Synopsis of an ethical conversation in the preparatory group “Polite words and deeds. Ethical conversation in the middle group

alfiya vasilyeva
Card file of conversations with children on moral education

Card index of conversations

By moral education

in children in middle group


Why say "Hello"?

Target: To form in children the basic rules of etiquette when meeting. Learn how to greet. To consolidate ideas about the importance and necessity of using « good words» in colloquial speech, cause the desire to use them.


"My Good Deeds"

Target: to deepen children's understanding of kindness as a valuable, inalienable quality of a person. Improve communication skills (the ability to listen to a friend, sincerely express one’s opinion, show kindness to the judgments of other children, cultural communication skills with peers. Achieve friendly intonational expressiveness of speech. Bring up children have friendly relationships, feelings of self-respect and respect for others, the ability and desire to help adults and peers.


"What is Kindness"

Target: To form an idea in children about kindness as an important human quality. Encourage the desire to do good deeds; consolidate children's ideas about good deeds understand that polite words help people communicate. Develop moral ideas about kindness. Bring up good feelings towards the people around.


"Hurry to do good"

Target: Continue familiarity with polar concepts "good" And "evil". To form a conscious attitude to social norms of behavior, to consolidate the skills of benevolent behavior in Everyday life. To introduce ways to resolve conflict associated with feelings of anger, as well as ways to manage and regulate mood. Continue bring up friendly relationship between children.


“If you are kind…”

Target: To form in children the need for friendly communication with others, to consciously show sympathy and do good deeds. To teach to understand the meanings of proverbs about goodness, the ability to associate the meaning of a proverb with a specific situation. Teach children to show kindness, responsiveness to all who need it.


« polite words»

Target: To teach children the rules of etiquette, forms and techniques of communication when meeting with friends and strangers, the rules for the use of words of greetings. To help overcome the shyness and stiffness of children. Develop the ability to express your opinion in a cultural way, listen carefully to your interlocutors. Teach formulas for expressing a polite request, gratitude.


"Accidentally and on purpose"

Target: develop moral feelings - regret, sympathy; to form game communication skills without hurting the interests of a partner.


"Learning to Forgive Your Friends"

Target: to develop the ability of children not to be offended by each other; to form the ability to distinguish an unintentional slip from an intentional one and respond accordingly; to bring children to the understanding of the words "peaceful", "touchy".


"Why do fights happen?"

Target: to form communication skills in children; develop an understanding of the meaning of the norms and rules of behavior among peers; bring up the habit of behaving with dignity in every situation.


"Dreamers and Liars"

Target: to develop the ability to distinguish between deception and fiction, fantasy; develop the desire for truthfulness and tact.


" Let's make it up "

Target: develop the ability to restrain negative impulses, avoid conflicts, find words to evaluate behavior. Teach children to be receptive and sensitive.


" Good friend known in trouble

Target: form an idea of ​​what a true friend able to empathize and help difficult moments; develop the ability to be merciful to each other.


"How to behave during a conversation"

Target: introduce children to the rules of behavior during a conversation.

(Speak in a polite tone. Use "magic" words. Look in the face interlocutor. Don't keep your hands in your pockets. During a conversation, you should not eat. If two adults are talking, the child should not interfere in their conversation, much less demand that it be stopped).


"Kind angry"

Target: To teach to give a moral assessment of the actions of heroes, bring up desire to be kind and humane. Help to understand that one can call kind a person who always helps others, does not remain indifferent in difficult situations for other people.

To teach to distinguish good deeds, to arouse the desire to do good deeds in relation to other people.



Target: Form ideas about moral concept "truthfulness", to teach to give a moral assessment of the hero's act, to help understand that a lie does not adorn a person.


"What a friend should be"

Target: To form ideas about positive character traits and moral deeds deepen the idea of ​​friendship. Cultivate respect, patience and friendliness towards their comrades, teach them to correct their mistakes, ask for forgiveness in conflict situations. Teach children to be receptive and sensitive.


"Be neat and tidy"

Target: Teaching children to take care of their appearance. Help understand what educated the person always looks neat.


"Truth is not true"

Target: Explain to children that you can’t deceive others, that you always need to tell the truth, that truthfulness and honesty always please adults, that these qualities are very much appreciated in a person, that they praise the truth. Help the children understand that any untruth is always revealed, and the person who lied feels guilty not only for his misconduct, but also for the fact that he told a lie.



Target: continue bring up children have a negative attitude towards rudeness. Explain to the children that the one who teases not only offends others, but also harms himself. (no one wants to be friends with such a person).


"Games Without Quarrels"

Target: Explain to children that a quarrel interferes with play and friendship. Learn to decide contentious issues, avoid quarrels, do not get angry at the loss, do not tease the loser.



Target: To teach children to use polite words, develop appropriate cultural behavior skills, follow the rules of etiquette, using the example of literary characters, stimulate positive forms of behavior and inhibit negative ones. That you need to communicate with others calmly, without shouting, that you should express your requests in a polite tone.



