The blue mink is turning yellow, what should I do? Fur collar: how to clean and care for it properly

Without fur trim winter clothes doesn't look so nice. Luxurious collars make clothes especially attractive. However, such a product loses its luster over time. The collar becomes dirty and the stylish product loses its charm.

If you know a few tips and rules for cleaning fur edges, you can tidy up the edges of your home.

Basic Rules

Cleaning dirt yourself at home is possible. This will also help you save on dry cleaning.

The main thing is to follow these rules:

  1. The choice of cleaning agent depends on the color of the product.
  2. Do not use sharp objects to scrape off dirt.
  3. Consider the collar fastening. If it is removable, you can wash it in a machine; if it is attached to the parka, you will have to remove stains manually.
  4. When placing a parka or down jacket in washing machine(if the edge is not removed), keep in mind that the item will take on water and become heavier. This is important so as not to damage the machine.

Do not send your fur item to the dry cleaner right away. You can always use home remedies. The main thing is to follow the rules and clean the stains carefully.

Dry method

Fur products should not be washed frequently by hand or in a washing machine. If it gets dirty very often, you can use the dry method to remove dirt.


Starch or flour are suitable for cleaning white collars. You can also use talcum powder or baby powder.

Proper cleaning of the product:

  1. The collar is thickly sprinkled with the chosen product.
  2. It is necessary to thoroughly rub starch or flour into the fur. Simulate hand washing.
  3. The starch will begin to turn grey, which means it is collecting dust and dirt. Shake your clothes or edges to release the product.
  4. Take a new portion of starch and repeat the procedure. This must be done several times to remove all the dust from the pile. Carry out the procedure until the starch stops changing color.

The collar can be vacuumed to remove any remaining product. At the end, the pile must be combed with a clothes brush in the direction of hair growth, and then in the opposite direction.

This method is excellent for cleaning products made from arctic fox and other long hair.


For cleaning collars made of natural or faux fur Rye or wheat bran is suitable. This is an old method and long forgotten, but effective.

How to clean a fur collar at home with bran:

  1. Method one - heat the bulk mixture over low heat. Lay a clean cloth on a flat surface, place the arctic fox on it and sprinkle with hot bran. Rub them against the pile with your palms.
  2. Method two - a layer of natural sorbent is poured onto the edge and the contents are thoroughly rubbed between the fibers. Gently rub the bran with your palms along with the fur.

After completing the procedure, take a clothes brush with rare teeth and comb the collar. This will remove any remaining natural sorbent.

You won’t be able to remove everything with a brush, so if necessary, thoroughly scrub the fur outside and repeat removing them with a brush.

Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide

A mixture of ammonium and peroxide will help remove stains from fur. Both products are harmful to the skin of your hands, so wear gloves.

This method can be used for any shade of collars.

Mode of application:

  1. Mix in equal parts water solution ammonium hydroxide and denatured alcohol. The collar is thoroughly wiped with the resulting mixture. Then blot with a clean towel and dry in fresh air.
  2. You can return the whiteness to the edges of artificial or natural pile by mixing 1 tsp. hydrogen peroxide and 2-3 drops of ammonia. The ingredients are diluted in a glass of water. Use the prepared solution to treat the fur outer cover completely or only the yellowed areas, leave for a while and wipe with a clean cloth. There is no need to wash the collar after this procedure.

Ammonia perfectly removes not only yellowed areas, but also stains. Ammonium solution can be used to remove ink, and greasy stains.


Shampoo good remedy for washing fur products. It is advisable to use a transparent or white product.

How to wash a fur collar at home:

  1. Disconnect the part from.
  2. Pour water into a basin and a little washing powder. The powder should completely dissolve in the liquid.
  3. Soak the edge in soapy water for 15 minutes.
  4. Walk the brush along the edge.
  5. Rinse the fur under the tap.
  6. You cannot twist the edge, as this will cause the pile to fall out and the fur to thin out.

Drying fur naturally. You cannot put artificial and natural collar on the battery or near heating devices.

Treat greasy and greasy areas with purified gasoline. If the collar has not been cleaned for a long time, this method will save it.

Gasoline is an excellent degreaser, but it smells unpleasant. After such cleaning, the edge will need to be washed by hand or in a washing machine using powder or.

