Wall newspaper New Year's cartoons. DIY wall newspapers for the New Year. New Year posters

Hi all!

In our kindergarten group, preparations for the New Year are in full swing.

The task was to make a wall newspaper, or rather, a greeting card for the door, with decorations. So that it lifts the mood and when people open the door they see that they are entering a group where children are waiting for Santa Claus!

In general, I received such an assignment and went to the store for the weekend to buy creative materials. Not at first, I often got to “draw a wall newspaper” at school and then at college. But I didn’t really feel like drawing. I wanted to work with modern materials. By the way, a lot of time has passed since I made the last New Year’s poster and materials have appeared that are a pleasure to work with!

I decided to make a newspaper in scrap style. Or rather, to somehow go beyond 2D at least a little. I wanted the picture to become three-dimensional and I wanted to touch it. Attractive little things in the form of decorative tactile elements are my favorite activity these days!

In the store, already on the spot (based on the assortment), a plot arose and the color scheme of the picture was chosen by itself.

For the wall newspaper I needed:

Colored thick paper

Finished paper with a snowman

Pre-printed poems on a printer


White beads

Half beads

Self-adhesive rhinestones

Satin ribbon

White gouache

Cardboard Christmas trees

Foam rubber stamp


Bead glue

Double-sided tape and double-sided sticky pads.

I didn’t use paper glue at all because it wrinkles.

Let's take a closer look at the Christmas trees:

Finding such Christmas trees is a great success. They are flat, but have an openwork pattern. One side of the cardboard is etched (artificially aged, therefore in a vintage style), and the other is plain white. I chose the first one. And I decided that this extruded pattern must be played up!

Namely, to create a shadow under the openwork, space. For this purpose, the Christmas tree level will be the third (1 - cardboard, 2 - inscriptions). Using sticky volumetric pads, I will slightly raise them above the background plane.

But first, let’s squeeze them out and decorate them with bows:

This will make it feel like they are attached to the paper with ribbons.

We still have small snowflakes left:

We decorate them with half beads. We put them on glue. They will act as button rivets)

What do we do with the text?

I thought that if you simply glue it onto colored cardboard, the white sheets will look like they’re not original and will jump out.

That's why curly scissors I cut off the edges and, as it were, shade them with a pencil of a shade selected to match the tone of the main background.

You can do this with a special stamp pad (these are also sold), but I took my son’s pencil, sharpened it sharply and...

I carefully shaded the edge of the paper with the flat of a pencil. Like before, maybe you remember: coins were hatched through paper and the images appeared.

This is how it will work:

Now the inscriptions will look softer and there will not be such a rough poster effect.

Place double-sided tape on the “Snowman”.

I step back a little from the edge to create the feeling that this paper was laid down and not glued tightly.

And here is a sheet of text with glue on the pads:

There will be a third level of relief.

This is how it happened:

and glue bead rivets on top:

Meanwhile, this is how the snowman smiles at us:

For this we will give him a snowflake button. He’s our friend with an accent, so he can’t live without 3D decorations.

We take the largest one and beautiful Christmas tree, glue the pads to it:

in the most important places for her)

Glue it to the background and next to it is a verse about it:

“I lit the lights on it” - you have to light it)

“and there’s snow on the branches” - you’ll have to dust it.

Let's get back to it later...

In the meantime, let's take care of her friends. There are three of them and they are smaller.

They will stand at the bottom of the newspapers and pretend to be a forest:

While the Christmas trees are sorting out who will stand where, I found the “horses”:

These are window stickers. I “caught” them in a grocery supermarket, near the cash registers. I decided that Christmas trees and snowmen are wonderful, but today I can’t do without the Horses. Still a symbol of the New Year)

Glue one ball to the side of the text:

Just a poem about a ball)

At this time, our beautiful Christmas trees decided on their places. We glue pads to them:

And we place the triplets below:

I couldn’t resist “sewing” the beads onto the glue that I liked so much after working with.

I glued a Snowman field to each snowflake:

I like this type of glue because it leaves time for adjustments and at the same time bonds quickly. You can wipe it off cotton swab, if there is excess. And it does not spoil either the paper or the color of the beads/rhinestones.

Let's return to beads and rhinestones)) that is, to lights and snow...

This is what a microbead looks like:

these are small shiny balls.

I warn you: after work they will be everywhere!

And everything and everyone will shine with it. But it's not scary! New Year)

We can afford it!

But just in case, avoid sudden movements and cover everything around, trying to “catch” the stupid snowflakes)-beads in time.

