How to understand male psychology? Male psychology. Psychology of communication with men. Rules and ethics in communication

Be direct, don't hint. Your directness should not be devoid of correctness! Formulate what you want to say in such a way as not to “hurt” the man with words or phrases. His " weak spots You should at least guess. If you do not know them, be careful in every word you say.

  • Second:

In the first twenty seconds of communication, have time to tell the man what is most important to you. That is how long a representative of the opposite sex is able to be patient with “listening” to the interlocutor.

  • Third:

Don't try to be the "other" woman. When communicating, you need to be yourself. By the way, few people know how to do this. Everyone tries to appear the way they want to be seen. But no one thinks about the fact that sooner or later a person will show himself real .... Do not be ashamed of yourself and your shortcomings (whatever they may be). You, like all people on earth, have your own "unique uniqueness". Do not ruin it under the "masks of incorrect ideality"!

  • Fourth:

Before making plans that include a man, make (in your head) a list of questions that will help you find out if he has any personal affairs that “intersect” with the plans that you have for him. Men do not like such "surprises".

  • Fifth:

Praise the man if he shared an achievement with you. And in that case, praise if this achievement seemed to you a trifle, stupidity, meaninglessness or insignificance. Such is the psychology of communication with men, which will certainly benefit you.

  • Sixth:

Do not drive a man into the "paint of shame"! Otherwise, you run the risk of developing an inferiority complex in a man, and you will “ensure” a complete loss of trust and the person himself. Shame is something that greatly humiliates men.

  • Seventh:

Try not to use such phrases as “I feel”, “I believe” or “I think” in dialogues with men. Use, for example, "I think". So you are more "imbued" with the understanding of you as a man.

  • Eighth:

Be silent if a man is wrong, but he is trying hard to prove his innocence. Speak, but don't argue. Men do not like to argue, because they are afraid of being losers as a result. It's hard to be silent - agree with the man (for him, not for yourself) and smoothly transfer the topic of conversation to another. The one that can really interest a man.

  • Ninth:

When you are talking to a man, do not react painfully to his pauses. If he fell silent somewhere in the middle of the conversation, he thought. Men talk aloud, but very rarely. When you finish saying something, lower the tone of your voice, rather than keep it "high". And then a man may decide that you are unhappy with something or think that he said something wrong.

  • Tenth:

Do not build a conversation based on solid questions. This will annoy the man, and he will look for any excuse to run away on business (which, perhaps, is not on his agenda).

  • Eleventh:

Never start serious conversations in the evening. The man came home from work, tired, dreaming about rest. And with your conversation, which is so important to you, you can scare a person. Knowing female talkativeness, he will think (with horror) that you will talk about something until dawn.

  • Twelfth:

Men "close" in themselves if they feel female intellectual superiority. Mask the "tops" of your mind so that the man does not feel awkward.

  • Thirteenth:

If you need to urgently interrupt a man, interrupt him with skill: say what you went to such “impoliteness” for and immediately say some compliment to the male address.

  • Fourteenth:

Would you like to ask for something as a gift? Go shopping with a man, tell him what you are going to buy. Gentleman will understand. No - do not insist on gifts. Never humiliate yourself with the famous capricious "well, buy it." Men get very angry when they watch it.

  • The fifteenth:

Never look for something unsaid in the words of a man. If he asked to feed him - he just wants to eat. He has no desire to reproach you for not feeding him.

  • Sixteenth:

Do not ask a man what problems he has at work, why he is not in the mood, and so on. Men prefer to share "grief" on their own, without questions or interrogations. When a man sees fit, he will come and tell you everything!

  • Seventeenth:

Do not put crazy emotionality into words, as a man will not like it at all. As well as your constant "chuckle" after every word. irritation, in this case, acts on a man in the way that a mat would act on you through every word (if you are against obscene swearing).

  • Eighteenth:

Don't be offended by the brevity of the answers. Laconicism in them is adored by many men. Especially those who consider themselves to be uncommunicative. Generally speaking, men find that a simple "no" or just a "yes" will be more than enough. No man thinks about how much women love detailed information.

  • Nineteenth:

If you are late for a meeting with a man - do not spend a lot of effort and diligence on various excuses. A man knows perfectly well how any girl is going anywhere. Being late doesn't surprise him. If you want to cause surprise - come on time (second per second) or come early!

