Contractions are false or real. Symptoms of training cramping sensations. What you need to know about the warning signs of labor

Before we begin to study what contractions are and how they differ from each other, we need to define the very concept of “fight.” After all, expectant mothers expecting their first child have never experienced such a feeling before and are most worried that they will not notice it, miss it, or confuse it with something else. So, what is a fight, or more precisely, what do all, without exception, types of fights that will be discussed in this article have in common?

Contractions are the sensations associated with a short-term increase in the tone of the uterus during pregnancy and childbirth. At its core, a contraction is a single contraction of the muscular wall of the uterus. Typically this contraction lasts a few seconds. At the moment of contraction future mom feels a gradually increasing and then gradually decreasing tension in the abdominal area. If at this moment you place your palm on your stomach, you will notice that it becomes very hard - “like a stone”, but after the contraction it completely relaxes and becomes soft again. Apart from involuntary tension of the uterus, other changes in the well-being of the expectant mother during false contractions are usually not noted.

Braxton Hicks contractions

These contractions got their name from John Braxton Hicks, an English doctor who lived at the end of the nineteenth century and first described them in 1872. The contractions that Hicks mentioned are short, mild and completely painless contractions of the uterine muscles lasting no more than a minute. They can appear most often after the 20th week of pregnancy. Braxton-Hicks contractions are distinguished from other types of contractions by the complete lack of periodicity: these are simply short single contractions of the myometrium (uterine muscles), which normally appear during the day and are separated by significant time intervals: for example, a couple of times in the morning, one in the middle of the day, three at dinner and one more before bed.

At first, of course, new sensations can excite the expectant mother, but pretty soon most women get used to these contractions, fortunately, they appear rarely and irregularly, and stop noticing them altogether. As the period increases, the number of such training contractions that occur during the day usually increases, but even then they still remain short and completely painless. The need for Braxton-Hicks contractions for the expectant mother’s body is explained simply: the uterus is a muscular organ that at least occasionally needs to work, strain, contract—in a word, train in order to prepare for childbirth. Many pregnant women note that such contractions more often appear in a certain uncomfortable situation, for example, when walking quickly, bending over, or staying in an uncomfortable position for a long time. If the sensations are associated with physical activity, you can try to take a more comfortable position: sit down or lie on your side. If contractions arose due to awkward position, it’s better to move a little: stand up, stretch, walk or even take a short walk. These contractions are also called training contractions, and this is no coincidence: after all, they gradually prepare the body and nervous system mothers to the new sensations that she will encounter during childbirth.

Training contractions

Harbingers of childbirth are usually called external manifestations of those changes in the body that are actually noticeable for the expectant mother, which become direct preparation for the onset of labor.

Precursor, training or false contractions are those that occur shortly before childbirth and are not labor itself, since they do not lead to dilatation of the cervix. These are the same contractions that future parents, due to inexperience, so often mistake for the beginning of real labor. In fact, distinguishing training contractions from real ones is quite simple: you need to find three differences.

Large intervals. False contractions are repeated at significant intervals; There may be intervals of 20, 30, 40 minutes or even an hour between adjacent sensations.

Irregularity of contractions. “Imaginary” contractions feel similar to real ones, but the intervals between them can differ significantly from each other. For example, the first labor contractions will occur clearly every 20 minutes. And a “false alarm” is characterized by an uneven rhythm of contractions and intervals: 20 minutes - 15 minutes - 30 minutes - 10 minutes - 45 minutes, etc.

Lack of dynamics. Training contractions, unlike real labor contractions, will neither intensify nor lengthen, and the intervals between them will remain uneven. Even if the “training sessions” happen quite often and alternate at equal intervals, they do not develop into something more: the interval and the sensations from the contraction itself remain the same after an hour, or two, or three.

Training contractions can have two various options outcome. In the first case, they will stop on their own. It should be noted that this scenario is the most common for a woman preparing to become a mother for the first time. After all, the uterus is a muscular organ and has the right to exercise before a decisive event. Much less often, such a “rehearsal” can turn out to be a dress rehearsal. Then the initially irregular intervals between contractions will gradually become regularized, and training contractions will gradually turn into regular ones. labor. In any case, if it has become obvious that the contractions that have arisen are irregular (and in order to understand this, it is enough to compare a couple of intervals between adjacent contractions), the best thing to do is... go to bed. After all, before giving birth, it is especially important to save energy - after all, it will be so useful for this, the most important event in life! Even if events develop according to the second scenario, and the harbingers turn out to be a “dress rehearsal”, it is impossible to sleep through the birth! In the first case, the expectant mother will simply get some sleep and calmly wait for the real start of labor. In the second, she will also get enough sleep and wake up with good regular labor.

When is it time to go to the maternity hospital?
, as soon as the interval between contractions is reduced to 10 minutes, but no later! Until this moment, the expectant mother can stay at home. However, this is only possible if it wellness. If a woman begins to lose amniotic fluid, blood pressure rises or bleeding from the genital tract occurs - go to the maternity hospital immediately!

Birth pains

The classic onset of labor is the occurrence of contractions that are insignificant in duration and sensation. The former are usually not associated with pain or significant discomfort. In fact, they are practically no different from the harbingers. Describing their sensations at this moment, women in labor say that the stomach tenses very strongly, but not painfully, and becomes hard as a stone for a dozen seconds. At the same time, a feeling of pressure is felt inside the abdomen - also completely painless, but rather strange and unusual. Then all the new sensations pass, as unexpectedly as they appeared, and the expectant mother’s stomach completely relaxes until the next contraction. Many women wait and are very afraid of pain at this moment. However, these fears are completely in vain: the first contractions can be called an unusual sensation, perhaps unpleasant, definitely exciting, but certainly not painful. The only one subjective feeling with this type of onset of labor, there may be a slight “straining” in the lower abdomen and lumbar region. Most women experience similar sensations during the premenstrual period (PMS).

