What to take with you to camp. Camping fees: what to bring for young travelers

First trip to summer camp- a responsible event for the child and his parents.

Psychological preparation for the upcoming trip is the main aspect that parents should pay attention to before sending their daughter to the camp. The girl needs to talk in general terms about the rules of conduct, the characteristics of relationships and the nature of pastime in such institutions.

It would be useful to teach your daughter some household skills, for example, washing underwear and other personal items.

One of the most important stages of preparation for the trip is the collection of necessary things for the girl. The camp permit is issued, as a rule, for 21 days. And during the whole time, your daughter should feel comfortable. To do this, she should have with her her favorite practical clothes, the necessary cosmetic and hygiene products, leisure items.

When sending their daughter to a place of rest for the first time, parents should take seriously the question of what a girl of 10-14 years old can take with them to the camp.

This issue is especially important if the location of the camp does not allow visiting the child every weekend.

Children's summer camps often have a certain specialization, for example, sports, language, environmental and other biases.

However, each camp has sports events, various parties excursions are organized.

If the camp is located in close proximity to a reservoir in which you can swim, then the girl’s suitcase should contain things for this.

An approximate list of things to camp for a girl 10-14 years old

  1. Tops and T-shirts for everyday wear - 5 pieces.
  2. Shorts, skirts.
  3. Dress or sundress.
  4. Several sets of clothes for visiting discos held in the camp.
  5. Jeans or comfortable trousers with pockets.
  6. Sports suit.
  7. Warm sweater. It must be put in if the top of the tracksuit will not provide warmth to the child if necessary.
  8. Windbreaker or raincoat with a hood.
  9. Underwear and socks - 5 sets.
  10. Swimsuit - 2 sets.
  11. Headdress. When choosing between a cap, bandana or panama, preference should be given to the latter. It is Panama that guarantees better protection baby's face and neck sun rays. The girl must have at least 2 hats with her.
  12. Shoes. Rubber flip flops for showers and the beach, light sandals and trainers are a sufficient list.

The exact number of clothes depends on the girl's ability to wash her personal items and how often her parents can visit her.

By the way, you should put a bag for dirty laundry in your bag.

Cosmetics and hygiene products

As a rule, all the tubes that she uses in everyday life are sent to the girl's bag.

lighten the weight travel bag will allow the selection of the most universal means. For example, a 2 in 1 product can replace two separate bottles of shampoo and shower gel.

Basic list of hygiene products

  1. Gel for washing hair and body, washcloth, comb.
  2. Toilet and laundry soap.
  3. Toothbrush and paste.
  4. Toilet paper.
  5. Wet and dry wipes.
  6. Deodorant, if the girl is already using it.
  7. Gaskets. They should be taken with you regardless of whether the girl has already begun menstruation.
  8. Safe manicure accessories. For example, a nail file.
  9. Sunscreen.
  10. Repellent cream.
  11. Towels. 1 small for the face, 1 large.

Do not interfere if the daughter wants to take lip gloss or other cosmetics with her. This will make her feel more confident, for example, at a camp disco.

Other Important Things

Life modern teenager unthinkable without a mobile phone. When giving his daughter to the camp, make sure that the balance is replenished and that there are headphones in the kit. A modern telephone is not only a means of communication, but an opportunity to listen to music or watch a movie.

If your daughter has a favorite book or any other item without which the child cannot imagine his leisure time, be sure to bring it with you to the camp. This will brighten up your free time.

It makes sense to put a notepad and pen


With you to the camp, the child should give some cash, which can be useful on excursions or to buy additional food.

What you should not give a girl 10-14 years old with you to the camp

Regardless of the gender of the child, it is forbidden to bring to the camp:

  1. Stitching and cutting objects, including scissors.
  2. Flammable items such as matches.
  3. Alcoholic liquids.
  4. Equipment that can injure children (scooters, skateboards, etc.).
  5. Strong medications. If there is a need for certain medications, this issue is discussed with the teacher and the funds can be transferred to his jurisdiction.

Do not give your daughter electronic gadgets with you. Losses and breakdowns of such equipment often occur in the camp. Again, computers have become so tightly integrated into the life of a modern teenager that distraction from them for only 20 days will only have a positive effect.

Choosing the right bag

A travel bag for a girl must have a light weight and be comfortable, appropriate for the height and age of the child.

