Like and arrow in space. Flight of the spaceship with the dogs Belka and Strelka. Reference

Dogs Belka and Strelka are the most famous animals in the world that have become spaceship passengers. Unusual astronauts were the first to make an extraterrestrial flight, returning alive and unharmed. It was these famous pets who opened the way to space for man. Thanks to their "contribution", scientists managed to find out the influence of space flight factors on the body of a living being. This made it possible to create safe conditions flight for humans and ensure a safe return to Earth. Let's get acquainted with the features of the flight of dogs in more detail.

Dogs Belka and Strelka are the discoverers of outer space. The beginning of time

Dogs Belka and Strelka were not scheduled participants space travel, they were just stand-ins for other animals, which were assigned the main roles. Initially, scientists prepared Chaika and Chanterelle (other dogs) for space exploration, but the pets died during a rocket launch a few weeks earlier.

predecessor famous dogs there was Laika, who was sent into space. However, the imperfect work of life support systems led to the death of the animal. This happened on the 5th circle that the ship made around the Earth's atmosphere. After the death of the “pilot”, the rocket was not returned to the station, it cruised around the orbit for another 5 months, after which it burned up in the atmosphere.

In addition to dogs scientific experiment other animals also took part. The objects of the study were monkeys, turtles, cats, rats, frogs, Guinea pigs, newts and other animals. An interesting fact space exploration is the birth of a quail chick there. Scientists launched a box of bird eggs into space, during their flight several of them hatched in gravity. Two chicks even returned to Earth alive, having managed to withstand the harsh conditions of space.

Dogs Belka and Strelka made a contribution to the conquest of space, which is hard to overestimate. They paved the way for Yuri Gagarin, who, like heroic dogs, became the first of his kind to leave the Earth and return to it again.

The dogs spent more than a day in open space, which made it possible to study the effect of weightlessness on the human body. The theories of scientists took the form of axioms, which made it possible to make Gagarin's flight safe. During the flight, the effectiveness of the life support systems was tested. Thanks to this, it became clear that sending a man into space and returning him unharmed is a real task.

In order to monitor the condition of the dogs, they were wearing special suits that recorded various changes in their condition and transmitted data to biomedical equipment.

Before leaving for the flight, with the dogs was carried out preparatory work allowing them to be accustomed to enclosed space, dog toilet on board, as well as the adaptation of animals to temperature regime ship. In addition to Belka and Strelka, there were several rats and mice on board the spacecraft, which did not go down in history, perpetuating their names.

The rocket was launched in Baikonur orbit at 15.44. A day later, the ship returned to the station. After the return of the dog, Belka and Strelka became real heroes, everyone's attention was riveted to them. Immediately after the completion of the "expedition", the pets were shown on television and were invited to various press conferences.

Hero selection - how was it?

The dogs Belka and Strelka were selected for space flight not by chance, they met strict selection criteria. Thousands of dogs became applicants for the role of the first cosmonauts, but only two were selected - whose body weight was no more than 7 kg, while the height should not exceed 37 cm. At the same time, great demands were made on the nature of the pets.

They should have a calm and balanced character, not react to stress, remain calm even in critical situations. The fact is that flight is already a huge test for animals. And if something goes wrong during the expedition (which was assumed by scientists), then the animal must remain calm.

Therefore, the question of the participation of purebred dogs in flight was rejected almost immediately. Such pets are too gentle and sensitive in nature, very picky about food. After a series of experiments, scientists came to the conclusion: you can only send stray dogs that are kept in nurseries.

When choosing animals, not only the “internal” qualities played a role, but also the appearance of the dogs. Belka and Strelka were also selected for aesthetic reasons. The fact is that scientists understood that returned pets would become the object of mass attention, so they must have a presentable appearance. After all, they will constantly flicker on TV screens and participate in international broadcasts.

The dogs Belka and Strelka had a pretty appearance, correct proportions, were distinguished by friendliness (which is also not unimportant with regular public appearances and contact with the press). Pets had an interesting combination of colors among themselves - white and dark brown.

What you probably did not know about the flight - interesting facts:

  1. an interesting fact is that initially, instead of Strelka, another one was prepared for flight. However, at the last moment, scientists thought that her front legs were too crooked, which would not look aesthetically pleasing in memorable pictures. The pet was replaced only because of this small defect, and Strelka went flying;
  2. the first dog names were Marquise and Albina. However, at the last moment, the leading scientist of the experiment, Mitrofan Nedelin, demanded that the pets be renamed into Russian-language names that would praise the Motherland and immediately tell the whole world about the nationality of the discoverers;
  3. dogs Belka and Strelka are complete opposites of each other in character. Squirrel has a very active and lively temperament, she showed leadership inclinations in the team, one of the first to adapt to the conditions of space and showed top scores during testing. The arrow, on the contrary, behaved shyly and even closed, but showed friendliness towards people, coped well with "space" tasks;
  4. at the time of the rocket launch, the dogs were 2.5 years old;
  5. after the completion of the flight, the pets became an object close attention. Dogs Belka and Strelka have become parents more than once. Strelka's puppy was even given to the wife of US President Kennedy;
  6. despite the severe tests that scientists subjected dogs to, the animals lived a long life, dying their own;
  7. the night before the flight of the domestic ship, an American satellite flew over the station, which, thanks to large sizes and the reflective surface was clearly visible from Earth to the naked eye. The dogs Belka and Strelka began to bark loudly at the American satellite, which made the situation particularly comical;
  8. the launch of the rocket was strictly classified, which was primarily due to the unsuccessful flight of Chanterelle and Chaika the day before, which exploded on the ship without leaving the earth's orbit. Therefore, the international experiment was announced only after the successful return of the dogs to Baikonur.