A sponge is soaked in gasoline and the greasy areas are wiped. It is necessary to wipe a product with a short pile against the pile, and with a long one - along it.

Refined gasoline should be used away from open flames.

You can also use the following remedy: 2 tbsp. l. starch flour is mixed with 200 ml of gasoline. The mixture is applied to the edge with a foam sponge in a thick layer.

After 30 minutes, shake the collar to remove any remaining flour. Then reheat potato starch in a frying pan, pass through a sieve (to remove large lumps) and wipe the fur with it.

This product will remove any remaining gasoline mixture. After such cleaning, you need to take the product out onto the balcony so that the smell disappears.

Salt + ammonia

If the collar is removable, you can use this cleaning method. To implement it you will need 1 tsp. ammonia, 2 tsp. table salt and 200 ml of clean water.

The ingredients are mixed in a glass. The salt needs to be completely dissolved, so the water should be a little warm.

The collar is placed on a horizontal surface, with plastic film or unnecessary fabric placed under it so as not to stain the table.

Apply the prepared solution to the pile using a sponge or clean cloth. If you take a rag, remember that it should be white and not leave lint on the collar.

After applying the liquid, leave the product to sit for a while, 30 minutes will be enough. Then wash the item with shampoo. It should be colorless. This is followed by drying and combing the collar.

If the edge has lost its luster and has become dull, use vinegar essence. The fabric is soaked in the solution and the entire collar is wiped. After drying, you need to comb the edge.

Small stains can be removed with a mixture prepared from equal parts of medical alcohol, table vinegar and water. The solution is applied to the collar using a sponge or piece of cloth.

In the washing machine

Faux and natural fur can be processed mechanically. You just need to follow some rules so that you don’t have to replace the edge.

Girls often wonder how to wash a fur collar. After all, this cleaning method is the most convenient, you can go about your business.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. The detergent must provide gentle and delicate care. Buy products designed for fur products. Pour the powder into the detergent compartment.
  2. Before washing, the fur must be placed in a laundry bag.
  3. Wash mode – manual or delicate.
  4. Water temperature – no more than 40 degrees.
  5. Antistatic additives should be used when rinsing.

After this, you need to dry the collar. In wet fur Bacteria accumulate very quickly. In addition, they create ideal conditions for mold development.

Dry the fur in natural conditions at room temperature. You cannot use fur or an iron, as this will only damage the product.

The edge of a down jacket, parka or coat requires special care. Only regular cleaning will be able to restore her attractive appearance.

High quality warm clothes it looks more respectable if it has a fur collar. But over time, fur gets dirty, and products made from it lose their original appearance.

This happened to me too - wonderful leather coat with a chic fur collar began to look not the best.

Gentle cleaning

How to clean a fur collar at home? What means can be used?

Let's start with gentle cleaning, which is suitable for minor dirt and will relieve the pile from scuffs. It is carried out using the “dry” method.

Method No. 1

  • Let's take it plastic bag and place the collar there.
  • Pour starch into the bag directly onto the pile.
  • Take a brush and clean the fur through the bag.
  • After reaching desired result remove from the bag, shake out and ventilate the fur product.

Method number 2

But what if the collar is not removable? To clean it we need Wheat flour or bran. You can also replace them with baby powder or ground chalk.

Gently heat your chosen cleaning agent.
The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • With dry palms, rub the substance directly into the collar.
  • Rub the applied powder with your palms in both directions.
  • Observe the color of the cleaning agent; it should begin to darken. Continue rubbing and shaking the collar periodically.
  • As soon as it becomes clear from the color of the pile that the result has been achieved, shake out the collar, dry and ventilate it.

What to do if the pile is contaminated with traces of cosmetics? How to clean a fur collar at home foundation? In this case, starch will come to the rescue again.

Just sprinkle starch on the problem area and let the dirt soak into it, and then brush off the residue, shake it out and ventilate.

If none of the above methods help, you will have to move on to more radical measures.

Intensive cleaning

The main thing is to be careful not to damage the precious skin.

Traces of cosmetics can be cleaned like this:

  • moisten a cotton swab with pure medical alcohol;
  • wipe the problem area with it. If the cosmetics are very dry, continue to “soak” them with alcohol. As soon as it gets wet, it will easily transfer from the lint to the tampon;
  • dry and ventilate the fur product.