Target: Teach children to treat things carefully and carefully, otherwise they will quickly lose their appearance, become unusable. To teach to appreciate the work of those who made this thing, who bought it, earning money.


"Mutual Aid"

Target: Explain to children that all people sometimes need support, but not everyone can ask for help; It is very important to notice the person who needs help and help him. That you need to help not only acquaintances, but also strangers.


"Desire to Help"

Target: Develop emotional responsiveness, a desire to help, showing sympathy. Teach children to be receptive and sensitive.


"Generosity and Greed"

Target: Reveal the meaning of concepts "greed" And "generosity". Develop the ability to evaluate your attitude to positive and negative actions. Understand that being greedy is bad, but generous is good.


"Why you need to be able to give in"

Target: to teach children to avoid quarrels, to yield and negotiate with each other. Develop the ability to evaluate your attitude to positive and negative actions.


"Stairs of Kindness"

Target: based on Russian content folk tales to form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bjustice, courage, modesty and kindness, bring up negative attitude towards negative qualities: lies, cunning, cowardice, cruelty. Learn to convey your attitude to the content of the tale and the actions of the characters.


"It's better to be kind"

Target: To give children an idea of ​​​​an indifferent, indifferent person, his actions. Teaching children to distinguish outward manifestation emotional state (anger, indifference, joy). Learn to analyze actions, find the cause of the conflict, ways to solve conflict situations and promote their assimilation into behavior. Generalize the idea of ​​kindness and cause the desire to do good deeds.

Structural unit implementing general education programs preschool education, GBOUSOSH "Education Center" p. Varlamovo

Topic: "Ethical conversation in the middle group, how

means patriotic education children"

Educator: Kapustina V.R.

Forms of organization joint activities

Children's activity

Forms and methods of organizing joint activities


Didactic games “My name”, “Magic tangle”, creation of a game teaching situation by a teacher; acceptance of the game situation by children.


Independent activity children compiling a "train" of photographs in chronological order "I'm growing up!"


Free communication of children with the teacher and peers; perception fiction.

Cognitive - research

Solving the problem situation “Who has the most big family?”.

Plan - abstractethical conversation in the middle group.

Integration of educational areas: « cognitive development”, “Social and communicative development”, “ Speech development».


- Educational area"Cognitive development": to give children ideas about the family, its role in human life; reinforce ideas about family ties and relationships.

- Educational area "Social and moral development": to educate children in a sense of love and affection for their family, home, kindergarten; interest in the history of one's family, arouse the desire to collect a family album; education in children of initiative and independence in verbal communication with adults and peers.

- Educational area "Speech development": to exercise children in the ability to compose creative stories (about their family, naming close relatives); develop monologue speech.

Methods and techniques:

Practical: an introduction to game situation, productive activity.

Visual: use visual artistic means(slides, books, room decoration).

Verbal: conversation, reading a poem.

Materials and equipment:

Multi-media system, audio material, music center, photographs of the pupils' families, photographs of children, train carriages, children's drawings.

Preliminary work:

1. Conversations about family members, family holidays, family traditions.

2. Reading fairy tales Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka, Geese-Swans.

3. Drawing on the topic: "My mother."

4. Didactic games: "I love", "What is my mother", "Who do I look like", "Let's get to know each other"

5. Photo exhibition “I am at home”, “My family”.

Teacher activity

Activities of pupils

Expected results

Invites children and reads a poem

Accept an invitation, listen to a poem

Children emotionally tuned in to the topic of the conversation.

Asks questions about kindergarten workers.

Children's stories about kindergarten workers.

Write creative stories.

Shows slides with photos of the family.

Children's stories from photographs "Tell me about your family."

Interested in their family history.

Organizes a physical education session "One, two, three, four", under musical accompaniment.

Children perform movements to the music.

Conditions have been created to relieve muscle tension.

Organizes a problem situation: “Who has the biggest family?”.

Children prove who has a larger family and who has a smaller one.

Makes comparisons, generalizations, conclusions from the situation, compares the facts.

Offers to make a "train" of photos in chronological order "I'm growing!"

The children arrange the photographs in sequence.

Actively participates in teamwork on drawing up wagons for the train "I'm growing up".

Organizes a didactic game "My name".

They say how parents call their children and how children call their parents.

Shows interest in his own name, calls members of his family affectionately.

Organizes a didactic game

"Magic ball".

They stand in a circle and, passing the ball, say wishes to their comrades.

Correctly use moral concepts (polite, truthful, caring, good friend, etc.)

Shows an exhibition of children's drawings "My mother"

Look at your drawings.

Expresses his point of view when viewing the exhibition "My mother", expresses positive emotions.

Evaluates the activities of children, summarizes

The children exchange opinions.

Have ideas about the family and its role in human life; notions of family ties and relationships.

