How long does it take for the first contractions to start? Change in appetite and weight loss. Cervical opening phase

The first contractions during childbirth can be felt at long intervals, for example, every 20 or 30 minutes. It is important not to confuse them with preparatory work uterus. And for this you need to learn how to calculate the interval between contractions, and when to go to the hospital, questions are unlikely to arise.

Most doctors suggest representing the fight as a wave that either rolls or recedes. And this interval between retreat and a new roll is the very one that is advised to be measured. The interval between contractions begins to decrease: 10, 8, 7, 6, 3, 2 minutes gradually, over several hours. And faster this process occurs in women who give birth not for the first time. Firstly, their cervix is ​​no longer as dense as that of primogeniture. And secondly, many of them understand how to relax and know simple techniques, like walking, that is, what to do if the interval between contractions does not decrease, and how to speed up birth process they know without doctors.

Short intervals - less than 7-10 minutes between labor spasms - this best time to go to the hospital. This should be done even earlier, for example, when there are contractions every 10 minutes, if the woman is out of town, there are big traffic jams and there are other barriers to quick admission to the maternity hospital.

But if there is no certainty that childbirth has begun. If the mucous plug has not yet come off, the amniotic fluid does not leak and does not leave, the gestational age is full-term and is not planned C-section, while there is the following signs, you can not hurry yet:

  • contractions appear with an interval of more than 10 minutes, while the time intervals between spasms are different, then 10 minutes, then 20, then 30;
  • menstrual pain is not felt, the stomach just periodically stiffens;
  • the duration of the spasm is no more than a few seconds and does not increase with time;
  • you managed to distract yourself, take a bath, fall asleep.

In addition, there is another way to understand that real contractions have begun - it's just to pay attention to the discharge from the vagina. If it didn't come out thick mucus, that is, a mucous plug, then the opening of the cervix, if any, is minimal, no more than 1-2 cm, and this is not yet a reason to rush to the hospital.

How to count the intervals between contractions - manually or with the help of contraction counters? In principle, it is possible and so, and so. But it’s not difficult to mark the time and make short notes on a piece of paper. Therefore, if you do not have an application for counting contractions or any device with a program installed on it, it does not matter.

When you determine how long the time interval between contractions lasts, you can safely call ambulance. Of course, if it is 1 time per hour, they are unlikely to come to you, only if you do not complain about sharp pain or selection. And at the very beginning, the intervals between contractions can really be quite long, you need to wait a bit, try to calm down and pack your things for the hospital, if necessary, do not forget about the documents - policy, passport, birth certificate.

About what interval between contractions is preferable to go to the hospital, we already wrote earlier. It's about 7-10 minutes. That is, there should be such intervals between spasms when there is no pain. If the intervals between contractions are longer, but you don’t feel well, or the child is too quiet, you didn’t feel any movement for a long time, you also need to call an ambulance. Well, the doctors are already in place with the help of the CTG apparatus and watching the woman in labor will be able to understand whether labor has begun and how effectively the cervix opens. If there are no indications for hospitalization, no one will detain you in the hospital.

In this article:

The less time left before meeting with the baby, the more expectant mothers are concerned about the questions: “How to find out the onset of labor?”, “Do we count the contractions correctly?”, “And if I can’t do it?”. No need to worry. Everything will be fine!

False or real?

Contractions are involuntary, necessarily regular, uterine contractions that remove the fetus from the mother's body. The lower abdomen hurts and aches, it hurts the lower back - such phenomena can be observed in pregnant women three weeks before childbirth. This does not mean that labor has begun. Just fights can be both real and false.

To recognize falsity, you need to count the intervals between contractions. Between intervals are chaotic. For example, between the first and second - an interval of 30 minutes, between the third and fourth - 40 minutes, and between the fourth and fifth - 20 minutes. The rest time either increases or decreases, the intervals are chaotic, which means that anxiety is in vain, the body prepares for childbirth in advance, trains for powerful contractions, and in maternity hospital it's not time to go yet.

The intervals between real contractions become steadily smaller each time, the time between them does not increase, and the contractions themselves are longer.

How to calculate correctly?

To correctly count contractions, you can refer to special programs on the Internet. They specify exactly what needs to be done and when. On the Internet, there are online clinics where doctors can give specific advice. But it's easy to do it yourself. To do this, you need paper, a pencil (to record intervals) and a stopwatch.

Counting should begin immediately after the first contraction of the uterus. Clearly record the beginning of the contraction, its end and the beginning of the next contraction. Then calculate how long the contraction lasted, the interval between contractions. All subsequent contractions should also be noted in this sequence.