They occur periodically, at certain intervals. The intervals between uterine contractions are called intervals. During the pause, the uterus relaxes and the expectant mother rests without experiencing any unusual sensations. Thanks to contractions, the following occurs:

  • dilation of the cervix, necessary for the baby to be able to leave the uterus (I stage of labor);
  • movement of the fetus along the birth canal and its birth (II stage of labor);
  • separation of the placenta from the wall of the uterus and the birth of the placenta - the placenta with the remains of the fetal bladder and umbilical cord (III stage of labor).

Each contraction develops in a certain sequence. At the beginning of the contraction, the contraction of the muscle wall is minimal, then it gradually increases, reaching a peak ( highest degree), and then also decreases evenly and gradually. At the end of the contraction, the uterus relaxes. We can say that the sensations during contractions are wave-like in nature: any contraction, no matter how significant it feels, begins with a barely noticeable feeling of tension in the abdomen, which gradually increases towards the middle of the contraction and also smoothly “fades away” towards its end . At the beginning of physiological (natural) labor, each contraction usually lasts no more than 10–15 seconds. As labor progresses, contractions gradually intensify and lengthen; towards the end of labor, one contraction lasts about a minute. And the intervals between contractions, which are quite long at the beginning of the process (15 or more minutes), gradually shorten and at the end of labor last no more than 2–3 minutes. Contractions at any time during labor occur involuntarily; the expectant mother cannot control them at will.

Pushing contractions

In the second stage of labor, when the cervix is ​​fully dilated, each new contraction pushes the baby forward, and it begins to move along the birth canal. From this moment on, each contraction is accompanied by a false urge to defecate (the desire to empty the intestines). This feeling is so similar to the desire to go to the toilet “big” that many expectant mothers believe that it arose in connection with a poorly done enema. This misconception is explained quite simply: it is caused by the pressure of the fetal head on the rectum, located next to the vagina. At this stage, the expectant mother needs to avoid premature attempts, which often lead to increased intracranial pressure of the fetus, and for the woman in labor they are fraught with ruptures of the tissues of the birth canal. At the beginning of the pushing period, the expectant mother just needs to relax as much as possible, helping the baby descend through the birth canal due to contractions of the uterus. And only at the very end, when the baby’s head has dropped as far as possible, at the command of the staff, the woman in labor will begin to push - hold her breath and strain her abs, pushing the baby out.

Most expectant mothers also associate this stage with the fear of unbearable pain, but even here expectations will not be met. The very moment of the birth of a baby is accompanied by severe physical stress rather than pain for the mother. The fact is that the baby’s head stretches the tissues of the perineum so much that the blood supply to them is temporarily disrupted. Without blood supply, the transmission of a nerve impulse, which is also a pain signal, is impossible. Therefore, there is no pain in the perineum, which expectant mothers are so afraid of, at this moment! There is only a feeling of fullness inside the vagina created by the baby.


After the birth of a newborn, the contractions stop for a while, but after 5-10 minutes the new mother again feels a contraction, which marks the separation of the placenta - the placenta, umbilical cord and membranes. Following this, the placenta is born and the birth is considered complete.

However, even after labor is completed, the woman continues to experience afterpains. The main criterion for the recovery of a young mother’s body after childbirth is the rate at which the uterus returns to its normal size, the state of the muscle and mucous layer, which is typical for it outside of pregnancy. Involution of the uterus occurs due to its periodic contractions, or postpartum contractions. During such contractions, the uterus decreases in size, its cavity is cleared of excess mucous membranes formed during pregnancy, and the healing of the placental site (the wound remaining at the site of attachment of the placenta to the uterus) is accelerated.

These contractions are significantly different from labor contractions: the feeling of tension in them is practically not noticeable, and painful sensations more reminiscent of intestinal cramps than menstrual pain. In order for the uterus to quickly return to its “pre-pregnancy” size, and postpartum contractions to stop bothering the young mother, the process of uterine involution can be stimulated as follows:

  • Lie more on your stomach - in this position, tension occurs in the abdominal muscles, which is transmitted to the muscles of the uterus (myometrium) and stimulates its contractions.
  • Monitor regular urination - a full bladder prevents the uterus from contracting and clearing secretions.
  • Apply the baby to the breast on demand, every 1.5–2 hours: during sucking, the mother’s body produces oxytocin, a hormone that stimulates uterine contractions.

What you need to know about the warning signs of labor

  1. The appearance of precursor contractions already at 35–37 weeks is normal and does not require an unscheduled visit to the doctor or calling an emergency room. medical care or hospitalization. The harbingers of childbirth are just manifestations of a planned restructuring in the body of the expectant mother, the “finishing touches” of preparation for the upcoming joyful event!
  2. The absence of precursor contractions closer to the expected date of birth is also not a pathology. Not all expectant mothers note on the eve of childbirth those changes in well-being that are commonly called harbingers. This does not mean that someone is not preparing for childbirth. It’s just that the “final preparations” sometimes go completely unnoticed by the pregnant woman. Thus, the subjective (that is, related to the pregnant woman’s feelings) absence of precursors of labor should not cause the expectant mother to worry and contact specialists overtime.
  3. The appearance of precursor contractions indicates the likelihood of regular labor developing over the next two hours to two weeks. Consequently, the absence of labor an hour, a day, or even a week after the first noted precursory phenomena is not considered a violation and does not require special consultation with a doctor.