Conversation flow:

Children are seated at tables arranged in a semicircle.

Educator: - Good morning, Guys! I am very glad to see you all! Let's smile at each other so we can have good mood. I suggest that you carefully listen to the poem that Cyril will read, and then answer the question of what we will talk about today.

"The closest people to me,

Without which I can't live.

We always take care of each other

That's mine Friendly family.

There are a lot of us at the table

Dad, grandpa and me

Mom, grandmother, sister

This is my whole family."

Educator: - Who guessed what we are going to talk about now?

Children: - about the family

Educator: - That's right, we'll talk about different families. Do you think our group can be called a family? Why? Can you say that your teachers are your second mothers? Why? They love and care for you, just like mothers take care of you at home. I will show you pictures of those people who care about you in kindergarten. And you tell about this person: who is it? What's his name? And how does he take care of you?

Children's stories.

Educator: - Not only these people care about you, but many others.

This is the whole big friendly family of our kindergarten. In our favorite garden we spend holidays, interesting activities, we all walk together, play, go in for sports - all this happens in our big family. But besides the family of our kindergarten, each of you has a family of close relatives. Who do you think we call close relatives?

Children: - Mom, grandmother, dad, grandfather, sister, brother.

Educator: - Today we will visit an exhibition of photographs.

I wonder who is in your photos.

Slideshow of family photos.

Children's stories from photographs. "Tell me about your family".

Educator: - asks questions: How do we call them, in one word?

Children: - family.

Educator: - What will be the name of the photo, which depicts the family?

Children: - family.

Educator: - What is the name of our exhibition?

Children: - an exhibition of family photos.

Educator: - It turns out that we all love our moms and dads, grandparents, brothers and sisters who have them. What does it mean to love?

Children: - To love means to help in everything, to protect and take care, to do something pleasant, to be close to each other, to live in peace and harmony, not to quarrel.


One, two - clap, clap!

Three, four - stomp, stomp!

One, two - smile!

Three, four - pull up!

Let's jump high

Let's kick our legs!

They shouted: "hello" friend, friend!

Turned around!

Leaning right to left

And they bowed to each other!

Now knees together

Let's start running on the spot!

Run fast, run fast

All. Finished. Tired?

Problem situation: “Who has the biggest family?”.

Educator: - Guys, I liked your family photos All families are large and friendly.

Making a "train" of photos in chronological order "I'm growing!"

Educator: - Guys, take your photos and put in the first trailer a photo where you are small, and in the second, where you are like now.

Didactic game"My name".

Educator: Guys, we got a train from the photos, there are a lot of trailers, and there is only one passenger in each trailer. What is the name of the passenger in your carriage?

Children: Anya, Nastya, etc.

Educator: - What do your mom and dad call you? What do you call your parents? What do others call them?

Children's answers: - mom and dad, etc.

Educator: Guys, let's see the portraits of our mothers that you painted. Try to get to know your mother (slide show).

Educator: - Now I suggest you play the game "Magic Ball". To do this, we need to stand in a circle and passing the ball to say something good to our comrades.

This is where our lesson ended. Today you all were great and made me very happy. I want to give you wagons as a keepsake.

Kapustina Veronika Valerievna

Card index of conversations

moral education

in children in the middle group


Why say "hello"?

Target: To form in children the basic rules of etiquette when meeting. To introduce ways of greeting. To consolidate ideas about the importance and necessity of using “kind words” in colloquial speech, to arouse the desire to use them.


"My Good Deeds"

Target: deepen children's understanding of kindness as a valuable, inalienable quality of a person. Improve communication skills (the ability to listen to a friend, sincerely express one's opinion, show kindness to the judgments of other children), cultural communication skills with peers. Achieve friendly intonation expressiveness of speech. To instill in children friendly relations, feelings of self-respect and respect for others, the ability and desire to help adults and peers.


"What is Kindness"

Target: To form an idea in children about kindness as an important human quality. To encourage the desire to do good deeds; to consolidate children's ideas about good deeds, to understand that polite words help people in communication. Develop moral ideas about kindness. Cultivate good feelings for the people around you.


"Hurry to do good"

Target: Continue acquaintance with the polar concepts of "good" and "evil". To form a conscious attitude to social norms of behavior, to consolidate the skills of benevolent behavior in everyday life. To introduce ways to resolve conflict associated with feelings of anger, as well as ways to manage and regulate mood. Continue to cultivate friendly relationships between children.


“If you are kind…”

Target: To form in children the need for friendly communication with others, to consciously show sympathy and do good deeds. To teach to understand the meanings of proverbs about goodness, the ability to associate the meaning of a proverb with a specific situation. Teach children to show kindness, responsiveness to all who need it.


"Polite Words"

Target: To teach children the rules of etiquette, the forms and techniques of communication when meeting with acquaintances and strangers, the rules for using words of greeting. To help overcome the shyness and stiffness of children. Develop the ability to express your opinion in a cultural way, listen carefully to your interlocutors. Teach formulas for expressing a polite request, gratitude.


