Additional sick leave for caesarean section calculation. How many days does maternity leave last?

in general, the situation is as follows: a day after discharge from the 1st maternity hospital, she came back with high temperature. I was examined and sent for curettage in gynecology. After that I spent 4 days at the day hospital. A month later, I came for an examination to the local gynecologist, where she said that I should have been discharged sick leave for 2 week.

(Article 255: Women, upon their application and on the basis of a certificate of incapacity for work issued in accordance with the established procedure, are provided for pregnancy and childbirth with a duration of 70 (in the case of multiple pregnancy - 84) calendar days before childbirth and 70 (in case of complicated childbirth - 86.

How to apply for an extension of maternity leave?

Petrova's employee has been on maternity leave (on maternity leave) since 08/05/2013. until December 22, 2013. The order for prenatal, postnatal leave was made from 08/05/2013. to December 22, 2013 Petrova brought another sick leave, because. delivery was by caesarean section, from 12/23/2013. until 01/07/2013.

Do we still need to make an order to extend the maternity leave and Petrova? Or just take a sick leave, and issue a vacation of up to 1.5 years from 08.


Surgery. in which the baby is removed from the uterus of a pregnant woman through an incision in the abdomen. According to statistics, for 6-8 women who give birth on their own, there is one who is given a cesarean.

The word "caesar" is the Greek form of the Latin "caesar" (monarch, ruler). It is believed that the name of this operation is directly related to Gaius Julius Caesar himself. According to legend, the mother of the future Roman emperor died during labor pains.

How long do they go on maternity leave? Legal aspect

Every woman, getting a job, should know the provisions of the current legislation Russian Federation employer's obligations towards her. In particular, it is necessary to understand how long they leave in maternity leave, in the event of pregnancy and what benefits and payments are due.

According to Labor Code In order to grant maternity leave, a pregnant woman must submit a written application at the place of work.

Will I get 16 extra days of vacation pay after my caesarean section?

Of course, when providing a sick leave, you will be paid an additional 16 days of maternity leave. Please note, there is a small nuance for those whose earnings vary, i.e. not constant from month to month. 16 days you will be paid based on the average daily earnings calculated to pay you maternity (those Money received due to maternity leave).

Features of accruing "maternity" in case of complicated childbirth

Before pregnancy and childbirth, the accounting department accrues an allowance for the “maternity leave” for the entire period of vacation. However, in case of complicated childbirth, the maternity hospital will issue the woman with an additional disability certificate for 16 calendar days, which will also need to be paid.

Childbirth, which are considered complicated, are listed in the Instruction of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 04/23/1997 No. 01-97. These are multiple births; childbirth accompanied by obstetric operations: caesarean section, childbirth in women with heart disease, etc.

It is required by law

The duration of maternity leave is 70 calendar days before childbirth (for multiple pregnancy - 84 days) and 70 days after (for complications, for example, with caesarean section, – 86 days; at the birth of two or more children - 110 days). To apply for a vacation, you must bring to the company a sick leave issued in antenatal clinic where you are being observed for pregnancy.

Maternity allowance

The expectant mother is entitled to leave and maternity allowance. How to correctly draw up a maternity allowance, and how much money is due to a woman during this period? Advises Elena Krasavina, lawyer.

Many expectant mothers worry about payments social benefits. How to get pregnancy benefits, fill out the documents correctly and submit them to the authorities in a timely manner social protection population? However, about all this, in more detail.

Maternity leave is provided to every woman who has presented documents to the employer confirming her pregnancy. At the same time, the young mother has the right to use only part of this vacation, and then the grandmother can go on maternity leave.

Every woman living and working in Russia can go on maternity leave related to her pregnancy and the birth of a baby. Few people know that the entire period of maternity leave is divided into several parts.

There should be a mark that the birth was complicated.

  • Child's birth certificate.
  • The woman must submit these documents to the head physician. He, in turn, must close - or extend the sick leave. Since the employer must pay and draw up the allowance, along with the above documents, you should prepare:
  1. Information about early production a pregnant woman to be registered within 12 weeks.
  2. Application for maternity leave.

As a rule, only these documents are required. But, the employer has the right to request others. For example, data about an open bank account where you will need to transfer funds.

Extension of sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth

Deadlines for submitting documents for registration of additional sick leave and benefits for complicated births chief physician, and the execution of benefits - the employer or the social security service (if the citizen was fired). A woman must contact them personally, with all the documents collected.


There is no clear deadline for filing documents for extending sick leave. If you were on inpatient treatment in a medical institution, then the sick leave will be extended automatically.


If you came to an appointment with a gynecologist, then the sick leave will be extended anyway at the head physician. As for the deadlines for issuing benefits, there are none.

