How to be smart at school

Perhaps we all want not only to appear, but also to be really smart people. Many believe that if certain skills are not laid down in childhood, then they will not be acquired later. Perhaps there is some truth in such an assumption, but not in this case - it is never too late to become smart person if there is a will to do so.

If you decide that it's time to increase your level of intelligence, then we recommend starting this process with some simple recommendations.
    Train your memory. To do this, try to set aside at least thirty minutes every day to memorize a verse, because, for sure, the last time you did this was in your school years. This is a very good workout for the mind! Moreover, you can choose simple poems first, and then move on to more complex ones. You can also train in memorization on a list of products - make a list, read it carefully, put it in your bag and try to buy everything you need in the store without looking at it. When you decide that you have coped with the task, then look at the list in order to make sure of this. Drink coffee regularly- thanks to this, you can stay in good shape for a longer time, as well as maintain concentration. Try not to overdo it with this drink - a large number of caffeine will lead to overstimulation nervous system and will not allow you to think rationally. Eat the "right" foods. First of all, pay attention to walnuts - they even allude to the fact that they are extremely useful for the brain. By eating them, you will improve brain activity and memory. Also, fish, which is known to be rich in iodine, as well as omega-3 fatty acids, which provide a rapid flow of energy to the brain, will bring a lot of benefits. Crosswords. It would seem that this is rather banal, but the usual crossword puzzles have a completely stimulating effect on brain activity. Studying of foreign language not only will it benefit you when traveling, but it will also have an excellent effect on memory development, which, of course, will help you remember more information, and therefore make you smarter. Knowledge. Never miss an opportunity to gain new knowledge - for example, if you have a few free minutes, we recommend that you open Wikipedia and read a couple of random articles. Rest. Periodically let your brain rest - if you have been engaged in active mental activity for several hours in a row, then you definitely need to rest for at least an hour. Make it easy physical exercise or allow yourself a small cup of natural coffee. Don't forget to get enough sleep, because it is during sleep that the brain processes the information received during the day. According to scientists, an adult will be enough for 6-8 hours of sleep per day, but no less than that. Try to found the new kind activities. This will not only contribute to distraction from the routine, but also force your brain to adapt to a process that was previously unfamiliar to it, which means training. Read more books , and keep in mind that the more complex the pieces, the better for your brain.

How to become smart in studies

It takes some effort to achieve a reputation as the smartest student in the class. So where to start: 1) Listen carefully to the teacher in class. Some students believe that in order to study a particular topic, it is enough to read the necessary section in the textbooks. Yes, as a rule, this gives general knowledge, but you can hear various interesting details from the teacher. By the way, teachers often tell something that is not related to the compulsory school curriculum, but this information will subsequently benefit you and may come in handy in the most unexpected this moment. In addition, if you listen to the teacher in the classroom, this will significantly save your time - at least you will not have to study the information already voiced at home. 2) Always do homework. Never ignore homework. Even if you think that the given topic is completely uninteresting and will not be useful to you in the future, this does not negate the fact that such classes will become great workout for the mind. In addition, you cannot guarantee that you will never need this particular information. In addition, one topic that is insignificant, in your opinion, can subsequently become the basis for a more serious and required material, which, without the paragraphs you ignored, will not be completely clear to you. And, of course, regular homework will protect you from bad grades. 3) Be interested and study various sciences beyond school curriculum . Pupils and students who really want to be erudite will not be limited to the knowledge that is included in the curriculum. Explore all the topics you like in depth - for sure, in this way you will make many impressive discoveries for yourself. In addition, more in-depth knowledge will allow you to get excellent grades, and this is also important. However, it is not necessary to study in more detail only those topics that are already in the school curriculum. Expand your boundaries - read about interesting historical facts, chemical and physical experiments. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the masterpieces of the classics and highly appreciated modern works, which were not mentioned in the literature lessons.

