The most beautiful wall newspapers for the New Year. How to design a New Year's wall newspaper

The long-awaited New Year 2019 is getting closer and closer, perhaps the most favorite holiday of the year for the vast majority of people in our country. City streets are being transformed. Shop windows decorated with garlands of light bulbs turn them into one continuous winter's tale. Christmas markets in snow-covered snowdrifts and the whole pre-New Year atmosphere set us all up for the expectation of a miracle that comes from childhood. Many houses have already installed Christmas trees and decorated their rooms. In this article we want to tell you about 3 original New Year's posters for the New Year 2019, made with your own hands to please your loved ones with the approach of the desired holiday. To help your creativity, we have collected photos and videos that you should familiarize yourself with.

Instructions on how to make a beautiful poster for New Year 2019

New Year posters for the New Year 2019, made by yourself are quite varied. Everyone strives to make them unique, creative and bright. And it’s not for nothing, because they play important role- raising the spirits and cheerfulness of those around you. Many of us, in order to achieve a similar result, engage in creativity not only with our children, but with the whole family as a whole. After all, it’s great when all the relatives, in the process of jokes and loud laughter, in a light, relaxed atmosphere, are engaged in teamwork in preparation for the New Year. As a rule, on clean slate Whatman paper depict those familiar to us fairy tale characters, and this is Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Christmas tree, forest animals, deer with a sleigh and much more. But don’t forget that this year the Pig must be on the poster, cheerful, carefree and colorful. This is what will bring your family prosperity and good luck in all matters in the coming year. In a word, as a result of inspired creative work similar species are born:

  • wall newspapers(one of the types of posters created on whatman paper and containing, in addition to New Year's drawings, clippings with congratulations and wishes from newspapers, magazines in a simple and humorous form);
  • original posters, made using watercolors or gouache (made using prints of children's or adult palms, from which they create the symbol of the year 2019 - little Pigs, as well as Father Frost and the Snow Maiden);
  • Christmas tree posters(created using the palms of children or adults, outlined on a sheet of colored paper, cut out and glued in the shape of a Christmas tree);
  • voluminous posters(created in the form of a living image, for this they take multi-colored scraps, colored or corrugated paper, Christmas tree rain, tinsel, cotton wool, snowflakes, stars and much more, which is then used as clothes glued onto fairy-tale characters, slightly protruding for realism, when creating a general winter background on whatman paper, etc.);
  • simple posters(drawn with pencils and felt-tip pens);
  • wish posters(in addition to drawings, the wishes of loved ones are written or pasted into them);
  • posters for parents(photos of parents with congratulations are pasted into them);
  • posters for your loved one;
  • vytynanka posters(created using pictures drawn by yourself or using templates cut out and pasted onto a poster).

Be used similar posters can:

  • in kindergartens;
  • in schools;
  • in higher educational institutions;
  • in commercial establishments;
  • in offices;
  • in the Palaces of Culture;
  • Houses.

But don’t forget that the main role in 2019 is played by the Yellow Pig, so it should look decent on your poster. In a word, pure Whatman paper should turn, through your common family efforts, into a motley and colorful creation, thanks to which the flow of positive emotions will be even more powerful for your environment.

To create you will need:

  • whatman;
  • markers;
  • paints;
  • pencils;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • brushes;
  • photo;
  • decorative items: beads, rhinestones, ribbons, New Year's rain, tinsel;
  • colorful shreds and so on.

For creative work, each of you can use what you like.

Kindergarten is the first stage of a little person’s entry into a turbulent social life. This means that here, too, congratulations on the upcoming New Year are a pleasant and obligatory tradition. In order for a child to fully experience the magic of the holiday, it is worth making a poster with him from the cut out palms of his own hands. It looks unusual and is easy to create.

To make this we will need:

  • Whatman A-4 or A-3;
  • Colour pencils, watercolor paints or gouache, felt-tip pens;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • cotton wool;
  • threads for knitting red and blue color(can be to your taste).