As soon as a citizen has a completed disability certificate in her hands, she must send it to the employer. It usually indicates what the period of the decree is. How used to be a woman submits the document, the better.

The attending physician must put his signature, and the head physician - both the signature and the seal. Remember: if the sheet is extended, then this information the doctor will write in the document.
The reason for the extension must also be stated. The form of the disability certificate in 2018 looks like this: Examples of a completed document: Features of filling out a disability certificate for pregnancy and childbirth: List of documents for issuing an additional sick leave and receiving benefits for complicated births In order to receive additional sick leave and benefits for complicated births, you need to collect package of documents. It will include the following papers:

  1. Passport, original and photocopy.
  2. A copy of the sick leave - disability certificate.
  3. Exchange card of a pregnant woman.

Features of accruing "maternity" in case of complicated childbirth

  1. Employer.
    In the case when a citizen is listed in the state, it is officially arranged.
  2. States. The Social Security Service is in charge of payments. If the woman quit own will or the company she worked for when she was pregnant was wound up.

Not a single body and person has more rights to pay benefits for complicated births.


How to calculate the allowance for complicated births - instructions and calculation example Maternity allowance for complicated births is calculated in the same way as for ordinary births. In 2018, only some indicators have changed, and the calculation formula has remained the same as it was before.

How much does a day of sick leave cost after cesarean in 2018

  • registration of sick leave on the form of the established sample;
  • in the sick leave must be indicated: the passport details of the woman who is given the sick leave, the signature of the doctor who delivered the baby, the date of issue, the date of birth and the method by which the delivery was performed;
  • the seal of the medical institution should be in the upper right corner;
  • additional stamps should not overlap the main seal and other inscriptions;
  • the document should not contain corrections and errors;
  • when typing, the font must be standard;
  • All signatures must be legible.

Further in the photo you can see a sample of filling out a sick leave certificate: So, a working woman, in connection with pregnancy and subsequent childbirth, has the right to maternity leave paid by the employer upon presentation of a properly executed sick leave.

How is sick leave issued after a caesarean section?

Consider what is needed to calculate the allowance for complicated births: Step 1. Determine the amount of income of a citizen for the last 2 years. In 2018, income for 2016-2017 is taken into account. Step 2. Calculate the average daily earnings of a woman according to the formula: Divide the amount received in "step 1", divide by 731. This is the number of days taken for calculation this year. From this number, you can subtract exception days when the employee was on sick leave, was on maternity leave, etc. Remember that if you get an amount of less than 2017.81 rubles, then in the further calculation you should not use the calculated earnings. The maximum will be taken into account. Step 3. Calculate the amount of the benefit using the formula: The data obtained from “step 2” and the number of days that are due by law to the woman in labor are substituted into the formula. In our cases, this is either 156 or 194 days.

postpartum rehabilitation. extended sick leave after caesarean section

Maternity leave is given to a pregnant woman to prevent pregnancy complications and upcoming birth. How sick leave is paid after a cesarean section 2018 If you are fired while on parental leave (that is, you will be terminated urgent employment contract on the fact of the employee's return to work, for whom the workplace) and you will be classified as non-working citizens, then monthly allowance child care will be assigned and paid territorial body social protection of the population at your place of residence.

Maternity benefit: we calculate from the sick leave rate for pregnancy and childbirth for the period from 05/11/2018 to 09/13/2018 (126 calendar days) she presented on 05/11/2018. The tariff salary (without allowances and increases) of the employee as of May 11, 2018 amounted to 1260 rubles.

Sick leave after caesarean section

With a complicated process, the mother and baby may develop diseases that can delay the rehabilitation process. It may take additional time to restore health to a citizen. The law - Article 255 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - provides for several circumstances due to which time may be allocated for additional sick leave. Let's consider all situations. 1. Complicated childbirth with operations Complicated will be considered childbirth in which any surgical interventions were recorded. For example:

  1. The citizen had a caesarean section.
  2. A caesarean section was performed without a full abdominotomy.
  3. An episiotomy was performed.
  4. Manual separation of the placenta.

The rehabilitation period for the above operations should be extended.

A sick leave certificate is issued from 30 weeks if there is one fetus, and from 28 weeks if there are two or more fetuses, since maternity leave is longer in case of multiple pregnancy. In total, such leave lasts for uncomplicated pregnancy and childbirth 140 days, that is, 70 before and 70 after childbirth, and for multiple pregnancy - 194 days (70 + 14 days - before and 70 + 40 days - after childbirth).

If the pregnant woman applied to medical institution after 30 weeks, then she receives a sick leave anyway, while the start of the sick leave is counted from 28 or from 30 weeks, depending on the number of fetuses (Article 255 of the Labor Code and Order of the Ministry of Health No. 624n). Article 255 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
Calculation formula

  • After caesarean section: SSZP2g*24/731*156.
  • SSZP2g * 24 / 731 * 194 - in case of multiple pregnancy (here, the CS is not taken into account).