I called the elder for help: his task was to drive Tim the cat away from these beads...

We continue gluing as safely as possible.

First rhinestones - lights, and then microbeads.

We draw waves with glue and sprinkle beads on top:

Sprinkle generously, then, if anything happens, you can correct it with a stick.

Pour off the excess microbeads.

This is how it turned out main tree:

And don’t forget about the girlfriends from the forest:

their skirts are also covered with beads.

Using a brush we draw footprints in the snow:

Clearly someone was running between the Christmas trees on business.

Or maybe it’s a cowardly little gray bunny... or an angry wolf? most likely. But he won't hurt the guys! He has already run away)) only traces remain.

We take out rubber stencils:

For convenience, cut out the snowflakes you like:

glue them and take out the foam rubber stamp:

Blot with white paint using a stamp:

Look here, if children and fathers promise to be neat, then you can connect them to the stencils). But it is better to work under supervision.

Carefully fill in as many snowflakes as you want...

and peel off the stencil. Yes, the paint should be without water!

The paint that remains on SpongeBob's brother must be used for the benefit of the composition.

That’s why I entrusted the stamp to three-year-old Leva. In kindergarten they were already doing “snow snow snow...” all around.

So we do it fashion effect“and it’s snowing” together:

wherever you want

and this is what we ended up with:

Let’s also give it a fairy tale effect:

Thus, the obligatory “kindergarten wall newspaper program” turned out to be a pleasure for us and another field for creativity!

And for the mood while working, I always turn on New Year’s songs. This is what I played:

For some reason I love listening to “Russian Father Frost”. I like children's voices and the feeling of pride and patriotism.

P.S. As a matter of principle, I don’t put up any Santa Clauses or reminders of him; I try not to use his color scheme. Not because it's against him. But because my children should know our Father Frost better, and then Klaus. Because he is dearer)

Thank you for your attention to our crafts and in advance for your comments!

Happy New Year preparations!

Now the moment has come when it’s time to think about the New Year and how you will entertain your friends New Year's table. Someone will say - what is there to think? Let's tell jokes, remember funny stories and let's dance. But is this enough? No, this is very little! So we offer you interesting options, for example, forfeits for the New Year 2017 for children and adults. Funny tasks, cool and interesting ideas– no one will forget this game and everyone will be delighted!

Let us recall the rules of the game of forfeits.
You write the tasks on a piece of paper and assign a number to each task. Then you make tokens or tickets with numbers and put them in a bag. Guests take turns taking out one ticket and showing the number. The presenter reads out the forfeit task according to the number. And the guest completes the task.

And now tasks for forfeits for the year of the rooster.
1. Show a surprised rooster.
2. Show a rooster who has learned that he is no longer the only rooster in the hen house.
3. Tell the guests: Happy New Year! But pronounce only vowels.
4. Invent and show how a rooster crows Chinese, in German, Italian and Armenian.
5. Imagine that there is a lot of snow in the room and walk through it from corner to corner.
6. Tell a joke about a rooster or chickens.
7. Say a toast to a small but proud bird: about a rooster.
8. Sing a song in the forest with a Georgian accent. A Christmas tree was born.
9. Show the hut on chicken legs, which found out that it was bought with a mortgage.
10. Place food on a fork and dance a waltz with it.
11. Take the fried leg (meat) in your hands and sincerely, without smiling, confess your love to it.
12. Show the rooster who saw the grilled chickens spinning in the oven.
13. Execute New Year's song in chanson style.
14. Tell New Year's poem and crow after every word.
15. Show a champagne cork being opened.
16. Come up with your own rooster dance and organize a flash mob together with the guests.
17. Show the mating dance of a rooster.
18. Show a rooster that is frozen.
19. Tell your guests what color your underpants are and why this particular color on New Year's Eve.
20. Come up with three wishes for the horses in Santa Claus’s harness.
21. Show a robot that pours champagne and drinks it.
22. Give five compliments to your company.
23. Come up with five rhymes for the word rooster.
24. Crow as if the rooster is hoarse.
25. Show the chimes that slow down a little.
26. Take any food from the table and tell guests about its healing properties.
27. Draw a sparkler.
28. Say a toast in which the rooster will be the victim.
29. Happy forfeit - you can come up with a task for any guest.
30. Super phant - make a New Year's wish that will definitely come true!

These are the ideas we have for forfeits for the year of the rooster. And we also have interesting video Congratulations on the year of the rooster. Watch it and show it to your guests.

