Pants shine from the iron what to do. We use soda against las on silk. When it is impossible to remove the shine from the iron on clothes ...

As with any clothing, a down jacket can get greasy stains, greasy spots and dirt. When regular washing does not help, you have to get rid of dirt in a different way. How? Today we will consider how to remove shine on a down jacket, how to remove stains and remove stains.

What needs to be done before washing?

To quickly remove stains, you need to take into account the following:

  • scrape off thick layers as much as possible from the surface of the down jacket;
  • only clean and white cloth or cotton pads use for cleansing
  • wipe contamination first with a dry cloth, then with a damp one;
  • we clean from the edge of the soiled area, gradually moving towards the center of pollution;
  • do not use metal brushes and rough materials, they can tear things or leave scratches, spools;
  • sponge is placed on the wrong side problem area , it will absorb the stain.

The main rule when removing stains is speed. The sooner you start the cleaning process, the greater the chance that the contamination will completely disappear.

How to remove grease stains from a down jacket?

I assure you, the beast is not as terrible as it is painted. Now I will teach you how to remove a greasy stain on a down jacket.

To do this, we need products that are in every home. By applying them, you can clean contaminated areas with your own hands without resorting to dry cleaning services.

Advantage such funds - price and availability.

Flaw- some methods are quite aggressive: if you do not act according to the instructions, you can ruin the thing forever.

Recipe 1. Detergent for dishes

Step 1

We take any detergent. The manufacturer does not play a role here. The main thing is that it be liquid or gel-like.

Step 2

To remove fat, you need a concentrated solution.

We foam the detergent, apply the foam on a sponge or a flap of fabric.

Step 3

We wipe the dirt with a soapy sponge. Leave the clothes like this for a few minutes.

Step 4

We clean the soap solution first with a damp cloth, then dry. Drying the jacket

Recipe 2. Salt

If you have just dripped grease on your jacket, and there is salt on hand, sprinkle it liberally on the contaminated area. Salt will absorb fat as much as possible, and it will be easier to bring the down jacket back to normal.

If the stain is old, prepare a slurry of salt:

  1. We breed one tablespoon of salt with water to a state of porridge.
  2. Apply mixture to the problem area.
  3. We leave all for about one hour.
  4. We remove dried solution with a brush.
  5. We process the stain soda solution. Proportions: 1 teaspoon per 200 ml of water. Now it remains only to wash the down jacket.

To enhance the effect, you can add starch and lemon juice:

  • mix starch and salt in a ratio of 1: 1;
  • we breed All lemon juice to the state of thick sour cream;
  • apply to a contaminated place;
  • we leave until completely dry;
  • wipe damp sponge.

Recipe 3. Soap

Laundry soap will help remove a greasy stain:

  1. Rub the soap on a grater- two tablespoons.
  2. Dissolve soap shavings in 200 ml of water.
  3. Three spots with a sponge soaked in solution. We move from the edge to the center.
  4. We rinse the areaclean water.

To replace the economic one can come liquid soap. The principle of operation is the same.

Recipe 4. Lemon

Dried stains can be removed with lemon juice:

  1. Wet our stain with sour lemon juice and leave for 30-40 minutes.
  2. Then you need to wash the down jacket with the addition of detergent.

Recipe 5. Alcohol and peroxide

Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide - a duet that will bring "on clean water» even the most stubborn and old stain:

Step 1

Mix in equal amounts the two ingredients shown in the photo.

Step 2

With a cotton pad or a piece of clean rag, apply the resulting mixture to the contamination. We leave for 40 minutes.

Step 3

We wash the down jacket in the machine with the usual detergent. Thus, we will get rid of the smell of ammonia.

If the fat did not go away the first time, then repeat the procedure. The same method can be used to remove stains that remain after storage.

Recipe 6. Household chemicals

A greasy stain from a down jacket can be removed not only with folk remedies, but also with professional preparations.

Stain removers first need to be tested on wrong side clothes to see the reaction. The instructions on the package will tell you which stains are best removed with this product and how to apply it.

