How to breastfeed with a flat chest. There are three types of such devices. Causes of pathology

But for many patients plastic surgeons it becomes a surprise that you can correct not only the chest, but also separately - the nipples. Nipple manipulation can be performed independently of breast surgery. The nipples can be given a different shape if the patient, for example, is not satisfied with the so-called "inverted" nipple, or you can bring the nipples into an excited state for a long time (or even forever). The doctor told us about all the intricacies of working with nipples.

Alexey Avdeev, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Reconstructive Plastic Surgeon, Leading Surgeon at Osnova Clinic

Can nipples be enlarged?

It is possible, but is it necessary ... Manipulations with the nipples affect the milk ducts. And before deciding on any surgical intervention in this area, a woman must answer herself the questions: will she give birth and breastfeed a child. If yes, then such operations need to be postponed.

Who needs this operation?

From an aesthetic point of view, surgical intervention is more often resorted to with inverted or flat nipples. If a woman does not plan to give birth and feed a child, then in this case the nipple is pulled out with a thread, and tissues intersect through a small incision in the skin, which pull it inward. A mesh of threads is created under the nipple, which prevents it from being retracted to its original position.

Is it possible to feed a child?

If a woman wants, then she will be able to feed the child. Nipple implants are no problem.

Are there any alternatives?

There is an alternative! If you want to correct inverted nipples, you can perform plastic surgery using a different technique. The nipple is pulled out and fixed on a small cap, which is put on top of it. Within 7-10 days, the nipple is in a state of tension, scar tissue forms under it, which prevents it from falling back to its original place. In this case, the woman will be able to feed, the only inconvenience is wearing caps for some time.

I always want excited nipples! How to achieve this?

You can "excite" the nipples with the help of fillers (temporary effect) or microscopic implants, but only if they are of a natural shape (not retracted). injection procedure harmless enough, it will not affect lactation in any way. But fillers, if you want to prolong the effect, will have to be updated regularly. Alternatively, negative pressure can be used to enlarge erect nipples by using a manual or electric breast pump. From such manipulations, you can get a pronounced effect.

The issue of flat nipples and the organization of breastfeeding is relevant to this day. Primiparous women who first encountered the intricacies of breastfeeding are subjected to a special panic. Flat or inverted nipples are not a reason to switch to artificial feeding because there are many ways to prepare for breastfeeding.

Characteristics of the problem

In order for a woman to be sure that her nipples need additional correction, it is enough to squeeze the surrounding halo with your thumb and forefinger. With a normal nipple shape, it will rush forward. If the nipples are flat or inverted, then pressing on the halo will not change their position. The biggest problem for breastfeeding is inverted nipples, which are less common.

The normal process of breastfeeding involves the complete capture of the nipple and the halo surrounding it. Often there are cases when on one mammary gland the nipple has a normal shape, and on the second it is flattened or retracted.


Methods for correcting the shape of the nipples depend on the severity this phenomenon, as well as on the individual preferences of a nursing woman. The selection of methods and methods is handled by a breastfeeding specialist. Arsenal modern medicine is ready to provide many options for correcting the shape of the nipples at the prenatal and postnatal stages.

These methods include:

  • Silicone shells. The use of these products guarantees a minimal pulling effect on flattened and inverted nipples. A feature of these products is that they are recommended to be worn before pregnancy. Use during pregnancy results in premature birth. It is recommended to wear silicone shells daily for 1.5-2 hours.

  • Silicone nipple tips. The effectiveness of these products is especially noticeable if a woman has a flattened shape of the nipples. The principle of operation of these products is based on facilitating the attachment of the child to the breast. Silicone pads allow you to play convex shape nipples to facilitate the process of their capture by the lips of the baby. The disadvantages of products are divided into: reduced lactation in women and inhibition of the sucking reflex in newborns.
  • Vacuum devices for pulling nipples. These devices are equally effective both with the inverted shape of the nipples and with the flattened version. The vacuum device is used before each attachment of the baby to the breast. Before using a vacuum during pregnancy, it is recommended to get a preliminary consultation with a medical specialist.