New Year's posters are quite in a simple way decorate your home for the New Year. In addition, such posters can become a good gift to your friends and loved ones. Those who have never taken on such a task probably do not know how to draw New Year 2017 posters.

How to make a New Year's poster?

First of all, when creating such a New Year's decoration, you will need a sheet of whatman paper, as well as drawing tools. These can be pencils, markers, felt-tip pens, paints. Some additional elements and accessories are often used for decoration. If there is no Whatman paper, and the poster needs to be made urgently, then you can staple several sheets plain paper A4 format. It is worth connecting such sheets with reverse side regular transparent tape.

Posters on New Year You can decorate the 2017 Rooster with your own hands with various additional elements, which can be made from colored paper or cardboard. To give your New Year's poster some originality, you can add decorations made of foil or beautiful shiny fabric. You can also add rhinestones, beads and beads here. Even fragments of old Christmas tree decorations can be used for decoration. To do this, it is necessary to apply glue not to the fragments, but directly to the place of the Whatman paper to which they should be glued.

Volumetric posters for the New Year 2017.

Such posters look very original on the wall. Making them is also quite simple. For example, to make a poster in the shape of a New Year tree, you need to cut out 4 identical Christmas trees from whatman paper. Each of them must be folded in half lengthwise.

Next, each of them must be unfolded and glued together with glue or fastened with a stapler. Then all that remains is to fantasize. You can glue New Year's tinsel around the perimeter. Paint the tree itself green color. Or you can make the Christmas tree original and paint it pink or Orange color. In other words, it opens absolute freedom for creativity and the realization of your wildest fantasies.

New Year's posters made from natural materials.

For the manufacture of similar poster You will need whatman paper that is thick enough so that the materials on it hold tightly and do not fall off after a few hours. In addition to whatman paper, you will also need: Christmas tree branches, cones, nuts and additional accessories for decoration.

The branches should be attached around the perimeter of the Whatman paper using wire. The thicker the branches, the better. In some places you can attach cones or nuts. Before this, the cones can be painted with gold or silver spray paint. Additional accessories must be attached to the branches: small Christmas decorations, beads, bells, bows. When the border is ready, you can start working on the middle of the poster. Here you can write New Year's poem or draw something New Year's drawing. For example, fairy-tale bunnies, the Rooster or Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.

Such posters will be a wonderful decoration for the room and will contribute to the New Year's Eve. festive atmosphere.

Elena Lyapicheva

Wall newspaper"Symbol of the New Year 2017"

The most favorite holiday of both adults and children is, of course, New Year! When celebrating the New Year 2017, everyone in our group tried to create a festive atmosphere. The boys and I decorated game room and the reception room, and the parents accepted Active participation in the competition " New Year's toy "Traditionally, the guys and I decorate for the holidays wall newspapers - Greeting Cards for parents. Children really enjoy this painstaking work. They are happy to draw, paint, glue and decorate, because this is a “surprise” for moms and dads. Since the coming year is the year of the fiery cockerel, the guys and I decided to make New Year's newspaper in honor of the symbol of the year. First we started creating the cockerels. We made them using technology modular application- mosaics. I printed out the silhouettes of the cockerels from the Internet. Children cut strips of paper different color, and they were cut into pieces, and painstaking but exciting team work began.

The year 2017 was also made using the applicative mosaic technique.

Since the guys in our group really, really love to color, here too the children happily decorated the images of the rooster and his girlfriend, the hen.

Up wall newspapers drew spruce twig with toys.

Congratulations on the upcoming New Year were pasted onto the Christmas tree decorations.

Our newspaper was supplemented with snowflakes and the main beauty New Year - Christmas tree, which the guys also decorated.

This is how we turned out to be festive wall newspaper for moms and dads.

Thank you for your attention. Happy New Year everyone!

Publications on the topic:

2017 is coming - this is the year of the rooster. The children and I started preparing gifts for our parents. You always want to come up with something new and original.

New Year 2017 is coming, the Year of the Rooster. As always, there are many different Roosters for sale. But, I want to make my own symbol of the year. This time, me.

The most magical and fun party- New Year. Not only children, but also adults are waiting for him. Everyone wants to get something out of the new year.

One of the most interesting times is approaching, when adults and children will begin active preparation for the upcoming New Year holidays. Symbol.

It's winter again. New Years is soon. Everyone is looking forward to this holiday. A holiday of goodness and magic. Happy New Year is coming to us.

My child and I took part in a competition at the level kindergarten - "New Year's cockerel". We came up with such a funny cockerel: For.