The option with a bag on wheels is not bad, but only if the camp buildings are located on an asphalted area. If the camp is located in a dense forest where flat roads are rare, the girl will be more tired of trying to carry luggage on small wheels than of a light bag with a shoulder strap.

In addition to the main bag with things, you need to collect a small backpack in which there will be things and a snack, necessary for the child on the road.

And in conclusion: When handing over the bag to your daughter, do not forget to put a list of all the collected things in her pocket. This will make it easier for the girl to find the right thing and make her own collection on the way back.

Psychologists consider the optimal age for the first independent rest in a country camp 9-10 years old. At this age, the child already has a certain experience of communicating with peers, is not so dependent on the guardianship of adults and, perhaps, does not even mind reducing it a little. In addition, some children have experience of rest in a summer school camp.

Closer to home

If you send a child at the age of 7, and he leaves mom-dad for the first time, choose a camp located no further than 1-2 hours drive from home, it is recommended in the public health department of the Republican Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health. Then you can visit it every weekend, and if something goes wrong, as it was supposed at the beginning, you will be able to quickly respond or take it home.

For the second or third time, you can already think about more long trips and even consider a vacation at sea. A three-week vacation on the coast, sunbathing and swimming - good prevention colds during the academic year. True, it is better in advance, in the pool, to teach the child to swim.

positive attitude

A long road, non-home living conditions, the need to obey caregivers can become stressful for a child. So tell him how about it kind of adventure. Tell us how you went through these tests. A ward for 4-6 people is a horror for an adult. And for a child, it can be a dream - whispering at night, telling scary stories ...

What's with you?

Make a list of things to put in the bag (by the way, the list itself can also be put in the bag to make it easier for the child to pack later). It shouldn't be too heavy. It is better to match the age and height. Separately, on the bus / train, you need to take a small bag / backpack, where to put what you need on the road ( wet wipes, water, a snack, something that can take time on the road). Both bags better sign- indicate the name of the child on them.

Put in a bag the clothes that your child loves, but do not put too expensive things. They can get lost, which often happens. Must be several changes of linen, jacket, shoes in case of rain, dry weather, for the beach and for the body.

IN without fail put down sunscreen, mosquito repellent and a couple of hats. Separately - voucher, birth certificate, medical certificate(if the child is going abroad, then a foreign passport and a notarized consent of the parents to leave). From all documents is better make copies and put in an envelope separate from the originals.

Remember that before leaving, the son will try to take something out of the bag, and the daughter will report back. So before you leave check everything on the list.

A child with chronic diseases should be put on medications that are taken constantly or during exacerbations. Write on paper complete scheme reception and warn adults accompanying the child about this feature.

If an 11-13-year-old girl goes to the camp, then she should know what menstruation is and have hygiene products with her just in case.

Well, and where without mobile phone...

List of things to take with you

  • T-shirts, T-shirts (4 pcs.);
  • shorts, jeans;
  • skirts, sundresses;
  • sports suit;
  • sweater, jacket;
  • raincoat or jacket;
  • socks (5 pairs);
  • underwear (5 sets);
  • swimsuit, swimming trunks (2 pcs.);
  • headdress (2 pcs.);
  • flip-flops for going to the beach or pool;
  • sneakers or sneakers for sports, sandals or shoes for excursions and everyday wear;
  • one or two outfits for discos;
  • soap, washcloth, shampoo, toothpaste and brush, comb;
  • toilet paper;
  • washing powder or soap for washing clothes;
  • deodorant, lotion, manicure set, pads (for girls), razor (for boys);
  • beach towel;
  • sunscreen, mosquito and midge cream;
  • empty bag for dirty laundry;
  • notepad/pen;
  • rackets for tennis, badminton, ball (if you know that this is not in the camp).

Shouldn't give bring cameras, electronic games, laptops, jewelry. Some money (for excursions, sweets, etc.) can be deposited with the caregiver (in a signed envelope) if your child does not know how to handle money.

Forbidden things:

  • knives, scissors, any piercing and cutting objects;
  • any toxic substances;
  • cigarettes, matches, lighters;
  • firecrackers, crackers;
  • any alcoholic and narcotic substances;
  • traumatic equipment (skates, roller skates, scooters);
  • toys that shoot plastic bullets;
  • potent drugs (this, if necessary, is clarified with educators);
  • printed, audio, video and computer products with propaganda of immoral behavior, violence, pornography.