Recipe 7. Talc and chalk

A mixture of talc and chalk will help get rid of greasy spots per day. Grind the ingredients in equal proportions. Then:

  • apply the resulting powder to contamination;
  • put on top Blank sheet paper or napkin;
  • we press the napkin with a heavy object, for example, a stack of books;
  • leave for the night;
  • wash down jacket.

Recipe 8. Gasoline

Since gasoline is a rather aggressive agent, I recommend using it only if other methods have not helped get rid of the stain.

Before use, check the effect of gasoline on the wrong side of the jacket on small area. So, you will avoid damage to the material.

Use ONLY gasoline high degree cleaning, otherwise you risk permanent damage to the down jacket:

  • we wet cotton pad gasoline;
  • apply it to the stained place;
  • we wait from 15 to 40 minutes for the reaction to occur - the stain should dissolve;
  • wash clothes in the usual way.

Getting rid of glitter on a jacket

On a down jacket, after a short period of wearing, a characteristic sheen still appears on the cuffs and pockets. It is these areas that most often come into contact with our skin and other objects.

Get rid of shine with vinegar solution:

  1. We take 3 parts of water and 1 part of vinegar.
  2. Wet the sponge in the resulting solution.
  3. We wipe our contaminated places, then we wash them.

To remove the smell of vinegar, take the item to Fresh air for ventilation.

How to get rid of streaks after machine washing

Are there stains on the down jacket after washing? There are three reasons that contribute to the appearance of such spots:

  1. Improper drying of the jacket.
  2. Insufficient rinsing.
  3. Poor quality wash.

If the jacket is divorced, then getting rid of them will help textile napkin dipped in hydrogen peroxide.

If this method does not work, you can start rinsing again. Wash down jacket with washing powder I don't recommend it, it will only make things worse.

But in order not to form divorces, it is necessary:

  1. Choose quality detergents . Choose gel or liquid detergents. They dissolve completely in water and rinse well.
  2. Dry the item properly. After washing, hang the jacket on a coat hanger. Periodically knead the filler with your hands so that the fluff does not stray into a heap. When drying, it is in these areas that stains often appear.

  1. choose required mode washing machine . Follow the manufacturer's recommendations on the product label.


I talked about eight methods for getting rid of grease stains on a down jacket, and also suggested how to remove shine and stains from a jacket. Now you can easily and quickly wash outerwear at home. By the way, the methods described above can be combined!

The video in this article will demonstrate some more secrets on how to get rid of stains on a jacket. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments!

Sometimes after ironing on the fabric remain shiny footprints. Most often, they appear on the fabric, which includes synthetic fibers, due to an incorrectly selected temperature regime. Because if you bought new thing, carefully read the label, which indicates at what temperature this item can be ironed. But if you still have such a nuisance, then the main thing is to correctly eliminate it. How to remove gloss from the iron on clothes? - In this article you will find several ways to solve the problem.

How to prevent shine?

Before we tackle the problem of removing shiny iron stains, let's find out what can be done to negate the possibility of their occurrence. So, to reduce the likelihood of shine on clothes, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Exhibit the correct temperature regime.
  • Iron things from the wrong side.
  • Iron through damp gauze or thin natural fabric.
  • Spray things before ironing with water with the addition of vinegar.

Ways to deal with gloss

There are several ways to remove shine from the iron from clothes.


If the thing is new and the traces are not very noticeable, ordinary steaming will help:

  1. Fill a container with water, put on fire, boil.
  2. Hang the thing on a hanger and somehow place it over the steam.
  3. Wait 20 minutes - during this time the fabric will be saturated with steam.
  4. Brush off excess moisture, lay the product on the table.
  5. Brush over the shiny areas several times.
  6. Dry the clothes or iron them through cheesecloth at a not very high temperature.

Important! Such a procedure, if it does not completely get rid of glossy spots, then in any case, it will not harm the fabric.