You will need: cardboard, red and yellow velvet paper, candy wrappers bright colors, New Year's rain, 4 poyettes, PVA glue, etc.

No one New Year's celebration can't do without a wall newspaper. New Year's wall newspaper allows you to congratulate a large number of people. Surprise with unexpected congratulations, unique design and possibly small gifts. A wall newspaper for the New Year 2019 with your own hands will bring pleasure to all those who will look at and read it. Many will be able to see themselves on the wall newspaper and laugh at funny stories, and get a prediction from the future.

The question of how to make posters for the New Year will be asked by everyone who is facing this event.

For the New Year, the wall newspaper will be appropriate in the following establishments:

Public organizations;
Government bodies;
Commercial organizations;
Educational establishments.

Materials and tools for creating a wall newspaper

In order to create a unique and interesting wall newspaper you need:

Sheets of white paper;
Colored paper;
Quilling paper;
Colored and satin ribbons;
New Year decoration, New Year's tinsel;
Colored pens;
Sweets (as gifts);
Papers with predictions (if the idea of ​​the newspaper requires it);
Ready-made newspaper templates.

New Year posters for school

An original New Year's poster for schoolchildren is a difficult task. It's hard to surprise now modern children. This is due to the fact that schoolchildren are busy playing games on the computer and spend little time doing real creativity. Therefore, creating a wall newspaper for the New Year 2019 fun event, which can unite the whole class.

Before you create a wall newspaper, you need to decide on the general ideas:

You can congratulate everyone beautiful congratulations decorating a wall newspaper New Year pictures;
You can congratulate specific people;
Describe interesting stories which happened with the class, supplementing them with photographs;
Describe your class. Attach photos of students and teachers. Prepare funny congratulations;
Write unique poems about teachers and their merits;
Imagine your class in the future. Place students' heads on the shape templates famous people. Such a wall newspaper will be remembered by the whole class, and maybe the whole school, for a very long time.

DIY poster for kindergarten

Very often in kindergarten children congratulate their parents, and create congratulation poster On New Year 2019, teachers help children with their own hands. On such a poster you can:
Post photos of children with beautiful poems;
Post photos of parents with children;
Place photos of parents as children next to photos of children for comparison. It will be very interesting if there are photos of parents when they were little and children from children's matinees to save New Year theme;
Pick up ready-made templates on the theme of the New Year from the existing list.

Wall newspaper produced for an adult institution

If the poster is prepared in commercial organization, government organization, or other body, it is necessary to select such templates, texts and topics so that they are interesting to an adult.

If there is a wall newspaper in the office, the wall will gain more festive look. A voluminous poster will allow you to place a lot of information on it and will make you linger near it longer.

For such a wall newspaper, you can choose a design containing:

Comic predictions for the new year;
Small gifts(can be sweet) to all those who will read the newspaper. For example: (read a New Year's poem, take out a candy for yourself from Grandfather Frost's bag);
Photos of employee successes over the year (birth of a child, marriage, advanced training, etc.)
Beautiful nominal congratulations, decorated in a comic style;
Templates where you can place heads under figures cut out from magazines.
Whatever option is chosen, there is confidence that the person who reads the wall newspaper will enjoy the holiday, and if he has not yet realized that the holiday is rapidly approaching, he will understand it very quickly.
Step-by-step master class on creating a wall newspaper
Divide the wall newspaper into conditional blocks. This means that you need to think about where the name of the wall newspaper will be located, where photographs, texts, gifts, predictions and other planned information will be placed;

Decide on the drawings that will fill the wall newspaper. These can be symbols of the year (note the symbol of 2019 is the Yellow Pig), images fairy tale characters, including Santa Claus, deer, snowmen and so on. Photographs of certain persons;
Prepare additional paraphernalia that will decorate the wall newspaper: toys, tinsel, ribbons, sparkles, predictions, candies, volumetric figures and so on;
Choose fonts, colors and methods of decorating and decorating the wall newspaper, as well as templates;
Select congratulatory, informative, comic, educational and other texts;
Treat the preparation of the wall newspaper with all your heart, leaving on it a piece of happiness, joy and positive emotions.

The main thing in a wall newspaper is a positive beginning, and after the work begins, the fantasy itself will develop, and ideas will pop up in your head. beautiful pictures, original ideas And interesting congratulations. A large number of templates will reduce the time for preparing a wall newspaper.

A bright wall newspaper for the New Year 2019 with your own hands (we think you’ve already chosen the templates) is great gift For large quantity of people, pleasant emotions and a feeling of celebration.