Child year and 8 how to wean. Steps on which the mother-child couple is in the process of breastfeeding. How long does a soft weaning last?

Breastfeeding is just a phase in the mother-child relationship. And one day the day will come when the last attachment of your breastfeeding history will take place. Every nursing mother sooner or later wonders how to wean a child from breastfeeding. This usually becomes relevant at the age of a child from 1.5 to 2 years. Whatever the reason for weaning, if thoughts of ending breastfeeding have begun to cross your mind, then this article will be helpful to you.

We talk about how to wean a baby from the breast and how to stop lactation in this article. You will learn what absolutely cannot be done in order to prevent problems with the chest, and not to break the emotional connection with the baby.

So, if you've made the decision to stop breastfeeding your baby, be patient and determined to take action. Let's get started!

The reason for raising the issue of weaning is most often the pressing public opinion that feeding after a year is not normal. Upon learning that the child is still receiving mother's milk, strangers, and sometimes close people, exclaim: “How? Are you still feeding? He's already so big!" or “Milk after a year loses its beneficial features". In fact, all these arguments are relics of the past. Practiced throughout the post-Soviet space early completion GV, and the transfer of infants to feeding with a mixture and cereals. All because young mothers had to return to work early after the birth of a child, the party dictated its own rules. And almost no one managed to feed their babies even up to a year. Times have sunk into oblivion, and public opinion has taken root in the minds of the older generation.

As for the usefulness of breast milk after a year of feeding, the answer is unequivocal. It is important to understand the mechanism of milk production in order to believe that over time it does not lose its beneficial qualities. Milk is produced according to the principle “demand creates supply”, i.e. the child suckles the breast, stimulating the release of prolactin into the blood, and milk comes in response to sucking. This happens in the first months of feeding and after a year, and after two years. Therefore, it cannot disappear, turn sour or lose its beneficial properties. Milk is made from the mother's blood and lymph. Vitamins that the mother receives, the child also receives. The number of immune cells that at the beginning of feeding, that after a year is the same.

It often happens that a mother is physically and mentally tired of frequent feedings, from hanging on the chest, waking up for suction at night. It happens that the baby is very naughty, arranges public tantrums, demanding breasts. And it seems to the mother that after the completion of breastfeeding, the child will become calmer, sleep better, wake up less often at night. But here it should be borne in mind that weaning is unlikely to correct mistakes in raising a child. The fact that a child, demanding a breast in front of everyone, crawls under his mother's jacket, screams and stamps his feet, is already a mistake of the mother, who did not set clear boundaries for what is permitted in the behavior of the child. You should always remember that in a pair of mother and baby, the main thing is mother. It is the mother who sets the boundaries within which the child can act. If you don’t want tantrums, don’t give your breast in response to the baby’s cry, let him calm down first.

And as for frequent waking up at night, this is, in fact, the norm for children. younger age. And it has to do with infant sleep cycles.

Child's age optimal for breastfeeding completion

One of the most popular questions for lactation consultants is: how to wean one year old baby from the chest? Apparently, it is at this age of the baby that mothers are most often ready to complete feedings. How the weaning process will proceed depends on the age of the baby.

For the first 6 months after birth, only breast milk is recommended. If at this age there is a need for weaning, each feeding is replaced by feeding adapted mixture. To satisfy the sucking reflex, you will need to offer the baby a pacifier.

The scheme of transition to feeding with an adapted formula

At the age of a child from 9 months, some feedings can already be replaced with complementary foods. But additional feeding with a mixture will still be required. The sucking reflex is still very developed. You will need a blank.

Weaning a child under one year of age is highly undesirable. First of all, this is the strongest stress for the child. And besides, mom, being at the peak of lactation, exposes herself high risk lactostasis and mastitis.

When the baby has reached the age of one and a half years and older, it is no longer necessary to replace feeding with a mixture. At this age, almost all children are already eating regular food, and the breast is no longer the main source of nutrition. The sucking reflex may or may not persist, so you can use a pacifier at the discretion of the mother.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends breastfeeding up to 2 years of age or beyond if mother and child so desire.