Preparation for the launch of the dogs Belka and Strelka:

  • preparations for the flight began a few months before the expected launch date of the rocket;
  • the dogs Belka and Strelka were constantly placed in small cabins, gradually increasing the duration of their stay there. After the bouts of claustrophobia were eliminated, artificial noises typical of outer space were added to the cockpits;
  • training in nutrition from a special apparatus that dispenses food in the form of a vein. Also, the pets got used to the constant wearing of clothes that fixes the state of health, thanks to which it is possible to determine the influence of space on the general well-being and the adequacy of the life support systems on the ship;
  • testing the vestibular apparatus of animals - placing dogs in pressure chambers and centrifuges.

Spaceship Features

The ship used to launch dogs into space was called Sputnik. He, in fact, was the prototype of the Vostok rocket, which will open the door to a person outside of his native planet. Scientific and engineering institutions of the country took part in the creation of the rocket.

The structure of the ship was quite simple - a cockpit for pilots and an instrument compartment. The compartment contained the following items:

  1. equipment for life support;
  2. equipment for monitoring the physical condition of pets;
  3. orientation systems, radiometers;
  4. fixation technique technical parameters: noise, speed, temperature;
  5. equipment for monitoring the operation of other equipment;
  6. the necessary instruments that guarantee a safe landing;
  7. other living organisms: mice, rats, plants, fungal cultures, insects, microbes.

The cabin became the prototype of the modern camera for finding a person. The most important things during the flight were located there: food, ventilation systems, water supply, a sewage device, catapult equipment, television cameras, radio transmitters.

First flight to space

The dogs Belka and Strelka left Earth orbit in 1960. The cabin, in which the animals were, was lowered into the rocket a few hours before the launch. S.P. became the main person in charge in preparing the launch. Korolev. During the period of launch and exit from the Earth's atmosphere, the dogs showed increased excitement and frequent heartbeats. However, an hour later, the condition of the pets returned to normal, and the pulse returned to its normal state.

Life support equipment fully satisfied the needs of pets in outer space. The automatic feeders “offered” the animals to treat themselves to food and water several times a day. At the same time, the air in the chamber was constantly cleaned - the regenerating substance absorbed carbon dioxide, while releasing the required level of oxygen. Medical equipment recorded all indicators of the vital activity of dogs during the flight.

In addition to technical indicators, the dogs were monitored around the clock via television. Thanks to the presence of the film, scientists could compare external state pet and its indicators of internal activity at any moment of the animal's stay in space. However, the scientists were able to observe the behavior of the dogs belatedly, as the television signal arrived with a delay.

Dogs Belka and Strelka - behavior during the flight:

  • calm state during the experiment;
  • manifestation healthy condition pets: periodic activity and good appetite;
  • slight effect of gravity on the circulatory system of dogs;
  • preservation of body temperature throughout the flight;
  • maintaining the pace of metabolic processes;
  • by the end of the day in space, the pets began to show signs of anxiety, Belka began to feel sick, the dog tried to break out of the seat belts.

On August 20, 1960, Sputnik again landed at the station. However, the ship landed 10 km from the given point. The first visual contact made it clear that the dogs Belka and Strelka feel satisfactory and endured the flight well. After a visual inspection, the dogs were handed over to the rescue team, which studied in more detail physiological state pets.

The results of the conquest of space

WITH scientific point dog vision Belka and Strelka made a huge contribution to the development of science. Thanks to their flight, scientists were convinced that launching a man into space is possible and does not pose a threat to life. Scientists have also been able to identify safe time finding a person in weightlessness, the number of revolutions around the Earth and other factors that will make Gagarin's flight safe.

During the flight of dogs, scientists managed to obtain the necessary knowledge about the physical, biochemical and cytological reactions of the body to gravity conditions. The flight into outer space caused stress in dogs, but the morale of the pets quickly recovered after returning to Earth.

Scientists were confused by Belka's behavior during the fourth revolution around the orbit. The dog clearly felt unwell, although medical records of its condition showed no abnormalities. No defects were found even after the pet's arrival in orbit. This was the reason for choosing the minimum time in outer space for a person and committing minimum quantity orbits around the planet. Thanks to the behavior of the Strelka, Yuri Gagarin carried out only one turn.

After the return of dogs to Earth, the news about the conquest of space spread all over the world. The heroes of the launch were immediately invited to the TASS conference, the footage of their flight was regularly broadcast on TV. During the transportation of the dogs to the TASS building, they were accompanied by Lyudmila Radkevich, a member of the scientific group that prepared the dogs for the launch. Ludmila also accepted direct participation in the selection of animals for flight.

While getting out of the car, the woman slipped and fell, holding the animals in both hands. The gallant men immediately raised Lyudmila and congratulated her on the re-landing, brightening up the awkward moment with a joke.

Dogs Belka and Strelka got the life of public figures after the flight. They constantly traveled to shows in various institutions. And the puppies of pets were no less famous than their parents.

Continued exploration of extraterrestrial spaces

The last test launch before a manned flight into space was the launch of a rocket in 1961. On board were no longer the dogs Belka and Strelka, they were replaced by Zvezdochka and a human dummy. They made a loop around the planet and returned safely. Thanks to this active participation dogs in the development of domestic science, even Yuri Gagarin himself said catchphrase: "Who am I? First man in space or last dog?

