Is it possible to celebrate others earlier. How can premature birthday celebrations end?

Sometimes a celebration anniversaries have to be transferred to more convenient time. But why is it possible to celebrate anything in advance, except for a birthday, which cannot be postponed to an earlier date? They say it's Bad sign, but what exactly do people promise to those who wish to celebrate early - read on.

Why can't you celebrate your birthday in advance?

There are several explanations for this superstition. The first is connected with the perception of life as a period for which you need to do something. And trying to celebrate his next growing up a little earlier, a person seems to declare his fear of not living up to certain period. That is why they say that one should not celebrate a birthday in advance because of the possibility of an early death. Of course, this reason can only matter to those who believe that with each of their actions they give some kind of signal to the Universe.

Another explanation for why birthdays are not celebrated in advance is even more mystical. There is a belief that the spirits of ancestors look after each of their descendants, and celebrate each of his new years of life. Therefore, if the holiday is scheduled earlier, they will not have time to drink the intoxicating cup and will be greatly offended. And what to expect from offended spirits? Of course, all kinds of misfortunes next year. By the way, this is true even if the holiday is celebrated later.

Do not believe in ghosts and world laws can explain why they do not celebrate birthdays in advance, special meaning this date. The beginning of a new year of life becomes a certain milestone, which allows you to think about the passed stage. So if you postpone the holiday, the attention will switch only to the celebration, and the feeling of necessity will fall into reflection. it won't come. Well, when you change the date of the celebration, its very meaning will be lost, the day is timed to nothing, subconsciously it will be perceived as an ordinary gathering of guests.

It turns out that all the dangers that are promised to those who have celebrated their growing up in advance have only a mystical explanation. And if you are a rational person, then this has nothing to do with you, and all unpleasant incidents after such actions can be attributed to ordinary coincidences. True, it is worth remembering that there is not a single one that would say that you can celebrate a birthday in advance. But to take into account these superstitions or not, it's up to you to choose.

It becomes curious why it is impossible to celebrate a birthday in advance? The holiday falls on Monday, but do you want to gather guests at the weekend? What is better - call everyone in advance, reschedule for the next weekend or celebrate on time even on a working day?

The question is so exciting that it's time to deal with it better. It is important for the birthday person to maintain a high mood during this day, so you should initially think over the time and place of the celebration.

Origins of the ban

Why name days are not celebrated earlier:

You may not live to see the cherished date

Each year of life inexorably brings a person closer to his death. No one knows how many years are measured ahead. But behind the tinsel of the festive bustle, the thought may arise that there is one year less to live ... If you celebrate your birthday earlier, then this sends a message to the Universe: "I will not be able to celebrate on time." It's like a "wish list" to complete before you die.

What awaits the one who manages to complete each item on his list? Lie down and die in peace? Or just compose new list? There are many examples of those who from year to year celebrate on a different day and remain alive. But people tend to focus on the negative, which is why the stories from the series “he died because he celebrated his birthday in advance!” excite the imagination so much.

Do you believe in such superstition? No one will tell you the exact statistics of how often people who celebrate in advance die ... Therefore, the future birthday boy has to act on inner conviction.

The spirits of the ancestors will be offended

In the old days, the concept of “soul” was taken quite seriously. It was believed that after the death of the body, his spirit moves to another world, occasionally visiting his living heirs. A birthday was just one of those moments when one should expect the spirits of deceased relatives to visit. They could rejoice for the birthday man, convey his requests with wishes to a higher authority (God). This is where the whole point of celebrating a birthday on the same date lies.

After all, why not reduce the degree of alcohol? — Will backfire in the form of nausea. Exactly the same here. Retreat from usual date will entail the wrath of the spirits, who at the appointed time could not participate in the celebration. But even if they maintain a positive attitude towards the birthday man, his wishes will remain unknown.

So the spirits will not be able to favorably influence the world to contribute to the fulfillment of dreams. Such a warning applies not only to celebrating in advance, but also to postponing name days to a later date.

It will be difficult for guests to pick up congratulations

Usually close people gather for a birthday to congratulate on such significant event. Given the increasing number of abortions and infertile couples, the opportunity to be born was truly unique. But what about the event, the anniversary of which actually comes a little later? It will be embarrassing for guests to say: “Happy FUTURE birthday!