According to experts, this age is optimal for the completion of breastfeeding. The child is already strong enough both physically and psychologically. Meals are taken from the common table. The sucking reflex begins to fade. There was an active interest in the knowledge of the world around.

In any case, every child is ready for weaning in due time. It depends on his temperament, family relationships and other circumstances. That is why, in the matter of weaning, a mother should focus only on her baby. His willingness to say goodbye to his mother's breasts will not be difficult to determine. If the child reacts calmly enough to the distracting maneuvers of the mother, then the time has come. If no games and activities can switch his attention from the chest, if the baby falls into strong crying and “hangs” on the chest even more actively - it is better to postpone weaning, the child is not yet ready.

What happens to the breast after breastfeeding

You can often hear the recommendation to complete breastfeeding after waiting for the stage of involution. The involution of the mammary gland directly depends on the number of attachments that naturally decrease as the child grows. With a gradual decrease in the number of applications, the amount of milk also decreases. The stage of breast involution occurs in terms of 2 to 4 years of feeding. It is characterized by the death of the alveoli, small blood vessels. Gradually, the glandular tissue is replaced by adipose tissue, the cells die off and lactation stops.

After breastfeeding is completed, the breasts return to their pre-pregnancy size. Sometimes for a year or more after the last feeding, a few drops of milk may come out of the breast. This is a variant of the norm, and should not frighten a woman.

The structure of the mammary gland

Stages of weaning a baby from breastfeeding

Competent specialists in the field of breastfeeding recommend adhering to the principles of a gradual decrease in lactation, and a gradual decrease in the number of attachments.

We propose the following step-by-step algorithm of actions. It is this sequence of reducing attachments that is the most gentle way of weaning:

  1. We remove feedings during the day (attaching out of boredom, if you miss your mother, hit or get scared)
  2. We remove feeding after dreams.
  3. We remove feeding daytime sleep.
  4. We remove feeding night sleep and during the night.

The duration of each stage takes from two weeks to a month. Thus, the final weaning of the child from breastfeeding occurs after 3-4 months, sometimes a little longer. No need to rush. Such soft will help the child to break the habit without stress.

During the day, try to distract the child as much as possible from the desire to attach to the breast: switch your attention to a book, a toy, interesting activities and walks. Try not to provoke the child: wear clothes at home that cover your chest well.

Schedule a month to start weaning. During this time, prepare yourself mentally and put things in order in the rituals of feeding.

Organize a specific place for feeding, and explain that from now on the baby will only receive breasts here. Let only this place be associated with his chest.

If the baby is used to falling asleep with the breast, you will have to slightly change the ritual of going to bed. You can add reading a book and a lullaby after sucking. Gradually, he will get used to falling asleep to the monotonous reading of his mother and the sound of her voice. It would be nice to connect a sleeping toy to the process of laying down. Baby's favorite toy that will be associated with falling asleep.

The last stage of weaning is laying down for a night's sleep without a breast. Introduce the plush toy into the ritual beforehand.

Finally, move more. A sitting mother is often associated in a child with breastfeeding.

Emergency termination of breastfeeding

Sometimes it happens that there is an urgent need to urgently stop breastfeeding. The reason may be a serious illness of the mother, taking drugs incompatible with lactation, purulent mastitis or surgery. How to stop lactation in case of urgent need, you should consult with a gynecologist. The doctor will prescribe drugs that stop milk production. Only a specialist can choose the right dosage of such medicines. In the case of self-treatment, often manifest side effects. We wrote about a pill to stop milk production. If the mother wants to continue breastfeeding after treatment, the attending physician should be informed about this. He will select more gentle drugs. During therapy, you will need to express your breasts a little to maintain lactation.