  • Twentieth:

Do not command a man. The psychology of communication with men is such that if you want to manipulate him, do it in a cunning way, covertly, unobtrusively. They do not like men of commanding tone. It's not that they don't like it... They do not accept! But they manage to be offended. And offending a man is not worth it: they will remember if something gives a reason for this.

  • Twenty first:

Call the man by name more often (you can use a diminutive - affectionate form of the nominal). A man will respect you, understand that he is not an empty place for you. “Nameless” communication repels, alienates and alarms all men.

Let's hope that you managed to learn something interesting and new, which you will learn for a reason.

Happy learning process!

In the world of male psychology, everything is very complicated. Men live next to us, take care of us, but at the same time they have their own rules of the game. Women need to know these rules in order to understand them and become a winner in this game. The better you understand the psychology of men and the motives that underlie it, the more you will rise in his eyes as a lover, wife and mother of his children.

Not a step back, or rule one

As life experience suggests, all people make mistakes. However, this axiom does not apply to men. They cannot, by definition, be wrong. We conducted a study of this issue, it showed that the probability of a man admitting his mistake tends to ... absolute zero. This is especially true when a woman is right.

Admitting your mistakes is not normal at all. male nature. For the sake of appearance, he may and will apologize, but deep down he will believe that someone else is to blame: colleagues, ill-wishers, a situation, an unfortunate combination of circumstances. He himself will believe in it.

The main reason for this illogical behavior of a man is desire to stay for you good guy and not disappoint your expectations. A man strives to be the best, - this is how the male psychology of my sister-in-law is arranged thousands of years ago. In the depths of his soul, he himself understands that he is to blame and made a mistake. However, if you constantly remind him of past mistakes or misdeeds, you will only make things worse.

Even if you were right, try not to defend your point of view too much and make sure that the man does not feel like a loser. Look at the situation through his eyes, even if it is very difficult to do. But, if you really value your relationship, you will have to learn how to do it.

One step forward, two steps back, or rule two

The psychology of men is such that they rarely make acquaintances for the sake of a long and serious relationship. Such representatives of the strong half of humanity are found only in not very good melodramas. Thoughts on marriage and serious relationship women visit much more often. There is also a statement that the smaller the partner's penis, the more he is prone to constancy. Of course, this does not apply to cases of "first love", which is naturally "the most powerful, sincere and eternal."

In most cases, any attempt to “ring” your man (or even a hint of it) can seriously ruin his mood and your relationship. For he looks at such things as an encroachment on his freedom, and this is a holy thing. Any encroachment on the space that a man considers personal is perceived by him extremely painfully.

Male psychology is akin to the psychology of lions: first they create a territory, and only after some time they begin to let females into it . It is worth moving in this direction very slowly and carefully. Any wrong step, awkward movement - and you have to start all over again. Patience. If you show excessive pressure, then most likely it will close on its territory or disappear from your life altogether. Therefore, think carefully about whether you are ready to spend a lot of time and effort to accomplish your plan.

You will need a lot of patience. Like a lioness, you must gradually and imperceptibly sneak up on your victim. One careless step - and you will be left without dinner.

Do you want to marry a man? This is a very worthy goal, but in order to achieve it, you need three things: patience, patience and more patience. You will never take this citadel with a dashing cavalry charge.

Dust in the eyes, or the third rule

All men, regardless of age, are terrible braggarts. They all love to brag, the occasion doesn't really matter. It could be a new car, a fashion model wife, or the number of books read. It is natural for a man to prove that he is the best, and this is another distinctive feature of male psychology.

Men especially like to brag about something in front of women. Feminine admiration is a real balm for the wounded male soul. Perhaps this is one of the most powerful incentives in male behavior. It is not known how many of the greatest discoveries in the history of mankind were made and bloody wars started, for the sake of enthusiastic brilliance female eyes and words of approval spoken by lovely lips.

A man who receives approval from a woman (especially one who is not indifferent to him) is capable of much. He seems to grow wings behind his back, and he can solve any problem. We all need approval from other people, but this quality is especially manifested in men. That's the way they are.

Take advantage of this weakness. Become a constant source of admiration for your man, and you will be rewarded a hundredfold.

Brevity is the sister of talent, or the fourth rule

Men and women perceive the process of communication somewhat differently. Form is very important for a woman, she can communicate just for the sake of pleasure. A man considers communication as a way of transmitting information.