Are contractions real or not?

Very important sign True labor, or real contractions, is the regularity of sensations, that is, adjacent contractions should be equal in strength, duration and intervals between them. At the same time, equal intervals between contractions are considered the main criterion for their regularity - after all, the contractions themselves are initially so short and insignificant in sensations that it may be difficult for the expectant mother to objectively compare them.

Another property of real labor activity is growth, or the ability to develop dynamically. From the moment labor begins, contractions should gradually intensify in sensation and lengthen in time; in this case, the intervals between contractions, on the contrary, will become increasingly shorter. If at the beginning of labor contractions last about 5–7 seconds, and the interval is 20 minutes, then by the time the cervix is ​​fully opened, when the baby begins to descend along the birth canal, the duration of contractions can increase to 40–50 seconds, and the interval can decrease to 1–2 minutes.

In this article:

IN last trimester During pregnancy, a woman has many questions - how to recognize the onset of contractions, what contractions are like, how severe the pain will be. Last months pregnancies are characterized by changes hormonal levels women. First, the hormone progesterone predominates, maintaining pregnancy. Then estrogens begin to play the main role, which contribute to the appearance of contractions, thus preparing the woman for childbirth.

What types of contractions are there?

Contractions are alternating contractions and relaxations of the uterine muscles. They are divided into training and generic. As a rule, the appearance of the first contractions means that labor is approaching.

Training contractions

The first contractions usually begin at 20 weeks of pregnancy and are irregular, short-lived and painless. High uterine tone and discomfort easy to remove warm bath or walking.

Training contractions have intervals of an average of 30-40 minutes over 4 hours. They do not increase over time and do not become more intense, as happens during labor pains. Hospitalization in such cases is not required. You just need to use the opportunity to “get your bearings” in counting the intervals and duration of each contraction, so that when labor begins, the woman in labor will not be confused.

Birth pains

The feeling of contractions is different for every pregnant woman. For example, some feel pain around the abdomen and pelvis. Others note the similarity with intestinal upset or the arrival of menstruation.

Considering general signs contractions before childbirth, there are 3 periods of the process:

  • initial (lasts about 8 hours, duration of contractions is 45 seconds, interval is 5 minutes);
  • active (lasts 5 hours, contractions last up to 60 seconds, interval 4 minutes);
  • transitional (lasts 1 hour, duration 90 seconds, interval 1 minute).

Feelings during contractions

The onset of contractions is described as a painful tightening of the muscles in the upper part of the uterus. At first this sensation reaches its maximum strength, and then gradually weakens.

At first, contractions in pregnant women simply cause discomfort. Some women feel the first pain in the lumbar region, which becomes stronger and more powerful.

As labor continues, the number of contractions and their intensity increases, the duration becomes longer, and the pauses between them become shorter. Having reached their highest point, the contractions become like hot lava, spreading throughout the body from the top of the head to the heels.

What happens to the uterus?

With each contraction, the upper part of the uterus decreases in size and becomes thicker, and the internal cavity contracts, which helps the baby move through the birth canal. At the end of labor, contraction and relaxation of the muscles of the uterus continues until this organ returns to its size as before pregnancy.

A woman can feel these contractions for another month and a half. Breastfeeding will also promote these contractions and, accordingly, help restore postpartum shape.

Contractions have begun

First of all, don't be nervous or scared. Must be accepted comfortable position and start recording the time of contractions. If 20 minutes pass between the first contractions, then the woman can calmly get ready and take a shower with the participation of loved ones.

If the intervals between contractions are 5 minutes, then it’s time to go to the maternity hospital. At this time, the water may break, and medical supervision is already necessary here.

How to reduce pain during contractions?

Medicine can relieve a pregnant woman from pain during labor and childbirth with the help of certain medications. But here there is a danger of adverse effects on mother and child.
The most reliable and in a safe way reducing pregnant pain is. The onset of contraction should be accompanied by exhalation, with which the pain “leaves” from the body. A woman can scream during contractions - this will ease her condition.

Very important and positive psychological condition women. She must tune in see you soon with your baby. Also, a woman in labor must correctly understand what actions doctors perform and how childbirth proceeds.

In the interval between contractions you need to relax and rest. If you wait in tension for the next contraction, then fatigue will quickly set in.

It is worth noting that contractions are a natural process that every pregnant woman goes through. But this phenomenon is strictly individual, so it is very difficult to describe all the sensations.
In any case, you should not be afraid of contractions and the pain that accompanies them. All this will be forgotten at birth small miracle, which will replace the Universe.

Useful video on how to easily endure contractions

By the time the baby arrives, most expectant mothers are fully prepared.

The necessary medicines have been prepared, your things and the baby’s tiny clothes have been packed, documents have been checked and medical records. Some tried to create a cozy and beautiful children's room, purchase best toys.

The climax of pregnancy is inevitably approaching and everything is ready for the arrival of the baby. And the closer this moment is, the more anxious mommy becomes. Of course, in the first place is the worry about the safety of the birth.

But there is also a fear of contractions during pregnancy and worries about missing the beginning of the labor process.

Physiology of contractions during pregnancy

Panic in pregnant women is associated with a lack of reliable information and, of course, experience. For some reason, it is contractions, despite the naturalness of this phenomenon, that are shrouded in fables and myths. And negative stories from experienced acquaintances only aggravate the situation. Each woman in labor has her own pain threshold. And knowing the physiology of each stage accompanied by contractions and learning to respond to them correctly, you can significantly reduce pain and alleviate your condition.

