Trendy haircuts. Short curls, wet effect. Fashionable haircuts for girls

Requires a thoughtful approach. Several factors must be taken into account: a haircut should emphasize the individuality and attractiveness of its owner, and at the same time be fashionable and stylish.

If you are thinking about changing your image, then find out what hairstyles are in fashion right now to choose a haircut that suits you

The most fashionable women's hairstyles 2017: if you have long hair

For girls with long hair most big choice haircuts and hairstyles that they can do. Unless, of course, they are ready to change. If there is no desire to cut the length, but only bring a new touch to your image, then there are such options for them:

  • To cut a forelock. In 2017, bangs will take important place in women's haircuts. Choose the one that you like and suits: layered, oblique, shortened, long and thick, straight, rounded or stepped bangs will complement the image and emphasize the beauty of the face, and in some cases correct the oval.
The shape of the bangs may be different
  • Make a haircut cascade. Keeping the main length of the hair, you will give your hair a new look with a trendy cascade haircut. There are a lot of options, so it is important to find a competent master who can choose the best one for your type of appearance and hair condition.
  • Curls and curls. This universal way styling, suitable for festive hairstyles and for everyday looks. Feminine curls and waves are relevant in the 2017 season. Use curlers to create them. But “hot styling” is often not recommended, as they greatly damage the hair.
  • Tails and knots.
The eternal classic, the tail, has a lot of variations

Perfectly smooth, with the effect of slight negligence, or a fluffy ponytail will not lose its positions in 2017. Thanks to its convenience, versatility and simple technique, this styling is loved by women of all ages. The knot is a universal styling that allows you to create a lot of interesting images. Tie your hair in a bun and style it with loose strands for a casual and feminine look.

  • Asymmetrical and bunk haircuts are an option for those women who want to look bright and stylish.
  • Effect " wet hair' is back in fashion. It is not difficult to make such a styling, and the image turns out to be interesting and unusual.
Comb your hair back for a glamorous hairstyle, or create a light and casual look with wet wavy strands.

Hairstyles 2017 for medium hair

And now let's take a closer look at what haircuts are in fashion now. These haircuts and hairstyles are suitable for girls with hair middle length. And for those long-haired ladies who do not mind cutting off a few (tens?) centimeters from their hair for good fundamental changes and a completely new look. Here are the most popular in 2017:

  • Bean. The strict forms of this haircut are no longer relevant, but disheveledness and shaggyness are just that. Bob is performed on smooth straight hair, as well as on wavy and curly. Depending on this, it looks different, which makes the haircut versatile and diverse. Bob with bangs is in fashion - straight or oblique, laid to one side. The length of the hairstyle varies from short to elongated, complemented by bangs.
Bob with smooth straight strands
  • Kare. This is a classic that never goes out of fashion. And 2017 is no exception. The haircut remains on the crest of popularity, adding fresh ideas, new fashion trends. This season, the variant with cascading strands will receive recognition, which will add, while maintaining the elegance of the classic bob. This hairstyle allows you to experiment with styling, create new looks every day. fashion effect“Wet hair” is applicable for bob and bob haircuts, so if you want to add a “zest” to the image, use this styling.
  • Cascade. This haircut looks good on and has a lot of variability. Cut strands near the face or use the entire volume of hair, add bangs - oblique, straight or torn of any length - choose what suits you. But the most fashionable option is considered laid to one side, or with an elongated oblique bang. If this styling suits your type of appearance, stop there.
fashionable option considered a cascade with bangs laid to one side, or with an elongated oblique bang
  • Graduated haircut. This haircut has more structured transitions than the cascade. This is the same "ladder", but smaller and sharper outlined. Although graduation, it is better not to choose women with thin and sparse hair. Otherwise, the tips look sparse, and the whole hairstyle takes on a sloppy look. As an option: do it, and leave voluminous tips below.