What not to do when weaning

How to wean a child from the breast without injuring his psyche? Take into account the following recommendations:

  • Do not use the "grandmother's" method of weaning. Leaving for a few days, leaving the child with relatives is, to put it mildly, irresponsible. The stress that little man will experience, having lost not only the habitual sucking of the breast, but also contact with the mother - it's hard to imagine. And the consequences after such a "shock therapy" can be very sad.
  • Medical termination of lactation is a dangerous and ineffective method of weaning. Often, to suppress lactation, mothers are ready to take a miracle pill that reduces prolactin levels. First, the reception hormonal drugs will negatively affect not only the current health of the woman, but also subsequent pregnancies and lactation. Secondly, without weaning the child from the habit of breastfeeding, there is no point in extinguishing lactation at the same time. Milk will begin to be produced again in response to suckling. It is possible to stop lactation without pills.
  • Do not smear your chest with mustard, wasabi, brilliant green, etc. Not only can you spoil the baby’s stomach, but also scare. Beloved titya, a stronghold of spiritual comfort and warmth, suddenly frightens the baby so much - for him this is a real betrayal.
  • Tightening or bandaging the breast is an extremely unsafe method of weaning. Milk burnout is a real lactostasis. The milk ducts are clamped and stagnation of milk is formed, this can lead to serious consequences up to mastitis.
  • You can not limit food and drink for the extinction of lactation. Reducing food and water within reasonable limits will not affect the amount of milk in any way. But dehydration of the body and poor health may well provide.
  • Do not replace night feedings with compote or sweet water. This is a direct path to the development of caries in a child.
  • Don't get mad at your child if the weaning process drags on. It is unlikely that it will be possible to quickly wean a child from the breast. The principle of "one step forward, two steps back" often applies in this matter. Calmly and systematically move towards the goal. Show your child your confidence. Caress more often and pay more attention to the baby during this difficult period for him. Mom's mood is the most important thing in the process of completing breastfeeding.
  • Follow the no-go rule. If mom said no, then this is the final decision. Otherwise, the authority of the mother's word for the child will not mean anything.
  • Postpone weaning if your child is sick, teething, or has to move house, travel, or start kindergarten. In a word, any significant changes in family life are already stressful for a child. It is not necessary to complete the GW on the eve of such events.

Video: details about the end of breastfeeding.

So, how do you end breastfeeding as gently as possible for mom and baby? It is better to eradicate the habit gradually, without causing stress to the little person who is so dependent on maternal breast. Mom's confidence and calmness - main principle during the completion of breastfeeding. Show your baby with all your appearance that everything is in order, mom knows what she is doing. Pay more attention to the baby during weaning, caress and provide tactile contact, then it will be possible to safely and stress-free complete lactation.

Weaning a baby from breastfeeding can occur in different ages baby. In search suitable ways nursing mothers part with their babies for several days, tighten their breasts, smear them with brilliant green or mustard. But regardless of the age of the crumbs, there are ways to wean him as carefully and calmly as possible.

Mother's milk is an important source of energy and nutrients. This judgment is relevant both in the first year of a baby's life and throughout the entire period of feeding.

According to the recommendations World Organization Health (WHO), it is necessary to feed a child exclusively with mother's milk in the first six months of his life. Further breastfeeding continues in parallel with the introduction of complementary foods. You can breastfeed your baby up to two years and older. It depends on the desire of the woman and the baby.

When Exclusion Is Really Needed

But such an ideal situation does not become a reality for all mothers. Life makes its own adjustments, and sometimes the decision to wean is born contrary to the wishes of the mother and child. There are a number of objective circumstances that prevent the continuation of breastfeeding. If they are neglected, you can face a significant risk to the health of the baby and his mother. These situations include:

  • treatment with drugs incompatible with lactation. When it is not possible to find a safe analogue, it makes sense to temporarily or permanently stop feeding the baby. If short-term medication is required, if desired, a woman can maintain lactation during the treatment period. This will allow her to continue breastfeeding after her recovery;
  • long-term therapy involving toxic drugs. If a nursing mother is shown serious and prolonged treatment, and it is impossible to find a harmless replacement for the prescribed drugs, it is worth finishing feeding;
  • hospitalization of mother or child long term . Separation from a baby due to his or her mother's illness can drag on for weeks and months. In addition, the physical and psychological state of a woman does not always allow her to maintain milk production in the absence of a child.

