Joint work in kindergarten. Labor education of preschool children in kindergarten

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Communal preschool educational institution (nursery-kindergarten) combined type"Okay"

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No nation can prosper until it realizes that plowing a field is as worthy an occupation as writing a poem. Washington B.

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Labor education is one of the most important aspects of educating the younger generation. In kindergarten, labor education consists of familiarizing children with the work of adults and introducing children to the work activities available to them.

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Formation of a child’s positive attitude towards work The purpose of labor education of a preschooler

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Who is the most important in the world, the kindest, the most glorious? Who is he? What's his name? Well, of course, it's work!

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The tasks of labor education for preschoolers are to familiarize themselves with the labor of adults and to instill respect for it; training in simple labor skills; nurturing interest in work, hard work and independence; education of socially oriented motives for work, skills to work in a team and for a team.

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Means of labor education for preschool children; familiarization with the work of adults; training in labor skills, organization and planning of activities; organization of children's work in a content accessible to them.

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The main types of child labor are self-service, household labor, labor in nature, manual labor.

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Self-care This is the work of a child aimed at serving himself (dressing, undressing, eating, sanitary and hygienic procedures). The task of developing self-care skills is relevant for all age groups.

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1st junior group 1. To develop in children the ability to take care of themselves independently (while undressing, dressing, washing, eating). 2. Continue to teach children under the supervision of an adult, and then wash your hands yourself when they become dirty and before eating, wipe your face and hands dry with a personal towel. 3. Learn to put yourself in order with the help of an adult. 4. To develop the skill of using individual objects (handkerchief, napkin, towel, comb, pot). 5. Encourage children to be independent when eating, teach them to hold a spoon right hand. 6. Teach children how to dress and undress. 7. Learn to take off clothes and shoes (unfasten front buttons, Velcro fasteners) with a little help from an adult. 8. Teach in in a certain order fold clothes neatly.

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2nd junior group 1. Continue teaching children to dress and undress independently in a certain sequence (putting on and taking off clothes, unbuttoning and fastening buttons, folding, hanging clothes, etc.). 2. Cultivate neatness, the ability to notice disorder in clothing and eliminate it with a little help from adults. 3. Continue to teach how to use soap correctly, carefully wash your hands, face, ears; Wipe yourself dry after washing, hang the towel back, use a comb and a handkerchief. 4. Learn to use tablespoons, teaspoons, forks, and napkins correctly.

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Middle group 1. Improve the ability to dress and undress independently; teach children to neatly fold and hang clothes with the help of an adult, put them in order - clean them, dry them. 2. Cultivate the desire to always be neat and tidy. 3. Cultivate the habit of washing yourself, washing your hands before eating, when dirty, and after using the toilet. 4. Strengthen the ability to use a comb and handkerchief. 5. When coughing and sneezing, teach people to turn away and cover their nose and mouth with a tissue. 6. Continue to teach how to use cutlery correctly - spoon, fork, knife). 7. Learn to rinse your mouth after eating.

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Senior group 1. Form the habit of brushing your teeth and washing your face every day, and washing your hands as necessary. 2. Strengthen the ability to dress and undress independently, carefully put clothes in a closet, dry wet things in a timely manner, care for shoes (wash, wipe, clean, put away). 3. Learn to notice and independently eliminate disorder in your appearance. 4. Form the habit of taking care of personal belongings. 5. Develop a desire to help each other. 6. Accustom yourself to brush your teeth and keep your nails clean. 7. Maintain order in your closet, put clothes in certain places. 8. Learn to make your bed neatly.

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Household work This is maintaining cleanliness and order in the room (group, dressing room, washroom and bedroom) and on the site, helping adults in organizing routine processes.

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1st junior group Teach children to maintain order in game room, at the end of the games, arrange game material in places. Involve children in performing simple tasks labor actions. Together with an adult and under his supervision, place bread bins (without bread) and napkin holders on the table before eating.

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2nd junior group 1. Encourage children to independently carry out basic tasks - prepare materials for classes (brushes, modeling boards, etc.); after playing, put away toys, construction material 2. To teach to maintain order and cleanliness in the premises and area of ​​the kindergarten 3. To encourage to provide assistance to adults, to cultivate a caring attitude towards the results of their work. 4. In the second half of the year, begin to develop in children the skills necessary for serving in the dining room: helping to set the table for dinner (laying out spoons and forks, arranging bread bins, plates, cups, etc.).

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Middle group Teach children to maintain order in the group and in the kindergarten area: put away building materials, help the teacher, glue books and boxes. 2. Teach children to independently perform the duties of a canteen attendant: carefully arrange bread bins, lay out cutlery (spoons, forks, knives).

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Senior group Teach children to help adults maintain order in the group: wipe toys and teaching aids, wash toys and building materials, repair books, toys Develop the ability to clean up the kindergarten area: sweep and clear paths of debris, snow in winter, water the sand in the sandbox Teach children to independently and conscientiously perform the duties of the dining room attendants, set the table, clear the dishes after meals Learn to independently lay out materials for classes prepared by the teacher, put them away, wash brushes, paint sockets, palettes, wipe tables

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I can put all the toys in their places myself, but it’s much more interesting to put them away with Sonya together.

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Work in nature Varied work in nature brings children a lot of joy and contributes to their all-round development. In the process of work, a love for nature and a careful attitude towards it are cultivated. Children develop an interest in work activity and a conscious, responsible attitude towards it. In a team, children learn to work together and help each other.

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1st junior group Kids help the teacher care for animals and plants in a corner of nature and on the site. They should be involved in joint watering of indoor plants. He teaches children how to properly water plants and wipe the strong, leathery leaves with a damp cloth. Children plant bulbs and large seeds in the ground prepared by the teacher (in boxes, cups, soil), and water the plantings. Children should also be involved in harvesting vegetables: pulling out radishes, carrots, turnips. Together with the teacher, the kids feed the fish and birds in a corner of nature. The food and its dosage are determined by the teacher. Children carry out individual assignments, which include 1-2 labor operations (take ready-made bird food and put it in a feeder, water the plant with prepared water, etc.).

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In the 2nd - younger group 1. It is possible to organize the work of the entire group of children. For example, planting onions, large flower seeds, harvesting. This work will be organized as work nearby. 2. Each child acts at his own pace, without experiencing any dependence on others, which is very important when children are just mastering skills. And at the same time, they develop an interest in working together. 3. Work in subgroups is possible. Two subgroups can work at the same time, but each performs the same labor operation: wiping plants, planting peas in a garden bed, or watering a flowerbed. This feature of the organization of work is associated, firstly, with the great imitation of children, and secondly, with the fact that it is easier for the teacher to teach them. 4. Training in new work actions, as a rule, is carried out in the classroom.

Well-structured work is a source of inspiration and practical knowledge, the most valuable elixir of a full-blooded life, the right way find the way to yourself and realize yourself in life. In the process of such work, interacting with adults and peers, the baby gets to know himself and the world, comprehensively develops his own personality. Each child will be happy to demonstrate the harvest they have grown with their own hands and will tell their loved ones with admiration what they did in the garden or in a corner of nature. Labor is the basis of human life, and therefore is one of the main elements of educational work.

Why is work activity needed in kindergarten?

Labor education of preschool children is one of the leading components of the development of a child’s strong-willed, intellectual and creative abilities, effective technique formation of culture social relations. Reasonably organized work develops physical potential, spatial perception of the world, and strengthens the child’s health.

The future now belongs to two types of people: the man of thought and the man of work. In essence, both of them form one whole, for to think means to work.

Victor Hugo

The strategic goal of labor education is the formation of a positive attitude towards work. This goal can be achieved in two ways:

  1. To form an understanding of the value and social significance of work.
  2. Develop and improve basic labor skills, cultivating hard work, organization and responsibility.

The motives for child labor can be different:

  • praise and high appreciation of children's efforts from adults;
  • self-affirmation among peers;
  • the desire to help adults and comrades, to bring real benefit;
  • internal interest in mastering new skills, the desire to feel like an adult and independent.

Features of labor education for different age groups

Labor education of children begins with two years of age, when the formation and development of basic self-care skills comes to the fore, and lasts up to seven years. In general, labor education is focused on a variety of tasks that are implemented differently in certain types of activities.