If you are not sure that you can count the intervals between contractions yourself, a contraction counter or calculator can help you. Similar contraction counting rhymes can be found on the Internet and counted online.

In the intervals between painful attacks, you should not wait for the next contraction. The body specifically gives time to relax, rest and gain strength.

Contractions can start from 7-10 seconds, and the intervals between contractions reach 30 minutes. Then the duration of contractions increases, and the rest time decreases.

If the duration of the intervals steadily decreases, and the attacks themselves become longer, if at least 5 contractions occur in an hour, then labor is already beginning. Some doctors suggest that even in this case, you should not rush to the maternity hospital yet, but for greater safety it is better to be under medical supervision.
When contractions happen every 5 minutes, it's already urgently time to go to the hospital.

Contractions became regular

If contractions continue for 50-60 seconds every 3 minutes, then the cervix is ​​​​almost completely open, and the pushing period begins. At this time, the woman should already be in the maternity hospital and prepare directly for childbirth.

Because childbirth is deep individual process every woman, then you should not wait until the intervals between contractions become minimal, it is better to arrive at the doctors earlier.

If the waters receded, there appeared bleeding, vision has fallen sharply or health has deteriorated, then there is no time to count, it is urgent to call an ambulance.

The birth of a child is the most important event in life, and it is in the power of a mother to do everything so that the birth is not only the main thing, but also joyful.

Useful video about contractions before childbirth

So the pregnancy has come to an end, and childbirth, no matter how future mothers want it, is inevitable. But what scares women the most in the birth process? Of course, contractions during childbirth. Fears are aggravated by all kinds of stories of girlfriends, mothers, grandmothers and others, how hard it was for them during the period of contractions.

IN this case we can offer only one thing: do not listen to anyone, each person's body is arranged in its own way, which means that everything happens differently. Someone easily endures pain, and someone becomes ill from a prick of a rose thorn. Knowledge of the birth process, how to reduce pain during labor and how to breathe correctly at this time will help get rid of fears of impending pain in childbirth.

Childbirth and their periods

Childbirth is a complex physiological process that ends a pregnancy. Depending on the gestational age, childbirth is divided into premature (up to 36 weeks), urgent, that is, at the time of 38-41 weeks and late, which occur at the 42nd week. The birth process itself is divided into 3 periods:

  • 1 period is called the period of disclosure of the uterine pharynx or the period of contractions;
  • Period 2 is the period of exile (that is, birth) of the fetus;
  • 3rd period - afterbirth (in this phase the afterbirth is born).

by the most long period childbirth acts. It is characterized by contractions and the pain that accompanies them. The period of exile is mistakenly considered by many women to be childbirth. Although it lasts normally 5-10 minutes and is accompanied by attempts that occur against the background of contractions and push the fetus out of the uterus. The third period is the expulsion (birth) of the placenta, which is also normally short and lasts 5-15, maximum 30 minutes. It becomes clear that childbirth is not only the process of giving birth to a baby, but also contractions, at the end of which the amniotic fluid leaves and the birth of the placenta (" children's place or placenta).

Contractions: what is it and what is it for

Contractions are called involuntary uterine contractions (carried out by the muscle layer), which occur regularly and are necessary to expel the fetus from the uterus. Contractions are classified into false and true.

Contractions before childbirth or false future mom begins to feel a few weeks before the onset labor activity. For the first time, such uterine contractions occur after 24 weeks. They are characterized by a short duration, only a few seconds (rarely a minute), irregularity, the intervals between contractions range from 10-15 minutes to half an hour and last no more than two hours. Arising at the end of the gestation period, they mean the approach of childbirth. Such uterine contractions are also called training, as they prepare the woman's body, in particular, the uterus, for the upcoming work in the process of childbirth.

True contractions mark the beginning of the birth act. They are impossible not to notice and miss, as most women are afraid, especially those giving birth for the first time. Firstly, the onset of childbirth is preceded by their numerous precursors, especially great importance has a discharge of the mucous plug (3 to 7 days before delivery). Secondly, it is possible to leave amniotic fluid. And thirdly, contractions have their own parameters, knowing about which, even a primiparous woman does not doubt the beginning of the birth act.

Contractions are necessary in order for the uterine os to open, first the head of the child will pass through it, and then the whole baby as a whole. The uterine os is the outer and internal os cervical canal. Normally, before the onset of labor, the uterine os is closed (closed) or passes the tip of the finger. To facilitate the expulsion of the fetus from the uterine cavity, the uterine os opens up to 10 - 12 cm. Such a disclosure is called complete. In addition, during the first stage of labor, due to contractions, not only the opening of the cervix occurs, but also the movement of the presenting part of the fetus along the planes of the small pelvis. When the cervix opens completely, and the baby's head passes the bone ring of the pelvis and finds itself on the pelvic floor (that is, in the vagina), attempts occur, which indicates the beginning of the second stage of labor. Attempts and contractions are related to fruitful forces, it becomes clear that childbirth without contractions is impossible.

