessories for pets. It will be a real exciting adventure! Rest assured, the child will be proud of his contribution to the life of a small family ward.

When choosing an animal for a child, especially meticulously study all the "pitfalls", conditions of detention and possible allergic reactions.

If your child asks for a pet and you can't make up your mind, read our top 5 best pets!


Many parents believe that an aquarium is perfect solution Problems. And living creatures appeared in the house, and the child's request was satisfied, and the house is quiet, and no one violates cleanliness and order. But still, it should be noted that it is necessary to clean the aquarium at least twice a month, otherwise the fish will feel bad, and the apartment will have an unpleasant smell of rotten water. In addition, fish are fragile creatures and, if abandoned by their owners, they easily get sick and die. There is one more thing: a child, alas, will not be able to play and communicate with swordsmen, goldfish and the like. Yes and emotional attachment to such pets it is more difficult to form.

Another thing is that for hyperactive children suffering from a lack of attention syndrome, psychologists strongly recommend starting an aquarium with fish: the calm, multidirectional movement of fish has a beneficial effect on the child's psyche. Yes and inadults will benefit from contemplating an aquarium: for example, scientists have proven that if you watch floating creatures before a visit to the dentist, the level of anxiety and even pain will be much lower!


Most parents are stopped by the need to walk the dog at least 2 times a day. But if you seriously expect that a pet will change your child's life for the better - make him more responsible, relieve emotional stress, help him learn compassion, then in this sense the dog will leave all other "competitors" far behind.

Level psychoemotional development dogs are so tall that a small person can easily find with her mutual language. At the same time, if the dog is properly brought up, then its obedience and devotion to the child will surely awaken in him such qualities as self-esteem, self-confidence. Of course, you will have to make some efforts for this, in no case leaving the training of a puppy at the mercy of your son or daughter.

Another significant plus of dogs lies in the relatively long life path - for about 15 years next to your child there will be a faithful, affectionate and vigilant (which, alas, is important in our time) friend!


If you get a cat for a child, its most significant disadvantage is unpredictability. When taking a kitten into the house, it is impossible to predict what character the grown beast will have - will it meekly endure constant squeezing? Of course, the chances increase if the kitten, so to speak, from the young claws knows its no less young owner. Nevertheless, cats are not particularly patient and you need to be prepared for this. That is, the age of the child should be such that he can understand and realize that a cat is not a plush toy.


Birds do not take up space, but they are very noisy pets! Therefore, you should immediately calculate your strengths (and nerves): do you have a room in your house where a parrot can calmly chirp and ring a bell? If yes, then this is a very attractive choice for a child. After all, you can talk with such a pet, and even count on an answer over time! It is better to clean the cage daily, and if the child is not quite already a baby, then he will be able to cope with this on his own. During general cleaning, which must be carried out once a month, he, of course, may need the help of adults. They live quite a long time - depending on the species, from 10-15 years or more. But at the same time, they are rather painful creatures - they can quickly and irreversibly fall ill from a draft or random wrong food. It happens that they fly to open windows- and if a child inadvertently becomes the culprit of such an incident, then he can blame himself for a very long time: after all, there are practically no chances for the return of the prodigal parrot.


Today's zoo market offers a huge selection of rodents - from traditional hamsters to thoroughbred chinchillas. Hamsters are traditional because almost everyone is good - they live their own interesting life in the cage and outside it (they can run around the room in a ball), although they require constant, but easy care and with attention to their person, they begin to distinguish the owner.

It is similar with rats, only the last point can be strengthened - they not only recognize the owner, but also consider him their friend, go to the hands and respond to the call. This is very important for a child! But such rodents usually do not live long - an average of 2-3 years. And the death of a pet can be a real tragedy for the baby.

In this sense, perhaps, it looks more advantageous - with proper care These little animals live up to 15 years. At the same time, they also do not have a specific "mouse" smell and have a soft skin - it's nice to take it in your hands! But this is exactly the problem: nervous system chinchillas are very fragile, they are shy. In addition, and because of the characteristics of their fur, frequent touching of the animals is undesirable. If you can explain this to a child, then a chinchilla is a great choice!

But no matter which pet you choose, first make sure that none of the family members are allergic to it. After all, there is no greater drama for a child than to first acquire and then lose a pet, even if for the most good reason!