Hence the different approaches to assessing the psychology of men and women. He often takes what he was told literally (although she often sins with this herself). The strong half of humanity is not strong in hints, hidden requests and ornate proposals. Men are very specific.

Based on this, try to build verbal communication. It is often believed that the "chosen one" should read thoughts like an open book, and only understand hints at a glance. However, the brain of a man is arranged differently, so excesses and disappointments often occur. Remember, the more you veil your request or desire, the higher the likelihood that it will simply not be understood. Speak directly, then your beloved will understand what exactly you want from him.

Often there is such a situation: a woman tries, with the help of hints, to explain to her partner what she wants. The man does not understand hints, and the situation comes to a standstill. It seems to her that she expresses herself as clearly as possible and is annoyed, and he feels that they want something from him and are dissatisfied with him. Male psychology is arranged in such a way that he cannot understand what is the matter and why this cannot be said openly.

A man is a concrete and logical being. He is used to asking specific questions and getting clear information. If you want to be understood, learn to express yourself in a language understandable to the interlocutor. Of course, it's nice when your thoughts and desires are guessed, but communicating with a man in his language is much more effective.

"Iron Mask", or the fifth rule

The world of the powerful of this world is very harsh and despotic. The manifestation of emotions in him is often mistaken for weakness. That's why a real man(and even boys dream of being like that) hides his emotions behind an impenetrable mask. The ability to hide one's emotions is a typical feature of modern "muchachos". Keep this in mind.

If he has problems at work, he turns into a gloomy, reticent, and sometimes aggressive creature. His greatest desire is to be left alone. Including household members, children, parents and you, including.

A woman, seeing such behavior of a loved one, begins to build the most bad theories. Dark suspicions creep into her soul. Usually there are two options female behavior in this case. A girl can immediately be offended and withdraw into herself, or arrange an interrogation with her half with passion and be offended after. In both cases, it will only aggravate the situation and add a headache to the man.

This issue can only be resolved after a man has digested all the problems inside his head. It doesn't matter what exactly happened: resentment, problems at work or a quarrel with a friend - the solution algorithm is always the same.

A woman just needs to endure this period and treat it with understanding. And don't create new problems on empty place. He is not to blame for this: it's just the way the psychology of men works.

Herd instinct, or the sixth rule

It is not true that people united in flocks only in ancient times. They love to do it today. It can be added that the stronger sex, young and old, does it with special pleasure. True, now they are called companies.

There are several principles by which such groups gather:

  • according to the age;
  • by interest;
  • alliance against a common enemy.

The first principle of joining is pretty self-explanatory. Peers always have something to talk about.

Association of interests is also quite natural. Common ground can lie in any area (cars, sports, fishing).

The third type is the most saturated with adrenaline and the most aggressive. He does not tolerate other points of view, is ruthless towards those who are not part of the group, and has a heightened sense of justice.

Eat standard set topics that are discussed with pleasure in groups, regardless of their type. These are politics, sports and sex (for women, respectively: money, children and male psychology).

You may have different attitudes to the fact that your spouse spends a lot of time in the company, and does not spend it on you. In fact, there are two options: either take it for granted, or try to enter the company of your man.

If you choose the second option, you should change some settings in your head. We offer you a set of ready-made:

  • my man has great company;
  • I really like their gathering place;
  • declare your desire to visit the company;
  • in case of refusal, try again in a couple of weeks;
  • my man's friends are my friends.

"The Dying Swan", or the seventh rule

There is no more defenseless creature than a sick man. Also in early childhood he was taught that in case of illness he automatically turns into the center of the universe. In this case, you can not do many things, others treat him with attention and care, speak in a whisper and walk on tiptoe. He gets carte blanche for everything he wanted for a very long time.

Don't break this script. Take advantage of this moment to the fullest: sympathize with his difficult condition, cook decoctions and broths for him, feed him with a spoon. Despite the fact that the technique is somewhat manipulative, it fits perfectly into the paradigm of male psychology. And if you add a little sincerity, then very real worldly happiness is provided.

Be loved and happy!

You can cook for a very long time about gender differences. Men are strong and hardy hunters who strive to maintain this image throughout their lives. Through psychological research, one can consider male logic and actions from a new perspective.