  1. Lay out the Whatman paper evenly and secure its edges so that they do not curl, using blue paints, create a winter background, as in the photo.
  2. Trace on a piece of green paper with a simple pencil your child's palm and cut out enough to decorate the Christmas tree.
  3. We glue the finished palms onto whatman paper, giving the shape of a Christmas tree, and then, at your discretion, you can decorate it with all sorts of snowflakes, beads, rhinestones, rain, pieces of cotton wool in the form of snow.
  4. Using a simple pencil, draw the Snow Maiden and Father Frost, and then use felt-tip pens or paints to decorate only their faces.
  5. Take threads for knitting desired color and finely chop it with scissors to make a kind of pile, and then glue it to where the clothes of your fairy-tale characters are located. The poster should include little puppy, it will not take up much space, and is made from brown threads.
  6. Using cotton wool we make an edge on the fur coat of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, on the hat, on the sleeves, carefully gluing it.

Well, our handmade New Year 2019 poster is ready, which will delight everyone in kindergarten.

New Year's three-dimensional poster for school

In order to mark your uniqueness when creating a New Year's poster for school, you should combine drawing with appliqué, and then you will get an unsurpassed three-dimensional poster that children will use junior classes They will be able not only to admire them, but also to touch them as if they were living characters.

To work you will need:

  • Whatman paper of the desired size;
  • scissors;
  • sheets of colored paper, including gold and silver;
  • PVA glue;
  • paints;
  • brushes;
  • markers;
  • New Year's rain and other tinsel;
  • cotton wool;
  • dry leaves, optional.


  1. Lay out the Whatman paper comfortably and apply schematic strokes of the location of all the details and images on it.
  2. Start making a Christmas tree: we make branches of a forest beauty from green paper, gathering them so that when they stick, they stick out a little.
  3. Having done required amount details, assemble the Christmas tree and glue it to whatman paper, decorate it with rain, beads and balls cut out of shiny paper.
  4. Above the Christmas tree, write in different colors with felt-tip pens: Happy New Year!
  5. Draw with a simple pencil Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden, the Snowman, definitely the Pig and, if desired, other fairy-tale characters, and then decorate them with paints and felt-tip pens. Make a beard out of cotton wool for Santa Claus, the edge of a fur coat, hat, collar, securing it with glue. Do the same with the Snow Maiden.
  6. Make room for a small New Year's greetings, written with felt-tip pens or cut and glued.
  7. At the very end, we decorate our New Year’s poster with stars or snowflakes cut out of gold and silver paper.

Ideas for decorating posters for the New Year 2019 with your own hands may be different, but try to make a three-dimensional poster, it will look lively and natural.

Wall newspaper for parents

Handmade gifts are often given by children. They especially try for their beloved mothers and fathers. And this is wonderful, because for now this is the only way they can express their love and gratitude!

To work you will need:

  • whatman;
  • paints;
  • markers;
  • pencils;
  • a simple pencil;
  • clippings from newspapers, magazines;
  • decorative items: cotton wool, rain, tinsel, sparkles, rhinestones, beads;
  • glue.


  1. On whatman paper, make strokes of future pictures, and then outline them with felt-tip pens and decorate them with paints.
  2. Paste the clippings of congratulations you like from newspapers, magazines, or just printed ones.
  3. The inscription “Happy New Year!”, decorated with paints, can be lightly smeared with glue and sprinkled with glitter.
  4. We also decorate the Christmas tree colorfully: in several balls, if you want, you can paste photographs of your parents, and decorate the Christmas tree itself with rain, cut out snowflakes, cotton wool, beads, sequins, homemade toys from colored paper and so on, securing it all with ordinary glue.

This is how a beautiful New Year's wall newspaper is born, and the more shine you give it, the more your parents' eyes will sparkle, rejoicing at such a dear gift for them for the New Year 2019.

Photo ideas for New Year posters

If you find it difficult to draw a New Year’s poster yourself or you don’t have enough time for it, then you can print ready-made ones holiday photos with congratulations, funny pictures or templates for future creations that you will need to decorate with your own hands and print them using a color printer. You can add the necessary words of congratulations either by hand or on the keyboard - immediately before printing. To make your work easier, we provide you with some photo ideas and templates for future posters, but do not forget to include the Pig character on them, as it is a symbol of the coming 2019.

