How to teach a man to be generous? How to make him happy to spend on you? How to make a man miss you

What to do so that the husband does not cheat and does not deceive? This question is asked by many wives who want to save the marriage and the father for the child. What are the reasons for cheating, what is their essence and how to avoid hated rivals? Find out in the article!

Pregnant, husband cheating: what to do? Causes of cheating in husbands with a child

If a man has a baby or his wife is pregnant, then cheating is unlikely. The child will be born soon or is still very small, the father is waiting and longing for his upbringing. But why do some deviate from the norm and begin to change? Family psychologists there are several reasons:

If you have or will have a baby, then the wife is trying her best to save the marriage. Use the methods presented in the article and protect your husband from infidelity.

Why is my husband cheating? Possible temptations

Some women are well aware of why the husband is cheating. But if you cannot understand what caused the betrayal, then you simply run from one thought to another. What are the reasons and opportunities for a husband when he decides to find another woman? What prompted such actions? The reasons are as follows:

These are the most common causes. Tip: try to understand it and direct it to yourself. A man may simply want new sensations, vivid feelings, or hide from old age.

Step 1. What should be done first?

If you find out that your husband is cheating, then you should not immediately yell at him and fall into hysterics. If you are reasonable, you need to weigh the situation and do the following:

  1. Understand and find the root of the problem. You must understand what is the reason for the betrayal of her husband. What to do - the husband is cheating! Tip: start with yourself.
  2. The problem is not you? There are certain situations when the wife is not to blame at all and, on the contrary, is much better disposed towards her husband than mistresses. A person quickly gets used to the good, so soon the husband will want new sensations and other women. Show aggression.
  3. Has he stopped loving me? Ask this question, and find out the answer by the behavior of your loved one. Sometimes fresh sensations do not lead to anything "fresh", and the man continues to love his wife.

At the first stage, you must understand the reason for the betrayal, figure out where the problem lies. Also decide if your husband wants to leave you or is he just hunting for other emotions?

What to do so that the husband does not change if the wife is to blame?

If you are the cause of the conflict, then try to understand it even deeper. It is necessary to understand exactly what actions provoked a quarrel and the appearance new girl. Most frequent variants to which wives do not even pay attention:

These 2 reasons are the most common. The girl your husband once fell in love with has relaxed and changed after marriage. You must analyze your behavior. Perhaps the error is not yours.

If the husband is to blame?

It also happens that all the blame lies solely on the husband. There are several options that very often push males to cheat:

These 2 reasons for cheating on her husband lie either in in large numbers free time, or in the loss of interest in life. To solve them, remind your husband of your existence and take something.

Step 3. How to diversify the life of a husband and regain interest in yourself?

What to do if the husband is cheating and lying? You need to return his interest in your person and in the family in general. Don't panic, take it step by step. Based personal experience, many use these tips from a family psychologist:

  1. normal conversation. To begin with, make a dialogue during which you will find out why your husband has lost interest in you. Find out where the wife was at fault and what she can change. It is a heart-to-heart talk that will help awaken romance again. Don't be squeamish tactile contacts hug or kiss your husband. Try to reassure him with your changes.
  2. Force Do not imitate the behavior of her husband and change with other men. It is enough just to put on clothes that are 2 times more frank than your other things from Everyday life, and think about the style of behavior. "How to behave? What to do? Husband cheats!" - Flirt with other men, but don't flirt. If you are too frank, then your loved one may decide that you are looking for a new partner. Light intrigue, on the contrary, will only increase interest in your person!
  3. Surprise your husband and do something secret. After several years family life Many men believe that they know everything about their chosen one. Prove it, show it's not true! Give the person an interesting experience. For example, learn how to cook his favorite dishes according to "mom's recipe", use vocals and dances. It is worth doing this in secret, observing the intrigue.
  4. Separate yourself for a few days. What to do so that the husband does not change? Get away from him for a while. You can arrange an unplanned vacation without a loved one or go to your mother. The husband will have time to miss you, and upon his return he will be completely disposed to his wife!

These options will help protect your chosen one from treason. Choose the most suitable ones based on the character and preferences of the husband.

