Is it possible for a red-eared turtle. Diet of an adult red-eared turtle. Fights and aggression

1. WHAT ANIMAL FEED CAN I USE? The main food for red-eared turtles is meat (beef, horse meat, poultry), fish and offal. Lamb and pork - too fatty food for turtles, and it is undesirable to give them. The meat is cut into pieces and fed both raw and boiled.
Fish (not oily) is one of the most favorite turtle dishes. Because of the enzyme thiaminase contained in it, the fish is previously recommended to withstand several minutes in hot water(80 °C). To combat beriberi C and E, vitamins must be added to the feed. The lack of chlorine ions in fish can be compensated by pouring into a pond mineral water. You can release small live fish into the pool: large guppies, crucians, carps, swordtails, goldfish.
Pieces of squid, snail meat (coils, ampoule, large pond snail, mariza) can be a good addition. In the summer it is useful for turtles to feed grasshoppers, grasshoppers, beetles, non-hairy caterpillars and other non-poisonous insects. In winter, fodder insects can be bred at home, and the "meal worm" all year round buy at a pet store.
But I don’t recommend giving cockroaches caught in the kitchen to pets: these six-legged ones may well crawl from the apartment where they were poisoned. Be sure to include live or dried gammarus in the diet. Periodically, turtles are given bloodworms and coretra. Young animals love large daphnia. When feeding daphnia and coretra, it is advisable to turn off the filter for 15-20 minutes (do not forget to turn it on later!).
Large turtles can be fed mice.
Red-eared turtles are not strict predators. They diversify their table with vegetable dishes with great pleasure. Turtles eat various aquatic plants: duckweed, hornwort, ludwigia, ceratopteris... They do not refuse lettuce leaves, slices of cucumber, boiled cabbage (without this procedure, you risk quickly spoiling the water), dandelion, clover, watermelon rinds etc. I also fed them clumps of filamentous algae.
There is evidence in the literature that the juice of aquarium plants - elodea, lagenander and ambulia (limnophiles) is poisonous for turtles.
Many experts and amateurs feed their turtles with the following food: 70 g of carrots, 50 g of cabbage, 50 g of apples, 145 g of low-fat fish, 100 g of squid fillet. The mixture is passed through a meat grinder, then poured with a hot solution of gelatin (30 g per 150 ml of water), two raw eggs and 150 ml of milk. Mix thoroughly. In the mass cooled to 30 ° C, add 20 drops of "Tetravit" and mix again. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week. Before feeding, the food is cut into cubes, warmed to room temperature and feed. This amount is enough for ten feedings of one turtle with a shell length of about 15 cm.
If necessary, medicines can be added to the feed. Instead of gelatin, you can use agar-agar. In this case, the resulting food will be more solid and slower to "melt" in warm water.
4. WHAT ABOUT COMPOUND AND OTHER READY INDUSTRIAL FEED? IN Lately in pet stores, domestic and imported ready-made feeds for both terrestrial and aquatic turtles appeared on sale. Domestic, more precisely St. Petersburg, are made from one type of raw material - dried gammarus, dried and pressed tubifex or bloodworm. Jars with these feeds are inexpensive, but unbalanced in nutrients, minerals and vitamins. Composite feed "BIOREPT" is relatively good, however, they are of Polish production. More expensive, but also of higher quality, are TETRA and sera feeds. As for the products of the American company WARDLEY, among their very expensive and varied feeds, the high-quality "REPTILE T.E.N" is in the first place. Unfortunately, it is too expensive and not everyone can afford it.
I note that in jars labeled "Turtle Food" of the same company are dried larvae of various aquatic insects. It is suitable only for very small turtles; it is impossible to feed them to adult animals.
Red-eared turtles are happy to eat combined foods designed for dogs and cats, but due to the fact that they were developed for warm-blooded animals, which have a completely different energy metabolism and the need for nutrients and other substances, such feeds are unsuitable for our pets.
People often forget that turtles need calcium to build their shell and bones, especially when they are young, which continue to grow. Finely ground bone meal should be given daily at each feeding. For one medium-sized individual, a pinch is enough. Calcium-containing preparations are recommended for juveniles to be given daily, for adults - a teaspoon once a week. Bone meal is usually sold in pet stores. Bone meal substitute can be crushed eggshell. You can apply the usual "human" sulfate, phosphate or calcium gluconate. There are also special vitamin preparations for turtles on sale; from time to time, according to the attached instructions, they should be mixed into food. Bone meal, powdered calcium compounds and vitamins are introduced into the prepared feed, or pieces of food are rolled into them. Feeds containing vitamin supplements (except for calcium preparations) are not subject to long-term storage.
Of the vitamin preparations, the imported "Reptavit" specially developed for reptiles has proven itself well. You can add a few drops of "Trivita" or "Tetravit" to the feed once a week. Unfortunately, the exact dosage of vitamins for reptiles is still not known. Therefore it is necessary to give vitamins "by eye". "Nature's Reptile Vita-Spray" spray is very good. They spray the skin and shell of reptiles once a day. The drug is intended for external use! I would like to especially note that dog and cat vitamin and mineral supplements are not suitable for turtles in their composition.
The food must be fresh and of good quality. If it has been stored in the refrigerator before, it must be warmed up. Red-eared turtles take food in the water, although after that they sometimes crawl out to eat on the shore. In water, feed, especially of animal origin, deteriorates very quickly. Therefore, never give food in excess, and if the turtles have not eaten it in half an hour, then remove the food from the terrarium. As a rule, such food is not subject to further use, and it must be thrown away.
Some owners take the turtles out of their permanent residence for the time of feeding and place them in a basin or aquarium filled with clean, settled water at the usual temperature for the animals. The tortoises that have eaten are taken home from the "restaurant".
I think it should be recalled that very fatty food (pork, capelin) is harmful for turtles, in addition, fat spreading over the surface of the water can not only spoil the water in the pool (it is unlikely that you have extra time for disassembly and complete cleaning terrarium after each feeding), but also completely remove the biofilter from standing.
Young - every day, adults (after two years) - once every two or three days, plentifully.