With regard to specific diseases, absolute contraindications to the continuation of breastfeeding by the mother are:

  • HIV infection;
  • active form of tuberculosis;
  • septic conditions;
  • malaria;
  • kidney disease and kidney failure with azotemia;
  • heavy depressive states and psychological disorders.

If a mother knows that she has heart disease, hyperthyroidism, purulent mastitis, Rhesus or blood group conflict with her baby, natural feeding can be carried out only after the approval of her doctor.

When can weaning be avoided?

It happens that a mother wants to stop breastfeeding her baby for other reasons. They are closely related to violations of the behavior of the baby and the characteristics of his upbringing. Then, often after weaning, problems in the relationship between the mother and her child do not disappear. On the contrary, the situation may even worsen.

Problems with appetite

By the age of one year, the child should already fully eat food from the plate. Breast milk remains an important addition to his diet. It does not lose its value and nutritional properties, even when the baby is two, three years old and in any other period of his life.

But sometimes the benefits of breast milk are overshadowed by the opinion that feeding after a year is the reason. poor appetite grown up baby. Frequent sucking, "hanging" on the chest, partial or complete rejection of adult food disturb the mother and make her think about how to stop breastfeeding the baby. After all, a woman sincerely believes that the completion of lactation will solve the issue of reduced appetite.

However, before such an important step as weaning a child, it is worth understanding the cause of the situation. If the baby almost completely refuses complementary foods, it is important to assess the level of his hemoglobin. To do this, you must submit general analysis blood. An apparent decrease in food cravings often accompanies anemia. In this case, weaning is dangerous for the child, because he will completely stop receiving food. He needs treatment, and mother's milk will support him in the process of recovery.

At normal hemoglobin loss of appetite may be associated with a lack of food interest or a violation eating habits. If such a baby is weaned, he may begin to eat out of desperation. Or maybe not start. And not because he is harmful, but because of the lack of a bunch in his mind: "hunger - food from a plate." These kids need time to learn the rules. eating behavior. Mom's milk will give confidence that during this period the baby will not remain hungry.

550 ml mother's milk covered by a third daily requirement of the child in energy, 38% in protein, 45% in vitamin A and 95% in vitamin C. This amount of nutrition a grown-up baby usually receives during feedings for daytime sleep and during the night.

Frequent nighttime awakenings

Sometimes the decision to wean a child at 1 year old is associated with the desire of the mother to finally get enough sleep. It is believed that after the completion of feeding, the baby will completely stop waking up at night. But it's not.

Of course, a child can be taught to sleep through the night. And there are many ways to do this, but they are not always beneficial for the baby. Some parents do notice an improvement in their baby's nighttime sleep after weaning. And other kids keep waking up at night. But earlier, the mother had a “magic” way of calming - the chest. Now it will be required more strength to rocking, singing, comforting the awakened child.

Night awakenings are the norm for healthy children of the first years of life. They do not wake up because of the desire to kiss the breast. The reason lies in the peculiarities of infant sleep cycles.

Mom goes to work

If the child of a working mother older than a year, in her absence, he safely eats ordinary food. And in the evening, at night and in the morning, he is applied to the chest. This significantly enriches his diet and maintains health.

In addition, close contact with the mother during feeding helps the baby make up for the hours of separation. Even in the case of a business trip, it is not necessary to urgently curtail lactation. And if you feel fullness in the chest, you should simply strain it with your hands until it is relieved.

Child goes to kindergarten

Some kindergartens are reluctant to accept babies who are breastfed. It is believed that they are strongly attached to their mother and cannot do without her. And even more so to fall asleep on your own.

However, it is important to understand that breastfeeding a newborn and an older child is significantly different. At 1.5-2 years old, the baby usually already has the experience of falling asleep without a mother.

When weaning and admission to kindergarten match, the baby is faced with double stress. He may refuse to fall asleep due to distrust of the new place and people. And the lack of breastfeeding will deprive him of the opportunity to calm down with the usual and accessible way. In this case, the baby needs to be given time and create a stable environment, which will support the continuation of breastfeeding.

