The labor activity of preschoolers in kindergarten - what is it and what is it for? Photo report “Work in nature in autumn. Labor education of preschoolers in kindergarten

Organization Requirements child labor.

1. The systematic nature of child labor.

2. Feasibility of the workload.

3. The unity of the kindergarten and the family in solving the problems of labor education.

The tasks of labor in the development of personality.

1. Respect for working people is brought up in self-service and household work.

2. In the labor of caring for animals and plants, careful attitude to nature, observation.

3. Manual labor enriches the sensory experience of the child, contributes to the development of constructive thinking, creativity.

1. Types of labor.

Household work.

The duty ensures the systematic inclusion of the child in this species labor.

All labor processes for the nursery senior group can be divided into 2 groups:

A certain frequency of execution (cleaning the play areas, washing the building material);

Everyday needs of collectivism life (assistance to the teacher, nanny, assistance in classes, games, etc.).

2. Labor in nature

It involves growing plants in nature (flower garden and vegetable garden), systematic work to care for living and indoor plants. The content of labor (consists of the following processes: digging, watering, loosening, weeding, etc.).

3. Manual labor

Program tasks require the educator to organize the work so that the skills and abilities acquired by children in the design classes are used in the manufacture of crafts from various materials outside of work.

requirements for manual labor.

1. At each lesson, provide for the complication of technical and constructive skills in work.

2. Prepare children for work:

To form ideas about the ways of working, matching skills;

To interest children in this type of material to cause a desire to work with it.

3. Outside of class, constructive and technical skills must be applied.

4. In the classroom and at work, apply special pedagogical methods for these types of activities, which should be used for educational purposes (for example, to teach how to make a pattern, drawing, etc.).

5. Involve each child in making crafts outside of class.

6. Crafts made by children should not only be interesting in content, but also find application.

7. Provide for the complication of the proposed children's work.

8. Place and role of the educator in the labor process.

The strength of the workload.

The magnitude of the load affects the attitude of the child to work.

To determine the optimal load, register external signs fatigue of the child during work (complexion, pulse rate, breathing before and after physical exertion).

Characteristics of a favorable load.

Such loads “feeling good” are characterized by an increase in heart rate of 6-7 beats. With an allowable load, the pulse quickens by 8-10 beats. Feeling satisfactory. Fatigue is no different.

Under unfavorable load.

With such loads, the heart rate and respiration rate increase significantly. Children feel bad, many are irritated.

For the correct dosing of loads, it is necessary to assess the physical performance of children, which depends on a number of factors:

  1. From physical fitness.
  2. From the degree of development of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
  3. In what form are muscle loads offered.
  4. How familiar is the movement to the child?
  5. How interesting is the proposed activity.

Types of children of the higher nervous system.

  1. Children of a balanced type - demonstrate a high ability for long-term work of moderate intensity, thanks to strength and balance.
  2. Weak type - performance is reduced, quickly gets tired, weakness of the processes of excitation and inhibition, low level of strength development. Such children cope better with loads of moderate intensity.
  3. excitable type- high level physical performance, but mental performance in such children is unstable. Willingly and successfully perform work of a high-speed nature, it is more difficult for them to work that requires endurance.

Physical performance can be improved through systematic training.

To determine the allowable physical load, it is necessary to take into account the duration, intensity, nature of the actions in the work.

For children 5-6 years old, work at a high or medium pace, labor processes 7-10 minutes.

Interleaving of work allows you to increase the time of work. Dynamic load acts as an active rest.

Household work (cleaning, washing, etc.) can last up to 30 minutes, because this work consists of a variety of dynamic operations that do not require much physical direction. Manual labor up to 35-40 minutes, because he is very attractive (interesting and varied requiring operations).

The unity of the kindergarten and the family in solving the problems of labor education.

Labor education in the family and preschool pursues common goals and objectives, however, the content and methods of solving these problems differ, because The work of children in the family has its own specifics.

The labor duties and assignments of a child in a family are more diverse in their content than in kindergarten. The process of labor in the family is longer, and in kindergarten it is limited to the framework of the regime.

In the family, more often than in kindergarten, joint labor activity adults and children and in their free communication with adults. In a preschool institution, communication between the teacher and the children's team prevails.

At home, the child can enjoy privileges, in kindergarten he is an equal member among his peers, where everyone has the same duties and requirements for everyone.

Labor in kindergarten.

In a preschool institution, the work of children is most often collective. Therefore, labor is purposeful, regulated, and has a positive effect on the development of the moral and volitional character traits of the child.

Labor in the family.

Household work in the family is the most important means moral education. Joint work in the family contributes to the emergence of a spiritual community between parents and children, the development of relationships that unite the family and form the collectivist orientation of the child's personality.

The following factors influence the labor education of children in the family:

The social orientation of parents - interests, beliefs, attitudes towards production and family work.

The pedagogical culture of parents is their understanding of the goals and objectives of moral and labor education. Organization of the life and activities of children, their systemic participation in work.

Family relationships - the emotional atmosphere in the family, the level of development of mutual assistance, the fair distribution of domestic work.

Along with the educational process and play in kindergarten, much attention is paid to labor education. How is the activity of kids organized, what are the main differences in the labor process in different age groups?

From junior preschool age the child begins to get acquainted with the world of adults, and the main task educator - to help him with this. But this does not mean that you need to do something instead of the baby. He must learn simple actions himself (washing, washing, sweeping) under the guidance of an experienced teacher. How to develop skills and abilities in preschool children and what role does labor education play in this?

Labor education in kindergarten. Goals and objectives

Labor education in kindergarten is an obligatory process, thanks to which the child will form a positive attitude towards work, a desire and ability to work will appear, and moral qualities will also develop.

Labor can:

  • strengthen physical qualities;
  • develop mental abilities;
  • influence thinking, as there is a need to compare, compare objects, etc.;
  • develop independence, responsible approach, initiative;

The concept is to prepare the child for independent living and also to instill in him a desire to help others. It is very important to take into account the age of the baby - the choice of activities and their complexity will depend on this.


  • to form a positive attitude towards the work of an adult, to arouse a desire to help;
  • develop labor skills, improve them;
  • to cultivate such qualities as the habit of work, responsibility, care, thrift;
  • to form skills in the organization of the work process;
  • to form friendly relations of children to each other, to teach to evaluate the activities of others, to make comments.

Types and conditions of organization of work of children

There are several types of labor activity. What is each of them? What nuances should be taken into account?


Household work includes the activities of the adult world, which is understandable to the baby. This:

  • wiping dust.
  • wash.
  • washing objects, dishes, etc.

The main activity is helping adults. The child can be assigned a task according to age. You can ask your child:

  • put away your toys;
  • fold books;
  • prepare the table for classes;
  • clean the dishes from the table after dinner;
  • wash furniture, etc.

hygiene skills

WITH early childhood children are taught self-care skills that are vital. Skills are developed through repetition of actions, and gradually develop into a habit.

What every child should learn:

  1. Undress, dress. At the same time, it is important to draw attention to yourself (look in the mirror, notice changes in appearance among peers, learn the names of wardrobe items, place things in their places). Games are held in which order or disorder is determined, care for dolls.
  2. Wash your face, wash your hands without being reminded, use soap, towels, open faucets.
  3. Comb your hair.
  4. Take care of your mouth and nose (brush your teeth, use a handkerchief).
  5. Use the toilet in a timely manner.
  6. Keep yourself clean while eating.
  7. Keep order around you.