It's such a wonderful event when everyone's favorite person was born. And if you rewind many years ago, you were still in your mother's stomach. So let's celebrate the moment the contractions started." Strange congratulations come out, right? It is much more customary to celebrate the holiday on the same day. Then the words you need will find themselves ...

The whole meaning of the holiday will be lost

By its significance, a birthday is much higher than the New Year, March 8th, September 1st, wedding anniversary and any other event. On a certain date, the soul passes from one state to another. Until that day there was life in the womb, then - in the world. Yesterday there was one age, and today - already another.

You can rethink life, find new goals, become wiser at any other moment. But on this particular day, all this is of the greatest importance. If you move the celebration to another date, all attention will be directed to the celebration itself, instead of studying your own life.

To celebrate or not to celebrate?

Decisions of such a plan can only be made by the birthday man himself. None of the above reasons have been proven by facts. If indeed the number of deaths increased among those who decided to celebrate their name days in advance, then the ban would be brought to the state level. And it is possible to carry out an analysis of what has been accomplished in a year and exactly under the New Year tree.

So whether to believe the old beliefs? Everyone determines for himself. But there is nothing overly dangerous about celebrating a birthday a day or two earlier or later. Too superstitious should be recommended to celebrate the event with the closest people in the exact date, and arrange a more massive festivities later. This may be exactly the "golden mean", in which "both ours and yours" will receive.

Slavic beliefs they say that when a person is born, three spirits come to his cradle: Woe, Nedolya and Kruchina and send suffering to the child. They spare neither the poor nor the rich. But they have a sweet tooth, and if you put a saucer with honey, a sweet bun and a cup of red wine near the cradle of a newborn or on a closet in the same room, then Grief, Nedolya and Kruchina will pounce on sweets and spare the newborn.

Subsequently, evil spirits approach the tables of people celebrating a birthday every year to mischief. Therefore, there must be honey or mead, sweet pies and red wine on the table.
A sign is associated with the appearance of evil spirits, according to which one cannot celebrate a birthday earlier or later, but only on the day when one was born. After all, if the celebration is postponed, then Woe, Nedolya and Kruchina, having come to festive dinner will stay hungry.

After the evil spirits have eaten and gone about their demonic deeds, good spirits come to the newborn: Will, Share and Delight. They are majestic, beautiful and never in a hurry, so the evil spirits always have time to fuss earlier.

But you should not think that if Will, Share and Delight have arrived, then they will immediately bestow patronage on the newborn. Their patronage still needs to be earned. For this, the birthday boy should be beautifully dressed, preferably in red. Cleanliness and order should reign in the rooms, the music of stringed instruments should sound, and the newborn himself should be in a good mood. If he is not in the spirit, then, looking at the gloomy physiognomy, the spirits can leave. Hence the sign that on your birthday you should not indulge in sad thoughts and quarrel.

There is another sign: if the birthday man does not thank the guests, then good spirits may not send him profit. Previously, there was a custom according to which the birthday celebrant had to give each guest a gift. In our time, this custom has been lost and has been preserved only in some countries of the East.

A pie with eggs and buckwheat porridge is broken over the head of the birthday celebrant. In addition to good luck, this ritual brings money, profit, health. Pie is then not eaten. In the old days, after the holiday, it was given to the poor or taken to the crossroads. The fact is that, according to popular beliefs, an evil spirit lives on the left of a person, and a good one on the right. The crossroads is their meeting place, and both will receive their half of the pie there.


The tradition that makes you listen to a lot of congratulations on your birthday dates back to the times when you had to verbally admire at the cradle of a newborn: “Smart, beautiful, happy” ... Such praising of the baby was a spell for his luck: if you don’t praise him, he will grow up unhappy. But when the child grows up, praise, of course, needs to be moderated. The rite of praise applies only to very young children. An adult on his birthday also needs to hear good words to your address. Best of all - in verses, because rhymes and rhythm attract much more actively positive energies, how a short wish: Good luck and good health.

A large layer of beliefs is associated with the number of guests who come to the holiday.
An odd number of guests can bring misfortune for one reason - one of them does not have a couple. A guest who feels lonely in a company may jinx, envy or wish evil. The main thing is to make sure that guests do not feel deprived of attention, so that everyone feels good and has fun.