However, the help of four-legged friends in space exploration did not stop there. Further, Veterok and Sooty went to conquer the unexplored expanses. Their main task was to spend more than 20 days in space, which would allow us to study the duration of the safe impact of gravity conditions on humans and the necessary conditions to sustain life.

Preparations for the experiment also began a few months before the launch. At the same time, the pets had to undergo several operations to amputate their tails. Previous experience Belki and Strelki showed that the tails were in the way during the flight, so the decision was made to "get rid of them." Interestingly, scientists selected only two dogs for further flight, although more than 30 pets were operated on. The operation was not difficult, after a couple of days after it, the pets felt great.

The dogs were also implanted with special catheters in the venous bed, with the help of which scientists were able to control physical state dogs and their internal reactions. Next, Ugolyok and Veterok were to undergo traditional accustoming to a confined space, special “space” food, and tests in centrifuges.

The rocket launch was successful: the animals showed practically no signs of panic, reacted to stressful situation more relaxed than their predecessors. In general, the pets spent 22 days in outer space, while the data on their health received by the station were quite satisfactory.

However, upon the return of dogs to Earth, scientists were waiting for unexpected surprise. After removing the costumes from the animals, the researchers found that the dogs had lost their hair, their bodies were covered with diaper rash and even bedsores. Ember and Breeze could hardly stand on their own, they experienced severe weakness and constant thirst.

Scientists failed to find out the reason for the unexpected "transformation" of pets. In addition, the dogs were immediately sent to an intervision session, where the pets were supported by the staff of the research committee, simulating their favorable condition after the flight.

After only a month of rehabilitation, the pets returned to a normal lifestyle. They began to show activity, to run independently, a healthy appetite returned. The implanted catheters were removed from the dogs, their participation in the experiment did not affect their life expectancy. Moreover, they gave excellent offspring, each of the puppies was worth its weight in gold.

Trace in the history of dogs Belka and Strelka

Dogs Belka and Strelka became world famous after their legendary return to Baikonur. The fact is that such experiments were carried out in the USSR more than once, but it was Belka and Strelka who managed to return to Earth unharmed, which means that scientists calculated all the technical and biological moments of the launch correctly. Thanks to this discovery, human flight into space became possible.

Pets immediately became the stars of domestic and foreign television. Their images were printed on numerous posters and stamps. Dog names have become associated with man's greatest achievement. However, gratitude to the pets is expressed even after long years, as they left an indelible mark on history:

  1. in 2004 the company "Object Media" releases new cartoon about the adventures of Belka and Strelka in space. The main action of the picture takes place on a distant planet, very reminiscent of the Earth. The plot of the tape is based on real events, the main characters are the dogs Belka and Strelka. Main musical accompaniment the tape became the song of the group Megapolis;
  2. in 2008, the next film about the adventures of a pet was shot, directed by Vladimir Ponamarev. The plot of the tape changes somewhat: instead of the usual preparation of dogs for launch and their adventures in space, the viewer is in for an unexpected abduction of pets by aliens. "Foreign" guests took animals for the most developed representatives of the Earth. The cartoon is very different from the picture taken in 2004. The plot of the tape was written by residents of the Comedy Club, so the film is full of jokes and sparkling humor. According to the plot of the tape, dogs change gender to male, the color of animals also undergoes changes;

Since ancient times, dogs have faithfully served man, helping him to hunt, guard land, look after children and infirm old people. Starting in 1957, dogs had another function - they began to participate in space flights, which preceded human flight.

The first astronauts

If we observe historical accuracy, then the first living creatures to fly into space were fruit flies in 1935. The first cosmonaut dogs that began to participate in the test program were males and often ran away on dates right in their spacesuits, attracting the attention of all onlookers. Many then began to guess what was happening, but they dared to say little, so various fables went around among the people.

When selecting dogs that were supposed to participate in the space program, requirements were formulated for the dog's body weight (not more than 7 kg), height (not more than 35 cm), the degree of calmness and balance of character, and endurance. Therefore, the so-called "pocket" breeds were not suitable due to their effeminacy, legibility in food preferences. As a result, the choice of scientists fell on stray dogs from kennels, which possessed the above characteristics. However, endurance and unpretentiousness were not the only qualities for applicants.

Since the astronauts will have to pose for cameras during and after the flight, we tried to select dogs with smarter eyes and faces so that they look beautiful in the frame and lens. So, instead of Strelka, another dog could fly, but it was rejected because of paws with a slight curvature.

After the first flights with the participation of the first astronauts took place, mongrels became extremely popular among dog lovers. Gagarin, for example, was chosen by Khrushchev himself, simply pointing his finger at him "Let him fly."

Cosmonaut Laika

The very first dog, who flew into space, was Laika, who spent 4 orbits in orbit, then she died due to overheating. The satellite, on board of which the first "cosmonaut" made a flight, described 2370 orbits around the Earth and burned up in the atmosphere after 5 months.

Dogs cosmonauts Belka and Strelka

In total, up to the moment when one of the most famous dogs in the world, Belka and Strelka, boarded, 18 dogs died in flights. Belka and Strelka, having spent a day in orbit, returned home safe and sound, becoming extremely popular characters.

They were taken along various events, where all those present tried to come closer to them, pet them, play with them, feed them on occasion. The persons accompanying the celebrities did not object, but they warned that the fans should be careful with their wards - the dogs could bite their fingers.