Can't take with you and bring to the camp:

  • carbonated drinks (except mineral water);
  • products with cream or filling (cakes, pastries);
  • chips, chewing gum, dairy products, meat, sausages, fish, poultry, smoked products;
  • soups, dumplings, meatballs, salads, pies;
  • pickles, canned food, mushrooms, products fast food.

If you really need to pamper your child on parent's day, let him eat with you, but in no case don't leave food for him.

Anna Kulakevich, June 8, 2013.
Source: Zvyazda newspaper, translated: http://old.zviazda.by/ru/pril/article.php?id=112882

What to bring with you to a child who goes to a health camp?

Actually, you don't need much. The main thing, knowing about the variability of the Belarusian weather, is to put such things and shoes that will help maintain health. A large duffel bag or backpack should replace a lot of small bags - for easy self-carrying of your belongings.

You will need:

  • 2-3 sets of T-shirts and sundresses, shorts and trousers for everyday wear.
  • 1-2 T-shirts or dresses with long sleeve.
  • Swimsuit (swimming trunks).
  • Sports suit and closed sports shoes.
  • 5-6 pairs of socks.
  • Linen (underpants-shirts with the expectation of replacement at least in 2-3 days).
  • Comfortable shoes (two pairs) for every day, shoes for the beach.
  • Pajamas or nightgown.
  • 2-3 sweaters (sweatshirts), jeans.
  • Festive clothes for evening rest, discos.
  • Jacket (jacket-windbreaker).
  • Summer headwear.
  • From personal hygiene items you need to take:
  • toothbrush and paste, toilet and laundry soap;
  • washcloth, shampoo, shower gel;
  • comb, scissors;
  • big towel for shower and beach.
  • For girls: cosmetics for skin and body care, hygiene items.
  • It is advisable to bring mosquito repellent as well.

It should be ensured that the child does not take anything that can harm him, such as cigarettes (not to mention alcohol or drugs).

“It is important that the child does not bring with him to health Camp infection or his health has not worsened, - recalls the head of the department of hygiene for children and adolescents of the Republican Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health Alla Malakhova. - Therefore, before sending, you must contact the clinic to obtain a medical certificate. If necessary, the doctor will give appropriate recommendations on movement, nutrition. Children with acute somatic diseases, skin contagious and other infectious diseases, pediculosis are not accepted to the camp.

In an organized camp, a full-fledged varied diet is provided that meets the physiological needs and age. Drinking water, which is provided to children - industrial production, bottled, or boiled. Therefore, do not give food products, except maybe cookies, sweets, juice in small packages and 1-2 liters of bottled water for the trip.

No matter how formal it may seem, but before leaving, focus on safe behavior. Smoking, drinking alcohol is no joke, and it is clearly prohibited. It is also forbidden to leave the territory of the camp on your own. It is worth recalling that if you feel unwell, bitten by a tick, rubbed your leg, or vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain appear, you should immediately seek medical help or inform the counselor. Warn the child that you should not be afraid to participate in all activities that will be held - sports, entertainment, music. It is worth trying so as not to be isolated, and never worry about a negative result!

What to take with you to the camp? This is a very popular question in the summer with children and their parents. It especially worries those who go to the camp for the first time. In this article you will find the answer to this question.


Documents - this is something without which the child will not be accepted into the camp.

Definitely needed

  • Tour to the camp.
  • A photocopy of the child's birth certificate or passport.
  • A photocopy of the medical insurance policy on both sides.
  • Information about vaccinations.
  • Medical certificate in the form 079/U.
  • Epidemiological information. environment.
  • Consent to medical intervention.
  • Medical documents

    Information about vaccinations

    This can be a photocopy of the vaccination certificate, a photocopy or a photocopy of sheets with vaccinations and the Mantoux reaction from the school medical card(from form 026/U). This document is best taken care of at the end of the school year in May. You need to ask the school paramedic for the summer for a completed vaccination certificate or make photocopies of the necessary sheets from school honey. maps and certify a photocopy at the school with a round school seal.

