Serpentine magical properties. Healing abilities of the serpentine. Serpentine stone cost

The modern name for the stone is serpentinite, although it is still known to most people as serpentine. "Serpent" in Latin means "snake": the color of the stone resembles snake skin, hence the name "serpentine". And its history is shrouded in legends.

According to one of them, it is believed that the serpentine is the petrified skin of a fiery serpent - the Great Snake, which guarded the entrance to the cave with gold. Anyone who finds a serpentine in the mountains will certainly find a treasure.

Another legend says that Adam, tempted by the persuasion of the Serpent-tempter and having tasted an apple from the Tree of Knowledge, choked and spat out a piece on the ground. He turned to stone, which turned out to be serpentine. It is because of this that someone considers the serpentine a stone of knowledge, while others speak of it as a dangerous mineral that can bring trouble.

The stone has one incredible property: with special treatment, it splits into elastic fibers, like threads. It is known that fire-retardant fabric was woven from such threads back in the time of Peter I. Nikita Demidov (1656–1725), a well-known gunsmith, demonstrated a refractory stone fiber in action by throwing it into the fireplace and taking it out unharmed, much to the surprise of the Russian Tsar.

Physico-chemical properties of the coil

Serpentine is a fairly dense rock with the finest fibrous structure. The color varies from yellowish green to almost black. The spots on the stone can be large or small, banded or round, depending on the composition.

Usually serpentines are opaque, but there is a variety called "noble serpentine" and radically different in appearance from the main mass of stones. The latter have a beautiful yellowish-green color, perfectly polished and translucent along the edges. "Noble Serpentine" is very reminiscent.

Hardness on the Mohs scale is in the range from 2 to 4, and the density does not exceed 2.6 g/cm 3 .

Serpentine deposits (serpentine)

The serpentine belongs to ornamental stones and is not uncommon. On an industrial scale, it is mined in India, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, New Zealand, Great Britain and Italy.

In Russia, serpentine is mined in the Urals, Altai, Orenburg and Yakutsk regions.

Healing and magical properties of the serpentine

The serpentine has long been endowed with special properties. No wonder only shamans and sorcerers used to wear it. It is believed that with the help of serpentine, it was possible to cause damage or the evil eye, bewitch a lover, and even take her husband away from the family.

IN Lately esotericists began to talk more and more about protective properties stone. The serpentine should definitely be worn by those who have serious enemies. In addition, the mineral is an absorbent negative energy.

Lithotherapists advise storing healing solutions in serpentine vials, they argue that the stone has universal antiseptic properties. Serpentine bracelets help normalize blood pressure. Jewelry can relieve severe headaches.

It has been noticed that the owners of the coil have a faster recovery after surgical intervention and injuries.

Who is the serpentine serpentine suitable for?

If we talk about astrology, then the serpentine is very suitable for Virgo and Capricorn. It promotes the development of intuition and memory.

Serpentine amulets help women become more sensual and seductive. However, it is recommended to wear a stone no more than 1 time in 4 days. After removing it, it is necessary to rinse it in running water to remove the negative charge of energy accumulated during the day.

The serpentine is not suitable for Pisces and Cancer at all because of the different energy.

Serpentine is a stone that for a long time was considered a mineral of magicians and sorcerers. Many legends are associated with him. One of the legends says that in the Garden of Eden, Adam choked on a forbidden fruit. He spat it out on the ground, and the piece of apple turned into a serpentine. According to another legend, the Ural craftsmen could, with special processing, split the stone into thin threads-fibers and make a tablecloth out of them.

Serpentine: origin, name

Serpentine (stone), or serpentinite, is a rock that has a heterogeneous structure and different components. Usually in its composition one can find mixtures of minerals of the serpentine group and impurities of olivine, garnet, chromite, talc, carbonates. The noble serpentine, having several varieties, is an opaque green mineral. There are black or gold blotches.

The name of the stone serpentine has Ural roots and comes from the Latin word serpens - "snake". The thing is that the mineral has a specific "snake" shade. It differs from emerald and jade in a muted olive color.

The Ural miners believed that Veliky Poloz ( fire serpent) guards the gold mines. Once a year, he sheds his old skin, which later turns into a golden-green serpentine stone.

In the 18th century, deposits of this mineral were found in the Urals. Caskets, sets, candelabra, serpentine tabletops have become popular in Russia. An ornamental stone is used today as finishing material for pools, fireplaces and other decorative elements.

