How a man chooses a woman in a relationship. What men's choices are based on: historical moments. How and why men choose us

Women they've been trying to understand for a long time male psychology, because it can be considered a separate science that requires statistical data and scientific facts. Representatives of the fair sex spend a lot of time trying to get to the bottom of things male thinking and find mutual language. If everything is clear with his political views, favorite hobbies and passions, then it is sometimes quite difficult to understand how he chooses his life partner.

If you want to understand this issue, then you need to identify the main points, and then build on them in construction own image . In this article you will find the answer to a frequently asked question: how does he choose a woman for himself? What to do to attract his attention? So, if you want to take one step closer to understanding men, then this article is just for you.

What do men rely on when choosing women?

1. They prefer women who have great feeling. You've probably noticed that men try to win over a woman with jokes, so they always look at her reaction. A representative of the fair sex who knows how to laugh and joke sincerely will always attract the attention of men and become the life of the party. Surveys among men showed that they are cheerful happy women are the sexiest, and mind you, it’s not about a thin waist or long legs. Under no circumstances should you make vulgar jokes or use vulgar words, otherwise you will simply cause a lot of misunderstanding and discontent. When he jokes, a woman who genuinely laughs and approves of his humor will always attract attention and arouse interest.

2. Men value grooming. Women spend a lot of time and money in order to achieve the appearance of their dreams: they visit beauty salons, do home care procedures and ask a friend to tint her hair roots or apply anti-cellulite cream. And many people think about whether this is really so important for men? Do they pay attention to this, and does grooming play a role in his choice of a life partner? He plays, he is actually very attentive to this and immediately notices a girl who loves herself and one who has not spent extra hour to do beautiful manicure. You don't necessarily need to apply a ton of fixing varnish on yourself; foundation or half a bottle eau de toilette, however, about clean hair, neat manicure and velvet skin should not be forgotten.

3. Men prefer that girl, who has few or no male friends. No matter how much the fair sex loves with men, sometimes it is worth limiting yourself if you want to find a life partner. A man is by nature an owner, so he will be pushed away by others like him. At that moment, when you are just having a nice conversation with your friend, the potential gentleman thinks that you are flirting, so he chooses someone else for himself, so as not to be jealous again and not spoil his nerves.

4. They choose self-confident women who are not constrained by complexes or excessive shyness. In fact, these character traits do not decorate a woman at all, but only make communication difficult. Stop being modest and being hard to get, because men don’t like that. Of course, you shouldn’t throw yourself around with declarations of love, the mystery should still remain, but leave your embarrassment for another time.

5. They often choose the one, who looks like his beloved mother. Even just a little bit, even just one insignificant feature. Everything here has been ingrained since childhood - subconsciously one will always be drawn to those representatives of the fair sex who are at least somewhat similar to their mother. Sometimes it may be height, hairstyle, manner of communication or life attitudes, but without realizing it, he becomes happy next to someone who will constantly remind him of his mother.

6. Yes, they choose pretty women. No matter how you twist it, inner world is not immediately visible. This is why you must be an attractive lady who is fun to spend time with. Your education, creativity and creativity will be valued in any case, but for a man it is important to have a beautiful woman next to him, because this is a certain status. Few people will be proud of an unkempt, ugly companion who reads Pushkin from memory and quickly calculates the roots of multi-digit numbers. He will brag about the one who can attract attention and arouse admiration, so be sure to take time for yourself and try to skillfully hide flaws and emphasize advantages.

7. They choose the unavailable. This is where the hunter’s instinct kicks in: the tastier game is the one that is difficult to catch. You must understand that it is very important for him to fight for you and spend a certain amount of time, effort and money to achieve his goal. Men quickly accept a challenge, so it’s so easy to provoke them into such a game. Try to give him a hint that you are interested in him, but don't let him approach you too quickly.

Available woman quickly ceases to be interesting, because almost anyone can achieve it. A woman must prove to a man that he is exceptional and that it was to him that she opened her heart, because there are no others like him. But even in the case when you have become available to a certain representative of the stronger sex, do not forget about a touch of mystery, do not reveal all your cards at once, men love the unknown, so play.

Video lesson on how to make a man fall in love and what do they pay attention to?

Worldwide a large number of men. They are all completely different, each of them has their own point of view and their own taste. It is impossible to please all males, but if you know how a man chooses a woman, then it is quite possible to become “ideal” for most of them. What qualities should a woman have to get the attention of the man you like? Let's try to figure it out.