Weaning a Baby: 6 Steps

The need to end the relationship of the baby with the mother's breasts can appear at any age of the crumbs. But, in general, the weaning algorithm will be approximately the same for different stages child's life. How to wean a child from breastfeeding? Consider six steps.

  1. Eliminate intermediate applications during the day. We are talking about suckling when the baby is upset and wants to be comforted. “Pity” feedings are replaced by hugs, kisses and other options for sympathy. It also means chaotic attachments out of boredom. It is worth distracting and occupying the child with something exciting. If the mother suspects that the suckling is due to hunger or thirst, it is time to offer a suitable alternative to the breast.
  2. Remove feedings for daytime waking up. As soon as the baby shows signs of awakening, you need to distract him from thinking about his mother's breasts. It is convenient if someone other than mom can be with him at this moment. After all, if she is nearby, it will be difficult for the baby to understand why she suddenly refuses him.
  3. Eliminate daytime sucking. Rituals will help with this. The child should get used to a certain sequence of actions before going to bed. For example: they ate, washed, read a book, kissed, stroked, gave breasts, fell asleep. Gradually, as you get used to it, you can remove one link - attachment to the chest.
  4. Replace attachments with waking up in the morning. The actions will be the same as in the second paragraph.
  5. Stop breastfeeding before bed. Rituals will also come to the rescue here: evening water procedures, lullaby, motion sickness and so on. First, there will be a link in this chain called “sucking”. Gradually, it will be possible to reduce its duration, and then completely eliminate it.
  6. Say goodbye to night feedings. As a rule, they "leave" at the very last turn. In advance, you need to teach the child to calm down differently and again plunge into sleep without a breast (kiss, stroke, hum, rock).

The transition to each subsequent stage occurs smoothly and only after the successful completion of the previous steps. This will ensure the success of the whole event and allow the child and mother to calmly adapt to a new way of life. The duration of weaning depends on many factors, including the age of the crumbs. On average, this process can take from a couple of weeks to several months.

Until the age of two or three, children really need close bodily contact with their mother. He is embodied in hugs, kisses, stroking, motion sickness on his hands. This need intensifies when babies stop breastfeeding. It is also important to consider that by the age of two, about 50% of children retain the need to suck on something not for the sake of obtaining food. Therefore, it sometimes makes sense to introduce an adequate breast replacement at weaning. For example, pacifier.

Pulling and pills: what moms should not do

When we are talking about how to properly wean a child from breastfeeding, it means not only the comfort of this process for the baby himself. A nursing woman should also monitor her well-being. It is important not to pain in the area of ​​the mammary gland, its overflow and heaviness.

However, you can still find a recommendation about pulling the chest. Moms believe that bandaging the bust can slow down or completely stop milk production. In fact, a tight bandage can injure or compress the ducts, causing milk stasis. If you do not remove it in time, in a few days it will develop inflammatory process- mastitis.

Milk secretion is associated with hormonal processes in a woman's body. The more often you apply or express, the more milk will appear. If yesterday the mother fed her child several times a day, and today she sharply limited access to the breast, milk production is not interrupted. Therefore, if you suddenly stop emptying the gland in the usual way, there is a high probability of encountering stagnation. Additional pressure on the chest in the form of a tight bandage increases this risk.

You should not resort to medical cessation of lactation. It is believed that after the pill milk is gone or become tasteless. And the grown-up child himself will refuse a breast. In reality, drugs carry risks to a woman's health and life: nausea, vomiting, headaches, myocardial infarction, seizures, stroke, and death. This does not stop milk production. And the lack of breast drainage can lead to lactostasis and mastitis. WHO does not recommend this method.

What happens to the chest

As the number of attachments and their duration decreases, the mother's body receives less and less incentives to produce milk. Its quantity decreases smoothly and gradually. And eventually it disappears.

Breastfeeding also has a social dimension. For example, women often listen to the opinions of others who recommend that they stop feeding their baby after a year, because this negatively affects women's health, the child will be spoiled, milk is no longer useful, etc. For the mother, there should be only one criterion that determines the time of weaning the baby from the breast - her own wish stop this form of communication with the baby.