Contents of labor education for children of younger groups

When working with children, it is necessary to develop their basic self-care skills

Children in younger groups are already involved in work activities that are acceptable to them:

  • Self-care at this age focuses on the following tasks:
    • develop basic self-care skills (while undressing, dressing, washing hands, eating, keeping your desk in order);
    • cultivate neatness, attentiveness and independence while eating (use cutlery, napkin);
    • stimulate the internal need for cleanliness and tidiness (wash your hands with soap, wash your face, wipe your face with a towel, use a comb, notice disorder in clothes and try to eliminate it with the help of adults);
    • maintain a positive emotional mood in children;
    • enrich and activate the dictionary by replenishing it with new names of clothing items.
  • Household work - development of basic skills:
    • neatly stack toys;
    • help set the table;
    • rake dry leaves on the playground;
    • remove snow from steps and paths with shovels.
  • Work in nature - developing the skills of a caring and responsible attitude towards animals and plants (children work together with adults):
    • assistance in collecting ripe fruits and seeds;
    • caring for wintering birds;
    • caring for indoor plants;
    • sowing seeds.

Video: “Washing our hands” (hygiene lesson in the younger group)

Video: “Masha and the Sweet Kingdom” (lesson on oral hygiene, second junior group)

Video: subject support for work activities in kindergarten Video can’t be loaded: Labor activity in kindergarten, group No. 8 (

Peculiarities of occupational activities for hearing-impaired and deaf children

Features of the development of hearing-impaired children entering the correctional groups kindergarten:

  • poor self-care skills due to excessive care from adults;
  • violations in speech development, as a consequence - a low level of development of subject and play activities.

Algorithm for working with hearing impaired children:

  1. The first stage (2–4 years) is manipulative activity with household objects. For hearing-impaired children, the main channel of perception is visual, therefore the main pedagogical method aimed at developing a stable skill is demonstration - the teacher shows each operation, commenting on his actions. Then the teacher performs joint actions together with the baby, for example, taking the baby’s hands in his own, soaping, rinsing, wiping dry with a towel. This is how the child develops and consolidates an elementary sensorimotor skill. Gradually, the child is given more independence and freedom of action. The teacher controls the process of performing operations and the result, then only the final result.
  2. Second stage (4–7 years) – to household items tools of labor of adults are added, and to pedagogical methods The use of diagram cards and hand-drawn algorithms is added. In the process of work, the child learns to understand and carry out work assignments, coordinate and plan his actions (“first we’ll draw the shape of the part, then we’ll cut it out, first we’ll outline it, then we’ll sew it on”), learns the meaning of new words and terms, and develops communication skills.

Diagnostics of the results of labor activity in kindergarten

The study of the level of labor activity is carried out by the teacher at the beginning and at the end school year. Evaluation criteria (norms):

  1. Two to three years:
    • Performs basic self-care operations independently (gets dressed, puts on shoes, handles snaps, Velcro, buttons and laces with the help of an adult).
    • Tries to fulfill the demands of the adults around him.
    • Responds to requests for help and actively gets involved in the work.
    • Performs basic labor operations with the help of adults.
    • Distinguishes and names labor actions performed by a close adult environment (mom washes dishes, washes clothes, cleans the room, irons wet clothes, etc.).
    • Knows what parents and other family members do (mom works at school, dad works at a factory).
  2. Three to four years:
    • Dresses and undresses independently, following a certain logical sequence.
    • Independently stacks toys, arranges cups, plates, etc.
    • Experiences a feeling of emotional satisfaction in the process of completing assignments and important work.
    • Has knowledge about different professions (firefighter, driver, teacher, doctor, tailor, etc.).
  3. Four to five years:
    • Carefully folds and puts away clothes.
    • Shows diligence while performing the duties of a canteen attendant and preparing work stations for classes.
    • Developed strong-willed qualities allow you to finish the job you start.
    • Not only has information about different professions, but also uses his knowledge in the process of role-playing games.
  4. Five to six years:
    • Knows how to take care of clothes and shoes and keep things in order.
    • Regularly brushes teeth, washes hands, and washes face.
    • Performs plant care operations in a corner of nature.
    • Maintains cleanliness and order in the group room and area.
    • Can evaluate the results of its activities.
    • Familiar with a wide range of professions, including creative and artistic.
    • Appreciates and respects the results of human labor, treats toys and things with care.
  5. Six to seven years:
    • Takes care of a neat appearance independently.
    • Thinks through the sequence of labor operations, selects materials and equipment to complete the assignment or productive activity and games.
    • Consciously and responsibly treats the duties of the duty officer.
    • Creates crafts based on his own ideas.
    • Patiently finishes the work he has begun and happily accepts the results of collective work.
    • Understands the importance of a person’s work activity and treats representatives of different professions with gratitude.

Table: diagnostic protocol

Grading levels:

  • High level - the child copes with assigned tasks independently, without the help of adults.
  • Intermediate level - the child does the work partially independently, with the help of adults.
  • Low level - the child cannot act independently and has difficulty solving assigned tasks even with the help of a teacher.
  • Supporting children's initiative in various activities
  • Promotion and cooperation of children and adults, recognition of the child as a full participant in educational relations
  • Construction educational activities based individual characteristics every child...
  • Full-fledged experience by the child of all stages of childhood, enrichment (amplification) child development
  • Formation cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various activities
  • Age adequacy of preschool education (compliance of conditions, requirements, methods with age and developmental characteristics)
  • The principle of developmental education (systematic and consistent);
  • The principle of novelty (use of the latest information technologies);
  • The principle of integration (interpenetration of program sections and activities into each other, mutual combination of various tasks and educational technologies)

Types of work in preschool educational institutions

  • Self-service- this is the work of a child aimed at servicing himself (dressing, undressing, eating, cleaning the bed, toys, preparing the workplace, sanitary and hygienic

procedures, etc.)

  • Household labor-aimed at serving the team, maintaining cleanliness and order in the premises and area, helping adults in organizing routine moments.
  • Labor in nature- caring for plants, aquarium inhabitants and animals, growing vegetables in the garden and plants in a corner of nature, flower garden, plot.
  • Manual labor-aimed at satisfying the aesthetic needs of a person, developing constructive and Creative skills children

Components of work activity:

Motive- this is a reason that encourages work activity or a moment of interest Target- this is what we should strive for.

Labor actions- this is what is used to achieve the goal and achieve the result Planning- the ability to anticipate upcoming work

Result t is an indicator of completion of work, a factor that helps to cultivate children's interest in work.

Tasks of labor education of children preschool age by groups:

1st junior group- Children begin to be introduced to work. The main type of work at this age is self-service

2nd junior group- Children continue to develop a desire for feasible work.

Middle group- Children actively master various labor skills and techniques of working in nature, household labor and self-service

Senior group- Manual labor is added. Emphasis is placed on the development of all skills and abilities available to children in various types of work. A conscious attitude and interest in work activities and the ability to achieve results are formed.

Preparatory group-Developed skills and abilities are improved.

Approximate grid of joint educational activities

And cultural practices in sensitive moments:

Self-care and basic household work

  • Junior group - Daily
  • Middle group - Daily
  • Senior group - Daily

Work assignments (individually and in subgroups)

  • Junior group - Daily
  • Middle group - Daily
  • Senior group - Daily
  • Preparatory group - Daily

Work assignments (common and joint work)

  • Middle group - -1 time per week
  • Senior group - once every 2 weeks
  • Preparatory group - once every 2 weeks
  • Younger age- Children carry out basic work assignments every day, accustoming them to systematic work, which forms the habit of accuracy and tidiness (the ability to serve themselves, achieving thorough performance of necessary actions, independence)
  • Average age -The complication of educational tasks is expressed in increased requirements for the quality of actions, organized behavior in the process of caring for oneself, for the time spent on this (they follow the sequence of dressing, washing, undressing, which forms in them the need for cleanliness and tidiness, the habit of self-service work .
  • Senior preschool age- Self-care skills are acquired (eat independently and carefully, chew food thoroughly with closed mouth; use a spoon, fork, or napkin without prompting; wash their hands and face independently, rolling up their sleeves without splashing water, using soap, drying themselves with a towel; dress and undress independently in a certain sequence, carefully fold and hang clothes, notice problems in clothing and correct them)