Short hair: current haircuts and hairstyles

But what if you are the owner of short hair, or would like to become one? In the 2017 season, short haircuts for women are relevant. Fashionable hairstyles and haircuts such as pixies, mohawks, asymmetrical hairstyles and haircuts with shaved temples will be on the crest of popularity.

Short haircuts

What are their features?

Pixie is a short haircut that came to us from the 60s. It implies the presence of short hair at the temples and back of the head and longer strands at the crown. Now there are many options for this haircut. Most relevant: pixie, augmented torn bangs or trimmed feathers. Bold natures can make different levels at the temples, This will emphasize individuality. Pixie, made in the popular grunge style - tousled hair, looks spectacular and attractive.

Pixie suits women with oval shape faces and striking features.

Pixie highlights the eyes and focuses on them

And if you have round form faces or curly hair, you will have to abandon the pixie, as these features are a categorical contraindication to a short haircut. An important advantage of the hairstyle is the ease of styling. Use mousse to add volume and wax to highlight individual strands for a stylish look.

For the brave and who like to stand out from the crowd, there is a mohawk. Maximum short nape and whiskey, combined with voluminous hair at the top of the head, create vivid image. The stronger the difference between cut and long strands, the more spectacular the styling looks. Part of the hair on the parietal zone can be styled different ways: in the form of a comb, needles, whorls or waves. Such a haircut will emphasize a bright personality and give the image extravagance.

When choosing a mohawk, be prepared for increased attention to your person

Even more with a shaved temple or nape. Such hairstyles are not in fashion for the first season, but in 2017 they will become especially popular. The shaved back of the head goes well with short bob. The back of the head is shaved or cut very short, while reaching the level of the ears. positive moment this hairstyle is a lush crown.

Punk hairstyles differ from the previous haircut in that the hair is shaved not only at the back of the head, but also at the temples. The rest of the hair is laid in the form of a bang, combed forward, or in the form of a mohawk. To complement a bright image will help color staining.

' will also be popular. Give preference to this haircut if you are a young girl who wants to emphasize sexuality, or an older woman.

Hairstyle for a boy

The hairstyle will throw off a couple of years and give the image lightness and ease. If you have been looking at this haircut for a long time, but do not dare, not knowing what image it will suit, do not worry: even on such short hair there are different kinds styling that allows you to create a sporty, business or evening look. and installation doesn't take long.

Asymmetrical hairstyles are in fashion. The most popular option is when, on the one hand, very short, or even shaved hair, and on the other, medium-length hair. The hairstyle looks even more impressive if the pattern is shaved on the short side.

asymmetrical haircuts are variable, so they suit everyone and help to correct the imperfect oval of the face

Summing up

In the 2017 season, fashion is generous and indulgent, providing a wide variety of hairstyles and haircuts. This makes it possible for any woman, regardless of age, face shape, hair length, to choose for herself fashionable hairstyle. But in such a variety it is easy to get confused, so let's highlight the main trends that are relevant in 2017:

  1. Basic haircuts - bob, square, pixie. Most of the other hairstyles are different variants these three.
  2. Bang. Even if you do not want to radically change the image, but add a new touch to it, cut your bangs. Considering that bangs in all their diversity are in fashion - fashion provides a wide choice of length, density and shape - with the master you will choose the option that will emphasize the dignity of your appearance.
  3. Grunge styling. No matter how long your hair is, and what kind of haircut, you can give image light negligence, disheveledness and shaggyness. This is the grunge style.


Advice! For this styling, use a modeling agent and a hairdryer with a diffuser attachment. Shape your hair by arranging the strands with your hands and giving them a look of disheveledness and negligence. After drying your hair, do not comb it, but straighten your hair with your hands and fix it with varnish.

The image will never be perceived as a whole without a stylized haircut and styling. Therefore, fashion today is not only beautiful clothes And suitable accessories but also flawless hair. Top stylists present a wide variety of trendy trendy haircuts 2017, photos of which are presented in this review. Multidirectionality from broken, deliberately careless lines to classic options allows you to emphasize the perfection of any style. At the same time, a trendy haircut will turn out on hair of absolutely any length, texture and any color.