“When a man is born, the sky lights up new star to light his way, says the legend. The star is a symbol of the human soul, hope and strength that lead. This is a guardian angel that protects from misfortune, gives strength to life and fulfills cherished desires.

On earth, the symbol of the guiding star is the flame of a candle. This tradition is associated with the custom of lighting candles for birthdays and extinguishing them, making a wish, with your breath. The number of candles, equal to the number of years to come, shows the accumulated potential, experience, without which the fulfillment of desire is impossible. Candles, arranged in a circle, create a "ring of power" and endow with the energy necessary to fulfill the desire. Well, if a person put out the candles, the desire began to come true.

It is considered bad luck when one or two candles do not go out, although the person blows and blows. You can attribute the failure to the quality of the candles, the presence of drafts, but in reality this shows that the fulfillment of the desire is being delayed.

Now some authors write that you can’t put candles in a cake if a person turns 3, 9, 12 or 18, 40, 95 or 100 years old. This very controversial sign works if you believe in it. In this case, you can buy one candle, writing on it the number of years lived.

In no case should you buy a gift for yourself, and then give it to someone so that the person gives it as if on his own behalf. This erases the energy of good luck inherent in each gift. There are things that are forbidden to give, as this can lead to misfortune.

Sometimes it happens that guests, voluntarily or involuntarily, with their gifts can inflict the hero of the occasion " energy strike". In order to neutralize the negative effect of such a gift, it is necessary, as it were, to buy it, redeem it, giving an odd number of coins for it. But you can also increase the impact by saying to yourself, before you took the gift in your hands; taken away."

To tears and anxiety - give handkerchiefs, toothbrushes, soap, washcloths, brushes, mops, washing powder and other detergents and cleaners.

And one more thing: Remember that during the celebration of the birthday, the hero of the occasion cannot change clothes twice.
When does the need to change clothes arise? When she got dirty! According to psychics, clothes get dirty when someone else's negative energy has infiltrated the newborn's aura. To avoid an unkind effect, you need to spit three times over your left shoulder and whisper the words: "Not for worse, but for good."

Of course, on a birthday, none of the vases should have an even number of flowers. And an odd number of flowers presented to the birthday man symbolizes changes for the better in his fate, successful overcoming of difficulties.

Dishes broken during the festival are not thrown away until the last guest leaves the house.
This custom is associated with the idea that broken dishes, spilled salt mean that one of the guests brought trouble with them. Therefore, immediately after the departure of the last guest, the broken dishes are taken out of the house so that troubles and troubles leave the house with it.

And finally, about those "security measures" that it is desirable to take so that your birthday is not overshadowed by annoying troubles.
If a person needs a kit bed linen or a set of towels, he can ask to give these items, but then you need to give a symbolic amount of money for a gift - “penny”. Once upon a time, the piglet was a good luck talisman and an analogue of the fiat ruble from fairy tales, which brings profit and neutralizes evil will.

To quarrels - give sharp, piercing and cutting objects, including forks and electric razors.
To separation - to give watches, including electronic, decorative water and hourglasses.
By parting - give jewelry with amethyst, onyx, moonstone.

Again, if five kopecks are given for such gifts, then signs may not work. But still it is better to remember that a birthday is a very important holiday, and save knives with axes for a gift on another occasion, and give the birthday man something that in no case will bring evil!

On a birthday, a birthday person can neither borrow money nor lend. According to popular observation, "if you lend - you give back (well-being is implied), if you borrow - you accept someone else's misfortune."
You can not celebrate a birthday earlier or later than the actual date.
Forty years for a man, fifty-three years for a woman, and thirteen years for a child are not celebrated in crowds.

Never invite guests in the amount of nine, thirteen, eighteen, twenty-one, fifty, ninety-nine and one hundred people. These numbers shorten the life of the birthday man.

If you want to put candles on the table for beauty, avoid this number: three, nine, twelve and eighteen candles. It's better not to light candles at all!

It is not advised to serve pancakes on the table on a name day if a rice dish (pilaf) is planned for a hot meal.
They don't put a pig's head on the table, they don't eat pigeons. These dishes - to the death of the birthday man.

If you have a dog in your apartment, then consider the following: guests can sing, and some dogs have a habit of howling when people sing or play on musical instruments. On any other day, it would be touching: they say, the dog also sings. However, know that a howling dog calls death to the birthday man.