According to the Internet

Before buying a new exotic pet, you need to learn more about it in order to know how to properly care for the animal and what to feed it. The red-eared turtle is an omnivore. She needs animal and vegetable food. To raise a healthy turtle, you need to monitor the diversity of the diet. What to feed the red-eared turtle?

For red-eared turtles, animal food should make up 70% of the total daily diet. Turtles love meat (horse meat, beef, poultry), fish and seafood, they are not averse to eating insects.


It is preferable to feed lean beef, rabbit meat, poultry pieces. It is not recommended to give pork and lamb, as this food is too fatty and it will be difficult for turtles to digest it. Offal should be present in the diet: heart, liver, navels. Meat can be given raw and boiled, previously cut into small cubes.

Some turtles happily eat small mice.

But do not forget that constant feeding of raw meat leads to hypovitaminosis A, develops. Therefore, food should be varied.

Fish and seafood

Low-fat varieties are suitable for feeding. The fish is cut into pieces, large bones are taken out and placed in the feeder.


Raw fish contains the enzyme thiaminase, so before feeding it to a turtle, you need to put the fish in hot water for a couple of minutes.

In its raw form, you can give a "sea cocktail", which includes green shrimp, pieces of octopus and squid. Snail meat (large pond snail, reel, mariza) and squid pieces are a good addition to food, but you should not make them the main food.

Turtles do not get along in an aquarium with fish. Carp, guppies, goldfish, carps, swordtails - serve as food for them. Turtles eat them with pleasure.


In summer, turtles can be offered grasshoppers, bugs, not shaggy caterpillars, bloodworms. Mealworm is sold at the pet store, so it can be bought and given in winter.

As for feeding cockroaches, and even those caught in the kitchen, it is better to refrain from such an undertaking, because these insects can crawl to you already poisoned.

The diet must include dried or live gammarus. From time to time you can feed coretra and daphnia. At this time, it is necessary to turn off the filter for 15 minutes.

Feed of vegetable origin

Vegetable foods are necessary for all turtles, but with age they make up the majority of the diet.


Animals love plantain, clover, vetch, dandelion and rhubarb leaves. In addition, they can be given lawn grass, coltsfoot, germinated barley and oats.