Soaking in vinegar solution

Such the way is fine for light things, dark woolen products it is better not to risk it - they can become stained and streaked:

  1. Dilute 1 tablespoon of vinegar in 3 liters of water.
  2. Soak the product in this solution and leave for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Easy to wring and dry.
  4. If there are traces, then iron through the newspaper with a warm iron.

Important! There are other ways to use vinegar to get rid of shine:

  • Mix water with vinegar in a ratio of 2 to 1. Steam problem areas through cheesecloth soaked in this solution.
  • In the same solution, moisten a woolen flap and wipe all shiny places.


  • In 2 tablespoons of water, dilute 15 grams of salt and 15 grams of ammonia. Wipe problem areas with this solution. Then wash this area with warm water and iron it through damp gauze or a napkin.
  • Dissolve 2 tablespoons of ammonia in 1 liter of water. Wipe problem areas with a cloth soaked in this solution. Iron with a warm iron through gauze or a napkin.

raw potato

How else can you remove shine from clothes from an iron? You can wipe this place with a slice of raw potato. Then wait until it dries, and just shake off with a brush.


In continuation vegetable theme you can bring to your attention a way to remove gloss on clothes with the help of a bulb:

  1. Peel one onion and chop it in a way that suits you.
  2. Apply the resulting slurry to the problem area and leave for 2 hours.
  3. Then just rinse with water.

Important! This method is suitable for tidying things from delicate and colored fabrics.

laundry soap

Laundry soap will help to cope with such a nuisance:

  1. Dilute the grated laundry soap in a small amount of water.
  2. Whisk the soapy solution until foam forms.
  3. Soak gauze in this solution, wring it out.
  4. Iron problem areas through this gauze.
  5. Take another piece of gauze and soak it in water with vinegar diluted in it.
  6. Iron the shiny areas through this gauze.
  7. Wash clothes normally and dry.

Baking soda

If shiny spots appeared on products made of silk or wool, then it will help us baking soda. Dilute one tablespoon of soda in one glass of water and use a sponge to treat the shiny area. Then just rinse the thing in water.


If a small mark remains on the fabric, it can be removed with milk. Soak the area in cold milk for a while and then wash.

ammonia + hydrogen peroxide

On light natural fabrics you can remove tan spots with ammonia and hydrogen peroxide:

  1. In 100 ml of water, dilute 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and 5-6 drops of ammonia.
  2. Using gauze, apply the composition to the fabric and leave for 3-4 minutes.
  3. Then all you have to do is wash your clothes.

Removing gloss on black things

On dark fabric marks are more visible and harder to remove. Vinegar and ammonia can stain clothes. But there are other ways to remove the shine from the iron on black things that will save our black things.

With gasoline

Of course, simple machine gasoline will not suit us. You need to purchase refined gasoline or aviation. Refined gasoline can be purchased at a hardware store.

Apply a small amount of product to a piece of wool and gently wipe problem areas. To get rid of the smell, you can then treat this place with lemon juice. Wash clothes as usual and dry.

Important! If lemon juice has not coped with the smell, you can try to iron the product through gauze dipped in a weak solution. ammonia.


A strong infusion of tea will help get rid of gloss. Only you need to brew leafy, not in bags. Soak a cloth in the infusion and wipe the shiny places. Then gently iron them with a warm iron.

pumice stone

Wipe problem areas with a volcanic pumice stone, and then brush with a clothes brush.

Important! Fine sandpaper can be used instead of pumice. But be careful, rub gently so as not to spoil the thing.

Many in Everyday life are faced with the appearance of shine on the trousers, which is formed when worn. It gives the trousers an old worn look, despite the fact that they did not last long. Such a shine can most often be seen on the knees, buttocks or in other places. It appears from the friction of fabric on fabric or from improper ironing. Removing unwanted shine from a hot iron is much more difficult than rubbing. This is a big hassle, but with a little effort, it can be dealt with. The most affordable and easiest way is washing.