4) Read books. By far, this is one of the most obvious options for students who want to increase their level of intelligence. First of all, you will receive completely new information for yourself, if we are talking, for example, about study guide. Fiction also has a lot of benefits - it stimulates reflection on a particular topic, teaches you to build sentences competently and beautifully, significantly enriches lexicon. However, knowledge is not the only thing that books give us. In addition, reading books is an excellent memory training, and you will need the skill of quick memorization later in many areas of life. 5) Listen to audiobooks. Listening to audiobooks is perfect for those students who are overworked and do not have enough time to read. Perhaps you are training in the gym - in this case, in parallel, listen to headphones not your favorite musical artist, but some interesting work. You can also listen to audiobooks while riding a shaking bus to school, jogging, eating breakfast, and so on. For convenience, we recommend buying an e-book or downloading your favorite works to your phone, if its functions allow it.

6) Solve different math problems and puzzles. Solving various mathematical problems and interesting puzzles can be a wonderful exercise for the mind. If the tasks from the school textbook seem very boring to you, then pay attention to the various exciting puzzles that can be found on the Internet. You just need to drive into the search engine the query: "Online puzzles", and try your hand. He also recommends looking for various educational applications that can be downloaded to your phone, and solving extraordinary tasks at any convenient moment - standing in line at the store, sitting at the bus stop, and so on. 7) Don't give up if it doesn't work the first time. The mistake of many students is that they quit studying the material as soon as they stumble upon some kind of obstacle - for example, they do not understand this or that topic. If from time to time you are faced with the fact that you are having difficulty studying a subject, then this is not at all a reason to refuse it at all - go the other way! It is quite possible that one day you did not learn any trifle, and now it affects the assimilation of the whole material. It is also possible that your teacher does not explain the topic clearly enough (this happens too!). Try to study an incomprehensible paragraph from the very beginning without missing a single detail. If you're still having trouble, contact your tutor. First, let's define the word "erudite". It's about about a person who is able to demonstrate awareness in a variety of issues, erudition, good memory. It is worth noting that far from always an erudite person can be called smart, no matter how paradoxical it may sound. A smart person, comprehending some information, draws the right conclusions from it, which he puts into practice (for example, having learned about the dangers of alcohol, he will not abuse it), at the same time, an erudite person, thanks to his excellent memory, can know all the nuances of a particular issue and nothing more (for example, he knows for sure that alcohol is harmful, but this does not mean at all that he will not abuse it). An erudite person pours quotes, rich knowledge in a particular area, and so on. her information, which may give the impression that he is incredibly smart. It is worth noting that this often turns out to be the case, but still, as we mentioned, there are exceptions. As you understand, in order to demonstrate erudition, it is necessary not only to read a lot and watch documentaries, but also actively train your memory in order to memorize the studied material.

Probably not a single person on the planet would refuse to become wiser - preferably without special efforts from my side. Of course, knowledge by itself does not come to anyone, but the advice of some experts will help quickly and effectively fill the gaps in education.

You can constantly develop your intellect if you allocate time and make an effort for this. First of all, books will help to expand your own horizons, thanks to which you can significantly grow wiser and surprise others with your erudition.

The mind of a person is directly dependent on his brain activity. In other words, to develop your intelligence, you need to think as much as possible. And the best food for the mind at all times were books.

In addition, fitness for the brain helps to grow wiser: tasks, puzzles, rebuses and so on. In order to be known as an educated person among those around you, you need to constantly train your thinking abilities and increase your intellectual level.

Going to museums and theaters, visiting exhibitions and simply communicating with more developed people will help to significantly expand your horizons. It's never too late to learn - don't forget about it.

Ways to become smart in 5 minutes - brain exercises

Such a proposal should not be taken literally, it is strange to hope that there are ways to help you grow wiser almost instantly. However, if every day you devote at least 5 minutes to self-development, then you can strengthen your mind at home and increase your level of intelligence. What needs to be done for this?