We live in an amazingly dynamic time, which we are sorely lacking. Along with this, most people, especially women, try to stay in fashion trends. A review of fashionable haircuts will help you quickly navigate in choosing the right hairstyle for hair of any length, understand alternative options and understand exactly what you need.

Fashionable haircuts for short hair

The 2017 season focuses on short haircuts. They are unusual, but comfortable and light. The trendy accent of the 2017 season is naturalness combined with creative elements. At the same time, the highly sought-after ultra short hair, which give a woman freedom and naturalness, eliminating long-term styling and frequent trips to the salon.

Having picked up a short haircut according to all the rules current trends, maybe even adjust the shape of the face.

Lush wavy curls can mask wide face, and the additional volume at the crown visually stretches its contour.

A hit will be a bob haircut with French variations a la garcon, pixie or page. For such haircuts, stylists advise making thick bangs, but only if your ideal facial features allow it.

Medium hair

The most versatile and actual haircut on medium-length hair, a square that does not give up its positions remains. The 2017 season allows you to choose any of the haircut variations: bob, traditional, asymmetrical, elongated. The same applies to bangs, it can be straight, symmetrically uneven or torn - everything is allowed. The trend is also excessive elongation of the bangs. Styling is best done straight, although soft, careless curls can give a special chic to the hairstyle and complete the look.

Torn, uneven and messy strands are the components of fashionable haircuts 2017 for medium hair for round face. This technique will help to visually create the effect of lengthening. Additionally, you can perform an ombre or gradient coloring, which favorably emphasizes the features of the asymmetrical haircut itself.

Fashionable haircuts 2017 for medium hair, regardless of the model, suggest a lack of symmetry and are indicative careless styling. This haircut is recommended for young girls with an active lifestyle and sporty style in clothes.

Long hair

Long hair is the undoubted pride of their owner, her beauty, style and femininity. Fashionable haircuts 2017 for long hair is primarily a boho style with a layered, slightly careless execution. It gives the right to the most unusual experiments.

Trendy models are also an elongated bob and French twist with open ears. The current performance will be asymmetrical hairstyles and side parting. However, it is worth considering that such options for fashionable hairstyles 2017 for long hair for a round face will not work. They are recommended cascading options with additional volume due to the creation curly curls. All graduated models with rough transitions are a bright note of the season. careless execution, sharp drops And torn strands make such a cascade unique. To create an original hairstyle, you can use multi-colored hair crayons.

Haircuts for curly hair

Curls come into fashion with new force. If until recently you had to resort to various means for their perfect straightening, in the coming season, everything is not so critical. In this case, the length of curly hair is not at all important. Here you can do without dissymmetric forms. The naturalness and ease of the hair structure will make the fashionable haircut 2017 unique in any way.

The basic models of the cascade and bob will be complemented by bangs and the effect of wet hair that has received a second wind. Graduated cascade performed the classic way from short hair on top to more long strands, ideal for visual replenishment of volume.

Kare will create a surprisingly feminine and light image. Looks advantageous on thick curly hair middle length. Girls with natural curls will do long bangs And model haircuts stepped structure.

Fashionable haircuts with bangs

The 2017 season is the time for bangs to return to the top of the most fashionable trends. This detail can radically change the whole image. The most hit haircut with bangs will be a bob. Its classic version will be combined with a semicircular bangs. This season allows the bangs to be anything - straight, oblique, torn or asymmetrical.

Fashionable haircuts 2017, the photos of which are presented below, suggest a combination of torn asymmetrical strands of bangs with any graduated hairstyles. The trend continues towards elongated bangs with a fence to one side, especially if it is combined with a cascade. oblique bangs fit To round type faces. Heavy shortened bangs will be combined with short haircuts. To give basal volume to hair, experts recommend modern technology Boost-up.