  • A vacuum device for correcting the shape of the nipples can be made independently. To do this, take a medical syringe with a volume of 10 ml and cut off the part where the needle is attached. After that, it is necessary to rearrange the syringe plunger in the direction where the cut was made. To use, just attach the syringe to the nipple and gently pull the plunger. This will create negative pressure which will push the nipple forward.

How to make breastfeeding easier

Compliance is another way to correct flattened nipples. With a slight flattening of the nipples, it is recommended to follow the technique of attaching the child to the breast without the use of assistive devices.

  • The breast should be fed to the child when he fully opens his mouth. This will ensure complete capture of the nipple and part of the halo.
  • Before each application of the baby to the breast, it is recommended to stimulate the nipples. For this purpose, you can use vacuum device, breast pump or self-massage techniques.
  • Unsuccessful attempts to attach the baby are not a reason for not breastfeeding. With each new attempt, the shape of the nipples will noticeably change.
  • Before putting the baby to the breast, it is recommended to perform a small pumping. This will make the mammary gland softer and more supple.
  • A nursing woman needs to experiment daily with feeding her baby. The newborn can sit on top of the mother. This position alternates with the position when the woman feeds the baby while lying on her side.
  • Between the child and the nursing woman, tactile contact is necessary. When feeding, a woman is recommended to release upper part his body from clothes so that the baby can feel the skin of the mother. This condition is necessary to stimulate the search-sucking reflex in the baby.
  • When feeding a baby, smudges of breast milk are formed, which must be wiped with a clean cloth or napkin. If this is not done, then the baby's lips will constantly slide off and lose the nipple.

The emotional state of a nursing woman plays a significant role in maintaining breastfeeding. To provide the baby with emotional comfort, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • 15 minutes before the next feeding, it is recommended that the mother take the baby in her arms. This helps to establish tactile contact between mother and child.
  • A nursing woman should relax her body as much as possible before feeding. For this purpose, it is recommended to take a warm shower or bath, perform self-massage of the chest, turn on pleasant music, or lie down for a few minutes in complete silence.
  • Self-massage techniques will help to relax the mammary glands and correct the shape of the nipples. For this, it is recommended to perform stroking techniques, light kneading of the mammary glands. The impact on the nipples is carried out with the thumb and forefinger. To do this, a woman should slightly squeeze them and pull them forward. Before the massage you need to take a warm shower. Provide assistance in this issue the husband of a nursing woman will be able to, who will take on the role of a massage therapist.

The presented methods for correcting inverted and flat nipples will help a nursing woman for short term get rid of this problem once and for all. If self-correction did not give a positive effect, then a nursing woman should seek the advice of a breastfeeding specialist.

In this case, always falls under discussion. It is understandable - young mothers who are faced with this problem for the first time are worried: will they be able to give their child full breastfeeding? There are a lot of options for preparing flat nipples for the feeding process - this is massage, special shapers. What to do to young mothers in this case, we will find out right now.

Flat nipple is not a sentence

Most experts are sure: that or have flat shape, there is nothing to worry about. Determine how urgent the problem is in a simple way. It is necessary to gently squeeze the areola with a large and index fingers. A normal-shaped nipple will squeeze forward, a flat nipple will remain unchanged. It often happens that the nipples on different breasts also dissimilar. One may be perfectly normal, the other may be retracted or flat. Inverted nipples are the biggest problem with breastfeeding. But they are extremely rare in women. And yet - do not confuse the external and its real form when feeding. That is why it is recommended with the help of fingers (comparable to the lips of a baby sucking milk) to establish its real type.

How is the baby fed?

Consider an example of a non-standard breast - a flat nipple. How to feed the baby in this case? First, it is worth disassembling the process itself on the shelves. Every mother must know this - the child eats from the areola. And the nipple itself only helps to more conveniently capture the chest with your lips.