  • Increase vocabulary.
  • Read more.
  • Watch documentary and educational programs.
  • Start learning a foreign language.
  • Learn a new hobby.
  • Study encyclopedias.
  • Meditate.

How to become a smart person - the secrets of intelligence development

The human brain lends itself well to training. The main condition is to do it regularly, giving the process at least a few minutes a day. Each developed personality must constantly strive to become even more wiser.

If you have the desire, patience and perseverance, everything will definitely work out. Most effective method to increase your erudition is the constant reading of books. Reading a lot doesn't have to be everything. free time to spend in the library, for this you don’t even have to leave your own home.

Any book in our time can be found on the Internet. The World Wide Web is an ideal source of new knowledge, do not forget about it.

How to be the perfect wife for him 10 rules for a smart wife

To become perfect wife for your husband, you need to learn a few important rules that will help every girl:

  • Always be patient, surround your loved one with care and attention.
  • Do not scandalize on every occasion - you need to be wiser and not hold vain grievances.
  • Always talk about your wishes - you should not think that a man has telepathic abilities and can read minds.
  • Do not compare your husband with other men's husbands, do not set other men as an example to him.
  • Always be yourself and learn from your mistakes.
  • Respect your husband and ask him for advice more often.
  • Let him have some personal space.
  • Do not impose your own opinion.
  • Do not be jealous and do not give reasons for jealousy.

How to become a smart and interesting girl for others

interesting, like high intelligence, on empty place does not appear, in order to become such in the eyes of others, you will have to work hard and acquire the following qualities:

Main rules wise woman:

  • Always be sincere with your man, do not pretend and do not lie.
  • Do not waste yourself on random and unnecessary people.
  • Do not humiliate your man and do not criticize him.
  • Avoid pride in relationships, be more sincere and open.
  • In any situation, support your husband and be on his side.

If a child falls behind in some subjects - for example, mathematics or physics, this does not mean at all that you need to force him to sit longer at textbooks. The following measures will help to pull up the child in school:

  • Class attendance at music school- Studies have confirmed that the IQ level of "musical" children is higher than that of their peers.
  • Become a smart girl in school and smart boy It is impossible with a lack of sleep - you need to get enough sleep.
  • You should accustom the child to discipline, develop the habit of planning your day.
  • To make the child smarter, you can teach him in game form then he will show more interest in learning.
  • Believe in your baby and support him in every possible way.

It is unlikely that a girl will be able to become smart in 5 minutes in all subjects, in the same way, a boy will not show genius in studying subjects that are difficult for him.

However, it is worth remembering that a fool is one who does not strive to become smarter. Every step towards knowledge, every effort will surely lead to success on the path of self-development.

How to become smart? First, answer the question: how to become physically strong? That's right, without regular classes it is impossible. Similarly, the human brain needs constant training. In this article, you will not find logic puzzles or math problems to solve. Here are collected effective advice about how to get smarter. Are you ready to change and be better?

To become smarter and wiser:

  • Watch less TV. Such a pastime does not develop in any way mental capacity, and does not involve them at all. But it affects the subconscious. Have you noticed that after a few hours of TV there is a feeling of fatigue? Find more interesting activities than sitting in front of the TV: read a book, take a walk on fresh air call your family.
  • Go in for sports. Especially useful in the morning physical activity. Just 15-20 minutes provide cheerfulness of thinking and clarity of mind for the whole day. Normal charging familiar with school years, or jogging, yoga or dancing - all this makes the blood circulate faster and supply every cell with oxygen.
  • At the same time, do not forget about physical exercises throughout the day. Not "going" work? Do a couple of bends, squats, walk somewhere on foot - and fresh thoughts will definitely appear.
  • Take breaks from work every hour. Especially if you work at a computer. It's all about the structure of the human brain: in order to tune in to solving a problem, it needs 20 minutes, after half an hour there is a peak of activity, but at 50 minutes its performance drops to a minimum. Therefore, after an hour of working on some task, arrange a little rest - get distracted. Go to another room, talk to someone, lie down with eyes closed. By the way, this will be the answer to the question of how to become smart in 5 minutes.
  • Drink plenty of water. For the brain to function properly, it needs moisture. Lack of water in the body leads to its "drying". Drink to keep your brain healthy clean water(not tea, coffee or carbonated drinks) one glass every two hours.
  • Go to bed early and wake up early. Sleep deprivation - main enemy for the brain. Sleep before noon does not have a very good effect on the intellect - it seems that they slept for 8 hours, but still there is a feeling of fatigue.
  • Early rises give more time for productive work, but how can a smart person afford to “oversleep” such an important time?
  • Find time for solitude and reflection. In order to become much smarter than others, you need to think. Therefore, take the time to put your thoughts in order. Why does this require loneliness? After all, it should be your thoughts, and not those around you, especially smart people always think outside the box.
  • Teach foreign languages. This is one of the most popular answers to the question of how to become a smart person. Scientists have long proven that a person who speaks several foreign languages ​​is able to switch from one task to another much faster. And learning someone else's speech improves memory.
  • Find a new hobby. Mastering an unfamiliar activity is a good exercise for the brain. Knitting and fishing, juggling and collecting coins are equally useful. What would you like to do?
  • Train your brain. Without regular mental activity, it is impossible to become smart. To make the brains work, you can solve math problems, solve crosswords and sudoku. Even blogging and discussions with interesting people are training for the intellect.
  • But, it is easy to increase brain activity in everyday affairs. For example, learn how to brush your teeth with the other hand, experiment with your gait, start getting up on the other foot.
  • Read books. This is old and proven advice on how to become a smart and interesting person. Reading develops imagination and thinking, perception of the world, and also improves literacy. With each book you read, there will be fewer and fewer mistakes in your letter, and interlocutors will note that you are much smarter in conversation.

1. Read more

The more complex and unusual the books, the better. Complex constructions, long, detailed sentences, rare words, abstruse articles from our magazine, and especially poetry - a real "Rastishka" for your brain.

2. Drum on the table

Better yet, make it a rule to accompany the music you hear: on your knee, on the tabletop or on a freshly bought tom-tom - it doesn't matter. Palms or chopsticks. Neuroscientist Anirud Patel from San Diego believes that the sense of rhythm plays important role in learning. After all, the basal ganglia are responsible for it - the parts of the brain involved in motor functions.

3. Listen to classical music

Especially Mozart. In 1995, psychologist Frances Rauscher tricked thirty rats into a room. For two months, the Sonata for two pianos in C major was periodically performed there. After the experiment, it turned out that the animals began not only to dance better, but also to run the maze faster and with fewer errors than the other group of rats who lived these two months in silence.

4. Train your memory

London taxi drivers, for example, have an enlarged hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for emotions and memory. What are you worse? ■ Bookmark There you will find one of the variants of the "N back" task, developed in 1958 to explore and stimulate the activity of certain areas of the brain, the development of working memory, logical thinking and the ability to concentrate. Try to take the test every day, set aside a few minutes for this at the beginning of the day and the same amount at the end. According to a 2008 study by Suzanne Yeggi, regular training in this task can significantly develop fluid intelligence, expand working memory human, improve logical thinking and the ability to concentrate. ■ After making a list of products that you need to buy, reread it several times and try to remember not their names, but your future path through different departments in the store. Having collected everything in a cart and standing in line, try to mentally calculate the total amount. If she later turns out to be true, you can buy yourself a bush of spinach as a reward: it is good for memory.

■ Set aside half an hour each day to memorize poetry. Last time you did it in kindergarten, but all the words flew out of your head at the moment when the official part of the holiday ended and the coffin was lowered into the ground. The content of the poems does not matter.