Serpentine (stone): properties

An ancient legend says that in no case should you give or re-gift serpentine products. The stone tends to become attached to one owner and is able to serve him for many years. It can only be passed on to blood relatives by inheritance. However ordinary people the serpentine should not be worn all the time. Only mages and wizards can tame mystical power mineral.

The apothecary stone used to be called the serpentine stone. Properties and meaning of this rock helped enhance the effect of drugs. Therefore, in ancient times, apothecary utensils were made from the coil. Modern scientists have proven that medicines better preserved and enhance their effect in the vessels of serpentinite.

The stone is able to neutralize negative energy. Therefore, all jewelry made of gold, silver, precious minerals should be removed at night in a box from the coil.

Medicinal properties

The serpentine is able to absorb negative influences on a physical and mental level. It helps to remove waste and toxins from the human body. Helps tissue regeneration after injuries, cuts, bruises.

Serpentine stone helps to reduce arterial pressure, improves the condition of the body with headaches and vasospasm. It calms the nervous system, reduces general excitability and excessive emotionality.

In inflammatory processes of the kidneys and organs of the digestive system, the coil reduces pain syndrome. In case of fractures, it will help accelerate the fusion of bones. Able to serve as an antidote in case of reptile bites. Favorably affects the circulatory system. As for children, the serpentine will help improve their memory, develop logic.

magical properties

amazing is that it not only accumulates energy, but also independently neutralizes it. Therefore, all the negativity accumulated over the years and by different owners completely disappears. The positive energy of the stone remains in force.

Serpentine is a stone for strong-willed people. It will help you survive difficult situations, will protect from troubles and unforeseen dangers. Promotes the development of physical endurance, intuition, fantasy. Warn of danger. Sudden inspiration will tell you how to avoid it.

The serpentine will protect from the evil eye, protect from negative energy strangers. At the same time, he is able to lead his master into temptation, testing him for spiritual strength.

Helps those who treat him with respect. Serpentine does not tolerate lies and falsehood in people. Owners with such qualities will be harmed by petty afflictions, instability in family and career affairs.

Coil for zodiac signs

Virgos and Capricorns are best suited for the serpentine. The magical properties of the stone will help activate the hidden potential. Virgos will be given an understanding of the motives of other people and compassion for them. Reward with empathic abilities, help overcome detachment. Learn to accept others for who they are. Capricorn will help to establish an active lifestyle, give a love of sports and exercise. Will facilitate rapid absorption new information. Learn how to manage your activity time and rest time.

The rest of the representatives of the signs of the zodiac can also wear a serpentine, however, on condition that it does not cause negative emotions, rejection. It is best to wear it 2 times a week. So it will promote wisdom, increase professional potential.

stone jewelry

Beautiful ornamental stone the serpentine is especially good in combination with bronze and copper. And the contrast with obsidian and rhodonite will emphasize its unique color.

Serpentine earrings will help with headaches. Bracelets and rings will contribute to the rapid fusion of bones in case of fractures. The beads will clear the space around the owner from negative energy. Help with fatigue and emotional burnout.

The metal for framing the coil can be different: gold, tin, copper, silver, platinum, bronze. It should be remembered that the stone is able to neutralize negative information. Therefore, when choosing jewelry from a serpentine, you should rely on your inner instinct, look at the external compatibility of the mineral with metal.

Since the serpentine is able to protect against the evil eye, damage and other energy-information intrusions into the mental field of a person, it will be best combined with silver and cupronickel. This will enhance its healing properties.

Serpentine stone: price

There are many serpentine deposits on the planet. They are located not only in the Urals, but also in Siberia, the North Caucasus, Afghanistan, Italy, Mongolia, New Zealand, India, Kazakhstan, and the USA. Therefore, the price of the stone is low. One kilogram of the coil can be purchased for an amount of 10 to 60 rubles. Chipped stone is bought for a bath, sauna, aquarium.

Quite different prices for serpentine jewelry, decor items. For example, a bracelet costs from 300 to 700 rubles. Serpentine necklace - from 1000 rubles.

Inexpensive sets (beads, earrings) can be found in online stores. Their price starts from 600 rubles. Caskets made of stone, depending on the size and decor, cost from 500 to 5000 rubles.

Serpentine stone: meaning

Serpentine is a stone whose properties are to cleanse the body and space from negative energy. He is able to absorb negative waves directed at the owner. Therefore, the stone should be washed once a week under running water. She will wash away all the negative information from the coil.