Family psychologists believe that the main thing in normal and healthy relationships are the same outlook on life. If you, like your husband, have a common goal and correspond to it, then cheating can be avoided. Different views on life can lead to disintegration if one of the spouses does not make concessions. What to do: the husband cheated for a year, 2 years, 5 years and more! If you want to protect yourself from this, then use the advice of psychologists:

These simple tips psychologists will help protect you and your husband from infidelity.

Prevention and protection from infidelity: how to protect your husband and yourself?

Does not exist ideal ways, with which you could save your family from destruction due to her husband's infidelity. There are several basic options, following which, you can reduce the risk by at least 40%:

Try to follow these rules and at least several times a month give your husband vent to emotions. You will only strengthen your relationship by spending time together and supporting.


Summing up, it must be said that all methods are unique and do not suit every male. If your girlfriend is cheating on her husband, what to do in such a situation? Use these methods and figure out the reasons.

If you are only thinking about your husband's infidelities, then prevent the relationship.

Since ancient times, people have distributed responsibilities between a man and a woman. Men are hunters and have to earn a living as well as provide for their families.

However, the wife has much more responsibilities. For example, cook, clean, wash things, follow the children and other things.

Sometimes getting a spouse to help with something is not only difficult, but impossible. Probably a familiar situation when a husband comes home tired, demands dinner and sits down to watch TV. For all requests for help, he has one excuse: "I worked all day and made money."

Is the happiness of family life lies in money? After all, the foundation of a family is love, honesty, loyalty and devotion.

It is very important to know when to help in difficult times. Of course, without financial resources now nowhere. But we must remember that a wife is not a servant or a slave. She must be treated with respect. Many men do not take care of their wives. And when they go to the next world, the husbands begin to regret and repent. Therefore, while a person is alive, you need to protect him.

Only it is unlikely that all this can be explained to men. So in this case, women will have to go to the trick. After all, it’s not the same to do all the household chores.

So, first you need to set a clear goal: to get your husband to help. But do it in such a way that he doesn’t even guess about anything. Namely: without orders, disputes, curses and screams. Men don't like all these scandals. Therefore, you need to gain strength and patience, and then proceed with the implementation of your plan.

What will be needed for this? In general, nothing special. The main thing is kindness, affection and charm. You need to make sure that your spouse was pleased to help around the house. For example, you should definitely admire the way he wipes the dust. It is advisable to make a compliment: “How quickly and deftly you get it!” Or like this: “How well I washed the floors! Even I can't do that!"

A man will increase not only self-esteem, but also a desire to wash the floor or wipe the dust again. It is even possible that at some point he will take away all the rags and show you how to do it. You shouldn't get angry about it. On the contrary, it is good when a man begins to teach the household. Subsequently, he himself will become involved and begin to help.

When cleaning is planned again, you need to tell your husband: “After you cleaned, the apartment was clean for a week. I don't have it at all. How do you do it?" As statistics show, most spouses offer their help at these moments. Moreover, they still feel sorry for their wives. Of course, it is unpleasant for women to say that they cannot cope with the household. However, this will prevent the laziness of the husband.

The next step is to pretend to be weak. It is necessary to explain to the husband that a woman is not able to do some things. Here the spouse will feel like a real man and will do everything so that his wife considers him a hero.

Do not treat your spouse's help as a gift. It is quite common and normal that a man helps with the housework. Best Option there will be praise. It is necessary to say: “How quickly you managed! This is probably because you Strong arms". Psychologists are sure that this technique works. Experienced many times.

During the cleaning process, it happens that a man incorrectly wiped the dust or dropped some thing. Do not immediately shout and talk about his clumsiness. You have to come and comfort. It is advisable to say that he is not to blame for anything, and this happens. Just here you need to explain everything clearly and intelligibly, and most importantly - calmly.

It is strictly forbidden to order. It is necessary to exclude such phrases from your vocabulary: “Do that!”, “Bring it!”, “Take it away!”, “Give it”. No man would allow himself to be humiliated by a woman like that. Of course, for the first time, he may not show it. But next time, a scandal is possible. It is best to ask using the word "please".

And it is even better to make compliments and buy some gift. It could be any little thing. For example, socks, shampoo, deodorant, shirt or anything else. The main thing is not the gift itself, but care and attention.

