Feeding the red-eared turtle at home. Fights and aggression. Red-eared turtle diet

It is rare to meet a person who does not like pets. And even more so, just isolated cases when the whole family with small children does not like animals. And rightly so - although domestic animals require attention and care, life is more beautiful and kinder with them. Only here is the misfortune - our modern life has given rise to many sores, among which in the forefront is an allergy to animals. If you are also allergic to pets, and the animal is terrifying as you like - run to the pet store, the red-eared turtle must have been waiting for you there.

red-eared turtle

Of course, to complete the picture, it should be reported that there may be an allergy to it, but this is only with direct contact with the animal, or with food for it. This is easily fixable - let the turtle live quietly in the aquarium, and there is a huge choice of reptile food, you can always choose something else.

Important to know before buying

The red-eared turtle at home can live up to 30 years (in ideal conditions and up to 50 years), but improper care and nutrition can reduce these numbers to 2-3 years. You can "achieve" this if you do not follow the following rules:

  1. They need a spacious aquarium, 150-200 liters. When buying a small turtle, it will be 2-3 centimeters in size, but from this crumb it will grow a fairly large reptile the size of an adult's palm. Interesting, but there is even such an opinion that the size adult turtle directly depends on the size of the aquarium;
  2. The aquarium must be dry. Although this is a species of aquatic turtles, but without land it will drown, it is still not a fish;
  3. Be sure to purchase ultraviolet lamp, either in warm time walk turtles outside, but not under open sun. Without UV, they do not live long, while constantly getting sick;
  4. Water must be clean, in no case bring it to the state of a film on the surface.

If you are ready to comply with these simple requirements, then you are already waiting in the store!

So, you bought a little turtle, a couple of months old. Make sure you already have a ready-made aquarium with warm water. Water must be settled for at least a day! You can immediately install a pump filter - the cleaner the water, the faster the pet will grow.

Aquarium for red-eared sliders

Together with turtles they will get along well and aquarium fish, but until the turtle grows up ... When it grows up, it will gobble up everything that flashes in front of its nose with pleasure. By the way, they can bite your finger, mind you.

Pay attention to the bridge to land - it should be rough so that the turtle can climb it without problems. Glass or plastic platforms will create certain problems for them - they are slippery. And the second important note - the platform should not be located less than 30 cm from the edge of the aquarium, otherwise one day you will come home, but the pet is not there, and you will look for him under the bed in a dusty and shock state.

Turtle loves warmth

This is very important point- the domestic red-eared turtle loves warmth very much, it is not enough for her room temperature. Therefore, above the island, about 10 centimeters, install a lamp with the most common 40-watt incandescent bulb. The light is very similar to the sun, and there will be more than enough heat. The turtle will be happy to go ashore to warm up, and just relax.

Outing to warm up on land

UV lamp

It is worth dwelling on the UV lamp in more detail. It's no secret that UV rays are different lengths, each with its own properties. For reptiles, Repti Glo has developed special UV lamps with exactly the right wavelength. If buying such a unit is a problem, then the so-called tanning lamps are quite suitable.

Aquarium Irradiation Lamp

When using it, we observe several rules:

  1. Mandatory use in winter period(in the summer we walk on the street);
  2. Irradiation duration - no more than 5 minutes 3 times a week;
  3. The distance of the lamp from the aquarium is 30 centimeters.

For convenience, you can purchase a special timer at the pet store.

Please note that you should not use UV lamps at night, as animals have a very developed internal clock, up to minutes, it is not necessary to knock down their daily rhythms.

Red-eared turtle food

We got to a very important topic - how, when and what to feed our wards. Oddly enough, but these are predators, not a single turtle will refuse a piece raw meat. They are also very fond of bloodworms and simply pelleted turtle food. It is necessary to separately note the fish:

  • To eliminate calcium deficiency, let's fish with bones. You don’t have to worry, everything is so arranged in the animal that it will never choke on a bone;
  • Try to avoid oily fish such as capelin, mackerel, sprat. Anyway, don't abuse it.

Turtle eats a moth

It is very important that the food is varied. For example, if a turtle is grown on one meat, then it will inevitably have rickets. With this disease, the shell of the red-eared turtles softens, appetite disappears, and coordination of movements may even be disturbed. They urgently need vitamin D. If left untreated, the shell will become domed under its own weight.