The MEGA-ART company offers the following elements New Year's decoration:

Poster for the design of shop windows and entrances

Banners and billboards for decorating building facades and interior decoration

Greeting card, both with the proposed design and with an individual one

Sticker and window sticker

State symbols (flag, coat of arms)

Individual decoration of balloons for the New Year

Lighting design

Tree lighting (duralight, clip-light)

Ate and Christmas decorations(balloons, garlands, tinsel)

Inflatable and illuminated New Year's figures

In Russia, since the introduction of Christianity, chronology began either from March or from the day of Holy Easter. In 1492, Grand Duke John III approved the decree of the Moscow Council to count September 1 as the beginning of the year.

In addition, it is important to say that until 1700, Russia counted the years “From the creation of the world.” But this did not last long. Russia was beginning to establish connections with Europe, and this “time difference” was a big hindrance. In 7207 (from the creation of the world, of course), Peter I resolved all calendar inconveniences in one fell swoop. Referring to the European nations, he issued a decree to celebrate the New Year from the day of the Nativity of the God-Man and on January 1 instead of September 1. Celebrating the New Year on September 1 was simply prohibited.

On December 15, 1699, to the beat of drums, the royal clerk announced to the people the will of the king: that as a sign of a good beginning and the beginning of a new century, after thanksgiving to God and prayer singing in the church, it was ordered “along the large thoroughfares, and noble people in front of the gates to make some decoration from trees and branches of pine, spruce and juniper. And for the poor people (i.e., the poor), at least put a tree or a branch over the gate. And so that it arrives by the 1st of 1700 of this year; and that decoration should remain on Invar (i.e. January) until the 7th of the same year. On the first day, as a sign of joy, congratulate each other on the New Year, and do this when the fiery fun begins on Red Square and there is shooting.”

The decree recommended, if possible, that everyone in their yards should “fire three times and fire several rockets” with small cannons or small rifles. From January 1 to January 7, “light fires at night from wood, or from brushwood, or from straw.” On December 31 at 12 o'clock at night, Peter I went out onto Red Square with a torch in his hands and launched the first rocket into the sky.

I must say that they are new new year customs took root among the Slavs quite quickly, because earlier at that time there was another holiday - Christmastide. And many old rituals - funny carnivals, mummers' tricks, sleigh rides, midnight fortune-telling and round dances around the Christmas tree - fit well into the ritual of celebrating the New Year.

From now on and forever this holiday was enshrined in Russian calendar. This is how the modern New Year came to us.

The Mega-Art company congratulates you on your holiday!

Not a single New Year's holiday is complete without a wall newspaper. The New Year's wall newspaper allows you to congratulate a large number of people. Surprise with unexpected congratulations, unique design and possibly small gifts.

A wall newspaper for the New Year 2018 with your own hands will bring pleasure to all those who look at and read it. Many will be able to see themselves on the wall newspaper and laugh at funny stories, and get a prediction from the future.

The question of how to make posters for the New Year will be asked by everyone who is facing this event.

For the New Year, the wall newspaper will be appropriate in the following establishments:

Public organizations;
Government bodies;
Commercial organizations;
Educational establishments.

Materials and tools for creating a wall newspaper

In order to create a unique and interesting wall newspaper you need:

Sheets of white paper;
Colored paper;
Quilling paper;
Colored and satin ribbons;
New Year decoration, New Year's tinsel;
Colored pens;
Sweets (as gifts);
Papers with predictions (if the idea of ​​the newspaper requires it);
Ready-made newspaper templates.

New Year posters for school

An original New Year's poster for schoolchildren is a difficult task. It's hard to surprise now modern children. This is due to the fact that schoolchildren are busy playing games on the computer and spend little time doing real creativity, the site writes. Therefore, the creation of a wall newspaper for the New Year 2018 fun event, which can unite the whole class.