You can pretend that you have no experience in cooking any dish and ask him to help. Well, or explain how to clean the floor. Spouses who show usually see things through to the end. So, the floor has already been washed! Here you need to use female charms as much as possible.

Of course, all men and women are different. Sometimes it is difficult to find an approach to them. But do not forget that everyone loves affection and care. It is unlikely that a person will answer rudely if he is treated with all his heart. As they say: "What a hello, such an answer." So everything can be resolved peacefully and without scandals. You just need to think a little about how to do it, and everything will work out!

IN happy marriage both husband and wife are happy. What is a pledge family happiness? Of course, the happiness of both equally. And the task of each spouse is to ensure the happiness of the other. In this article, we will talk about how to make happy husband, as this is our main task.

Interestingly, in different religions Ways to solve this problem are defined in different ways. Consider, for the sake of interest, and for general development 15 Islamic commandments on how to achieve the outlined goal.

1. Always meet your husband with joy

A man often has to leave his family, going on business trips related to work or study. To do happy minutes the return is more pleasant, do not hide your joy at the meeting, gently greet your husband, put on beautiful and clean clothes, perfume and cosmetics will also not interfere; start with good news putting off unpleasant ones until he has rested; let him feel that you were waiting for him very much and missed him a lot; do everything possible so that everything is cleaned by the time he arrives, and a hot drink is waiting on the table. tasty food.

2. Talk to him gently and affectionately

3. Always be in great shape

To do this, watch your figure and body; wear beautiful dresses, use best perfume; try so that your husband does not see you in dirty clothes, without a haircut and unkempt; avoid prohibited types of jewelry, such as tattoos; wear the dresses that your husband likes the most; the same goes for the color of clothes, hairstyles and perfumes.

4. Don't deny him intimacy

For intimate relationships, try to choose right time, when he is not tired, make sure that your body is clean, and emanates from him nice smell.

5. Be content with what is bestowed by nature

You should not be upset if your husband is poor or works at a simple job: look at the poor, the sick and people with handicapped, remember the Lord and thank Him for giving health and well-being; remember that true wealth is having faith and following the true path.

6. Try to be indifferent to worldly goods

Do not consider this world the center of all your hopes and interests, do not demand from your husband the purchase of expensive trinkets, help him reduce expenses and save money in order to give alms and feed the poor and needy. Do not spend his money without his permission, even for alms, especially if you are not sure that he will approve this spending. In the absence of a husband, take care of the house, car and his other property. However, being indifferent to worldly goods does not mean turning away from the joys of life. But at the same time, you must look to the future, realizing that there will be a next life ...

7. Appreciate your husband's care and be grateful to him

Most of the inhabitants of Hell are ungrateful women who do not appreciate the kindness shown towards them. If you are grateful to your husband, he will rejoice, love you and try to do as much pleasant as possible. In case of ingratitude, the husband will be disappointed and ask himself: “Why should I do good to her if she will never appreciate it anyway?”

8. Be faithful and devoted to your husband

Be especially devoted to your husband at an hour when he is having a hard time (health or work problems), support him with everyone available means, including money or their property, if necessary.

9. Be flexible

Do whatever your husband tells you to do, as long as it is within the bounds of what is permitted. Remember: the head of the family is the husband, and the wife is the assistant and adviser.

10. Calm down your husband if he is not in the mood.

Try to avoid what can cause his anger, but if you still cannot avoid it, try to calm him down: if you are guilty, apologize. If he is guilty, then be calm, do not bring to a quarrel. Wait until he calms down, and then calmly discuss the problem with him. If he becomes angry for any reason not related to the family, then remain silent until his anger has passed; try to find excuses for him, for example: he is tired, problems at work, someone offended him. Don't ask too many questions, insisting that he tell you what happened, especially in a harsh manner, such as "You have to tell me what happened!", "I need to know what made you angry!" or “You are hiding something, but I have the right to know!”.

11. In the absence of a husband, take care of yourself and the honor of your family

Avoid any forbidden relationships with other people. Keep the secrets of the family secret, especially those related to close relationships, and what the husband does not want to tell other people about. Husband and wife must keep secret everything that happens in their personal lives. Their personal life, family secrets should not be the subject of discussion in conversations with friends and girlfriends.