Male haircuts

Not only women, but also men are influenced by fashion. Stylish and sophisticated this season, they will be made by a contrasting brit with elongated strands at the crown and cropped sides and back of the head, and a sleek retro look with a perfect evenly parted. The fashion includes the fifties style with short bangs removed from the forehead, and shaved temples. The polka and enterkat models of the last season remain popular.

But what should be forgotten this season is the effect of wet hair, long bangs hanging over the forehead, a crew cut, boxing and half-boxing. In the new season of 2017, the presence of a beard remains relevant.

The most fashionable photo haircuts:

Stylish female image will not look complete and flawless if it is not complemented by the appropriate haircut and styling.

Best women's haircuts 2017 is naturalness and "simplicity" in everything related to hair color and styling. Stylists offer a variety of haircut options this year: from bold and unexpected decisions to classic, but still in vogue. There is one for every hair length. a win-win emphasizing the naturalness and beauty of the owner of a fashionable haircut.


Cascade- one of the best women's haircuts, which has been in trend for more than one year. You can choose a haircut with a straight or side parting. If the stepped strands are lifted at the roots and slightly curled, the classic cascade will turn into a stunning hairstyle. This haircut will give volume to thin hair, and facial features - tenderness and softness. Owners of a round face are very suitable strands curled outward or torn ends of the hair.


One of the most beautiful and stylish women's haircuts of 2017 is "Italian". It is great for hair of any density and texture: straight or wavy, thick and thin. The haircut is an alternation of frequent steps and visually lengthens the face. It is suitable for ladies of any age, which makes "Italian" one of the most versatile haircuts. It looks best on medium length hair. Any kind of bangs are combined with such a haircut, except for very short ones. The best option that looks the most advantageous and stylish is bangs cut with an arch below the eyebrows. The owners are very fine hair you need to remember that the haircut "Italian" in their case requires daily care and styling.

long bob

The best women's haircuts of 2017 include. This optimal solution for owners of medium length hair. Haircut goes well with straight and oblique bangs. One of the advantages of an elongated bob is that the strands can be styled in different ways, creating numerous variations of fashionable hairstyles. Fashion details, such as torn edges, layering and thinning make the haircut more interesting.


Short haircuts remain relevant this year. They are practical and do not require much time for styling.

For short hair, one of the best women's haircuts of 2017 will be pixie. This is the female version of the haircut "under the boy." Thanks to various variations and accents, each lady will be able to find her own stylish and feminine image. Another plus of this haircut is the ease of styling. Since the density and texture of hair does not play a special role for a pixie, owners and women can afford it. thick hair, and thin strands. Naturally lush hair, when choosing a pixie, lends itself perfectly to thinning and thinning, and thin curls visually acquire volume.

One of the best women's haircuts of 2017 should also include asymmetrical pixie, supplemented with interesting touches: highlighting, curls different lengths, shaved temple or nape, oblique bangs. Styling such a hairstyle will not be difficult: wet hair needs to be ruffled and arbitrarily styled with a hairdryer and styling products.

Ultra short bob

Ultra short bob with attractive details - one of the best women's hairstyles this year. Asymmetric curls, graduation, pronounced differences in the length of the strands, oblique bangs give the haircut new interesting accents. When choosing a variant of this haircut, you need to take into account the type of face in order to hide its flaws with a hairstyle and emphasize its merits. Bob will be the perfect option for thin or curly hair.

Kare with shaved nape

Kare with shaved nape- Another of the most interesting and popular women's haircuts of 2017. Elements such as a shaved temple or the back of the head look outrageous, bright and stylish. For those ladies who are not yet ready to openly wear such a hairstyle or are not sure that it suits them, we can advise a square with a shaved nape. At work with such a haircut, the dress code will not be violated, and in the company you can lift your hair in your hair, opening the back of your head and dramatically change this image.