The main activity of preschoolers is the game, which means that labor education should take place in the form of a game. The objective results of children's participation in the labor process are insignificant, but the subjective role is enormous.

The child acquires many knowledge and skills in the following activities:

  1. IN role-playing game : feeding the doll, putting her to bed, watching her neatness, displaying scenes from adult life.
  2. Through manual labor– for example, educators together with children prepare homemade toys and attributes for role-playing games.
  3. With the help of didactic games:
  • “Who needs it” - showing the items necessary in labor activity, guessing by children their purpose;
  • "What does the doll want to do?" - playing out hypothetical actions, determining the necessary equipment for work;
  • "What is it for?" - on the basis of images, children guess actions;
  • "Guess what I'm doing" - showing actions, professions using movements, sounds and facial expressions.

Outdoor activities during the summer

In summer, children are more on the street, where there are many opportunities to organize work. The teacher can give simple instructions:

  • take toys to the playground;
  • help adults to improve the territory;
  • remove garbage (twigs, pieces of paper);
  • water the sand, flowers;
  • plant seeds;
  • take care of animals in nature.

The teacher should know the basic methods of organizing the labor process, which will be relevant in each age group.

Caregivers also have a responsibility to provide advice to parents to ensure successful and harmonious development child.

Junior group (3-4 years)

At a younger preschool age, kids become more active, trying to express their desire to complete the task on their own. But children of this age quickly get tired, distracted, so you should not give overwhelming orders.

Main nuances:

  1. Labor education should be situational, the requirement for tasks is simplicity and clarity for a three-year-old baby.
  2. Required condition- Encourage any success, praise.
  3. The teacher should explain the goals all actions, analyze the results so that the baby can understand the importance of his actions.
  4. A child of 3-4 years old is interested in following the work of adults. simple actions he learns from the example of an adult. Then it is worth repeatedly and accurately displaying the same action with the baby, commenting on each step.

The guys are happy to fulfill requests, but do not overdo it - just instruct to arrange plates or hang towels.

In the younger group, assignments are individual character, with collective tasks it is better to wait a little.

The program provides for the following basic methods of labor education of a child of 3-4 years old:

Middle group (4-5 years old)

At 4 years old, a child can cope with washing clothes for dolls, sweeping paths. Tasks become more complex, details of self-organization are added to individual actions.

Children of middle preschool age are on duty in the dining room, and after the appearance of skills in this type of activity, they can be entrusted with caring for a corner of nature and preparing for classes.


  • encouraging a desire to help;
  • games (construction, application, role-playing games);
  • visual aids "Decoration of premises", "How to be on duty";
  • conversations.

Senior group (5-7 years old)

In the older group, collective assignments are used, thanks to which children learn to interact, join forces, negotiate and distribute responsibilities.

An important point is to organize everything you need:

  • prepare aprons, brushes;
  • shoulder blades, watering cans;
  • hammers;
  • animal feed.

All inventory should be bright, clothes should be smart, which will allow you to get aesthetic pleasure from work. The teacher should consider how to organize the space so that it is convenient to use each item. You need to keep track of the time of classes so as not to overwork the children.

The game remains the main activity, but the child is already happy to help an adult (for example, change bed sheets remove fallen leaves).

Educators are preparing projects that are aimed at familiarizing children with the world of professions, the relevance of each of them. The goal is to inspire respect for the work of adults, understanding the importance of everyone's work, and the desire to help.

Labor education takes place not only within the kindergarten, but also at home. On the issues of the correct organization of the labor process of preschoolers, parent meetings where educators acquaint parents with the peculiarities of the age of their baby. It is important to unite efforts and educate a holistic personality according to one method.

Video: Labor development in preschool educational institutions

The concept of labor activity in relation to a child is rather peculiar and in most cases does not mean the product of any labor in order to receive monetary compensation. However, it is child labor education that allows the child to quickly adapt to the world around him. social environment and learn to be independent. We will talk about the forms of organization of such education, its goals and much more in this material.

What is the difference between child labor and adult labor?

The most important differences between child labor and adult labor lie in how this labor is presented and what tasks it pursues. Thus, the purpose of children's activities is to learn and imitate adult life. It is rare when a child can do the work himself so well that he does not have to redo it later for him. But he must learn and strive to get good results. Child labor is presented most often in a playful way that encourages the child to become interested in this game and take part in it. But with the growth of the baby, his maturation, some game processes can (and should) develop into duties. For example, cleaning toys before going to bed. Unlike adult labor, children's labor has practically no broad social significance, but within a narrow team, for example, in a kindergarten group, it is significant and important.

Types of labor activity of preschoolers

It is conditionally possible to distinguish several types of labor activity of preschoolers:

· Self-service.

· Manual labor.

Work in nature.

Household (household) work.

Each of these types of child activity has its own characteristics, but they all closely overlap and are closely interconnected. It is impossible to single out one thing, giving it the title of “most useful”.

1. Self care refers to taking care of yourself. This type of labor activity is vital for every person, and than earlier kid will begin to master it, the faster he will begin to become independent. So, from a younger preschool age, a child needs to be taught to wash himself, wash his hands before eating and after walking, dress and put on shoes. It must be remembered that the baby's everyday clothes should be simple and comfortable, so that he can dress them without the help of an adult. Older children, middle or preschool age, will be allowed to wear button-down shirts, jeans with suspenders, and shoes with laces. You need to know that such activities require patience, perseverance and perseverance. As the child grows older, self-care skills are added. For example, a child has the responsibility of making his bed, neatly folding clothes in a closet, and arranging toys after the game process. Be sure the baby needs to be explained and shown by example how to behave so as not to complicate the actions of others.

2. Household work helps to educate the child in cleanliness, accuracy and respect for surrounding things. This type of activity is aimed at maintaining cleanliness in the room, it is necessary when organizing a regimen in a kindergarten or at home. Toddlers can help the gardener or parents set the table, clean dirty dishes, tidy up toys, dust them, tidy up personal plot. Preschoolers in kindergartens are more active in helping to clean up their outdoor playground, wash toys and even keep a full “watch” for setting the table according to the duty schedule. It is important for adults to motivate a child for this type of activity, to explain that efforts must be made to obtain a result. It is important to praise the child and let him understand why he is doing this or that action. For example, after removing the snow, it became easier to walk along the path, and the tidy room is now clean and comfortable.

3. Handicraft is a creative activity in which a wide variety of items can be made for personal or collective use. It can be any toys (slingshots, cars, baskets, etc.) or useful gadgets(bird feeder), which a child can create from any materials at hand. Why do you need to make a toy yourself if you can buy it? Many parents ask this question and without thinking about the answer, they choose a simple way, that is, they get the baby what they consider necessary for games. In fact, most educators tend to believe that children simply need to be motivated to invent games for themselves. This is important for several reasons: the child understands that in order to enjoy the game, you must first work hard; more attention is paid to the world around, over time the baby will subconsciously see in different subjects the potential area of ​​​​its application (you can make a little man out of an acorn, a boat out of a nut shell, etc.); fantasy develops; the “creative” hemisphere of the brain is actively working; when a child does something himself, he becomes more careful in relation to those products that other people create; the child learns in practice the properties of materials, gets acquainted with the ways of their combination. All these reasons have a positive effect on the moral education of a preschooler and allow him to develop from different angles.