Before you create a wall newspaper, you need to decide on the general ideas:

You can congratulate everyone with beautiful congratulations by decorating a wall newspaper New Year pictures;
You can congratulate specific people;
Describe interesting stories which happened with the class, supplementing them with photographs;
Describe your class. Attach photos of students and teachers. Prepare funny congratulations;
Write unique poems about teachers and their merits;
Imagine your class in the future. Place students' heads on the shape templates famous people. Such a wall newspaper will be remembered by the whole class, and maybe the whole school, for a very long time.

DIY poster for kindergarten

Very often in kindergarten children congratulate their parents, and create congratulation poster On New Year 2018, teachers help children with their own hands. On such a poster you can:
Post photos of children with beautiful poems;
Post photos of parents with children;
Place photos of parents as children next to photos of children for comparison. It will be very interesting if there are photos of parents when they were little and children from children's matinees to save New Year theme;
Pick up ready-made templates on the theme of the New Year from the existing list.

Wall newspaper produced for an adult institution

If the poster is prepared in commercial organization, government organization, or other body, it is necessary to select such templates, texts and topics so that they are interesting to an adult.

If there is a wall newspaper in the office, the wall will gain more festive look. A voluminous poster will allow you to place a lot of information on it and will make you linger near it longer.

For such a wall newspaper, you can choose a design containing:

Comic predictions for New Year;
Small gifts(can be sweet) to all those who will read the newspaper. For example: (read a New Year's poem, take out a candy for yourself from Grandfather Frost's bag);
Photos of employee successes over the year (birth of a child, marriage, advanced training, etc.)
Beautiful personalized congratulations, decorated in a comic style;
Templates where you can place heads under figures cut out from magazines.
Whatever option is chosen, there is confidence that the person who reads the wall newspaper will enjoy the holiday, and if he has not yet realized that the holiday is rapidly approaching, he will understand it very quickly.
Step-by-step master class on creating a wall newspaper
Divide the wall newspaper into conditional blocks. This means that you need to think about where the name of the wall newspaper will be located, where photographs, texts, gifts, predictions and other planned information will be placed;

Decide on the drawings that will fill the wall newspaper. These can be symbols of the year (note the symbol of 2018 is the Yellow Dog), images of fairy-tale characters, including Santa Claus, deer, snowmen, and so on. Photographs of certain persons;
Prepare additional paraphernalia that will decorate the wall newspaper: toys, tinsel, ribbons, sparkles, predictions, candies, volumetric figures and so on;
Choose fonts, colors and methods of decorating and decorating the wall newspaper, as well as templates;
Select congratulatory, informative, comic, educational and other texts;
Treat the preparation of the wall newspaper with all your heart, leaving on it a piece of happiness, joy and positive emotions.

The main thing in a wall newspaper is a positive beginning, and after the work begins, the fantasy itself will develop, and ideas will pop up in your head. beautiful pictures, original ideas And interesting congratulations. A large number of templates will reduce the time for preparing a wall newspaper.

A bright wall newspaper for the New Year 2018 with your own hands (we think you have already chosen the templates) is great gift For large quantity of people, pleasant emotions and a feeling of celebration.

The old year is passing awayLeaves without return
The thread of worries goes away,
Which we don't need.
And it will sink into oblivion,
What we wanted
Who was in love and was loved.
Unexpectedly - unexpectedly
Names go away
Moments, looks, songs,
Times are passing by
Where it was so wonderful!
Goodbye, Old Year,
Goodbye, no goodbye.
New Year is coming to us
And makes promises!

The old year is passing away
Leaves without return
The thread of worries goes away,
Which we don't need.
And it will sink into oblivion,
What we wanted
Who was in love and was loved.
Unexpectedly - unexpectedly
Names go away
Moments, looks, songs,
Times are passing by
Where it was so wonderful!
Goodbye, Old Year,
Goodbye, no goodbye
New Year is coming to us
And makes promises!

The old year is passing away
Leaves without return
The thread of worries goes away,
Which we don't need.
And it will sink into oblivion,
What we wanted
Who was in love and was loved.
Unexpectedly - unexpectedly
Names go away
Moments, looks, songs,
Times are passing by
Where it was so wonderful!
Goodbye, Old Year,
Goodbye, no goodbye
New Year is coming to us
And makes promises!