If you decide to celebrate your birthday in a cafe or canteen, ask if they celebrated a commemoration here the day before after the funeral. If you celebrated, look for another place or celebrate at home. Recently I saw an entry in Elena's blog that has the answer to this question. Slavic beliefs say that when a person is born ...

Each person has a personal significant holiday- birthday. On this day, he becomes a year older, wiser, new perspectives and opportunities open before him, some begin to look differently at their whole life. This event is very important for each of us, and therefore we want everything to go right.
IN modern world there is still a large percentage of people who follow superstitions and build their plans, trusting them. One of the most common is the ban on celebrating a birthday in advance.

Why can't you celebrate your birthday in advance? Where did it come from?

Like all superstitions, the ban on early celebration comes from ancient ancestors. In those days, there was a belief that spirits, among which were both good and evil, came to the birthday party, so the birthday man had to follow all the rituals and rules so as not to inadvertently anger them and not inflict trouble on himself. It was believed that if a person celebrates a birthday in advance, then the spirits may not be in time for the holiday, which will make them very angry, and the wishes of the birthday person will not be conveyed to the one who is Higher.

Previously, people believed much more strongly in various signs especially if it affects their well-being. Still, there were harsh times, with incurable diseases and constant wars. It is not surprising that society tried to at least somehow protect itself, even in such trifles.

So why in our time people are afraid to celebrate a birthday in advance?

As time goes on, society now thinks differently, and old superstitions are being treated differently. Celebrating a birthday in advance is negative, not only because of the ancient legends. There are several more reasons for this.

1. “What if I die?”

Some people believe that, having celebrated ahead of time, there is an opportunity to become seriously ill or even die before the exact date. No research has been conducted on this subject, there are no statistics, so the birthday man needs to follow only his own subjective opinion on this account.

2. Loss of original meaning

On his birthday, a person grows up. This is the time to think over all your perfect deeds, analyze the mistakes in order to prevent them from happening in the future. Time to plan new overthrows and plan for success. If you celebrate in advance, then the hero of the occasion will not have this sense of responsibility. For him, as for the rest of the guests, the main thing will be the holiday itself, the celebration itself, but definitely not the fact that He has become older.

3. Awkwardness

Congratulations are an important part of the holiday, which is taken seriously by most guests. Need to choose the right gift and say those words that the birthday man will remember for a long time. Unfortunately, if the birthday is postponed a day later or earlier, then it will be more difficult for those present to formulate their thoughts and correctly present their wishes to the birthday man. Starting a congratulation with the words “I congratulate you on your upcoming (or past) birthday” sounds a little ridiculous.

But this is just a small detail that can be dealt with.

But I can't celebrate another day.

There are times when a person is born on February 29th. According to superstition, he can only celebrate his birthday once every four years. In these cases, people have a question: “what should I do?”. The answer is actually simple: you can simply move it to another date, which is at least visible on the calendar, or postpone the celebration for another 4 years. Often people just celebrate on another day, this is not accompanied by any curses.

If the birthday man does not believe in this sign, then he can safely celebrate his birthday when he wants to.

I will celebrate when I want

Whether or not to follow this belief is a personal choice. None of the reasons to cancel the celebration due to a discrepancy with the date is an axiom, and there is no evidence because of which one can believe the old superstition.

If the birthday boy is easier to follow old rules, but it’s impossible to celebrate on the right day, you can, for example, celebrate with your family on the exact date or be alone with yourself, having spoken and thought through all the events of your life, and the next day or before your birthday, celebrate with your friends, accompanying it's with eating delicious cake and taking a long walk.

"Signs are the rules of the superstitious."

Sergei Sidorov

There are a great many folk beliefs in our lives. They came from the time when the ancestors viewed the world from the standpoint of the eternal confrontation between good and evil. Superstitions touched on an important date of birth for a person. Slavic peoples originally celebrated Angel Day, the celebration of the date of birth came from America. For thousands of years, ancient Slavic and american traditions closely intertwined, having formed into original signs.

You can not celebrate the holiday ahead of time! Everyone has heard this early childhood. They firmly believe in the ban, believing that in this case, troubles, misfortunes, terrible diseases will overtake a person. Why can't you celebrate your birthday in advance? Where did the assertion come from?