Mastering the components of labor activity in the process of household labor

  • Younger age -
  • Average age -
  • Senior preschool age - Older preschoolers help junior teacher put soap in soap dishes, hang towels. The area is kept in order: paths are swept, flowers are watered. Children are on duty in the corner of nature, cleaning group room(1 time per week). Children in their seventh year of life develop new labor processes; they put things in order in the closet with materials and aids, wipe down the furniture. In children of the seventh year of life, new work processes appear; They put things in order in the closet with materials and aids, and wipe down the furniture.
  • Younger age- With the help of adults, water indoor plants, plant bulbs, and sow large seeds. They take part in harvesting from their garden and feed wintering birds. Show interest in the life of plants and animals.
  • Average age- Children water the plants on their own, with the help of the teacher they learn to determine the moisture needs of plants, to grow vegetables. They help the teachers feed the birds (pour food into the feeders).
  • Senior preschool age- Work becomes systematic, its volume increases. Children spray plants with a spray bottle, sweep away leaves and snow. collect seeds. They work together with adults in the flower garden and vegetable garden (sow seeds, water plants, harvest). They watch with interest the life of plants and animals.
  • Senior group- In the process of work, they become familiar with the various properties of materials, methods of processing them, and combining them into a single whole. Children are involved in the procurement of natural and waste materials (cones, acorns, chestnuts, bark, leaves, straw, walnut shells, spools, matchboxes etc.), making homemade toys for play, independent activity(needle beds, counting material, parts for costumes for theatrical activities etc.), gifts for parents, kindergarten staff, children (bookmarks, souvenirs made from natural materials, etc.), decorations for holidays
  • Preparatory group- carry out simple repairs of toys (books, boxes, paraphernalia) independently. Sew on buttons. Natural material is sorted and prepared for work. Under the guidance of the teacher, small counting materials and study aids are prepared. They make blanks for further artistic activities (preparing papier-mâché, pasting boxes, cutting out elements from plastic bottles etc.).

V.A. Sukhomlinsky


1. Federal State Educational Standard DO.

2. “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, maintenance and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations» San Pin - St. Petersburg: DETSVO-PRESS, 2014.

3. Labor education in kindergarten. System of working with children 3-7 years old / Kutsakova L.V. - M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2012.

4. Familiarization with the objective and social world. System of work in the kindergarten preparatory group / Dybina O.V. - M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2012.

5. Familiarization with the subject and social world. System of work in a kindergarten preparatory group / Dybina O.V. - M.: MOSAIKA-SINTEZ, 2012.

6. Visual activity and artistic work using modern materials in preschool educational institutions /Potapova E.V. - SPb.: PUBLISHING HOUSE “CHILDHOOD-PRESS” LLC, 2012.

7. Labor. How to work according to the “Childhood” program: educational and methodological manual St. Petersburg: PUBLISHING HOUSE “CHILDHOOD-PRESS” LLC, 2012.

8. Thematic teacher councils in preschool educational institutions: preparation and conduct / N.V. Elzhova. - Rostov n/a: Phoenix. - 2012, p. 128-156.

9. Journal “Handbook of Senior Educators” 9 (p. 6-8), 10 (p. 8-21), 12 (p. 5-25) - 2013

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""Labor education of preschool children in preschool educational institutions in the light of the Federal State Educational Standard""

Municipal preschool educational budgetary institution

"Kindergarten No. 4 of a combined type" Volkhov

Prepared by the teacher

first qualification category

Isakova Alena Alexandrovna


On the topic of: “Labor education of preschool children in preschool educational institutions in the light of the Federal State Educational Standard".

Labor education in preschool educational institutions important tool comprehensive development the personality of a preschooler through familiarization with the work of adults, introducing children to available work activities.

Labor activity in preschool educational institutions in the light of Federal State Educational Standards

Formation tasks positive attitudes To various types labor and creativity in preschool children are reflected in the Federal State Educational Standards of Preschool Education in the field of “Social and Communicative Development”.

Clause 3.1 of the Federal State Educational Standard defines the requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program preschool education. To successfully solve the problems provided for by the program for the formation of positive attitudes towards various types of work and creativity in preschool children, the creation of necessary conditions. Only with good organization does a child experience joy from work .

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, labor education is one of the important areas in the work of preschool institutions, the main goal of which is developing a positive attitude towards work through the solution of the following tasks:

  • the formation of positive attitudes towards various types of work and creativity;
  • fostering a value-based attitude towards one’s own work, the work of other people and its results; education of the child’s personality in the aspect of work and creativity.
  • development of creative initiative, the ability to realize oneself independently in various types of work and creativity

Principles for raising children to have a positive attitude towards work

  • Supporting children's initiative in various activities
  • Assistance and cooperation of children and adults, recognition of the child as a full participant in educational relations
  • Building educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child...
  • Full-fledged experience by the child of all stages of childhood, enrichment (amplification) of child development
  • Formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various types of activities
  • Age adequacy of preschool education (compliance of conditions, requirements, methods with age and developmental characteristics)
  • The principle of developmental education (systematic and consistent);
  • The principle of novelty (use of the latest information technologies);
  • The principle of integration (interpenetration of program sections and activities into each other, mutual combination of various tasks and educational technologies )

Types of work in preschool educational institutions

  • Self-service
  • Household labor
  • Labor in nature
  • Manual labor

Tasks of labor education of preschool children by groups

1st junior group

2nd junior group

Children begin to be introduced to work. The main type of work at this age is self-service

Middle group

The formation of a desire for feasible work continues in children.

Senior group

Children actively master various labor skills and techniques of working in nature, household work and self-service.

Preparatory group

Manual labor is added.

Emphasis is placed on the development of all skills and abilities available to children in various types of work. A conscious attitude and interest in work activities and the ability to achieve results are formed.

The formed skills and abilities are improved.

Approximate grid of joint educational activities and cultural practices in special moments

Self-care and basic household work

Junior group


Middle group


Work assignments (individually and in subgroups)


Work assignments (common and joint work)

Senior group







1 time per week

1 time every 2 weeks


1 time every 2 weeks

Self-service - work aimed at satisfying everyday personal needs

Mastering the components of work activity in the process of self-service

Younger age

Average age

Children carry out basic work assignments every day, accustoming them to systematic work, which forms the habit of neatness and neatness (the ability to serve themselves, achieving thorough performance of necessary actions, independence)

Senior preschool age

The complication of educational tasks is expressed in increased requirements for the quality of actions, organized behavior in the process of caring for oneself, for the time spent on this (they follow the sequence of dressing, washing, undressing, which forms in them the need for cleanliness and tidiness, the habit of self-care work.

Self-care skills are acquired (eat independently and carefully, chew food thoroughly with your mouth closed; use a spoon, fork, or napkin without prompting;

wash their hands and face independently, rolling up their sleeves without splashing water, using soap, drying themselves with a towel; dress and undress independently in a certain sequence, carefully fold and hang clothes, notice problems in clothing and correct them)

Household labor aimed at maintaining cleanliness and order in the premises and area, helping adults in organizing routine processes.

Mastering the components of labor activity in the process of household labor

Younger age

Average age

Children put away toys and books, help the teacher take toys and books out to the site. When preparing for food, children perform separate labor tasks.

Senior preschool age

Children wash toys, wash and hang doll clothes, attend the dining room and classes, wipe dust from chairs. They help teachers take toys out to the site and bring them back.

Older preschoolers help the junior teacher put soap in soap dishes and hang towels. The area is kept in order: paths are swept, flowers are watered. Children are on duty in the nature corner and clean the group room (once a week). Children in their seventh year of life develop new labor processes; They put things in order in the closet with materials and aids, and wipe down the furniture.

Labor in nature - in a corner of nature, in a flower garden, in a vegetable garden

Mastering the components of labor activity in the labor process in nature

Younger age

Average age

With the help of adults, they water indoor plants, plant bulbs, and sow large seeds. They take part in harvesting from their garden and feed wintering birds.

Senior preschool age

Show interest in the life of plants and animals.

Children water the plants on their own, with the help of the teacher they learn to determine the moisture needs of plants and grow vegetables.

They help the teachers feed the birds (pour food into the feeders)

Work becomes systematic, its volume increases.

Children spray the plants with a spray bottle and sweep away leaves and snow. collect seeds. They work together with adults in the flower garden and vegetable garden (sow seeds, water plants, harvest).

They watch with interest the life of plants and animals.

Manual labor - develops children’s constructive abilities, useful practical skills and orientation, creates interest in work and readiness to cope with it

Mastering the components of labor activity in the process of manual labor

Senior group

Preparatory group

In the process of work, they become familiar with the various properties of materials, methods of processing them, and combining them into a single whole.