((Average sum wages for the last 2 years of work * 24 (months)) / 731 (day)) * 156 - if a caesarean section was performed (or 194 - if the pregnancy was multiple). Payment for additional sick leave is made by the employer after the employee provides him with this document. The term for payment on sick leave, as well as the term for providing an additional sick leave to the employer, is not established by law, however, the Russian arbitrage practice indicates that when paying for sick leave, a rule has developed that payment must occur, as well as the provision of documents, within a month from its issuance.

  • another obstacle in the way of the child, for example, fibroids in the cervical canal;
  • a high probability of scar divergence from the previous CS;
  • conditions and pathologies in which a woman should not push: cardiovascular diseases, previous retinal detachment, kidney disease;
  • pathologies that arose during pregnancy, for example, eclampsia;
  • the position of the fetus, in which the independent exit of the fetus from the uterus is difficult: breech and transverse presentation;
  • several fetuses in the uterus;
  • genital herpes (CS is carried out so that the child does not become infected when passing through the birth canal).

Emergency CS is done if delivery was planned naturally, but there were complications in connection with which it is necessary to remove the fetus surgically.

Calculate what size maternity allowance with complicated childbirth in Felitsina:

  1. The total income for 2 years was: 180,000 + 30,000 + 240,000 = 450,000 rubles.
  2. Number of days of the billing period: 731 - 28 = 703 days.
  3. The average daily earnings are: 450,000 rubles. / 703 days = 640.11 rubles.
  4. The maternity allowance will be equal to: 450,000 rubles. x703 days = 99,857.16 rubles

When calculating, subtract all days when you did not work. For example, sick leave is also considered time that should be deducted from the calculation.

Example 2. With 194 fixed days, Citizen Baronskaya worked for the Taptygin company for 1.5 years. Her income for 2017 and half of 2016 amounted to 270,000 rubles. In 2017, Baronskaya was on vacation for a month - 30 days and on sick leave for 14 days.

Russian legislation contains various legal norms aimed at social support maternity - and one of these guarantees is the provision of an additional caesarean section. At the same time, the legislation quite accurately defines the procedure for caesarean section, as well as how many days it is extended.

Is sick leave extended for caesarean section?

Russian legislation provides pregnant women with the opportunity to go on maternity leave, which is usually called "maternity leave". However given period has a number of features and from the point of view of the legislation is also perceived at the same time as a period of temporary disability. Accordingly, every woman who will give birth to a child is provided with sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth, paid in the amount of 100% of average earnings, but not more than the maximum amount.

Moreover, this sick leave has a duration of 140 days. That is, it is issued general rules 70 days before the planned date of delivery and lasts for 70 days or until the end of the 140-day period in total after the fact of the birth of the child. But a caesarean section may require additional rehabilitation for a woman, and therefore many Russian mothers, as well as their employers, are interested in the question of how many days sick leave is given for this operation.

The cesarean section operation itself is performed to remove the baby from the mother's uterus in an unnatural way, but through an incision in the abdomen. A caesarean section can be both planned - if it is disposed to medical indications and the need for it was determined in advance, and urgent. In such a situation, it is carried out directly during childbirth in order to save the life of the child or mother.

Russian legislation does not provide for additional sick days for rehabilitation depending on the type of caesarean section - regardless of the type of operation, additional rest lasts the same period, since in the vast majority of cases it will be enough for necessary recovery working capacity.

Laws and legal regulation of the extension of sick leave for caesarean section

From the point of view of legislative standards, the provision of sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth differs from the standard procedure for issuing a certificate of incapacity for work, however, a caesarean section only complements this procedure and requires minimal procedural steps. Legal regulation this issue in general, it is ensured by the provisions of the following regulatory documents:

How many days are extended sick leave for caesarean section and how to issue it

According to the above provisions of Russian legislation, the sick leave for caesarean section is extended for 16 days in without fail, since caesarean section itself refers to complications during childbirth. Also, in case of multiple pregnancy, the sick leave period is increased by 14 days before delivery, and by 40 days after delivery. In these situations, a caesarean section is almost always used, however, even with the decision to give birth to several children natural way, this will not affect the duration of the sick leave.

In contrast to the issuance of sick leave due to illness, the duration of the additional time of release from work duties in this case is clearly fixed in the norms of the legislation, and is not determined by the attending physician based on the available history.

Additional days of sick leave are paid for a caesarean section in the same manner as for a certificate of incapacity for work issued in connection with a decree - in 100% of the average earnings of a woman who has given birth. At the same time, the obstetrician or the attending gynecologist makes a note about the complications and the need to extend the sick leave. Since in fact in this case there is a fact of extending the sick leave, even though the obligation to pay for these days rests with the employer, in fact the entire given term compensated by a payment from the FSS.