History of the ban

What to do if the celebration falls on a dull Monday, when friends begin to sway, being drawn into workdays? I want to gather guests, have fun on the weekend, and an alarming taboo spoils the mood. We will deal with an exciting issue and refute or confirm the fears of our ancestors.

Folk omens

Dangerous guests. The ancient Slavs believed that not only guests come to a person for his birthday. At a mysterious time, the spirits of deceased relatives, grandparents appeared to the birthday man. But where a good soul is, there is evil spirits. Together with the benevolent deceased relatives, an unclean, evil, black force also dropped in on a visit.

If the hero of the day violated the ban and celebrated the holiday earlier or later due date, virtuous spirits are unable to visit a person. They will not be able to protect against the encroachments of malicious entities. Black forces receive complete freedom action! What is the result? The hasty birthday boy is ill, the body is weakening - negative creatures are gradually sucking vital energy out of the body.

Resentment of the forefathers. The ancestors took the concept of "soul" seriously. The spirits of the dead looked after living descendants, helped in troubles, warned of dangers. And the date of birth is the only one when the kind souls of the forefathers who visited the birthday man convey his requests to the highest authority - God.

The spirits of the ancestors could not attend the celebration, celebrated the day before, and felt offended. Offended, they turned away from the hero of the day and did not help anymore. Troubles came to a person, troubles visited, misfortunes piled up.

Lady Fortune will depart. Luck is a cunning, capricious and thoughtful creature. Noticing that someone is celebrating ahead of time, luck was offended, considering this fact a hoax. The wayward entity had the feeling that the person wanted to call her twice on her birthday and outwit her. Is it possible to circle Fortune around your finger? She left the poor birthday boy forever.

Death will come. Every year that passes inexorably brings us closer to death. If a person wants to mark the dates of birth in advance, he sends a message to the Higher Forces: “I can’t celebrate the holiday on time.” The appeal turned into a self-installation, starting to work on the subconscious. Under the influence of destructively charged thoughts, you can not live to see next day birth.

Retribution by fate. Birth is directly related to death. When a person dies, the soul is reborn, and the emergence of a new life continues death. Such an archetypal idea existed among the ancestors. By marking the date of birth, a person brings the day of departure closer. If the celebration is postponed, Higher power get angry. The birthday boy "plays" with karma, tries to deceive fate! And there is a price to be paid for such risky actions.

Meet disaster. Remember the saying: "When you meet New Year- so you will do it. Wise words apply to birthday celebrations. They are connected with the calendar of the Sun. The progenitors believed that on the eve of the date of birth, a person “dumped” bad emotions, blackness accumulated over the year. Purification, renewal of consciousness and soul took place.

If the holiday is postponed, noting ahead of schedule, the negative will not disappear, but will flow into the next year of life. It will overgrow with new bad emotions and fill the entire human essence. What to expect from such a time? Serious hardships, tripled misfortunes.

Therefore, the date of birth is not celebrated in advance. And in the celebration of the birthday boy, they pull his ears to ward off evil spirits scurrying around. Residents of Southeast Asia, in order to deceive the evil entities, smeared the hero of the day with oil on the nose and clicked on the forehead.

Biology speaks

The body has a memory, the cells of the body carefully absorb and store a huge amount of information. And what kind of memories does a person keep at the time of birth? One can only be amazed at what loads a child meets:

Newborn babies are spanked on the ass - this is practiced in all maternity hospitals. Do you think that a child rejoices when, in the process of endless horror, he also has to experience a heavy slap? Therefore, the children subsequently react painfully to the formidable cry of their mother: “Now I will spank!” They have a memory of childbirth.

Babies are born with an adrenaline rush that will never happen again in their lives. The body “remembers” these sensations 2-3 weeks before the date of birth and “forgets” after. Why not at the very moment of birth? A woman begins training (false) contractions 14-20 days before birth. This phenomenon was first described by the English physician John Hicks.

During false contractions, the baby in the womb of the mother feels that something terrible is coming and prepares herself for the upcoming long-term stress. It is these hidden memories that become the culprits of numerous accidents and deaths of people just before the birthday.

It was not for nothing that people said that on the eve of the arrival of the “reference point”, his Guardian Angels temporarily leave a person. And to mark the date of birth ahead of time is to replenish the bad statistics of accidents.