Children are invited to participate in the procurement of natural and waste materials (pine cones, acorns, chestnuts, bark, leaves, straw, walnut shells, coils, matchboxes, etc.), the manufacture of homemade toys for play, independent activities (pin beds, counting material , details for costumes for theatrical activities, etc.), gifts for parents, kindergarten staff, children (bookmarks, souvenirs made from natural materials, etc.), decorations for holidays

They independently carry out simple repairs of toys (books, boxes, paraphernalia).

Sew on buttons.

Natural material is sorted and prepared for work.

Under the guidance of the teacher, small counting materials and study aids are prepared.

They make preparations for further artistic activities (preparing papier-mâché, gluing boxes, cutting out elements from plastic bottles, etc.).

List of literature:

1. Federal State Educational Standard DO.

2. “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations” SanPin – St. Petersburg: DETSVO-PRESS, 2014.

3. Labor education in kindergarten. System of working with children 3-7 years old / Kutsakova L.V. – M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2012.

4. Familiarization with the objective and social world. System of work in the kindergarten preparatory group / Dybina O.V. – M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2012.

5. Familiarization with the subject and social world. System of work in a kindergarten preparatory group / Dybina O.V. – M.: MOSAIKA-SINTEZ, 2012.

6. Visual activity and artistic work using modern materials in preschool educational institutions /Potapova E.V. – SPb.: PUBLISHING HOUSE “CHILDHOOD-PRESS” LLC, 2012.

7. Labor. How to work according to the “Childhood” program: educational and methodological manual St. Petersburg: PUBLISHING HOUSE “CHILDHOOD-PRESS” LLC, 2012.

8. Thematic teacher councils in preschool educational institutions: preparation and conduct / N.V. Elzhova. –

Rostov n/a: Phoenix. – 2012, p. 128-156.

9. Journal “Handbook of Senior Educators” No. 9 (p. 6-8), No. 10 (p. 8-21), No. 12 (p. 5-25) - 2013.

“Give children the joy of work. This joy comes from success, awareness of his skill and the significance of the work he does, and the opportunity to bring joy to others.” V.A. Sukhomlinsky Thank you for your attention!

Labor education of preschool children is associated with the physical and moral development of the child. In the process of completing gradually more complex tasks, children improve their health, they move more and more confidently and accurately.

It is through labor that stability in behavior is formed, independence and discipline are developed.

During the work activity of a preschooler, the children's team unites: the kids learn to work together, provide assistance to a friend, and find joint solutions to achieve the required result. Depending on the purpose and content, they distinguish the following types labor of preschoolers:

  1. self-service;
  2. household;
  3. in nature;
  4. manual.

Each type allows the child to master the world around him, develop thinking, memory, and gain knowledge about the purpose and rules of using materials and tools for work. In addition, familiarizing children with the work of adults broadens the horizons of preschoolers and contributes to the upbringing respectful attitude to the elders.


During the period of early preschool age, the tasks of labor education are the formation of self-care skills in the child, the development of the ability to satisfy own needs. This is due to overcoming some age-related difficulties:

  1. the baby’s fingers are not yet obedient enough;
  2. It is still difficult to remember the sequence of certain actions;
  3. the ability to exert volition is just beginning to form.

Such difficulties can cause denial in the toddler, so the teacher and parents must remain calm, showing patience and kindness. Proper organization This type of work will allow the child to learn to perform the required actions:

  1. undressing and dressing;
  2. washing and caring for teeth;
  3. making the bed after sleep;
  4. preparing the work area;
  5. putting things in order in the play corner.

Self-service skills are strengthened through daily implementation and compliance with uniform requirements. Adults should control the neatness and independence of children, forming in them the habit of neatness and cleanliness. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly name the types of clothing and its parts to preschoolers, and introduce new terms into their vocabulary.

Household labor

This type of activity is aimed at developing a positive attitude towards peers and surrounding adults. By mastering new skills in the process of household activities, preschoolers learn to respect the results of other people’s work. Labor education, with its methods and means, allows a child at each age stage to master certain skills:

  • The youngest preschooler is able to rinse clothes and do wet cleaning for his toys, help set the table, clean up his workplace, sweeping away snow on a bench in the yard.
  • A child of middle preschool age performs the duties of an attendant, independently washes and wrings out rags to care for toys, can wash the clothes of dolls, completely set the table for lunch, wipe the shelves, and sweep the path in the garden.
  • A senior preschooler prepares his workplace for an activity, a game, washes rubber objects with safe soap, capable of washing small items.

By repairing toys or gluing books together, preschoolers learn to help their peers and take care of kids. This type of children’s work is aimed at maintaining order and cleanliness. Adults should use educational means such as praising work done and assessing the quality of help to another person. Then the guys have a desire to live up to them, reach out to each other, and achieve their goals.

Labor in nature

With the help of work in nature, children learn the beauty of their small homeland, develop observation skills and improve their movements. They increase endurance and develop the ability to exert volition. By means of this type, the issue of instilling respect for the environment is resolved.

The work activity of a preschooler becomes more complicated with each stage of growing up. This also applies to the work of children in nature. In the younger group, pupils together with their mentors feed colorful fish in transparent aquariums, help to harvest crops on the site, and feed birds staying for the winter. Children enjoy watering plants in pots and wiping their leaves. They learn from adults new concepts, information about the natural world around them, learn to love pets in living areas, and take care of them.

Children in the older group take under their care plants and animals that require more complex care. Sow seeds with different growing seasons - get used to systematic work. Children are becoming more and more attentive and caring. Preschoolers are trusted to work with a spray gun; they are able to independently loosen the soil to a given depth without damaging the roots of plants. Under the supervision of the teacher, children try to plant seedlings and feed the plants.

In the process of working, preschoolers learn to notice patterns and connections between certain phenomena. Their horizons become broader and their independence increases. Children learn to enjoy the results of their own work and please their parents by talking about their achievements.

Manual labor

Labor education of children of senior preschool age is also aimed at developing the ability to work with different materials. This is achieved through manual labor. Children, under the guidance of adults, make various crafts using:

  1. different types of colored or white paper - cardboard, corrugated or velvet paper, napkins;
  2. natural material - acorns, straw, cones, fruit seeds, bark, corn cobs;
  3. waste material - scraps of fabric, fur, boxes, disposable tableware, coils.

Such work activities of preschoolers are aimed at developing their creativity and imagination, fantasy, and constructive abilities. They expand their horizons by getting to know various materials, their properties. Development is also very important fine motor skills hands in the process of working on small details of a craft. Another aspect is instilling perseverance, neatness, and patience. Through manual labor, a sense of aesthetics is instilled, because the gifts that children give to their parents should look beautiful and neat.

Organization of child labor

The labor education of preschool children in a children's educational institution must be strictly regulated. It is very important, while being carried away by the practical component of this process, not to lose a sense of proportion and carefully monitor compliance with the requirements of sanitary standards and rules for each type of work.

Dosing of activities

Labor education of preschool children must correspond physiological characteristics and psychology of pupils of a certain age.

The duration of work for children 4 years old is 10-15 minutes, children from 6 to 7 years old can exercise physically for 20-30 minutes.

If there is active work, then it is necessary to monitor the condition of each baby - sweating, stopping to rest, redness skin. If such signs appear, the teacher must change the type of activity for the child. When dosing classes, the following are also taken into account:

  1. volume;
  2. complexity;

Hygienic conditions

Paying attention to the means and forms of organizing child labor, first of all you need to remember about hygiene in order to prevent bad influence conditions of activity on the health of children. For example, when gluing books or sewing on buttons, it is necessary that the lesson takes place in a room with lighting that complies with current standards.

It is important for the teacher to control the children’s postures and the regularity of their changes so that postural disorders do not develop. The next point is ensuring the influx fresh air. Before and after each lesson, the room must be ventilated without the presence of children. Useful in good weather perform work outdoors.

Equipment and materials

Each group must be equipped with means and tools of activity. To organize household work you need:

  1. aprons;
  2. trays;
  3. basins;
  4. brushes.

Working in nature, kids use various tools: shovels, watering cans, rakes.

For manual labor you will also need various instruments and materials. Requirements for all equipment - safety, age appropriate for children, ease of use, aesthetic and attractive appearance. Storage corners must be allocated necessary funds separately for each type of labor.

Interaction between family and kindergarten

Education through labor must be systematic, so parental support in this matter is extremely important. The requirements that are heard at home must fully comply with the requirements for a child in kindergarten.