Launched Form turtle rickets

But back to food. Young individuals require more animal food, with age it will be necessary to give preference to a plant-based diet. Until the age of two years, we feed once a day, not more often. After two years of age 2-3 feedings a week are enough.

If possible, place food on an island so that the water stays clean longer. But, on the other hand, it is ineffective, because the turtles will still drag everything into the water.

It is very important to know that solid food(meat, raw vegetables) the turtle tears with claws - you don’t need to cut them! They have blood capillaries in their claws, this can kill them. If you nevertheless undertook to cut, then cut only the very tips of the keratinized part of the claw.

Diseases of the red-eared turtle

The red-eared turtle requires no less grooming than any other pet. They may experience the following diseases:

  1. Inflammation of the lungs, aka pneumonia. The most visible symptom is that the turtle cannot dive no matter how hard it tries. She is lethargic and doesn't eat well. It happens from hypothermia. For treatment, hold the turtle over the steam of the broth chamomile, but at a distance so as not to burn (we check with our own hand). At the same time, the water in her home in the aquarium should also be heated to 28 degrees;
  2. Eye disease. Swollen eyelids, inflamed eyes. For treatment, isolate the turtle from other animals (the disease is contagious), the entire period of treatment, it should be only on land. You can only immerse in warm (up to 28 degrees) water for a couple of hours, no more. Drip the infected eye with an eye antibiotic three times a day until the disease recedes (about 3 days);
  3. Soft armor. Yes, you are already familiar with this disease - it is rickets. Also, the softness of the shell, but to a lesser extent, can develop from a deficiency of ultraviolet radiation;
  4. Skin disease. Open areas begin to peel off. As a rule, there can be many reasons, up to mechanical damage also depends on age. But still, there is a very high probability that the animal's vitamin balance is disturbed, especially vitamin A and vitamin B groups. Add vitamin supplements to the diet (be sure to read the instructions before use!).

Determine the sex of an individual

Finally, we left the most interesting - how to determine whether you bought a girl or a boy? We can only find out with age: boys have longer claws on their front paws, more a long tail, and a more elongated muzzle.

Determine gender by claws

fun fact- when the female lays eggs, the sex is not laid in the embryos. The mother has no instinct to care for the clutch, she leaves and does not return. While the turtles are developing inside the egg, their gender directly depends on the air temperature - if the temperature is below 27 degrees, then the entire masonry will consist of boys, but if it is above 30 degrees - only girls. If the temperature is between 27 and 30 degrees - the floor will be mixed.

And remember - we are responsible for those we have tamed!

Red-eared turtle, rules of care and maintenance

The tortoise can be attributed to the number of unpretentious pets in the care. In nature, these amazing creatures they choose their own diet, combining protein foods and essential minerals. And when kept at home, the responsibility lies with the owner. Consider what should be fed to turtles so that they develop harmoniously, are healthy and active.

On the importance of choice

Turtles need food for normal development animal. It must be balanced and contain a complex of minerals, otherwise the pet will be able to get shell problems and die. Therefore, the menu for a pet must include foods rich in calcium and vitamins.

Also among the problems that an animal receives with improper nutrition are diseases of the digestive system, metabolic disorders. The turtle becomes lethargic and inactive.

What to prefer

Food for turtles directly depends on their type. The table shows the features of the diet of animals, depending on their type.

The type of turtle should be the main one when compiling a menu for it, this will take into account the natural needs of the animal.

How to please a predator

Food for the red-eared turtle, which belongs to the category of predators, must be rich in animal components. Therefore, at home, you should please your pet with live low-fat fish or defrosted. For young individuals, it is necessary to finely chop the carcass, removing the spine and large bones, small bones and entrails can be left. Adult turtles are allowed to give larger pieces or small fish as a whole. In addition to fish, red-eared turtles are fed with liver (chicken or beef, given no more than once every 7 days), small rodents (such as mice or rats), and green shrimps.

At the same time, all animal components of the diet should not be boiled, given to the animal exclusively in its raw form. Predators are happy to eat specialized raw food, insects, slugs, and frogs.

At the same time, you should refuse the temptation to feed the predator turtle the following products:

  • meat and semi-finished products (chicken, pork, beef);
  • oily fish;
  • fruits;
  • food for cats or dogs;
  • milk;
  • bread.