    In summer, it is more difficult to make a photocopy of vaccinations from a school medical card, but it is possible. To do this, you will have to find someone at the school (head teacher, teacher) who can open a medical office and allow you to make the necessary photocopies. The school paramedic, as a rule, works all June, while the schools have school camps and goes on vacation in July.

    Medical certificate in form 079/U

    This is a mandatory medical document for a child leaving for a summer health camp. It is issued in the children's clinic at the place of residence. To obtain this certificate, you need to contact the clinic about a week before leaving for the camp. You will need to pass a stool test for worm eggs or perianal scraping. At the first visit, the child will be given a referral for this analysis. And they will invite you back. Which will require the child himself for examination, the result of the analysis and a certificate of vaccination. Without a certificate of vaccination, a certificate to the camp will not be issued, parents and children are warned about this when they first contact the clinic.

    At a second visit, the doctor examines the child for pediculosis and the presence of contagious diseases. skin diseases. Checks if he is sick with SARS. Evaluates the result of the analysis for eggs of the worm. Checks for the presence or absence of all necessary vaccinations in the vaccination certificate and fills in the certificate for camp 079/U.

    You can download this reference form

    Epidemiological information. environment

    It is issued in the polyclinic at the place of residence one day before the departure of the child in the registry or in a special room of the polyclinic. The presence of the child is not required for the issuance of this certificate.

    Consent to medical intervention

    The form is issued at the children's clinic and filled in by the parent. You also need to take it with you. You can read more about this document.

    Summer camp clothes

    • Most summer camps require T-shirts and shorts. If the camp is located nearby and you plan to visit the child weekly, you need to take 3 sets with you for a week and change as needed. If the child travels far, then 3 must be multiplied by the number of weeks.
    • The same applies to underwear. If the child is used to changing it daily, then 7 shorts are needed for a week. Then multiply 7 by the number of weeks. Some children wash their own underwear.
    • Sweatpants (tracksuit) or jeans plus a shirt (turtleneck) can be taken in 1 - 2 copies. You need to take a jumper with long sleeves, a windbreaker and a raincoat.
    • Need 2-3 pairs of socks. In the heat, children do not wear socks.
    • Be sure to need a cap, baseball cap or panama hat.

    If the weather is cool or the child goes to rest in the fall, you need to increase the number of warm clothes.

    For the pool

    If the camp has a swimming pool, then you will definitely need swimming trunks or a swimsuit, swimming goggles, a towel, rubber slippers. Girls - swimming cap.


    Flip flops, sandals and sneakers 1 pair each. If the child goes to the sea, where there is a pebble beach, you will also need special rubber slippers for swimming.

    Personal care products

    • Toothpaste and brush, soap (children prefer liquid) or shower gel, shampoo, washcloth or sponge, towel, toilet paper, wet wipes, comb, teenage girls - sanitary napkin. Deodorant only roll-on, in spray cans - it is better not to give.
    • Sun cream. It's the cream. It is dangerous to give spray to children, the spray can explode in the heat, children can play around and get into each other's eyes.
    • Panthenol, also in the form of a cream or ointment in case of sunburn.
    • Mosquito repellent, but not in an aerosol can.


    Medicines cannot be given to children in the camp, none. The child can confuse something and accept the wrong thing. Or other children may find and take other people's pills.

    If a child is ill in some way chronic disease, which is not a contraindication for staying in the camp. And he needs to take some medication constantly or in case of exacerbation. Then you need to warn the doctor and the camp paramedic about this in advance, during the arrival of the children at the camp, and leave the necessary medicine in the honey. paragraph.

    For all other cases in honey. The camp site has all the necessary medicines. If a child gets sick or has a fever, he turns to the counselor or immediately to the medical center. There he is given the necessary medicine and is sure to control how he took it.


    In the camps, children are allowed to take cookies, dryers, crackers, caramel, lollipops, plain or mineral water.


    Best unbreakable mug, plate, spoon.


    • A cell phone with a charger is a must.
    • A tee for an outlet, a flashlight and an umbrella will come in handy.
    • You can bring a pen and notepad with you.
    • Sunglasses will come in handy.

    This is all that you really need to take with you to the camp. I wish you a pleasant holiday!

The time has come summer holidays parents are actively looking for a good place for children's leisure. There are many excitements and experiences: various meetings with new people, an interesting pastime with new friends, a change of home environment.