12. Take care of the house and children

Take care of your husband's money and property. Be kind and affectionate to your parents and relatives of your husband. Make sure that your children are always well-groomed, clean and well-fed. Take care of their health, education and good manners. And, of course, teach your children the necessary knowledge.

13. Respect your husband's family and friends

You should welcome your husband's guests cordially and try to please them, especially his parents. You should try, as far as possible, to avoid problems with his relatives. You must do your best to avoid a situation where he has to choose between wife and mother. Call up his parents and sisters, write letters to them, buy gifts, help them in difficult situations.

14. Be patient and give your husband moral support.

Be patient even if you are poor or stressed difficult situation. In problems and difficulties that may happen to you, with your husband or children, relatives or property, be steadfast and patient. When your husband treats you unfairly, respond to his bad deed good deed.

15. Make your home cozy and comfortable

Keep your house clean, decorate it with flowers and furnish it with beautiful furniture. From time to time, so that there is no monotony, change the situation in the house. Cook tasty and healthy food. Learn everything you need to be good at driving household. However, in order for a family to develop relationships full of love and harmony, love and understanding from the husband are also needed.

Start building your confidence: “A man should earn so much that his wife does not have to work.” If this conviction is firm in a woman, then the husband will start earning more, he will not go anywhere. I did not go anywhere, I began to earn. True, it took me several years.

You may not know what buttons to press to make a man think and act (the worst way is just to make claims)

Perhaps you have a need to pull the whole family yourself and complain to everyone “What a good I am, what a bad husband”.

Point two. In order for a woman to have more time for herself and her affairs, it is necessary to simplify the preparation of homemade food.

When I listen to some women talk about how much time they spend in the kitchen, I remember my family 10 years ago when we had the same problem. Cooking took a fantastic amount of time. I sometimes had the feeling that my wife only does what she cooks.

Then I began to help her cook, but it still took time to cook just the sea.

How did we meet this challenge? How did it happen that we began to spend several times less time on cooking?

It's really not that hard, at least in theory. When I watched the cooking, I noticed that most of the time is spent not on cooking more, but on variety.

It's easier, perhaps, with an example. Let's say you need to feed 4 people. To cook, for example, 1 serving of porridge - you need 15 minutes. And in order to cook 4 servings of porridge - you need 17 minutes. That is, the cooking time practically did not change despite the fact that you cooked 4 times more. And even if you need to cook not one, but 4 servings, for example, potatoes, where you need to additionally peel, then the time will not be 30 minutes, but 40. Not so much.

However, if you need to cook soup, salad, potatoes, meat and jelly, then even if you need to cook the same 4 servings, it will take not 40 minutes, but all 3 hours.

Hence, it seems to be an elementary conclusion. It is necessary to cook simple dishes more often and one dish at a time, then the cooking time, as well as additional time for purchases, etc., will decrease several times. It's elementary. That is, for example, for lunch - only soup, for dinner - only porridge, etc.

At least in my family, after such innovations, the time for cooking has decreased by about 2-3 times.

True, in practice it sometimes comes down to the resistance of those who eat. They are used to the fact that lunch consists of the first, second, salad and compote.

Therefore, now, when dinner consists only of soup, even if O a larger portion, or only from porridge, and there is no salad and compote at all, then some indignation and whining is possible.

The solution is actually quite simple. Firstly, the fear that the husband and children will be dissatisfied is not justified at all in half of the cases. Domestic, including the husband, normally switch to another diet. Sometimes they even say "thank you" or "well done mom." It turns out that they did not want such a varied diet, and were even dissatisfied with the fact that their mother spends so much time in the kitchen, and then, tired, she takes out her irritation at home. Again, many husbands value time with their wife more than a varied diet.

Secondly, it can be explained that simplified meals will be only on weekdays, and on one of the weekends something festive and tasty will be prepared (if necessary).

Thirdly, everything ultimately depends on the self-esteem of the woman herself and the importance of these rules. If self-esteem is high, and a woman understands that her vocation is not to spend all free time in the kitchen, then a woman can always say "Whoever is dissatisfied, let him cook himself." Well, understanding the importance of free time is just as important.

If for some reason it is important for a woman that in her family there must be the first, second with meat and compote with buns for lunch, then it will be difficult to do something.

Point three. Actively involve the husband (man) in household duties, and teach children to be independent.