4. Natural labor helps the child not only to get acquainted with the world that surrounds him, but actively helps to develop observation, accuracy and frugality, love for nature, and a reverent attitude towards animals. This type of activity involves the child taking care of plants and pets. So, in kindergartens, kids take an active part in growing flowers in flower beds, in caring for indoor plants, sometimes they are involved in "work" in the garden. Such "work" is more of an exploratory nature and is not aimed at obtaining a large harvest. Often in groups of kindergartens there are "living corners" in which fish in an aquarium, turtles or domestic rodents live. Parents are also encouraged to teach their children to work with plants. This type of activity is especially important in modern times, as it will teach the child to be distracted from electronic devices and pay attention to nature. baby on own experience will be able to make connections between separate phenomena, will be able to observe natural changes. When he grows up to the age of the older group, then some aspects of natural work can be complicated and transferred to duties. Parents can remind the child of his worries, but not shift them to themselves (provided that the baby is interested). Thus, children become responsible and obligatory.

Didactic games on labor education.

"Who knows and can do it?"
Target: expand children's ideas about what knowledge and skills
must have people of different professions.
Rules: The teacher asks the children questions, after the answers show the corresponding pictures.

Sample questions: Who knows children's poems, tells fairy tales, plays and walks with children? (educator).
Who plays the piano, knows children's songs, teaches to sing, dance, plays with children in music games? (music director).
Who knows the human body can provide the first medical care able to recognize and treat diseases? (doctor), etc.

"Who's doing what?"
Target: expand and clarify children's ideas about labor (labor operations) of people of different professions.
Rules: The teacher shows pictures or photographs of people of different professions and asks the question: Who is this? What is he (she) doing?

Sample questions: Janitor - sweeps, cleans, waters, rakes ...
Music director - sings, plays, dances, teaches…
Junior caregiver (nanny) - washes, cleans, wipes, covers, dresses, reads ... etc.

“For a person of what profession is this necessary?”
Target: to expand children's ideas about the subjects necessary for a person of a certain profession.
Rules: The teacher shows pictures depicting items necessary for a person of a certain profession and asks the question: For a person of what profession is this necessary? Children must answer.

Scales, counter, goods, cash register ... - to the seller.
A broom, a shovel, a hose, sand, a crowbar, a snowplow ... - to the janitor.
Washing machine, bath, soap, iron ... - laundress.
Comb, scissors, hair dryer, shampoo, hairspray, clipper… - hairdresser, etc.

"Who will name more actions?" (with a ball)
Target: teach children to correlate the actions of people of different professions.
Rules: The teacher names any profession and in turn throws the ball to the children, who name what the person of this profession does.

"Continue the offer"
Target: exercise in the ability to complete sentences using words and phrases that are correlated with a particular profession of a person.
Rules: The teacher asks the children questions:

The cook cleans ... (fish, vegetables, dishes ...),
The laundress washes ... (towels, bed linen, bathrobes ...).
The teacher in the morning with the children ... (does exercises, has breakfast, conducts classes ...)
A janitor in the yard in winter ... (rakes snow, clears areas, sprinkles sand on paths ...), etc.

"Who can't do without them?"

Target. To consolidate children's knowledge about the materials, tools and equipment needed by people of different professions.

Rules: The teacher calls the subject, and the children - the profession of the person who needs it.

For example: syringe, control panel, scissors, flour, garden sprayer, telephone, milking machine, stretcher, planer, wheelbarrow, police baton, drill, electric cable, nail, coil of wire, cash register, postman's bag, wallpaper roll, cash register, pencil, brush, tray, bell.

"Let's set the table for the dolls."
Target. Teach children to set the table, name the items needed for serving. Introduce the rules of etiquette (meeting guests, accepting gifts, inviting to the table, behavior at the table). Cultivate humane feelings and friendly relations.
Game progress: The teacher enters the group with an elegant doll. Children examine it, name items of clothing. The teacher says that today the doll has a birthday, guests will come to her - her girlfriends. Need help to cover the doll festive table(used doll furniture and utensils). The teacher plays the stages of activity with the children (wash hands, lay a tablecloth, put a vase of flowers, a napkin, a bread box in the center of the table, prepare cups and saucers for tea or plates, and lay out cutlery next to it - spoons, forks, knives).
Then the episode of the meeting of the guests is played out, the puppets are seated in their places.
In order to consolidate the skills of duty, children of older preschool age can be shown subject pictures depicting the items listed above and offered to lay them out in order, determining the sequence of table setting.

"What first, what next?"
Target: Clarify children's knowledge about the rules for transplanting indoor plants.
Rules: The teacher shows the children pictures depicting the stages of transplanting indoor plants and asks them to arrange them in the order of the actions.
1 Turn over the pot, take out the plant from it.
2 Washing the pot.
3 Laying pebbles on the bottom of the pot.
4 Pour sand into the pot (height 1 cm).
5 Put some earth on top of the sand in the pot.
6 Shaking off the old earth from the roots of plants with a stick.
7 Cutting off rotten roots.
8 Planting the plant in a pot so that the place of transition of the stem to the root is on the surface, and falling asleep with earth.
9 Earth compaction.
10 Place the plant pot on the pallet.
11 Watering the plant under the root.

Labor is of particular importance in the process of moral education of a child. Such personal qualities as responsibility, diligence, discipline, independence and initiative are formed in labor.

The fulfillment of certain feasible labor duties contributes to the education of a child's sense of responsibility, goodwill, and responsiveness. For the formation of all these qualities in the family there are the most favorable conditions. Here, all matters and concerns are common. Joint work with parents or other family members encourages the child to help each other, to do something for everyone. Thus, he laid the foundations moral qualities necessary for life in society.

How to introduce a child to work?

In the family, children constantly see what their parents are doing: they cook food, clean the apartment, wash clothes, sew. Observing how adults perform these daily activities gradually helps the child understand their importance and the attitude of parents to work: mom came home from work tired, but has to cook dinner for everyone, dad goes to the grocery store. It should be remembered that children's observations can be contemplative in nature. In order for the example of family members to become a guide for action for the child, adults can accompany their work with explanations. This usually attracts the attention of children, they ask questions, try to help their parents. So gradually the child is attracted to joint work with adults.

It is also necessary for parents to remember the importance of familiarizing the child with their work in production, about what they do and what benefits they bring to people; for example, mother is a doctor, she treats the sick; dad is a teacher, he teaches children.

In the process of adult work, the child will be taught respect for the work of all people. The surrounding reality presents great opportunities for this. When walking with a child, you need to teach him to throw garbage only into the trash can, in addition, pay attention to how clean the streets are. The kid will be interested to know that the janitor monitors the cleanliness of the streets. A clean street is the result of his work. The janitor gets up before everyone else and when the children go to school in kindergarten, he is already finishing his work. Buying bread. The factory workers worked all night, and the driver managed to bring it to the store, the loaders loaded the bread, and the sellers put it on the shelves in the trading floor. Works will help to expand the child's ideas about the work of adults. fiction, illustrations, paintings.

In the family, the child is involved in daily participation in domestic work. Children's interest in work increases significantly if its usefulness to others is obvious.

Instructions given to children should be interesting and attractive in the form of execution. If they are built only on orders: “Give!”, “Hold!”, “Bring!”, Then this discourages the child from working. Therefore, an adult, for example, carpentry, not only asks to bring some tool, but also teaches the child how to use it. When entrusting children with this or that task, adults should take into account its age-related capabilities. If the tasks are feasible, the preschooler performs it with interest. In order for children to be able to master the correct techniques for performing a particular type of work, so that they would work willingly, it is necessary to have the appropriate equipment at home.