New Year is celebrated in different ways in many countries.

In Italy , for example, the new year begins on January 6th. All Italian children are looking forward to the good Fairy Befana. She flies in at night on a magic broom, opens the doors with a small, golden key and, entering the room where the children sleep, fills the children's stockings, specially hung from the fireplace, with gifts. For those who have studied poorly or been naughty, Befana leaves a pinch of ash or coal. It's a shame, but he deserved it!

French Santa Claus - Pere Noel - comes to New Year's Eve and leaves gifts in children's shoes. The one who gets the bean baked in New Year's pie, receives the title of "bean king". And on the festive night everyone obeys his orders.

In Sweden Before the New Year, children choose the Queen of Light, Lucia. She is dressed up in White dress, a crown with lit candles is put on the head. Lucia brings gifts to children and treats to pets. On a festive night, the lights in the houses do not go out, the streets are brightly lit.

In England Father Frost's name is Santa Claus. On New Year's days, performances based on ancient stories are staged for children in theaters. English fairy tales. In this country, the custom arose of exchanging greeting cards for the New Year.

In Germany Santa Claus appears on a donkey. Before going to bed, children put a plate on the table for the gifts that Santa Claus will bring them, and put hay treats for his donkey in their shoes.

To Holland Santa Claus arrives on a ship. The children joyfully greet him at the pier. Santa Claus loves funny pranks and surprises and often gives children marzipan fruits, toys, and candy flowers.

WITH then eight strikes of the bell herald the arrival of the New Year inJapan . On New Year's Eve, Japanese children hide under their pillow a picture of a sailboat on which seven fairy-tale wizards are sailing - the seven patrons of happiness. In this country, the New Year is celebrated in new clothes. It is believed to bring health and good luck in the New Year.

In Australia New Year falls at the height of summer, so there are no snowmen and sleighs with bells at the holiday. But Santa Claus is still present. He just appears on the surf from the ocean. He may be without a fur coat, but he always wears a red cap and a snow-white beard.

N new yearin our country - the children's favorite holiday. In every home, children and adults prepare for his arrival. At midnight on December 31st, with the last stroke of the clock, the new year begins. In the morning, under the Christmas tree, children find gifts left by Father Frost and Snow Maiden!

Exhibition winter compositions

new year, this bright and fun party, noted in different countries in different ways, however, everywhere he is loved and expected. Starting from mid-December, cities, villages, every team and every family can feel the approach of this winter celebration! Our school is no exception!

Pupils from all grades take great pleasure in creating festive atmosphere!

The oldest ones diligently decorate the hall (after all, this is where events to celebrate the school New Year are held) and decorate the Christmas tree. By the way, this year our class was lucky enough to decorate the “green beauty”! And it was so great!.. It’s great to hold amazingly beautiful, huge, shiny balls; it’s great to hang tinsel, little “Santa Clauses”, “stars” and other cute toys on the branches; It’s great to just be next to the main attribute of the holiday and inhale its indescribable pine aroma!..

At this time, other classes are trying to create festive splendor on the stairs, weaving colorful “rain” around the railings and sticking snowflakes and New Year’s posters on the walls.

But some class is performing another very important task: decorating the columns and walls of the first floor near the entrance to the school. And rightly so!.. Holiday mood should be felt immediately after opening the door into the room!

The junior classes were also able to show their imagination. They had the opportunity to create amazing compositions on the windows of the first floor corridor (this wonderful tradition appeared in our school relatively recently). And it should be noted that the guys did their best! Each window sparkled with colors, came to life and became separate fairy world! Here are real handsome snowmen, dressed in bright scarves, with brooms in their hands, and roses dusted with “snow,” and live spruce branches, and beautiful snowflakes, and all kinds of crafts Christmas trees: made of tinsel, paper and even, you’ll be surprised, using pasta!