On parent meetings it is necessary to introduce mothers and fathers to the educational program educational institution. The teacher must advise parents or persons replacing them on the means and methods of organizing child labor at home. It must be remembered that kindergarten lays the foundation for successful labor education at school.

It is useful for parents to organize demonstrations of their pupils’ crafts and drawings. Photo exhibitions are great for this, where they clearly show how kids work, and each photo should be accompanied by interesting explanations. The group should be equipped with thematic stands, exhibitions with recommended books and materials on raising children. It would be good if the positive experience of labor education of individual families was popularized.


  1. The importance of work for a child’s development cannot be overestimated. But adults must remember that a preschooler is just learning the basics, he may not succeed at something, he may be afraid of making a mistake and not being able to cope. Therefore, parents and educators must do everything to ensure that work does not bring grief to the baby;
  2. We must give feasible tasks, welcome their completion, encouraging any attempt to cope. Then the child will feel joy and pride at how mature he is and capable of all sorts of good deeds.

The concept of labor activity in relation to a child is quite unique and in most cases does not mean the product of any labor for the purpose of receiving monetary compensation. However, it is children's labor education that allows the child to quickly adapt to the world around him, the social environment and learn independence. We will talk about the forms of organizing such education, its goals and much more in this material.

What is the difference child labour from adult labor

The most important differences between child labor and adult labor are how this work is presented and what tasks it pursues. Thus, the purpose of children's activities is learning and imitation adult life. It’s rare that a child can do a job so well on his own that he doesn’t have to redo it for him later. But he must study and strive to get good results. Child labor is most often presented in game form, encouraging the child to become interested in this game and take part in it. But as the baby grows and matures, some game processes can (and should) develop into responsibilities. For example, cleaning up toys before bed. Unlike adult labor, children's labor has practically no broad social significance, but within a narrow team, for example, in a kindergarten group, it is significant and important.

Types of work activities of preschoolers

Conventionally, we can distinguish several types of work activities of preschoolers:

· Self-service.

· Manual labor.

· Work in nature.

· Household (household) work.

Each of these types of child activity has its own characteristics, but they all closely overlap with each other and are closely interrelated. It is impossible to single out one thing and assign it the title of “most useful”.

1. Self-care refers to a person taking care of himself. This type of work activity is vital for every person, and the sooner the baby begins to master it, the faster he will begin to become independent. So, from early preschool age, a child should be taught to wash himself, wash his hands before eating and after walking, dress and put on shoes. It must be remembered that casual wear The baby's clothing should be simple and comfortable, so that he can put it on without the help of an adult. Older children, middle-aged or preparatory group, you can wear button-down shirts, jeans with suspenders and shoes with laces. You need to know that such activities require patience, perseverance and perseverance. As the child grows, self-care skills are added. For example, a child becomes responsible for cleaning his bed, neatly folding clothes in a closet, and arranging toys after playtime. The child must be explained and shown by example how to behave so as not to hinder the actions of others.

2. Household work helps to instill in a child cleanliness, neatness and careful attitude towards things around him. This type of activity is aimed at maintaining cleanliness in the room; it is necessary when organizing a routine in a kindergarten or at home. Kids can help the garden worker or parents set the table, put away dirty dishes, put toys in order, wipe them from dust, tidy up the personal plot. Preschoolers in the preparatory group in kindergartens are more active in helping to clean their playground outside, washing toys’ clothes, and even keeping a full “watch” for setting the table according to the duty schedule. It is important for adults to motivate the child for this type of activity, to explain that efforts must be made to obtain results. It is important to praise the child and let him understand why he is doing this or that action. For example, after clearing the snow, it became easier to walk along the path, and the tidy room is now clean and cozy.

3. Manual labor is a creative activity in which a wide variety of items can be made for personal or shared use. These can be any toys (slingshots, cars, baskets, etc.) or useful devices (bird feeder) that a child can create from any available materials. Why do you need to make a toy yourself if you can buy it? Many parents ask this question and, without thinking about the answer, choose the simple path, that is, they buy for the baby what they consider necessary for games. In fact, most teachers are inclined to believe that children simply need to be motivated to make up their own games. This is important for several reasons: the child understands that in order to enjoy the game, you must first work hard; more attention is paid to the surrounding world, over time the baby will subconsciously see different subjects the potential area of ​​its application (you can make a man out of an acorn, a boat out of a nut shell, etc.); fantasy develops; the “creative” hemisphere of the brain is actively working; when a child does something himself, he becomes more careful in relation to those products that other people create; The child studies the properties of materials in practice and becomes familiar with the ways of combining them. All these reasons have a positive effect on the moral education of a preschooler and allow him to develop from different sides.

4. Natural work helps the child not only get acquainted with the world that surrounds him, but actively helps develop observation, accuracy and thrift, love for nature, and a reverent attitude towards animals. This type of activity involves the child caring for plants and pets. Thus, in kindergartens, children take an active part in growing flowers in flower beds, caring for indoor plants, and are sometimes involved in “work” in the garden. This “work” is more of an informational nature and is not aimed at obtaining a large harvest. Often, kindergarten groups have “living corners” in which fish in an aquarium, turtles or domestic rodents live. Parents are also encouraged to teach their children how to work with plants. This type of activity is especially important in modern times, as it will teach the child to be distracted from electronic devices and pay attention to nature. child on own experience will be able to make connections between individual phenomena, will be able to observe natural changes. When he grows up to the age of the older group, some aspects of natural labor can be complicated and translated into duties. Parents can remind their child of his worries, but not shift them onto themselves (provided that the baby is interested in this). In this way, children become responsible and obligatory.

Didactic games for labor education.

“Who knows and can do this?”
Target: expand children's understanding of what knowledge and skills
must be possessed by people of different professions.
Rules: The teacher asks the children questions and after the answers shows the corresponding pictures.

Sample questions: Who knows children's poems, tells fairy tales, plays and walks with children? (teacher).
Who plays the piano, knows children's songs, teaches singing, dancing, plays with children music games? (musical director).
Who knows the human body can provide the first medical care, can recognize and treat diseases? (doctor), etc.

"Who's doing what?"
Target: expand and clarify children’s ideas about the work (labor operations) of people of different professions.
Rules: The teacher shows pictures or photographs of people of different professions and asks the question: Who is this? What is he/she doing?

Sample questions: Janitor - sweeps, cleans, waters, rakes...
Musical director - sings, plays, dances, teaches...
Junior teacher (nanny) - washes, cleans, wipes, covers, dresses, reads... etc.

“For a person in what profession is this necessary?”
Target: expand children’s understanding of the items necessary for a person in a certain profession.
Rules: The teacher shows pictures depicting items necessary for a person in a certain profession and asks the question: What profession does this need for a person? Children must give an answer.

Scales, counter, goods, cash register... - to the seller.
Broom, shovel, hose, sand, crowbar, snow blower... - to the janitor.
Washing machine, bath, soap, iron... - to the laundress.
Comb, scissors, hair dryer, shampoo, hairspray, hair clipper... - to the hairdresser, etc.

“Who can name more actions?” (with a ball)
Target: teach children to correlate the actions of people of different professions.
Rules: The teacher names a profession and, in turn, throws the ball to the children, who name what a person in this profession does.

"Continue the sentence"
Target: practice the ability to complete sentences using words and phrases related to a person’s specific profession.
Rules: The teacher asks the children questions:

The cook cleans... (fish, vegetables, dishes...),
The laundress washes...(towels, bed sheets, robes...).
A teacher in the morning with children...(does exercises, has breakfast, conducts classes...)
A janitor in the yard in winter...(shovels snow, clears areas, sprinkles sand on paths...), etc.

“Who can’t do without them?”

Target. To consolidate children's knowledge about materials, tools and equipment needed by people of different professions.

Rules: The teacher names the item, and the children name the profession of the person who needs it.

For example: a syringe, a control panel, scissors, flour, a garden sprayer, a telephone, a milking machine, a stretcher, a plane, a wheelbarrow, a police baton, a drill, an electrical cable, a nail, a roll of wire, a cash register, a postman's bag, a roll of wallpaper, a cash register, a pencil, brush, tray, bell.