What happens in the body?

Nature has provided and calculated everything down to the smallest detail. The entire process of pregnancy proceeds according to a universal algorithm, and changes in states occur under the influence of hormones leading at a certain moment. The pregnancy hormone progesterone, which successfully maintained both the tone of the uterus and the development of the baby before childbirth for all 9 months, gives way to estrogen and oxytocin.

The cervix, tightly closed during pregnancy, prevents the opening of the uterus and the penetration of infections inside. Before birth, it should open up, clearing the way for the baby. To do this, its tissues must become more elastic and pliable. Estrogen copes with this task perfectly. It also makes the uterus sensitive to oxytocin and prostaglandins. Under their influence, contractions of the uterine walls begin, allowing the baby to take correct position and move along the birth canal.

Contractions and hormone balance

Muscular contractions of the uterus are called contractions during pregnancy, which vary in intensity depending on the period. With each contraction, the muscles of the uterus pull the cervix, causing it to open. By the time of birth, the cervix opens to 12 cm, and the uterus becomes almost an extension of the vagina. The whole process is accompanied by a change in the level of hormones, which are intensively produced by the placenta, pituitary gland and fetus.

Oddly enough, it is fear that can influence labor. It can increase both the duration of preparatory contractions, which take away mommy’s strength, and pain. The hormones cortisol and adrenaline, released into the blood during stress, fear and anxiety, block the production of basic birth hormones.

False contractions during pregnancy

Changes in hormonal balance occur throughout pregnancy. That's why uterine contractions may appear long before birth. In this way, both the uterus and cervix are prepared for future birth. These contractions during pregnancy are called false, training, or Braxton Hicks.

What does it feel like during false contractions during pregnancy?

Of course, women who have given birth can easily distinguish false contractions from real ones. These unforgettable feelings cannot be confused with any other pain. But how should women behave during their first pregnancy? There is no point in going to the hospital for every incomprehensible symptom. You need to focus on your feelings:

1. These contractions during pregnancy cause practically no pain, but, most likely, discomfort in the form of pulling or aching sensations. The uterus seems to be shrinking, which some are already familiar with when it was in good shape. Contractions are felt in the upper or lower abdomen and can radiate to the groin.

2. Pain sensations are concentrated in one area and do not spread to the lower back and other places.

3. They appear unexpectedly and gradually fade away. They most often occur in the evening or at night, when the body is relaxed and the mother listens to her feelings. Some, on the contrary, experience discomfort after physical activity or stress.

4. They are characterized by irregularity and short duration. The duration of false contractions during pregnancy does not exceed a minute. And they are repeated at irregular intervals. They may occur several times (up to six) per hour, or even per day.

The right way Determining whether a contraction is false during pregnancy is to record its duration and frequency. Unlike real contractions, the sensations during false ones will not increase, but they will be repeated chaotically.

What can trigger false contractions during pregnancy?

Natural contractions of the uterus occur throughout almost the entire pregnancy. But expectant mothers begin to feel them after 20 weeks. As birth approaches, the likelihood of their occurrence increases. Some women are lucky enough to not experience false contractions at all during pregnancy, and this is not a pathology. This does not mean that there are no preparatory cuts. They just may not be as intense, or the expectant mother did not notice them and did not attach any importance to them. Also, the perception of false contractions during pregnancy depends on individual sensitivity.

However, there are also provoking factors that increase the likelihood of unpleasant cramping pain. False contractions can occur under the influence of:

Physical activity;

Violent fetal activity;

Stress and nervous shock;

Dehydration of the body;

Crowded Bladder;

Sexual activity.

What to do in case of false contractions?

For most pregnant women, false contractions do not cause frightening discomfort. But for some women with a high pain threshold, training contractions of the uterus become real torture. In this case it is recommended:

1. Use a warm bath or shower, unless there are contraindications. Warm water will ease muscle tension. And aromatic oils added to water will calm the nervous system.

2. Go for a walk. Fresh air and walking slowly will reduce discomfort.

3. Change your position. An uncomfortable position can cause uterine tension.

4. Lie down and relax. Pleasant music and soothing aromas of oils will help eliminate discomfort.

False contractions during pregnancy - A good reason take advantage of knowledge about breathing correctly during contractions.

If training contractions become a concern closer to labor, there are other signs to watch for. Since such training can easily move from a dress rehearsal into real contractions during pregnancy and signal the onset of labor.

How do real contractions begin during pregnancy?

Real contractions during pregnancy begin suddenly. Don’t worry, it’s simply impossible to miss this moment. Even a contraction that begins during a night's rest will wake you up. expectant mother. At this moment there will clearly be no time for sleep. Women describe the onset of contractions differently. But no matter what the woman experiences, they cannot be confused with training contractions.

True contractions are expressed:


Increased pain.

Gradually reducing the intervals between contractions;

Increasing duration of the fight.

What will tell you that labor is approaching?

Even before the onset of contractions during pregnancy, a woman can predict the approach of the climax by the changes occurring in her. Under the influence of changing hormonal balance, immediately before childbirth begins:

1. Slightly reduce weight to three kg or stop gaining weight. 2. Lose your appetite.

2. Become overly emotional. Inappropriate reactions to events are explained by an increase in estrogen levels.

3. Changeability in mood and moodiness are observed.

4. The nesting instinct appears. Pregnant women have a desire to urgently begin repairs or cleaning, or rearrange furniture.