This, in my opinion, is a fairly obvious point, but its potential is not always used by women.

In total, if you perform household duties together, then the workload of a woman will significantly decrease.

In addition, if a man and a woman do something around the house together, then this unites them. For this alone, it is worth entrusting a man with housework. Let the family unite.

However, there are still a few remarks on the technical side of the matter. I'm talking mainly about how to teach a man to do household chores, but this, of course, also applies to children, adjusted for age.

- If a man has never done anything around the house before (in the family of his parents), then you need to teach it hard on the one hand, and gradually on the other. Start with one household chore and work your way through until he feels like it's his responsibility. For the first time, a man (or child), of course, will do everything wrong, or even spoil something. But in any case, he should be praised. Let him stay pleasant impression from the fact that he helped you, and you were satisfied, stroked, so to speak, his fur.

- Never change household duties (we do not take exceptions). Today I go shopping, and tomorrow you - it doesn't work, or it doesn't work very well. It is better if everyone has clearly defined responsibilities. Such a distribution will be easier, the quality of execution will be higher, there will be fewer disputes and generally better, just believe me.

There is no need to achieve equality in the distribution of household responsibilities. Some will always do more, some less. And it's not always easy to compare. Some duties take a lot of time, and some you get tired of, because they require continuous attention or something else. This dispute about who does more and who does less is endless and, most importantly, inconclusive. Let a man do most of the duties, he is strong and generally a man. Don't argue with him about this.

- It is much better if you accustom yourself and your man to perform certain duties in certain time and on a given day. We do this in the mornings, this in the evenings, this on Fridays, and this on Saturdays. This distribution of responsibilities works wonders. Some time, of course, will need to be spent on accustoming yourself and your family. But then there will be no disputes and whining. If this is not done, then it will always be: “Give it tomorrow, and this later, etc.” If they get used to certain days or hours, then there will be miracles when the husband (children) will do everything themselves without being reminded. This is easier for you and for those who need to do it. Man is a slave of habit.

- Rarely enough, but still it happens that a man (children) shirks from some duty, not because he is lazy, but because he is poorly adapted to it. If something does not “go” for a man with some kind of household duty for a long time, despite his best efforts, it may be easier to entrust him with something else.

For example, I am simply not able to cook complex dishes. I tried for a long time and honestly, because I wanted to learn how to cook at least one delicious holiday dish. But it's all useless. simple dishes are obtained, but complex ones are not.

It’s easier for me to buy everything, clean it, cut it, wash the dishes and do something else, which may take much more time than cooking delicious festive dishes. And my wife loves to cook, especially something complex, and she does it very well, but she gets very tired if she has to clean, cut, rub everything, and if she also buys groceries, then that’s all, half an evening is better for her don't fit. Therefore, it’s easier for me to buy everything myself, clean everything - cut it and get out of the kitchen so that my wife enjoys cooking and does not get tired at the same time. As a result, in our family, a happy and not tired woman, and happy that the wife is happy - the husband, that is, me.

So in order for you to have the time and energy to maintain the interest and love of your man, try to make the most of the efforts and attention of your man for these good purposes. As they say, in this case, the sheep will be safe, and the wolves will be full. Believe me, for many men it is much more important that the wife is happy, rested, and she has time to listen to a man about exploits, have sex with him than freshly ironed shirts for every day, a varied menu and clean windows.

Read about how to use the energy and time that has appeared for rest, personal development and how to make your husband fall in love with you in the next part of the article. “How to make your husband always be in love with you?”(Part 2).

Sincerely, Rashid Kirranov.

I started asking these questions at the age of sixteen. And certainly not in order to corny "profit" at someone else's expense. But then, to evoke even stronger and more obvious feelings in my man.

I never liked bouquets of cut flowers, but passing by a flower shop, I shamelessly demanded that my future husband buy me another broom of roses. I understood that he had a modest salary and no extra money, but I also understood that they should always be on me. Let him spend on me, let him make it a habit to please me! There would be a desire - the funds will arrive in time.