Contractions: how to recognize them

As already mentioned, it is impossible to miss contractions, even if a woman is preparing to become a mother for the first time. But you should not believe the films, where very often they show such a situation: a woman has last dates pregnancy among full health, labor activity suddenly and violently begins, and after a couple of hours it becomes happy mom. Yes, such situations are not excluded, but this applies to rapid childbirth, which lasts no more than 4 hours for primiparous, and in the second childbirth from the moment of onset uterine contractions before the birth of the child passes 2 or less hours.

True contractions (normally) begin gradually, gradually increasing, and the interval between them decreases. How to understand that contractions have begun if the birth is the first? You need to listen to yourself. Feelings can be different. Someone compares uterine contractions with menstrual pains, and someone has pulling pains or sipping in the lumbar region, gradually spreading to the lower abdomen, encircling the woman. True contractions, as they say on many sites on the Internet, do not refer to the harbingers of childbirth, but to the onset of childbirth. To recognize contractions during childbirth, you should know their characteristics:

  • contractions are always regular and resume after certain periods of time;
  • the duration of uterine contractions increases, and the interval between them shortens;
  • pain (if any) gradually increases.

Another sensation that the expectant mother experiences during uterine contractions, especially if she is not worried about pain, is that the uterus “hardens”. This is easy to determine by hand. From the beginning of the contraction, the uterus contracts and becomes hard to the touch, and towards the end it gradually relaxes.

How long do contractions last? When childbirth has just begun, each uterine contraction lasts 10-15 seconds, with the passage of time the contractions lengthen and reach 1-1.5 minutes (60-90 seconds) by the end of the first period. The breaks between contractions are at first 10-15 minutes, then they become shorter, and in the tight period, contractions occur on average after 1.5-2 minutes, but possibly even after a minute.

Phases of the contraction period

In view of the fact that the neck opens unevenly, and the movement of the fetus along the bone ring occurs at different speeds, the period of contractions is divided into three phases:

First (latent phase)

Its beginning coincides with the establishment of regular contractions, and it ends with the smoothing of the cervix and its opening to 3-4 cm. Contractions continue from 20 to 45 seconds, occur every 15 minutes, the phase itself lasts up to 6 hours. This phase is called "latent" due to painlessness or mild pain and does not require medical anesthesia.

Second (active phase)

As soon as the uterine pharynx opens by 4 cm, the active phase starts. This phase is characterized by intense labor activity and a fairly rapid opening of the cervix. The active phase lasts 3-4 hours, the duration of uterine contractions reaches 60 seconds, and the intervals between them last 2-4 minutes. Upon reaching the opening of the neck of 8 cm and the whole fetal bladder, it should be opened (timely amniotomy).

Third or deceleration phase

It starts with the opening of the cervix up to 8 cm and ends with full disclosure. If there are contractions during the first birth, then the third phase lasts 40 minutes - 2 hours. In the case of the second birth, there may be no deceleration phase. Uterine contractions last 1 - 1.5 minutes and are repeated every minute.

Based on the foregoing, it is easy to calculate how long contractions and childbirth last in general. So, the duration of 1 period and childbirth in general in primiparas is approximately 10-12 hours. With repeated births, this distance is reduced to 6-8 hours. If the duration of labor exceeds the specified norms, they speak of protracted labor.

When is it time to go to the hospital

If contractions began before childbirth, when to go to the hospital? As is often the case, especially among nulliparous women, they come to the hospital either too early (which makes the woman in labor very nervous) or late. To avoid this or that situation, we will decide when it is time to call an ambulance.

To understand that contractions have begun, especially in the case of the first birth, is quite simple. Uterine contractions are regular, that is, they are repeated every 10 minutes, and then the interval between contractions slowly but surely begins to decrease to 7, then to 5 minutes, and so on. Since the birth is the first, when the woman herself establishes regular contractions with an interval of 5 to 7 minutes, it is time to call the ambulance station. If childbirth is repeated, then the regularity of contractions, as a rule, is established almost immediately, and the periods of rest between them decrease rapidly. Therefore, it is necessary to call the doctors immediately in order to avoid haste upon admission to the maternity hospital, when the disclosure is complete, and it is time to go to the delivery table. The risk of so-called road births also increases (especially in large cities, where travel is often difficult due to “traffic jams”).