5. The stomach drops, which gives the mother the opportunity to ease her breathing immediately before giving birth.

6. Swelling of the face and hands decreases. However, swelling may appear in the legs due to fetal pressure on the lower abdomen and squeezing of blood vessels.

7. Feel pain in the lower back, which is explained by a change in the position of the fetus and the expansion of the pelvic bones.

May be observed frequent urination, change in stool and even vomiting. All these signs are very individual: each pregnant woman manifests itself differently and at different times.

A sure sign of approaching labor is the passage of the plug, manifested by discharge. They can be transparent or in the form of a bloody brown liquid. The plug can come off both a few weeks before birth and during labor.

The baby is also preparing for the upcoming process and stops violent movements.

If it bursts amniotic sac, and your water begins to break, even without preliminary contractions during pregnancy, there is no need to doubt the advisability of visiting the maternity hospital. This sure sign started birth process.

After the water breaks, contractions inevitably begin. But even if there is some kind of pathology and contractions do not start, you need to urgently go to the hospital.

What sensations accompany the onset of contractions during pregnancy?

Most women recognize the first contractions intuitively. They cause abdominal tension and pulling aching pain, which spread to the lower back, groin and are encircling in nature. Some compare the sensations to menstrual pain, only several times stronger. It’s as if the uterus is being grabbed and squeezed invisible hand from the inside. Starting in the upper abdomen with tension as contractions during pregnancy increase, the pain intensifies and covers the entire abdomen. Lumbar and pelvic bones are under a lot of pressure. Some women report severe lumbar pain and sensations spreading from their legs to their toes. Gradually the pain goes away, and a pause appears, allowing you to rest.

The first contractions can last up to 15 seconds, and the break between them is 20–30 minutes. The duration of contractions during pregnancy gradually increases, and the rest period decreases. At the same time, pain increases.

What does a first-time mother need to know about contractions during pregnancy?

In nulliparous women, contractions begin minor pain, which are more like discomfort. But even they cause panic. At these moments you need to calm down and rest as much as possible. There is no need to fuss and try to finish some things. There is still hard work ahead that requires strength. Prenatal contractions in first-time mothers may last up to 8–10 hours.

This time should be devoted, if possible, to relaxation and rest. Pregnant women are advised to record the time and duration of contractions. And it’s not easy to time it, but to record data. This will help determine the period when you should go to the maternity hospital, and doctors will track the dynamics of the process and detect in time possible deviations.

The duration of contractions, accompanied by pain and tension, gradually increases. And when between contractions intervals will become less than 15 minutes, do not put off visiting the clinic. If any pathologies were noted during pregnancy or your waters broke or bleeding began, you should urgently call an ambulance and not wait for contractions to become more frequent during pregnancy.

It is common for women to panic and be afraid before their first birth. Therefore, during the first contractions, one of the relatives should be nearby. If this is not possible, if you feel pain, immediately inform your loved ones, friends or even neighbors that you are giving birth.

Primiparas may experience weak generic independent activity. Because of what after certain period contractions during pregnancy, expressed by frequency and severe pain, the intensity may subside, and the pain may completely disappear. This does not mean that the contractions were false. In this case it is required urgent help doctors who can understand the cause of the pathology and stimulate labor. Inaction in this situation threatens the life of the baby and the woman in labor.

Features of prenatal contractions in multiparous women

Women who have given birth sense the approach of labor in advance. Based on the main signs, they can predict the beginning of the process. However, if no more than five years have passed since the previous birth, all processes can be accelerated. The body, having muscle memory, easily adapts to changes and reacts to them more quickly.

In addition, the cervical tissue has not yet reached its prenatal form. They stretch faster and the cervix opens. Unlike primiparous women, The shortening of the neck occurs simultaneously with the opening.

Pain during contractions in multiparous women begins immediately more tangible. Rupture is more common amniotic sac and discharge of water. The period of prenatal contractions does not last more than six hours, and sometimes rapid labor is observed. Therefore, it is not advisable for such women in labor to postpone visiting the clinic until the last minute. If you do not want to give birth at home or in an ambulance, you need to go to the maternity hospital immediately after contractions appear or take care of this in advance and wait for labor in the hospital under supervision.

Unlike the first birth, the process is not stimulated, but rather tried to be slowed down. During rapid labor, there is a high probability of injury to the baby and ruptures in the woman in labor. Therefore, a woman needs to listen to the recommendations of doctors during labor and childbirth.

How should pregnant women behave during labor?

Contractions during pregnancy will definitely increase, become longer, and the pain will intensify. Painful sensations cover almost the entire body, do not give the opportunity to rest, and practically merge into a series of attacks. It seems to the woman that this will never end. If a woman in labor has a high pain threshold, doctors may offer painkillers. But it is worth remembering that you can independently influence your condition.

Nature provides natural pain relief during contractions. The hormone endorphin, produced by the pituitary gland, can reduce pain. But this process is quite fragile. Screams, tears, fear, strong feelings, panic can break this mechanism and only aggravate the situation. It is impossible to relax physically while having psychological tension. Therefore, women during contractions during pregnancy are advised to:

1. Use relaxation techniques that you learned in the courses.

2. Try to take positions in which the pain is not felt so acutely. You can just walk. For some, the squatting position, on all fours, helps.

3. Use the time between contractions during pregnancy for rest.

4. During a contraction, especially at the peak of pain, use breathing techniques. Frequent, intermittent breathing will relieve the condition.