The work of children in the family, organized by adults, brings the child closer, contributes to the influence of the adult, but his interests and needs. It is especially valuable if parents are able to contribute in the process of work to the development in children of the desire for activities that are useful for the family: to do something for a younger brother, a gift for a mother, a friend, etc.

Reminder for parents

on labor education of children.

1. You want to see your child strong, hardy and hardened - train him in a variety of physical labor.

2. You want to see him smart and educated - make him daily perform feasible difficulties in mental work.

3. You want to see him always cheerful and cheerful - do not let him turn sour in idleness and plunge into laziness.

4. You want your child to have an unshakable will and a courageous character - do not skimp on difficult tasks, make him often strain his strength and direct them towards achieving the goal.

5. You want your child to be sensitive and responsive, to be a good comrade and a true friend - create conditions under which he would work daily with others and learn to help people every day.

6. You want your child to be happy man- teach him various types activities, make it hardworking.

7. Education is a chain of continuous, increasingly complex exercises in a variety of ways. different types labor!

Questionnaire for educators

Supervision of the household work of children.

1. Does the child accept the purpose of work, does he willingly accept the offer of the educator?

2. Do children show independence in determining the objects of labor, isolate its features (signal signs of a living object: the earth is dry, dust on the leaves, etc.);

3. Do children choose on their own necessary equipment for work activities?

4. In the process of labor activity, do children distribute responsibilities, do they agree among themselves?

5. Do children willingly accept and join labor activities, show diligence in the performance of labor activities?

6. Are children included in collective forms of work, or do they prefer to play the role of an assistant?

7. Do they possess the actions of self-control, the ability to independently achieve results?

8. Do children know how to use step-by-step cards in the process of manual labor?

9. Do children enjoy fulfilling the instructions of adults, are they responsible for the duties of duty officers?

10. Are the children on duty well without supervision from the educator?

11. Do they do off-duty work, do they help other children?

12. What are their motives, the nature of the behavior of children in the process of duty?

13. Do children pay attention to the disorder in the group and eliminate it?

14. In the process of work, do children show diligence, desire for good result are friendly towards peers?

15. Can they objectively evaluate and compare their performance with peers?

Abstract of a lesson on labor education in a corner of nature

"Care of houseplants".


The development of labor skills and abilities in children, the education of responsibility and independence in the process of joint work in a corner of nature.

Program content: Bring children to the concept of collective work, to the conclusion about its value, to the realization that work can bring joy, a sense of satisfaction. Teach children to treat plants as living beings, continue to teach practical help, empathy. The ability to properly hold a watering can with water, the skill of gently wiping strong leathery leaves, holding the leaf with a cloth from the bottom with the palm of your hand. Learn how to care for indoor plants, maintain curiosity. To consolidate knowledge of the names of indoor plants.

Material and equipment: oilcloths on tables, sticks for loosening, rags for wiping dust, brushes for cleaning the fleecy sheets of indoor plants, a spray bottle, watering cans, basins.

Labor progress:

Guys, today in the group, I found a letter from the Fairy of Flowers (the teacher opens the envelope and reads): "Hello guys! I flew to your group to chat with my flower friends. I liked your group. But I'm a little upset about appearance my flower friends. All of them are dusty, not watered and not well maintained. Now I flew to visit my other friends. But I know that you are smart and hardworking and will put things in order in a corner of nature, I will definitely visit you again.” Fairy of Flowers.

Well, guys, let's prove to the Flower Fairy that we can take care of indoor plants. But first, I want to give you a riddle:

Purify the air

They create comfort

Green on the windows

Bloom all year round. (Houseplants)

Tell me, what plants are in our group?

What conditions do plants need to live and grow? (water, light, heat, earth, air, food).

How should you take care of indoor plants? (Plants need to be watered, loosen the soil. It is necessary to spray, wipe large leaves so that the plant can breathe. Love flowers and take care of them properly.

Children approach indoor plants.

How do you think, how can you find out if these plants need care?

You can touch the soil with your finger, if the soil is wet, it will remain on your finger. This means that this plant should not be watered. And if there is no dust on the leaves, then you do not need to wipe it with a cloth.

Guys, I suggest you work hard. But before that, let's distribute the responsibilities: who will do what (watering, spraying, wiping, loosening, collecting dry leaves, cleaning plants from dust). Review and select those plants that need help, determine what care is needed for each plant, put on aprons, take all the necessary equipment for caring for your plant.

- There is a main condition in the work:


Educator: (approaches the first child) tell us how you will complete the task? (Water plants). List the rules for watering houseplants?

Need to be watered with distilled water room temperature.

The spout of the watering can should be placed on the edge of the pot.

You need to water when the top layer of the earth is dry.

Why did you decide that this plant needs to be watered? (Child's answer.) Keep working. Well done. (Water the plants, wash the pot, wash the pallets.

Educator: (approaches the second child) what are you doing, tell me? (rubbing the plants) How did you get started. (She laid an oilcloth, then brought a plant, cooked necessary materials. Since plants breathe and leaves, and stems, and roots. The dust on their leaves makes it difficult to breathe, so large leaves must be cleaned of dust with a damp cloth. How should the leaves be washed? (child's answer)

Educator: (approaches the third child) what do you do? In order for the plants to grow better, they must not only be watered, but also sprayed with water at room temperature. First: put the pot with the plant in the basin. We cover the earth in a pot with oilcloth so that the water does not wash away the earth, you need to spray the plant carefully. Well done, you know your job well. (wiping the pot, washing pallets). During work, soft, calm music plays.

During flower care, the teacher asks the children for the name of the houseplant, the features of care.

Did you enjoy working?

Guys, why do we need flowers in a group? (Answers of children).

To be beautiful in our group. Plants release oxygen and remove dust from the air. Some houseplants can heal.

Plants need sunlight, heat, water.

Look at how cheerful, beautiful, clean houseplants have become. They breathe easily, they are glad that you looked after them well.

Children put plants in their places, put things in order at workplaces, clean equipment and attributes.

Educator: Today, you and I, guys, remembered what is needed in order for indoor plants to grow and bloom. Except natural conditions: heat, light, water and air, plants need our care and love. Plants feel good, affection. TO good man plants stretch, they are not afraid of him. Flowers freeze when a soulless person who does not like to take care of indoor plants approaches them. In such people, plants grow poorly, bloom, and often die. Plants love good hands, even sweet words. For your efforts, good deeds, I want to give you medals. And I think that the Flower Fairy will really like the results of your work.

And now you can relax and unwind. Sit on the carpet, close your eyes, relax.

Everyone can dance

Jump, run, clean,

But not everyone knows how to relax, to rest.

We have a game like this, very easy, simple.

We sit and do not play, but quietly rest.

The movement slows down, tension disappears.

We open our eyes, we stand quietly.

Look, all our indoor plants are shining, shining and they are very grateful to you. What is your mood about this? (children's answers).

Thank you for your hard work! All well done! Nice work!