"Accidentally and on purpose"

Target: develop moral feelings - regret, sympathy; to form game communication skills without hurting the interests of a partner.


"Learning to Forgive Your Friends"

Target: to develop the ability of children not to be offended by each other; to form the ability to distinguish an unintentional slip from an intentional one and respond accordingly; to bring children to the understanding of the words "peaceful", "touchy".


"Why do fights happen?"

Target: to form communication skills in children; develop an understanding of the meaning of the norms and rules of behavior among peers; Cultivate the habit of behaving with dignity in every situation.


"Dreamers and Liars"

Target: to develop the ability to distinguish between deception and fiction, fantasy; develop the desire for truthfulness and tact.


" Let's make it up "

Target: develop the ability to restrain negative impulses, avoid conflicts, find words to evaluate behavior. Teach children responsiveness, sensitivity.


"A good friend is known in need"

Target: to form the idea that a true friend can empathize, help in difficult times; develop the ability to be merciful to each other.


"How to behave during a conversation"

Target: introduce children to the rules of behavior during a conversation.

(Speak in a polite tone. Use "magic" words. Look into the face of the interlocutor. Do not keep your hands in your pockets. During the conversation, you should not, eat. If two adults are talking, the child should not interfere in their conversation, much less demand that it be stopped) .


"Kind angry"

Target: To teach to give a moral assessment of the actions of heroes, to cultivate a desire to be kind and humane. Help to understand that one can call kind a person who always helps others, does not remain indifferent in difficult situations for other people.

To teach to distinguish good deeds, to arouse the desire to do good deeds in relation to other people.



Target: To form ideas about the moral concept of "truthfulness", to teach to give a moral assessment of the hero's act, to help understand that a lie does not adorn a person.


"What a friend should be"

Target: To form ideas about positive character traits and moral deeds, deepen ideas about friendship. Cultivate respect, patience and friendliness towards your comrades, teach you to correct your mistakes, ask for forgiveness in conflict situations. Teach children responsiveness, sensitivity.


"Be neat and tidy"

Target: Teach children to take care of their appearance. Help understand what well-mannered person always looks neat.


"Truth is not true"

Target: Explain to children that you can’t deceive others, that you always need to tell the truth, that truthfulness and honesty always please adults, that these qualities are very much appreciated in a person, that they praise the truth. Help children understand that any untruth is always revealed, and a person who lied experiences feeling guilty not only for his misdeed, but also for the fact that he told a lie.



Target: continue to educate in children a negative attitude towards rudeness. Explain to the children that the one who teases not only offends others, but also harms himself (no one wants to be friends with such a person).


"Games Without Quarrels"

Target: Explain to children that a quarrel interferes with play and friendship. Learn to resolve controversial issues, avoid quarrels, not be angry at a loss, do not tease the loser ..



Target: To teach children to use polite words, develop appropriate cultural behavior skills, follow the rules of etiquette, using the example of literary characters, stimulate positive forms of behavior and inhibit negative ones. That you need to communicate with others calmly, without shouting, that you should express your requests in a polite tone.



Target: Teach children to treat things carefully and carefully, otherwise they will quickly lose their appearance and become unusable. To teach to appreciate the work of those who made this thing, who bought it, earning money.


"Mutual Aid"

Purpose: To explain to children that all people sometimes need support, but not everyone can ask for help; It is very important to notice the person who needs help and help him. That you need to help not only acquaintances, but also strangers.


"Desire to Help"

Target: To develop emotional responsiveness, a desire to help, showing sympathy. To teach children responsiveness, sensitivity.


"Generosity and Greed"

Target: To reveal the meaning of the concepts of "greed" and "generosity". Develop the ability to evaluate your attitude to positive and negative actions. Understand that being greedy is bad, but generous is good.


"Why you need to be able to give in"

Target: to teach children to avoid quarrels, to yield and negotiate with each other. Develop the ability to evaluate your attitude to positive and negative actions.


"Stairs of Kindness"

Target: based on the content of Russian folk tales, to form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bjustice, courage, modesty and kindness, to cultivate a negative attitude towards negative qualities: lies, cunning, cowardice, cruelty. Learn to convey your attitude to the content of the tale and the actions of the characters.


"It's better to be kind"

Target: To give children an idea of ​​​​an indifferent, indifferent person, his actions. To teach children to distinguish the external manifestation of an emotional state (anger, indifference, joy). To teach to analyze actions, find the cause of the conflict, ways to resolve conflict situations and promote their assimilation in behavior. Generalize the idea of ​​kindness and cause the desire to do good deeds.

Card file of conversations on moral education

Topic number 1: Why do they say "hello"?

Target: To form in children the basic rules of etiquette when meeting. Learn how to greet. To consolidate ideas about the importance and necessity of using "kind words" in colloquial speech, to arouse the desire to use them.

