Do-it-yourself poster for February 23 for dad. The main men's holiday is already on the threshold

Very soon Defender of the Fatherland Day, and for this reason the entire female half is extremely puzzled: how to congratulate men on February 23. It so happened in our country that this day - holiday for all men, despite their age and attitude to the army.

How to congratulate a loved one on February 23?

You can congratulate the man on February 23 V romantic style . For example, on an early festive morning you can wake up long before your beloved defender of the Fatherland, serve breakfast in bed, cook romantic dinner with his favorite dish and present a gift. It all depends on your fantasies and possibilities.

And if a generation is already growing up in your family, then can be presented in the form of collective holiday greetings by doing a little scene.

What can be presented for men on February 23?

Let's talk a little about what give men on February 23. After all, they also like to receive gifts, and therefore we recommend that you treat this issue with all care and attention.

Everyone can surprise with gifts related to hunting and fishing, such as barbecue camping kits, picnic accessories (thermos and mugs). A gift for him on Defender of the Fatherland Day maybe a souvenir weapon - they love it very much. Also can serve as a gift beautiful carved chess or backgammon.

Knowing your abilities can be donated on February 23 and more useful things like mobile phones, cufflinks, watches and so on. It would be appropriate to gift an item from his favorite collection.

When choosing gifts clothing or accessories is very important to understand: the older a person gets, the more prone to classic style. For example, men especially appreciate belts, elegant wrist watch with strap from genuine leather. In such gifts there should be nothing superfluous, and the details should exactly match tastes and individual preferences.

If you think what to give classmates on February 23 or classmates, in which case as a present may speak original handles, flash cards and other items that may be required for study.

If you are planning congratulate your co-workers corporate, we recommend organizing interesting scenario holiday with contests, and as prizes: small poems on postcards, original souvenirs . It is also known that "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach." Show your own culinary skills and men will appreciate you!

Congratulations on February 23 men at work

Traditionally on this day women congratulations to all men, regardless of whether they defended their Fatherland, whether they served in the army. That's why before the holiday the fair sex is really concerned about how congratulate men on February 23, their family and relatives, friends and colleagues. Particular difficulties arise in how organize this holiday for colleagues. In the office we celebrate this holiday so as not to offend anyone, but at the same time not to spend so much, because it is necessary buy gifts another husband, father, brother, son, etc., to combine these conditions, you can congratulate men on February 23 in every possible way.

Congratulations to colleagues on February 23: a budget option

In most cases budget option holiday organization is congratulations to colleagues greeting cards from February 23 in pictures and verses. In addition to standard phrases there may also be personally composed short funny poems addressed to each colleague individually. If you do not have a poetic talent, then find something suitable on the Internet. Select ready-made congratulations with photos or images and create personalized Greeting Cards.

Congratulations on February 23 in pictures:

Alternative, more cost effective option for congratulating men on February 23 there may be postcards on which you can list the names of all your colleagues, as well as their best quality and words of congratulations.

When the team is good relations, congratulations to colleagues on February 23 may be playful. Photos of male colleagues can be processed in Photoshop in a variety of ways and made on one poster. This gift can be put in such a way as to attract the attention of others, then everyone's mood for the whole day is simply guaranteed! Just do not get carried away with banter - remember: after all soon March 8.

Options for congratulating men on February 23

If your finances allow give gifts all male colleagues, you can use the following tips. The choice of gifts is varied and depends only on your imagination and finances.

For example, gifts for colleagues can be lighters, perfumes, sets of accessories for mobile phones and computers. valuable gift can serve and gift Certificate at an auto parts or office supply store. Your colleagues will probably appreciate tickets for everything recreational activities , such as a boxing tournament, football game or hockey.

Collective congratulations of men on February 23

Option number 1. Collective gift can be creative or even a little spicy. In offices distinguished by their free policy, it has become fashionable to order strippers as congratulations of men on Defender of the Fatherland Day(just not during work).

Option number 2. If it is customary in your team to celebrate all events at the same table, then, if possible, try to secretly organize the delivery of ready-made meals to the office, or let everyone bring their own signature homemade dish. Decorate the place where will you be celebrate February 23, balloons, posters with congratulations.

Under each napkin on the table, hide a surprise for colleagues: it can be lottery tickets or a small personal postcard.