“Let’s set the table for the dolls.”
Target. Teach children to set the table, name the items needed for serving. Introduce the rules of etiquette (meeting guests, accepting gifts, inviting people to the table, behavior at the table). To foster humane feelings and friendly relationships.
Progress of the game: The teacher enters the group with an elegant doll. Children examine it and name items of clothing. The teacher says that today is the doll’s birthday, and guests will come to her - her friends. You need to help the doll set the festive table (doll furniture and dishes are used). The teacher plays out the stages of the activity with the children (wash hands, lay out a tablecloth, place a vase of flowers, a napkin, a bread box in the center of the table, prepare cups and saucers for tea or plates, and lay out cutlery nearby - spoons, forks, knives).
Then the episode of meeting the guests is played out, the dolls are seated.
In order to consolidate duty skills, children of older preschool age can be shown object pictures depicting the items listed above and asked to arrange them in order, determining the sequence of table setting.

“What first, what then?”
Target: Clarify children's knowledge about the rules of replanting indoor plants.
Rules: The teacher shows the children pictures depicting the stages of replanting indoor plants and asks them to arrange them in the order in which the actions are performed.
1 Overturn the pot and remove the plant from it.
2 Washing the potty.
3 Laying pebbles at the bottom of the pot.
4 Pour sand into the pot (height 1 cm).
5 Pour some soil into the pot on top of the sand.
6 Shaking off old soil from plant roots with a stick.
7 Cutting off rotten roots.
8 Plant the plant in a pot so that the transition point between the stem and the root is on the surface, and cover it with soil.
9 Compaction of the earth.
10 Installing a pot with a plant on a pallet.
11 Watering the plant at the root.

Particular importance in the process moral education the child has labor. Work develops such personality qualities as responsibility, hard work, discipline, independence and initiative.

Performing certain feasible work duties helps to develop a child’s sense of responsibility, goodwill, and responsiveness. For the formation of all these qualities, the family has the most favorable conditions. Here all affairs and concerns are common. Working together with parents or other family members encourages the child to help each other, to do something for everyone. Thus, he lays the foundations of the moral qualities necessary for life in society.

How to introduce a child to work?

In a family, children constantly see what their parents are doing: cooking, cleaning the apartment, washing clothes, sewing. Observing how adults perform these everyday tasks gradually helps the child understand their importance and the parents’ attitude to work: mom came home from work tired, but has to cook dinner for everyone, dad goes to the store for groceries. It should be remembered that children's observations can be contemplative in nature. So that the example of family members becomes a guide to action for the child, adults can accompany their work with explanations. This usually attracts the attention of children, they ask questions and try to help their parents. Thus, the child is gradually involved in joint work with adults.

It is also necessary for parents to remember the importance of familiarizing the child with their work in production, what they do and what benefits they bring to people; for example, mother is a doctor, she treats the sick; Dad is a teacher, he teaches children.

Through the work of adults, the child will be taught respect for the work of all people. The surrounding reality presents great opportunities for this. When walking with your child, you need to teach him to throw garbage only in the trash can, and also pay attention to how clean the streets are. Your child will be interested to know that a janitor keeps the streets clean. A clean street is the result of his work. The janitor gets up before everyone else and, when the children go to school for kindergarten, he has already finished his work. Buying bread. The bread factory workers worked all night, and the driver managed to bring it to the store, the bread was loaded by loaders, and the sellers put it on shelves in the sales area. Works of fiction, illustrations, and paintings will help expand a child’s understanding of the work of adults.

In the family, the child is involved in daily participation in household work. Children's interest in work increases significantly if its usefulness to others is obvious.

Instructions given to children should be interesting and attractive in the form of execution. If they are based only on orders: “Give!”, “Hold!”, “Bring!”, then this discourages the child from working. Therefore, an adult, say, doing carpentry, not only asks to bring some kind of tool, but also teaches the child how to use it. When entrusting children with this or that task, adults must take into account their age-related capabilities. If the tasks are feasible, the preschooler completes them with interest. In order for children to master the right techniques To perform this or that type of work, so that they are willing to work, it is necessary to have the appropriate equipment at home.

The work of children in the family, organized by adults, brings the child closer together, contributes to the influence of the adult, but also his interests and needs. It is especially valuable if parents are able to promote in the process of work the development in children of a desire for activities that are useful for the family: to do something for younger brother, a gift for mom, friend, etc.

Memo for parents

on labor education of children.

1. You want to see your child strong, resilient and hardened - train him in a variety of physical labor.

2. You want to see him smart and educated - force him to perform all possible difficulties in mental work every day.

3. You want to see him always cheerful and cheerful - do not let him become sour in idleness and plunge into laziness.

4. You want your child to have an unshakable will and courageous character - do not skimp on difficult tasks, force him to strain his strength more often and direct them to achieve the goal.

5. You want your child to be sensitive and responsive, to be a good friend and true friend- create conditions under which he would work daily with others and learn to help people every day.

6. You want your child to be happy man- teach him various activities, make him hardworking.

7. Education is a chain of continuous, increasingly complex exercises in various types of work!

Questionnaire for teachers

Observation of children's household work.

1. Does the child accept the goal of the work, does he willingly accept the teacher’s offer?

2. Do children show independence in identifying objects of labor, identifying its features (signal signs of a living object: the ground is dry, there is dust on the leaves, etc.);

3. Do children choose for themselves? necessary equipment for labor activities?

4. In the process of working, do children distribute responsibilities and negotiate with each other?

5. Do children willingly accept and engage in work activities and show diligence in performing work activities?

6. Are children included in collective forms of labor activity, or do they prefer to play the role of an assistant?

7. Do they have self-control and the ability to independently achieve results?

8. Do children know how to use operation cards during manual labor?

9. Are children happy to carry out instructions from adults and take a responsible approach to fulfilling the duties of duty officers?

10. Do children work well without supervision from the teacher?

11. Do they do work outside of duty, do they help other children?

12. What are their motives, the nature of the children’s behavior during duty?

13. Do children pay attention to disorder in the group and eliminate it?

14. In the process of work, do children show diligence, a desire for good result, treat their peers kindly?

15. Can they objectively evaluate and compare their work results with the results of their peers?

Summary of a lesson on labor education in a corner of nature

"Care for indoor plants."


Development of labor skills in children, instilling responsibility and independence in the process joint work in a corner of nature.

Program content: Bring children to the concept of collective work, to the conclusion about its value, to the realization that work can bring joy and a sense of satisfaction. Teach children to treat plants as living beings, continue to teach practical help and empathy. The ability to properly hold a watering can with water, the skill of carefully wiping strong, leathery leaves, holding the leaf from below with a cloth. Learn to care for indoor plants and maintain curiosity. Strengthen your knowledge of the names of indoor plants.

Material and equipment: oilcloths for tables, sticks for loosening, rags for wiping off dust, brushes for cleaning fuzzy leaves of indoor plants, a spray bottle, watering cans, basins.

Progress of work:

Guys, today in the group, I found a letter from the Fairy of Flowers (the teacher opens the envelope and reads): "Hello guys! I flew to your group to communicate with my friends with flowers. I liked your group. But I'm a little upset about appearance my flower friends. They are all dusty, not watered and not well-groomed. Now I flew to visit my other friends. But I know that you are smart and hardworking and will put things in order in this corner of nature, I will definitely visit you again.” Fairy of Flowers.

Well, guys, let's prove to the Fairy of Flowers that you and I know how to care for indoor plants. But first I want to ask you a riddle:

Purify the air

Create comfort

The windows are green,

They bloom all year round. (Houseplants)

Tell me, what plants are in our group?

What conditions do plants need to live and grow? (water, light, heat, earth, air, food).

How should you care for indoor plants? (Plants need to be watered, loosen the soil. Large leaves need to be sprayed, wiped so that the plant can breathe. Love flowers and care for them properly.

Children approach indoor plants.

How do you think you can find out if these plants need care?

You can touch the soil with your finger; if the soil is wet, it will remain on your finger. This means that this plant should not be watered. And if there is no dust on the leaves, then there is no need to wipe with a cloth.

Guys, I suggest you work hard. But before that, let's distribute the responsibilities: who will do what (watering, spraying, wiping, loosening, collecting dry leaves, cleaning plants from dust). Review and select those plants that need help, determine what kind of care is needed for each plant, put on aprons, take all the necessary equipment to care for your plant.

- There is a main condition in the work:


Teacher: (approaches the first child) tell me how you will complete the task? (Water plants). List the rules for watering indoor plants?

You need to water with settled water at room temperature.

The spout of the watering can should be placed on the edge of the pot.

You need to water when the top layer of soil has dried out.

Why did you decide that these plants need to be watered? (child’s answer.) Continue working. Well done. (Water the plants, wash the pot, wash the trays.