In 2017, among the best women's haircuts remains gavroche. She fits great as skinny short girls and middle-aged women. However, when choosing this haircut, you need to take into account that it opens the face as much as possible, focusing attention on it. Gavroche is suitable for those ladies who are not afraid to experiment with appearance and love unexpected and non-standard solutions. Stylists do not advise owners of faces with large features to choose gavrosh.

Despite the fact that gavroche is done on short hair, styling the haircut in different ways, you can create different images- from elegant and feminine to boyishly daring.

Ladder for medium and long hair- one of the most popular types of women's haircuts in 2017. She has many advantages:

  • a huge number of styling options;
  • haircut makes even the thinnest hair volumes;
  • the ladder visually rejuvenates the face, giving the appearance more femininity, tenderness and charm;
  • with the help of a ladder, you can easily hide any hair imperfections.

Ladder is one of the most versatile women's haircuts. It is perfect for ladies with any face shape and hair texture. Just a few minutes a day is enough to keep your hair in order. Laying the ladder is not difficult if you have a hair dryer, a round brush and any styling product.

Elongated caret

The best women's haircuts of 2017 include elongated caret. classic caret remains in fashion for many years and underlies the creation of many haircuts. The elongated version of the square is in no way inferior in popularity short hair. Such haircut fit owners of a round face, since an elongated caret visually stretches the oval of the face and makes it more proportional. If desired, this rather simple haircut can be given interesting accents: graduated strands, straight or oblique bangs. The length of the hair with an elongated caret allows you to create different images.

Today, the word "haircut" means not only shortening hair, but also changing the image. With a new hairstyle, the girl is trying to start something new in life, i.e. a new stage of life begins. Therefore, you need to approach the choice of hairstyle responsibly. Stylish women's haircuts in 2017 are various options It all depends on how long your hair is. Also, when choosing a hairstyle, it is worth considering the shape of the face, and the texture of your hair. Any hairstyles will suit those who have a little curly or normal straight hair, the rest need to trust a professional who will tell you how best to proceed.

Thanks to a well-chosen hairstyle, you can hide what you consider flaws on your face. But with age, whatever one may say, the appearance changes, so the haircuts need to be selected those that, when styling, will require a minimum of effort.

Hairstyles are especially relevant in warm time year (spring - summer), because then everyone starts taking off their warm hats and showing off their new trendy hairstyles.

For women over 40, in addition to choosing a hairstyle, you also need to choose the right color for dyeing your hair in order to look spectacular and, naturally, younger than your years.

Fashionable haircuts for long hair photo

Long hair has been fashionable for many years, and is mostly loved by girls who are feminine and sexy. Having hair of this length, you will always be in trend. But, it is worth considering, and the fact that hair of this length requires more careful care. Girls are very careful about their chic long curls and are afraid to cut off an extra centimeter, although it is still worth trimming the ends from time to time so that the hair looks healthier and more well-groomed.

Fashionable haircuts for medium hair photo

Most have medium hair. This hair length is suitable for both young and girls, and women of age. The choice of hairstyles and haircuts for such a length is large and varied. And all because such a hairstyle does not require a lot of styling costs, its shape is easily adjusted. Such hairstyles are suitable for owners thick hair, because they will look very impressive with an average length.

Fashionable women's haircuts for short hair photo

In 2017, short hair is still in trend, so lovers of simplicity and style should not worry. If you decide to change your long curls for short hair, then think carefully about your decision, because. this is very serious and responsible. Short haircuts are better suited for girls who have thin or oily hair, because. short hairstyles will help to make such hair lighter and give it extra volume. Stylists advise choosing voluminous haircut with smooth lines, thanks to which any woman will look more feminine and mysterious.

Fashionable women's haircuts with bangs photo

In 2017, bangs are back in fashion again. She may be various forms, volumes and slices. Fashion now straight thick bangs, it looks like a little overgrown, or Hollywood: it is straight, but at the same time rare, and lays down in strands. But before you still cut your bangs, consult a professional, he will help you weigh the pros and cons.