In addition, it is necessary to call, and immediately, an ambulance team in the following cases:

  • discharge of amniotic fluid (often this happens in a dream, a woman wakes up in a wet bed and thinks with horror that she peed herself);
  • suspicion of an outpouring of water (a light, odorless liquid leaks or suspicious liquid discharge has appeared);
  • appeared bloody, with clots or without discharge of a dark or scarlet color (placental abruption is not excluded).

The beginning of childbirth, the appearance of regular contractions makes a woman and her family fuss and get nervous. Therefore, the bag to the maternity hospital must be collected in advance, according to a previously compiled list, so that in a hurry and bustle, do not forget something important. Before the arrival of the ambulance, the expectant mother, as well as her relatives, should calm down and tune in to a favorable outcome important event(sometimes the ambulance team does not know who to help first: a woman in labor - to accompany her to the car or her agitated relatives).

How to relieve labor pain

It cannot be said that labor pain so unbearable that it is easier to die than to survive it. I repeat, if you believe the stories of friends and relatives, it was so hard and bad for them at the moments of labor, the pain was so unbearable that they decided to go through it again, giving birth to a second or third child. Did you smile? It means that the devil is not so terrible as he is painted. Everything in this life can be experienced, and childbirth is a natural process and is laid down by nature. As a reassurance for expectant mothers, I would like to cite another well-known fact: men could not endure the pain that a woman experiences during contractions. What does it say? This only confirms that women are much stronger and more enduring than men, therefore, nature provided women, and not men, with the opportunity to bear and give birth to a child.

Undoubtedly, pain to one degree or another will accompany contractions, but there is not always a need for medical anesthesia, and does your future baby need it? There are a number of recommendations, following which the pain during contractions, if not disappear, then at least decrease.

How to relieve pain during childbirth:

Psychoprophylactic training

Such preparation begins in the second half of pregnancy. In the classes at the “school of mothers”, doctors and midwives cover the entire process of childbirth in detail, from A to Z, answer questions and tell how to behave in each stage of childbirth, how to breathe correctly and how you can help yourself during contractions to ease them. The main female fears originate in ignorance of the process, what to expect and how to behave in a given situation. Good psychoprophylactic preparation will not only eliminate the gap in knowledge of the birth process, but also set the expectant mother to a successful outcome of childbirth, to the happy expectation of meeting her child.

"Exorcising Demons"

Demons mean fears upcoming birth. You should not relive the upcoming process in your soul again and again, wind yourself up and think about pain, how to survive it or about possible complications. Otherwise, a vicious circle is formed: the more you are afraid, the more likely to occur complications and severe pain during fights. Remember that all thoughts are material, speaking in scientific language, negative emotions “set” the brain, and it will try to bring this setting to life. Childbirth should be expected not with fear, but with joy, because there are so many long months the woman carried a baby under her heart, how she wants to meet and get to know him as soon as possible.

warm water

If the contractions started at home and time allows, it is recommended to take a warm but hot bath (provided that the amniotic fluid has not departed). warm water will help to relax as much as possible and relieve the tension of the uterine muscle, the contractions will become softer, and the opening of the neck will accelerate. If the waters have broken, it is allowed to take warm shower. In the maternity hospital, upon admission, the woman in labor is also sent to the shower, where you can stand under the warm streams for your pleasure.

Maximum relaxation

In the case of the start of contractions at home and long breaks between them, it is necessary to ensure comfort and relaxation. You can listen to pleasant music, watch your favorite movie, calmly drink tea (if you don’t have to) and even take a nap. The first period, especially in primiparas, is quite long, so a woman needs to gain strength and energy for childbirth.

Active behavior

Active behavior during labor includes walking and taking comfortable postures at the time of uterine contraction. Not so long ago, a woman in labor was prescribed to be in a horizontal position in the first period. To date, it has been proven that the movement vertical position forces the opening of the cervix (the presenting part presses on the cervix), and facilitates contractions. You can shake your pelvis, dance or perform circular motions hips.


The first stage of the birth of the Saami is the time for a massage. You can perform massage yourself, but it is better to entrust this matter to your husband (if he is present at the birth). With light movements during a fight, you can stroke your stomach (but only in a clockwise direction). It is also allowed to massage the lower back and sacrum, pressure with fists on points on the sides of the spine in the lumbar region and pressure thumbs in the places of the anterior upper pelvic spines (they are easy to determine - the parts of the pelvis that protrude the most in front).

Correct posture

At the time of the contraction, the woman in labor takes the most comfortable position for her. This can be a tilt of the body forward with an emphasis on the wall or headboard (as an option - the husband), while the legs are spread shoulder-width apart. You can get on all fours or squat, it is also convenient to lift one leg, placing it on a chair, leaning against the wall (bed, window sill). Many maternity hospitals today have special large balls on which you can jump during uterine contraction or lie down. When choosing and accepting comfortable position It is important not to forget about proper breathing.