The opinion of psychologists

In terms of significance, a birthday "rise" above such eminent celebrations as the New Year, wedding anniversary, Christmas and even City Day. In honor of what do the guests raise their glasses, honoring the birthday? With the date of its birth. And with what will those who come congratulate the person, celebrating the celebration earlier? With maternal labor pains and successful future childbirth? Strange wishes.

The meaning of the holiday is lost. And most pragmatic people consider it absurd. Why congratulate a person in advance when you can do it on the exact date? Why deprive the birthday boy of the feeling of solemnity of the moment?

But what about those who were born on February 29? Do you want to have a celebration every four years? According to the scientifically sound opinion of German scientist Heinrich Hemme, find out the time when you were born on a leap year:

  • 0 hours - 6 am. Feel free to celebrate February 28th.
  • 18 pm - 0 hours. Celebrate March 1st.

The situation is more complicated with those born during the day (from 6 am to 6 pm). In this case, two years after the leap year, a celebration should be held on March 1, in the third year the celebration should be postponed to February 28.

Festive birthday rituals

The ancient beliefs of the Slavs say that at birth, the deities appear to the newborn: Kruchina, Grief and Nedolya. Ruthless entities send a maeta to the little one. But cruel souls have a weak point - they love sweets. If you put a tray with a sweet bun, honey and Cahors near the baby's cradle, evil souls, forgetting about the baby, will pounce on treats.

These three cruel sisters of the world Navi appear every year on the date of the birth of a person. Therefore, our ancestors this day set the table, where in without fail red homemade wine, muffins and honey or strong mead flaunted. Treats distracted the invasion of cruel souls from the birthday man.

At the end of the feast, the wicked entities went to do their devilish deeds. And they were replaced by good souls: Delight, Share and Will. Divine creatures are majestic and unhurried. And picky. If the hero of the day looks slovenly, in dirty clothes, unwashed and angry, this disappointed the eminent guests. kind souls left the hero of the day.

In order to earn the patronage of the benevolent otherworldly aliens, on the eve of the birthday, the house was cleaned clean, perfect order. The birthday boy was dressed in red clothes and guslar musicians were invited to the holiday.

In ancient times there was one interesting custom: at the celebration, the birthday boy was obliged to thank the guests by giving each a cute gift. Now original custom we have lost force, but still preserved in the eastern countries.

Festive treat

Pie. Old traditions tell us to break a pie made from buckwheat and eggs at the feast. According to the beliefs of the ancestors, this will bring luck to the birthday man, strength of the body and financial well-being. Pieces of the pie were distributed to the poor or placed at the crossroads.

Ancestors believed that two entities (evil and good) meet at the intersection of roads. The negative came from the left side, and the benevolent came from the right. Having met at the crossroads, the souls received a portion of treats, the evil one went away, and the kind one generously bestowed honors on the hero of the day.

Now the pie replaces birthday cake- the embodiment of a comfortable, fabulous life, a symbol of well-being and fulfillment of desires. Each guest who comes to the celebration receives a piece of magical food.

Candles. It is believed that when a new person appears in the sky, a radiant young star is born. The asterisk illuminates the life path of the born, it is the talisman of the human soul. On earth, the guiding star is represented by the flame of a candle. From an old tradition arose the tradition of lighting and extinguishing candles on a cake.

When the birthday boy blows out the candles, he makes a wish. Thanks to the magic accompanying the mystical date and those present at the celebration good angels, the call goes directly to its destination - to God. And it is executed immediately. But provided that the candles are blown out the first time.

This is interesting. Initially, a pie or cake was decorated church candles and served only on Angel Day (name day). Candles were located strictly in a circle - it was believed that they create a magical circle, a "ring of power" gaining powerful energy needed to fulfill a wish.

  • If 1 or 2 candles do not go out on the cake, this is a bad omen. Evidence of an impending disease.
  • According to legend, you can not put 3, 9, 12, 18, 40, 95 and 100 candles on a cake. One large candle is bought and the number of years lived is written on it.

Those who came to congratulate

Guests. Many superstitions are associated with incoming guests. Unhappiness brings an odd number of people who came, and the analysis of such a sign is simple. Some of the guests will not have a couple, he will become bored and lonely. sad man gets irritated and "eyes" the other members of the company, envying them. The main thing that is necessary from the birthday man is to make sure that all guests are comfortable and have fun.