It's time to get the kids ready for camp. So that he does not have problems upon admission, it is important to take a certificate from the hospital in advance, all documents for the child - originals and copies to them, and do not forget the ticket. It will not be difficult to gather a child for the camp if you plan everything in advance.

What does a child need at summer camp?

  1. Shoes are comfortable and closed - sneakers or sneakers, shoes for cool weather, slippers or slates, indoor slippers are required.
  2. Several sets of underwear (panties and T-shirts), socks, tights for girls, T-shirts, handkerchiefs.
  3. Hats - a cap, panama, bandana - what the child likes to wear.
  4. Clothing for sports - a suit, or a jacket with pants.
  5. Beautiful and elegant clothes for the holidays - a few blouses, skirts, or shirts, trousers for boys.
  6. Pajamas or nightgown.
  7. A swimsuit for a girl, and swimming trunks for a boy.
  8. Jacket and warm pants - in case of cold weather, an umbrella.
  9. Casual clothing - shorts, T-shirts, skirts, dresses.
  10. Personal hygiene items - toothpaste and brush, toilet paper, shampoo, soap, washcloth, comb, several towels, beach mat.
  11. Creams and sprays from insects.

After the suitcase is packed for the camp, pick it up, isn't it too heavy for your child? Maybe it's worth removing a couple of sweaters than injuring the baby's spine. Picking up your child for camp is essential.

What is forbidden to take with you to the camp?

You should not take gold earrings and rings, expensive audio equipment, expensive gadgets to the camp; it will be very disappointing if other children break or things disappear altogether. The storage of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes, drugs is prohibited. It is not recommended to take scissors with you, you can injure yourself and injure the children in the camp.

Visiting children by parents in the camp

In the camp you need to visit your child. This is a closed type of vacation, and when mom and dad want to visit their child, they can do it at any time, and if they decide to take him away for a while, then you need to write an application addressed to the camp director. All meetings take place on the site at the main entrance to the camp.

Food for kids camp

You can bring your favorite cookies, mineral water, apples, grapes, bananas. All food must be freshly prepared, you can not store food in the room, the sanitary doctor strictly monitors the implementation of this rule.

List of prohibited products

There is also a list of prohibited foods:

  1. Milk products.
  2. Carbonated drinks.
  3. Crackers and chips.
  4. Various canned food (from meat and fish).
  5. Cakes and cakes with cream.
  6. Homemade and purchased salads.
  7. Mushrooms.
  8. Instant soups, noodles and mashed potatoes.
  • Do not put too many clothes in the bag; almost always half of it remains unnecessary.
  • Lay out the change of linen for each day in separate packages, it is advisable to sign everything so that your child can dress more easily at camp. Also pack warm clothes and sign them when and under what circumstances to wear them.
  • Each camp has a first aid station, so there is no need to recruit a lot medicines, put only the most necessary - plaster, brilliant green, iodine, cotton buds and discs, activated charcoal tablets.
  • If your child suffers from diseases of a permanent nature, then it is better to transfer the medicines to a nurse or doctor at a medical center.

How to send a small child to camp?

If a child under 7 years old has expressed a desire to go on vacation to the camp, then for comfort on vacation, you need to make sure that he has the skills:

  1. He knows by heart his passport data and the names of his father and mother, he learned the phone number of his parents.
  2. The child is able to independently brush his teeth, wash his face, wash his hair, just wash his hands with soap. Knows and can wash hands after visiting the toilet, knows how to flush the toilet and open and close taps.
  3. Able to neatly make a bed and put things on a chair.

When collecting small child to the camp, you need to try to make the trip as easy as possible for him. Sign all his things, give a bag for dirty things, put a list of all things in your suitcase, and if you give food on the road, then only those that are allowed by the camp doctors.

What does a child need in a winter (cold) camp

If you have chosen a winter vacation in the camp with your child, then you should take with you:

  1. Warm jacket or suit with pants.
  2. Hat and scarf, gloves (a pair of pairs).
  3. Sweaters and sweaters, turtlenecks or sweatshirts.
  4. T-shirts, t-shirts and other underwear.
  5. Beautiful clothes for discos and evenings of meetings.
  6. Warm trousers, jeans, warm tights girls.
  7. Sports warm clothes for sports on outdoors and appropriate footwear.
  8. Replaceable warm shoes, preferably several pairs.