1. There is no fruit without labor.

2. Will and labor give wonderful shoots.

3. A small deed is better than a big idleness.

4. Advice is good, but business is better.

5. Hurry - make people laugh.

6. Do not hurry with your tongue - hurry up with your deeds.

7. Skillful hands do not know boredom.

8. The work of the master is afraid.

9. Did the job - walk boldly.

10. Boring day until evening - if there is nothing to do.

11. What lies in place, then runs into the hands itself.

12. In business, strength is not needed, but skill.

13. You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

14. A person gets sick from laziness, gets healthy from work.

15. Where there is hunting and labor, there the fields bloom.

16. A bird is recognized in flight - a person at work.

17. Whoever is the first in labor - glory to him everywhere.

18. Hands - work, soul - a holiday.

19. Without labor to live - only to smoke the sky.

20. Whoever loves to work cannot sit idle.

21. Business is time, and fun is an hour.

22. Every business ends well.

23. Hastily done - done for fun.

24. Soap is gray and washes white.

25. Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils

26. Who loves to work, he can’t sit still

27. Be lazy - and lose bread

28. Patience and work will grind everything

29. Judge not by words, but by deeds

31. If there was patience, there would be skill

32. He who does not sow in the spring does not reap the autumn

Poems and artistic works.

Poems about labor


Mom tired from work will come,
Mom has enough worries at home.
I'll take a broom and sweep the floor
I'll chop wood and put it under the stove.
I'll bring two buckets of fresh water
Well, now it's time for the lessons!
Mom will come home from work today.
Mom will have less trouble .

P. Janet

fun job

Dad plants a flower for mom.
Mom knits a scarf for grandmother.
Grandmother is ironing Katya's dresses.
Katya washes panama hats for her brothers.
The brothers make an airplane for everyone.
Fun in the house work is going on.
And why? This is understandable:
Fun to do.
pleasing to each other .

B. Belova.

And we will work

The table you are sitting at
The bed you sleep in
Notebook, boots, a pair of skis,
Plate, fork, spoon, knife.
And every nail, and every house,
And a loaf of bread -
All this is created by labor,
It didn't fall from the sky!
For everything that has been done for us
We thank the people
The time will come, the time will come
And we will work!

V. Livmitz


Here lies the loaf
I have on the table
Black bread on the table
There is nothing tastier on earth!
My bread will cry
My ruddy loaf
If I get married
If I become a slacker.
But I'm not lazy
I'm agile at work
Smile loaf
Smile, my black bread.

Don't stop me from working

Don't stop me from working
I will bring water
From well water
I will feed everyone, of course.
Drink, drink!
Don't be sorry!
Do you want to pour into the watering can -
Have a garden
He drinks water too!

Rye is ripening

On the mountain behind the grove
Good bread ripens
The grains are washed
In gentle warmth
Spikelets heavy
Tilt their heads
bow gratefully
Mother to earth.


Funny tires rustle on the roads
Cars rush along the roads.
And in the back of important, urgent cargo
cement and iron, raisins and watermelons
The work of drivers is difficult and necessary
But how people everywhere need it.


I will become a doctor like a mother
I'll probably get a tube
Being a doctor is hard work
Everyone is coming to me now.

Grain thrown into the ground

Grain thrown into the ground
And in the spring it rose
The sun came out
Up it to the sun
And the grain is glad for that
And that's what the grain needs
Give water to the sprout
Give him a sip of rain.

I will help everyone

L. Dyakonov

I have seven sisters.
I will help everyone
Sow with Pasha
Reap with Dasha
Dress up a doll with Lena,
Cook with Nyura
Sewing with Shura
With Vera to stir the hay,
Sing songs with Marusenka,
The smallest one.


G. Ladonshchikov

I'm not used to boasting in vain,

but everyone calls me a craftswoman -

For the fact that I myself am on my doll

I knit, embroider and sew and cut.


B. Zakhoder

Don't let your parents get angry

That the builders will be smeared

Because the one who builds

That one is worth something!

And no matter what for now

This house is made of sand.


V. Orlov

I learned to embroider

Hens, chicks and cockerels.

Also dresses for dolls

I sewed from scraps.

Well done, Mom said.

You are our tailor right!


E. Serova

Don't disturb us now -

Washing is urgent with us:

Me and mom, we are together

Dealing with linens.

Our rule is

Do not give linen rest!

Let's turn this way

and lather and rub.

Clean water in a trough

Need to pour more often...

Everything is ready, washed -

So, let's push!

I hung out the laundry

Kuklino and Mishkino,

Mom hangs mine

and more bro.

Mishka's shirt -

White as sugar!

The doll outfit dries ...

I'll dress up my guys!


V. Mayakovsky "Who to be",

S. Mikhalkov "What do you have?",

J. Rodari "What do crafts smell like?", "What color are crafts?".

Ponomarev E., Ponomareva T. "History of crafts" (series "I know the world")

A. Pil "Firefighters" (series "Everything about everything")

A. Havukainen, S. Toivonen "Tatu and Patu go to work"

Picture book by R. Scarry "City of good deeds"

B. Lapidus "When I grow up, I will become a railway worker"

A. Korzovatykh "When I grow up, I will build houses"

N. Ivolga "When I grow up, I will become a wood chemist"

T. Vinogradova "When I grow up, I will work for Aeroflot"

Children about work.

Konstantin Ushinsky "Children in the Grove"

Anton Paraskevin “Pashkin Treasure”, “Daria the Golden Spindle ».

E. Permyak "Hurry Knife", "Golden Nail".

Boris Shergin "Pick a berry - you'll pick a box", "Where does the bread come from"

Lev Modzalevsky. School Invitation (foreword)

Konstantin Ushinsky. Children in the Grove (story)

Anton Paraskevin. Pashkin treasure (story)

Spiridon Drozhzhin. First furrow (poem)

Anton Paraskevin. Daria - golden spindle (story)

Konstantin Ushinsky. How the shirt grew in the field (story)

Evgeny Permyak. Golden nail (fairy tale)

Boris Shergin. The carpenter thinks with an ax (short story)

Boris Shergin. Pick a berry - you'll pick a box (story)

Agniya Barto. Painter (poem)

Valentin Rasputin. Red Day (story)

Plan of educational and educational work for a month on the labor education of children

Labor education in the older group is focused on the formation of clear ideas about the role different types productive and service labor. Focused on the development of independence, initiative, creativity, cooperation of the child with adults and peers.

Target: education in children of a value attitude to the work of adults and the desire to be included in children's labor activities. Create an emotionally positive atmosphere in the group. Develop the ability to work in a team.


Theme: "Cosmonautics Day"

Theme: "Spring is red"

Theme: “Flowers. Houseplants"

Theme: "Birds"

labor in nature

Garbage collection on site.

Loosening the soil in flower beds.

Spreading snow for quick melting.

Loosening the soil in flower beds.

Transplantation and cuttings of indoor plants.

Planting flower seeds for seedlings.

Target: Teach children to properly place grains in the ground; develop an interest in work

Garbage collection on site.

Loosening the soil in flower beds.

Cleaning the area from dry branches.

Household work

"Washing building material"

Learn to participate in organized work a large number peers; develop habits of cleanliness and order.

"We make the beds"

Learn to cover the bed with a bedspread; emphasize on beautiful view such a bed cultivate an intolerant attitude towards negligence.

"Taking care of indoor plants"

Learn how to properly care for plants: watering, rubbing the leaves, spraying with water.

"Toy Wash"

Build a culture of work;

learn to work rationally, efficiently, at a common pace; educate diligence, diligence.

Repair of books in the book corner.

Manual labor

"Space rockets" - crafts from waste material


Making snowdrops from napkins and felt.

Layout of the spring meadow "Spring lawn" - papier-mâché technique.

"Fresh bird" - making birds from fabric.

Duty roster

By the dining room

in the corner of nature

by occupation.