5. Use pain-relieving massage. Massage in the lumbar region, sacrum or neck helps.

6. Do not refuse the help of relatives and listen to the recommendations of doctors.

Remember, every new contraction during pregnancy brings the wonderful moment of the birth of your baby closer.

He is also scared at these moments: for some reason the affectionate uterus has become hostile. All pain will quickly be forgotten. And this day will be the most wonderful day in your baby’s life.

False or training contractions are contractions that do not lead to dilatation of the cervix and the start of labor. In nature and intensity, such contractions can be very similar to real ones. It can be quite difficult for an inexperienced expectant mother to distinguish one condition from another. How to recognize false contractions and not miss childbirth?


False contractions are nothing more than training contractions of the muscular layer of the uterus. In the medical community, this phenomenon is called Braxton-Hicks contractions. When performing NGG, these contractions are recorded as waves of a certain amplitude. An experienced doctor will be able to easily identify training contractions of the uterus during NHH and distinguish them from the onset of real contractions.

Why do training contractions occur? It's simple: the expectant mother's body needs to prepare for upcoming birth. The muscular layer of the uterus (myometrium) gradually increases its activity in order to be ready for increased work by date “X”. Such a phenomenon should not frighten a pregnant woman - everything goes as nature intended.

There are situations that can provoke increased muscle tone of the uterus and the appearance of false contractions:

  • stress and any strong feelings (positive and negative);
  • physical activity (lifting weights, walking up stairs, brisk walking and any unusual hard work);
  • active fetal movements;
  • hot bath (including foot bath) or shower;
  • visiting a sauna or bath;
  • air travel;
  • long journey by train or car on uneven roads;
  • sudden changes in air temperature;
  • ARVI or other acute disease;
  • exacerbation chronic pathology internal organs;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • smoking;
  • abuse of coffee, strong tea, energy drinks;
  • refusal of food and long-term diet;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • prolonged urinary retention and bladder overflow;
  • constipation;
  • poor sleep, lack of sleep, insomnia;
  • sex.

There are many reasons, and it is not always possible to find a provoking factor. The longer the pregnancy, the more often false contractions will occur, and the greater the likelihood of the influence of a variety of life situations on muscle tone uterus.


For the first time, false contractions may appear as early as 24-38 weeks. In fact, there are no strict rules here. Some women feel training contractions of the myometrium almost from the beginning of the third trimester, while others do not notice anything like this until almost childbirth. Complete absence false contractions during pregnancy are also considered normal.

It has been noticed that in multiparous women, training contractions occur earlier and make themselves felt much more often. It is possible that this is due to the greater sensitivity of the body. Inexperienced expectant mothers sometimes simply do not know about this phenomenon and do not focus on the periodic contractions of the uterus.


Each woman experiences false contractions in her own way. For some it is nothing more than weak and moderate nagging pain lower abdomen, occurring from time to time. Some women indicate a feeling of slight discomfort above the womb, others are unable to fall asleep or do usual activities during uterine contractions. The severity of training contractions also depends on general condition women, as well as individual pain threshold.

Many women note that false contractions feel most like girdling pain emanating from the womb and spreading to the lower back. The pain can radiate to the groin, sacrum, perineum. It would be correct to compare the training contractions of the myometrium with the sensations that occur during menstruation. It is worth remembering this condition: probably, true contractions will follow approximately the same scenario.

As the fetus grows and the gestational age increases, the frequency and intensity of false contractions increases. If at the beginning of the third trimester these are mild, barely noticeable cramping pains in the lower abdomen, then closer to childbirth such sensations can easily be confused with real contractions. After 37 weeks, false contractions become stronger and can cause significant discomfort to the expectant mother. Strengthening the training contractions of the uterus and reducing the interval between them clearly indicates the imminent birth of the baby.


Main characteristics of false contractions:

  1. Irregularity. Training contractions occur at different intervals - from 5-10 minutes to several hours. The interval between uterine contractions will always be different. It is quite difficult to predict the time of the next contraction.
  2. Non-duration. On average, training contractions last no more than 30 seconds.
  3. Mild to moderate pain. Over time, the contractions do not intensify, the pain does not increase.
  4. They subside suddenly and may not make themselves felt for several hours or days.
  5. In most cases, they do not interfere with normal sleep and normal activities.
  6. They usually appear at night and are practically invisible during the day.

The most important: Training contractions do not dilate the cervix and do not trigger labor. False uterine contractions subside, and pregnancy continues as usual.

A special case

A small percentage of pregnant women complain of fairly strong false contractions. Intense contractions of the uterus can occur at any stage, but are more often observed after 37 weeks, when the baby is ready to be born. Despite painful and prolonged contractions, the cervix does not dilate. What to do in such a situation?

Option one: low pain threshold. Objectively the contractions are not too bad high strength and frequency, but they cause serious discomfort to the expectant mother. If this condition is not accompanied by other pathological changes, no treatment is carried out. A pregnant woman should find for herself the best way to cope with false contractions. It is possible to prescribe sedatives and antispasmodics (after consultation with a doctor).

Option two: threat premature birth . Severe contractions up to 36 weeks can be a sign of uterine hypertonicity and threaten the birth of a baby ahead of schedule.

Distinctive features:

  • the pain is localized mainly in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back and perineum;
  • moderate pain persists almost constantly;
  • the uterus is dense, its tone is increased upon palpation.

When placental abruption occurs, this condition is combined with the appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina or the development heavy bleeding. In this case you need to call ambulance.