How to wean a child from breastfeeding so that this process is painless for both of its participants? The production of mother's milk directly depends on the desire of a woman to maintain such a connection with the baby. Sometimes milk disappears a few months after the birth of a little one, because they either do not express a desire to contact him in this way, or this is due to some other psychological or physiological reasons.

Many mothers wonder how if the baby is no longer full, it often asks for breasts, which debilitating effect on a woman? However, no one has the right to tell her the time when she should do it. Only the mother decides when that moment comes.

If the decision has already been made, which, as a rule, happens after the baby reaches the age of one, you can choose several ways. Here are the main ones:

  1. « soft weaning» from the chest. Many recommendations that contain a list of tips aimed at helping the mother in this process, as a rule, come from the fact that this should be done gently. How to wean a child from breastfeeding in this way? Mothers need to gradually reduce the number of attachments to the breast during the day, and then at night.

The positive characteristics of this method is that the milk decreases gradually. At night, by continuing to feed, you psychologically support the baby, who at this time of the day is most vulnerable and should find help in the usual way for him.

Among the negative aspects of this method are the difficulties that a mother has when she reduces the number of daily attachments. This causes a negative reaction in the child, tears, he begins to demand what he was supposed to do before that time. Similar stressful situations have a negative impact on emotional state mother: she can break down on the baby, get tired of such a process of weaning, milk can drastically disappear. In addition, a woman constantly needs to have a conversation with the baby, why he can’t get the desired “titya”, using expressions like “milk is over”, “titya hurts”, “milk has gone bad”. The child cannot understand why he is not allowed to make sure that everything is in order and get what he wants.

To understand how to wean a child from breastfeeding using this technique in the least painful way, you can read the following recommendations:

  • play with the baby more so that he feels your attention and love;
  • do not let relatives comment on your feeding and its timing so that the child retains only positive memories of this period.
  1. The method of "one-time excommunication". This method is often used when the mother needs to go to work, leave urgently, or go to the hospital. That is, the mother stops feeding at one moment. This can cause aggression on the part of the baby, he dramatically changes his behavior, in a word, such a technique can negatively affect the psychological state of the child.

The mother in this case has problems in the question of how to stop the production of breast milk. To do this, doctors recommend either taking special pills for or applying cabbage leaves to the chest, take If there are severe pain, you can even take a cold medicine that has a decongestant property.

In other words, it's best to see a doctor. necessary recommendations. He may also recommend a way to wean the baby from breastfeeding. However, it is better to choose the option yourself, based on your own situation.

Breast milk is a nutritious and healthy product that fully satisfies the child's need for minerals and vitamins, supports his immunity and promotes rapid growth and weight gain. Each mother decides for herself when to transfer the baby to artificial mixtures or "adult" food. In order for the weaning process to occur painlessly and with minimal stress, several points should be considered.

Optimal time

Some breastfeeding women try to wait until the age of two, when the child is older and stronger, and digestive system will be ready to switch to porridge and vegetable puree. Other mothers begin to wean the baby from the breast at a year and a half. From about 8–9 months, the introduction of complementary foods begins, so milk becomes a useful, but not a mandatory addition.

Experts sitting in the WHO advise switching to adult menu not earlier than 1.6 or 2 years. Experienced Moms and physicians concerned with the physical and emotional health women recommend not to rape yourself if breastfeeding squeezes out all the forces and does not bring pleasure. It is more useful for a child to eat mixtures and vegetables and see the parent happy. Love and a healthy atmosphere in the family protect against diseases no worse than breast milk and vitamin supplements.