With a properly composed menu, reptiles will feel most comfortable, not get sick and delight the owner with activity.

How to please omnivores

It is easy to find food for turtles belonging to the group of omnivores. The animal component, which should make up 50% of the diet, can be used the same as for the previously described predators. At the same time, it is better to treat aquatic individuals with seafood and fish; for land animals, buy mice in pet stores. As a vegetable component, you should choose fresh herbs.

What do herbivores like?

Most of the food for herbivore turtles should be fresh greens, it is better to give animals salads, leaves, herbs. 1/5 of the diet may include vegetables: carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, unsweetened fruits are acceptable in moderation. A small slice of an apple or pear once a week will please the pet and will not harm his health.

Be sure to dilute the diet with specialized food for turtles, bran, soybean meal, dry yeast. At the same time, the following products should not be given to vegetarians:

  • meat in any form, including minced meat;
  • fish;
  • food for cats or dogs;
  • bread.

A competent approach to nutrition will allow the animal to long years stay healthy and active, please the owner with their funny antics.

Menu for land dwellers

Feed for land turtles should be balanced, so you should please your pet with a variety of foods. Despite the fact that the animal belongs to unpretentious, picky eaters, the owner still needs to try and provide him with all nutrients and vitamins. It is important to remember that these reptiles are herbivores, which is why the food for land turtles should include an abundance of greenery and grass.

Plants that this animal can use for food are diverse. These can be dandelions, lettuce or pea leaves, aloe, plantain, coltsfoot, sorrel, tradescantia and rhubarb. An animal can even be given juicy lawn grass. Therefore, in summer time finding food for the turtle will not be difficult, and in winter the plants can be grown independently in pots on the window.

Vegetables that land reptiles are happy to absorb are also very diverse: these are radishes, carrots, beets, zucchini, peppers, pumpkins, and cucumbers. The latter, however, should be given infrequently and in small amounts. From fruits and berries, plums, apricots, apples, bananas, watermelon, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries can be offered as food. It is useful to treat your pet with sunflower seeds, dry sea ​​kale, soybean meal. Juicy vegetables and fruits, in addition to their main task, will help provide the animal with liquid.

Nutrition for marine life

It is not at all difficult to pick up food for, it is finely chopped meat, raw chopped fish, water snails, beetles. It is very important to give the animal required amount vitamins, therefore, about once every 7 days, a couple of drops of vitamin D should be dripped into the aquarium, and once every 14 days - vitamin A. Algae, dandelion leaves or flowers, lettuce leaves are suitable as a plant component.

You can give marine life and dry food for turtles, which is easy to purchase in specialized stores. Its pros and cons are presented in the table.

Ready-made foods are rich in proteins, but cannot serve as the basis of the diet; it is better to use them as a treat. You can prepare a mixture of dry food yourself by including tubifex, daphnia, bloodworms, and aquatic crustaceans.

"Tortilla" - food for turtles, which contains gammarus, shrimp, numerous small crustaceans, mollusk shells, phosphorus, calcium and ash. As the manufacturer promises, the product will help make the shell stronger, but pet owners do not recommend using a variety based on gammarus, since this component can cause tympania in a pet - swelling of the scar. And other products of this brand can be given once every 7 days.

How to water a turtle

Land animals receive the necessary moisture through the skin, therefore, in good habit a caring owner should go in once a week to bathe the pet in lukewarm water.

In addition, moisture enters the body of land animals through food, which is why juicy cabbage leaves should be included in the diet as often as possible.


It is important for owners of pet turtles to remember that there is a list of foods that should not be included in the animal's diet. These are the following foods:

  • onion and garlic;
  • poisonous insects;
  • domestic cockroaches, crickets and grasshoppers;
  • eggshell;
  • cherry;
  • medicinal or poisonous plants;
  • potato;
  • porridge.

Turtle food must be balanced, you can not constantly give the animal the same product.

The main mistakes of the owners

When choosing food for a turtle, some owners make mistakes that adversely affect the health of their pet. What should be avoided? The most common mistakes include:

  • Feeding herbivores with meat food.
  • Lack of animal component in the diet of predators.
  • Inattention to the addition of calcium and vitamins to the feed.
  • Feeding too infrequently or too often. If the former leads to problems in the formation of the shell and prevents full development animal, the second can cause obesity. Of the two extremes - overfeeding or underfeeding - it is better to choose the second.