Fruits and berries

Plum, apples, pear, banana, peach, mango are recommended to be cut into small pieces and offered to the turtle as a treat. Mandarin, orange, apricot and melon are also suitable for animal feeding.

aquarium plants

It is preferable to plant duckweed, spirogyra, watercress, pond algae. Turtles do not allow plants to grow even a little - they are eaten in an instant. You should refrain from planting Elodea! The plant secretes poisonous juice and is dangerous to animals.


Bulgarian pepper, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplants should be present in the diet. You can not do without pumpkin, radish, legumes, carrots and beets. Broccoli, celery, dry seaweed are given as additional feed.


Pieces of boletus, champignons, russula are recommended to be given to animals no more than 1 time per week.


Turtles don't eat human food! They will also be happy to eat food intended for other animals, but it will not benefit the turtles. It is forbidden to feed with citrus peels, give berries with seeds.

artificial feed

In pet stores, pet owners are provided with a huge selection of feed for land and aquatic turtles. It is sold in capsules, granules, tablets and flakes. A large number of produced by feed manufacturers does not always meet the needs of a particular species. Turtle food is often modified fish food. Some animals are annoying Strong smell and they defiantly turn away from him. There are foods in which the content of calcium, protein and vitamins does not meet the needs of turtles. But some animals are happy to eat only food. Of the manufacturing companies, JBL, Sera, Nutra Fin, Tetra have proven themselves well.

Homemade food for red-eared turtles

If purchased artificial food is not suitable, you can make your own treats for turtles.

Feed composition:

  • cabbage - 50 gr.;
  • carrots - 70 gr.;
  • non-fatty fish - 145 gr.;
  • apples - 50 gr.;
  • squid meat - 100 gr.

Cooking method. All ingredients should be passed through a meat grinder, add 2 eggs, gelatin diluted in hot water (150 ml - 30 g) and milk in a volume of 150 g. Mix thoroughly, let cool and add 20 drops of Tetravita. Shelf life in the refrigerator is 1 week. Before feeding, the mixture is cut into pieces and given to the turtle.

The prepared food is enough for 10 feedings, based on 1 turtle with a shell length of 15 cm. If the animal is sick, you can add medicine. Gelatin can be replaced with agar-agar. This will prevent the cubes from melting quickly in the water.

Feeding turtles cat and dog food. "Pros and cons"

Combined food is very popular with red ears, but they are intended for feeding warm-blooded animals and are not suitable for turtles. The food contains a completely different set of substances that are useful for cats and dogs, but completely useless for turtles.

Do turtles need mineral and vitamin supplements?

In young animals, the bone skeleton is being formed and the shell is being built, so they need calcium. Grinded bone meal should be added to food daily. One pinch will be enough for a small turtle, more adult specimens need to add 1 tsp each. in Week.

You can buy bone meal at the pet store. If this is not possible, the need for calcium can be met by adding crushed eggshells.

Vitamin feeds have short term storage. Therefore, you should not give them to turtles after the expiration date.

How often and at what time to feed the turtles?

A difficult question that cannot be answered unambiguously. Much depends on the age and size of the animal, on the food you feed.

Plant foods and artificial feed are suitable for young individuals up to 1 year old. Feeding should be daily.

From 1 year and older, you can feed in 1-2 days. If the turtle prefers plant foods, it is recommended to feed daily. The amount of food also depends on the age of the turtle.

Proper nutrition is essential for normal development red-eared turtles. Each owner should feel his pet, choose the right food and give him what he likes and what is useful.

Red-eared turtle feeding — Video

The red-eared turtle, sometimes called the yellow-bellied turtle, - the most common among fans of domestic turtles. Today they can be found in almost every pet store, and sometimes just in the market. Cute and small at the time of purchase, creations evoke the sea positive emotions both in children and adults. However, this popularity is reverse side: a huge number of domestic red-eared turtles are initially doomed to death or life in conditions that are not suitable for them.

Is everything as simple as it seems at first? Maybe you have already acquired these beautiful creatures or are just about to - the decision is always yours. We will try to help with advice on how to keep, feed and care for them.