Teacher: (approaches the second child) what are you doing, tell me? (wiping the plants) How did you start? (I laid down an oilcloth, then brought the plant, prepared the necessary materials. Since plants breathe with leaves, stems, and roots. Dust on their leaves interferes with breathing, so large leaves need to be cleaned of dust with a damp cloth. How should you wipe the leaves? (answer) child)

Teacher: (approaches the third child) what do you do? In order for plants to grow better, they need to not only be watered, but also sprayed with water at room temperature. First: place the pot with the plant in a basin. We cover the soil in the pot with oilcloth so that the water does not wash away the soil; you need to spray the plant carefully. Well done, you know your job well. (wiping the pot, washing trays). During labor, soft, calm music plays.

While caring for flowers, the teacher asks the children the name of the houseplant and the features of care.

Did you enjoy working?

Guys, why do we need flowers in the group? (Children's answers).

To make it beautiful in our group. Plants release oxygen and clean the air of dust. Some houseplants can heal.

Plants need sunlight, warmth, and water.

Look how cheerful, beautiful, and clean the indoor plants have become. They breathe easily, they are glad that you took good care of them.

Children put plants back in their places, clean up work areas, and put away equipment and paraphernalia.

Educator: Today, you guys and I remembered what it takes for indoor plants to grow and bloom. Except natural conditions: warmth, light, water and air, plants need our care and love. Plants feel kindness and affection. Plants are drawn to a kind person; they are not afraid of him. Flowers freeze when a soulless person approaches them who does not like to care for indoor plants. For such people, plants grow and bloom poorly and often die. Plants love kind hands, even sweet words. For your efforts and good deeds, I want to present you with medals. And I think that the Fairy of Flowers will really like the results of your work.

Now you can rest and relax. Sit on the carpet, close your eyes, relax.

Everyone can dance

Jump, run, clean,

But not everyone knows how to relax and rest.

We have a game like this, very easy and simple.

We sit and don’t play, but relax quietly.

Movement slows down and tension disappears.

We open our eyes and get up quietly.

Look, all our indoor plants are shining, sparkling and they are very grateful to you. How does this make you feel? (children's answers).

Thank you for your work! Well done everyone! Nice job!


1. Without labor there is no fruit.

2. Will and labor give wonderful results.

3. A little business is better than a lot of idleness.

4. Advice is good, but business is better.

5. If you hurry, you will make people laugh.

6. Don't rush with your tongue - hurry with your actions.

7. Skillful hands don't know boredom.

8. The master's work is afraid.

9. Once you’ve done the job, go for a walk with confidence.

10. The day until the evening is boring - if there is nothing to do.

11. What lies in place, runs into your hands.

12. In business, it is not strength that is needed, but skill.

13. You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

14. A person gets sick from laziness, but gets healthy from work.

15. Where there is hunting and labor, there the fields bloom.

16. A bird is recognized in flight - a person at work.

17. Whoever is first in work - to him glory everywhere.

18. Work for the hands, holiday for the soul.

19. To live without labor is to smoke the sky.

20. He who loves to work cannot sit idle.

21. Time for business, time for fun.

22. Every thing ends well.

23. Done hastily - done for fun.

24. Soap is gray and washes white.

25. Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him

26. He who loves to work cannot sit still

27. Be lazy and lose bread

28. Patience and work will grind everything down

29. People are judged not by words, but by deeds

31. If there was patience, there would be skill

32. He who does not sow in spring will not reap in autumn

Poems and works of art.

Poems about labor


Mom will come home from work tired
Mom has enough worries at home.
I'll take a broom and sweep the floor
I'll chop the wood and put it under the stove.
I'll bring two buckets of fresh water.
Well, now it's time for lessons!
Mom will come home from work today.
Mom will have less trouble .

P. Janet

Fun job

Dad plants a flower for mom.
Mom knits a scarf for grandma.
Grandmother strokes Katya's dresses.
Katya washes Panama hats for her brothers.
The brothers are making a plane for everyone.
Work is going on happily in the house.
And why? This is understandable:
Fun to do.
Pleasant for each other .

B. Belova.

And we will work

The table you're sitting at
The bed you sleep in
Notebook, boots, pair of skis,
Plate, fork, spoon, knife.
And every nail, and every house,
And a loaf of bread -
All this was created by labor,
But it didn’t fall from the sky!
For everything that has been done for us,
We thank the people
The time will come, the hour will come,
And we will work!

V. Livmits


Here lies the loaf
On my desk
Black bread on the table -
There is nothing tastier on earth!
My bread will cry
My rosy loaf
If I get married
If I become a quitter.
But I'm not lazy
I'm agile at work
Smile loaf
Smile, my black bread.

Don't stop me from working

Don't stop me from working
I'll bring some water
From well water
Of course, I will treat everyone.
Drink, drink!
Don't be sorry!
Do you want to pour it into a watering can?
Live your garden
He drinks water too!

The rye is ripening

On the mountain behind the grove
Good bread is ripening
The grains are washed
In the gentle warmth
The spikelets are heavy
Heads bowed
bow gratefully
Mothers to the earth.


Happy tires rustling along the roads
Cars are rushing along the roads.
And in the back there are important, urgent cargo
cement and iron, raisins and watermelons
The work of drivers is difficult and necessary
But how people everywhere need it.


I'll become a doctor like my mother
I'll probably get the phone
Being a doctor is not an easy job
Everyone is coming to me now.

Grain was thrown into the ground

Grain was thrown into the ground
And in the spring it rose
The sun came out
Up it into the sunshine
And the grain is happy about it
And that’s what the grain needs
Give the sprout some water
Give him a sip of rain.

I will help everyone

L. Dyakonov

I have seven sisters.
I will help everyone:
To sow with Pasha,
To reap with Dasha,
Dress up a doll with Lena,
Cook with Nyura,
Sew with Shura,
Turn hay with Vera,
Sing songs with Marusenka,
The smallest one.


G. Ladonshchikov

I'm not used to boasting in vain,

but everyone calls me a craftswoman -

Because I myself am my own doll

I knit, embroider, sew and cut.


B. Zakhoder

Don't let your parents get angry

That the builders will get dirty,

Because the one who builds

He's worth something!

And it doesn't matter what for now

This house is made of sand.


V. Orlov

I learned to embroider

Hens, chicks and cockerels.

And also dresses for dolls

I sewed it from scraps.

Well done,” said my mother, “

You are our dressmaker!


E. Serova

Don't bother us now -

We offer urgent laundry:

Me and mom, just the two of us

We manage the laundry.

Our rule is -

Don't let your laundry rest!

Let's turn this way and that way

and soap and rub.

Clean water in the trough

Need to add more often...

Everything is ready, washed -

So, let's push it!

I hung out the laundry

Kuklino and Mishkino,

Mom hangs mine

and also brother's.

Mishka's shirt -

White as sugar!

The doll's outfit is drying...

I'll dress up my guys!


V. Mayakovsky “Who to be”,

S. Mikhalkov “What do you have?”

J. Rodari “What do crafts smell like?”, “What color are crafts?”

Ponomarev E., Ponomareva T. "History of crafts" (series "I explore the world")

A. Pil "Firemen" (series "Everything about everything")

A. Havukainen, S. Toivonen "Tatu and Patu go to work"

Picture book by R. Scarry "City of Good Deeds"

B. Lapidus "When I grow up, I will become a railway worker"

A. Korzovatykh "When I grow up, I will build houses"

N. Ivolga "When I grow up, I will become a forest chemist"

T. Vinogradova "When I grow up, I will work at Aeroflot"

Children about work.

Konstantin Ushinsky “Children in the Grove”

Anton Paraskevin “Pashkin’s treasure”, “Daria - the golden spindle” ».

E. Permyak “Hasty Knife”, “Golden Nail”.

Boris Shergin “Pick one berry at a time and you’ll get a box”, “Where does bread come from”

Lev Modzalevsky. Invitation to school (preface)

Konstantin Ushinsky. Children in the Grove (story)

Anton Paraskevin. Pashkin's treasure (story)

Spiridon Drozhzhin. The first furrow (poem)

Anton Paraskevin. Daria - the golden spindle (story)

Konstantin Ushinsky. How a shirt grew in a field (story)

Evgeny Permyak. Golden Nail (fairy tale)

Boris Shergin. The carpenter thinks with an ax (story)

Boris Shergin. Pick one berry at a time and you'll get a box (story)

Agniya Barto. Painter (poem)

Valentin Rasputin. Red Day (short story)

Plan of educational work for a month on labor education of children

Labor education in senior group focused on the formation of clear ideas about the role of different types of productive and service labor. Focused on developing independence, initiative, creativity, and cooperation of the child with adults and peers.