Self service

Teach kids how to tuck shirts and t-shirts; educate the desire to take care of their appearance

Teach kids how to tuck shirts and t-shirts; educate the desire to take care of their appearance

Teach kids how to tuck shirts and t-shirts; educate the desire to take care of their appearance

Working with parents

Making crafts for Cosmonautics Day from waste material

Making crafts on the theme of the week from paper and waste material

Making a Birdhouse

Conversations with children:“What can grow from seeds?”, “Why do you need to wash toys?”, “Indoor plants - What are they?”, “Migratory birds”, “Plants in spring”, “Book repair”.

Diagnostic material to identify labor skills and abilities.




1. The ability to accept the purpose of work

The child is invited to work hard - water the plants, loosen them, remove dust from them:

The child accepts the goal of labor, willingly accepts the offer of the educator;

The child agrees to the offer of the educator, but he needs additional motivation (“Help me”);

The child does not accept the goal of labor outside game situation(“Dunno doesn’t know how to take care of plants. Do you want to teach him?”).

2. The ability to highlight the subject of labor

The child is invited to select two plants from a corner of nature that need watering, loosening, dusting, and explain why he chose these plants:

Independent in determining the object of labor, isolates its features (signal signs of a living object: the earth is dry, dust on the leaves, etc.);

The subject of labor and its features that are significant for labor are singled out with the help of an educator;

Does not single out the object of labor with its features (even with the help of an adult).

3. The ability to foresee the result of labor

The child must answer what the plants will be like after he provides care:

The child foresees the result of labor (flowers will grow well after watering, loosening);

The result of labor is determined with the help of an adult;

Does not cope with the task even with the help of an adult.

4. Ability to plan the work process

The child is invited to talk about the sequence of labor actions and explain the need for such a sequence. In case of difficulty, give the child a set of pictures depicting labor actions to remove dust from plants and offer to arrange them sequentially:

The child independently tells, explains the sequence of labor actions;

Arranges the pictures in the correct sequence and explains;

Cannot plan the sequence of labor actions.

select the necessary equipment

Invite the child to select the equipment necessary for work. Put him in a situation of choice: along with the necessary tools and equipment, put those that are unnecessary for this labor process (for example, a net for transplanting fish, etc.):

Independently selects the necessary equipment;

With a little help from an adult chooses necessary tools;

Can't complete tasks.

6. Mastering labor skills and abilities

The child is invited to show how he will take care of the plants: water the plants correctly, loosen the soil, remove dust from different plants:

All labor actions are performed quite qualitatively and independently;

Individual labor operations are carried out quite independently, but of poor quality;

The quality of the performance of labor actions and the quality of the result are low.

Evaluation of results

N - LOW - the effectiveness of labor activity is low, instructions are required, direct assistance from an adult in the performance of labor activities.

C - AVERAGE - the work of the child is effective with a little help from adults; The child has a desire for independence.

B - HIGH - the child is completely independent in the work of caring for plants. Labor is productive.




1. Skills and abilities with the participation of the child in collective work according to the type of general (the content of the tasks is the same)

A subgroup of children is invited to wash plant saucers. Everyone washes 1-2 saucers. Conclusion: all saucers are clean. When completing the task, the teacher pays attention to how the children distributed the objects of labor among themselves, selected the necessary equipment, perform the labor action, and evaluate the quality of the labor actions performed.

2. Skills and abilities with the participation of the child in collective work (the content of the tasks is different)

A subset of children are told that the paint cans are dirty. What to do?

Collective labor assumes that each child performs a certain labor action (one washes, another rinses, the third wipes, puts on a tray, etc.). Distribute responsibilities, agree among themselves, the children themselves. When completing the task, the educator draws attention to the ability to set the collective goal of labor, distribute work between participants, distribute labor equipment for each participant in joint work, organize workplace, work at a common pace, etc.

Evaluation of results:

LOW - the child willingly accepts and is included in labor activity, but labor actions are hasty, of poor quality. In collective work, he prefers "work side by side".

AVERAGE - the child willingly accepts and joins in labor activity, shows diligence in performance of labor actions. Willingly joins in the collective forms of labor activity, but plays the role of an assistant.

HIGH - the child likes to work. All actions are performed skillfully, efficiently. Acts as an organizer in collective forms of children's labor activity; distributes work benevolently, interacts with other children.


manual skill

The child is invited to make a snowflake. The child must choose the paper the right quality, colors, sizes and the necessary tools (scissors, pencil) and make it according to one of the variable samples.

The teacher lays out in front of the child on the table 3 options for making snowflakes and their corresponding step-by-step cards, clearly representing the method of making snowflakes.

When completing the task, attention is drawn to the presence of general labor and special skills, the formation of generalized design methods, the development of combinatorial skills, the reproductive or creative nature of the activity.

2. Ability to realize the idea

The educator reveals to what extent the child can accept the purpose of the activity, choose material and tools, organize the workplace, use step-by-step cards, master self-control actions, and the ability to independently achieve results.

Evaluation of results:

LOW - helplessness in all components of the labor process; refusal to work, low independence, the need for direct adult assistance; the result of low quality work.

MEDIUM - high independence in reproductive activities. the quality of the result is high, but without elements of novelty or close transfer, insufficient combinatorial skills and independence for the implementation of a creative idea (advice, guidance, inclusion of an adult in the labor process are required); The idea was partially realized.

HIGH - developed combinatorial skills. The use of operational maps, a generalized design method; complete independence; result High Quality, original or with elements of novelty.


Children are monitored during the process of duty in the dining room, play area, nature corner. To do this, two people are assigned to each type of duty. There is a change of types of duty every two days, and together with the children the quality of work is assessed, i.e. self-esteem is formed.

Duty on


whether the children want to be on duty, and whether their desire is reflected in the actual work process;

What are their motives, the nature of their behavior in the process of duty: do they evade duty;

Is it good to be on duty only under the control of the educator, children;

Do they work well during duty as assigned by the educator;

Whether they are on duty well, whether they do work off duty, whether they help others.

Working in the play area

Working in a corner of nature

Group A (low level) - children are on duty carelessly, willingly transfer their duties to others, refuse to be on duty, forget about it, do not finish the job, believe that order is the work of the assistant teacher, other children.

Group B (below average) - attitude to duty is unstable, the quality of work depends on mood.

Group B (intermediate level) - perform their duties well, actively, do not forget about them, but do not help others, strive to get the approval of adults without fail.

Group G (above average) - children are willing, they are on duty well, they themselves remember their duties. If they are not on duty this moment, then they still pay attention to the disorder in the group and eliminate it, ask them to appoint them on duty.

Group D (high level) - children constantly strive to participate in collective activities, work well, help comrades in various activities.


1. Veraksa N.E. From birth to school. Exemplary general education program preschool education. Ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - M.: MOSAIC SYNTHESIS, 2014. - 368 p.

2. Kozlova S.A., Kulikova T.A. Preschool Pedagogy textbook for students. avg. textbook institutions 10th ed., corrected. and additional Kulikov. - M.: Ed. center "Academy", 2009. - 416 p.

3. Koshelev V.M. Artistic and manual labor in kindergarten. A book for kindergarten teachers and parents. - M.: Enlightenment, 2004.

4. Kutsakova L.V. Moral labor education of a preschool child. Vlados Humanitarian Publishing Center, 2003

5. Komarova T.S. , Kutsakova L.V., Pavlova L.Yu. Labor education in kindergarten. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005.