Types of red-eared turtles, sizes and features

The red-eared turtle includes three subspecies, which have their own characteristics of morphology (appearance).

The first representative of this species - Trachemys scripta scripta. Its peculiarity lies in the yellow color of the stripes on the muzzle (turning into a large yellow postorbital spot), which are connected at the neck. On the side (costal) shields of the dorsal shell (carapace) there are yellow stripes, and on the front shields of the abdominal shell (plastron) - yellow spots. In size, it reaches up to 27 cm.

The second representative, more familiar to all of us, - Trachemys scripta elegans. Her postorbital spots (resemble a bandage) - red, and they are quite wide. On the costal shields of the carapace there are transverse yellow stripes, and on the plastron - a large spot on each shield. Reaches up to 28 cm in size.

And the third representative, very similar in appearance to Trachemys scripta elegans, - Trachemys scripta troostii. The differences lie in the fact that in this subspecies the postorbital spot is narrower and has yellow(sometimes combined with red). On the costal shields of the carapace there are yellow transverse stripes, and on the plastron - a pattern of black spots similar to "eyes", or just small black spots. Reaches up to 21 cm in size.

As we can see, these turtles are far from "dwarf", as sellers in pet stores may claim.

It is also erroneous to believe that red-eared turtles - inhabitants of our regions and Russia as a whole. Red-eared turtles are native to North America, Central America and northern South America, but they also live in Europe and Southeast Asia. The main habitat is shallow water bodies, ponds and rivers with a gentle current or coastal zones.

Common questions for red-eared sliders

How many years do red-eared turtles live?

Life expectancy of red-eared sliders at home quality care and maintenance is 30-40 years. Therefore, you need to understand that you make a friend for almost a lifetime.

How to distinguish a female from a male red-eared turtle?

Determining the sex of a turtle is difficult. It is better to entrust this matter to a specialist. And for 100% determination, even research methods such as radiography with contrast and probing may be needed. - it will show the presence of hemipenis sacs. However, you can try to do it yourself. For example, according to the length of the claws on the forelimbs: in the male they are much longer and look like extended bayonets. Or by the length of the tail: the male has a longer tail. Also, the male has a notch on the abdominal shell.

Do red-eared turtles hibernate?

Some scientists argue that red-eared turtles hibernate and they need it. However, this process can only take place when certain conditions contents that initially prepare the turtle's body for the state of suspended animation (hibernation): a gradual decrease in temperature, a decrease in the length of daylight hours and the amount of food.

The process of bringing the animal out of suspended animation will also be difficult. It is rather difficult to imagine these processes at home. Therefore, it would be more logical not to create difficulties for yourself and not cause unnecessary harm to the health of the turtle.

All three subspecies of turtles - representatives of the semi-aquatic lifestyle. In addition, they are all predators and begin to consume plant foods only at an older age.

They also require certain temperature conditions, modes of illumination and irradiation with ultraviolet spectrum.

Aquaterrarium for red-eared turtles

What is a terrarium? This is a specially equipped place created for keeping reptiles. IN this case we are dealing with an aquaterrarium, since the red-eared turtle needs both land and water. Content in boxes, basins, buckets is categorically not suitable for them!

In addition, we must remember that our turtles should live only in their "house" and in no case should they "walk" around the apartment. In hands, they can only be taken for an extremely small amount of time: during a transplant for feeding or cleaning.

The future size of our turtles indicates that they need enough space to fully grow and develop. But this does not mean at all that you can launch small turtles immediately into a large aquaterrarium. Every age - your "house", according to size.

Terrarium for red-eared turtle must be horizontal type (rectangular in length). Adult pets require "homes" with a volume of at least 150 liters, and babies - about 50 l. Ordinary small tortoises, which are sold in pet stores, can also be suitable for very little ones.

As for the location of the aquaterrarium in the apartment, more appropriate place- at the back of the room. In the autumn winter period in the room where your turtle is kept, it is better not to open the windows, in order to avoid a cold draft. Yes, it is deadly for your cold-blooded pets, as a “cold” can cause a disease such as pneumonia, which becomes clearly visible when the turtle is already fully ill.