  • 1. - holiday screensaver for your computer;
  • 2. - festive wall newspaper;
  • 3. - meat pies, caviar, pancakes, cutting vegetables;
  • 4. - gifts.

Of course, it all depends on the budgetary possibilities and the relationship between colleagues in the team. Can original congratulations to men on February 23, even if you the only woman among the men's group. On the eve of the holiday linger in your office and wait for your colleagues to disperse, then put images with this theme on their computer work screensavers.

Make your own wall newspaper, on it place photos of men from your team with words of congratulations in verse, you can also print photos on a printer, attach them to whatman paper, and write by hand congratulations verses for men on February 23.

One of the most important events is laid festive table. The main thing is not to confuse anything: leave the cakes and sweets on March 8, let men better give them to you. Best Option for the strong half of humanity will meat dishes: cook homemade delicious meat pies, buy a jar of caviar and bake pancakes for them, cut vegetables. It will be perfect gift for men. If possible, put alcohol on the table so that you don't have to worry about who will have to run to the store later.

Present- This important element congratulations to men on February 23. So if you are not very familiar with colleagues, to give everyone individual gifts, then just give preference to presents that fit most men. It can be hats, towels, T-shirts with original inscriptions. You can also buy a bottle of cognac or other alcoholic drink and attach a photo of the perpetrators of the identity to them, listing best qualities colleagues on each. If there are few women in the team, you can limit yourself festive table Colleagues will appreciate your attention and efforts.

If the team has informal relations, then you can arrange playful contests, sing patriotic songs for colleagues. You can even act out a skit in front of men arrange a parade: get together women's team and change into elements military uniform and vests. Men will undoubtedly appreciate your efforts and on March 8 they will mutually delight you.

Gifts for February 23 for men photo

On February 23, the state does not make men a day off, and most spend it at work. To respect the male half of the team, women can diversify banal congratulations funny and original surprises.

The holiday does not carry romance, such as March 8, and refers to the military theme. But women congratulate all their beloved and close men with and without a military past. Therefore, February 23 has long become such a masculine day, and the military overtones allow the strong half of humanity to feel like defenders.

Today there are many ways of non-banal congratulations and gifts. The internet is chock-full of surprise advice, avoiding socks and postcards. A wall newspaper is one of the ways to cheer up the entire work team and bring new emotions.

The wall newspaper for February 23 is cool for colleagues, poster, materials: the pride of the team

A huge advantage of a wall newspaper as a congratulation is handmade. Men by nature are very fond of when a woman cares and makes an effort to surprise. They love even more when they are praised and when they are needed.

In this case, the wall newspaper can be decorated with photographs of the strong half of the team with the title "Our pride." Glue a printed frame around each photo and make an impromptu leader board. Such a congratulation will appeal to male pride.

Wall newspaper for February 23 to colleagues is cool, poster, materials: superheroes

A wall newspaper with superheroes will create a similar effect. To do this, you need to find pictures of superheroes from science fiction films on the Internet and print them, preferably on a color printer. Further, the figures can be cut out and glued onto whatman paper, or the printed A4 sheets can be placed directly on the wall.

The main trick is to take photographs of the men of the team, cut out specific faces and stick them in place of the faces of superheroes. The bright title "We have you and we do not need superheroes" will give desired effect and the atmosphere of fun at work will last for a long time.

Wall newspaper for February 23 to colleagues is cool, poster, materials: poster in the form of a calendar

In any needlework, a printer comes to the rescue. This time you need to print the calendar for the current year in as much space as possible. large format(for example, 1 month for the entire A4 sheet), and since February is almost the beginning of the year, the gift will also be useful for all employees.

You can put photos of all colleagues on the poster, and arrange the congratulations on other sheets. For example, print “From February 23” on separate sheets and paste it near the main gift. The congratulation can then be removed, but the calendar will remain not only useful thing but also the memory of one merry day.

Wall newspaper for February 23 to colleagues is cool, poster, materials: collage with sweets

Sweets are always associated with a sense of celebration. On a normal day, people pamper their receptors, on a festive day they add the hormones serotonin and endorphin. A wall newspaper with congratulations on February 23 can be issued by pasting a lot of bars and sweets on whatman paper. Especially for avid athletes, you can buy protein bars and other harmless goodies.