During suckling, the baby pulls out the nipple - he takes right size and form. Do not panic if the little one could not take the breast the first time. For this, a whole system of feeding techniques has been developed, with the help of which the baby will figure out how and what he should do. And further. In no case should you lose heart: flat, inverted nipples are not a reason to tune in to the fact that nothing will work out. It all depends on right attitude. If you look for a way out of the current problematic situation, you will definitely find it.

prenatal practice

Today, there are many methods that help to change the shape of this part of the body, preparing it for breastfeeding. For example, not so long ago, a practice that helped to stretch a flat nipple before childbirth was very popular. However, over time it became clear that such a technique does not bring great results. As noted by experts involved in prenatal nipple reshaping, the time that expectant mothers spent in the classroom worked directly against them. If physiological changes noted in better side, That psychological condition women worsened with each session. And even after giving birth, some of the women immediately resorted to the services of bottles, without even trying to feed their baby at least once.

After giving birth, every second mother was sure that she was not able to breastfeed her baby due to existing pathology. And even if everything worked out at the first attempt, the woman was afraid to breastfeed the second time, expecting that failure was about to come.

First feeding

So what should a woman do if she has a flat nipple? How to feed a baby for the first time? The main thing is to carefully monitor how the baby captures it with his lips. Even if the chest is flat or retracted, he himself will stretch it out with the help of a reflex. As the doctors say, a well-sucking, sensitive baby the best remedy against non-standard nipple shape. It is necessary to teach the baby to take the breast immediately after childbirth. With swelling from colostrum (and after milk), the flatness of the nipple increases. And this, of course, makes the process of feeding even more difficult. You can seek help from birth counselors. Preparation for the first feeding is carried out with each woman in individually. During it, experts not only tell you what to do, but also teach you how to work with nipples correctly: massage, stretch, apply areola.

It's important to know that great importance has the correct position of the baby. If he is comfortable in his arms, then he will be able to grab the nipple much faster.

“Cooking” nipples ourselves

You can help your baby to breastfeed for the first time on your own. flat nipples when feeding should be slightly stretched. To do this, fingers grasp the chest behind the areola circle: from below - four, and from above - thumb. The chest should be strongly squeezed and at the same time taken to the side chest. This technique will push the nipple far forward. And this will help the little one a lot when getting acquainted with breastfeeding. You can also use a special silicone patch, which will contribute to the development of the sucking reflex.

However, it is still worth using it for the first time under the guidance of a generic consultant. Another common and already gaining popularity method of feeding are breast pumps.

How good is a breast pump?

And he is good because High Quality quickly helps to stretch the nipple, giving it desired shape. And most importantly, it does not injure him at all. A flat nipple can also be pulled out with improvised means. For this, a syringe with a volume of 10 cubic centimeters is taken. A part is cut off from the side of the needle: about 1 centimeter. A piston is inserted into the resulting tube. It is also cut to the resulting length of the syringe. The plunger must be inserted from the cut side, and the uncut part of the syringe should be pressed firmly against the areola. You need to pull the nipple smoothly, without jerking, very carefully.

A similar procedure is carried out right before feeding, because the nipple extended in this way for a long time new form does not hold.

Using chest pads

So, the woman has a flat nipple. What to do if you can not buy a breast pump? Can be used special pads for the chest. They are made of high quality plastic and consist of two main parts. The back is made with a hole into which the nipple is inserted. The front part of the lining has a semicircular shape. It fits perfectly with any bra. The areola, as it were, sticks to the lining, and the bra, with its pressure on the breast, helps to gradually stretch the nipples. Overlays must be carefully monitored. Rinse well after each feeding. warm water with soap and be sure to check for the presence of remaining droplets of milk. When buying, you should pay attention to the size of the lining - they are large (for damaged nipples), and small (for flat and inverted nipples).

big breasts

Another problematic moment for expectant mothers is a large flat chest. The nipples of such a breast are developed in the ways described above, but when feeding, a few more nuances should be taken into account. When the mother is about to feed the baby, she needs to put a diaper or towel under her breasts to lift them up, making it as easy to grip as possible.