Folk methods

You can also use folk remedies. They are harmless to the fabric, will not ruin trousers, are quite effective and will help you get rid of expensive dry cleaning services. With the help of tools that any housewife can find, the trousers will take on their former appearance and will look like new.
1. Put a damp flannel cloth on the place that glitters, steam it with an iron, and then go over it with a duffel brush.
2. Pour hot water into the basin. Hang your trousers over it on a special trouser hanger so that they are saturated with steam. After 15-20 minutes, clean the shiny place with a brush, dry in the air or with an iron through gauze.
3. Take a solution of vinegar (2 parts vinegar, 1 part water), moisten a woolen cloth and wipe the greasy areas. Let dry.
4. Iron the pants with a warm iron through newspaper, paying attention to Special attention areas with shine, but be careful not to overheat the iron, the imprinted paint will add unnecessary trouble.
5. Helps remove shine from trousers and infusion of strong tea. Wipe problem areas with it, dry and iron through cheesecloth.

How to remove unwanted shine after ironing?

1. If the shine does not disappear after stroking it through a damp cloth, treat it with refined gasoline and gently rub the place of shine with baking soda with an eraser.
2. Soak the gloss with a cloth soaked in gasoline, then wipe it with diluted ammonia sold in every pharmacy (1 part alcohol, 5 parts water). The alcohol solution will remove the remaining gasoline and neutralize its smell.
3. Soak a washcloth in a weak solution of ammonia (2 tablespoons of alcohol, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 liter of water). Wipe the shiny areas and iron them through paper or cheesecloth.
4. You can simply take kitchen salt and pour it on a shiny place after applying gasoline, and leave it for some time. Then shake off, clean the fabric and iron it with a hot iron through a dry gauze cloth, which will absorb the remaining gasoline and renew the trousers.
5. Dissolve some table vinegar in water. One tablespoon is enough for 1 liter of water. Soak your pants in this solution for 2 hours, then wash as directed on the label. When the thing dries, the shine will disappear.
6. You can get rid of shine with laundry soap. Create a lot of foam. Apply it to areas with shine, then rinse to remove any remaining foam. Iron with an iron through gauze soaked in acidified water from freshly squeezed lemon or vinegar.
7. The place of gloss can be rubbed with pumice stone or No. 0 sandpaper, but this is not desirable, since it can only worsen the situation. This method can only be used on rough and dense tissues without much effort and very carefully.

Trousers - irreplaceable thing in the wardrobe of every man and almost every woman. All of us at least once in our lives have encountered the problem of glossy marks that form on them. What to do - throw it away or go to the dry cleaner? Don't make such hasty decisions this problem can be solved by spending a minimum of time and money on it. How to remove gloss from trousers from socks - now we will tell.

Reasons for the appearance

To solve any problem, you need to know the causes of its occurrence. That is why, before removing shine on trousers, you need to find out why and from what it arises.

There are two reasons:

  • Wear for a long time.
  • Improper ironing of the product.

For any of these problematic situations, there is an effective recovery solution. appearance fabrics.


The most important thing is not to start the situation. If you caught the moment when the gloss just started to appear, then you can very quickly and simply get rid of it. Regular steaming will help with this. Those who are worried about the safety of the product may not worry, because the procedure will not cause the slightest harm to the pants if you act like this:

  1. Take boiling water in a bowl of water.
  2. Hang your trousers on a hanger above the container.
  3. Steam the item, then remove the remaining moisture.
  4. Let the clothes dry.

Important! The result will pleasantly surprise you - the spots will become much less noticeable. After some time, repeat the procedure, and there will be no trace of them.


Especially often mothers of schoolchildren face the problem of glossy areas, because in most schools, according to the charter, children must always walk in uniform. One of the most effective methods how to remove glitter from a student's trousers - table vinegar which can be found in any home. Apply it like this:

  • If the gloss formation is large, then it is necessary to soak the clothes in hot water with the addition of a couple of tablespoons of vinegar. Leave for an hour, then wash the product.
  • For small glossy marks, it is enough to prepare a solution from a liter of water and three tablespoons of the product. Pour it into a spray bottle and iron the necessary areas by spraying with the prepared liquid.