Option three: true contractions. The birth of a child can occur at any time, and not always at full term pregnancy. Often, expectant mothers simply do not have time to realize in time the moment when false contractions turn into true ones and labor begins. If contractions intensify over time and become more and more painful, you should prepare for the imminent birth of your baby.

From labor to childbirth

How to recognize that false contractions have turned into full-fledged labor? There are several criteria to help a pregnant woman navigate the situation:

  1. The contractions gradually intensify and become more painful.
  2. The interval between contractions is steadily decreasing.
  3. The duration of contractions gradually increases.

To count contractions, the expectant mother should note all changes that occur in a notebook. Must be indicated:

  • the moment the contraction begins (accurate to the minute);
  • duration of contraction (in seconds);
  • end time of the fight.

You can note own feelings at this moment, as well as fetal activity.

Attention! If contractions occur every 5 minutes, regularly, with approximately the same or steadily decreasing interval between them, and last more than 30 seconds, you should prepare for an early birth.

Other situations requiring special attention:

  • Contractions become very painful, almost unbearable.
  • Painful sensations are localized mainly in the perineal area (a sign of the beginning of pushing).
  • The interval between contractions is less than a minute.
  • The amniotic fluid has broken (or is leaking drop by drop).
  • Bloody discharge from the genital tract appears (a symptom of cervical dilatation or placental abruption).
  • The child moves very actively.
  • The fetus becomes quiet or does not move at all.
  • The woman’s condition worsens (headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms).
  • A woman's blood pressure increases or decreases sharply.

Some of these symptoms indicate the imminent completion of labor, others indicate the development of complications. In any case, specialist intervention and hospitalization in a maternity hospital are required.

Diagnostic algorithm

The main differences between false contractions and true ones are presented in the table:

Sign False contractions True contractions
Regularity Irregular Regular
Duration No more than 20 seconds, approximately constant Increases over time from 20-30 seconds to 1 minute
Intensity Weak to moderate, intensity does not increase The intensity of sensations increases over time
Interval between contractions From a few minutes to several hours and days Gradually reduced to 1 minute or less
Frequency per day Up to 6 times a day and no more than 2 hours in a row More than 6-8 times a day or lasting from 2 hours in a row
Taking antispasmodics Reduces or stops contractions Does not affect

In conditions antenatal clinic or in maternity hospital the doctor may conduct an additional examination - NGG. External hysterography allows you to accurately determine Braxton-Hicks contractions and distinguish them from true labor.

NGG is painless and completely safe procedure. Sensors are installed on the woman's stomach. All information is displayed on the screen or the contractile activity of the uterus is recorded on film. The duration of the procedure is from 20 minutes to an hour. Usually NGG on later pregnancy is combined with CTG. Using cardiotocography, the fetal heartbeat is assessed and signs of hypoxia are detected.

What to do?

Some women have a hard time with training contractions. It doesn’t matter what this is connected with, whether the low pain threshold or the mental characteristics of the expectant mother are to blame. One thing is important: such contractions are exhausting, disrupt the usual course of life, and become a serious problem. False contractions are not difficult to survive if they progress into labor within 24 hours. But what if similar condition has been bothering you for several weeks, you need to find a way to comfortably cope with false contractions.

Help with false contractions:

  1. Walk. Half an hour of leisurely walking is good way warm up, remove the load from some muscles and switch to others. It is best to walk away from the highway, in a park or forest. Peace and quiet - required attributes walks.
  2. Change of position. The knee-elbow pose will help relax the muscles. In this position, the load on the abdomen is reduced, and uterine hypertonicity goes away. Some women feel comfortable in the side position.
  3. Dream. If false contractions occur in the evening and at night, the best option will try to sleep. You should choose the most comfortable position - one in which uterine contractions are not so noticeable.
  4. Warm shower. The water temperature should be comfortable, not scalding, but not cold either. Warm streams of water relax the uterus and eliminate discomfort. You can use body gels and oils as aromatherapy. You should choose calm, relaxing scents (lavender, ylang-ylang, bergamot, geranium, mint, rose).
  5. Warm drink. A glass of plain water, drunk slowly, will help relieve stress and relax. You can drink berry juice or compote. It is better to avoid tea and coffee.
  6. Music. The best way relax - turn on your favorite music. Not too loud, but so that you don't have to strain your ears.
  7. Massage. A relaxing massage of the upper half of the body can be done by a spouse, friend or other close person. You can stretch your feet and hands yourself - this will also help relieve tension and eliminate increased tone uterus.

Other methods

Among other techniques, breathing exercises deserve special attention. Some simple exercises will help eliminate pain and stop training contractions:

  • Technique #1: calm breathing. When the contraction begins, you should inhale slowly and then exhale slowly and calmly.
  • Technique No. 2: depict a dog. During a contraction, you should breathe quickly, frequently, and shallowly. This breathing can be maintained for no more than 30 seconds, so as not to provoke dizziness and fainting.
  • Technique No. 3: draw a candle. Inhale through the nose, do deep breath. Exhale through your mouth - sharply and quickly.

When performing breathing exercises, the woman’s well-being should remain normal. If shortness of breath or dizziness occurs, exercise should be stopped.

Breathing exercises will help not only relieve false contractions. Similar techniques will help you cope with pain during childbirth, when the intensity of the sensations will only increase. It would be a good idea to practice breathing exercises before contractions begin – true or false. Having mastered the technique, the expectant mother will be able to use it at the right time without any problems.