A place of honor can be given to a strong bottle nearby on the table, as an addition to treats. Such a newspaper will look bright, men will be able to tear off sweets right from the wall, and it will also be unusual, and therefore fun. The poster can be decorated nice words handwritten by the female half of the team.

Wall newspaper for February 23 to colleagues is cool, poster, materials: photo greetings from women

In addition to photographs of the hero of the occasion themselves, there is another option to print photographs of women who congratulate them. The idea is to take a picture of each with one letter, and then make a collage “Since February 23” from the photos. The letter can be drawn, printed or used in Photoshop.

Any poster can be supplemented with poems, songs, congratulations and everything that is enough for imagination. The main thing is to organize festive atmosphere and create a common memory of the friendship of the team.

You can congratulate several men at once on Defender of the Fatherland Day different ways. For example, write a poem for them or learn someone else's and tell it, prepare a gift for everyone and give them at a holiday, etc. But one of the most common original congratulations there is a poster for February 23. How to make it yourself?

School friends

In the middle and high school but girls often make a big wall newspaper for their classmates. As a rule, in this case, on a sheet of drawing paper of A1 format (or two such sheets glued together) are depicted:

Also must be present congratulatory inscriptions. To make a poster for February 23 with their own hands, the girls should be divided into 2 groups - some will work with images, others with text. What can be written in the wall newspaper:

  • “From February 23!”, “Glory to the defenders of the Fatherland”, “Congratulations to our defenders!” and so on.;
  • poems or congratulations in prose;
  • riddles on the topic;
  • Interesting Facts;
  • comic poems about everyone;
  • puzzles (for younger students).

Of course, it will be most interesting for boys to read about themselves, so girls should try to compose individual poems or ditties. They should point out the peculiarities of classmates, but in no case offend them. For example:

Our Vitalik is a master of words,

Everything will be explained.

Just something in class

The blackboard is always silent.

Sasha, Sasha - our pride,

He is a computer expert.

He is with a tablet in the classroom

Not ready to part.

If you plan to congratulate not only the boys, but also the teacher (for example, when classroom teacher- a man), then it is also worth writing something about him.

In the family

For a holiday in big family often several men gather at once different generations. A congratulatory poster for February 23 is also being prepared for them. How best to arrange it?

lovely voluminous flowers are obtained from paper napkins or from corrugated paper. To do this, several sheets of paper different color pile up. Each next layer should be about 2-3 cm shorter than the previous one. The edges of the paper are cut with teeth. The layers are all folded together into an accordion, tied in the middle with a thread and the edges are folded up, straightening each “petal”. This is how magnificent dahlias are obtained, which will decorate the festive poster.


Often in the work collectives there is an initiative group of women who takes on the organization of the holiday, including the production of a wall newspaper. What to advise them?

The usual congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day will not surprise anyone (although they are unlikely to upset), so you need to do something original. For example, to focus on the fact that men are primarily protectors, and think about what they can protect from?

  • system administrators - from computer viruses;
  • guards - from unwanted guests;
  • sales managers - from lack of profit;
  • boss - from unnecessary disputes in the team.

If it is impossible to think of what a representative of a particular profession could protect against, then one must rely on his personal qualities. For example, jokers and jokers do not let you get bored, and those who are wise with experience will always give the right advice.

This idea will need to be transferred to the poster. To do this, photographs of men (only the heads can be cut out of the photo) are pasted onto other images. For example, a wise adviser - against the background of books or in a picture where he would be in the circle of people listening to him; guards - to a picture with heroes (it will be especially great if there are only 3 guards in the office, then their faces can be “substituted” instead of the faces of three heroes in a famous picture), etc.

When deciding how to make a poster for February 23, women should remember that men may misunderstand some of their “roles”, so you need to monitor the correctness of the wording. However, it is not worth completely depersonalizing the congratulatory wall newspaper. We must try to find a middle ground.

The quiz invites you

« Do you know the history of your Motherland?

    Who owns the words: “Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword. On that stood and will stand the Russian land.

    What are the names of the outstanding commander and naval commander who did not lose a single battle. The first won 63, and the second - 40 battles.

    What kind of war did Russia and with which country last 21 years?

    When did WWII start and how long did it last?

    How many days did the blockade of Leningrad last?

    What was the name of the road that connected besieged Leningrad with the mainland? Where did she go?