Psychology of a man in a relationship with a woman

Relations between members of the opposite sex often face various problems, the cause of which often lies in a banal misunderstanding. All people are individuals, but experts through research were able to identify several similar traits in character and behavior. Male psychology determines important feature for representatives of the strong half of humanity - a focused creation, which directly affects their values, instincts, priorities and hobbies.

Psychology of a man in love

The representatives of the stronger sex are used to hiding their own feelings, considering them a manifestation of vulnerability, but being in love can change a person's behavior. Attention should be paid to changes in appearance, behavior, and still take into account . Psychology determined the signs of a man in love by various studies and observations.

  1. increased attention. The desire to constantly be near or at least follow the object visually.
  2. Idealizing your behavior. Representatives of the strong half of humanity are trying to change in better side to stand out from the competition.
  3. Confidence. The psychology of men is arranged in such a way that if they experience feelings, they will be ready to talk about something personal.
  4. Praise the object of adoration. At the first stages, only positive aspects are noticed.
  5. Jealousy. The desire to be the only one makes the male half of humanity constantly compete with each other. No one intends to share his woman with others.

Psychology of men - how to hook a man or what?

The competition among women is huge, especially if the object of adoration is a worthy male. At the same time, one should not forget that the representatives of the stronger sex are hunters, and they are not interested in easy prey, so cunning will come in handy here more than ever. Tips about how psychology has developed after research and surveys.

  1. Femininity and sexuality. The male sex loves with his eyes, so the external image should be given attention. It is important not to confuse such concepts as sexuality and vulgarity.
  2. Smile. A person who often smiles looks cheerful and cheerful, and this attracts like a magnet.
  3. Women's wisdom . A man should be the head of the family, so it is important to do everything possible to maintain his status, so there are no prohibitions and protests.
  4. Delight. The psychology of men claims that, oddly enough, they love compliments, so it is important to notice all the advantages and achievements.
  5. goddess of sex. intimate relationship have great importance, so you should not be afraid to open up in order to give pleasure to yourself and your partner. Women should thoroughly study their body.

Why men cheat on their wives - psychology reasons

The statistics are disappointing, since approximately 40% of husbands are not faithful to their soul mates. Many refer to natural polygamy, but this is nothing more than an excuse. The psychology of a man's infidelity has real reasons that lead to infidelity: changes in a woman's the worst side, constant scandals in the family, misunderstandings, lack of sex with a spouse, alcohol abuse, and so on. There is an expression that fits this theme in the best possible way - good wives nobody changes.

Why a man beats a woman - psychology

Unfortunately, but family violence- not uncommon, and sometimes it leads to irreparable consequences. Many women, fearing judgment, hide the fact that their husbands beat them, continuing to live in unbearable conditions. In most cases, not only the fairer sex suffers, but also children. Psychology determines the reasons why a man beats a woman, taking into account the most common character traits. All situations are individual, but it is possible to identify common grounds for such aggression.

  1. Alcohol. According to studies, a man raises his hand to a woman during a period of strong alcohol intoxication when actions are out of control.
  2. Treason. In such a situation, the reaction can be justified, since betrayal can be a strong blow.
  3. excessive jealousy . A sense of ownership in some situations can turn into an obsession, which leads to assault.
  4. Low self-esteem. Many weak people strive to elevate themselves at the expense of other people who are physically weaker than them.

Male owner - psychology

The feeling of possessiveness is inherent in many people, but for some it turns into a mania. There are men who are pathologically jealous and conceited. It is important for them not only to have a woman, but also to know that people around her admire her. The idea that the chosen one can leave for them is similar to the effect of drugs. For them, the care and tenderness of the second half is very important. The psychology of a man in a relationship identifies several reasons that can make him an owner.

  1. Such representatives of the stronger sex are sons emotional women Or they were raised in a defective family.
  2. Bad experience, disrespectful attitude of women and infidelity.
  3. A loss loved one who was important in life.

Causes of jealousy in men - psychology

It is difficult to meet among a male representative who would never experience feelings of jealousy. The form of its expression directly depends on the nature and degree of upbringing. The psychology of men in love indicates that they naturally have a sense of possessiveness. Jealousy can be caused by such reasons: self-doubt, alcohol consumption, patriarchal upbringing, wild imagination, negative experience and the desire to violently express their own feelings. Jealousy is manifested by incredulity, suspicion and persecution.