The mineral interacts well with those people who are striving for new knowledge, trying to understand themselves or the structure of the world. In this case, the stone will bring peace of mind, give its protection.

Its value lies in helping its owner. If a person has pure thoughts and good intentions, then the serpentine will direct all his energy to cooperation and support. Helps develop intuition and logical thinking. Bestows composure and the necessary skills to defeat competitors.

The name of the stone serpentine goes back to the Latin word serpens - a snake. It really resembles snake skin, and its color varies from greenish yellow to dark green. Mottling and veining are clearly visible on the stone. If you look at a photo of a serpentine, you can see its grace and beauty. Outwardly, it resembles jade, but has less hardness.

Varieties of serpentine

Serpentine is a type of serpentinite, however, the serpentine itself is also called serpentine. Depending on the properties of the coil is divided into the following types:

  • Bowenite (tangevait) is a translucent stone of pale green, yellow-green or bluish-green color, having an increased hardness.
  • Verdantic is dark green with light streaks of calcite.
  • Williamsite is an often translucent stone of light or dark bluish-green and bright green hues.
  • Nephritoid - hallmark of this stone is a tangled fibrous structure.
  • Nigrescite - has dark green and black-green colors.
  • Porcellophyte is opaque with a greenish tint.
  • Retinolite is honey-yellow or yellow-green in color with a resinous sheen.
  • Ricolite is a striped serpentine that can be gray, pale yellow and dark green in color.
  • Satellite - a fibrous stone, with the appropriate cut, it can give the effect of a cat's eye.

Origin and distribution

Serpentinite deposits are found all over the world. Most large specimens can be found:

  • in New Zealand;
  • Russia (Urals, Siberia, North Caucasus);
  • Italy;
  • Switzerland;
  • Mongolia.

Most often, it is formed when altering magnesium-rich rocks, but there are other versions of the origin of the stone. So, according to legend, Adam, who had tasted the forbidden fruit, choked and spat out a piece of apple on the ground, which turned into a serpentine.

In the Urals, there is a belief that the serpentine is born from the shed skin of a huge snake, the Keeper of Gold - the Great Snake.

magical properties

Serpentine - pretty difficult stone. It has long been considered an insidious stone, leading to temptations, and was intended for black magicians and sorcerers. The serpentine can bring trials to other people, but if a person valiantly endures all misfortunes, then the serpentine will become his protector and adviser.

To protect yourself from negative impact stone, should have a pure mind, in which case the coil will warn of danger and give hints about what to avoid. The powerful energy of the stone gives its owner health and peace of mind. Serpentine contributes to the development physical strength and helps athletes win competitions.

The serpentine stone has a beneficial effect on people who seek knowledge and those who help others. It can be a talisman of doctors and pharmacists, and can also bring success in law and business. Serpentine absorbs negative energy thus purifying the soul, body and surrounding space. It is used to protect yourself from damage and the evil eye.

They say that being subjected to a strong energy impact, stone breaks into pieces. It is recommended to put vases and open serpentine boxes in the house. At least once a week, the talisman should be kept under running water. cold water to release it from the accumulated negative energy.

Products from serpentine cannot be re-gifted, only if we are not talking about inheritance. The stone closely interacts with the energy of the owner and can bring a lot of trouble to the new owner. At blood relatives on the contrary, its positive properties will increase.

Medicinal properties

Modern lithotherapists discover the following medicinal properties of serpentine:

  • relieves headaches;
  • accelerates the fusion of bones;
  • stabilizes blood pressure;
  • reduces inflammation in the kidneys and digestive tract;
  • has a calming effect on nervous system;
  • enhances the effect of drugs and speeds up the healing process.

However, the coil should be worn with care. From an astrological point of view, it is ideal for Virgo and Capricorn and does not suit Pisces and Cancer at all, it can push them to moral decline. Representatives of the other signs of the zodiac should limit the wearing of the talisman to two times a week.

Chemical properties and uses of serpentine

If we consider the serpentine stone from a chemical point of view, then it is nothing more than magnesium silicate. The stone is a fairly soft, malleable, in a word, convenient material for processing. Because of its ease of cutting and polishing, and its wide distribution, serpentine has long been a popular stone for jewelry, bowls, figurines, and boxes.