In exceptional situations, the process of childbirth and caesarean section may have longer-term Negative consequences. In this case, at the end of the sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth, the employee has the right to issue a sick leave in the general manner in accordance with the testimony of the doctor and for up to 30 days. Over month term this sick leave can also be continued if there is an appropriate decision of the medical commission, which confirms the need for additional treatment.

Now a vertical incision is made in the most extreme cases, only with a certain position of the child and regardless of the EX or PCS is carried out. It's better to remove it altogether.

How long is sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth - most frequently asked question asked by the expectant mother. For how long a sick leave is issued in a standard situation and how long it is extended in case of complications, find out in the material.

Duration of sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth - 140 days

The terms of issuance and duration of the bulletin on pregnancy and childbirth (M&R) are regulated by the law "On Compulsory Social Insurance" dated December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ, labor legislation (Article 255 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated June 29, 2011 No. 624n.

According to the above acts, a sick leave according to BiR is issued to a woman at 30 weeks of pregnancy for 140 days: 70 before the expected date of birth of the child and 70 after. The bulletin is issued once for the entire period of sick leave in B&R.

Number of sick days after a complicated birth

In a situation of complicated childbirth, the sick leave is extended by 16 days (the prenatal period is also 70 days, and the postpartum period is 86 days). A complication is the birth of a child for a period of 22-30 weeks. In this case, the disability bulletin is issued for 156 days from the date of birth.

If a woman is carrying more than 1 child and this fact is established before the start labor activity, the sick leave period increases to 194 days: 84 - before and 110 - after the birth of a child. The bulletin is issued at 27 weeks of pregnancy.

If multiple pregnancy was established in the process of labor, then a continuation of the previously issued sick leave for another 54 days is issued.

When does the sick leave period end for caesarean section in 2016

The operation of caesarean section refers to complicated childbirth (paragraph "c" of the instructions of the Ministry of Health of 04.23.1997 No. 01-97). In this situation, one more ballot is registered - for a period of 16 days. That is, the sick leave period is 70 days before and 86 after the birth of a child.

In the case of complicated childbirth, it is important to pay attention to the correctness of filling out the disability sheet. Often it is made out as primary. But this is not true. Since there is only one insured event, then the additional sheet should be a continuation of the original bulletin.

Sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth lasts 140 days normal pregnancy and 194 - with multiple. Russian legislation it is possible to extend the initial bulletin by 16 days in case of complicated births.

Sick leave after caesarean section

I had premature birth Therefore, the sick leave was also extended. The sick leave was issued by the doctor who managed the pregnancy. Be sure to make sure that new form sick leave, it was indicated that this was an extension of the previous one and the number of the previous sick leave was entered. I was not immediately indicated and had to go to work 2 times. Paid immediately as soon as I brought the corrected one.

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additional sick leave

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The regulatory framework for the duration and procedure for issuing sick leave in connection with the upcoming birth of a child is established:

  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 255);
  • law "On Compulsory Social. insurance…” dated December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ (ch. 4);
  • by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 29, 2011 No. 624n (section 8);
  • Law of the Russian Federation "On social Protection of Persons Affected by the Consequences of the Chernobyl Disaster” dated May 15, 1991 No. 1244-1.

So let's take a closer look, how long is sick leaveafter childbirth and how much - before this event.

Sick leave for childbirth - how many days is given in a standard situation and with complications?

IN general case during the period of expectation of the child, the sick leave is opened at 30 weeks for a period of 140 days: 70 before the expected date of birth and 70 after (part 1 of article 255 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, clause 46 of order No. 624n). Earlier than 30 weeks, a hospital expectant mother is issued in case prescribed by law RF No. 1244-1 (clause 6, part 2, article 18), that is, this is possible in relation to women living in the territories affected by the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The prenatal period for such pregnant women is 90 days - which means that they are issued sick leave at 27 weeks for general term in 160 days.

The certificate of incapacity for work is issued at a time, immediately for the entire period established by law. If the birth turned out to be difficult, the sick leave is extended by 16 days, that is, the postpartum period is 86 days (part 1 of article 255 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), and the total period of disability is 156 days. The list of factors in the presence of which childbirth is considered difficult is given in the instructions of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for granting postpartum leave in case of complicated childbirth” dated 04.23.1997 No. 01-97. According to these instructions, complications include premature birth a child, therefore, if the delivery occurred between the 22nd and 30th weeks of pregnancy, the sick leave sheet opens from the date of birth immediately for 156 days.