Learn to ask the right way

If you want to teach a man to be generous, the first thing you should be able to do is ask correctly. Not everyone is able to ask shamelessly and at the same time delicately. This is best done by a spoiled child. When “their spontaneity” pronounces the unfailing: “Daddy, buy it!”, it is never perceived as vulgar. The success of such a request lies in the fact that the child does not doubt the love of his parent, and is also sure that he really needs the required thing, that he deserves it. Therefore, when the “beloved child” asks, it does not feel fear that they will “send” it.

In the process of such a relationship with daddy, a pleasant reflex is fixed - "asked - received." Thus, a fearless character is developed in the child, which is why they say: “Children must be pampered, then real robbers will grow out of them.”

In contrast to this example, most women either do not know how to ask at all, or do it, damaging their self-esteem, which fundamentally contradicts our postulate that men should be dealt with easily and without tension.

So why have so many of you, so beautiful and smart, still not taught your men to be generous? The most popular answer: "To ask - pride does not allow - we want to be independent of men." But this is self-deception! In fact, when you created a couple, you already became dependent on each other. And the point here is something else - that you consider yourself unworthy of "taking".

Where did you get this disease? Yes, everything is from there! From an unforgettable family charter. Most likely, your favorite daddies were big mean people, and you learned from childhood: ask or ask - you still won’t get anything. And if he does, then only with the obligatory condition - to work out! And now this “condition” is becoming to you like a bone across your throat, preventing you from establishing a normal dialogue with your loved one, spreading all his material values ​​​​in front of you with a slight movement of your hand.

Then you were certainly reminded, they say, I gave you "this", and you, so ungrateful, did not justify my hopes, that is, "did not work out." IN unconditional love to you from the side of a man you do not believe to this day, so you are forced to curry favor. And even now, when you have become an adult, at the mere thought of asking a man for something, you begin to feel slightly nauseous.

His fifteen-year-old daughter was addicted to dropping in with a friend in a cafe. Father did not like this and one day, by chance, he casually dropped the phrase in front of her: “It's funny to look at these decorated beggars in the Vesna cafe. They sit all evening with some kind of juice and pull-pull-pull it for three hours, until, out of pity, some sucker treats them to something more substantial. The daughter was smart. She became an adult - she treats men herself.

One day Larisa's boyfriend told her a heartbreaking story about his ex girlfriend, whom he "loved very much", while she "was so shameless, all she did was to constantly turn him into grandmothers." We must give him his due - he never stingy with his ex. Rings, bracelets - gold, diamonds. One story of their breakup is worth something: he just didn’t have enough for a diamond necklace, which the “mercantile creature” ordered for his anniversary.

Impressed by his story, Larisa decided: I will definitely prove to him that "I'm not like that." She kept her promise to herself - her beloved, apparently feeling her monastic indifference to the material side of the relationship, gave her more than modest gifts. So she reveled in the feeling of her high morals, until she was sent home in a taxi, which they did not even bother to pay.

After such "adventures" you join the ranks of women who have been emancipated beyond the norm, for whom it is easier to take a man for maintenance, "lowering" him to the level of a gigolo, than to interact with a normal man. strong women, from childhood deprived of the opportunity to "easy to take", throughout their lives they automatically reject potential patrons.

However, sometimes it happens even worse - chronic losers and victims of despots grow out of unloved daughters, who also reject all potentially "giver". Outwardly, this can manifest itself as follows: as soon as a man promises such a lady something “good”, she, instead of smiling approvingly at him and “thanking him in advance”, frowns and begins to play independence and incorruptibility.

A kind of bucking horse, which, due to its own “kicking out”, does not allow itself to be properly fed. Well, if she is too zealous, sooner or later she will attract those who will cynically turn her into a draft horse. Independence is always good, but flaunting it is sometimes just stupid.

I think it would be better to do this: for all the good that the man promised to do to you, you need to look at him affectionately and thank him in advance. For a woman, this is a non-committal flirting, and for a man, such behavior is an excellent incentive to continue to communicate with her further, and even “coax” her with something more tangible than “just words.”

You don’t have to be indifferent to the material side of life - you need to purposefully teach your man to be “giftable”, in the name of strengthening his own feelings.

In fact, a “giving” man appreciates a woman who “takes with pleasure” more than one who loves him “for nothing”. The more time, money and effort is spent on a person, the further the giving side tends to go in their feelings. It's like building a house. He says: “I put my soul into it, how can I sell it!” The receiving party usually takes a more "cool" position.