Target: instilling in children a value-based attitude towards the work of adults and the desire to be involved in children’s work activities. Create an emotionally positive atmosphere in the group. Develop the ability to work in a team.


Topic: “Cosmonautics Day”

Theme: “Spring is red”

Topic: “Flowers. Houseplants"

Topic: "Birds"

Labor in nature

Garbage collection on site.

Loosening the soil in flower beds.

Spreading snow to melt quickly.

Loosening the soil in flower beds.

Transplanting and cuttings of indoor plants.

Planting flower seeds for seedlings.

Target: Teach children how to properly place grains in the ground; cultivate interest in work

Garbage collection on site.

Loosening the soil in flower beds.

Cleaning the area of ​​dry branches.

Household labor

"Washing building material"

Learn to participate in organized labor large quantity peers; form the habit of cleanliness and order.

"Making the beds"

Learn to cover the bed with a blanket; emphasize on beautiful view such a bed; foster an intolerant attitude towards negligence.

"Taking care of indoor plants"

Learn how to properly care for plants: watering, wiping leaves, spraying with water.

"Washing toys"

Create a work culture;

learn to work rationally, effectively, at a general pace; cultivate hard work and diligence.

Repairing books in the book corner.

Manual labor

“Space rockets” - crafts made from waste material


Making snowdrops from napkins and felt.

Model of a spring meadow “Spring lawn” - papier-mâché technique.

“Stonefly Bird” - making birds from fabric.

Duty roster

Around the dining room

in a corner of nature,

by class.


Teach children to tuck in T-shirts and T-shirts; cultivate a desire to take care of one’s appearance

Teach children to tuck in T-shirts and T-shirts; cultivate a desire to take care of one’s appearance

Teach children to tuck in T-shirts and T-shirts; cultivate a desire to take care of one’s appearance

Working with parents

Making crafts for Cosmonautics Day from waste material

Making crafts based on the theme of the week from paper and waste materials

Making a Birdhouse

Conversations with children:“What can grow from seeds?”, “Why do you need to wash toys?”, “Houseplants - What are they?”, “Migratory birds”, “Plants in spring”, “Repairing books”.

Diagnostic material for identifying labor skills and abilities.




1. The ability to accept the purpose of work

The child is asked to work hard - water the plants, loosen them, remove dust from them:

The child accepts the goal of the work and willingly accepts the teacher’s offer;

The child agrees to the teacher’s proposal, but he needs additional motivation (“Help me”);

The child does not accept the purpose of work outside game situation(“Dunno doesn’t know how to care for plants. Do you want to teach him?”).

2. The ability to highlight the subject of work

The child is asked to select two plants from a corner of nature that need watering, loosening, and cleaning from dust, and explain why he chose these particular plants:

Is independent in determining the subject of labor, identifies its features (signal signs of a living object: the soil is dry, there is dust on the leaves, etc.);

The subject of work and its features that are significant for work are highlighted with the help of the teacher;

Does not highlight the subject of work with its characteristics (even with the help of an adult).

3. The ability to foresee the result of work

The child must answer what the plants will be like after he provides care:

The child foresees the result of labor (flowers will grow well after watering and loosening);

The result of labor is determined with the help of an adult;

Cannot cope with the task even with the help of an adult.

4. Ability to plan the work process

The child is asked to talk about the sequence of work actions and explain the need for such a sequence. If it is difficult, give the child a set of pictures depicting labor actions to remove dust from plants and ask them to arrange them sequentially:

The child independently talks and explains the sequence of work actions;

Arranges pictures in the correct sequence and explains;

Cannot plan the sequence of work actions.

select the necessary equipment

Invite the child to select the equipment necessary for work. Put him in a situation of choice: along with the necessary tools and equipment, put in those that are unnecessary for a given labor process (for example, a net for transplanting fish, etc.):

Independently selects the necessary equipment;

With a little help from an adult, selects the necessary tools;

Cannot complete tasks.

6. Mastering labor skills and abilities

The child is asked to show how he will care for the plants: water the plants correctly, loosen the soil, remove dust from different plants:

Performs all labor actions quite efficiently and independently;

Performs individual labor operations quite independently, but with poor quality;

The quality of work performed and the quality of the result are low.

Evaluation of results

L - LOW - the effectiveness of work activity is low, instructions and direct assistance from an adult in performing work actions are required.

C - MEDIUM - the child’s work is effective with a little help from adults; The child has an expressed desire for independence.

B - HIGH - the child is completely independent in the work of caring for plants. The work is productive.




1. Skills and abilities with the child’s participation in collective work according to the general type (the content of the tasks is the same)

A subgroup of children is asked to wash the plant trays. Each person washes 1-2 trays. Result: all trays are clean. When completing a task, the teacher pays attention to how the children distributed objects of labor among themselves, selected the necessary equipment, performed a labor action, and assessed the quality of the labor actions performed.

2. Skills and abilities with the child’s participation in collective work (the content of the tasks varies)

A subgroup of children are told that paint cans are dirty. What to do?

Collective work assumes that each child performs a certain labor action (one washes, another rinses, the third wipes, puts on a tray, etc.). Children distribute responsibilities and negotiate among themselves. When completing a task, the teacher pays attention to the ability to set a collective goal of work, distribute work between participants, distribute work equipment for each participant in joint work, organize a workplace, work at a common pace, etc.

Evaluation of results:

LOW - the child willingly accepts and gets involved in work activities, but the work activities are hasty and of poor quality. In collective work, he prefers “work nearby.”

MIDDLE - the child willingly accepts and gets involved in work activities, shows diligence in performing work activities. Willingly participates in collective forms of work activity, but performs the role of an assistant.

HIGH - the child likes to work. Performs all actions skillfully and efficiently. Acts as an organizer in collective forms of children's labor activity; distributes work kindly and interacts with other children.


Manual skill

The child is asked to make a snowflake. The child must choose the paper of the desired quality, color, size and the necessary tools (scissors, pencil) and make it according to one of the variable samples.

The teacher lays out on the table in front of the child 3 options for making snowflakes and the corresponding operational cards, which clearly represent the method of making snowflakes.

When performing a task, attention is paid to the presence of general labor and special skills, the formation of generalized methods of design, the development of combinatorial skills, and the reproductive or creative nature of the activity.

2. Ability to implement a plan

The teacher reveals to what extent the child can accept the goal of the activity, choose materials and tools, organize the workplace, use operational cards, master self-control actions, and the ability to independently achieve results.

Evaluation of results:

LOW - helplessness in all components of the labor process; refusal to engage in activities, low independence, need for direct assistance from an adult; the result of low quality work.

MEDIUM - high independence in reproductive activities. the quality of the result is high, but without elements of novelty or close transfer, insufficient combinatorial skills and independence for the implementation of a creative plan (advice, instructions, inclusion of an adult in the work process are required); the plan was partially realized.

HIGH - developed combinatorial skills. The use of operational maps, a generalized method of construction; complete independence; result High Quality, original or with elements of novelty.


Children are supervised while on duty in the canteen, play corner, a corner of nature. For this purpose, two people are assigned to each type of duty. The types of duty are changed every two days, and the quality of work is assessed together with the children, i.e. self-esteem is formed.

Duty on

dining room

whether children want to be on duty, and whether their desire is reflected in the actual work process;

What are their motives, the nature of their behavior while on duty: are they avoiding duty;

Are they on duty only under supervision from the teacher and the children?

Do they work well while on duty as assigned by the teacher;

Are they on duty well, do they do work outside of duty, do they help others.

Duty in the play area

Duty in a corner of nature

Group A (low level) - children are on duty carelessly, willingly delegate their responsibilities to others, refuse to be on duty, forget about it, do not complete the task, believe that order is the responsibility of the assistant teacher and other children.

Group B (below average) – the attitude towards duty is unstable, the quality of work depends on the mood.

Group B (average level) - perform their duties well, actively, do not forget about them, but do not help others, they strive to get the approval of adults.

Group G (above average) – children are willing, perform good duty, and remember their responsibilities. If they are not on duty this moment, then they still pay attention to the disorder in the group and eliminate it, asking to appoint them as duty officers.

Group D ( high level) – children constantly strive to participate in collective activity, work well, help their comrades in various activities.


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