Congratulations. The custom, which makes guests take turns wishing only the best for the hero of the day, has come from the time when people who came to the house vied with each other to admire the baby at the cradle. The Slavs believed that a newborn should be praised a lot and often, thus calling for good luck. But the grown child was already brought up in severity.

Adults also need praise and kind words! On a mystical day, it is better to congratulate the birthday man with verses. Words that form a rhyme work more actively to attract positive energy. It is better not to use the “not” particle in wishes. Congratulation should not sound negative! Only a positive statement. Instead of: "Don't get sick," say: "Health and prosperity!" Instead of: "Do not feel grief," say: "Be happy and always cheerful!"

Remember! On a birthday, the path to the birthday man is open for both good forces, and for the evil spirits. Evil spirits often choose an outsider as their guide, stranger. Or an envious person who secretly harbors negativity for the hero of the day.

On the date of the holiday, a person becomes vulnerable to otherworldly influences, receptive to the words of wishes and the views of guests. Having received “congratulations” from an envious person, the birthday person absorbs with tripled force the negative coming from an evil person. Therefore, since ancient times, only close, dear people were invited to the celebration!

We accept gifts

The tradition of coming to the house to the birthday man, holding gifts in his hands, came from antiquity. When the biblical magicians came with gifts to the newborn Jesus.

It is forbidden! Buy a present and offer to give it to another person, ostensibly on their own behalf. Such an act destroys the energy of good luck, originally inherent in the gift.

There is a list of items, the gift of which is a strict taboo. Such gifts are prohibited:

  • Jewelry with onyx, amethyst and Moonstone. To separation.
  • Sharp things (knives, forks, razors). For long fights.
  • washing powders, detergents. They will "wash away" the money.
  • Washcloths and soaps. Skin diseases will develop.
  • Wrist watch. For an early parting.
  • Handkerchiefs. To tears for the dead.
  • Toothbrushes. Take away dental health.

But you can remove the spell from gifts. To do this, you just need to accept them as a gift for money (to redeem). Money extinguishes the energy blow inflicted on the birthday man by forbidden gifts. It is better to give an odd number of coins or one nickel.

Piglet is an ancient amulet of luck, an analogue of the fiat ruble. It suppresses negativity and calls for profit.

Giving the “ransom”, say the following words: “What they brought for me, they took it themselves.” You need to pronounce the treasured phrase before picking up a present. This enhances the impact of ransom coins.

"Terrible" dates

In order for a person’s life to be long, and he himself to be healthy, it is impossible to celebrate the 40th and 9th birthdays. This is due to the commemoration of the dead on the ninth and fortieth day. The number 40 has been considered a carrier since ancient times. negative energy. Esotericists cite a lot of facts about the "bloodthirstiness" of the fourth ten:

  • On this day, the human soul becomes especially vulnerable.
  • After 40 days, the soul of the deceased goes to Heaven or Hell.
  • So much time traveled Moses in the wilderness.
  • In Tarot cards, 40 means "death."
  • The Flood lasted 40 days.

But such a ban applies only to the stronger sex. After all, women did not have a soul when God created it.

What to do? Forget about the holiday or safely arrange a celebration, as many people who are far from superstition do. Just in case, during the celebration of the 40th anniversary, do not talk about this date. It is better to say that "the hero of the day is already 41 years old."

Do you know that dreams that come to a person on the eve of his birthday are prophetic? They predict events for the whole coming year. Be sure to write down everything that you dreamed about and try to decipher. Such dreams protect and warn the birthday man from troubles and misfortunes. The following dreams are especially important:

  • Road. The symbol of a person's life path. Remember what it was like, where it led, whether there were obstacles on the road and what you did there.
  • Deceased relatives. They come in a dream on the eve of the date of birth to convey a prophecy. Memorize their words - this is important!
  • Strangers. Every person seen in a dream will play important role in the coming year.