You can hold your chest with your hand, because big weight will pull it down, complicating the child's already hard work. Do not lean towards the baby. It is better, on the contrary, to lean back, straightening your back as much as possible. And of course, it is recommended to constantly use bras for nursing mothers, which will help the breasts not to sag after a period of breastfeeding. Many lactating women noted that they took on completely new forms after lactation period— became much smaller.

In conclusion

A flat nipple is not a sentence. by the most milestone is to teach the baby to properly latch on to the breast. After a week of feeding with the help of techniques, overlays, breast pumps and exercises, a woman will notice that she no longer needs any of this.

A child who is accustomed to taking a nipple already independently pulls it out to right size and forms. You need to know that if a woman does her part of the job of accustoming a baby to a non-standard breast correctly, the child will do everything possible in response. And yet - very often inattentive nurses are afraid that the nipple is flat or inverted. And feeding is bound to be difficult. Do not believe the words without trying in practice. Only the mother herself can determine what shape her nipple is, how much it can be stretched out as much as possible, whether it will be comfortable for the baby to “aim”, wrapping her lips around the areola mugs with the cherished mother's milk. Never stop breastfeeding. Remember that any problem can be solved - there would be a desire.

Some women find their nipples too short for breastfeeding. However, the length of the nipple does not matter. The baby sucks at the breast, not the nipple. Think of the nipple as just a "guideline" showing your baby where to take the breast. The ability of the areola and breast tissue located above to stretch in the shape of the nipple is important (see subsection 2.6).

There are many cases when, with flat and short nipples, the breast tissue stretches well, which does not cause any problems.

Sometimes the nipples look unsuitable for stretching, but during pregnancy they develop. After childbirth, when the baby stretches them in the process of sucking, they become even more adapted to feeding.

Figure 16..

It happens that the nipple is really badly stretched. If you try to pull it out, it will go even deeper into the chest. This is a depressed nipple.

Figure 17..

The extensibility of the nipple is more important than its length.

Nipple examination

Before giving birth, on one of the woman's visits to the doctor, examine her nipples and check for distensibility. This will give you the opportunity to help her if she is concerned.

Look at the nipple and determine its shape.

Press on the areola on both sides of the nipple. This usually makes the nipple elongate and look longer.

Try to carefully draw out the nipple and areola in the shape of the nipple (see Figure 176).

If the nipple is pulled out easily, it is stretchable.

If the nipple does not stretch well, it is poorly extensible.

If the nipple does not stretch out, but goes deeper, it is depressed.

How to help a woman with inverted nipples

If her nipples stretch easily:

Convince her that she has good nipples, even if they look flat.

If one or both nipples are poorly stretched:

Reassure the woman that she can breastfeed.

Explain to her that the baby does not suckle the nipple, but the breast, and that he will be able to suckle with a flat or poorly distensible nipple if he takes enough of the breast into his mouth. Perhaps a woman will first need extra help in developing the correct feeding position. She must be patient and persistent, and then she will succeed, and you will help her in this.

Explain to her that her nipples will "fix" during pregnancy and when the baby starts suckling. They may not become longer, but they should become more stretchable.

After the baby is born, give the mother as early as possible special assistance and support. Try to get your baby to breastfeed from day one. correct position. Teach your baby to breastfeed easier earlier, before the breast is full of milk.

In case of breast engorgement, the mother should express milk so that the breast becomes soft. It will be easier for the baby to take the breast after this.

If the baby is initially unable to latch on, reassure the mother that he will eventually succeed. Make sure she understands what she needs to do and that she can train her baby to latch on herself.

Until the baby learns to suck, the mother can express milk and bottle feed the baby.