To remove grease stains, you will have to use gasoline. If you are not confident in your abilities, I recommend searching the Internet for a video on how to clean a fur collar at home with gasoline.

It should be remembered that simple gasoline is not suitable for cleaning fur, only highly purified gasoline.

The action plan is simple:

  • soak a cotton swab in gasoline;
  • rub gasoline into the pile, trying not to touch the undercoat;
  • after removing the stain, rinse the fur with water from a spray bottle;
  • dry the collar.
Throughout the drying period, you need to periodically comb the collar with a brush: first against the pile, then in its direction.


What about light-colored products? How to clean a fur collar from yellowness at home?

Unfortunately, no way, even dry cleaning is unlikely to help. The maximum that you will be offered is cleaning with possible partial removal of yellowness and lightening of the pile.

You can do this yourself using one part hydrogen peroxide and two parts water mixed together. Moisten a sponge with this solution and wipe the product; after completing the procedure, ventilate and dry.

Elite fur products made from blue mink fur, due to their “cold beauty,” have been and remain the subject of admiration for many women. Plus it's blue mink fur It is distinguished by increased strength due to the fact that it has a thick undercoat. That is why blue mink occupies one of the first places in the world sales ranking.

But for all its advantages, mink blue color has one significant drawback - a tendency to yellowing. And if you have been the happy owner of a luxurious blue mink item for several years, most likely now you are wondering how to clean blue mink. Especially for you, the experts of the fur boutique “Etna Furs” have prepared detailed recommendations that will help you clean blue mink fur with affordable means.

How to clean blue mink at home


Ammonia or medical alcohol is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2. A cotton swab is first moistened in the prepared solution, then it is wrung out and used to wipe the fur.

In this case, blue mink with long pile should be brushed in the direction of hair growth, and cut blue fur should be brushed “against the grain.” At the end of the procedure, you need to blot all dirt on the fur surface with a dry linen towel, lightly shake the blue mink and leave until completely dry.

Table vinegar

Mix in equal parts table vinegar, ammonia or medical alcohol and water, you can get excellent remedy for cleaning blue mink.

It should be used in the same way as described above. And wiping the fur with a cotton wool soaked in 5% acetic acid allows you to restore the shine to the blue mink.


To clean blue mink, using solutions based on salt and alcohol is effective. Using a foam sponge, the mixture is applied to the fur surface, after which the mink is cleaned special brush with soft bristles.


Potato starch is poured onto the yellowed mink hair and gently rubbed with your hands. Next, the starch along with particles of dirt is removed with a soft brush, after which the blue mink is shaken on the street or on the balcony.

Hydrogen peroxide

You will need a glass warm water, a teaspoon of 3-5% peroxide and a couple of drops of ammonia. At the first stage, the blue mink is sprayed with a liquid mixture from a spray bottle. On the second, the mink product is wiped with a clean water cotton wool


Use a cotton swab dipped in glycerin to rub it over the fur from top to bottom. This will restore the blue mink to its original shine.

Detergent or shampoo

Neutral washing liquids or hair shampoo will also help remove yellowness from blue mink. It is most convenient to place a cotton swab soaked in any of the products on a comb, and then comb the fur surface well, periodically changing the cotton. At the end of cleaning instead detergent clean water is used.

If you follow the instructions given correctly, you will be able to remove the yellow coating from blue fur and restore your respectable item to its former attractiveness. So you can proudly continue to wear your exquisite blue mink and catch the admiring glances of others!

A real misfortune for every owner of a fur coat made of light mink, arctic fox, etc. is a change in the color of her favorite clothes. Ugly yellowish-gray stains on once snow-white or light beige fur look terrible. What to do with such a thing, especially when you've only had it for a couple of seasons? Throwing it away is a shame, redoing it won’t help get rid of the increasingly visible yellowness, repainting it isn’t a guarantee that it will turn out well. Are there ways to bleach mink items?

Judging by the reviews, there is such a method, and more than one. In this article, we will look at the most popular online methods for bleaching yellowed fur coats.

But first, it would be useful to find out why, in fact, your mink coat turned yellow? After all, this misfortune, unfortunately, can befall both the owner of an elite Italian model made of light mink, and a more democratic Chinese or Greek one.