We breathe correctly

Proper breathing will not only reduce the pain during contractions, but also ensure the maximum flow of oxygen to the fetus. It is not recommended to scream during contractions. Firstly, when you cry, your breath is held, which means that oxygen is not supplied to the child. Secondly, a lot of energy is spent on screaming, which will still be needed in the straining period. And, thirdly, by screaming you just scare the child (yes, yes, he thinks that since mom is screaming, then not everything is in order).

We are distracted

Helps relieve pain or at least forget about it various distractions. You can read poetry or sing songs, repeat the multiplication table aloud, or do simple arithmetic.

Trust in the doctor

Another important point that affects the intensity pain in the first period - this is trust in the doctor. If you don’t like the doctor in some way or you instinctively don’t believe him, ask to replace the obstetrician. But the best option- This is a preliminary agreement with the doctor who will take delivery.

Case Study

I had a young primigravida. Somehow I won her trust, and she decided that I should take care of her birth. And then one day, on the weekend, early in the morning the doorbell rang. I open it and see this woman, who says that she started having contractions, and she came for me to take me to the hospital. She did not come alone, of course, with her husband. I asked, how long ago did it start and is it tolerable so far? She replied that it was tolerable, the contractions had been going on for about 4 hours, the water had not broken. Well, since such a thing, there is no hurry, we drank tea, talked and laughed, and slowly went to the hospital (the hospital can be seen from the window of my house). When the woman in labor was completed, the size of the abdomen and pelvis was measured (the pelvis, by the way, turned out to be normal), I determined the position of the fetus and its presentation, listened to the heartbeat and invited the woman to the gynecological chair. During the examination, it turned out that the opening of the uterine os is complete, the head is already on its way to the exit from the small pelvis. About an hour later we gave birth to a healthy full-term baby boy.

Summing up, I want to note why the woman did not experience pain, but only slight discomfort during contractions:

  1. sufficient size of the pelvis and fetus of medium size;
  2. a positive attitude towards childbirth and their successful completion;
  3. husband support;
  4. unlimited confidence in the doctor.

Proper breathing

Proper breathing during childbirth and contractions not only relieves pain, but also helps the woman in labor to relax as much as possible, provides the body of both the mother and the fetus with oxygen, and favors the opening of the uterine os. Unfortunately, many women relate to the need for training correct breathing with a fair amount of skepticism, not believing in its "miraculous" capabilities, but in vain. How to breathe correctly during contractions and childbirth is taught at the “school of mothers”, in terms of 30-32 weeks. It is necessary to master the breathing technique in such a way that all movements are performed automatically, this will facilitate the course of childbirth in the future.

Breathing technique

How to breathe properly depends on the strength of the contractions and their phase. It is important to follow the rule: the longer and more intense the contractions, the more frequent the breathing. Proper breathing techniques:

Breathe deeply and slowly

This method of breathing is recommended in the latent phase of contractions, when they still do not cause pain, but only bring discomfort. Inhale shortly and quickly, and exhale slowly and long. You need to inhale through the nose, and exhale through the mouth, stretching out the lips with a “tube”. It is recommended to count in the process of breathing: while inhaling, count up to 3, while exhaling up to 5.

Method "candle"

As soon as the contractions have gained strength and become longer, we breathe often and shallowly. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the outstretched lips. We breathe so often and not deeply, as if we were blowing out a candle. By the end of the contraction, you can return to deep slow breathing. slight dizziness that appears after this breathing technique is due to hyperventilation of the lungs. Also, frequent shallow breathing contributes to the release of endorphins (“hormones of joy”), which reduce pain.

Big Candle Technique

By the end of the first stage of labor, we switch to the “big candle” technique. We breathe with effort, inhaling as if with a stuffy nose, and exhaling through almost closed lips.

Breathing in case of early attempts

When the cervix is ​​not fully open, and the head begins to descend, early attempts occur, which are contraindicated and can provoke ruptures of the cervix. In this case, it is recommended to change the position of the body (stand or squat), at the beginning of the fight, breathe in a “candle” (superficially and often), then inhale briefly and repeat the “candle”. Thus, breathe until the end of the fight. In between uterine contractions, we breathe freely.

Method "dog"

We breathe often and shallowly, but the mouth is open at the same time (we inhale and exhale through the mouth).

Breathing in attempts

At the beginning of the attempt, we inhale as deeply as possible and push into the perineum, trying to push the child out. Avoid pushing in the face (otherwise there will be tears blood vessels retina and headache). For a fight, you need to push three times. As soon as the head is born, we stop pushing and breathe like a dog. After the command, the attempt is resumed, during which the child is born.