Psychological attitude

Mothers experience weaning no less painfully than children. They have a feeling that their own blood is deprived of something important. To facilitate the transition from breast milk to other foods, a woman should mentally tune in and convince herself that this step is necessary first of all for the child. He should gradually become independent and less dependent on his mother and her breasts. Parents who are confident in the correctness of their own decision, it is easier and easier to refuse to feed. They convey their mood to the child, so it is easier for him to accept and adapt to new conditions.

emergency measures

Women of the 20th century, who had never heard of psychology and pedagogy, knew only one option for weaning breast milk. Children were given to the care of caring grandmothers or nannies, and mothers arranged for themselves an unscheduled vacation. Modern parents can entrust their offspring to dads who are able to change a baby's diaper and open a jar of mashed potatoes. A woman should live with a friend, sunbathe in the country or spend time on the seashore. It is advisable to turn off the telephone and other means of communication with outside world, because in the first day or two the child will cry and ask for breasts in addition to his mother.

Relatives will have to make every effort to feed little guest, put to sleep and calm another tantrum. They will be ready to give up and offer to delay weaning, but the mother must be relentless. After 3-4 days, the child will calm down and wean from milk, and in a week the parent will be able to return to her beloved child with peace of mind. The main thing is not to succumb to the desire to comfort or lull the baby with the breast, because in the first month it is very easy to break loose.

Important: Previously, to stop lactation, the mammary glands were pulled with sheets or bandages. Such experiments often ended in inflammation or mastitis. Modern women there is no need to take such risks, because there are special preparations due to which the body stops producing milk.

gradual change

Not all mothers are able to get rid of guilt and give their beloved child to the care of a father or grandmother. Yes, and relatives are not always ready to support a woman and leave the baby with them for such a long time. You will have to be patient and move towards the goal gradually. Some manage to stop breastfeeding in 1.5-2 weeks, others stretch the pleasure for a month or a little more.

A child needs energy and a lot of vitamins to keep the immune system working. You should experimentally find foods that the baby likes and does not cause allergies in him, and gradually increase portions of adult food, reducing the amount of mother's milk. You can give more juices or compotes, make sure that the child has enough liquid. Mother's milk is replaced with cow's or goat's, or special mixtures are bought. There is nothing wrong with artificial powders, on the contrary, they strengthen the immune system and contribute to normal development.

While the child is smoothly switching to mashed potatoes and soups, mom is also recommended to stick to a diet. Exclude for a while dishes and foods that enhance lactation. Try to drink a minimum of water and other liquids, use diuretics or herbs. Some women reduce the amount of milk with laxative tablets or drops, but the benefits of this method are doubtful, and the harm is obvious.

red herring
The child must learn to fall asleep first during the day, and then at night without a mother's breast. A woman is advised to lie down with the baby on the same bed so that he feels her presence and support. But if he starts to act up and demand "food", you need to gently calm him down and offer to hug him. Only the child's back should be pressed against mother's belly so as not to tempt the child with the opportunity to have dinner before bedtime. You can offer a bottle of water or cow's milk instead of the usual breast, but some children then develop dependence on the pacifier.

During the day, a woman should wear T-shirts or sweaters without a cutout, depriving access to the mammary glands. You can wear sports tops that keep the shape of the chest and protect from persistent children's hands. You can not change clothes with a child and bathe with him in the same bath. During the day, when the baby begins to act up and beg for breasts, it is recommended to distract him with games, cartoons, go for walks or meet dad at the door. You can offer to look through the peephole, open the lock yourself, and even go to the landing to check if there is a second parent there.

The child will eventually learn to eat mashed potatoes and cereals, and after a few months will forget about the existence of mother's milk. For some children, a week is enough to stop breastfeeding. First, they learn to fall asleep on their own and not get up in the middle of the night to “eat” mom. Then they get used to the fact that for lunch you have to eat mashed potatoes and steam cutlets without drinking milk. During this period, it is advised to give full portions of food so that the child does not feel hungry.

Tip: If the baby refuses porridge, demanding breasts, you should not stuff lunch into him or immediately take out the mammary gland. Let him stay hungry for a while, nothing terrible will happen in a few hours. But then he will gladly swallow everything that his parents offer him.

To lull the baby, mothers are advised to sing softly or read fairy tales. Stroking on the back or head also has calming properties. Women who refuse to breastfeed note that the child sleeps much longer during the day and at night, becomes less restless.