  1. Improper storage. Improper storage of mink is the most common reason color changes. Having taken a fur coat out of the closet after summer, it is then that housewives most often discover its deplorable condition. To prevent your light mink from suffering the same fate, it should be stored either in a special fur refrigerator, or in a cool place in the closet, in a special fur case with anti-moth impregnation. Fur should be cleaned before storage.
  2. The second reason for the appearance of yellowness is the conditions under which the product is worn. Frequent exposure to precipitation, which in the city is sometimes chemical in nature, smog, dust and soot - all this leads to the fact that the mink quickly and irreparably turns yellow. Also on light fur Any cosmetic or perfume sprayed near or on the product has a detrimental effect. Therefore, try to wear light colors carefully. mink coat.

Can dry cleaning remove yellowness?

Owners of yellowed fur coats have mixed opinions about this method. Some ladies claim that mink that has just begun to turn yellow can be renewed by dry cleaning. And this is really so, only the yellowness should still be very fresh, barely noticeable. And the dry cleaning should be extremely good. Then this method can help you out. If the fur coat has turned yellow thoroughly, then they may not take it to the dry cleaner - from exposure to chemicals the fur will most likely turn yellow even more.

Home methods for bleaching mink

Let's look at the most popular methods on the Internet of what can be done if the mink coat has turned yellow.

  1. The most gentle way to get rid of yellowness, and at the same time renew the hole, are various sorbents. For example, a popular “cleaning” agent is semolina, starch or bran. The principle of operation is as follows: you lay out the mink coat on a flat surface, having previously laid it down with fabric or paper. Then, with intense movements, apply the sorbent of your choice - chalk, semolina or starch - to the entire area of ​​the fur, and rub it into the fur. Next, the product should be shaken out thoroughly, or even combed with a fine brush. The advantages of this method: a gentle effect on the fur with minimal damage, a fairly good whitening effect, as can be seen in the photo. Cons - some people have the same fur yellow tint, sometimes poorly combed semolina is also added to this, which then begins to crumble when walking and leads to the appearance of moths.
  2. The second most popular method is more effective, but also more dangerous for fur. Take hydrogen peroxide and dilute it in a ratio of 1 to 1, carefully apply it to the fur with a rag or cotton swab - peroxide lightens the fur well (remember our blondes!). if the yellowness is quite noticeable, you can apply ammonia in a ratio of 1 to 2 with water. The principle of application is the same. In both cases, after use, the product does not need to be washed or dried separately. You just need to hang it well and let it dry naturally.
  3. An extreme method is the use of starch diluted with purified gasoline into a light paste. This solution can be used if you have tried all other methods and they turned out to be useless. The resulting pulp is applied to the fur straightened along and across the pile, allowed to dry, and then combed out very carefully with a fine brush or comb for animals.
  4. Not as popular, but no less effective way To bleach the product if it has turned yellow, use bleaching shampoos for animals. There is one thing - fur should never be washed! You simply take a few drops of shampoo and dilute it in water. Then apply the mixture to the fur using the methods already mentioned above and let it dry.

If all of the above methods do not help you return the original color of the fur, then you should still think about repainting the product. However, please note that this should be done in a professional studio that works with fur and provides this type of service. If you decide to paint a mink at home, the result may completely upset you.

To clean a fur collar from yellowness at home, you need to follow simple rules and follow the instructions below. Fur trim decorates products and gives them a status look, so manufacturers outerwear It is often used to decorate jackets, down jackets and coats. But if you simply wash the item itself by immersing it in the washing machine, then removing plaque from a fur collar is somewhat more difficult, because this item of clothing is finicky to care for.

Methods for removing dirt and yellowness

As a rule, a yellow coating is noticeable on fur collars light shades. Experienced housewives Those who have items with a similar finish in their wardrobe know how to clean a fox or mink collar at home using household products.

Note. The methods for cleaning the fur of arctic fox, mink and rabbit are similar to each other, therefore they are applicable to any type of finishing and are safe for them.

Before you start cleaning artificial and natural fur, you need to prepare:

  • unfasten the collar from the hood or from the throat area;
  • shake the pile and spread it on a flat horizontal plane, for example, on a table or floor;
  • to avoid staining the work surface, cover it with newspapers or cover it with cellophane film;
  • Prepare everything you need for cleaning and place it nearby: a container of water, basic cleaning agent, a sponge or cloth, a soft brush or a fine-toothed comb.