Some young people pool their birthdays to save money. But the old people do not recommend doing this, saying that fate will be divided into two / three parts. Try to celebrate the holidays on a grand scale, fun and noisy. Do not forget that the celebration is celebrated not only for the birthday. Honored and his Guardian Angels, dead ancestors. Respect them, and you will always be rich, healthy and cheerful. If you follow the following guidelines:

  • During the celebration, the birthday man cannot change clothes (even if the clothes are dirty).
  • Make sure that the vases do not have even numbers of flowers.
  • Broken dishes are thrown out as soon as the last guest leaves. And the fragments are not thrown into the household trash can, but taken out of the living space.
  • It is forbidden to give borrowed money or borrow money on the date of birth.
  • A pork head is not put on the table as a dish - to the death of the birthday man.
  • If it is decided to celebrate the anniversary in a restaurant / cafe, ask if there were any commemorations there the day before. If so, choose another place for the holiday!

Don't be upset if it suddenly rained on your birthday! This is to great happiness and rich luck for the birthday man! And the rainbow seen after the rain is evidence of the imminent fulfillment of all desires!

Prayer to the hero of the day

The moment of the appearance of life is the starting point. When a newborn opens his eyes, a vital attitude is laid. On birthdays, the program can be changed in better side. For people far from religion, the holiday comes down to noisy party, receiving guests, accepting gifts. It is necessary! But do not forget to thank the Almighty for the priceless gift of life and the Guardian Angels for protection and support.

Christianity. A special prayer has been created, which the birthday man reads at the exact hour and minute of birth. If the time is unknown, read the prayer book three times as soon as you wake up:

“Lord, Lord of the visible and the invisible. The seconds, minutes, hours, months and years of my existence depend on the desire of Your Most Holy One. Thank you, Almighty Father, for allowing me to exist one more year. I am sinful and unworthy of Your mercy. But God's mercy is limitless. Extend my sinful life, so that I live in virtue, serenity, peace and kindness with relatives.

Give me the expanse of the fruits of the earth, give me everything for the needs that I need and modest. Strengthen faith, direct on the path of the virtuous and saving. Let Your humble servant follow the path, and after many years of worldly life, he will be honored to live forever in the Kingdom of Heavenly Grace. Bless the Master of the year that is beginning and the days that are coming. Amen".

Ancient whisper. In addition to the prayer service, there are also effective whispering conspiracies. Ancestors whispered them on their birthday to attract wealth and prosperity. They read the words opposite the burning candle exactly at the time of their birth. If this is unknown, say a whisper at dawn or sunset:

Heavenly Father, hear my words! Olya-yaksh yes Devil-knight, appear at the call, go to the red table and oak casket. Neither a wall, nor a gate, nor a window will be an obstacle for you. Deliver me the gilded dust and the batarlyga of the all-powerful bull. Bring and leave me for protection and shelter.

From this second, happiness smiles at me (name) in undertakings and beneficent thoughts. Good luck will not leave, but gold will arrive. I conceive a mysterious whisper firmly, and whoever tries to break it will lose its stupid strength.

A whisper is recited a dozen times - according to the number of annual months. Do everything right, and luck will not leave you all year, and wealth will flow like a river!

Esoteric advice. Before a birthday, a person is energetically devastated and physically exhausted. He used up the energy released for a year. Subsequent recharging occurs in the hour and minutes of birth.

Prepare for the fact that the day before the onset of the birthday will become difficult, dangerous. Quarrels may occur, overcome Bad mood, a person feels bad at this time.

It is forbidden! Start new business on the eve of the holiday, do not plan for the future. Even try to pay less attention to the preparation of the celebration - ask friends and relatives to organize the evening. And on the solemn day itself, conduct a ritual. It will provide you with protection for the whole year.

For the event, take a souvenir or decoration donated by your parents. Ideally a pendant or ring to wear all the time. Now we perform the ritual:

  1. We clean the item. Soak your jewelry in a container of clean, running water overnight. Place the glass on the windowsill.
  2. In the morning, take out the amulet and dry it with a new towel.
  3. Clamp a thing right hand close your eyes and visualize what you want.

University admission? Imagine the name of the institute, the steps to the main entrance, the interior. Protection? From whom specifically - imagine the person threatening you in detail. Money? Present the exact amount, up to the ruble. You can't ask for too much! Wear a charged talisman without removing it until the wish is fulfilled.

And the wish will surely come true! After all, a birthday is a mystical, mysterious day, when magic is set to work, and the Guardian Angels themselves smile at the birthday boy!

Happy holiday!