Pregnant women who practice yoga can use some asanas to relieve their condition:

  1. Baddha konasana. In a sitting position with a straight back, you need to fold your legs and pull your feet towards you. You should clasp your feet with your palms and achieve maximum opening in the perineal area. In this case, the spine should be pulled up, and the hips and knees should be slowly and very carefully lowered down to the floor.
  2. Paschimottanasana (variation for pregnant women). In a sitting position, you should stretch your legs forward and spread them wide. Wrap your arms around thumbs legs The shoulders should be directed downwards, then the shoulder blade will tend to connect behind the back. The spine must be kept straight.
  3. Prasarita padottonasana. Spread your legs wider than your hips, tilt your body, find support for your arms extended forward. In this position, the load on the uterus and other internal organs and thus the condition improves.

All asanas are done smoothly, slowly, without sudden movements. While doing exercises, you should listen carefully to your body. If you experience pain in your joints, muscles, or spine, you should stop exercising and choose a different method of relaxation. It wouldn't hurt to work with a yoga instructor beforehand. During childbirth, during true contractions, asanas will also help alleviate the condition and relieve pain.

What to do if none of the proposed methods help? Call an ambulance and don’t forget to take with you a bag with all the things you need in the maternity hospital. Probably, false contractions have turned into real ones, and the baby will soon be born. The doctor will give an accurate conclusion after examining the woman in the emergency room of the maternity hospital.

It happens that in the maternity hospital a woman is sent back with an indication that the cervix has not yet opened and labor has not begun. There's nothing wrong with that. It's better to be sure that everything is going well than to miss it. dangerous complications. Often a woman returns to the emergency room of the maternity hospital literally a few hours later with real contractions. If you have any doubts, you can contact your doctor and ask him everything exciting questions about the upcoming birth.

But the expectant mother is simply not able to let everything take its course, she listens to every baby, and if the baby doesn’t move for a long time, the mother starts to get nervous.

And when your stomach begins to cramp, pull your lower back, and everything seems to look like contractions (is it really time to give birth?), and the period is still short, then you will definitely think: are these or training (false) contractions before childbirth?

How to recognize and how do training contractions manifest? Let's try to figure it out together.

It is very important to distinguish labor contractions from training contractions., otherwise the expectant mother will simply torment herself with unnecessary questions and suspicions. However, if you clearly know the differences and what to do, then you don’t have to be afraid of either real or training fights.

Training contractions are also called false. They were first described by the Englishman Braxton-Hicks in 1872, so they are also called Braxton Hicks contractions.

It is believed that nature specially invented them in order for the cervix and the uterus itself to prepare for childbirth during such contractions, as if to train (hence the name - training contractions).

Exploring the similarities and differences

In order not to confuse false contractions with labor contractions, it is necessary to know exactly their differences.

False contractions (their symptoms and signs):

  • are irregular, the intervals between them can be any, not cyclical. Contractions may occur once a day or several times, and possibly once a week;
  • painless, in very rare cases they cause discomfort (painful false contractions are very rare);
  • attacks can be neutralized by changing position, a warm bath or shower, just getting up and walking around or, on the contrary, lying down, doing breathing exercises and think about something good;
  • the cervix does not dilate.

Birth pains:

  • characterized by regularity and clear periodicity. Gradually, the time intervals between contractions decrease, and the duration of the contractions themselves increases;
  • very painful, it is impossible to anesthetize them or relieve attacks;
  • contractions continue until the baby is born;
  • The cervix dilates and prepares for childbirth.

When do false contractions begin and how long do they last?

False contractions can appear already during pregnancy and, of course, this does not mean that it is time to give birth. Relax and calm down. Just listen to yourself and your feelings.

For false contractions the uterus seems to turn to stone as the muscles become toned. At the same time, the lower back may ache and the lower abdomen may stretch.

But these contractions pass and do not increase, they are very easy to remove (unlike real ones, which no longer subside or calm down, but, on the contrary, become more frequent).

Many women do not experience false contractions at all throughout pregnancy, so their appearance during pregnancy can frighten any mother, especially the first-time mother. Young women get scared, confuse them with real ones and prepare for the upcoming birth.

Therefore, in order not to worry unnecessarily, try walking around, changing your body position, drinking water, tea or juice, and most importantly, calm down. If contractions do not recur at regular intervals, then this is definitely a “false alarm” and you can still wait.

False contractions last 30-60 seconds and pass, they can appear once an hour, or twice a day.

Their timing is impossible to predict. This can happen when you are walking with packages from the store, on a walk, or at home. The longer the period, the more noticeable the false contractions can be. But it’s easy enough to deal with them by learning breathing exercises.

During training contractions, this is simply a miraculous method for relieving them. However, Each woman can have her own individual method of getting rid of false contractions: it’s enough for one to take a walk, and for the other to drink something sweet. Try it different ways and you will definitely find the right one.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

During pregnancy or more, a woman is already ready for childbirth. At this time, you need to be more attentive to your condition.

In some cases, it is simply necessary to immediately consult a doctor, namely when contractions are accompanied by:

  • watery or bloody discharge from the vagina;
  • severe pain in the lower back;
  • if you think your water has broken;
  • if you notice that the fetus has frozen or the movement has weakened.

Pregnant women very often ask doctors: How not to confuse Braxton Hicks training contractions with labor. To this, doctors answer unequivocally that it is impossible to confuse real contractions with anything else.

That's why, dear mothers, listen to yourself, compare the signs of real and false contractions with your feelings.

If you are still suspicious and you are not sure that you have identified correctly, It's best to see a doctor who will examine you, listen to your story about your feelings and, based on this, tell you whether you are in danger or not to worry.

This will help you feel more confident and less nervous, keeping you calm and strong for the upcoming birth.