Attention! If you want to wash the fur from a down jacket at home, then know that this cannot be done, since the wool will become wavy and take on a dull shade. Remember to remove the trim before washing your outerwear.

Wood sawdust

It is enough to take 100 grams of small shavings and sprinkle generously on the fur trim of the jacket. If there is no sawdust in the house, you can replace it with dry bran. Procedure:

  1. Rub the substance deep into the pile with your hands, as well as along the entire length of the wool.
  2. Leave the sawdust on the product for 10 minutes. The wood will absorb grease and old plaque.
  3. Turn the collar fur side down and shake it to remove any shavings.
  4. Then return it to its original position and comb the pile with a brush.

Potato starch

It is believed that it is better to use potato starch, but the difference compared to other types is insignificant. The principle of operation of this method is similar to cleaning with sawdust, but for greater effect it is recommended to heat the starch in an enamel or aluminum pan for 5-10 minutes. To prevent the product from forming lumps and burning, you need to stir it all the time.


  1. Sprinkle the collar with warm substance and rub into the fuzzy part.
  2. Brush the fur in different directions, then turn it over and shake out the white crumbs.
  3. Now comb the product again.

Flour and gasoline

This method is suitable for old dirt and stubborn stains:

  1. Pour 3 tbsp into 200 ml of purified gasoline or kerosene. flour and mix thoroughly until smooth.
  2. Apply the composition to the pile, distributing it evenly along the entire length.
  3. Comb in different directions. It is important that the white mass penetrates to the very base of the coat.
  4. Leave the flour mixture for 15-20 minutes, during which time it will harden slightly.
  5. Then remove the main part of the composition with a brush. Iron the fur so that the paste dries completely and falls off when you shake the collar.

Salt, hydrogen peroxide and alcohol

Salt and alcohol:

  1. Add 1 tbsp each of salt and alcohol to a glass of warm water.
  2. Stir and pour into a spray bottle.
  3. Treat the down jacket trim with the solution and wait until it dries completely.

Hydrogen peroxide is well known for its whitening properties:

  1. Dissolve 2 tbsp. peroxide in a glass of water.
  2. Pour the liquid into a spray bottle and spray the fur.
  3. Now all that remains is to wait until it dries.

Laundry soap

It copes well with recently formed plaque:

  1. Grate 1/3 of the bar on a fine grater and add to 0.5 liters of warm water.
  2. Shake until foam forms.
  3. Soak a sponge in the soapy water, squeeze out excess liquid and gently run over the pile.
  4. After treating the entire length of the product, change the water to clean water and rinse the sponge thoroughly.
  5. In the same way, you need to remove the cleaning agent from the collar.
  6. Comb it and wait until it is completely dry, and then iron it.

Hair dye

You can get rid of yellowness on a product by completely changing its shade or slightly updating it. High-quality hair dye will help you with this:

  1. Choose a color that you like and matches the jacket.
  2. Follow the instructions on the package.
  3. After dyeing, rinse the fur thoroughly using a shower head.
  4. Then let the collar dry naturally.

Note. Fabric lining The fur collar also requires periodic cleaning. It should be treated with soapy water using a sponge.

How to properly care for a fur collar

Fur products of light colors are the most easily soiled, so the resulting yellow coating is always visible on them. But thrift and delicate care will help avoid contamination or make it less noticeable.

Advice. If you do not want to clean the coat trim yourself or are afraid of ruining the mink or fox collar, then take the item to the dry cleaner. There, shiny spots will be removed from the fur and its chic appearance will be restored.

To avoid re-contamination and frequent washing, follow the recommendations:

  • hang clothes with fur trim on a separate hanger in a closed closet;
  • For long-term storage purchase special sealed cases for things;
  • after walking in snow or rain, be sure to shake off moisture from the hood;
  • wear scarves neckerchiefs and stoles - they will absorb traces of powder and foundation when in contact with the face, while White collar will remain unharmed;
  • Do not dry fur on hot radiators or near switched on heaters.

Also, the product should not be placed under straight lines. sun rays. All this leads to fading, drying and brittleness of the hairs.