Very often, owners give their carnivores exclusively specialized food such as gammarus, believing that this is enough for them. Indeed, it is much easier to pour dry treats into the aquarium than to spend time gutting fish. However, it can be detrimental to animals. It is very important to consider the type of turtle in order to provide it with the necessary diet.

Turtle food ideally should be rich in fiber, balanced, varied and therefore healthy.

For red-eared turtles to feel good, you need to provide them with suitable conditions And proper nutrition.

I want to note right away that individuals different ages their preferences: young pets prefer food of animal origin, and the diet of older turtles should be 80% vegetation, vegetables and fruits.

Let's take a closer look at how and what to feed the red-eared turtle at home.

What is the best time of day to feed a turtle?

As red-eared turtles lead daytime look life, they need to be fed in the morning or afternoon. Better in the morning.

How often should red-eared turtles be fed?

Young turtles, under the age of 5 years (up to 10 cm long) are fed daily, once a day. Adult turtles are fed 2-3 times a week.

How to feed red-eared turtles?

As mentioned above, small turtles should be fed mainly animal food (seafood, fish, liver, insects), but plant foods should also be offered periodically. Adult turtles are recommended to add vegetable food (carrots, lettuce, aquatic plants) to half of the diet. Perfect option: one day to feed plant foods, the other day - animals. The food should be at room temperature.

What do red-eared turtles eat?

Let's take a closer look at what red-eared turtles eat.

You can give turtles small pieces of meat (beef, chicken, horse meat), pork and lamb are not worth it, it is too fat. The meat must be frozen.


You can include offal in the diet once a week - heart, liver.

Fish and seafood

It is best to give the turtle sea fish without large bones - cod, hake, sprat. Fatty varieties of fish must first be soaked in water.

You can run live fish into the aquarium - swordtails, guppies, they are also used as food.

They love pets and seafood: shrimp, crab meat, mussels.

From indoor plants, you can give cacti and aloe leaves, hibiscus, hyacinth, tradescantia, cleared of thorns.

From meadow herbs: dandelion, plantain, clover, coltsfoot.

Turtles willingly eat beet leaves, carrots, leaf lettuce, basil, parsley, sprouted wheat, oats.

You can give your pet pieces of pears, apples, plums, peaches, apricots, bananas, melons, tangerines, oranges (only pulp).

From vegetables, you can use as food: cucumber, tomato, white cabbage, broccoli, spinach, zucchini, carrots, beets, radishes, pumpkins, bell peppers.


Red-eared turtles They love to nibble on fruit trees.

Do not overfeed your pet: give him a portion of food, wait half an hour and remove the leftovers.

Should I give dry food from the store?

Dry food can act as a supplement to the main food. It can be given once a week.

Is it possible to give aquatic turtles eggs, sausage, cheese?

It is forbidden. Their body is not adapted to the assimilation of such food.

What can't you feed a turtle? List of foods that should not be given to turtles.

Turtles should not be fed human cooked food. The diet of turtles should be close to natural.

Plants and animal foods that should not be given to the red-eared turtle:
Peas, bean sprouts, rhubarb.
Radish, radish, mustard.
Bones of any fruits, berries, vegetables.
Cottage cheese.
Boiled or fried food.
Crab sticks.

Can turtles be fed gammarus?

Gammarus is an amphipod. It is not poisonous to turtles, and does not contain anything particularly useful. Therefore, it cannot be used as the only food. But you can give once a week, as an alternative to fish, liver and seafood.

Can turtles eat only one type of food?

No, turtles should have a varied diet.

Why is the turtle not eating?

A turtle may not eat if it is cold, stressed, or sick. If you have a turtle for several hours or days, then it just needs time to get used to a new place.

Food spoils the water in the aquarium, how to avoid this?

So that the water in the aquarium does not deteriorate, you can put the turtles in a separate container-dining room with water at 25 degrees, where to feed them. After feeding, turtles need to be transplanted back into the aquarium.

How much to feed a red-eared turtle?

Give as much food as she can eat in 20-30 minutes. Remember this amount and give the same amount each time.

How long can a turtle not eat or drink?