How many days does the sick leave last for pregnancy with twins or more (i.e., with multiple pregnancies

The prenatal period of disability for women expecting two or more children (with multiple pregnancies) is 84 days, and the postpartum period is 110 days, so sick leave for such mothers is issued at 28 weeks of pregnancy for a total of 194 days (part 1 of article 255 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If multiple pregnancy was detected directly during childbirth, then the 140-day sick leave issued at 30 weeks is extended for another 54 days (clause 47 of order No. 624n). Thus, the total duration of disability, even in the case of late detection of multiple pregnancy, becomes equal to the 194 days provided for by law.

How long is sick leave after a caesarean section?

« If cesarean - how many days sick leave? - this question is often addressed to search engines. This is due to the fact that the legislative acts do not directly mention the duration of the sick leave during a caesarean section. However, operated women have the right to count not only on the standard 140-day sick leave.

Childbirth, which ended with the operation, are classified as complex, in accordance with paragraph "c" of the instructions of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 01-97. Accordingly, we can talk about the duration of the sick leave in this case as a sick leave for complicated births. How long will the sick leave last for a caesarean section?. established in Part 1 of Art. 255 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and clause 48 of order No. 624n: after the operation, the sick leave is extended by 16 days, and the total duration of disability becomes 156 days.

How is sick leave for pregnancy extended for the required period?

About, how long is sick leave after childbirth. it is not always possible to know in advance. That is why the legislator has provided options for extending the disability certificate after the childbirth. However, in practice, such an extension is not always drawn up correctly.

Here's what you need to pay attention to:

  1. The extension of the maternity period is issued by a new sick leave.
  2. The column "Cause of disability" is filled in with the code "05" (maternity leave) or "020" (additional maternity leave).
  3. At the bottom of the sheet, it should be indicated which sick leave it is a continuation of.

The last point is very important, since the design of a sick leave for renewal as a primary one is incorrect. After all, there is only one insured event, which means that the sheet should also be one. At the same time, the employer is obliged to take sick leave for an extension, even if it is issued as a primary one, and employees of the social fund. insurance companies can only ask (and not oblige) a woman to apply for a correctly executed sheet to a medical institution again.

How sick leave is paid after caesarean section 2017

The maternity benefit is paid for a period of maternity leave of 140 calendar days (70 before and 70 after childbirth) in case of normal childbirth; 156 days (70 before and 86 after delivery) for complicated births (eg, caesarean section); 194 days (84 before and 110 after childbirth) - with multiple pregnancy - the birth of two or more children. Maternity leave is issued at the place of work (service) upon presentation of a temporary disability certificate (sick leave), which is issued to a woman in a antenatal clinic for a period of 30 weeks (28 weeks for multiple pregnancies), which indicates the total number of days of leave (antenatal and postpartum).

Since this topic is quite extensive, we decided to break it into three parts: maternity leave, payment at the birth of a child, and allowance for caring for a child until he reaches three years of age. Tatyana Ignatenko, Head of the Department of Cash Payments and Compensations of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, helped us to understand all the intricacies of calculating assistance for pregnancy and childbirth. Not only working women can count on such assistance, but also the unemployed, as well as students and entrepreneurs.

Benefits for women during pregnancy and maternity leave

The current system state support families with children provides for several types of social payments women on the occasion of pregnancy and childbirth. Their basic fixed dimensions, established in 2015, will be additionally indexed from February 1, 2017 in accordance with last year's actual inflation, and for the current 2017, the indexation of benefits will be carried out no earlier than February 1, 2017. The procedure for accrual and the timing of payments to pregnant women are provided for by the Federal Law

"ABOUT state benefits citizens with children

(social insurance benefits at the place of work or in the FSS and budgetary maternity payments from Social Security for the unemployed). In the case of the birth of one child - 70 days before childbirth and 70 days after childbirth (or 86 "postpartum" days in case of complications during childbirth - caesarean section, birth injury and so on.). At the birth of two or more children - 84 days before delivery and 110 days after. The allowance includes the payment of all days of maternity sick leave in the amount of 100% of average earnings future mother for the previous 2 years.

Maternity Leave Legislation: Main Aspects

Maternity leave is given to a pregnant woman to prevent complications of pregnancy and the upcoming birth. On maternity leave, a woman gets the opportunity to take care of herself and her unborn child, to eliminate overstrain and stress at work, to prepare for childbirth and receive information about caring for a newborn, etc. The state does not provide for payment for maternity leave and simultaneous work.