Psychology of men's behavior

Representatives of the stronger sex are significantly different from women, even in that it is more common for them to act than to feel. They are more silent and it is more important for them to see than to hear. Another important detail concerns the fact that “hints” are not typical for the male part of the population, and accuracy and essence are important for them. The behavior of a man is different in that he rarely pays attention to details, focusing on the situation as a whole.

Men's fears - psychology

Representatives of the strong half of humanity and fear are, as it were, incompatible things, but this is only an image that many support. Psychologists assure that there is no person who does not have phobias. In relationships with women, there is a fear of being rejected, becoming dependent, unnecessary, humiliated and not meeting the requirements. The secrets of male psychology are also revealed by other male phobias.

  1. The representatives of the stronger sex are afraid to be insolvent, not only in material terms, but also in other areas.
  2. Another fear is the loss of reputation and the fear of becoming an object of deception.
  3. Many men are afraid of loneliness and manipulation.

Greedy man - psychology

A person who knows how to save money and who is greedy are two different concepts. There are several main reasons that can explain male stinginess. The most common reason is education and bad example. The psychology of a man's behavior explains that he can become greedy because of a poor past or uncertainty about the future. People who are selfish do not like to share anything. To correct the situation and get rid of this terrible trait, only a person with a problem can, through introspection.

Narcissism in men - psychology

IN last years the idea is widely promoted that you need to love yourself and then everything in life will turn out perfectly. The opinion is correct, but there are situations when the line is erased, and a person already begins to neglect others for the sake of gratifying his own ego. Psychology uses such a concept as a male narcissist less often than in the case of women. In addition, in the representatives of the stronger sex, this feeling is manifested in latent form. It will not be possible to forcefully rid a person of narcissism, and work on oneself will help here. Highlight the main signs of narcissism.

  1. Constant praise of their virtues, and often they are fictitious.
  2. Denial of any shortcomings, and when others talk about them, this causes aggression.
  3. Indifference to the lives of other people and even close relatives.
  4. The psychology of men highlights another feature of the narcissist - perfectionism, which after some time turns into dissatisfaction with oneself with other people.
  5. Idealization of all spheres of one's own life and the constant desire to compete with others, proving one's superiority.
  6. The desire to show other people their own significance.

The psychology of an abandoned man

Parting - difficult period in the lives of both partners. Many believe that men are more bloodthirsty in such situations, but in fact this is not the case. There are a huge number of scenarios and reactions that can follow as a result of breaking up a relationship. Male psychology in love offers three main patterns that determine the further state and actions of people.

  1. Separation initiated by a woman. Many will be surprised, but according to statistics, men are three times more likely to suffer from love depression than women. They often hide their grief in alcohol or use different types extreme.
  2. Parting by mutual agreement . When the relationship gradually fades away, the breakup is not painful. If the end is put as a result of a scandal, then the psychology of a man involves the release of steam.
  3. Separation at the initiative of a man. In such situations, in order to hide their shame, many members of the stronger sex prefer the tactics of attack, blaming and insulting the woman. Statistics show that men often break up when they have a backup option.

When a man flirts, the fair sex can ambiguously evaluate his signs of attention. And in relationships, ladies often make premature conclusions about their lovers. Moreover, each woman interprets the communication of a man in her own way, trusting her inner feeling. But, as you know, the first opinion is often wrong. That is why in this article we will consider the behavior of a man in love, the opinion of a woman on this matter and the explanations of psychologists in a given situation.

It is the differences psychological characteristics men and women lead to misunderstandings in their communication. Moreover, without even trying to understand each other, we get involved in conflict situations. And the thing is that men tend to behave ambiguously, and women - to make hasty conclusions. All this leads to an emotional outburst on one side and disappointment on the other. Let's try to figure out how the psychology of men's behavior misleads a woman.

Situation #1: They just met, and the man behaves like a boy: he jokes stupidly, then he tries to hook a new acquaintance, then he boasts of some completely meaningless things. With all his behavior, he almost shows that a little more "and I'll pull your pigtails."

Woman's opinion: He doesn't care what I think of him. And, therefore, the further attitude is not interesting to him.