Nietzsche said it well: “Really just people are not gifted. They return everything back. That is why they cause disgust in those who love.

Demanding as a lifestyle

So, be generous. Teach your man to be generous and give you gifts. And if he tells you: “Ask for whatever you want”, “wish” the most precious thing. Within reason, of course. If you are used to cheap cosmetics and clothes, to the cheapest dishes from the menu of cheap cafes, this is also an indicator for a man.

You will say, how is it, we are not prostitutes to take payment from men for our society! We - decent women. By the way, regarding venality, one way or another, we all put ourselves up for auction. Whether we get a job, whether we are looking for a life partner, we always dream of being appreciated. And this is good, it means that we have a healthy ambition.

In order to declare yourself as a luxury woman, it is not necessary to be beautiful, it is more important to be well-groomed. But true grooming is not one-time visits to a beautician, but daily self-control, which comes from exactingness towards oneself. Figuratively speaking, you can indifferently build up fat and ignore wrinkles, or you can solve these problems.

Demandingness, as a lifestyle, is useful to develop not only in relation to yourself, but also in relation to your man. And it is not necessary to spend a lot on creating an “expensive image”. Why hang around with numerous shiny trinkets? Rather than creating a “cheap” image for yourself, it’s better to do without any decorations at all. You know, as noble ladies used to say at court: “You have to come for alms in your own carriage.”

Your "carriage" is not only your " mental attitude”, this is also, to some extent, your appearance. And your appearance is an indicator of what is the norm for you, and most importantly, what you are ready to accept from your man with a dear soul. If today you agree to wear cheap jewelry, diamonds will most likely not be presented to you.

By and large, it all depends on the addressee, and not on the donor. Life shows that the same men with different women they act completely differently: when buying a diamond necklace for one - parallel mistress, with a clear conscience they present a discounted stainless steel ring. Take it as a fact, your beloved men are the same people as everyone else - they perfectly see where and with whom you can save a lot. But what about justice? you exclaim indignantly. And I will answer you that in fact, this is true ... because like always attracts like: Diamonds are suitable only for gold, but not for stainless steel!

The lover of twenty-year-old Masha was her sixty-year-old chef, director of the restaurant where she worked. She needed material support- to him - a vivid demonstration of his not passing masculine strength. At first, he regularly gave her gifts, and threw up significant amounts for her, but one day everything changed.
That day they went to the sauna, and on the way, in order to save money, she asked him to buy her shampoo and shower gel. So that once again it is not spent out of your pocket, after "entertainment" practical girl I put the wet vials in a bag and took them home.
It would seem that it’s time to take pity on Masha and start throwing more on her needles and pins. An, no! From that day on, “investments” in a young mistress began to come only in products and household chemicals. And at the minimum. And when the girl expressed indignation, her lover “changed his mind” and began to pay for each intimacy at the price of ... a modest grocery set.
Simply, he decided that someone like Masha would be enough. Why pay more than the stated price?

It is important to understand that the sop you accept from him brings you down to a level from which it is already very difficult to scrape off your self-esteem. Picking up "master's trifles" is the same as eating up in a cafe from his dish - all these are the habits of the poor and fools. You only need to take it big, or even sleep with him without money and without gifts and don’t give him anything yourself!

Of course, everyone has their own price point. To whom more is given, more is due. It doesn't befit an oil tycoon to give the woman he loves a lone coffee cup on Valentine's Day, unless it's made of pure gold encrusted with precious stones.

Since ancient times, a man has made offerings to a woman as a token of his adoration. Centuries have passed and ... nothing has changed! Do not deprive him of the pleasure of being a generous "giver"! Awaken in the natural money-grubber the desire to feel like a patron or just "daddy". Love for a woman, which results in big expenses for a man, only benefits him, because she makes him be active: earn money, make a career, overcome difficulties. And if you directly tell him: “You know, I don’t need anything from you, I love you anyway and any hut of your choice will arrange me” - then he remains passive and he becomes bored. You don't charge him, he doesn't get his adrenaline.

When you enter into the position of a loser, you only make it worse for him! He will not seek to shower you with gold and diamonds and change something in his life for this - you do not give him motivation for this. Amuse yourself with the fact that you are so selfless, soft and fluffy? In vain.
On this subject, I will tell you one true story more like a joke.