5. Drink coffee

Caffeine stimulates the release of the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine, which help you stay energized and focused longer. It is important not to overdo it: from a very large dose of caffeine, you will get overexcited and will not be able to think rationally. Caffeine in doses of more than 300 mg (four cups of natural coffee) per day will give a state of anxiety, headache, tremor, arrhythmia.

6. Albert Einstein

Theoretical physicist, Nobel laureate:
“Intellectual growth should begin at birth and stop only at death. Knowing where to find information and how to use it is the secret to success. The mind, once expanded its boundaries, will never return to the former. Outstanding personalities are not formed through beautiful speeches but by their own work and its results.

7. Mark Porcius Cato

Senior statesman, writer:
"A wise man learns more from fools than fools from a wise man."

8. Play chess, checkers and poker

These games can not only make you richer, but also perfectly develop your thinking. If you think you're too good at chess, try playing against the clock as well, so that it doesn't take more than a minute to make a decision.

9. Develop your numerical sense

Yes, you already have it. Take a handful of small change out of your pocket, take a quick look at it and try to calculate the total amount from memory. Véronique Izgård, a cognitive psychologist at Harvard, has found that ancient brain structures are responsible for expense, something like a quasi-lion years old (is there such a number? We're bad at it), but they can develop throughout a lifetime. To check how your HH is developed at the moment, take a short test or a large-scale test, the results of which will even be preserved in the annals of an American university and help advance science. Well, then - develop the CH. The easiest way is to pack things in a bag. When you figure out how best to cram them in, your brain solves the most difficult tasks and trains.

10. Feed your brain right!

Especially if you still cannot fully tell a single poem from the school curriculum, and Facebook reminds you of the birthdays of your friends. ■ Walnuts. Almost the main food for an erudite! They even look like a brain. Five nuts a day - and you will be provided with lecithin, which improves brain function and activates memory. Nuts are also useful if you suddenly live in conditions of high radiation. ■ Fish. Laconic and cold, it is rich in iodine, its meat contains omega-3 fatty acids, which provide a quick influx of energy necessary for the transmission of impulses in brain cells. They also regulate the level of cholesterol in the blood and improve the functioning of blood vessels. If you eat at least 100 grams of fish a day, you will increase the reaction rate and you will reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. ■ Pumpkin seeds . Pour half a glass into your jacket pocket and during office scandals improve your memory and make your brain think faster. All thanks to zinc. ■ Spinach. Add it to your morning omelette two to three times a week. The lutein contained in spinach will protect brain cells from premature aging. ■ Sage. Johns Hopkins University found that sage inhibits the action of amino acids responsible for memory impairment. Now they drink tea with sage every day and everyone remembers everyone.

11. Try to guess the next phrase of the interlocutor

Rebecca Sykes from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is sure that with proper training, people will be able to understand others without words at all - by facial expression, look and others. similar signs. The section of the brain that is located behind the right ear and is responsible for intuition is responsible for this.

12. Start a blog

Telling about the events of the day in it, you will not only learn to articulate thoughts clearly, but you will also constantly think of new topics and sharp answers to questions from loyal readers.

13. Koichi Tohei

Writer, aikido master, 10th dan, founder of the Ki-Aikido Style Kii Society “Reading is the cornerstone of intellect. Fill your free time with reading all kinds of books. Read novels, non-fiction, biographies. First, skim through the book quickly to get a general idea of ​​it. If you think it makes sense, read it again. As a result, your brain's ability to adapt to different circumstances and organize a wide variety of data.

14. Solve crosswords

Surprisingly, it works: the work of the brain is greatly spurred on by serious crossword puzzles.

15. Konstantin Sheremetiev

Researcher, author of the "Intelligence" project (), author of the books "Perfect Brain: How to control the subconscious" and "How to become smarter":
“Someone thinks that if at school he was good at solving problems in mathematics or something like that, then he is smart and will remain so forever. This is utter nonsense. If you pump up your muscles at the age of 18, and then lie down on the sofa and forget about them, then very soon they will atrophy. And the same thing happens with the efficiency of the brain.”