Fashionable elongated caret photo

In the new season, the well-known bob hairstyle will change its classic length and get a little longer. Stylists can advise you on several options for this hairstyle:

  • in order to narrow or lengthen the face, you can make the hair at the crown shorter;
  • for women who have square face and a wide forehead, stylists suggest making the back of the head completely short length, and the front part should cover the cheekbones and reach the chin, then you will be irresistible;
  • a square hat, has an increased volume on the sides, which gradually tapers to the bottom, suitable for those who want to visually expand a narrow face.

bob haircut photo

New for 2017 is an elongated or slightly regrown bean. Short or medium bob have already become classics, so if you have such classic hairstyle, but at the same time, without changing anything, you still want to be in trend, trim the ends of your regrown bean and that's it, you are again with a fashionable hairstyle. This is the most versatile hairstyle, because. it suits absolutely everyone. It is easy to install and therefore suitable for active women who are always in a hurry to get somewhere.

Fashionable shaved whiskey photo

If you are not yet ready for a complete change of image and a short hairstyle, but at the same time you want to change something so that everyone around you notices and gasps, then shaved whiskey is your option. Very brave and courageous girls decide on such hairstyles. Do not think that only stars can wear such hairstyles, absolutely not, so chic hairstyle fit any girl who wants to look bright.

photo asymmetry

This technique Lately has become extremely popular, and can be found in hairstyles such as bob, bob and pixie. This hairstyle makes the girl more liberated, adding mystery and vigor.

natural waves photo

Naturalness and natural beauty have always been in fashion. This suggests that hairstyles that emphasize the natural structure of the hair remain fashionable. Wavy hair make your image feminine and romantic. But, unfortunately, not everyone loves such hair and tries to straighten it with all their might, we do not recommend doing this, it is better to emphasize the beauty of your curls, and then you will be irresistible.

To choose a hairstyle that suits you, watch the video below.

Just yesterday, a bob haircut with curls or styling waves was in fashion, but today everyone wants to cut it. straight caret or grow your hair out. Fashion is changing rapidly, and with it our hairstyles.

In this article, we will see all fashion trends in hairstyles 2018. What haircuts are in trend? How to style bangs to make your hairstyle look fashionable? All the latest hairstyles with a selection of photos are collected for you in this article.

Choose your hairstyle to your liking, change, create a new stylish look.

Fashionable hairstyles 2018: novelties and trends

Almost all fashion designers and stylists unanimously proclaimed 2018 the year of natural female beauty. Models walked the runway with little or no makeup. Light make-up or a maximum of one accent and that's it. No on purpose wide eyebrows, crazy eye makeup, hairstyles similar to a “house on the head”, everything is extremely simple and natural. Hair in hairstyles is mostly straight or styled in light waves, as if it were curly by nature. When creating hairstyles, a minimum of styling products is used, with the exception of hairstyles with the effect of wet hair combed back. Otherwise, everything is quite simple, and does not require three hours of standing in front of a mirror.

In 2018, natural beauty is in trend.

Stylish tousled hairstyles

Want to get trendy hair? Just do not comb :), but clean your hair with your hands. In 2018, slightly disheveled grunge will be very popular. They look as if the wind has just blown their hair. To make such a hairstyle is very simple. Dry your hair as usual, then apply a small amount of light mousse and lightly fluff the hair at the crown. Additionally, you can fix this hairstyle with varnish.

Photos from the spring-summer 2018 shows

Messy bob hairstyles

Examples everyday hairstyles

Trendy hairstyles 2018 on a bob

Doesn't want to go out of style. On the contrary, it is becoming more and more popular. In 2018, very relevant will be short bob, as well as a classic straight square to the shoulders. It is better to straighten your hair or lay it in the form of waves and slightly dishevel it, giving the hairstyle some carelessness. A square with straight bangs will return to fashion (moreover, it is better if it is thick). You can also make a trendy hairstyle with bangs laid on the side in the form of a wave. This can be done with a gel. How? Watch the video tutorial: how to style bangs in the form of a wave.