If it is acceptable for a married couple, a woman's husband may suck milk from her breasts to relieve engorgement and make the nipple more stretchable, before or after the baby is born.

Nipple exercises and nipple pads

Some mothers feel like they have to "fix" their nipples somehow.

In the past, health workers taught mothers various "pulling exercises." However, one cannot be sure that exercise can actually make a difference. They can damage the skin and also promote uterine contractions (if oxytocin is released).

Doctors sometimes advise mothers to wear nipple shields, which are glass or plastic rings that are worn under clothing and press on the areola. The nipple is pushed out through the hole in the ring.

In some countries, mothers make nipple shields from coconut shells, grass or cardboard rings. It is not known for sure whether nipple shields can actually change their shape in any way, but if a mother wants to wear them, they will give her confidence that she will be able to breastfeed.

More on the topic "I have flat nipples":

  1. What about women who have small breasts or flat nipples?
  2. I have great difficulty with the concept of responsibility. I was beaten and experienced all sorts of hardships. I don't think it was always my fault.
  3. I recently got robbed, and I don't understand how this can come from me, given that I have never stolen anything from anyone. I look forward to your explanations.

In the article you will find answers to such questions as - what to do if there is too much or too little milk - how to breastfeed with an uncomfortable nipple - how to deal with sore nipples during feeding.

Too much milk

If there is too much milk, the breast is tight, and the child cannot cope with the amount of milk available for more than a day, it is worth contacting the nearest consultant by phone on breastfeeding so that he can help describe the tactics for relieving hyperlactation in detail.

    to establish a more rare change of breast

    Give your baby only one breast at a time

    Or 2-3 applications (if the intervals between feedings are no more than 1.5-2 hours) to do to one breast, and then 2-3 applications to the other

With this method, breasts that "do not work" can overflow. If this happens, then during the next feeding, you can transfer the child to her for 2-5 minutes so that he sucks milk a little, or express this breast, but only until the condition is relieved, and not completely. In addition, a decoction of chamomile and sage (2-3 times a day), as well as homeopathic remedies, help reduce lactation, but their selection is not done in absentia, you need to contact a specialist.

Very tight chest, how to drain?

If the breast is very tight, swollen, or if the breast is difficult to drain after previous breast surgery, this is not a reason to refuse breastfeeding.

If you feel insecure in your actions, be sure to contact breastfeeding consultants: this is a problem that, with a skillful approach, can be solved quite quickly.

The following steps will help you deal with this situation on your own:

    put a warm wet towel on your chest or warm your chest warm shower- this will allow the milk to stand out more easily

    massage the breasts with some oil - apply the "Pressure Softening" technique

    try to put the baby to the breast

    if the baby is unable to suck milk, express the breast until soft.

You can express milk manually or with a breast pump - whichever is more convenient. Expressed milk should be fed to the baby until he can suck milk on his own.

Do not use a bottle for feeding - this can lead to rejection of the breast. You can feed from a soft spoon, from a cup, from a syringe.

Expressed milk can be stored in the refrigerator and frozen. Breast milk stored: at room temperature- within 8-12 hours. In the refrigerator - for 8-11 days. In the depths of the freezer - many months. (J. Newman).

If even after a week or two the breast remains tight, and the child is not able to properly express it, you need to contact the consultants, they will definitely help you. Remember that medications used to stop lactation have a lot of unpleasant, even dangerous side effects.

The milk is gone. Is it possible to restore lactation?

Nowadays, situations when a mother’s milk may gradually disappear in the first months of a child’s life are very common. If the child was not transferred to the mixture for some reason, which is why lactation died out, the reason for the disappearance of milk is common mistakes in breastfeeding, severe stress, and the lack of firm confidence that the baby needs breast milk.

Recall that those who have real problem with lactation, had it, as a rule, from the very beginning, and it is caused hormonal disruptions or physiological underdevelopment, and the percentage of such women is extremely small. Practically healthy women, who have been nursing for some time, lose lactation mainly due to mistakes made.