To the answer!

Konstantin Sheremetyev cleverly answers our stupid questions.

Who can be considered smart?
A person who uses his brain to solve everyday problems. Main mental activity takes place in the subconscious. They don’t teach him how to handle it at school, so the brain of most people is idle. He doesn't help them in any way. And the main purpose of intelligence is to ensure survival. Therefore, in order to evaluate the mind of a person, remember the rule: the result of the work of the intellect is a change in the material world. Survival? Then who is smarter - an office worker or a hunter in the wild?
Oddly enough, the brain does not distinguish between these types of activity. Both need to explore what surrounds them and learn how to act effectively in this environment. How many minutes or hours a day should you devote to brain training?
The brain works around the clock. The only question is how much load you give him. If you look at life critically, look for what you want to do, realize yourself, then the brain starts to work to its fullest. If there is no mental load, he will atrophy and is only capable of thinking according to a pattern. You developed an emergency response program for astronauts. Are they smarter than those who have not been in space?
I brought knowledge into different areas into the artificial intelligence system so that in a dangerous situation it prompts the right decision. But you can save helpful tips for all occasions in the phone. Then, for example, in the event of an accident, you will know exactly what to do.

16. Learn a foreign language

Andrea Macelli, PhD in Neurology at the University of London, proves that people who know several foreign languages ​​find it easier to switch between different mental tasks. An additional impetus in the development of your brain will give new way learning unfamiliar foreign words. ■ Let's say learning a language through parallel translations. On you will find books with both English and Russian texts on their pages. In fact, these are the same titles with which you love to watch the latest TV shows so much. ■ Vojtek Rinik, a Slovak web developer, believes that words should be learned before they appear in a book. Surprised by his advice, you should feed the unfamiliar text to the service, in response, it will generate a list of the most used words and prompt you to mark unfamiliar ones in it. If desired, they can be printed out with a translation, memorized and already fully armed pounce on unsuspecting literature.

17. Get yourself a smart app

Feeling an unpleasant pulsation in the too rapidly growing brain, we buried ourselves in screens mobile phones hoping to find salvation in some mind-numbing game. But what is it? And on mobile devices, do not step a step away from the dominance of developing programs! Memory trainer. Consistently remember pressing multi-colored buttons and repeat them. In fact, this is still the same "N back" task, disguised as a game.
Einstein. Mind training. HD-collection of 30 exercises for the development of logic, memory, counting and attention.
Brain of Genius. Variation on a famous theme logical task, created, according to legend, by Einstein from his reluctance to go to kindergarten.

18. Don't waste time

If you have a free minute at work and you want to see a couple of meters funny pictures, better open Wikipedia and read a "random" article.

19. Walk

It is enough to defile around the house three times a week for half an hour in order to concentrate, learn and think abstractly by 15% better. And it's not just about the flow of oxygen to your neurons withered in the stuffiness of the office: scientists from the Salk Institute have proven that moderate exercise in the fresh air causes the brain to grow new cells.

20. Give your brain a rest

No matter how busy you are, in the process of mental activity, you must definitely rest every hour and a half. For example, doing simple physical exercises or just walking down the hallway and having a cup of coffee. Consider it a necessity. So the analytical centers of the brain better digest the accumulated information and no, no, yes, and come to some unexpected conclusion.

21. Boost your brain

If you ignored all our advice, and tomorrow is the final of the championship “What? Where? When?" League of classmates, there is another way to shake the fat on the cerebral convolutions. ■ Neurometabolic stimulants, they are also nootropics, will help to urgently increase IQ, - agents that have an activating effect on memory and mental activity. Note: completely legal. Words for searching in a pharmacy are: phenotropil, allertec, deprenyl. You can still try Phenibut, but, unlike previous drugs, it is drunk in a course of 2-3 weeks, a single use will not give the proper result. And it should be like this: lack of desire to quit everything and go to sleep, increased reaction speed, slight irritability and the feeling that you are smarter than everyone around. There is, however, a small problem. “The effect of nootropics on the brain has not yet been fully studied,” says Konstantin Anokhin, head of the memory neurobiology laboratory at the Institute of Normal Physiology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. And one more thing: do not confuse nootropics with dietary supplements. These will also make you smarter for a while, but they act differently and have a weaker effect. These are, say, ginkgo biloba, guarana, eleutherococcus and ginseng root.