A healthy adult tortoise may not eat for up to two weeks without much health consequences. A young turtle may not eat for up to a week. Therefore, if you need to leave for 5-7 days and there is no one to leave the turtle for, do not worry, nothing bad will happen. You can simply run live fish into the aquarium, add algae to the snails. If she gets hungry, she will find something to eat.

The red-eared turtle (Trachemys scripta) is so named because of its phenotypic features: two orange-red oblong spots stretch on the sides of the head from the eyes to the neck. Its second name - yellow-bellied - also speaks of feature, and more specifically - about the bright yellow color of the plastron (abdominal shield).

The high popularity of red-eared turtles from the American freshwater family (Emydidae) is quite understandable: these reptiles are unpretentious, beautiful, interesting to watch, and some owners even teach them to handle. But alas, many of the owners make gross mistakes that lead to the death of reptiles of this species.

In our article, we will talk about the features of care, maintenance, feeding, the most common diseases and their treatment, as well as some other nuances that, we hope, will help your turtle live a long and happy life. And some specimens of this species, by the way, live up to 40 years in captivity.

The first thing we advise you to pay attention to when buying a "red ear" is its size and condition. A turtle that has not grown to at least 4-5 cm will be much more difficult and difficult to grow, because at this age they are very susceptible to various diseases. Alas, nature is harsh and thus regulates survival healthy generation. Therefore, a five-centimeter turtle is the best choice.

When buying, carefully inspect the turtle. She must have all claws intact, tail, carapace (upper shield) and plastron must be smooth, lenticular in shape, without spots, scratches, dents and "humps", solid. Eyes are shining skin clean, also without whitish and pinkish small spots. In the aquarium, the turtle should swim smoothly, without falling on its side.

Red-eared turtles are amphibians. Therefore, they need to spend part of the time on land and part in the water.

They fall into hibernation at home extremely reluctantly, and the process of transferring them to this state is rather difficult. It is necessary to gradually lower the temperature and ensure adequate nutrition, because if the turtle does not gain the required number of calories, it may not come out of hibernation. Simply die of hunger.

It is very important to clean the aquarium from green algae. The turtle itself cannot wash its shell, and the algae, settling under the scales of the carapace, gradually destroy it. Moreover, a dirty aquarium is a source of fungal and bacterial infections.

It is advisable to feed the turtle in a separate container. Tearing food into pieces in the water, the "rubber" pollutes it very much. And on land, turtles of this species do not eat.

By the way, pay attention: if your turtle has eaten, then it is advisable to give it a little more time to free the intestines from the remnants of digested food.

Turtles have the same not very aesthetic habit as rabbits - they eat their own excrement. Only, unlike long-eared rodents, this reptile does this only when hungry.

Periodically (once every three to four days) you can wipe the shell with a clean soft cloth, removing algae and other dirt. It is impossible to lubricate the shell with oils and creams, since this, although it makes the turtle “beautiful”, is very harmful to its skin breathing.

It is desirable that the water in the terrarium or aquarium be soft, although tap water may well be suitable. It is only necessary to defend it for at least two days in order to ensure the almost complete evaporation of chlorine. Once a week, you need to add water with the selection of about 1/3 of the "old". A complete replacement is not recommended, as the aquarium creates a microflora that provides a favorable environment for the turtle to live.

As for feeding, here you must follow the principle: the first year the turtle is fed every day, the second - after two days, the third and all subsequent ones - after three or four. You need to give food as much as she can eat in five minutes. A young turtle should eat mainly animal food with the addition of vegetable food, a 3-4 year old turtle should eat vegetable food with the addition of animal food, and old reptiles in general are shown a predominantly vegetable diet.

You can determine how hungry a turtle is by its behavior. She begins to actively rummage in the stones at the bottom in search of food. Feeding time can be any, but preferably no later than 7 pm.

Keeping a red-eared turtle

Before purchasing, you must immediately stock up on all the necessary equipment:

  • an aquarium;
  • islet;
  • ultraviolet lamp;
  • an incandescent lamp that can be installed above the island;
  • filter;
  • water heater;
  • large (!) decorative stones, pebbles.

Do not purchase aquarium plants, either live or artificial. Red-eared turtles are omnivorous and also like to dig in the ground (rocks), so the whole decor will either be eaten or torn to pieces or torn off the bottom. You can decorate the bottom with snags, but they must first be boiled for at least an hour in boiling water. Plastic products it is also possible to install in an aquarium, provided that they are not toxic. Ground, island and all decorative elements you need to wash it every one and a half to two weeks under running water.