Dogs, being trained for flights, sat in centrifuges, vibration stands, closed enclaves. Before the flight, they underwent surgery, inserting sensors to take readings of heart rate, blood pressure and other vital parameters.

When the TV report about the flight of Belka and Strelka was first shown, it was clear that dogs react differently to flying in zero gravity. So, Strelka behaved cautiously, looking around. The squirrel, unlike its friend, spun around merrily and barked at times. Then the scientists regretted that they did not install a microphone in the camera - then a full-fledged report would have turned out.

At the time of takeoff, the scientists heard a booming bark on the microphones, which they perceived as a good signal. If they bark, then they will return. Laika howled at the start, and there were reasons to believe that such behavior of the dog was a sign of acute stress. As it was later established, the dog died from stress and overheating.

By the way, about true reason After Laika's death, Soviet scientists did not reveal the truth for a long time. It was said that she did not perish, but was put to sleep upon her return. For such a message, the whole world began to organize actions in support of animal rights, and one of the Western public figures suggested sending Khrushchev into space instead of Laika.

Belka and Strelka spent 15 hours and 44 minutes in flight and landed a little further from the point intended for this. The error was some 10 km.

Upon the return of the heroines home, research by scientists began to touch upon such a topic as genetics - did the flight affect reproductive abilities and future offspring. As it turned out, this did not happen - Strelka twice pleased with her offspring, each of which was on a special account. Everyone on both sides of the Atlantic dreamed of becoming the owners of such puppies ...

Once General Secretary Nikita Khrushchev personally begged for a puppy Pushka as a gift for Jacqueline Kennedy. By the way, in order to please Khrushchev, in addition to cosmonaut dogs and rodents, they also put corn seeds in the satellite to check the effect of flight on productivity.

Nothing excites consciousness so much as the thought of infinity and freedom. Probably, it is precisely such sensations that can be felt while in space, looking at the Earth from a height. However, the first traveler who went into orbit was not a man at all, but his best friend- dog.

opening of the space age

Today, even schoolchildren know who Belka and Strelka are. Flying in animals became a sensation and the beginning of incredible discoveries. However, it all started with a simple dream. Man's desire to understand his nature, to look at life through the eyes of the gods - all this constantly pushes scientists to new discoveries and steadily develops technologies.

When, a year later, in 1958, the Americans nevertheless managed to put Explorer 1 into orbit, people could not forgive the deception and began to call the satellite a comic nickname "orange".

For the first time, having received a satellite signal from space, mankind realized that its expanses can be conquered, studied, understood. This was a new step in the history of people.

Who gets to choose

The first with living beings began with dogs: this was the famous flight of Belka and Strelka into space. Summary This story is familiar to everyone almost from childhood. However, the competitive moment was present to some extent here, which is often forgotten to be mentioned.

Which of the animals is more suitable for such a responsible journey? Naturally, the first thing they paid attention to was primates. They are like people like no other. But the monkeys turned out to be more sensitive, perhaps due to a more developed self-awareness. They sensed something was wrong and offered extreme resistance.

The Americans were able to achieve the desired only with the help of injections of sleeping pills. Soviet scientists considered this practice unacceptable and were afraid wrong results. And the choice fell on dogs.

It was then that the history of the training of four-legged animals began, among which were Belka and Strelka. The flight into space of dogs was carefully planned. They went through a series of tests and tests.

living being outside the earth

Unfortunately, the first dog who knew weightlessness could not return to his native land. But he opened the way for others, made possible the safe flight of dogs into space: Belki and Strelka.

It's hard to believe, but then few scientists believed that it was possible to survive in the absence of gravity. There was an opinion that in weightlessness a living organism dies. That is why the first rocket sent with a dog named Laika was a one-way transport.

No one bothered to develop means that would help return to Earth. Yes, and this flight itself was supposed to answer the question "are such inventions needed?".

But as time has shown, the dog survived and survived the flight well. It was one of the most important steps. Now is the time to send a team that could return and become living proof of the possibility of being in space.

Sacrifices for science

Laika was not the only dog ​​to die during the long process of space exploration. But only she was sent to death on purpose. Others fell victim to failed rocket launch experiments. Technical development in this area was just beginning, and it was simply impossible to take into account all the details. Four-legged friends died in catastrophes associated with the breakdown of rockets.

But each such tragedy showed weaknesses, outlined mistakes. Subsequently, all this saved a person's life. Scientists corrected their mistakes in time, finalized the installations, and one day they nevertheless achieved positive result. Now the first flight of the dogs Belka and Strelka into space was just around the corner.

And it became possible thanks to Mishka, Chizhik, Ryzhik, Bulba, Fox, Palma, Pushka and Button, whose names rarely appear in stories about the conquest of space.

I would like to note that scientists treated dogs very kindly and with love. Each death of a pet was hard to experience. During their lifetime, they were carefully cared for and created the best conditions.

Careful preparation

The natural question of every person who studies the first flight into space is: "How were Belka and Strelka chosen?" Where did all the test subjects come from?

The answer is simple enough. All four-legged friends were previously stray street dogs. Survival in harsh conditions in a certain way tempered their character, made them more resilient.

In addition, stringent specifications for physical standards have been put forward. First, the mongrels had to be small in size. Because the capsule could not contain large specimens. Individuals with a height of no more than 35 cm were selected, each weighing approximately six kilograms.

An interesting fact is that all twelve applicants who were trained were exclusively females. Why? The answer is rather prosaic. Designing a toilet for them is much easier than for males.