Aquaterrarium equipment

What should be mandatory in every aquaterrarium: a thermometer to control the water temperature, a shore, a water heater and a water filter.

The presence of algae and stones is not necessary, and sometimes contraindicated. Some types of algae are toxic and stones can be swallowed and cause blockages in the esophagus or intestines; in addition, they complicate cleaning. But if you still decide to decorate your terrarium in this way, then remember that the size of the stones should not be smaller head turtles, the stones themselves should not crumble and be multi-colored (when heated, they can release toxic substances). It is better to select algae after a preliminary consultation with a specialist.

Coastal part of the aquaterrarium

Why does an aquaterrarium need a shore? Turtles - cold-blooded animals that are not able to create heat with their own bodies, as we mammals do. In nature, turtles come ashore to warm themselves and take a break from swimming, the same must be done for them at home.

Land should not occupy more than 1/3 of the aquaterrarium. The angle of rise out of the water should not be too obtuse or straight. It must be sharp and motionless so that the exit from the water does not “run away” from the turtle.
The shore itself must be made of a sufficiently durable material, without the presence of easily leaving paint and odorless.


Two types of lighting will be required: one for heating, the other - ultraviolet.

These two types of exposure will only have the following in common:

  1. Both lamps must be installed above the shore.
  2. The distance to the shore should not be less than 30 cm.
  3. Both lamps should burn for about 12 hours.

Now let's talk about each type separately.

UV lamp for red-eared turtles

In the case of reptiles, only special lamps suitable only for them. Each such lamp has its own percentage of emitted ultraviolet (UVB): 2% (2.0), 5% (5.0) and 10% (10.0). Turtles are suitable lamps 5% (5.0).

What is it for, you ask? If you do not go into the peculiarities of the physiology of the metabolism of reptiles, then without ultraviolet radiation, calcium will not be fully absorbed and work gastrointestinal tract, which will lead to quite dangerous and serious illnesses both in adults and in small turtles.

thermal lighting

Suitable for this type of lighting conventional lamps incandescent 60 W. This type is required so that your turtles do not freeze while out of the water and can warm up normally for the full functioning of their body.

Water in the aquarium

This is one of those points that should not be ignored in any case, since it is in this environment that healthy turtles spend most of their time.

For our pets, filtered or settled water is suitable. less than a day water. If the water was first filtered and then settled - you are very good host. In this case, we are engaged in the prevention of many diseases of the shell and skin.

Water temperature in an aquarium for red-eared turtles

For creating comfortable conditions the vital activity of our reptiles will need to maintain certain temperature conditions!

The water temperature should be in the range of 22-25 0 C. It can be maintained either with the help of special heating mats (provided that the size of the aquaterrarium is small enough), or water heaters, which can be set to a suitable temperature. To constantly monitor the temperature, you will need a special thermometer, which must be installed in the water. In addition, it must be protected from the curiosity of our pets, as they can damage it, which will lead to hazardous substances entering the water and poisoning the body.

We maintain the temperature of the shore with a heating lamp. You can control it by adjusting the height of the lamp.
Normally, the temperature of the coast should be in the range of 30-32 0 С.

What do red-eared turtles eat?

Feeding - a very important part of the life of our pets. It is with food that they get all the necessary nutrients.

Remember: feed the turtles the same that we eat, - it is forbidden!

Recall: red-eared turtles - predators and plant foods in their diet should appear only in adulthood.

Not suitable as feed: meat, semi-finished meat products (minced meat, sausages, sausages), chicken meat, fatty fish, salted fish, fried, sweet and salty, ready-made dry food.

What to feed red-eared turtles at home, you ask? Let's discuss this now.
To make it easier to feed the turtles, they can be kept with fish, which they will catch and eat, getting all the necessary nutrients.

If this option does not suit you, then we adhere to the following diet that needs to be combined: beef liver (heart and liver), fish, insects (worms, crickets without legs, cockroaches without legs), daphnia, not dry gammarus.

What fish to feed the red-eared turtle?

As plant food for adult turtles, algae (water hyacinth, hornwort, duckweed, etc.) and plants (dandelion, carrot, lettuce) are suitable.