Payments and benefits for pregnancy and childbirth 2017 (maternity payments)

In 2017 minimum size benefits for pregnancy and childbirth during normal pregnancy with one employer will be 34,521.20 rubles. and the maximum - 266,191.80 rubles. (with vacation 140 days). You can read how to calculate pregnancy benefits in 2017 and write an application in this article (with examples). Personal income tax from payments for pregnancy is not withheld. 70+70 calendar days (before childbirth + after childbirth); 70+86 calendar days in case of complicated childbirth; 84+110 calendar days for the birth of two or more children. Maternity leave is calculated in total and is granted to the woman completely regardless of the number of days actually used before childbirth, for example, next vacation. For working women who are subject to compulsory social insurance, the maternity allowance is set at 100% of average earnings.

Hospital for pregnancy and childbirth

See also: Making a sick leave Filling out a sick leave Calculation and payment hospital experience to calculate the sick leave Hospital for child care One time for 140 calendar days (70 days before delivery + 70 days after delivery). With multiple pregnancy - for 194 calendar days (84 days before delivery + 110 days after delivery). It happens that a woman at first refuses to receive sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth, continuing to work, and then again turns to a medical organization and thus misses the specified deadlines.

Another 16 - days to - decree: primary sick leave or continuation?

All companies and individual entrepreneurs need to submit one or another statistical reporting. And there are so many forms of this reporting that it is not surprising to get confused in them. To help the respondents, Rosstat has developed a special service. using which you can determine what statistical reporting should be submitted to a particular respondent. However, unfortunately, this service does not always work correctly. The tax service has changed its position regarding filling in field 101 “Payer status” in payments for the transfer of insurance premiums.

New rules for issuing "sick leaves" come into force

The Government has set out in new edition instructions governing the issuance of medical leave certificates. The amendments apply to employers and employees of any enterprises, institutions and organizations. It's about on intentionally causing harm to one's health, disability after the commission of a crime, undergoing compulsory treatment under judgment(with the exception of mental disorders), being in places of deprivation of liberty or undergoing a forensic medical examination. "Sick leave" is not issued if the employee has submitted false documents or neglects medical and rehabilitation services.

Sick leave certificates in Ukraine in 2017: issuance, payment procedure and taxation

To receive disability benefits, it is necessary to call a local doctor on the first day of deterioration of health. The sick leave is issued at the clinic at the place of residence. A certified sick leave is provided to the personnel department, and then to the accounting department for calculation of payment. In the case of inpatient treatment, the date of opening the sick leave is the date of admission. The attending physician of the hospital or the head of the department is responsible for issuing and issuing a certificate of incapacity for work.

1. Maternity. (average salary for 12 months * 4.2 (or 4.7 in case of caesarean section or twins)). 100,000 *4.2 = 420,000 tenge, minus 10% pension contributions (will be deducted to your Pension Fund), to be issued = 378,000 tenge. Issued before childbirth in the presence of a sick leave from the antenatal clinic. Nothing is given to the unemployed. 2. Lump sum 30 MCI. 1 MCI (for 2010) = 1413 * 30 = 42390 tenge.

Maternity leave under the new law

The concept of "maternity leave" in legal practice is absent. So it is customary to talk about a vacation when a woman is going to become a mother. Maternity leave; Leave to care for your child until he reaches 1.5 years; Leave to care for your child until they reach 3 years of age. The right to a decree in 2017 is guaranteed to every woman Art.

Maternity allowance in 2017

The maternity benefit is paid for the period of maternity leave. The procedure for calculating maternity benefits (maternity benefits) in 2017 will remain unchanged, the same as last year - based on average earnings for 2 years. calendar years, but taking into account new limits (limiting values ​​​​of the base for calculating insurance premiums in the FSS). For working women, the maternity allowance is set in the amount of the average earnings.

Consultation of a specialist of the Social Insurance Fund

How are benefits calculated, what to do if the employer violates the deadlines for submitting data to the FSS, how should sick leave be paid if an injury was caused while intoxicated?

The organization has a fixed-term employment contract. Will I be fired while on parental leave because an employee who kept my job quits? What will be the amount of the benefit? If you are fired while you are on parental leave (that is, your fixed-term employment contract is terminated upon the fact that an employee who retained a job has left for work) and you are classified as a non-working citizen, then the monthly care allowance for a child will be assigned and paid by the territorial body of social protection of the population at your place of residence.

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maternity leave for caesarean section

Maternity leave for caesarean section

In general, the situation is as follows: a day after discharge from the 1st maternity hospital, she came back with a high temperature. I was examined and sent for curettage in gynecology. After that I spent 4 days at the day hospital. A month later, I came for an examination to the local gynecologist, where she said that I should have been issued a sick leave for 2 weeks.

(Article 255: Women, upon their application and on the basis of a certificate of incapacity for work issued in accordance with the established procedure, are provided with pregnancy and childbirth for a duration of 70 (in the case of multiple pregnancy - 84) calendar days before childbirth and 70 (in the case of complicated childbirth - 86.

How to apply for an extension of maternity leave?