Topic number 2: "My good deeds"

Target: deepen children's understanding of kindness as a valuable, inalienable quality of a person. Improve communication skills (the ability to listen to a friend, sincerely express one's opinion, show kindness to the judgments of other children), cultural communication skills with peers. Achieve friendly intonation expressiveness of speech. To instill in children friendly relationships, feelings of self-respect and respect for others, the ability and desire to help adults and peers.

Topic number 3: "What is kindness?"

Target : To form an idea in children about kindness as an important human quality. Encourage the desire to do good deeds; to consolidate children's ideas about good deeds, to understand that polite words help people in communication. Develop moral ideas about kindness. Cultivate good feelings for the people around you.

Topic 4: "Hurry to do good"

Target : Continue acquaintance with the polar concepts of "good" and "evil". To form a conscious attitude to social norms of behavior, to consolidate the skills of benevolent behavior in everyday life. To introduce ways to resolve conflict associated with feelings of anger, as well as ways to manage and regulate mood. Continue to cultivate friendly relationships between children.

Topic number 5: “If you are kind…”

Target : To form in children the need for friendly communication with others, to consciously show sympathy and do good deeds. To teach to understand the meanings of proverbs about goodness, the ability to associate the meaning of a proverb with a specific situation. Teach children to show kindness, responsiveness to all who need it.

Topic number 6: "Polite words"

Target : To teach children the rules of etiquette, the forms and techniques of communication when meeting with acquaintances and strangers, the rules for using words of greeting. To help overcome the shyness and stiffness of children. Develop the ability to express your opinion in a cultural way, listen carefully to your interlocutors. Teach formulas for expressing a polite request, gratitude.

Topic number 7: "Unintentionally and on purpose"

Target: develop moral feelings - regret, sympathy; to form game communication skills without hurting the interests of a partner.

Topic #8: "Learning to forgive our friends"

Target : to develop the ability of children not to be offended by each other; to form the ability to distinguish an unintentional slip from an intentional one and respond accordingly; to bring children to the understanding of the words "peaceful", "touchy".

Topic number 9: "Why do fights happen?"

Target : to form communication skills in children; develop an understanding of the meaning of the norms and rules of behavior among peers; Cultivate the habit of behaving with dignity in every situation.

Topic No. 10: "Dreamers and liars"

Target : to develop the ability to distinguish between deception and fiction, fantasy; develop the desire for truthfulness and tact.

Topic 11: "Let's make peace"

Target : develop the ability to restrain negative impulses, avoid conflicts, find words to evaluate behavior. Teach children to be receptive and sensitive.

Topic 12: "A good friend is known in need"

Target : to form the idea that a true friend can empathize, help in difficult times; develop the ability to be merciful to each other.

Topic No. 13: "How to behave during a conversation"

Target : introduce children to the rules of behavior during a conversation.

(Speak in a polite tone. Use "magic" words. Look into the face of the interlocutor. Do not keep your hands in your pockets. During the conversation, you should not eat. If two adults are talking, the child should not interfere in their conversation, much less demand that it be stopped) .

Topic No. 14: "Good - evil"

Target : To teach to give a moral assessment of the actions of heroes, to cultivate a desire to be kind and humane. Help to understand that one can call kind a person who always helps others, does not remain indifferent in difficult situations for other people.

To teach to distinguish good deeds, to arouse the desire to do good deeds in relation to other people.

Topic #15: "Truthfulness"

Target : To form ideas about the moral concept of "truthfulness", to teach to give a moral assessment of the hero's act, to help understand that a lie does not adorn a person.

Topic #16: “What a friend should be like”

Target : To form ideas about positive character traits and moral deeds, to deepen ideas about friendship. To cultivate respect, patience and friendliness towards their comrades, to teach them to correct their mistakes, to ask for forgiveness in conflict situations. Teach children to be receptive and sensitive.

Topic #17: "Be neat and tidy"

Target : Teach children to take care of their appearance. Help to understand that a well-mannered person always looks neat.

Topic No. 18: "True - not true"

Target : Explain to children that you can’t deceive others, that you always need to tell the truth, that truthfulness and honesty always please adults, that these qualities are very much appreciated in a person, that they praise the truth. Help the children understand that any untruth is always revealed, and the person who lied feels guilty not only for his misconduct, but also for the fact that he told a lie.

Topic #19: "Goodwill"

Target: continue to educate in children a negative attitude towards rudeness. Explain to the children that the one who teases not only offends others, but also harms himself (no one wants to be friends with such a person).

Topic No. 20: "Games without quarrels"

Target : Explain to children that a quarrel interferes with play and friendship. Learn to resolve controversial issues, avoid quarrels, do not get angry at a loss, do not tease the loser ..