More than 400 years ago, it began to be used for the manufacture of mortars, cups and other pharmaceutical equipment, from which another name for the serpentine came - an apothecary stone. Services made of serpentine have been preserved in St. Petersburg palaces. As a frame for jewelry, silver and cupronickel are usually used. Earrings, rings, pendants, serpentine bracelets can be purchased at many jewelry stores.

It is applied and as a facing material, tiles are made from it, used in landscape design. Serpentine is involved in the decoration of some metro stations.

One of the important properties of the stone is its resistance to impact. high temperatures, therefore, refractory fabric is produced from serpentine - chrysolite-asbestos. The mineral is split into the finest fibers and a fabric is made for protective clothing that can withstand temperatures up to 600 degrees Celsius.

Serpentine is a common jewelry and ornamental mineral. The stone is a type of serpentine. Its "snake" coloring contributes to the development of many legends and myths.

In ancient times, it was believed that the serpentine was nothing more than the discarded skin of the Great Poloz, who was the owner of the Ural gold.

Description of the stone

Characteristic veins and spots on a greenish-yellow background leave no doubt about the occurrence of the name of the stone - serpentine. The name also gave rise to the fact that in Latin the word serpentine means a snake. It is also customary to refer to the mineral as an apothecary stone. This is due to the fact that at the beginning of the discovery of the coil, medical mortars and cups were made from it.

The stone is moderately hard attractive appearance and rounded edges. Often, the mineral is mined faster than the rest, this is due to the fact that they mainly lie in large monoliths.

The opaque mineral has original fibrous veins. The difference from jade is that the serpentine is much softer in structure and can be processed better.

In addition to high resistance to abrasion, the mineral has the ability to withstand and retain original form in the most difficult temperature conditions.

Varieties and colors

The coil is so diverse that it is divided into several types. noble mineral has a dense structure and is used for crafts. The stone that has green tint referred to as an ophit having a spotted color - moss fly. Interspersed with black suggests that you have another variety in front of you - williamsite.

A real serpentine is not transparent, which cannot be said about its many varieties. Some gems can be easily confused with jade.

With regards to the color palette, the serpentine is most often green or gray with black and golden tints. Which is especially similar to snake skin.

The healing properties of the stone

According to lithotherapists, it is the serpentine that can enhance the effect several times medicines. If you wear earrings with this stone, the owner will no longer be tormented headache and sleepiness. Rings with bracelets, in the manufacture of which a serpentine is used, will improve muscular system and rapid fusion of bones.

The stone has an important effect on high pressure, inflammatory processes And colds. He pulls all bad energy thereby facilitating human participation. It is recommended to wash the stone with water at least once a day in order to wash away the accumulated negativity.

It is strictly forbidden to give your own serpentine jewelry, as it is completely attached to the original owner. Thus, the mineral will not be able to fully help the new owner, and his participation will be absolutely useless. However, there are exceptions regarding family ties. For example, the transfer of a stone from generation to generation or a legacy left behind.

The magical properties of the serpentine

Previously, it was customary to consider the serpentine a stone of magicians and sorcerers, and ordinary person prophesied misfortune and misfortune. However, if the owner does not get scared and survives all the trials and temptations sent, the mineral gives him the gift of foreshadowing danger in the future.

Also, the serpentine has a beneficial effect on physical development man and his abilities. So the owner of the stone will be able to quickly walk, run and swim well. Among other things, the gem will develop intuition in a person and reveal Creative skills that were not previously known.

The stone, due to its non-standard color, is considered a symbol of wisdom and versatile knowledge.

Mineral Applications

Due to its small hardness, the serpentine is used as a jewelry and ornamental facing materials. Today, many people opt for a serpentine for interior design of housing and offices. They can be used for wall cladding, fireplaces, bathrooms, etc.

The second branch of application of the serpentine is jewelry and souvenirs. Among other things, the mineral has high performance in the performance of countertops, vases, bracelets, beads and earrings.

A mosaic panel made of stone looks great on a fireplace. A chipped serpentine significantly adds color and unusualness to a paved alley.

Increasingly, the coil is used for the construction of country baths and houses. The fibers that run along the entire gem prevent it from cracking and being destroyed by high temperatures.

The meaning of the signs of the zodiac

Astrologers strongly recommend turning your attention to the Virgo serpentine. He will help you find mutual language with nature and find right decisions problems.