Laundry soap

If white knees form on school pants- what to do? Laundry soap can help with this - universal thing, which is able to cope with anything, including gloss. It is necessary to thoroughly lather a thin piece of fabric with it, put it on the stains and iron it.

Important! This is one of the most quick ways, because it will take no more than twenty minutes.

ammonium chloride

In the question of how to clean greasy places on clothes, ammonia is an indispensable ingredient. All you need to do is mix a small amount with warm water and apply the cotton pad to the desired areas, then stroke them.

Important! If the stains are quite large and did not work out the first time, try adding two teaspoons of salt to the solution.


How to remove shine from trousers from the iron? - Refined gasoline is quite effective means. But special care must be taken, because if you go too far with its use, you can irreparably ruin your trousers:

  1. Mix a small amount with a spoon of ammonia.
  2. Use a cotton pad or a small piece of cloth to clean the shiny areas.
  3. Repeat the procedure several times at intervals of fifteen minutes, giving the solution time and opportunity to soak.
  4. When you reach your goal, wash the item by hand or in the washing machine.


Incredible effective remedy to remove scuffs on trousers, an infusion of black tea. Make it and soak the product for an hour, then rinse and dry.

Important! If the glossy spots are quite strong, then you can use a pumice stone or an eraser, but you need to act very carefully so as not to damage the material.


The next option is with a bow. You will surely find this vegetable at home, that is, you won’t have to spend a penny on cleansing.

Important! It's also a great method for removing slick spots on a sweater.

We offer you some amazing ways:

Method 1:

  1. Peel one onion and grind it to a pulp using a blender or grater.
  2. Rub the cooked into your pants for several minutes.
  3. Repeat the procedure several times.
  4. As soon as the traces of shine are eliminated, wash the item and iron it.

Method 2

Alternatively, you can simply cut the onion into two halves and rub it into the required areas in the same way.

Method 3

You can squeeze juice from this vegetable and saturate the desired areas with it.

black things

Removing traces of gloss from black matter is somewhat more difficult than from other shades of fabric, because they can be seen more clearly on dark ones.

Refined gasoline or black tea is perfect for cleansing, but the use of vinegar and ammonia is strictly prohibited - you will only discolor the trousers.


That's all. We have presented to your attention methods and tips on how to clean greasy spots on clothes. Follow them and you are guaranteed to get desired result. As you can see, there is nothing difficult in removing traces of shine, it is not at all necessary to throw the product away or contact dry cleaning specialists. Everything can be done at home for free or for a minimum amount.

Not every shine of fabrics and textures is equally attractive and beautiful. It's one thing when we are talking about the aesthetic grandeur of satin or chiffon, and quite another about the shiny sections of trousers. What causes shine on your favorite pants? Due to prolonged wear or improper care of the thing. Most " trouble spot» for its appearance - knees, hips and buttocks.

More rarely, it appears in other parts of the product. If the trousers are shiny even after a good wash with powder and rinse aid, you can apply " heavy artillery”, and get rid of the defect in various improvised ways.

These options are also suitable for cases when you need to choose an express method of "treatment" of your favorite thing.

Steaming to combat unattractive shiny areas of fabric

The easiest way to "refresh" frayed pants is to wash them. Glossy areas can be removed by banal steaming with an iron. Steam has a beneficial effect even on “capricious” suede, and it reanimates ordinary fabric without any problems.

The steaming procedure will not cause any harm to the fabric, which is also an additional "bonus" in the treasury of the advantages of this tool.

How to remove glitter from pantswith regular steam?

  • Hang the product on a rope or hanger, placing it over a basin or bucket of boiling water. Steam will be absorbed into the pores of the fabric and completely restore the original texture of the material. But keep in mind - this method is relevant only in cases where the problem has not yet reached the scale of a natural disaster. If a thing is extremely worn out, this option will be absolutely useless for it;
  • After steaming is completed, remove the thing and remove excess moisture from it with an ordinary brush;
  • At the end of the process, it should be well in the air, or with the help of an iron.