What does a child need in a camping trip?

For active rest necessary:

  1. Clothing should be practical and bright, so that in case of a disaster, the child can be seen from afar.
  2. Warm jacket or turtleneck - woolen, you can wear thermal underwear.
  3. Headdress, scarf, fabric gloves.
  4. Spare and sports shoes - sneakers or sneakers.
  5. Changeable underwear.
  6. Tent, sleeping pad, sleeping bag.
  7. Rope, matches, paper for making a fire, dishes - can be disposable, easier to carry and can be washed.
  8. Wet wipes, toilet paper.
  9. Be sure to take a lantern on a hike, you can use a helmet - a lantern that is worn on the head and does not burden the child's hands.
  10. From the products you can fruit - apples, and various high-calorie bars with seeds - to maintain vitality.
  11. Your own first aid kit - you should not take the medicines that the leader of the group has, you can take more plaster to help with cuts, abrasions, punctures of fingers or toes.

What does a child need in a camp by the sea?

The list of things is approximately the same as the one listed above, but there are small nuances, namely:

  1. Swimming trunks or swimwear for girls - preferably 2 sets.
  2. Towels - 2 pieces, on the beach and in the shower.
  3. Beach shoes - silicone slippers or crocs.
  4. Protective cream against the sun and against mosquitoes.
  5. Warm clothes in case of cold weather.
  6. Panama hats, baseball caps or caps - optional.
  7. Personal hygiene items (toothpaste, brush, shampoo, soap, comb).
  8. Sportswear and footwear.
  9. Swimming equipment - fins, mask, goggles.

If you send your child to the camp for the first time in your life, try to help him acclimatize there faster, put your favorite toy or book in his bag, your joint photos. Every parent worries when their child is away from home, and when sending a child to camp, discuss with him the possibility and frequency of telephone communication. You can also call counselors and educators at the camp and find out if everything is in order with your baby. You should not be overly actively imposed by talking to the child, give him the opportunity to feel like an adult, without your guardianship.

Do not forget to bring his favorite books, magazines, sketchbooks and notebooks, a piece of your home warmth, care and comfort to the camp.

First aid kit in the camp

In case of trouble, contact the camp medical center. Each camp has an emergency point medical care there is always a doctor or nurse there. If the baby is constantly sick with any disease, tell the educator of the detachment and the doctor in the camp.

You need to thoroughly collect the child in the camp, do not forget the first aid kit:

  1. Plaster, bandage, cotton pads.
  2. Black activated carbon.
  3. Nasal drops.
  4. Throat lozenges.
  5. Iodine or green. Do not take antihistamines with you to the camp - diazolin, suprastin, as their overdose causes Negative consequences for the body.

It is very important that the child remembers that you should immediately contact the doctors if such a need arises, you do not need to self-medicate, the consequences can be very sad.

Getting your child to camp is easy. It is important to give him a break from the modern pastime at the computer and newfangled gadgets, communicate with other children, learn to overcome life's small difficulties in the camp.

Many children just love going to camps and dream about it all the time. academic year. But for now favorite child full of joyful forebodings, a lot of worries will fall on your shoulders. What to take with you to the camp is up to adults, it is they who are responsible. Although it is imperative to involve the child in collecting suitcases, parents will have to exercise control.


The first thing you need to take to the camp is a package of documents. When you make a ticket, you will be provided with a list, and all that remains is to collect what you need. You should take care of a certificate from a medical institution in advance to avoid queues at the last moment. But you should not rush too much, because some documents (for example, a certificate of epidemiological environment) have a statute of limitations.

The mandatory list usually includes the following:

  • birth certificate or its copy;
  • medical certificate of the established form;
  • health insurance documents.

Put all the papers in a stationery plastic envelope and explain to the child how and where to store it. In some camps, counselors collect documents immediately after arrival and store them until the end of the shift.

Required clothing

Much depends on the climate zone in which the camp is located. Do not forget that even on the southern coasts there are rains, winds and cold nights. Therefore, in any case, check that the following is packed in the suitcase:

  • T-shirts and T-shirts - at least 3;
  • shorts, and for a girl a cotton skirt;
  • sports suit;
  • warm shirt or windbreaker;
  • jeans or trousers.