Secondly, all dogs were light-coated, so that they would stand out better on black and white monitors. But they did not forget about aesthetic external data. After all, each applicant could become a celebrity, whose photos will be seen by the whole world.

What's in your name

Digging a little into the depths of history, you can find out that the flight of Belka and Strelka into space was actually made by Marquis and Albina. But these are not different dogs, but the same ones.

The fact is that the person who oversaw the project considered the names of Albin and Marquis unsuitable for Soviet heroes. Too strong a foreign connotation they carried in themselves. That is why the dogs were given other names, more Soviet, understandable to every ordinary person.

Having gone through all the stages of training, training, they were ready - Belka and Strelka. Flying into space changed not only their future, but ours as well.

Time spent in space

Finally, all preparations were completed. However, the first pair of dogs, selected as the best team, tragically died during the launch, the stage failed and the rocket crashed.

That is why Belka and Strelka flew into space. The date of this event is August 19, 1960.

Special sensors were connected to the body of the animals, which recorded all the vital processes and reactions of the body to being in weightlessness. Information came to Earth, and scientists quickly processed all the data.

Thanks to this journey, science received a lot of new information about which it had previously known nothing. The results of the physical, biochemical and even genetic condition were obtained.

Now it became clear that being in space can be experienced. So, the flight of man is not far off.

How did Belka and Strelka survive the flight into space? Basically, it's pretty solid. Only on the fourth orbit did the behavior of one of them change. The squirrel began to get nervous, bark, and try to break free from the mounts. But after returning, her condition returned to normal.

Amazing coincidence

The first flight into space was not without curiosities. Belka and Strelka pretty much surprised the observers. The fact is that at the same time, a US satellite was operating in orbit. Its trajectory ran above the rocket with the dogs. But on one of the turns they were quite close to each other. The dogs seemed to sense the presence of a competitor and burst into loud barking, which stopped as soon as the rocket moved away from the satellite.

The most famous dogs

1960 - the year of the flight of Belka and Strelka into space. This event changed the lives of many people and, of course, the fate of the dogs themselves.

Returning to Earth, they became famous all over the world. Their photographs were published by all the most famous publications.

The next day they took part in a press conference attended by journalists from all over the world. After all, this event concerned every person, everyone wanted to get the maximum information.

After the hype subsided, the life of the dogs returned to normal. They were provided with everything necessary for a full existence. Dogs were taken to kindergartens, shelters, schools and introduced to children. These animals were adored by the whole world. Soviet children looked at them with a smile and pride.

Dogs have lived to old age, and Strelka even pleased everyone with young offspring. She has had six puppies. Khrushchev gave one of them to President Kennedy's daughter.

Who knows what thoughts Pushinka evoked in the head of America. Perhaps this became a constant reminder of the lost leadership positions in area A; perhaps, on the contrary, it served as an additional incentive.

The space age is declared open

So you found out what the flight of Belka and Strelka into space was like. The summary of the story is unlikely to be able to convey all the feelings that lived in the hearts of scientists, rulers and ordinary people.

But this event will be imprinted in history for centuries as the first step that made it possible to open outer space for man. And all thanks to our smaller brothers.

Before Yuri Gagarin's flight, four more trips were made by dogs. He himself gave the name of one of them - Asterisk. She returned from a flight at the end of March 1961. And already the first person went on an unforgettable journey.

Surprisingly, the dog has been considered a friend and helper of man since ancient times. And in such a responsible and important point development, she was close.

The history of Russian manned cosmonautics began with dogs. When the question arose of which creatures would test rocket technology, which should provide humanity with a breakthrough into space, in the Soviet Union there was a choice between dogs and monkeys.

A monkey is biologically closer to a man, but it turned out that it is a hundred times more difficult to achieve the necessary behavior from it in a test cabin. The primates clearly suspected that the “king of nature” was preparing something dangerous for them, and resisted fiercely. The Americans, who settled on monkeys, solved the problem by introducing anesthesia to the “pilots”.

However, Soviet doctors considered this practice "dirty", distorting the results. Therefore, they decided to take on dogs - creatures that are much more docile and better amenable to training. Moreover, domestic science thanks to academician Pavlov had a wealth of experience in the field of experiments on dogs.

The first flight of dogs on a ballistic missile into the upper atmosphere to the conditional border with space took place on July 22, 1951. Dogs Dezik and Gypsy climbed to a height of about 100 kilometers and returned safely to Earth. A week later, Dezik and his new partner, Lisa, will die during landing - the parachute will not open.

Victims of Science

Experimental flights were not without tragedies - in August 1951 Mishka and Chizhik died, in July 1954 - the second Mishka and Ryzhik, in February 1955 - the second Fox and Bulba, in June 1955 - Rita, in May 1957 - go - Redhead and Joyna, in February 1958 - Palma and Fluff, in October 1958 - Zhulba and Button ...

All of them became victims of the imperfection of technology, saving human lives. Almost after each such accident, which revealed flaws, new emergency systems began to be developed, which subsequently saved the lives of astronauts.

Doctors treated dogs with care, tried to create for them good conditions, and the death of dogs became a tragedy for biologists and engineers.

"Casting" in the "space dogs" was quite tough - only mongrels were selected who had gone through a harsh school of survival on the street, small in size, well trainable, psychologically compatible with other animals.