And in this case, and in the case when the milk was gone due to the fact that the child was temporarily on artificial feeding, lactation can be restored regardless of how long the milk was gone.

This should be done at least before the child is one and a half years old.

It is much easier to cope with the situation of a sudden loss of milk in the event that before that the mother was breastfeeding in accordance with all the rules. We emphasize that the restoration of lactation is only the first step towards full natural feeding. To successfully breastfeed, you need to be familiar with age characteristics feeding and be sure to take them into account.

In addition, a common mistake after the restoration of lactation is the incorrect combination of feeding the child with milk with other foods. This usually happens in two situations.

The situation when the mother restored lactation in the first months of the child, for a month and a half she only breastfed, and now in six months she goes for a routine examination to the pediatrician.

In the first month or two after returning to breastfeeding, weight gain in a child is very often at the lower or lower limit of normal. In addition, about six months, children begin to actively move, and only because of this circumstance can they even lose weight, which is the norm.

But for a pediatrician, this situation is a reason for the introduction of complementary foods. As a rule, it is recommended to replace one feeding with porridge, then the second feeding with vegetables, and after a while, the mother finds that she is where she started: there is not enough milk again.

A situation in which the child is already more than six months old. In this case, the introduction of supplementary feeding occurs even more often, and not only the pediatrician, but also the whole environment insist on this.

The result is the reduction of the results of relactation to "no".

Knowing that baby food is intended for formula-fed babies will help to avoid such a mistake. It is not a necessary stage in a child's development. Breast milk provides the baby with all nutrients and gives it more than any formula: it has a unique formula tailored to the needs of a particular child.

The needs of the child are met even if the mother's nutrition is not very complete, and even scarce. In this case, it is the mother who will suffer from a deficiency of any substances.

"Baby" under no circumstances needs additional vitamins and microelements, and that load on it gastrointestinal tract, which gives baby food, is harmful.

Let's say more, if cereals and mashed potatoes are not cooked at home, they are an inevitable evil for an "artificial" child, as they contain chemical additives. Necessity and usefulness baby food - another myth, which, along with myths about the benefits of nipples, strollers and cribs, contributes to the enrichment of huge corporations.

So how to be? How to restore normal weight gain in the first case and how to start preparing a child for adult food in the second case?

In the first case, you should not worry, but be patient and wait, following the rules of breastfeeding. After a month and a half, the weight gain curve will definitely creep up. The child's body is ready for such fluctuations in body weight. If weight gain still does not occur, in this case it is not necessary to run to the store for supplementary feeding, but you need to seek advice from breastfeeding specialists.

In the second case, if the child is 6 months old or more, his gradual transition to adult food will help to carry out pedagogical complementary feeding.

How to breastfeed if your nipple is flat/very small/retracted

Strange as it may seem to people who have never breastfed, a baby's nipple is just a point from which milk flows. If the child sucks in the correct position, then the nipple is located at the level of the soft palate and does not participate in the actual sucking.

The child sucks not the nipple, but the areola, massaging, expressing it with the tongue. A breast with a flat or inverted nipple is difficult for a baby to hold in his mouth while suckling and it is more difficult for him to suck on it. Mom should show patience and perseverance in the first days after the birth of a child.

Any child is perfectly trained to suck even the most uncomfortable, from our point of view, breast. The nipple in the process of sucking changes shape, stretches and takes on a more comfortable shape for the baby, usually in 3-4 weeks.

There are also various devices called “nipple formers”. They are put on immediately after feeding, when the nipple is slightly extended by the efforts of the child and worn until the next application. The nipple formers hold the nipple in an extended position. But even without these things it is quite possible to do.

It is very important for a mother with flat or inverted nipples to make sure that her baby never sucks anything after birth, except for her mother's breast. The child of such a mother, having sucked on a bottle or a pacifier, quickly realizes that this is a more convenient object for sucking and begins to refuse the breast. In this situation, the mother just needs to show patience and perseverance.