6. Kutsakova L.V. Design and art work in kindergarten. - M .: TC "Sphere", 2004.

7. Kutsakova L.V. Labor education in kindergarten. For classes with children 3-7 years old. GEF - M.: Mosaic - Sintez, 2014.

8. Makhaneva M.D., Skvortsova O.V. We teach children to work. - M .: TC "Sphere", 2012.

9. Savchenko V.I. Methodical model of labor education of children in preschool educational institutions / V.I. Savchenko // Preschool Pedagogy. – 2010.- №8. - P.6 - 11.

Labor education is one of the most important aspects of the upbringing of the younger generation. In kindergarten, labor education consists in familiarizing children with the work of adults, in introducing children to work activities available to them. In the process of getting acquainted with the work of adults, the educator forms in children a positive attitude towards their work, a careful attitude to its results, and the desire to provide adults with all possible assistance. Including children in labor activity, the educator forms labor skills, cultivates the habit of labor effort, responsibility, care, thrift, diligence, willingness to participate in labor without avoiding unpleasant work, and forms positive relationships between children.
When organizing labor, the educator is guided by the "Kindergarten Education Program", which determines the content of the labor activity of children in each age group.
The main types of labor in kindergarten are household labor, labor in nature, manual labor, and the forms of its organization are assignments, duties and collective labor children.
Instructions are widely used in all age groups of kindergarten, but in junior groups they are the leading form of child labor organization. Educators should know why work with children in labor education should begin with individual assignments that the child performs together with the teacher, and only much later move on to other forms. By virtue of psychological features children of younger groups are still not independent enough in their actions, they are prone to imitation, they cannot coordinate their actions with the actions of their comrades and work at the pace necessary for the team, they are often distracted, do not finish the work they have begun. At this age, children are little interested in the result, they are attracted by the process of action itself (they do not yet possess the necessary skills and abilities to achieve the result). Therefore, only in the second younger group from the second half of the year, when the children already have some work experience, educators use group assignments. The main form of association in the work of children of this age is work "nearby", when each child works independently and is responsible for his work to the educator; at the same time, the child exercises the skills and abilities necessary for teamwork.
At the end of the year, shifts are introduced in the second junior group - systematic work that requires a certain level of independence. (Different types of duty are most widely used in the senior and preparatory groups.)
The most complex form of organizing the work of children is collective work. It is widely used in the senior and preparatory groups of the kindergarten, when skills become more stable, and the results of labor are of practical and social significance. Children already have sufficient experience of participating in different types of duty, in performing various assignments. Increased opportunities allow the teacher to solve more complex tasks of labor education: he teaches children to agree on the upcoming work, work at the right pace, complete the task in certain period. In the older group, the teacher uses such a form of uniting children as common work, when children receive a common task for all and when a general result is summed up at the end of the work.
In the preparatory group, it is of particular importance joint work when children are dependent on each other in the process of work. Joint work gives the teacher the opportunity to educate positive forms of communication between children: the ability to politely address each other with a request, agree on joint actions, and help each other.
Properly organized and feasible work unites children, promotes the education of mutual assistance, discipline, the ability to distribute forces and overcome difficulties, promotes the education of independence, initiative, the desire to do a good job, the habit of cooperation. Reasonably directed feasible work contributes to the physical development of children, the growth of overall performance and endurance of the body, accuracy and coordination of movements. In the process of labor, children acquire the necessary skills, including the skills of caring for plants and animals, master the simplest actions with objects (pencil, hammer), learn about materials and their properties. Children develop an interest in work, a desire to work, a correct idea that work brings joy. On this basis, the concept of the obligation of everyone to work for the benefit of the people will subsequently be formed.
The head of the kindergarten must constantly explain to the technical staff, parents, what huge role labor plays a role in the upbringing of preschool children, how important it is to create by joint efforts all the necessary conditions under which labor would actually become a means of moral education of children.
The head of the kindergarten is responsible for the equipment of all labor processes. Materials, tools for child labor must, firstly, strictly comply with hygienic requirements and rules for protecting the life and health of children. It is strictly forbidden to give children to work anything that could create the slightest risk of injury or adverse effect on their health and physical development. Secondly, the materials that children use in their work activities must be malleable and easy to process, and the tools are convenient and adapted to the capabilities of children.
The manager must know how educators teach children to work, how they organize work, what requirements they impose on children, how they educate their pets in the process of work. All this is necessary in order to help the teacher in time and prevent errors in his work.
When studying the work of educators in the labor education of children, it is necessary to use different methods: observation pedagogical process, planning analysis, conversations with children and adults.
When observing the labor of children in each age group, it is important to establish whether the conditions for labor activity have been created; are there tools and materials for all types of labor appropriate for the age of children; whether inventory and materials are rationally stored, can children use them independently, and also pay attention to the content of children's work, to the system of including them in work, its duration and volume, forms of combining children in work, to methods and techniques of raising children, to gradual complication of tasks and increased requirements for the independence of children.
During school year control over the implementation of the program should be carried out in all groups. Observations should cover all types of child labor and all forms of organization of children. Yes, watching educational process when self-service, in the younger group, it should be clarified what initial labor duties are introduced for children, how they are assimilated by babies; in the middle group, attention should be paid to consolidating these skills, to accelerating the pace of self-service; in older groups - to check the independence of children in the process of self-service. Observing how household work is organized, in the older groups one should look at whether complications have been introduced into the content of labor, whether children are able to distribute responsibilities, what is the effectiveness of child labor; and in the younger groups - to pay attention to the availability of labor, to the methods and techniques that encourage children to work, to the behavior of children in the future, their interest in labor activity. Observing the work of children in nature, it is important to establish its correspondence with the age of the children, local conditions, and seasons.
The organization of manual labor also requires serious attention. Observations will help to find out whether all varieties of this work are used by educators; what types of labor have firmly entered the lives of children, which ones are just being introduced; what skills the children are learning or have mastered.
Observing the work of the attendants in the second junior group, one should pay attention to the ability of children to act with the help of adults, to the desire to get involved in work on their own, without the help of others; in the middle group - on the ability of children to start on duty without reminders, to work in a certain sequence, not to be distracted, to bring the work started to the end; in the senior and preparatory groups - on the ability to independently distribute duties, consistently perform all the necessary actions, observe all hygiene rules at work (wash hands before duty, take a cup only by the handle, etc.).
When monitoring work on labor education, attention should be paid to establishing continuity between groups, as well as the unity of requirements among educators and other personnel.
In the course of observations and in the process of analysis, the head reminds of the need to pay constant attention to the formation of children's labor skills, the education of children's attitude to the performance of their duties; discuss the results of everyday child labor, evaluate it, otherwise children lose interest in work. Interest in work disappears even if for everything that children do, they are only praised: “Well done!” Carelessness unnoticed by the educator, lack of diligence, undeserved praise reduce the pedagogical impact of labor. When analyzing the work of the educator, these points should also be paid attention to.
When studying the work of educators in the labor education of children, it is important to use different methods: observation of the pedagogical process, analysis of planning, conversations with children and adults.

"Kindergarten. Book for managers", ed. L.P. Tarasova. M., 1982

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Types and forms of labor organization in kindergarten

Raising the next generation in a spirit of respect and love for labor is one of the main tasks of a preschool institution.

Diverse types of work differ in their pedagogical abilities. If self-service has a greater educational value in younger groups, it teaches children to be independent, to overcome difficulties, then in the middle and older groups, household chores become of particular importance as socially significant, aimed at building awareness of work for the common good, and in the senior and preparatory groups, the main role is already beginning to be played by manual labor and labor in nature; they contribute formation began collective relationships, the ability to work together, amicably, overcome obstacles, plan and anticipate the stages of consistent implementation.