Psychologist's explanation: On the contrary, the childish behavior of a man indicates that he likes a woman. Quite often, male representatives, being in the company of a woman they like, are lost in choosing the style of communication with her. In the end, everything gets confusing. That's why male behavior loses all outward seriousness. Often, men fall into childhood only because they subconsciously work with childhood, when it was possible to lead easily and naturally. Therefore, watching men who behave with women like boys, you can see that the closed type of young people begin to laugh for no reason and inappropriately, and the category smart men start talking stupid nonsense. And any of them in this case will try to hide their feelings that he had in relation to the woman.

Situation #2: The man did not remember most of the words the woman said. And she told him so much about herself: the routine of her boring day, what her parents do and even the name of her beloved pet!

Woman's opinion: If he doesn't try to remember important details about my life, that means he's not interested in me. And accordingly, his intentions are not serious.

Psychologists' explanation: Firstly, a woman must understand that the psychology of the behavior of men and women is very different, as well as inner world both. Representatives of the stronger sex do not have phenomenal abilities to remember everything they hear. Secondly, a man concentrates on the information that he needs, he will not fill his head with “garbage” that cannot be useful to him. For him, it does not matter what your dog's name is, because at the moment of communication he will know your inner world. Moreover, he will do this according to the information that he considers useful. And there is another feature of male behavior regarding verbal communication: men do not attach as much importance to words as women do. Therefore, do not jump to conclusions that your gentleman did not remember some little things about you. This does not mean at all that he is not interested in you.

Situation #3. During communication, a man flirts, but avoids tactile contact.

Woman's opinion: Any young man during flirting tries to touch the girl. So I don't care about him.

Psychologists' explanation: It is quite likely that it is. However, the man's behavior may have another explanation. For example, a guy is very well-mannered and believes tactile contact on early stage communication is a sign of ignorance and rudeness. A shy men just be afraid to touch a woman, so as not to offend her inadvertently with his gesture. The touch of such men for a long time after the start of the relationship will be timid.

Situation number 4. Boy and girl have been dating for a while. However, the beginning of their relationship is defiled by a sign of disrespect on the part of their strong half. For example, a young man deceived a girl, saying that he was sick. And on the same evening I went with friends to football. Male behavior in this case can cause unpleasant emotions and offend. Moreover, after an apology, a man quite quickly forgets about his "jamb" and evades the topic of conversation about it.

Woman's opinion: He forgot how he hurt, and, therefore, does not repent of his act.

Psychologists' explanation: in fact, men try to forget about their careless actions, because memories of them do not spare the vulnerable male pride. And women, as a rule, on the contrary, go in cycles in men's punctures and often pry on their lover, reminding him of his mistake. If the person you love doesn't remind you of unpleasant situation This does not mean that he completely forgot about her. He just does not want to remember what makes him weaker and lower in your eyes.

Situation number 5. A man is always annoyed when a woman he loves praises other men in front of him, or says something good about them..

Woman's opinion: Jealous means love.

Psychologist's explanation: in fact, jealousy is not always a sign male love. Any man should feel confident next to his woman. Confident, first of all, that he is the only, inimitable and the best. Therefore, the slightest deviation from these concepts entails even an inadequate reaction. And the behavior of a man in love can become unpredictable. If you have already talked about another representative of the stronger sex in positive aspect Don't forget to add praise for your loved one. As Dr. Kupitman of The Interns says, "Even if your man doesn't do anything, tell him he DIVINELY doesn't do anything!"

Situation #6: A man beautifully looks after a woman and reproduces the impression of a gentleman in love.

Woman's opinion: most likely he has serious intentions towards me.

Psychologists' explanation: it doesn't necessarily have to be. Most often, men are either simply well-mannered and therefore able to adequately care for a woman. Or they strive to achieve some goal and are ready for anything in the name of it. Therefore, if male behavior is measured, without failures and incidents, most likely your boyfriend has a carefully thought-out plan. But real feelings most often become the cause of spontaneous and unexpected actions and decisions.

Situation #7: A man does not talk about his well-being, does not share problems and troubles.

Woman's opinion: Obviously he doesn't trust me.

Psychologists' explanation: in fact, men don't like to whine and complain. They are weighed down by a sense of their helplessness or vulnerability. And even more so, to look like a “mattress” in the eyes of a woman is also humiliating. Therefore, remember that men do not cry, but they experience all the disappointment and resentment in themselves. If you want your lover to speak frankly with you, do not put pressure on him. Give him the opportunity to wish it himself. The psychology of a man's behavior most often has no explanation and is unpredictable.