As a result of all this New Year's cheerful bustle, our school in last days the second quarter was imbued with a festive atmosphere, good mood(they decorated and were involuntarily charged with the joy of the upcoming fun), the smell of pine needles... The posters drawn by the children “shouted” Happy New Year congratulations from everywhere! Somehow the whole school atmosphere as a whole began to sparkle in a new way, filled with liveliness and festive coziness!..

And, to be honest, studying, which is usually always tiring by the end of the quarter, during this period of time brought only the most positive emotions!

Sheremetova Elena

student of grade 11 "A"

Miracles at the Christmas tree

New Year is the most favorite holiday for both adults and children. On the eve of this celebration, we found ourselves as spectators at a school performance. A festive atmosphere greeted us already on the threshold of the school. There are garlands, snowflakes, congratulations everywhere. In the center of the assembly hall is a magnificent, beautiful Christmas tree. The hall shone with the bright, joyful eyes of the children. How much different costumes: fairies, snowflakes, bears, bunnies, cats. Here you could meet little princesses and princes, brave cowboys and musketeers, pirates and robbers. And the fairy-tale high school students had fun with the kids at the New Year tree.

Koschey came to the New Year's ball with his assistants. With various pranks and dirty tricks they tried to ruin the holiday, kidnap Santa Claus and take away new Year gifts, but attention, intelligence and ingenuity helped the guys cope with all the tasks uninvited guests. The holiday continued. Father Frost and Snow Maiden spun with the children in the New Year's carousel of miracles. Everyone danced, played, sang. It felt like one big and friendly family had gathered for the holiday.

In an atmosphere of general fun, we adults also forgot about our problems for a while and plunged into a fairy tale. The school performers were so sincere, kind and charming that none of those present wanted the holiday to end. The guys brought with them a lot joyful emotions And cheerful mood. Thanks to the organizers of the school performance for the opportunity to return to childhood at least for a short while and believe in magic again.

4th grade parents

New Year's ball for high school students

Our school has a wonderful tradition - every New Year, high school students prepare a performance. This year was no exception. This time, thanks to the excellent organizational skills of S.I. Shcherbinina. and Deshina V.I., students of grade 10 “A”, together with dance groups 9 – 11 grades, as well as the vocal duet of girls 11 “A” managed to create an amazing concert. The guys who decorated the hall also worked hard. It looked simply fabulous: lights, glitter, decorations everywhere, and, of course, a Christmas tree decorated with hundreds of iridescent toys! Apparently, it was all this that delighted the audience. After all, how can one not applaud the tenderness of the girls and the inner strength of spirit of the guys dancing the waltz, the unusually beautiful voices of the vocalists, and, of course, the beloved fairy-tale heroes- Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden. Throughout the entire holiday, those present were left with the feeling of a real “New Year's fairy tale.”

10th grade student "A"

Yashchenko Evgenia

Rabbits are considered ambitious and talented. They always enjoy respect and trust from friends and colleagues. Often friends and acquaintances come to them for advice, and they can be sure that they will really receive it. People born under this sign usually have many friends and at the same time cannot stand even minor conflicts. Their home is always open to guests. It cannot be said that sincerity and frankness are their main feature. They are ready to listen to any problems and help solve them, but they themselves open up very, very rarely.

Cat (Rabbit) I’m used to falling on all fours when fate strikes me. He can be called lucky. He is ambitious, but in moderation, gifted, modest, precise, restrained. He may well become a wonderful companion who will not deceive or let you down. And everyone who communicates with a cat knows this. He is also noted for his ability to speak beautifully and a lot and always evaluates himself sensibly. With all these numerous advantages, Cats have one rather unpleasant drawback - they are superficial. And all the feelings and character traits that can be seen in him also lie on the surface.

Cats love to invite guests over and just have parties.
It is almost impossible to unbalance the Cat. He is calm and calm. Because of some little thing, the Cat may well cry bitterly, and after a few minutes he will be comforted and continue to enjoy life. The cat is used to being a conservative. If something can shake the Cat’s life, change it, or, moreover, cause complications, he will vehemently hate this “something”, trying to get rid of it with everyone available methods. His main priorities are safety and comfort. He will never get carried away, and makes decisions only after all the pros and cons have been carefully weighed.
Cats are smart, erudite and dexterous in any matter.
Cat affectionate, helpful with loved ones. Ready to die for those who trusted him.
Cat dreams of a calm, peaceful existence. He does not like wars, revolutions or disasters. They disturb his established comfort.