Sore nipples / abrasions or cracks on them

Almost every woman who starts breastfeeding experiences at first discomfort or even sore nipples. For the first days of feeding, this is quite natural, you just need to be patient.

First, the skin of the nipples is very delicate and needs time to adapt.

Secondly, both mother and child are just adjusting to each other and learning to breastfeed.

It is the incorrect grip of the nipple that leads to abrasions, cracks and other injuries. When properly applied pain will surely disappear gradually.

The first few days, or even a couple of weeks, the nipples can hurt. In this case, the following recommendations should be followed.

Do not wash the nipples with detergent, it is enough to take a shower once a day, just washing them with your hand. And in no case should you wash them before feeding. .

Soap and any detergents they wash off the special protective lubricant produced by the glands of Montgomery from the chest. This lubricant has bactericidal properties, prevents abrasions, scuffs, excessive drying and protects the skin from pathogenic microorganisms. So forget the instructions about washing your breasts with soap that you were asked to follow in a maternity hospital.

If the breasts still need to be washed with something, it is better to use products that do not affect the normal microflora of the skin and do not leave a film on it. Hygiene products are suitable for these purposes. intimate places, especially those that do not have strong smell, for example, intimate gel.

To prevent nipple injury until the mother learns proper attachment to the breast, she can use Purilan ointment after feeding, which does not need to be washed off before feeding.

If nothing bothers you, there is no need to smear the nipples with anything.

However, for the prevention of cracks, you can use a tool that is always at hand and absolutely free. It's about about your own milk (or colostrum). It is known to have antimicrobial properties. Before feeding, coat the nipple with a few drops of milk. After feeding, you can also squeeze out a drop of milk, smear it on the nipple and areola and leave for a couple of minutes to dry.

Nursing clothing must meet two conditions: not squeezing the breast, and the nipples must not be wet.

Someone is more comfortable to wear special bra for feeding from natural materials, someone will use it only on the way out, and at home they will manage with T-shirts, they will simply change them often.

Be sure to wear a bra is not required, the opinion that without support mammary gland milk ducts clog in it - nothing more than a myth. Protective ventilated pads can be put into the bra - they collect flowing milk, protect the nipples from friction against the fabric, provide constant air access, which prevents cracks.

IN transition period When mother and child learn proper attachment, it is better not to use nipple shields, this will only make it difficult and prolong the adaptation of the breast to feeding, the main thing here is firm confidence in success and systematic action.

If the mother does not know that the child needs to properly grasp the nipple, abrasions gradually turn into calluses. The corn looks like a scratch Brown. On the 4-5th day, the scratch disappears. If the attachment is incorrect, it increases, forms brown spot(hemorrhagic crust), there may be dropsy. In this case, attachment to the breast is painful, and when sucking, the pain increases. As a rule, ointments "Purilan", "Bepanten", "Solcoseryl", "Rescuer with arnica" are used to treat such problems.

We emphasize once again that no matter how you treat the nipple, if you do not eliminate the cause, you will not achieve a significant result in the treatment. It is important to remove all "substitutes" for mother's breasts ( pacifiers), learn how to properly breastfeed the baby, and control his behavior in the process of sucking, use different positions for feeding.

At the time of treatment, you may have to stop feeding the baby from the diseased breast. Depending on the size and depth of the crack, it can last from 12 hours to 2-3 days. During this time, milk from the diseased breast will need to be expressed. If necessary, you can supplement the baby with expressed milk from a spoon.

Breastfeeding experts do not recommend using a bottle with a nipple for this purpose to avoid "nipple confusion". Cracks require special treatment - the consultant will advise you on gels (not ointments!) for their healing. They will help to heal the wound as quickly as possible. If all your actions do not bring significant results, and the damage to the nipple does not go away, it can be assumed that there is an infection on the nipples.