Situation #8: Periodically, a man in dealing with a woman allows himself rudeness and self-willed behavior. At the same time, he does not behave this way with other people.

Woman's opinion : the behavior of the man clearly indicates that he does not love or respect me.

Psychologists' explanation : This is a completely wrong assumption. When a man allows himself to be rude to a woman, this does not mean that he has stopped loving her or wants to leave. Most often, this can be explained by the fact that, due to the development of their relationship, he stepped over the psychological barrier in communication. In other words, he can afford what is not permissible with unfamiliar people. Rare rudeness, emotional breakdown, inability to restrain oneself only indicate that there is some kind of discord in the soul of your beloved. But systematic humiliation is a completely different story.

As we can see, the behavior of a man in love can be slightly veiled and incomprehensible at first glance. The first thing that a representative of the weaker sex needs to learn in dealing with the opposite is not to jump to conclusions. Premature opinions and advance comments can lead to irreparable consequences. Analyze your communication with your loved one and try to get to know him better in order to understand his essence. Only in this way will a woman's opinion of a man be able to leave behind a chance to change for the better.

However, do not rush to discard what you do not agree with. Maybe you can discover a new point of view on such an interesting object for women. After all, if you learn to better understand the feelings, thoughts and behavior of men, then thanks to such a deep understanding, you will be able to communicate more easily with members of the opposite sex and, perhaps, will achieve greater success with the men you meet.

What a man becomes, his character and behavior, largely depends on the upbringing he received. At present, from the first days of his life, the boy is managed and led by women. This is a mother, educators, teachers at school, who most often belong to the representatives of the female half of humanity. In addition to teachers at school, the boy communicates with classmates. Remember your school years: at that time, you and other girls matured earlier than your classmates, better than they grasped what was said in the lessons. All this, imperceptibly for you, could hurt male pride.

Gradually growing up, the young man begins to rebel, including against women. But at the same time, he continues to treat them with respect, to love, to strive for meetings with the Beautiful Lady. This contradictory attitude towards women and the fragility of the male "I" is manifested in the behavior of adult men in the following:

  • He believes in his own uniqueness.
  • He would like to marry the woman who will understand and feel his unusualness and uniqueness.
  • He likes to be praised and admired. He does not like criticism, but he is ready to listen to it in his address.
  • He has a certain mask that he puts on when leaving the house, and which is different from his true face.
  • He in many ways feels the superiority of other men over himself and often thinks about it.
  • He likes to talk about himself and listen when people talk about him.
But still, most men - even those who usually behave as "severe", strong in spirit - dream of tenderness, female care and would like to be pampered a little. In the soul, a man always remains a child; especially he needs affectionate female attention when he falls ill or worries difficult moments own life.

The process of marriage does not cause much pleasure for a man, but about family life most of them think with joyful hope, and most likely, in their hearts, they will prefer her to a bachelor. Also, in the end, a man will want to have children. For some it will be earlier, for others it will be later. In general, men tend to be romantic. Although they love to laugh at television series and films about love, there is hardly a man who would not dream of finding "his soul mate" to get her stars from heaven. Contrary to popular belief, men fall in love faster than women. They often seek to meet, start communicating with a woman, driven by the desire to find their love. In addition, men more women tend to idealize the one they love. But after all, they have to play a more active role in love, perhaps to overcome more obstacles, and this requires a lot of strength, which men draw from the attractiveness of the ideal. With romance, they adjoin strongly developed sense property, thanks to which, when this feeling is directed to a girlfriend or wife, a man is ready to spend a lot of effort to keep his beloved. Due to the creative nature of men, any of them, most likely, is able to believe in miracles.

So let's sum it up:

    Most men have a fragile self that they guard, protect, and often hide.

    Men deep down are always waiting female care.

  • Most men, despite the harsh masks they wear, are very romantic.

Of course, man is always complex. Therefore, these results speak only about the most common male features. However, it is worth remembering about such a device of male psychology. Try to look at the specific behavior of the man you are interested in in order to understand what are unique and common features his masculine personality is manifested. Such a deep approach to getting to know him will surely bear rich fruits. If you decide in advance to look at your acquaintance with interest in his personality, then you will feel how his soul opens up to meet you.