Such outstanding personalities as I. Stalin, A. Einstein, I. Kurchatov, A. Grechko, S. Vavilov, V. Scott, V. Zhukovsky and many other outstanding personalities who achieved recognition in poetry, art, politics, sports and science.

But what do the people who most often communicate with them – their class teachers – think about “rabbits” and “cats”.

Children of grade 5 “B”... Children born in the year of the “cat” and “rabbit”... Who are they? Which? I can say one thing: they are the best! Kind, hardworking and responsible. Talented and inventive. Sometimes they are childishly naive, sometimes they are serious in an adult way. And look into their eyes... They are radiant and sincere, filled with light and joy! Comedians and entertainers. They always make me happy with their grades and thirst for knowledge. These are my “cats” and “rabbits”!

Classroom teacher 5 "B" class

E.Yu. Dmitrieva

Why is there no clear opinion - a rabbit or a cat?

According to the legend explaining the formation Chinese horoscope, on his birthday, Buddha invited all those animals who wanted to come to him. The first to arrive were the rat, the buffalo and the tiger. The Tiger lagged behind the Buffalo a little, and a competition ensued between them. Buddha and other guests, distracted, could not carefully see the one who came after the tiger. Some thought it was a rabbit, others thought it was a cat. The truth could not be established immediately, and it could not be established later either. Since then, it has become a custom - who says “year of the cat”, and who says “year of the rabbit” - and both are right!

What is the name of Santa Claus?

In Italy - Bobo Natale,

in Cambodia - Santa Heat,

in Sweden – Lucia (Queen of Light),

in Finland - Christmas Goat,

in Holland - Saint Nicholas,

in the Czech Republic – Mikulas,

in Iran - Novruz,

in the Netherlands – Sinterklaas

in about France – Père Noël,

in Greece - Agios Vasilis,

in Brazil - Pai Natal,

in Bulgaria - Dyado Koleda,

in China - Sheng Dan Laoren.

Santa Claus is not so kind!

N ash kind grandfather Frost was originally called the Great Old Man of the North and was cruelpagandeity. He collected sacrifices in his bag, often preferring small children (yes, there was no talk of any gifts back then). In the forest, this lord of cold and blizzard used tofreezepeople (this image is preserved, for example, in Nekrasov’s poem “Frost - Red Nose”). In general, if he appeared in your house, you should not climb on a stool to recite a poem, but run away as fast as you could.


The history of the Christmas tree

Ancient legend talks about how, on the night of Jesus’ birth, a new, extraordinary light appeared in the sky bright Star, welcoming his birth. Many saw and understood the meaning of this sign. The surrounding shepherds and wise men who lived far in the East hurried to that place. But not only they, but also birds and animals, rushed to the newborn from all over the world. And the plants also brought their gifts to the baby. Some plants have tasty fruits, others have an extraordinary aroma, and others have bright flowers and tender leaves. El was the last to arrive; her journey was not short, because she came from the North. She came up and stood modestly aside. “Why don’t you come in?” - everyone was surprised. “I would like to,” answered El, “but I’m afraid that

there is nothing to give to the baby. I have nothing except hard and tasteless pine cones and sticky resin. I’d better look at the baby from afar, otherwise I’ll inadvertently frighten him or prick him with my needles.” And then all the plants began to console El, they shared their gifts with her. The balls of apples on its branches turned red, the bells of flowers began to ring with a gentle chime, the dandelions showered the prickly needles with soft silvery fluff... El was delighted, became completely bolder, and approached the baby. Seeing such a beauty, little Jesus smiled. AND Star of Bethlehem flashed brightly right above its top. And, as the legend goes on, ever since then the spruce all year round remains green, and once a year comes to every home and delights children and adults with its festive outfit.