The serving size should be about half the carapace (back shell) of the turtle. But know that if she refuses to eat, then the portion size needs to be reduced, and feeding for this particular time needs to be stopped. The size of one piece should be half smaller size head and should be 1/3 of the thickness of the head.

As for the frequency of feeding, small turtles up to 7-9 cm in a carapace are fed once a day. Larger ones need to be fed less frequently. - once every other day.

Along with the food, you can give special vitamin supplements that are suitable only for reptiles, this will provide them with a complete diet.
But remember that for each age and gender group, the frequency and amount of feeding is different, so it is better to consult a specialist before giving.

To less pollute the aquaterrarium, the turtle can be fed in a specially equipped jig (if you feed it with non-live aquarium fish). The dispenser in this case should be right size: so that the pet can turn around and move freely in it.


The most annoying and difficult thing to do. During cleaning, the turtle must be transplanted into a specially equipped jig (the jig for feeding and temporary keeping at the time of harvesting can be one).

Cleaning is done once a week. In our case, a complete treatment from algae and bacteria with the help of antiseptics is required, followed by rinsing under running water. Chlorhexidine, sold at any pharmacy, is suitable as an antiseptic, or you can use a mild soapy solution. During cleaning, do not forget to carefully process each wall and all corners of the aquaterrarium.

Remember, as long as the tank is treated thoroughly every week, the likelihood of skin problems for your turtle will be very, very low.


This article discusses general rules maintenance of red-eared turtles, which are suitable for all three subspecies.

Before you get a turtle, weigh the pros and cons well and see if you can provide necessary conditions keeping your pet healthy and not in need of veterinary care.

Remember: it is always cheaper and easier to properly maintain an exotic pet than to treat diseases that can be extremely dangerous in reptiles, in particular turtles.

Belongs to the family of freshwater turtles (Emydidae). The ability of these turtles to live in low-flowing water bodies, survive relatively low temperatures and feed on any garbage allowed them to settle far beyond their natural range in the southeastern United States. Turtles can be found south of North America, South and Central Europe, South Africa, Southeast Asia.

Red-eared turtles often crowd out native species of turtles. Young turtles are born with a shell length of about 3 cm. During the first 1.5 years, they are able to grow up to 7.5 cm. Then growth slows down, and the turtle grows at an average of 1-1.25 cm per year. Adult females are larger than males and have more powerful jaws. Mating in nature is from late February to May. In captivity, turtles mate throughout the year. Usually there are 6-10 eggs in a clutch. Several clutches during the year. Sexual maturity is reached by 6-8 years in the wild, in captivity males by 4 years, females by 5-6 years.

Terrarium for red-eared turtle

An adult red-eared turtle needs a 100-150 liter aquarium. Land should occupy at least 25% of the area of ​​the aquarium. It is desirable to build an inclined (from the bottom) coast with a rough (but not scratchy) surface. On land, soil (gravel or earth) can be poured, provided that it does not pour into the water. The water level should be at least the width of the turtle's shell, which will allow it to roll over if it ends up on its back for any reason. Water should be clean and warm 20-26C. Moderately chlorinated tap water is not dangerous for turtles, but it is best to defend the water. Change the water as it gets dirty, but at least 1-2 times a week. It is possible to install an electric pump with a filter and an aquarium heater. But even if there is a pump, the water must be changed once a month. Above the island you need to install a lamp. Turtles usually bask on land. The island must be constructed 20-30 cm below the edge of the aquarium, as active turtles can get out. Additional sources daylight for turtles is desirable, but not required. Dosed UV irradiation is necessary. Read about arranging a terrarium for a red-eared turtle.