For all men, there is a popular type of “one night stand” girl. Then the man looks only at the shell: the expressive waist, sensual lips, big bust. Everything else doesn’t interest him, and why should he? After all, appearance is important only for the sake of passing time. But when a man is determined to choose his faithful life partner, the outer shell fades into the background. It often happens that a man has everything for himself free time prefers to spend time with gorgeous beauties model appearance, but in the end he takes a “gray mouse” from a simple family as his wife. Why is this happening? What motivates men when choosing a life partner?

Finding a good partner is not easy these days. Men have long paid attention primarily to a woman’s appearance, but they also need something else besides this. It is not so difficult to understand how a man chooses a woman. Psychologists say that when a man finds the one, you can be sure that she will look like his mother, if not externally, but certainly internally.

What is the choice based on?

It is impossible to know all the feminine traits that attract men. But there are certain types that they will certainly like. Let's look at 9 points that a man pays attention to when choosing a woman first.

Woman's face

All men have their own taste and universal portrait ideal girl does not exist. But every young man pays attention first of all to the girl’s eyes, because they completely reflect the depth of her soul. It has been proven that girls with expressive eyes attract men more often than those with small and inexpressive eyes. The face should be cute and well-groomed. Still, men like it natural beauty, excess makeup on the face scares them away. But this does not mean not using cosmetics at all; a little eyelash tone and mascara won’t hurt anyone. Sex therapists have come to the conclusion that even during sex, men like to watch their partner’s face change. This is probably how they are convinced of their strength, that the woman is crazy about him.

Woman figure

Still, a man loves with his eyes, and first of all, willy-nilly, their gaze catches the curves of the body. Some men can be so blinded feminine beauty that agree to immediately marry perfect body, being confident in the correctness of your choice. And often ideal figure valued more than Beautiful face. How does a man choose a woman for himself if they are so different? What do men look for when choosing? Most of them are inclined towards well-groomed bodies, heavy weight whether it's a girl or small doesn't matter. The main thing is to look feminine and neat.

Woman's femininity

This is perhaps one of the main selection criteria. Femininity attracts men like a magnet; they feel it on a subconscious level. Upbringing often plays a role here; a man raised by a sensitive and feminine mother will never live with a “tomboy”. In the 21st century, women are increasingly engaged in male-dominated professions, such as serving in the army. And they really want to see a girl with a shining smile in a dress and heels. Which exudes lightness and delicious perfume. Well, how can you not pay attention to this?

A woman's mercy

This word implies kindness, responsiveness and the ability to empathize. Men want to see such a mother of their children; they immediately feel a certain understanding and comfort. They know that such a woman will not leave him alone in Hard time and will follow him anywhere. It is very important for a man to be understood. Girls have no one to talk about or consult with; they won’t stay in a man’s destiny for long. It is important for them to be listened to when they come home from work, not just out of politeness, but because this woman is interested in their life. Kind and sympathetic girls attract men more than the so-called “bitches”. By the way, most men are simply afraid of the last type. And “bitch” is an elastic concept. Having your head held high and being rude to all the men around you is far from the key to success and female happiness.

Woman's intelligence

Few people are interested in spending time with a “silly girl.” Well, of course, they love them too. Usually men get themselves a “candy” and the main thing here is only the shell. Show off to your friends, realize that there is still gunpowder in the flasks, or simply stroke your pride. Here, what she says makes no sense at all, the main thing is that the “candy wrapper” shines beautifully. But still, clever man will not waste his time on such persons. Still, the appearance will change sooner or later, but the soul will remain forever.

Many women have no idea how a man chooses his woman. You need to know this not only out of curiosity, but also in order to successfully manipulate men to achieve some of your goals, or at least in order to understand yours. strengths. These goals can be completely different from career advancement or concluding a business contract to finding a husband.

We will not go into the details of physiology, but simply note that by nature it is inherent in a man to constantly search for a partner, and the task of women comes down to evaluating a man. Simply put, a man is trying to achieve as much as possible more women, and the woman is in search of the best partner.

What kind of women are men looking for?

Undoubtedly, beautiful girls short skirts and deep necklines attract the attention of men, but as life shows, this is far from enough for a man to choose this particular woman and start a serious relationship with her. IN in this case here the male instinct of a hunter and a kind of inseminator will work. The only question is how long his attention will be focused on these delights. Most likely until he meets more Short skirt and even more deep neckline. Men love to meet people beautiful women, but this does not mean that they will immediately marry them.