Despite the above list of losses, the only "suicide bomber" in the Soviet space program was Laika - the first living creature launched into low Earth orbit on November 3, 1957. If the dogs that flew on ballistic missiles had the possibility of returning, then for Laika the flight was a “one-way ticket”. There were no means of returning from orbit at that moment, and Laika's flight was supposed to be the answer to the question of whether they would be needed at all. Now it sounds strange, but then many scientists believed that a living being, once in orbit around the Earth in zero gravity, would immediately die.

Dog Laika in the container of the 2nd Soviet artificial Earth satellite, in which she traveled into outer space on November 3, 1957. Photo: RIA Novosti

Special Forces Detachment

Laika's flight proved that it is possible to live in orbit. After that, the question arose about the flight of a dog with a return to Earth - a flight that was supposed to open the way to space for a man.

For this mission, a special canine squad of astronauts was created, which included 12 animals. The selection conditions were even more stringent than during ballistic missile flights: dogs had to weigh no more than 6 kilograms and be up to 35 centimeters high, and be between two and six years old. Only females were recruited into the detachment, and not because of some kind of gender discrimination, but for technical reasons - a sewage device, in other words, a toilet, was easier to design for bitches.

In addition, the dogs had to have a light color and an attractive exterior. The first was necessary for better observation of the "cosmonauts" on the monitor screens, the second - for the presentation of animals to journalists.

Some believe that, having picked up dogs that were suitable in terms of parameters, scientists immediately sent them flying. In fact, astronaut dogs were trained for several months.

On the basis of the Moscow Institute of Biomedical Problems, a real training center for dogs was created. Applicants were accustomed to long stays in small cabins in conditions of prolonged isolation and noise. The dogs got used to taking special food from automatic feeders, wearing clothes and sensors, and going to the toilet.

The dogs were trained "with a margin" - despite the fact that the flight was planned for a day, they had to withstand an eight-day stay in outer space.

Marshal did not let Albina and Marquise into space

Psychological compatibility in the crews also played a special role in the preparation. Pairs of dogs were selected so that a long stay together did not become a cause of discomfort for them. Start the dogs "swearing" with each other, and the flight could be put an end to.

One duet was Belka and Strelka. The leader and ringleader was Belka, active, capable of learning, who had pronounced leadership skills. Unlike her, Strelka was more quiet and withdrawn, but nevertheless quite friendly.

Actually, initially Belka and Strelka did not exist, but there were Albina and Marquise. But to the first Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces, Marshal Nedelin, who oversaw the "dog detachment of astronauts", nicknames with a foreign flavor did not appeal to them, and Albina and Marquise quickly turned into Belka and Strelka.

Despite the fact that Belka and Strelka were in good standing, they turned out to be "crew number two." Experts considered Chaika and Chanterelle to be the best candidates for the first flight with a return to Earth.

Loved the fox very much general designer Sergey Korolev, who said before the flight: "I really want you to come back."

On July 28, 1960, the Vostok spacecraft with Chaika and Chanterelle on board was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. After 19 seconds, the first stage of the rocket failed, it collapsed and exploded. The dogs are dead.

Dog's response to America

Despite the failure, the launch program was continued. What Chaika and Chanterelle did not succeed, Belka and Strelka now had to do.

On August 19, 1960, the Vostok spacecraft with Belka and Strelka on board at 11:44 Moscow time successfully launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome. This time everything went smoothly, and the ship successfully went into orbit.

Scientists carefully analyzed the condition of the dogs. On the fourth turn, it became alarming: Squirrel barked, tore, she felt sick. Then the condition of the animal came to a relative norm, to the relief of biologists. At the same time, Strelka felt quite normal.

Subsequently, it is the behavior of Belka that will cause the flight Yuri Gagarin only one turn will last. The doctors were worried that the first person would not follow the path of Squirrel, and not Strelka.

There was also a comic episode in flight. Simultaneously with the Soviet ship, the American satellite Echo-1 was flying. The orbit of the American apparatus was higher, but on one of the turns they simultaneously flew in the Baikonur region. At that moment, Belka and Strelka suddenly burst into a menacing bark. The impression was that the Soviet space dogs were barking at a "hostile satellite".

On August 20, 1960, on the 18th orbit, the ship with Belka and Strelka received a command to descend, and soon the device successfully landed in a given area, 10 kilometers from the calculated point.

The specialists anxiously got the dogs out of the descent vehicle, but their fears turned out to be in vain - Belka and Strelka felt much better than after ground training.

Russian bitch in the White House

If the expression “woke up famous” applies to dogs, then this is exactly what happened with Belka and Strelka.

The very next day they became participants in a press conference at TASS, which brought together journalists from all over the world. The excitement was incredible. When junior employee Institute of Aviation and Space Medicine Lyudmila Radkevich, the direct "chief" of the cosmonaut dogs, got out of the car with them near the TASS building, then stumbled and fell ... right into the hands of journalists huddled at the entrance. Foreign reporters hurried to congratulate Belka, Strelka and Ms. Radkevich on another "soft landing".

The popularity of Belka and Strelka grew by leaps and bounds. A few months later, the quiet Strelka brought offspring - six adorable puppies. One of them, nicknamed Pushinka, was donated on behalf of Nikita Khrushchev daughter of US President John F. Kennedy Caroline. It is unlikely that Pushinka pleased Kennedy himself - after all, she was a clear reminder of who is in the lead in space. However, perhaps, on the contrary, one look at the Russian bitch forced the president to increase appropriations for the American space program.

Dogs gave the go-ahead

As for Belka and Strelka, after the flight they received an “honorary pension”, living in an enclosure of the Institute of Biomedical Problems. " space dogs"They were taken to kindergartens, schools, orphanages, where they looked at Belka and Strelka with admiration and adoration.