Feeding red-eared turtles

Most of the foods offered to turtles (meat, bloodworm, squid) are adequate only in terms of the amount of protein. These feeds do not solve the problem of calcium deficiency. The easiest way to replenish calcium is to feed turtles small, lean fish along with bones, sometimes feeding aquarium snails (Ampularia spp.) or land snails (Helix aspersa). Guppies can be eaten whole by turtles. You can feed turtles with pieces of defrosted perch family fish. If the fish is large, cut off the costal bones. The fish is then sliced ​​along with the vertebral bones and fed. If the fish is oily enough (capelin, sprat, herring), it should be kept in water at 80C for 1-2 minutes. Do not forget that meat is the worst type of food available. Live food - earthworms, bloodworms, tubifex, carriage - is very good as a feed supplement for young turtles. Very good as additives - squid meat, shrimp, raw liver. When feeding the liver once a week, you can refrain from adding vitamins to turtle food.

ONTO Biotechnology launched the production of feed canned crickets. This is a unique product that contains only whole, fresh crickets, which do not contain any preservatives, chemicals, or medicines. Insects are grown on our own eco-farm, under the strict control of specialists. Therefore, cricket is very useful for reptiles.

The dietary house cricket (Acheta domesticus) goes into canning, useful product containing a lot of protein, calcium, chitin, 9 amino acids, OMEGA-3 and OMEGA-9 polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamin B12, oligosaccharides. These insects contain little fat, so the animals will not gain excess weight.

For freshwater turtles, you can prepare a food mixture based on gelatin or agar-agar.

Composition of the mixture: carrot - 70 g, cabbage - 50 g, apple - 50 g, fish fillet - 145 g, squid fillet - 100 g, a raw egg- 2 pcs., milk - 150 ml, "Tetravit" - 20 drops, calcium glycerophosphate - 10 tab., gelatin - 30 g, water - 150 ml.

It is rare to meet a person who does not like pets. And even more so, just isolated cases when the whole family with small children does not like animals. And rightly so - although domestic animals require attention and care, life is more beautiful and kinder with them. Only here is the misfortune - our modern life has given rise to many sores, among which in the forefront is an allergy to animals. If you are also allergic to pets, and the animal is terrifying as you like - run to the pet store, the red-eared turtle must have been waiting for you there.

red-eared turtle

Of course, to complete the picture, it should be reported that there may be an allergy to it, but this is only with direct contact with the animal, or with food for it. This is easily fixable - let the turtle live quietly in the aquarium, and there is a huge choice of reptile food, you can always choose something else.

Important to know before buying

The red-eared turtle at home can live up to 30 years (in ideal conditions and up to 50 years), but improper care and nutrition can reduce these numbers to 2-3 years. You can "achieve" this if you do not follow the following rules:

  1. They need a spacious aquarium, 150-200 liters. When buying a small turtle, it will be 2-3 centimeters in size, but from this crumb it will grow a fairly large reptile the size of an adult's palm. Interesting, but there is even such an opinion that the size adult turtle directly depends on the size of the aquarium;
  2. The aquarium must be dry. Although this is a species of aquatic turtles, but without land it will drown, it is still not a fish;
  3. Be sure to purchase ultraviolet lamp, either in warm time walk turtles outside, but not under open sun. Without UV, they do not live long, while constantly getting sick;
  4. Water must be clean, in no case bring it to the state of a film on the surface.

If you are ready to comply with these simple requirements, then you are already waiting in the store!

So, you bought a little turtle, a couple of months old. Make sure you already have a ready-made aquarium with warm water. Water must be settled for at least a day! You can immediately install a pump filter - than cleaner water, the faster the pet will grow.

Aquarium for red-eared sliders

Together with turtles they will get along well and aquarium fish, but until the turtle grows up ... When it grows up, it will gobble up everything that flashes in front of its nose with pleasure. By the way, they can bite your finger, mind you.

Pay attention to the bridge to land - it should be rough so that the turtle can climb it without problems. Glass or plastic platforms will create certain problems for them - they are slippery. And the second important note - the platform should not be located less than 30 cm from the edge of the aquarium, otherwise one day you will come home, but the pet is not there, and you will look for him under the bed in a dusty and shock state.

Turtle loves warmth

This is very important point- The domestic red-eared turtle loves heat very much, room temperature is not enough for her. Therefore, above the island, about 10 centimeters, install a lamp with the most common 40-watt incandescent bulb. The light is very similar to the sun, and there will be more than enough heat. The turtle will be happy to go ashore to warm up, and just relax.