Self-service is the main type labor of a small child. Assessing the educational value of self-service, it should be noted its vital need to meet everyday personal needs for washing, dressing, undressing. Daily performance of elementary labor tasks teaches children to systematically labor. It is through self-service that the child first establishes certain relationships with people around him, realizes his duties towards them, therefore work self-service supplements, to a certain extent, the internal culture of the child.

The main technique formation methodical skills is to show the performance of each elementary action and their sequence.

Familiarizing children with the way to perform a new action always requires a detailed demonstration and detailed explanation of each movement and their sequence. Detailed showing and explanation of how to perform labor self-service tasks, combined with the direct participation of children in work, will teach them to follow exactly the necessary course of action, i.e., diligence.

It is very important when teaching the methods of dressing, undressing, washing, cleaning toys and materials to keep the same method, the same sequence unchanged - this will ensure speed. skill formation. There is no need to be afraid to show and explain to children again and again what and how to do. As formation skills, the educator uses the methods of detailed verbal explanation and general reminders: "Tie the scarf well, as I taught you" etc. Such a general reminder activates the thought of children, encourages them to remember the way to perform the action, their sequence.

Those educators who constantly monitor that in the process of self-service children show attention, care, and help do the right thing. It happens sometimes So: the child knows how to dress quickly and well, but does not want to help anyone with this. It is important to ensure that from the very early age children in kindergarten worked not only to meet their personal needs, but also willingly helped each other.

Proper upbringing of children in the process of self-service is unthinkable if educators are not interested in the results of their work. Grade labor activities at younger preschoolers It is carried out mainly in the form of encouragement, and in the older preschool age - emphasizing the current achievements of the child and what the child is still doing poorly.

Household - household work- this is the maintenance and restoration of order in the group room, the premises adjacent to it, on the site and at home, participation in organization of labor processes, preparation for classes, walks.

Children of primary preschool age clean toys, books, help the teacher take toys to the site, wipe the leaves of plants, lay out the material for classes on the tables, and clean them up after class. When preparing for a meal, children lay out spoons, arrange bread bins, plates, glasses with napkins, help the nanny hang up clean towels. They take part in clearing the paths from the snow.

Children of the fifth year of life wash toys, plants, wash and hang doll linen, are on duty in the dining room, classes, wipe dust from high chairs, help the teacher take the toys to the site and bring them back, etc.

Senior preschoolers maintain order at site: sweep paths, etc.; V warm time years wipe the dust from the play buildings, tables and benches, water and dig up the sand in the sand yard; in winter they clear the paths from snow; on duty in the corner of nature, clean game room, wipe furniture, etc.

As you can see, there is a gradual increase in processes labor, volume expansion labor actions. For formation children's ideas about household labor adult caregiver organizes special observations, draws the attention of the kids to what the nanny is doing (washes the dishes cleanly, puts things in order in the group, how to wash doll clothes, put things in order in the toy household. It is very important to create a calm and businesslike atmosphere, not to rush the child with completing the task, not to do for him what he can do himself.Introducing children to labor, it is important that he sees both the purpose of the action and the result of the work. This is facilitated by the demonstration and explanations of an adult. If an adult is constant in the content of requirements, children will learn necessary action, will learn their sequence, they will develop the habit of acting in a certain way when working.

Children's the garden has opportunities for early involvement of children in labor in nature. Children of primary preschool age are taught to perform the simplest assignments adults: with the help of a teacher, water indoor plants, sow large flower seeds, plant onions, water plants in the garden.

In the middle group, children perform labor errands on their own, taking care of the plants and animals: in a corner of nature, plants are watered, large dense leaves are rubbed, the earth is loosened; on the site, together with adults, they grow vegetables and flowers.

Older preschoolers need to be taught to work in all seasons. In autumn, children can harvest vegetables on their site, collect seeds, dig up plant bulbs, rake fallen leaves, take part in transplanting plants from the ground into a corner of nature, etc. In winter, remove snow from paths, feed wintering birds. In the spring, loosen the ground, make beds and flower beds, sow large and small seeds, take care of plants in the garden, in the flower garden. In summer - loosen the ground, water, thin out, weed, tie plants.

How to create in children a stable positive attitude towards everyday, monotonous, but much-needed work? One of the conditions for the effectiveness of any work is the correct Labour Organization. A. S. Makarenko said that only with good organizations the child experiences joy labor. Joint work of a child and an adult. The child will feel the benefit labor only then when it actively goes through all labor processes and will eventually reach exact result, for example, will grow flowers from seeds and will again receive seeds from flowers growing on a flower bed.

most acceptable forms to solve educational problems consider organization of work in the form various kinds instructions: individual and group. They enable the child to perform a specific task and allow him to obtain certain labor skills and abilities, and the educator to monitor the correctness of the work, the child's attitude to obtaining the result. Orders can be long-term, systematic, short-term or episodic.

Duty - more complex compared to assignments form of organization of work of children. They demand more independence from children. Involving the child in the execution of the assignment, the educator could split the process of any case into a series of sequential tasks. The attendants learn to complete the assigned work in full, the educator gives the task in a generalized way. form: "Set the table", "Fields of the Plant". This requires children to know the sequence of work, ideas about its full scope, about the requirements for the result.

Introducing shifts, the teacher finds out how much the children know the sequence of work, the place of storage of manuals and materials. It is very important for the educator to consider the content labor on duty so that he does not wear formal, but was specific, necessary for the team. Children are regularly on duty in the dining room, in preparation for classes, in a corner of nature.

At organizations On duty, the educator has to pay attention to one more issue - the combination of the work of the duty officers with the self-service of children. What part of the work in preparation for classes should be done by the attendants, and what should each child prepare himself? Or after a meal, should the attendants clean up everything, or does everyone clean up after themselves?

From the senior group, another type of duty is introduced - in the corner of nature. The work of those on duty in a corner of nature will be successful only if the teacher constantly educates children in an interest in a corner of nature. Then its inhabitants become the subject of constant observation and caring attitude towards them.

In the preparatory school group, the teacher goes to organization of the general work of duty officers, i.e. pairing children for teamwork. Working together, they serve the entire group. With such work, the attendants are put in new conditions: to coordinate their work with the work of a friend, to be responsible together for the result, to fairly distribute the work among themselves. Often educators put children in pairs according to the principle "skillful" With "inept". But it's not always justified. desired result it will work out only when a capable child has a desire to teach skills to another child, while remaining a good friend, that is, to show goodwill, not to emphasize his inability. In older groups, selective friendly relations of children often appear, the teacher should take this into account and instruct them to be on duty together.

In the senior and preparatory groups for school, systematically general labor activity is organized, which unites all children at once groups: it's cleaning group room, plot, breakdown of a flower garden, decor groups for the holiday, etc. Organizing the collective work of children of the whole group, it is advisable to divide them into several subgroups. Each subgroup is given a common task, for example, one subgroup is washing doll clothes, the second is washing chairs, the third is toys, the fourth is putting things in order in the play corner. The composition of children in subgroups can be constant, but things change. This ensures that every child is included in the work.

Thus, during preschool age, children gradually labor skills and abilities in various labor: self-service, household and manual labor, labor in nature. All these labor skills and abilities purchased in kindergarten, are the basis on which the labor training in primary school schools.