Belka and Strelka, surrounded by honor and love, lived to a deep canine old age. After their death, stuffed animals of the famous dogs were exhibited at the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics.

To some, however, this seems blasphemous, some even agreed to the formula about the need to bury dogs "according to Christian custom." But most visitors look at Belka and Strelka in the same way as before - with love and admiration.

Before the flight of Yuri Gagarin, four more "dog" flights took place, three of which were successful. Bee and Mushka died, Zhulka and Zhemchuzhina, Chernushka and Zvezdochka safely returned to Earth.

The name Zvezdochka was then given simply by one of the candidates for the first flight - Yuri Gagarin. Zvezdochka successfully completed a single-orbit flight on March 25, 1961. 18 days later, her "godfather" will be the first human to fly into space.

The first pair of dogs surviving after an orbital space flight. The flight took place on August 19, 1960, the flight time was more than 25 hours, during which time the ship made 17 complete orbits around the Earth. The main task of the dogs was to assess the G-forces during takeoff and the body's response to the transition from G-force to weightlessness. The reaction of the body to the long-term effect of weightlessness on the body was also evaluated. Also in this flight, life support systems were worked out, which later had to be adapted for the first manned flight into space.

Both dogs are bitches, as it was easier for them to design assimilation blocks.

Well, to begin with, the dogs were actually called not Belka and Strelka, but Albina and Marquise. But Comrade Mitrofan Ivanovich Nedelin, who is the commander-in-chief missile forces strategic purpose, insisted on changing the nicknames to Soviet ones, without even discrediting the honor and dignity of the first Soviet cosmonauts.

The second truth is that Belka and Strelka were not the main crew, but the backup crew of the first pair of dogs Chaika and Lisichka. But the launch of Chaika and Chanterelle was tragically interrupted at 19 seconds after the start. The launch vehicle used to launch the first crew had a side block of the first stage collapsed, which led to the destruction of the rocket and the deaths of Chaika and Chanterelle.

Third. Dogs weren't the only living creatures on the rocket. Forty mice and two white rats were launched into the rocket. Only twelve mice were placed in the descent container. The rest remained outside the descent container.

Fourth. Belka, Strelka, Chaika and Lisichka are not the only astronaut dogs that have entered the Earth's orbit. Before them, at five 5:30 Moscow time on November 3, 1957, a dog named Laika was launched into space. It was the very first animal sent into space. It was planned that the dog would spend about a week in Earth orbit, since the return of the animal to earth was not planned. But the dog died seven hours after launch from overheating of the capsule.

July September 1951

But, before space launches, there were launches on suborbital trajectories. This was the first stage of space research using animals.

Nickname date Result
1 Dezik and Gypsy July 22, 1951 Launch on the R-1V geophysical rocket. Launch from the Kapustin Yar test site. Flight time to landing is 20 minutes. The landing took place at the specified location. The dogs felt great.
2 Dezik And Fox July 29, 1951 Launch on the R-1B geophysical rocket. Launch from the Kapustin Yar test site. Because of the vibration, there were problems with the barorel and the parachute did not open. Both dogs died.
3 Bear and Chizhik August 15, 1951 Launch on the R-1B geophysical rocket. Launch from the Kapustin Yar test site. Flight time before opening the parachute is 18 minutes.
4 Bold and Ryzhik August 19, 1951 Launch on the R-1V geophysical rocket. Launch from the Kapustin Yar test site. The flight was successful.
5 bear And Chizhik August 28, 1951 Launch on the R-1B geophysical rocket. Launch from the Kapustin Yar test site. Due to vibration, the automatic pressure regulator in the cab failed. Mishka and Chizhik died of suffocation.
6 Unlucky and ZIB September 3, 1951 Launch on the R-1V geophysical rocket. Launch from the Kapustin Yar test site. The unlucky one was a trained dog, and ZIB (Reserve for the disappeared Bobik) was caught near the canteen, as the main trained dog ran away.

As a result, four successful flights and four dead dogs.

1954 1957

The second stage consisted in designing a catapult mechanism for returning animals to Earth from a small orbit. The capsules were not airtight and therefore the dogs were dressed in special spacesuits. All launches were carried out from the Kapustin Yar training ground.

Nickname date Result
7 Fox (second) and Ginger (second) June 24, 1954 Perhaps there was a forgery and the first test failed, as there is evidence that the launch was made not on June 24, but on June 26. Launch on the R-1D geophysical rocket. The flight was successful, both dogs returned to Earth alive.
8 Lady and Bear (second) July 2, 1954 Launch on the R-1D geophysical rocket. Due to problems with the ejection device, Mishka (second) died. The lady landed safely.
9 Ginger (second) and Damka July 7, 1954 Launch on the R-1D geophysical rocket. There were also problems with the ejection mechanism, and Ryzhik (second) died. The lady landed safely.
10 Fox (second) And Bulba February 5, 1955 Launch on the R-1E geophysical rocket. Due to the sharp return of the rocket when the stabilization mechanism was triggered, carts with dogs pierced the hull and fell out of the rocket at an altitude of 40 kilometers. Both dogs died.
11 Rita and Linda June 25, 1955 Launch on the R-1E geophysical rocket. Rita died, Linda survived.
12 Baby and Button November 4, 1955 Launch on the R-1E geophysical rocket. The ejection occurred at an altitude of 90 kilometers. Both dogs survived.
13 Baby and Milda May 31, 1956
14 Kozyavka and Albina June 7, 1956 Launch on the R-1E geophysical rocket. The landing was safe, both dogs survived.
15 Kozyavka and Albina June 14, 1956 Launch on the R-1E geophysical rocket. The landing was safe, both dogs survived. It was a restart.