A couple in love passes by the stadium.
- Beloved, in the name of our love, I will win the Golden Cup!
_ Whether you win it or not is not so important to me. I'm ready to love you without any cups!
He did not get the golden cup ...
The couple in love again passes by the stadium.
- Beloved, I seem to be losing my shape; Time to start training again...
- Don't worry, I will love you even if your tummy grows.
Time passes. The guy leaves the sport, quits training and begins to rapidly grow fat ... Again they are waddling past the stadium. He buys a bottle of beer and drinks it on the go.
- How much can you drink! If you love me, you must quit! she protests, taking the bottle from him.
- Is it true? Do you remember when I was a promising athlete, you said that you would love me, no matter who I was and no matter what I did? For the sake of our love, love me just the way I am. And… uh, give me back my beer!

How to teach a man to give gifts (very concisely)

The issue of “spending on you” is just a matter of prioritization. Quite a few things can be much more “important” to him than you: alcohol, friends, entertainment, or even “girlfriends”. When it comes to your mind to enter into his “adversity”, think about it.

1. Test the waters: borrow some significant amount of money from him and pull with a return. If you remember, draw your own conclusions.

2. In the lexicon of some "especially gifted" ladies, the word "buy" does not exist at all - it is replaced by a tactful word: "necessary." Men listen to the words “I want” and “I need” much more, they do not irritate them as much as “buy”.
Working with the word goes according to the following scheme. From time to time, in conjunction with this "magic" word, you mention the desired thing, as if by chance remembering it. Remind about it often, but briefly. In no case do not allow any whining! Moreover, he should not have the impression that these words are addressed directly to him. Remember: you just voice your desires out loud, without asking for anything from him and without embarrassment.

If he is not a pathological miser and has feelings for you, he will do what you need. And if he doesn’t have such an opportunity now, he will think about how to find it. Thus, you will kill two birds with one stone: give a person an impetus to development and get the desired thing from him.

There is one important nuance in this method - men catch the word “need” mainly from women, relations with whom are already “boiling” with might and main, but not yet completely “ready”. That is, if you only do what you look into his mouth and try to keep pace with him, if you please him in all the ways you already know - rest, he won’t spend too much on you. Because you are already a conquered object for him. In that case, leaf through my book and revise your belief system.

3. Give gifts to men first, and they will definitely give back. And if not, then these are not your men.
The greatest effect on a person is produced by gifts not “on occasion”, but at the “dictation of the soul”. If you do not know when to present such a gift, scroll through the calendar - there is a holiday indicated for each day. After all, there are days of trade workers, doctors and even astronauts! In addition, there are also name days - days when Georgiev, Andreev, Alexandrov and others congratulate everyone. He will appreciate your attention and sense of humor. In any case, in the eyes of your man, this will add points to you. After all, you see, not everyone would have thought of this. This is exactly the case when you can make the smallest monetary contribution, and make the maximum impression with your gift. .

4. Let the man understand that you need money not to satisfy your primary needs, but to receive various pleasures. Even if it really isn't. No need for these nauseating phrases: “Put it on my phone, otherwise I ran out of money” or “Buy me a bottle of mineral water, otherwise I forgot my wallet.” The rich man does not like to give alms, he likes to spend money tastefully. Show that you have this very taste, and he will gladly turn out his pockets and “shush” with you.

5. Don't feel the false guilt of "mean father's daughter." Remember, spending your man's money with and without him is an honor for any woman. You are entitled to it. Because according to the law of attraction of two hearts, you are he. By doing this, you will only become closer to each other.

6. Show the man that spending large sums on you is okay. How to show? Make it normal inside of you. If you “understand everything, but you can’t help yourself” - break the “Cinderella” stereotype: having discarded the embarrassment, go to your own daddy and treacherously turn out HIS pockets. If it works out with the father, it will be much easier with other men. Thus, you will honorably return all your father's "debts".

7. Remind yourself from time to time important thing: I am a gift in itself, I deserve not to curry favor!

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Py.Sy. From myself I will add that I do not agree with all the conclusions of the author, since I am against manipulation in principle. However, there are some clever thoughts in this article. Let's talk, friends. Your Zhanna