Topic #21: Politeness

Target : To teach children to use polite words, develop appropriate cultural behavior skills, follow the rules of etiquette, using the example of literary characters, stimulate positive forms of behavior and inhibit negative ones. That you need to communicate with others calmly, without shouting, that you should express your requests in a polite tone.

Topic No. 22: "Frugality"

Target: Teach children to treat things carefully and carefully, otherwise they will quickly lose their appearance and become unusable. To teach to appreciate the work of those who made this thing, who bought it, earning money.

Topic #23: "Mutual Aid"

Purpose: To explain to children that all people sometimes need support, but not everyone can ask for help; It is very important to notice the person who needs help and help him. That you need to help not only acquaintances, but also strangers.

Topic #24: "Desire to Help"

Target : Develop emotional responsiveness, a desire to help, showing sympathy. Teach children to be receptive and sensitive.

Topic #25: "Generosity and Greed"

Target : To reveal the meaning of the concepts of "greed" and "generosity". Develop the ability to evaluate your attitude to positive and negative actions. Understand that being greedy is bad, but generous is good.

Topic #26: “Why you need to be able to yield”

Target : to teach children to avoid quarrels, to yield and negotiate with each other. Develop the ability to evaluate your attitude to positive and negative actions.

Topic #27: "Stairs of Kindness"

Target : based on the content of Russian folk tales, to form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bjustice, courage, modesty and kindness, to cultivate a negative attitude towards negative qualities: lies, cunning, cowardice, cruelty. Learn to convey your attitude to the content of the tale and the actions of the characters.

Topic #28: "It's better to be kind"

Target : To give children an idea of ​​​​an indifferent, indifferent person, his actions. To teach children to distinguish the external manifestation of an emotional state (anger, indifference, joy). To teach to analyze actions, find the cause of the conflict, ways to resolve conflict situations and promote their assimilation in behavior. Generalize the idea of ​​kindness and cause the desire to do good deeds.

Topic number 29: "How to dress in cool weather?"

Target: To generalize and consolidate the skills of correct, consistent dressing, changing clothes. Develop attention, observation. Cultivate independence, the ability to determine what to wear in accordance with the weather.

Topic No. 30: "We are traveling in transport"

Target: Introduce children to the rules of behavior in transport: give way, be polite, do not push, etc. Develop mindfulness, observation. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards people traveling in transport.

Maria Sizova
Card file of conversations "Moral and ethical conversations with environmental content for children aged 5–7 years"

1."Animals are our friends".

Target: To form a friendly attitude towards animals, the desire to find a friend in an animal.

Conversation flow:

The teacher invites the children to listen to a story about a kitten.


I found a kitten in the garden.

He meowed thinly,

He meowed and trembled. Maybe he was beaten

Or did he run away?

The day in the morning was rainy,

Puddles of gray everywhere...

So be it, unfortunate animal,

I will help your trouble!

I took him home

Fully fed...

Soon my kitten became

A glance is simple!

Wool is like velvet

Tail - a pipe ...

How good-looking! (E. Blaginina)

What did the girl feel when she saw the abandoned kitten? (pity, sympathy).

Let's show the face of the girl who found the kitten.

How did the abandoned kitten feel? (He meowed plaintively, trembled. He was scared and cold.)

Let's all show the abandoned kitten together. (The adult draws attention to the exact transfer of the image of the lost kitten.)

How did the girl help the kitten?

How did the kitten become after the girl took him home? (Cheerful, well-groomed, healthy.)

What would you do if you were a girl?

2. How are animals and plants similar and different?.

Target: Enrich children moral

Conversation flow:

Guys, have you heard the word many times "nature". What do you think it means?

What do you understand by the words "living and non-living nature"?

We talked about the fact that in nature there is nothing superfluous, everything and everything in it are interconnected. And if a certain species of animals or plants disappears or dies out, everyone, including humans, feels it. Animals, plants and man must live according to the laws of kindness, love, respect, mutual assistance, and mercy.

What plants do you know? What kind of plants do we have here? What plants do you have at home?

Do you think plants are alive? If yes, why?

How do you think plants breathe, How do they eat, how do they grow?

Can plants live and grow in water? What aquatic plants do you know?

What animals do you know?

What groups of animals can be divided into?

What animals live here in your home?

How do animals breathe on land and in water?

What do animals eat (domestic, wild, large, small?

A person has hands, but what do animals, birds, fish have?

Humans have fingers, but what do animals have? Humans have nails, but animals do?

How do animals and people move? How do plants move?

What do animals need to grow and develop? What do plants need for this?

Do you think plants get sick? Do animals get sick? Is the person sick?

How do animals, people, plants wash themselves?

What are the benefits of plants? What are the benefits of animals? Human?

How do animals and humans react when they are offended?

How do plants react when they are not constantly cared for?

Do you think animals and plants like music? How do they react to it?

When do animals and humans experience pain? When do plants experience pain?

What rules of behavior of animals and people in nature do you know?

How do you take care of plants and animals in the nature corner of the kindergarten and at home?