Ideally, 150 liters or more, but a 10-liter is enough for a start. However, get ready for the fact that your pet will grow rapidly, adding 3-4 cm in height every year until it reaches its normal sizes(20-30 cm depending on sex and subspecies). And they also need to move a lot so as not to get obese. Yes, turtles can also suffer from this disease. That's why minimum dimensions aquarium should be such that its width is not less than three lengths of the shell, and the length is not less than six lengths.

You need to pour enough water so that the turtle can stick out its muzzle while standing on its hind legs. If the aquarium is deeper, then a stone or snag can be placed in it for this purpose.

It is strictly forbidden to use small stones as soil! Carried away by getting food, small turtles (and sometimes adults) can accidentally swallow a pebble, which will cause intestinal obstruction and, as a result, the death of the animal. Remember that some aquatic plants (elodea, lagenander, ambulia) are poisonous to reptiles.


Now on sale different variants islands for turtles, but when buying them, pay attention to what they are made of and how they are attached to the aquarium. Usually, plastic frames with suction cups are used as fasteners.

But when your turtle grows up and weighs about a kilogram, the suction cups will constantly come off. Ideally, it is desirable to use a flat area as an island, on which your pet (pet) will get out of the water.

That is, a ladder is needed for the island, which does not prevent the animal from swimming in the aquarium, but, at the same time, sinks to a sufficient depth so that the turtle can sit on it when it gets hot under the lamp. We do not recommend buying islands made of painted polyurethane foam. The sharp claws of an adult turtle crush it with ease.


An ultraviolet lamp is necessary in order for the turtle to produce vitamin D3, which is involved in the absorption of calcium. In nature, sunlight contains enough ultraviolet radiation, but at home you need special lamps. Household UV sources are not suitable for these purposes, because it is difficult to provide the necessary wavelength with their help. The most common terrarium (aquarium) lighting options are Repti Glo 5 and 8 lamps. Place these lamps at a distance of no closer than 40 cm, as they can cause burns.

An ordinary incandescent lamp (from 40 to 60 W), the light spectrum of which includes infrared rays, is needed for turtles to digest food. A variety of metabolic processes in cold-blooded animals, which include reptiles, occur only at a certain temperature. environment, which is provided by the lamps. A decrease in temperature entails a slowdown in metabolism and hibernation.

Terrarium lighting for red-eared sliders

Heater and filter

Choose these devices based on the volume of water in the aquarium. There are many filter options, some of them allow you to change the water once a month. External filters require less care, and there is no chance that your reptile will remove it from the wall, swallow the suction cup or bite through the electrical wire. As for the heater, one is needed that could automatically regulate the water temperature within the specified range. A comfortable temperature for a turtle is 20-27 ° C.

What to feed red-eared turtles

Young turtles should receive "live" protein. Many of the owners make a serious mistake by feeding their pets only with special mixtures. These mixtures should be in the diet no more than a third. The other two are plant and animal foods. Of the plants, it is best to use the leaves of young cabbage, spinach, duckweed (only beforehand it must be washed very well under running warm water).

Providing turtles with animal food requires a serious approach. Of course, she can be given lean beef and chicken, chicken liver once a week. But such nutrition is not natural. Small turtles can be remarkably fed with bloodworms, gradually replacing it with fish. Be sure to give your pet shrimp, insects, earthworms or Canadian worms (they, like bloodworms, can be bought at fishing stores), aquarium and grape snails. We do not recommend adding slugs to the diet, since they secrete a lot of mucus in the water.

By the way, you can throw into the aquarium and river snails, and even empty shells. The turtle, which needs calcium on a regular basis, eats them remarkably, grinding them with its powerful jaw plates that replace its teeth. You can give a boiled egg.

You can not feed turtles with flour products and potatoes, berries, legumes (peas, beans, lentils, soybeans), citrus fruits.

However, sometimes it is allowed to give them carrots. Cereals and raw cereals are also contraindicated for these reptiles, but dandelion leaves for them are a rich source of vitamin PP ( folic acid) and some other valuable substances. Everything that you "extract" in nature (snails, worms, dandelions) must be washed from dirt.