Petrova's employee has been on maternity leave (on maternity leave) since 08/05/2013. until December 22, 2013. The order for prenatal, postnatal leave was made from 08/05/2013. to December 22, 2013 Petrova brought another sick leave, because. delivery was by caesarean section, from 12/23/2013. until 01/07/2013.

Do we still need to make an order to extend the maternity leave and Petrova? Or just take a sick leave, and issue a vacation of up to 1.5 years from 08.


C-section - surgery. in which the baby is removed from the uterus of a pregnant woman through an incision in the abdomen. According to statistics, for 6-8 women who give birth on their own, there is one who is given a cesarean.

The word "caesar" is the Greek form of the Latin "caesar" (monarch, ruler). It is believed that the name of this operation is directly related to Gaius Julius Caesar himself. According to legend, the mother of the future Roman emperor died during labor pains.

How long do they go on maternity leave? Legal aspect

Every woman, when applying for a job, must know the obligations of the employer in relation to her provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. In particular, it is necessary to understand how long they go on maternity leave in the event of pregnancy and what benefits and payments are due.

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in order to be granted maternity leave, a pregnant woman must submit a written application at the place of work.

Will I get 16 extra days of vacation pay after my caesarean section?

Of course, when providing a sick leave, you will be paid an additional 16 days of maternity leave. Please note, there is a small nuance for those whose earnings vary, i.e. not constant from month to month. You will be paid for 16 days based on the average daily earnings calculated to pay you maternity leave (the money you received in connection with your maternity leave).

Features of accruing "maternity" in case of complicated childbirth

Before pregnancy and childbirth, the accounting department accrues an allowance for the “maternity leave” for the entire period of vacation. However, in case of complicated childbirth, the maternity hospital will issue the woman with an additional disability certificate for 16 calendar days, which will also need to be paid.

Childbirth, which are considered complicated, are listed in the Instruction of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 04/23/1997 No. 01-97. These are multiple births; childbirth accompanied by obstetric operations: caesarean section, childbirth in women with heart disease, etc.

It is required by law

The duration of maternity leave is 70 calendar days before childbirth (for multiple pregnancies - 84 days) and 70 days after (for complicated ones, for example, with caesarean section - 86 days; for the birth of two or more children - 110 days). To apply for a vacation, you must bring to the enterprise a sick leave issued at the antenatal clinic where you are being observed for pregnancy.

Maternity allowance

The expectant mother is entitled to leave and maternity allowance. How to correctly draw up a maternity allowance, and how much money is due to a woman during this period? Advises Elena Krasavina, lawyer.

Many expectant mothers worry about social security payments. How to get pregnancy benefits, draw up documents correctly and submit them to the social protection authorities in a timely manner? However, about all this, in more detail.

Maternity leave is provided to every woman who has presented documents to the employer confirming her pregnancy. At the same time, the young mother has the right to use only part of this vacation, and then the grandmother can go on maternity leave.

Every woman living and working in Russia can go on maternity leave related to her pregnancy and the birth of a baby. Few people know that the entire period of maternity leave is divided into several parts.

You can either write by hand or provide in printed form. The application must indicate the reason for the extension of the sick leave. The second application (to apply it to the second sick leave - for an additional 16 days in the case of a caesarean section) is not necessary, but it is better to ask the employer directly if he needs such an additional application. If the employer needs such a statement, then it is written, like the first one, in an arbitrary form. Calculation formula

  • After caesarean section: SSZP2g*24/731*156.
  • SSZP2g * 24 / 731 * 194 - in case of multiple pregnancy (here, the CS is not taken into account).

((Average salary for the last 2 years of work * 24 (months)) / 731 (day)) * 156 - if a caesarean section was performed (or 194 - if the pregnancy was multiple).

postpartum rehabilitation. extended sick leave after caesarean section

In addition, specialists can decide on the need for emergency surgical intervention and when there is a threat to the life of the mother or child. Issuance of sick leave The birth of a child can take place by planned or emergency caesarean section. In the event that it was carried out planned operation, the sick leave is not always issued.

This is done by the doctor who took the woman directly into childbirth. When a patient is discharged from a medical institution, her condition is assessed by a gynecologist. In the event that he considers that the operation was complicated, then the woman will definitely be given an additional sick leave during a caesarean section.

In some cases, a woman in labor is entitled to the issuance of an additional sick leave and this happens with a protracted recovery period after operation.

Sick leave for caesarean, paid immediately?

  • registration of sick leave on the form of the established sample;
  • in the sick leave must be indicated: the passport details of the woman who is given the sick leave, the signature of the doctor who delivered the baby, the date of issue, the date of birth and the method by which the delivery was performed;
  • the seal of the medical institution should be in the upper right corner;
  • additional stamps should not overlap the main seal and other inscriptions;
  • the document should not contain corrections and errors;
  • when typing, the font must be standard;
  • All signatures must be legible.