Guys, and plants and animals, and people - we are all children of the planet Earth, and we must live together in order to save it. Today you learned a lot about animals and plants. When come home Be sure to tell your loved ones about this.

3. "You are part of nature".

Target: Enrich children knowledge about the environment, promote moral development of the child by forming his idea of ​​kindness, mercy, a culture of communication, to create moral foundations personalities.

Conversation flow:

Children. Peoples live together on our planet Earth different countries, many animals and grow a variety of plants. We all breathe the same air, drink the same water, and we all depend on each other. There is nothing superfluous in the world of plants and animals. Man is a part nature, outside of it he cannot live. Plants and animals provide man with food, clothing, and shelter. If a person misbehaves with nature, destroys plants and animals, pollutes rivers, seas, land, then life becomes impossible for him. Pollution of air and water, contamination of the earth lead to the emergence of various diseases and even death. The destruction of some species of animals leads to a violation ecological balance and death of their other species. All of you know about the red book. Remember about volume: you should always take care of all living things that surround you so that our Earth does not turn into a desert.

Do you consider animals to be your friends? Why?

Is the life of animals and plants similar to our life with you? If yes, then what?

How is your mother taking care of you? Is it necessary to take care of the plants so that they rally and bloom?

If you suddenly do not have a mother, will you feel very bad? If a hunter kills a bear and the cub is left alone, how will he live then?

Do you get hurt when someone accidentally steps on your foot? Do you think it hurts a plant when you break a branch, tear off a leaf, a flower?

If your mother does not feed you, she will forget to cook breakfast or lunch for you, as you are you will feel? What will happen if you do not water the plant, do not feed animals, fish?

If mom won't wash you, wash you, what are you then you will? What will happen to the plant if you do not wipe its leaves? How will the parrot feel if for a long time not clean and wash his cage?

Do you think the mood of humans and animals depends on the weather?

If you were a wizard, what animal or plant would you like to become? Why? Do they look like you? How?

Guys, take care of nature, take care of animals and plants. They are our little brothers.

4. "Learning Kindness".

Target: To develop the desire for friendliness towards others, to learn how to express oneself correctly emotional condition in behavior.

move conversations: (viewing cartoon "Mitten")

Guys, listen to what I'm going to tell you. The girl Masha really wanted to get a dog. When she went outside, she saw her friends playing with their animals. Masha asked her friend for permission to play a little with her puppy. When she brought him home, the mother did not allow her to leave the puppy. Having given away the puppy, Masha became sad and did not notice how her mitten fell out on the snow, which suddenly turned into a puppy. Masha was very happy with her new puppy.

What did the girl Masha dream about?

Why didn't mom let her leave the puppy in the apartment?

Why did Masha feel sad when she had to return the puppy to her friend?

What miracle happened?

How did Masha feel when instead of a mitten she saw little puppy?

Why do you think They say: « dog friend human". (A dog guards a person's house, saves from trouble. She never leaves her master).

5. "Save Water". Target: Learn children conserve tap water. Clearly explain to children that in order to receive pure water people have to spend a lot of effort and money. move conversations: - Guys, do you like to swim in the bath and shower? Do you know how to close the faucet tightly? - You see, only he knows how to use tap water correctly, who makes sure that the tap, when water is no longer needed, is tightly closed. Guys, remember what we use water for? Has it ever happened that there was no water in the tap? -You see how difficult it is if there is no water in the tap. After all, the ability to use the bathroom, shower is a great blessing. And in order to always have clean water in the tap, many people spend a lot of work. We have already talked about the fact that dirty drains get into rivers and lakes, so the water in them has ceased to be clean, and before it gets into our tap it has to be cleaned. Remember what special devices are used for this? That's right, sewage treatment plants. - And if the faucet is left open, then the clean water flowing from it mixes with the dirty water and also enters the treatment plant, so they are forced to process even more water. Every year the quality of clean water is deteriorating, so water must be conserved and one of the ways is not to waste water in vain, close the tap tightly.

6. "Zhaleikin". Target: Expand knowledge children about the rules of behavior in the natural environment. move conversations: - Guys, listen to what I'm going to tell you. Zhaleikin is a kind boy. When he sees evil nearby, he suffers greatly. And he wants to intervene, fix everything and do a good deed. Once Zhaleikin ran to the pond and gasped: tourists on the shore did not fill their fire, did not collect papers and rags, did not bury cans and flasks. - Here are the sluts! - Zhaleikin exclaimed - How sorry they are to spoil such a bank! We'll have to put things in order. I'll pick up all the garbage and throw it in the pond. Berezhok became clean and beautiful again. And a pond Beautiful: no one can see the debris at the bottom. But bathers ran to the pond and cut their legs on the bottles. The fishermen broke the fishing line on the sharp bottles and broke the hooks on the banks. And the fish in the pond from dirty trash and rust began to hurt and suffocate. Zhaleikin wanted the best, but it turned out worse. So many immediately became around dissatisfied! Every business must be done with the mind, and if you do one thing, then do not spoil the other! (N. Sladkov.)- How did Zhaleikin feel about evil? What angered him in the behavior of tourists? -How did Zhaleikin put things in order on the shore? What did it lead to? -What should Zhaleikin do so that there are fewer dissatisfied people around? -How do you assess the actions of Zhaleikin? What would you do?