When accustoming a turtle to a new type of food, in case it refuses to eat it, do not give up. Keep her hungry for a couple of days, and then throw a small piece directly into the aquarium (after turning off the filter so as not to clog it).

If you do not give the turtle a liver, then once a week you need to add special vitamin complexes(for example, ReptoSol). In general, it is advisable to pour them directly into her mouth with a pipette.

To fill in the vitamins, you need to take the turtle in your hand (by the side) and hold it tightly, as it will try to escape. Then bring the pipette to your mouth and tap on it. The turtle will hide its head in its shell, but you have to be persistent. When she gets tired of hiding, she will start to hiss and try to scare you. At this point, you need to have time to inject vitamins.

Such torment has to be endured only when the turtle is small. As an adult, she aggressively defends her territory and rushes at any unfamiliar object, which can be a pipette with medicine in your hand.

Reproduction of red-eared turtles

Males of this species of turtles begin to breed at the age of 4, and females at five. If the owner wants the turtles to give birth, he must prepare the aquarium accordingly. Firstly, the thickness of the water layer should not be more than 10 cm, since during the mating process the male can hold the female under water for a long time, as a result of which she suffocates. Secondly, you immediately need to prepare a container on land where the female will lay her eggs.

By the way, sometimes females have the ability to lay eggs without males, but, in this case, they will be unfertilized. Therefore, turtles do not hatch from them.

The male can be distinguished from the female not earlier than at the age of about a year. In males, the plastron is concave to make it easier to stay on the female, the tail and claws are longer.

The claws of males are only 3-5 mm longer than those of females. By the way, like many reptiles, females are slightly larger than males.

To start breeding, red-eared sliders need ultraviolet light in the range of 320-400 nm. Shorter wavelengths of UV light are needed to prevent rickets. In addition, reptiles begin to mate only if they have enough plentiful and nutritious food.

Please note that there should be only one male and one female in the aquarium. Otherwise, the males will fight, and they fight very aggressively, biting off each other's tails, crippling their paws.

For the same reason, you can not leave laid eggs in the aquarium - you must definitely move them to the incubator. The size of the container with sand for eggs must be selected based on the fact that the egg in diameter reaches 4 cm and there can be up to 10 of them in one clutch. That is, in order to lay eggs, the turtle gently dig a hole of the appropriate diameter and depth. Above the container with sand you need to create a small shadow.

Red-eared turtle egg incubator

After the turtle lays eggs, the container with them must be placed in an incubator that you can make yourself, or you can use one that is used for chicken eggs. Optimum temperature in the incubator should be maintained at 27 ° C (plus or minus two degrees).

Hatching of turtles can be expected up to 5 months, however, subject to the ideal temperature regime you can wait for them to appear in 2 months. Babies should not be released into an aquarium with adults, since these reptiles have no maternal and paternal instincts and they can attack and injure the younger generation.

Baby turtles in the aquarium

If you do everything right, and at the first sign of illness in your pets, do not hesitate and immediately contact a veterinarian, then the turtles will delight you for decades.

Video: keeping a red-eared turtle at home

IN last years It has become popular to keep exotic species as pets. Many people keep reptiles at home. Turtles are in great demand because they are unpretentious and safe. These representatives include the red-eared turtle, which is not only a rare animal, but also a devoted pet. How to care for her at home and how long she can live with proper care?

What is a red-eared turtle?

This animal refers to freshwater reptiles. It owes its name to the oblong orange-red spots located behind the eyes. This species of turtle does not have ears, and despite this, it hears well. It is also called yellow-bellied because of the ventral shield. bright yellow. She has excellent eyesight and sense of smell.

Females differ from males in larger sizes. The average size of the shell of individuals can be from 18 to 30 cm. In young red-eared turtles, the color of the shell is juicy green, but with age it becomes olive color it can also be brown-yellow with yellow striped patterns.

The red-eared tortoise is considered a long-liver. At home, with proper care, she can live long enough - 30-40 years. Its level of intelligence is several times higher than that of many other types of reptiles. It perfectly perceives sounds at very low frequencies.

Choosing a terrarium for a reptile

Under improper maintenance or poor conditions red-eared turtle doomed to death. It is believed that this type of turtle is ideal for keeping at home. They are very hardy and in order for them to live comfortably, it is necessary to pay great attention to:

  • nutrition;
  • microclimate;
  • water.