Smooth styling on a straight bob

What other styling on the square is in fashion in 2018?

Wavy hair

Side parting

Smooth straight bangs

Laying the ends out

Hairstyle with light waves, made with an iron

Hairstyles for short and ultra-short hair

In 2018, not just short, but ultra-short ones quickly broke into the rating of the most fashionable hairstyles. Of course, they are not suitable for all girls, but only for those who have correct proportions heads and a rather bold disposition. Also in trend is universal haircut pixie with classic styling. The bangs can be styled straight or slightly to the side using a light texturizing mousse.

Photo of a model with a fashionable short hairstyle with side bangs

Forked bangs

creative hairstyles

Casual short hairstyles

Bangs with feathers

Casual simple styling very short hair

Waves and braids in boho style

Slightly tousled natural waves were popular last year and will remain relevant for another season. And it's well deserved. These look very feminine, stylish, romantic. Hair after a light curl acquires well-groomed appearance and beautiful shine. Also popular are two ordinary braids, as if assembled on hastily easily.

Fashionable boho waves

Fashionable boho braids

Trendy hairstyles 2018 in boho style

small curls

Funny and very cute voluminous hairstyles with small curls. If you want to do this hairstyle for one day, use small curlers, and if you want to execute long-term styling, then you need to run to the salon, sign up for a hair carving procedure. Curls after it stay long enough (6-9 months). That's just sparing this procedure can not be called.

small curls on a square

Curly hairstyles for short hair

Fashionable curly hairstyles for long hair

Hairstyles with the effect of wet hair

One of the most fashion trends in hairstyles 2018 - the effect of wet hair. It is not difficult to achieve it. You just need to use a little gel with the same effect during styling. The main thing when creating such a hairstyle is not to overdo it.

How exactly to make a fashionable hairstyle? You can comb your hair back with gel and secure with pintucks at the sides. You can put bangs beautiful wave. Another option for creating a fashionable hairstyle for 2018 is to style your hair with a gel in careless waves. Use the gel when creating a hairstyle with a tail and it will look more stylish, neat and relevant.

Fashionable hairstyles with the effect of wet hair

Hair on the side

If you want to make it beautiful, then try curling your hair with a curling iron, combing most of it to one side, thereby creating volume. If necessary, the bangs can be lightly sprinkled with varnish. You will get a very beautiful everyday relaxed look with a simple hairstyle for medium length hair.

Photo from fashionable styling on the side

Retro in a new reading

At the Miu Miu show, the models were created very unusual and stylish images. Including drew attention to the hairstyles of models, made in retro style. But it was not classic retro, but retro in a new reading, inscribed in Casual style and image modern girl. In fact, this is a simple low ponytail with a little fleece on top and fashion accessory- hairband.

Fashionable hairstyles in retro style

Photos from the spring-summer 2018 show Miu Miu

Hair styled back

This hairstyle belongs to the category quick hairstyles on every day. Any girl can handle it. It is enough to take a little mousse, then comb part of the hair (including bangs) back, and leave the rest loose. To keep the hairstyle longer, fix the hair with invisibility.

Hair styled back

Smooth and straight hair

This hairstyle can be classified as a classic for all time. Happy owners of straight long hair do not need to do anything. Just smooth slightly split ends (if any) with a hair straightener. If you want your hair to always look 100%, then try fashionable now salon procedure called keratin hair straightening. After it, your hair will look well-groomed. Hairstyles with long hair hidden behind the ears are in trend.

Fashionable hairstyles 2018 with long hair hidden behind the ears

Fashionable hairstyles 2018: how to style bangs?

  • Hairstyles with straight thick bangs

If you have a high forehead, then try to do stylish haircut with thick straight bangs. These will be very popular in 2018. To keep the bangs lying flat, use a hair straightener to style them.

Fashionable hairstyles with straight bangs