By contractions after childbirth, women mean contractions of the subsequent period. After the birth of a child, it is necessary to give birth to the afterbirth. When the placenta separated from the uterine walls, the pains resume, but not as intense as in the first period. In this case, it is not required special efforts, it is enough to push slightly and the "baby place" comes out of the uterus.

For a woman, this is stress and, above all, emotional. She is in the dark about how everything will happen and what to do next. And the closer the cherished moment, the stronger the anxiety. Of course, mothers, grandmothers, experienced friends share their feelings and how everything happened. But although the process of appearance is the same for all women, the nature of its course is different. Therefore, women who are expecting their first child need to know certain symptoms that indicate the approach of the “X” moment. Then everything will seem less scary and go smoothly.

Harbingers and signs of childbirth: how it all begins

If the expectant mother constantly monitored her own, then she will notice a loss of 1-2 kg. This occurs as a result of a decrease in tissue edema. There may be a change in the woman's behavior. She becomes anxious, there is a desire to prepare the house for the appearance of a baby in it. He can just walk around the room from side to side, not knowing what to do with himself.

It also happens vice versa. The pregnant woman becomes apathetic, indifferent to everything. The reason for everything is a change in the dominant hormones in a woman's body. The hormone responsible for maintaining it gives way to the hormone responsible for its appearance.

This is the first in primiparous, occurring, as a rule, at the 39th week of pregnancy. They do not always pay attention, as they can be mildly expressed. Below we will give more obvious symptoms of the onset of the birth process.

Did you know? If labor activity in primiparas ended in 4-6 hours, and repeated births she had no more than 2-4 hours, then such childbirth is called fast. If the first-born was born in less than four hours, and the woman gave birth to the second child in less than 2 hours, then this is a rapid birth.

Harbingers of childbirth

Due to excitement, primiparous girls often end up in the hospital long before the onset of labor. In order not to spend extra days in the walls of the hospital, you need to know the following.

Pain in the lower abdomen and lower back

The harbingers of childbirth in primiparas include aching and pulling in the lower abdomen and lower back due to sprains. There may be a pinched nerve and, as a result, numbness of the leg or arm (passes). There is a feeling of fullness, tingling in the pubic area due to increased fetal pressure on this area. It becomes easier if the pregnant woman lies. These symptoms appear on average three weeks before delivery.

Weeks 2-4 before the onset of labor occurs. The fetus stops pressing on the lungs and stomach. A pregnant woman breathes easier, and she does not suffer. At the same time, it becomes much more difficult to sit down. You need to spread your legs wide. The skin on the abdomen is even more stretched.

Important! With the advent of these sensations, be very careful. Sit not evenly, but reclining, so as not to press the head of the fetus that has moved to the birth canal.

Decreased fetal movement

Signs of approaching labor include a decrease in fetal activity. Having ceased to feel the frequent movements of the baby, you should not immediately panic. The fact is that in preparation for labor, the amount decreases, and the baby's head is fixed in the entrance area to. Listen closely and you will hear the heart of the firstborn still beating inside you.

Increasing the number of allocations

In the process of moving the baby to the birth canal, part of the fetal bladder exfoliates and comes out. At this time, a woman can observe the appearance of spotting. The mucus may contain a pinkish tint of blotches. This is fine. If the discharge is profuse and turns scarlet, immediately consult a doctor for a consultation.

Isolation of the mucous plug

The mucous plug is located in the cervix and prevents infections from getting inside. Her exit does not mark the onset of labor, although sometimes she leaves the body of a woman during labor. A pregnant woman may not notice the moment, but she will definitely feel everything. This often happens while going to the toilet.

Important! If the cork came out long before the onset of the birth process, refuse to take baths, visit the pool, swim in ponds and have sex, so as not to infect the infection.

Training bouts

In preparation for the expulsion of the fetus, in three weeks it comes into tone. Spasms are felt, reminiscent of contractions. It is important for a pregnant woman to know how to recognize whether true contractions have begun or false ones. When cramping sensations don't panic. Sit comfortably, take a watch and note the duration of contractions and the interval between them.

False contractions are always not systematic. They last several minutes and at different intervals (sometimes more, sometimes less). Then they may disappear, and after a couple of hours they will reappear. False contractions will never produce a fetus. For primiparous, this phenomenon is rarer than for multiparous. Get rid of discomfort you can by taking a warm, but not hot bath, and only if you have not got a mucous plug.