It is best to keep such reptiles in a 150 liter aquarium, it must be spacious. The turtle does not spend all the time in the water and periodically appears on the surface to breathe air. The animal grows over time and the water level in the tank should correspond to the size of its shell. The reptile should move freely in the aquarium. It is believed that the more space and water in the tank, the better it will feel.

It is very important that before placing a red-eared turtle in an aquarium, properly plan the area in him. It is not difficult to do this now, because most pet stores sell aquariums ready for keeping reptiles. Buying it, you only need to add right amount water.

The optimum water temperature should be at the level of 21-25 o C. The land level in it should be 25%. Reptiles need freedom of movement so that they can roll over easily.

The container requires settled water, and it is best to provide the aquarium with filtered water. You need to change the water 1-2 times a week. If this is not possible, then it is better to equip the container with a special filter. In this case, you can change the water once a month.

The land area for the rest of the reptile must be equipped with a lamp so that the turtle can warm itself. So, she used to do in vivo a habitat. The temperature of the island should be 10°C higher than the temperature of the water in the container. One piece of sushi must be flooded with water. The reptile will crawl out of the aquarium and the safe island will serve as a great place for him to warm up and rest. Its surface should be textured and the red-eared turtle will move freely from water to land and back without getting stuck.


Such an exotic animal needs to choose the right food. If you follow all the conditions of keeping at home, the red-eared turtle will feel great and live in the family for many years.

IN young age these animals are carnivorous, but later they prefer plant foods. IN young age young turtles need many vitamins, such as calcium and amino acids. This will allow them to fully develop. Adult individuals try to save their energy and accumulate it.

The diet of red-eared turtles is very diverse, but you need to take into account the age of the pet. As food suitable for a variety of foods:

Turtles have a good appetite and prone to overeating. The task of the owners of reptiles is to provide the animal with a balanced diet with high level calcium. Pet stores have special food for turtles on sale. Experts recommend diversifying your pet's diet and feeding them food that is close to natural conditions.

Sometimes turtles are given beef, poultry, horse meat, preferably boiled. It is cut into small pieces. Fish is a favorite food for reptiles. It is usually given boiled and raw. Often, freshly frozen is bought for this, but it should be thawed beforehand and only then given. Fatty fish should not be given to turtles to avoid digestive upset.

  • guppies;
  • carp;
  • swordsmen;
  • goldfish.

Snails and squids will become a real delicacy for red-eared turtles. They also prefer daphnia and freshwater crustaceans. Insects are a good variety. It can be crickets, grasshoppers and other non-poisonous insects. Many people have a question, how much plant and other food do they need?

Plant foods should make up at least 60% of a turtle's diet. adults willingly feed on aquatic vegetation:

  • hornwort;
  • ceratopteris;
  • lidwigia.

Also, reptiles do not refuse dandelion leaves, cabbage, lettuce, clover, carrot and beet tops. They also eat houseplants- hibiscus, aloe, basil, hyacinth. Red-eared turtles can eat grains, such as sprouted wheat, beans, seeds.

Pet stores sell special foods for red-eared turtles, so they also need to be bought for pet reptiles. Be sure to follow the recommended dose of such feeds and fortified supplements.

Young turtles under 2 years of age should be fed twice a day. Adults need to be fed every 2-3 days. You need to feed the turtles in a special tray and give the pet fresh, high-quality and warm food.

Features of care and maintenance

This type of turtle is great for beginners. If properly maintained, they live a long time, so such a pet will be able to live in a family for many years. There are several basic rules for proper maintenance and care at home.

You can not let the turtle on the floor. There she can find something to eat. There may be drafts on the floor, which will greatly harm the health of the reptile.

Meat is a heavy food for turtles, so you don't need to give it often.

When the animal is overgrown with small algae, it cannot be brushed. It can damage the surface of the shell and injure the skin of the reptile.

If the aquarium is not equipped with an island, there is no land in it, the animal may die because it needs air.

Various vitamin supplements should be in the diet, but used without abuse. Otherwise, they will have a detrimental effect on the condition of the red-eared turtle.

In order for a reptile to become a real member of the family and bring pleasant moments of communication, it is not enough for her only food, care and clean water in aquarium. The animal needs the contact and care of people, and only then it will grow up as a true friend, and how many years it will live always depends on the family it gets into.