The choice of additional wardrobe items depends on the gender of the child. A girl will need dresses and sundresses made of non-hot natural fabrics, and a boy needs much more than one pair of shorts. Add knee breeches or slightly longer. Maybe the guy should bring two tracksuits, because boys usually devote more time to sports, and clothes get dirty faster.

Don't forget to dress up for the holidays. For any camp, parties, dance competitions and other events are an indispensable part of leisure. Let the child take with him something elegant, but comfortable.

Bathing accessories

It is advisable to take two swimsuits with you, because leisure can be organized in such a way that water procedures will occur more than once a day.

Don't forget a large towel specially designed for the beach. It is inconvenient to go to the pool and to the shower with the same towel, it may not have time to dry. In some camps, a pool cap is mandatory (check this in advance).

Many girls will be happy to take with them beach tunic or pareo. Don't forget about sunscreen.


A set for a boy is different from what a girl takes to camp. Lists may vary, but they must contain 3-4 sets of underwear.

It is advisable for the girl to take clothes for sleeping with her. Many young ladies categorically protest against nightgowns, considering them old-fashioned. Offer your daughter a cute outfit consisting of a T-shirt and shorts.

Shoes for different occasions

What shoes to put in a suitcase depends on the preferences of the child and the available assortment. But the following types are required:

  • sandals or sandals;
  • beach shoes (flip flops, flip flops, crocs);
  • shoes for sports (sneakers, sneakers);
  • closed shoes for bad weather.

Important point - headdress

Forgetting to put a panama hat or a cap in your suitcase, you will deprive your child of many pleasures, because on the beach, on a hike and on excursions, a hat is mandatory.

Personal care products

It is very convenient to put everything you need for the morning and evening toilet in a small waterproof bag. It should contain the following:

  • soap, shower gel, shampoo;
  • toothbrush and paste;
  • hand cream.

Consider your child's habits. For example, if he is used to using mouthwash or his skin is prone to irritation, pack his usual products in a bag.

Hair accessories

This question is relevant not only for girls. The boy also definitely needs a comb. It can be stored together with bath accessories.

And what to take with you to the camp for a young fashionista, you should ask her herself. Let your daughter put her favorites to bed elegant hairpins, rubber bands, headbands. Take care of storage space. So that the trifle is not confused, some kind of organizer is needed.

Attributes for holidays and competitions

If you were in the camp as a child, you probably imagine how important such events are. What to take a child to the camp for competitions, holidays, festivals? A small set for face painting is very useful. The girl will surely be delighted with colored crayons for hair or borings.

Here, of course, it is worth showing a sense of proportion. In the suitcase you can send a cowboy hat, feather boa, carnival costume, but all this will interfere more often than benefit. But a couple of little things like a fan or fake glasses with a nose will not hurt.

Girls may need a few cosmetics. Limit yourself to lip gloss, eyeliner, and mascara. If you think that your daughter can take some makeup to camp, remind her that makeup can only be appropriate when creating concert images. It is not necessary for a child to paint every day. Be sure to attach gentle to cosmetics natural remedy to remove it.

Should I bring gadgets to camp?

This question worries many who decide what to take to the camp. The list of required subjects does not include mobile phone, no camera or action camera, no laptop. Moreover, many camps are categorically against this.

Reassure your child that he will have something to do anyway. But if a mobile phone is acceptable, it is desirable that the child take regular model phone.

What to leave at home

It is advisable not to take gold jewelry (even a cross) to the camp. Counselors have a negative attitude towards expensive things, because a child can simply lose them, and adults will have to answer.

Do not take too many clothes, because there may simply not be enough space for neat storage.

Go through the toys that the child may want to take with him. Of course, a girl can take a couple of dolls, and a boy may not want to part with a transformer. But it's not worth the hassle. An exception can be made for the sake of your beloved soft toys with which the child is accustomed to sleep. It will help you to adapt to the new place. Of course, unless it's about teddy bear the size of a chair.

Medicines cannot be taken with you. In the hands of children, they can turn into poison. In addition, there will certainly be a first-aid post in the camp. If the child is prone to allergies, it is better to give the remedy selected by the doctor to the counselors.

Important little things

To add to the list of what to take with you to the camp, you can still have a couple of useful gizmos. Put in a suitcase baby remedy from insects, a compact manicure set, a couple of plasters. Don't forget your sunglasses.