Change in the cervix

This symptom can only be detected by a gynecologist during an examination. On the one hand, it is opened strongly, there is a baby's head. From the other, outer end, it remains narrow and tubular in shape. The length of the narrowed part is reduced to 1-2 cm compared to the previous four centimeters, and the outer opening has slightly increased, by the width of a finger. If the doctor noticed such changes, the woman should pay maximum attention to the hygiene of the genital organs.

Change in posture and shift in the center of gravity

Due to the fact that the fetus is moving towards the exit, the stomach drops, and with it the center of gravity shifts. Now the stomach pulls forward and down even more, and in order to maintain balance, the woman is forced to bend more in the back and lift her head up a little. She walks, waddling from side to side.

Decreased appetite and weight

A couple of weeks before giving birth, some pregnant women stop being interested in. Favorite delicacies do not attract, and the feeling of hunger is felt much less often. Complete refusal of food can come three to four days before childbirth.

Important! If contractions have begun, it is better to force yourself to eat. The body needs strength to perform labor.

Expectant mothers who monitor their weight throughout the entire period of pregnancy, a week before the birth, may notice that their weight has decreased by 1-2 kilograms, while weight gain can still be traced. This suggests that the tissues of the body have lost excess fluid. It is very noticeable in the legs. If the gum of the socks has ceased to leave a pronounced mark on the skin, you need to prepare for the appearance of the baby.

How labor begins: the first signs

As soon as childbirth begins, the entire birth process is divided into three stages.

Mucus secretion

The first step is the opening of the uterus. This is evidenced by the appearance. Their number is purely individual. For some, they are very scarce, for others, on the contrary, they are too plentiful. In the latter case, this leads to the fact that mucus begins to come out a week or two before the onset of labor. In most cases, the process takes place before the birth itself or a few hours before them.


Contractions help open the cervix. When they begin, the primiparous may have sensations, as at the beginning. The spasm will be strong. Get ready to note the duration and interval between contractions. They should last less and occur more often. The closer the moment of childbirth, the greater the frequency of their occurrence. No need to immediately grab things in a panic and rush to the hospital. The appearance of the first-born is a long process. Calmly collect the necessary things and call an ambulance.

Outflow of waters

Following the opening of the uterus, water is discharged as a result of the opening of the fetal bladder. As soon as the waters have receded, the woman should understand that childbirth has begun. Most pregnant women break their water all at once. Some watch wetting underwear. If you have had to change wet underwear several times, consult a doctor. It may be time for you to go to the hospital.

Did you know? Premature effusion amniotic fluid is the precursor of every third premature birth.

Chair problems

Not only the uterus, but the whole body is preparing for the birth of a baby. The bowel is cleansed the day before. The expectant mother may go to the toilet several times, and the volume of bowel movements will be larger than usual. Before the birth itself, indigestion, nausea, vomiting can be observed. The desire to visit the toilet constantly arises during contractions.

Before childbirth, some women report the appearance of a feeling of cold. The soles of the feet and fingers begin to freeze. A shiver runs through the body, resembling a chill.

Pain in the lower abdomen

The nature of these pains is different from those that were a few weeks before the onset of labor. They are blunt and girdle in nature. It hurts in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region. Feelings of discomfort may come and go for a while.

When to go to is a purely personal matter for every woman in labor. Some prefer to go there in advance when the first preparatory symptoms appear. Others do not want to extra time in the hospital walls and go there when they already felt the contractions. In any case, you need to act without panic and as calmly as possible. Take all necessary things and documents. If there is still time before the birth and the maternity hospital is nearby, you can walk to it, breathing fresh air. Those who go to the hospital in advance can safely get there by taxi.
We do not recommend women with contractions to choose this method of transportation, as drivers are always afraid that childbirth will begin in their car. In this case, it is better to call an ambulance or go with your husband in your car. Please note that if it is rush hour and you need to go through a busy part of the city, it will not be easy to wait for an ambulance. In this case, go with your husband or, if he is busy, ask for help from relatives or close friends who are on wheels. Don't sit in the car. You can lie down, get on all fours or reclining, as it is easier for someone. Remember everything you were taught in preparatory courses. Breathe deeply and slowly.

With the approach of the day of childbirth, a woman more than ever needs the support and attention of loved ones. They will help you cope with anxiety and survive stress.

All expectant mothers experience anxiety before childbirth. The primiparous representatives of the weaker sex are especially afraid of this process. They have a lot of questions about their own behavior, duration and pain of the procedure. If you are interested in what periodicity they have, then the article is written about this.

There are several types of contractions before childbirth. They all differ in strength, frequency, duration and final outcome of the process.