As a result of fifteen flights, five dogs died.

1957 1960s

The third stage of research was to launch animals to a height of 212 to 450 kilometers. Instead of a non-pressurized cabin and spacesuits, it was decided to use pressurized cabins, which were descent modules. Also, small animals were placed with dogs, depending on the type of experiment: rats, mice and rabbits.

Nickname date Result
16 Redhead and lady May 16, 1957 Launch on the R-2A geophysical rocket. The flight altitude is 212 kilometers, the flight was successful.
17 redhead And Joyna May 24, 1957 Launch on the R-2A geophysical rocket. Due to depressurization of the capsule, both dogs died.
18 Squirrel and Fashionista August 25, 1957 Launch on the R-2A geophysical rocket. An experiment was conducted in which Squirrel was launched under anesthesia, and Fashionista was in normal mode. The experiment was a success.
19 Squirrel and Lady August 31, 1957 Launch on the R-2A geophysical rocket. The experiment with anesthesia was repeated. Both dogs returned alive, Belka was again under anesthesia.
20 Squirrel and Fashionista September 6, 1957 Launch on the R-2A geophysical rocket. The third time testing of dogs was used to elucidate the mechanisms of the shift in the physiological functions of animals during flight under anesthesia.
21 Palm And fluff February 21, 1958 Launch on the R-5A geophysical rocket. The rocket rose to a height of 473 kilometers. Due to the depressurization of the capsule, both dogs died.
22 August 2, 1958 Launch on the R-2A geophysical rocket. The flight was successful.
23 Cutter (Brave) and Palm (second) August 13, 1958 Launch on the R-2A geophysical rocket. The restart was successful.
24 Motley and Belyanka August 27, 1958 Launch on the R-5A geophysical rocket. Ascent to a height of 453 kilometers.
25 Zhulba And Button (second) October 31, 1958 Launch on the R-5A geophysical rocket. Due to the failure of the parachute system, the parachutes did not open and both dogs died.
26 July 2, 1959 Launch on the R-2A geophysical rocket. Together with the dogs, the gray rabbit (aka Marfushka) was launched.
27 Cutter (Brave) and Snowflake (Pearl) July 10, 1959 Launch on the R-2A geophysical rocket. The experiment was successful.
28 Nipper (Brave) and Malek June 15, 1960 Launch on the R-2A geophysical rocket. Climb to a height of 206 kilometers. Additionally, the rabbit Zvezdochka participated in the experiment.
29 Palm (second) and Malek September 16, 1960 Launch on the R-2A geophysical rocket. The experiment was successful. It was the final flight on geophysical rockets.

As a result of the flights, six dogs died.

Experiments in outer space

At the end of the ascent of dogs to near space and in parallel with it, there were launches of dogs into outer space. To launch the dogs, sealed capsules and research equipment were used to study the effect of cosmic radiation and prolonged weightlessness on living organisms.

Nickname date Result
1 Laika November 3, 1957 The dog was put into Earth orbit by the Sputnik-2 spacecraft from the Baikonur cosmodrome. The dog died in the seventh hour of the flight from overheating. To confirm the theory of death from overheating, two additional experiments were carried out on Earth, as a result of which two more dogs died.
2 Chanterelle And Gull July 28, 1960 The dogs were put into orbit by the Vostok 1K No. 1 spacecraft from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. At the 19th second of the flight, the booster block "G" collapsed and the launch vehicle fell to the ground and exploded at the 38th second of the flight.
3 Belka (second) and Strelka August 19, 1960 The launch of dogs into Earth orbit was carried out by the Sputnik-5 spacecraft from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. The flight was successful and the dogs returned to Earth alive.
4 Bee And front sight December 1, 1960 The dogs were put into orbit by the Vostok 1K No. 5 spacecraft. Due to the failure of the braking system of the propulsion system, there was a possibility that the spacecraft would fall into the territory of another country, and the system of automatic detonation of the object (APO) was launched.
5 Zhulka and the Pearl December 22, 1960 The launch of dogs into Earth's orbit was carried out by the Vostok 1K No. 6 spacecraft. Along with the dogs, small animals were launched. After the descent of the apparatus, it turned out that the dogs were alive, and the small living creatures died.
6 Nigella March 9, 1961 The dog was put into Earth orbit by the Vostok ZKA No. 1 spacecraft from Baikonur. Together with the dog, a full-size human dummy was launched to investigate the possibility of human flight. The experiment turned out to be successful.
7 Star March 25, 1961 The dog was put into Earth orbit by the Vostok ZKA No. 2 spacecraft from Baikonur. The flight was also accompanied by a mannequin. The flight was successful.
8 Wind and Coal February 22, 1966 The launch of dogs into Earth's orbit was carried out by the Kosmos-110 spacecraft from Baikonur. To study the long-term effects of weightlessness, the dogs spent twenty-three days in space. The experiment went well.

As a result, five dogs died.

Now you can sum up the number of dogs that died in the pre-human era of space. It turns out twenty dogs died during experiments in space and two on Earth to confirm the theory that Laika died due to a design error and overheating.

But these dogs were selected from the kennel of stray dogs and it is not known what was better for them, to die in the gateway from the janitor's boot or in flight on a rocket.