In the New Year 2011
I'll tell you everything!

Aries, you go to school,
To adults, Aries, don’t be rude.
Cherish every day
You will find knowledge in it!

School is home, Taurus!
If so, well done!
You will be friends with the school,
Life will be more interesting!

Geminis need patience
Suddenly it’s difficult to study,
Or just an obsession
Maybe even bad luck...
It will be more difficult for you than anyone else
But success will come to you too!

Cancers, you go ahead,
Yes, keep learning your lessons!
Then a prize will be waiting for you,
A surprise everyone needs for crayfish!

Proud Leos, it’s no good for you
Get "twos"
You are excellent in life,
Everything will be perfect!

D Eva, at school you, of course,
Very charming!
New victories await you!
Exactly, definitely!

Oh, you are so shaky, Libra!
You and I know this.
Strive for good luck
Do your schoolwork honestly!

Scorpios, your sting
Even sharper than a dagger.
Be kind to everyone
And you will find friends!

Our Sagittarius is very accurate
Let's put it bluntly - Well done!
Find your goals in your studies,
You will be in business all year!

Don't fight, Capricorns.
They are waiting for you long roads
There are different discoveries across the country.
And various victories!

Aquarius is the soul of friends!
There is nothing you regret.
School will be like a joy
A reward awaits you in the coming year!

Pisces, you are not silent at the board,
Tell me what you found out.
It will be easier to live at school
And be friends with science!

You are all zodiac signs!
Don't forget, however
It all depends on you!
ours is top class!

There is a day in frosty January, painted with joyful, somehow spring mood. This is January 25 - Tatiana's Day, Students' Day. January 25 is a holiday that any self-respecting student loves and celebrates!

As history shows, among the Moscow patronal holidays, Tatiana's Day - Tatiana's name day and the holiday of students of Moscow University, celebrated on January 12 in the old style (25 in the new style) - was special.

Why this day and why students' day? In 1755, the day of the Holy Great Martyr Tatiana received new meaning in history. Russian science. On January 12, 1755, Tatiana’s day, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna signed the “Decree on the establishment of a university and two gymnasiums in Moscow.”

Initially, this holiday was celebrated only in Moscow, and was celebrated very magnificently. The annual celebration of Tatiana's Day was a real event for the capital. It consisted of two parts: a short official ceremony in a university building and noisy folk festival, in which almost the entire capital took part.

In the 18th – first half of the 19th centuries, ceremonial acts to commemorate the graduation became university, and therefore student, holidays. school year, the public was present, awards were handed out, speeches were made. At the same time, the official university day, celebrated with a prayer service in the university church, was January 12. But it was not called Tatyana’s Day, but “the founding day of Moscow University.”

This was followed by the Decree of Nicholas I, where he ordered to celebrate not the opening day of the university, but the signing of the act of its establishment. Thus, by the will of the monarch, a student holiday appeared - Tatiana’s Day and Student’s Day.

Years passed. Students became doctors, lawyers, teachers, writers. But Tatyana’s day was not forgotten and did not change. On this traditional day, old people and young people, famous and unknown - everyone was familiar, everyone was equal.

Tatiana's day has become a holiday for students these days, Student's Day. On this winter day, we congratulate students of all generations, and with a feeling of gratitude we remember our teachers who opened the Temple of Sciences for us.

Tatyana's Day is a holiday of youth, a holiday of all those who keep in their souls the fire of creativity, the thirst for knowledge, search and discovery. Joy, hope and happiness to you, students and teachers of all generations!

Dear Tanya, Tanechka, Tatyana, we congratulate you on the holiday!

Tatyana's Day,
Tatyana's Day,
The lilac is still not happy,
There's still plenty of snow on the ground,
There's still a snowstorm outside the windows,
But it's time for January
Prepare the sleigh from the yard.
And February hurries to the throne,
Piercing the whistle of the wind into the distance.
Go to Tatyana and tell
Words from the heart, from the soul,
Congratulate her and wish her
Happy days And for long years,
So that joy overflows,
And the light of good omens came true.