    What weapon that terrified the Nazis was called by a beautiful Russian name?

    Who from Soviet soldiers was the first to be awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union three times?

    Which of the Soviet commanders was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union four times?

    What an outstanding commander of the Great Patriotic War

was born in Belgorod?

    Name three fields of Russian glory.

    Why is Belgorod called the city of the first fireworks?

    Which an important event happened in the history of our country

    What is the name of the designer, creator of rapid-fire weapons (machine gun)?


Future defender

Every boy can become a soldier
Fly through the sky, sail through the sea,
Guard the border with a machine gun,
To protect your homeland.

But first on the football field
He will protect the gate.
And for a friend in the yard and school
He will accept an unequal, difficult battle.

Do not let other people's dogs to the kitten -
Harder than playing war.
If you didn't protect your little sister,
How will you protect your country?

A. Usachev

The history of the holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day

Defender of the Fatherland Day is considered a holiday of soldiers present, present and future.

From history we learn that the beginning of the holiday was laid by the battle near Narva and Pskov in February 1918, in which the soldiers of the young Soviet republic opposed the German troops. It was believed that it was at this time that the first victories of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army took place. Subsequently, these facts were not confirmed. Neither on this day, nor in February 1918 at all, were there any victories over the Germans. Nevertheless, it was in the winter of 1918 that the chairman of the Council of People's Commissars, V. I. Lenin, signed decrees on the creation of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army and the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Fleet.

The anniversary of the creation of the Red Army began to be celebrated only in 1922.

The day of February 23 became public holiday, which was first called the Day of the Red Army, then - the Day Soviet army and the Navy.

February 10, 1995 was adopted the federal law“On the days of military glory (victorious days) of Russia”, in which this day is called as follows: “February 23 - Day of the victory of the Red Army over the Kaiser troops of Germany (1918) - Day of the Defenders of the Fatherland”.

On January 18, 2006 the State Duma voted for new edition February 23 is celebrated as Defender of the Fatherland Day. Thus, the historical myth was removed from the name, and the word "defender" became singular.

But whatever the history of the holiday, first of all, in the minds of our compatriots, it is associated with the glorious deeds of the ancestors in the struggle for the independence of our homeland and the integrity of its borders.

Our army has an ancient and glorious history. The Russians - as our ancestors were called in ancient times - were brave and fearless warriors. At the end of the VI century. the Byzantine emperor wrote about the Russians this way: “... they love freedom and are not inclined to either slavery or obedience, they are brave, especially in their own land, hardy, easily endure cold and heat, lack of clothing and food. Their young men skillfully wield weapons.

Those for whom the duty to defend the Fatherland has become a matter of duty and honor, eventually received the title of noble nobility. It was they who formed the backbone of the Russian officers. The Russian nobility owes its very origin to the sovereign service, which, of course, also meant military service. It was both a norm and a matter of honor for a Russian nobleman to follow this military oath once.

Traditions of celebrating Defender of the Fatherland Day

The tradition of honoring the defenders of the Fatherland in Russia has deep roots. So, back in 1698, Peter I established the first order in Russia - the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called - to reward military exploits and public service.

February 23 in the old style is March 8 in the new. And when International Women's Day was celebrated in Europe, February 23rd was celebrated in Russia. So, February 23 became March 8, and "men's day" turned into "women's". We do not have a tradition of celebrating Mother's Day and Father's Day, so it is in these two holidays that we put the whole essence of the concepts of "woman" and "man": parents, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, spouses, friends ... Today, most of the citizens of Russia tend to consider Defender of the Fatherland Day not so much as the day of the army, but as the day of real men - defenders in the broadest sense of the word.

The holiday became a day off quite recently - in 2002. Before that, despite all its significance and pathos with which it was celebrated, February 23 was an ordinary working day.

And on the first Saturday of November light hand Mikhail Gorbachev began to celebrate World Men's Day, declared as a more general holiday than Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day to all the men and boys of our school! From pure heart We wish you good health, professional and personal success, strength of mind, care and understanding of loved ones, peace of mind and warmth. We wish to remain a reliable support for the women and girls of our school, never rest on our laurels. May luck accompany you in everything, fortune smiles and everything turns out. Clarity of mind to you and inexhaustible optimism! And also worthy to wear the honorary title of a MAN!