7. "Boy with lilies of the valley". Target: To cultivate a humane attitude towards the plant world. move conversations: - Guys, listen to the story. On Sunday, the boy hurried along the road from the forest to the train. The boy had lilies of the valley in his hand. Elastic stems did not fit in the palm of your hand. They pulled out as if alive and fell on the road. Passers-by carefully walked around these delicate bells. The boy entered the car. One passenger explained to him that fragrant lilies of the valley should not be destroyed. If you pick a flower, you destroy the seeds. There will be no new flowers. With each bouquet, the beauty of the globe wanes. Man must preserve the green attire of the Earth. - Why did the lilies of the valley break out as if alive and fall on the road? To what or to whom can they be compared? -How does the boy make you feel? Why do some boys and girls, and adults, behave like this in nature? Rate this behavior.

8. "Groundhog".

Target: Call at children desire to protect animals. Cultivate mercy, compassion. move conversations: - We found a little puppy in the garden. The boy felt sorry for the puppy. He wrapped it in a scarf. They brought milk. Mom poked the baby with her muzzle into the saucer. He started drinking milk. They named the puppy Groundhog. He loved the boy and his mother very much. (According to S. Aksakov.) Why did the puppy become attached to the boy and his mother? What was their concern for him? -What would you do if you saw a tiny, no-man's puppy or kitten somewhere?

9. "Old Cap". Target: Cultivate a humane attitude towards birds. move conversations: - Mishutka and Olya went down the path into the ravine. A large black cloud floated over the ravine. There was a crackle in the bushes, as if someone was breaking off branches. Heavy raindrops were falling from the clouds. The rain did not last long. Mishutka came out from under the pear tree, bent down and pulled out an old wet cap from the bush. There was a soft crack in the bushes. A boy appeared with a round, good-natured face. The guys got to know each other. The boy's name was Vasya. He looked at the cap and said:- That's mine. I deliberately put it on a bush, and I myself hid from the rain in the hollow of a willow. - A cap, why left? - Olya asked. Vasya parted the branches of the bush, where Mishutka found cap: - Look! Mishutka and Olya saw the nest. There were three large-mouthed chicks in it. - Did you see the cloud, what it was, with hail? So I covered them with a cap on top. - What about the other chicks? - Olya asked. - Birds sit on others and cover the chicks. And these are orphaned. Their parents were killed by a hawk. - How are they now? Olya said sadly. - I feed. They'll be flying soon. I know the whole nest here, and my chicks are no worse than others. The chicks already knew Vasya. When he bent over the nest, they immediately opened their mouths wide and squealed loudly for food. (According to N. Omelchenko.)-What did you learn from Vasya's conversation with Olya and Misha? -What can you say about Vasya? About the expression on his face? How did he take care of the chicks? -What did the boy know about his chicks? - How did the chicks welcome Vasya? Why joyful? -Give known cases love relationship man to all living things. - What feelings does Vasya evoke in you?

10. "Feeder". Target: Contribute moral development of the child by forming his idea of ​​goodness, mercy.

move conversations: - Serezha nailed a feeder outside the window. Sparrows were the first to take food. One day the boy noticed a titmouse among them. Seryozha began to hang pieces of bacon for the titmouse.

How does Seryozha seem to you? What makes him endearing?

How would you do it and why?

What are the benefits of birds?

11. Bird.

Target: Contribute moral development of the child by forming his idea of ​​goodness, mercy.

move conversations: - I caught Seryozha a siskin and put him in a cage. One day the boy forgot to close the door. The bird flew out. The chizhik flew to the window and hit the glass. Seryozha picked up the bird. Chizhik was breathing heavily. Soon he died. Since then Serezha stopped catching birds. (According to L. Tolstoy)

Why did Serezha never catch birds again?

Why was it hard for him to look at the suffering and death of a bird?

What was Seryozha guilty of?

List of used literature:

1. Alyabyeva E. A. « Moral and ethical conversations and games with preschoolers-M.: TC Sphere, 2003

2. V. I. Petrova, T. D. Stulnik "Ethical conversations with children 4–7 years old:Moral education in kindergarten. A manual for teachers and methodologists - M .: TC Sphere, 2010

3. Semenaka S. I. “Lessons of good: Correction and development program for children 5-7 years old". - 4th ed., Rev. and additional - M.: ARKTI, 2005.

4. Pavlushenko N.I. "Ethical talks on ecology» Nadym: MOU DOD "Center children's creativity» , 2005