Involuntary uterine contractions

To tell how labor contractions feel (frequency, duration and intensity of the process), you need to define this concept. Contractions are called involuntary contractions reproductive organ - uterus. A woman is not able to independently manage this process or somehow control it.

Actomyosin, a contracting protein, starts contractions. It is produced by the placenta, as well as the pituitary gland of the embryo under the action of certain hormones. The process of contractions is very complex, and it is quite difficult to understand it for an inexperienced person in this area. In violation of the synthesis of actomyosin or its incorrect spatial distribution, various complications in childbirth occur. These include weak, unproductive contractions, a decrease in the forces of the woman in labor.

Contractions in the early stages: a threat

Not always there are timely contractions before childbirth. What is the frequency of pathological uterine contractions? Even an experienced gynecologist will probably not be able to answer this question. Much depends on the duration of pregnancy.

The threat of interruption may occur in the first trimester. This happens most often. In this case, the sensations in women are as follows: nagging pain in the lower abdomen, liquefaction of the stool, often at these times associated with insufficient release of progesterone. With appropriate therapy, the signs of pathology, like the problem itself, can be eliminated.

In the second trimester, the onset of contractions may already indicate the threat of premature birth. There can be many reasons for this: physical activity, sexual contact, cervical insufficiency, stress and so on. At this time, contractions are already felt more clearly. Some patients can even talk about the frequency and time of uterine contractions.

or harbingers

From about the middle of pregnancy, expectant mothers can notice new sensations. False contractions before childbirth, the frequency of which is very different, most often do not pose any danger. At the moment of uterine contraction, a woman feels tension in her stomach, which does not cause her pain. This state lasts from a few seconds to a minute. A false contraction may repeat in a few hours or days.

Harbinger contractions of the reproductive organ become more frequent with an increase in the term. Before giving birth, a woman notes Braxton-Hicks contractions daily. Such spasms help prepare the cervix for childbirth: soften and shorten it. If you feel false contractions, then be sure to tell your doctor about it. You need to make sure they are really safe.


How do labor contractions manifest? What is the frequency of uterine contractions? Here are the main signs of the onset of labor:

  • frequent and thinning of the stool;
  • outflow of amniotic fluid;
  • girdle aching pain;
  • shootings in the back;
  • pressure on the pelvis;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • feeling of tension, petrification in the abdomen;
  • decline motor activity fetus.

The frequency of contractions during childbirth can be from 2 minutes to an hour. It all depends on the stage of the process. Let's consider them.

latent phase

How do labor contractions feel? The frequency of uterine contractions is always steadily decreasing. At the very beginning, a woman may notice weak pulling sensations in the lower abdomen and lower back for up to 20 seconds. The interval between contractions is 15-30 minutes.

The expectant mother can take a shower and prepare for childbirth. Subject to the integrity of the fetal bladder, the woman in labor does not experience severe discomfort. However, do not stay at home. Go to the medical facility of your choice.

Contractions before childbirth: the frequency of the active phase

Such uterine contractions last at least 20-30 seconds (up to a minute). They are repeated regularly, the interval is gradually reduced and ranges from 2 to 5 minutes. Painful sensations in this period become more pronounced. It is already difficult for the expectant mother to move around. Often it is at this stage of childbirth that the fetal bladder bursts and water pours out. If so, then now the process will go much faster.

The duration of the active phase may be different. On average, it is from 2 to 5 hours. If integrity is maintained membranes, That pain are significantly blunted, and the process is slower.


Eat interesting feature, which have contractions before childbirth. The frequency of uterine contractions decreases by the time the cervix opens. In other words, as soon as the birth canal is ready for the passage of the child, the frequency of contractions will decrease. If in active phase you can feel painful contractions every two minutes, now the break will be 3-4 minutes. An increase in the term will allow the woman in labor to extrude the fetus using each contraction.

During attempts, the expectant mother feels strong pressure on the bottom. Many compare it to the urge to defecate. During this period, it is very important to listen to the doctor. Incorrect and untimely straining can lead to ruptures of the birth canal of varying degrees.

Let's make a conclusion

If you have contractions before childbirth (frequency of 20 minutes or less), you need to collect all the necessary things and go to the maternity hospital. Tell your doctor about all your feelings. Describe the duration and frequency of contractions. A gynecologist or obstetrician will definitely conduct an examination and will be able to say for sure whether you are giving birth or whether these are only harbingers.

Doctors remind patients that the second and subsequent births always go faster than the first. Therefore, if you are preparing to become a mother again, do not delay a visit to the maternity hospital. Surely you already know about and what their frequency is. In case of rupture of the fetal bladder and outflow amniotic fluid you need to go to the maternity hospital even in the absence of contractions. Easy childbirth and good health!