22. Play Tetris

A study by American scientists has shown that this classic puzzle can have a positive effect on the development of the human brain. Testing has confirmed that regular practice of playing Tetris can increase the amount of gray matter in the player's brain and improve their thinking abilities. The brains of people who played this puzzle for half an hour a day during the experiment for three months underwent changes in areas related to movement, critical thinking, reasoning, language and information processing.

23. Leonardo da Vinci

Artist, inventor, scientist, writer:
“Iron rusts when it has no use, stagnant water rots or freezes in the cold, and the human mind languishes.”

24. Anatoly Wasserman

Journalist, political consultant:
“Read and watch more, try to find connections and analogies between different knowledge- and pretty soon you will feel what other gaps you need to fill in order to understand more. Without intelligence, everything else is simply useless. Being smart is not only fashionable, but also very pleasant. In my experience, it is better to remember what interests you. Be inquisitive - and without much effort remember everything that turns out to be curious. But in order to preserve the memory, you need to work actively, have diverse interests. Then much will be remembered, and memory will be a reliable support.

25. Get good sleep

It is during sleep that the brain processes the information collected during the day and forms memories. As calculated by the staff of the University of California at Berkeley, usually an adult needs from 6 to 8 hours of sleep.

26. Read in new ways

You, of course, have already skimmed through this tip and moved on to the next one. Try to go back and do this. ■ Take a pencil and, leading it under the line, read the text. The eye, having caught the movement, will run after the pointer, while reading everything that you slipped into it. Each time you move the pencil faster - this way your eyes will get used to the increased load, the reading speed will increase, and you will be able to absorb information faster. ■ 80% of people mentally pronounce words while reading. This bad habit you acquired by learning to read: you spelled out the text letter by letter, then by syllables, then put them into words. But this is not necessary for understanding. To combat the inner voice, learn to read the text while simultaneously counting to thirty or singing (you can without words) a song. For a week or two you will not understand the content of the text, but gradually everything will return to normal. ■ According to physiologists, in a person who sees something exciting, the pupils expand reflexively. When you reach interesting place in the text, the same thing is observed: the pupil expands, more light enters the eye, which means that it can catch more information. The only problem is how to make yourself believe that the investigation protocol before you is as interesting as an interview with a cover girl. From a neurophysiological point of view, interest arises when the brain compares new information with what is already in memory. So just guess what exactly can be written in the text. The brain will be forced to compare the information with the real and, willy-nilly, show interest.

27. Get yourself an unusual hobby

(ideas will be thrown to you by our heading "Idea!").
New activities, according to the Salk Institute for Biological Research in the suburbs of San Diego, firstly, perfectly help to escape from the routine, and secondly, they will force your brain to adapt to activities unfamiliar to it and, as a result, to train.

28. Alan Weiss

President of the NCH Health Alliance:
“When you are completely immersed in the game world, your brain is focused on solving actual problems. He's looking for unusual solutions and exits from the unusual Everyday life situations. Later, these same ideas may be useful to you in real life, at work or in social situations.

29. Try new ways to get information

Are you prevented from reading books at a rock concert? Check out audiobooks and audiopodcasts. And on the Internet, sign up for free courses at ( for English speakers).

30. Stop watching TV

The contemplation of flickering pictures, supposedly designed to give rest to the brain, which has been strained during the day, loads it in the same way as reading or proving theorems. But at the same time it does not develop at all. Conclusion? Throw the TV out the window and put a pot of sage in its place.