When you iron the product, be sure to choose correct temperature and iron mode. Otherwise, you risk getting directly opposite result– previously shiny parts will become even more noticeable. By the way, the shine on textiles in 60% appears precisely due to improper ironing.

Ammonia to help

Surely each of you in the first aid kit there is a vial of ammonia. It can help you remove bald spots from your favorite trousers quickly and easily:

  • Make a weak solution of ammonia by combining 2 tbsp. concentrate with one glass of plain running water. Thoroughly mix the resulting liquid and moisten a rag in it abundantly;
  • With a wet cloth, intensively wipe the "shiny" places on your favorite trousers;
  • Then the product should be ironed through gauze or a piece of special paper;
  • If these steps do not help, try adding 1 tsp to the above solution. salt and repeat the whole procedure again.

Attention: during subsequent ironing, the iron must not be hot! It is worth ironing the fabric with a moderately heated device. After a weak ammonia solution, the gloss should be guaranteed to disappear.

Fuel in the fight for the visual beauty of things

Do you have a garage and a car? Then it will certainly not be difficult for you to get gasoline to reanimate your favorite trousers!

In addition to fuel, you will need hyposulfite powder to properly complete the process of cleaning the product from unaesthetic glossy stains:

  • Cut off a small piece of woolen (required!) Fabric;
  • Soak it liberally in gasoline;
  • Wipe the shiny areas on the pants with pressure in a circular motion;
  • Make a weak solution of powdered hyposulfite. To do this, pour a tablespoon of the indicated powder into ½ l of barely warm water and vigorously shake the resulting mixture;
  • Now soak a clean rag in this solution and go over the " problem areas»;
  • Rinse everything from your pants with clean water without the addition of soap and other cleansers;
  • Scrub the pants with a soft brush to remove water from their material;
  • Iron the wet areas with a warm iron.

Gasoline must be purified! With the help of fuel, you can clean the thing in another way. Blot the problem area with a woolen cloth dipped in refined gasoline.

Then, instead of using a special powder, simply sprinkle the shiny areas with ordinary table salt. Leave alone for 10-15 minutes. Then shake off abrasive particles from the material, clean the area with a brush, and gently iron with a warm iron through gauze.

This method does not work as effectively as sodium hyposulfite solution, but also has a fairly powerful restoring effect.

Eliminate shine with potatoes

Potato, beloved by many of us, can become not only the basis for a delicious side dish, but also excellent material to clean trousers from "greasy" stains. With its help, you can quickly eliminate the shine on your favorite trousers, and, since this remedy is completely natural, do not be afraid for the safety of their material.

This can be done in the following way. Cut the pre-peeled root crop in half. While its pulp remains juicy and watery, rub it on the problem area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product. If necessary, cut off the “erased” corner of the potato and process the fabric again.

Let your stuff dry. natural way- do not dry it with a hair dryer and do not put it on a radiator or heater. Then intensively clean the treated areas with a soft natural brush. If necessary, iron the shiny areas with a warm iron through gauze.

Soap solution in the fight against lasses

You can use an ordinary soapy solution to remove streaks from your favorite clothes.

This is done in three steps:

  • Prepare a mild soapy solution (always with laundry soap!);
  • Prepare a small soft brush. Constantly wetting it in the solution, wipe the glossy areas with intense movements;
  • Wipe your tresses and dry your pants naturally.

How else to remove shine on trousers with ordinary laundry soap? In the same solution that you made to clean the fabric, dampen the gauze liberally. Iron the pants through it with an iron set to a moderate temperature until completely dry.

If you want to enhance the effect, first wipe the glossy places with water acidified with lemon juice or dry acid.

If the trousers are shiny, but the above materials and means are not at hand - it does not matter! You can help the usual infusion of black tea. But keep in mind - it is important to use a natural leaf drink here, and not an artificial packaged surrogate.

So, make a very strong black leaf tea solution. Actively wipe the annoying hairs with a brush or cloth moistened with it. Then iron the problem areas with a moderately heated iron. Be sure to use gauze through which you iron!