Further in the photo you can see a sample of filling out a sick leave certificate: So, a working woman, in connection with pregnancy and subsequent childbirth, has the right to maternity leave paid by the employer upon presentation of a properly executed sick leave.

When is an additional sick leave issued after a caesarean section?

In addition, specialists can decide on the need for emergency surgical intervention and when there is a threat to the life of the mother or child. Issuance of sick leave The birth of a child can take place by planned or emergency caesarean section. When a patient is discharged from a medical institution, her condition is assessed by a gynecologist.

In the event that he considers that the operation was complicated, then the woman will definitely be given an additional sick leave during a caesarean section. In some cases, a woman in labor is required to issue an additional sick leave, and this happens during a long recovery period after surgery. Extension of the disability certificate for pregnancy and childbirth. It is accompanied by more long period rehabilitation, blood loss is greater than physiological, often leading to anemia of varying severity.

After a caesarean section, the sick leave after how much is paid

Pregnancy is considered one of milestones in the life of every woman. Carrying a child is considered a huge burden on the body, and with this in mind, shortly before the baby is born future mommy goes on maternity leave. Unfortunately, not every childbirth proceeds easily and smoothly, and the concept of complicated childbirth is often used.
To date, a caesarean section is considered a common way to give birth to a child, and after it is carried out, an additional sick leave is usually issued. Such a document can be obtained at the medical institution in which the birth took place. Types of surgical intervention The birth of a child can occur both during normal childbirth and with the help of a caesarean section.

Such an operation began to be carried out in ancient times, when too much time passed after the waters broke, and the contractions were too long.

How is sick leave issued after a caesarean section?

Important With the increase in the term, walking becomes harder, taking care of your own health and the health of the unborn baby becomes the forefront, and work and the world go to the second. All thoughts and actions are dedicated to the future baby. To ensure optimal comfort, care for the health and regime of the pregnant woman, all working women are issued a certificate of disability for pregnancy and childbirth. If a woman is expecting one baby, then she is given 140 days (70 days before delivery and 70 days after delivery).
Sick leave after caesarean section Multiple pregnancy and additional sick leave A rather frequently asked question is whether an additional sick leave is required if the pregnancy is multiple and ended in a caesarean section? The answer is no.

Extension of sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth

However, if it was produced surgical intervention in the form of a caesarean section, then childbirth is considered difficult, and therefore, according to the current legislation, a woman in labor is entitled to an additional sick leave of 16 days. If the pregnancy was multiple, then 54 days are additionally provided, in which case the fact of the surgical intervention is not taken into account, since multiple pregnancy is already considered a factor complicating pregnancy. Sick leave due to pregnancy and childbirth, according to the Russian labor law, is provided in its entirety, regardless of the number of days that a woman spent before the day of delivery.

Sick leave after caesarean section


Multiple Pregnancy and Additional Sick Leave Quite often asked question - is an additional sick leave required if the pregnancy is multiple and ended in a caesarean section? The answer is no. A multiple pregnancy is already complicated, so a woman is issued a sick leave for 194 days in advance. Upon admission to the hospital, it is advisable for all pregnant women to have a copy of the maternity sheet with them, because the sick leave after a cesarean section (and other complicated births and postpartum period) is issued on the basis of a maternity sick leave as its continuation and, accordingly, is paid in the same way as maternity leave by average wage.

This leaflet is written out by the attending physician of the maternity hospital where the birth took place.


By that time, the expectant mother already knows about all the nuances and features that may arise during such an operation. Usually planned surgical intervention appointed in the following cases:

  • strong entanglement with the umbilical cord;
  • serious vision problems in the mother;
  • incorrect location of the fetus in the uterus;
  • problems with the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • problems with pubic dismemberment.

A few days before the scheduled date of the operation, the patient is sent to a medical facility, where she is thoroughly examined. The operation is performed on a certain day, and it is not necessary to wait for the onset of contractions.

It is not so rare to resort to performing an emergency caesarean section, and this happens in situations where natural childbirth cannot be completed on its own.
It is accompanied by a longer period of rehabilitation, more physiological blood loss, often leading to anemia of varying severity. A much larger percentage of complications occurs precisely in patients who have undergone operative childbirth than in ordinary ones; accordingly, more careful monitoring and observation in the postpartum period is necessary. The discharge takes place on the fifth or eighth day with a favorable course of the postpartum period, depending on the maternity hospital.
The concept of "complicated labor" includes not only caesarean section, but also labor that ended with the imposition of obstetric forceps or a vacuum extractor, severe anemia requiring blood transfusion, eclampsia, preterm labor after 30 weeks, endometritis after childbirth, and many severe common diseases women.