Smart people are not born. Getting smarter takes effort. Train your brain with puzzles and other creative tasks. Develop communication skills with people, learn as many new things as possible. Expand your horizons constantly and try to get out of your comfort zone as often as possible. Perhaps you think that becoming smarter is not an easy task. However, you have a desire, and this is the first step on the road to success.


Exercise your brain

Develop Good Habits

    Always ask questions. Be curious, explore the world around you, this is what makes us smarter. There is nothing worse than not having answers to the questions "how" and "why"! There are always things we don't know about. However, by developing the healthy habit of asking about things you don't know, you'll find yourself getting smarter.

    Set new goals for yourself every week. Before you make a list of next tasks, ask yourself what you managed to accomplish from the previous list. Try to figure out what causes your failures (if any) and how you can improve the situation.

    • Work hard to achieve your goals. Without striving for something, your life will obviously become aimless. Reward yourself for every task you complete.
    • Be organized. It is not necessary to turn it into an obsession, the main thing is to use your time to good use. Of course, many geniuses were not very organized (remember the common image of the mad scientist), but if you decide to embark on the path of development of intelligence, then a sound approach to the distribution of your time will be a step in the right direction.
  1. Make time for education. Self-education takes time and effort if you want to become smarter. Don't expect everything to happen overnight. You need to spend a lot of time thinking and studying.

    Always study something. There are many sources of information. For example, books, films and the Internet. The school is only one of the sources of knowledge; being a straight A student does not mean being smart. Keep an open mind and constantly learn something new and you will definitely become smarter.

Expand your horizons

    Learn a foreign language. Mastering a new language is not only a good mental exercise, but also a way to erase barriers in communication and education. For example, when traveling abroad, you will feel more comfortable if you learn a few phrases of the local language. In addition, by studying foreign languages ​​long enough, you will come across the fact that not all words and phrases from other languages ​​have Russian counterparts. So language learning will be difficult and an interesting activity. This will require patience, perseverance and positive attitude, because in order to achieve high level language skills can take quite a lot of time. to gain new knowledge. Don't stop there and don't limit yourself to just one activity! Learn to leave your comfort zone. This is how you can start your learning.

  • Exist different kinds intellect. For example, emotional, creative, logical, technological, social and others.
  • Remember what exists a big difference between erudition and intellect. Intelligence is not the equivalent of extensive knowledge. Intelligence describes the ability to understand a problem and find ways to solve it. Erudition indicates deep and extensive knowledge. Are you an erudite or an intellectual, or both at the same time?
  • You don't have to search on the net Interesting Facts later to impress those around you with your education. It is better to choose a topic and study it carefully.
  • If you are asked a question that you are not able to answer, then ask the person asking the question to ask the same thing, but in a different way. Perhaps the question is not well-formed, or perhaps it is too vague. It may also be that a person does not ask a question at all, but expresses an idea. For example, the sentence: “Do these trousers make me fat?” - is not a question, but rather a way to attract attention and gain support. If you still determine that a direct answer is required from you, which you cannot give, ask why the questioner needs this information, and find out the context of the question. Once you understand what they want from you, and realize that you do not know the answer, honestly admit it.
  • Be attentive in the classroom, be it school or otherwise educational institution. Mindfulness allows you to catch information that others often miss.
  • Remember, becoming smarter than others does not mean becoming better than others.
  • If you do not understand something in class, do not hesitate to ask questions to the teacher.


  • Don't give up. Often people who start to "pump" the mind, find that it is not easy for them, and give up. Constantly tell yourself that you are capable of this, while clearly realizing that it will take a lot of time and effort to “pump” the mind.
  • Do not overdo it. Take periodic breaks during which you can re-evaluate your intellectual capabilities and determine your progress.
  • Don't become a know-it-all, a know-it-all, or a debater. Nobody likes it! Be humble, don't show off your mind.