Capricorns will be able to significantly raise their level physical training and improve performance in sports. In addition, their habit of always being late and not completing anything to its logical conclusion will dissipate soon.

Libra, the mineral will help make important decisions in which they doubt, thereby equalizing the bowl.

But Cancers and Pisces are categorically contraindicated this mineral, as it will lead the owners to spiritual decline and exhaustion. Since signs endowed with excessive emotionality will not be able to fully and adequately accept the action of the mineral.

Regarding the rest of the zodiac signs, there are no contraindications, but it is not advisable to wear a product with a stone more than several times a week.

How to distinguish natural stone from artificial

Despite the affordability, some craftsmen can make a fake out of durable plastic. In order not to become victims of fraud, you should pay attention to a few important aspects. Firstly, take a good look at the branched strips of stone, the serpentine is distinguished by its diversity and the absence of characteristic repetitions, and secondly, the stone weighs heavier than plastic.

In no case do not try to scratch the mineral, as characteristic traces will remain on the real coil. It should be noted that the stone is not high strength, unlike other expensive gems.

Coil cost

Regardless of its variety and many useful properties, its price is more than affordable. This is due to the fact that there are many different places for its location, and it is not a rare breed. The most common mining sites are in the Urals and Siberia.

A block of mineral suitable for finishing work costs about $350. The popularity is also due to the fact that small particles of the coil can be easily used in the manufacture jewelry. Therefore, each fragment has a value.

A cold-blooded and impregnable mineral, it does not catch the eye and captivates not immediately, only the elite will be able to appreciate its beauty and majesty. If you are ready to face danger and reunite with strong energy stone, then the coil is exactly what you need.

Wonderful, unlike other stones, the serpentine stone (scientifically serpentine or magnesium silicate) is called so because its coloring is very reminiscent of snake skin. Many people like its alluring green hue, but not everyone can tame this insidious stone. It can tempt and test its owner for strength. But a person who has successfully passed the test with a serpentine finds in it a strong magical protection for life.

In earlier times, wear jewelry containing a serpentine stone , could afford only the most powerful sorcerers who knew everything thoroughly magical properties and able to neutralize their negative component. However, times go by, people are born and die, stones pass from owner to owner. There are practically no coils left with the original energy, since throughout the entire human history they absorb information from all their owners.

Serpentine stone magical properties does not lose over time at all, but on the contrary, accumulates them. But at the same time, his wild, evil, primordial qualities are gradually weakening. Therefore, do not be afraid to buy coils as talismans and amulets, as well as for medicinal purposes. If you are still worried about what the serpentine might do to you negative impact, or if your energy is noticeably weakened, pay attention to those that can endow their owner with increased prudence. It is enough for you to have a piece of agate at home to protect yourself from the possible treacherousness of the serpentine.

What zodiac sign is the serpentine stone suitable for?

Serpentine - extremely powerful stone. It is completely unsuitable for people born under the sign of Cancer or Pisces. The serpentine is too strong for them, it can draw everything out of them mental strength, devastate, exhaust spiritually. The rest of the signs may well wear serpentine jewelry, but only for the Virgin, the serpentine stone will fully reveal its best magical properties and become a real talisman.

Both women and men can wear a serpentine, regardless of age and social status. This stone is able to endow the owner with an amazing flair and an easy gift of foresight of danger. For those born under the sign of Virgo, the serpentine stone allows you to penetrate deeper into the secrets of wildlife, to absorb the ancient power of the Earth. For Capricorns, serpentine can also be very beneficial. Especially those of them who are trying to achieve high results in big sports, especially if it is associated with running or overcoming obstacles.

For all others, except for Pisces and Cancer (the serpentine is contraindicated for them and it is better to choose a more suitable one), it is possible to use the full power of this stone in medicinal purposes. It can multiply the usefulness of medicines and folk remedies. Since ancient times, it was customary to leave it next to medicinal herbs and decoctions. You can put a small serpentine stone in your home or car first aid kit. This will be quite sufficient, provided all binding rules storage of medicines so that they more effectively fulfill their purpose.

All signs, except for Virgo and Capricorn, need to carry a serpentine with them no more than 2 days a week, so as not to harm their internal energy by the constant presence of too powerful energy flow. This applies only to those talismans and jewelry that are worn directly on the body: amulets, rings, bracelets. You can carry the serpentine in your bag or pocket more often, but sometimes take breaks or put a small agate next to it, which partially dulls the action of the serpentine.