Women should play sports physical exercise and increased sweating help stop lactation. Swollen breasts are decanted, but slightly, to get rid of uncomfortable sensations. If you constantly empty the mammary glands, the body will produce "food" for the baby in the usual way. A breast that retains milk is a signal to the brain that it's time to stop feeding.

Non-traditional methods

Capricious babies who do not want to part with their usual "food" are given nipples smeared with mustard or wormwood tincture. A few feedings are enough for the mother's mammary glands to become tasteless and unattractive. The main thing is not to poison the baby with grass and not burn his esophagus.

Sometimes garlic helps. Mom should eat a decent portion of seasoning so that the milk has a specific aftertaste. The kid, having tried such food one or several times, will independently refuse it and switch to mouth-watering vegetables.

Weaning should not be taken as a tragedy or betrayal. The love and tenderness that the baby received when feeding can be repaid with the help of joint games, communication and reading books. The main thing is that both mother and child are ready for such a serious step, and then they will succeed.

Video: how to properly wean a baby from the chest

Thanks to our advice, weaning will become the most painful, long and painful process (for both the mother and the baby). And an unforgettable experience awaits you!

Buy any means to stop lactation

Indeed, why go to the doctor who will select the right pills for you, waste time visiting the clinic if your mother / sister / girlfriend has already taken some pills to stop lactation? Everyone's body is the same. Therefore, rather run to the nearest pharmacy and take the cheapest drugs. Everyone does it, and nothing!

Stop breastfeeding immediately after procedures

Did the kid have to go through unpleasant vaccinations, painful massages and other manipulations? Well, here comes great occasion to wean him off the breast. This also tempers the character: a small person from childhood will know what stress and deprivation are. After vaccination, children usually become capricious and irritable, often have a fever and mope. Not a bad moment to deprive the baby of the main consolation!

Wean at an early age

Is your little one not yet a year old? Great. Now everywhere they write and say that you need to stop feeding as soon as possible. The reason is very simple - it is much more convenient for a young mother to walk with a bottle than to breastfeed. Marketers can’t lie: if a can of formula says that it is a “natural and healthy” product, a replacement for mother’s milk, then it is so. Grab the package without hesitation!

Drag your chest

The old way, which was used by our grandmothers 200 years ago. There are, of course, disadvantages: there may be stagnation of milk in the breast, and then you will have to turn to specialists (a surgeon, for example) to get rid of pain and discomfort. But trust me - it's worth it! The milk will definitely disappear.

Explain to the child that he is already big

Six months after birth, it would be time to understand that you are an adult. Explain to the child that breast milk- this is for kids, and he has grown up a long time. Your little genius will surely understand what happened and stop asking for breasts. How did the others not think of this before? And then let psychologists deal with any trust there: we have no time.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

Tell that other baby needs milk

Let's say a newborn brother or sister. It is necessary to encourage generosity from infancy: let him share the most precious with his relatives. The baby does not feel sorry for anything for a brother or sister. No car, no crib, no mother, no milk. Children should not only be fed, but also educated!

Stop feeding at the most inopportune moment: wean at the moment of moving, immediately after a flight, divorce or tsunami

A move, a scandal, a natural disaster... Against the background of these misfortunes, a child can forget about the existence of breastfeeding. We, too, endure these trials. Welcome to adulthood!

Rub your nipples with something sharp

Mustard, pepper, greens and others unpleasant things- the baby reached for his mother's delicious and beloved milk, and then - an ambush and betrayal ... Yes, the baby will burn himself a couple of times, cry sobbing, but then he won’t even think of reaching for his chest. Good lesson.

Leave the baby for a while

Of course, suddenly the baby has little stress from the fact that he has stopped breastfeeding? Add stress to your baby's life: let him spend a few days without his beloved mother. Yes, he will be sad and lonely. Cry, scream, and so what? Life is full of disappointments.

Of course, if you want a delicate and gradual weaning from the breast, it is better to ignore these tips and do the opposite: take care of your health, be patient and gentle with the baby, and do not forget about common sense.

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