Outing to warm up on land

UV lamp

It is worth dwelling on the UV lamp in more detail. It's no secret that UV rays are different lengths, each with its own properties. For reptiles, Repti Glo has developed special UV lamps with exactly the right wavelength. If buying such a unit is a problem, then the so-called tanning lamps are quite suitable.

Aquarium Irradiation Lamp

When using it, we observe several rules:

  1. Its mandatory use in the winter (in the summer we walk on the street);
  2. Irradiation duration - no more than 5 minutes 3 times a week;
  3. The distance of the lamp from the aquarium is 30 centimeters.

For convenience, you can purchase a special timer at the pet store.

Please note that you should not use UV lamps at night, as animals have a very developed internal clock, up to minutes, it is not necessary to knock down their daily rhythms.

Red-eared turtle food

We got to a very important topic - how, when and what to feed our wards. Oddly enough, but these are predators, not a single turtle will refuse a piece raw meat. They are also very fond of bloodworms and simply pelleted turtle food. It is necessary to separately note the fish:

  • To eliminate calcium deficiency, let's fish with bones. You don’t have to worry, everything is so arranged in the animal that it will never choke on a bone;
  • Try to avoid oily fish such as capelin, mackerel, sprat. Anyway, don't abuse it.

Turtle eats a moth

It is very important that the food is varied. For example, if a turtle is grown on one meat, then it will inevitably have rickets. With this disease, the shell of the red-eared turtles softens, appetite disappears, and coordination of movements may even be disturbed. They urgently need vitamin D. If left untreated, the shell will become domed under its own weight.

Launched Form turtle rickets

But back to food. Young individuals require more animal food, with age it will be necessary to give preference to a plant-based diet. Until the age of two years, we feed once a day, not more often. After two years of age 2-3 feedings a week are enough.

If possible, place food on an island so that the water stays clean longer. But, on the other hand, it is ineffective, because the turtles will still drag everything into the water.

It is very important to know that solid food(meat, raw vegetables) the turtle tears with claws - you don’t need to cut them! They have blood capillaries in their claws, this can kill them. If you nevertheless undertook to cut, then cut only the very tips of the keratinized part of the claw.

Diseases of the red-eared turtle

The red-eared turtle requires no less grooming than any other pet. They may experience the following diseases:

  1. Inflammation of the lungs, aka pneumonia. The most visible symptom is that the turtle cannot dive no matter how hard it tries. She is lethargic and doesn't eat well. It happens from hypothermia. For treatment, hold the turtle over the steam of the broth chamomile, but at a distance so as not to burn (we check with our own hand). At the same time, the water in her home in the aquarium should also be heated to 28 degrees;
  2. Eye disease. Swollen eyelids, inflamed eyes. For treatment, isolate the turtle from other animals (the disease is contagious), the entire period of treatment, it should be only on land. You can only immerse in warm (up to 28 degrees) water for a couple of hours, no more. Drip the infected eye with an eye antibiotic three times a day until the disease recedes (about 3 days);
  3. Soft shell. Yes, you are already familiar with this disease - it is rickets. Also, the softness of the shell, but to a lesser extent, can develop from a deficiency of ultraviolet radiation;
  4. Skin disease. Open areas begin to peel off. As a rule, there can be many reasons, up to mechanical damage also depends on age. But still, there is a very high probability that the animal's vitamin balance is disturbed, especially vitamin A and vitamin B groups. Add vitamin supplements to the diet (be sure to read the instructions before use!).

Determine the sex of an individual

Finally, we left the most interesting - how to determine whether you bought a girl or a boy? We can only find out with age: boys have longer claws on their front paws, more a long tail, and a more elongated muzzle.

Determine gender by claws

fun fact- when the female lays eggs, the sex is not laid in the embryos. The mother has no instinct to care for the clutch, she leaves and does not return. While the turtles are developing inside the egg, their gender directly depends on the air temperature - if the temperature is below 27 degrees, then the entire masonry will consist of boys, but if it is above 30 degrees - only girls. If the temperature is between 27 and 30 degrees - the floor will be mixed.

And remember - we are responsible for those we have tamed!

Red-eared turtle, rules of care and maintenance