If a man sets himself the goal of finding not just a sexual partner, but a life partner to start a family, then of course he will have thoughts about possible offspring. At the same time, he must be sure that these children will be his. This means that he will evaluate a woman according to certain criteria: modesty, trustworthiness and fidelity. He will make his assessment based on communication with the fair sex and her past.

No matter how strange it may sound, men often don’t like smart women. They perceive intellectual superiority over them too painfully.

Numerous surveys have found that men are very close attention pay attention to a woman's appearance. She must be . No matter how sexy she is, a man won’t focus his attention on her for long if she has unkempt clothes, unshaven legs, and chipped nail polish.

Genetically, a man has a need to fertilize, therefore, when choosing a partner, they very clearly react to the reproductive ability of women, sometimes without realizing it, they focus their attention on women with thin waist and wide hips.

Every man has his own woman

Based social status, education and ultimate goals, several categories of men can be roughly distinguished.

Boys Majors

They have an expensive car, the latest phone model, etc. Such men choose women not based on any personal characteristics or business qualities, but simply because they suffer from a superiority complex. Sometimes it’s not enough for them to have a cover girl with them, but they need a titled cover girl, a kind of beauty queen. As a rule, they achieved their well-being with the help of their parents and by such methods they try to prove their “masculinity.”

Mama's boys

As a rule, they are men from single-parent families or when he was growing up only child in family. Since childhood, he was cared for and looked after, and paid too much attention to him. Mommy’s attention, and therefore her influence on him, only intensified, because her son had grown up and had to choose a girl for himself. The mother will try with all her might to choose a suitable candidate for his possible wife. She will find him a companion who will take care of him no worse than her own mother. Such men are looking for a companion who best matches the image of their mother. Mom will caress, warm, feed and praise, but as said above, in this case it is not men who choose, but their mothers. And if he is lucky enough to choose a chosen one who does not fit the strict criteria of his mother, then this chosen one can only sympathize, because he will make friends with future mother-in-law It won't be easy.

Men are conquerors

Such people are driven by difficulties, they are carried away by those who are inaccessible to them and reject them. They only need a peak that is difficult to conquer, and this goal will become an inexhaustible source of energy for him. But as soon as a woman thaws and reciprocates, interest gradually fades away. For a man, everything becomes gray and dull, because the goal has already been conquered. After some time, he will search for a new peak, conquering which he will again experience drive and adrenaline, because there are so many new unconquered peaks ahead.

Men love flattery and compliments

No matter what men are, they all have one thing in common. Pathological craving for compliments. Yes, yes, you heard right. Men love it when they receive compliments; they cannot exist without them. Say something flattering and you will notice how immediately he will transform and shine with pride in himself. Moreover, this is the case when it is simply impossible to overdo it with their quantity, for them it is like a drug - the larger the dose you give them, the greater the need for compliments they feel. Therefore, a man’s choice sometimes stops at the woman who can praise him and shower him with compliments.

Men think that they choose a woman for themselves, but any woman knows that a man only finds her, and only she will choose.

How a man chooses his woman (video)

Women's forums are literally inundated with posts from unhappy women about how they lack male attention. They have good looks and an extraordinary mind, but this does not affect the opposite sex. And in the comments to their posts they receive “useful” advice, numerous secrets of seduction, conspiracies and love spells.

Many women claim that men themselves do not know what they want. But that's not true. It is the stronger sex that has long established its priorities and has followed them for several centuries. And they are all simple and understandable to any woman, but not everyone wants to believe in it.


No matter how sad it may sound, the main criterion in choosing a life partner is her beauty. But we hasten to please you, a man puts more into this concept than the size of his chest and the length of his legs. The main thing for the stronger sex is harmony in appearance. That is, all facial features and body proportions should look natural. Simply put, a man will choose a woman with small breasts and a neat nose, and not with a third size and a long nose.

What kind of women do men like:

  • with a graceful physique;
  • neat facial features;
  • most men like it when a girl looks like a child (big eyes, plump lips);
  • well-groomed;
  • With long hair(all men agree on this);
  • with discreet makeup, but still wearing makeup;
  • men like it when women wear dresses rather than trousers or jeans.

There is a stereotype about gentlemen that they prefer blondes. This is partly true, because women blond hair look brighter and more attractive. But according to statistics, brunettes are married, considering fair-haired girls too frivolous for Serious relationships.


The second thing men pay attention to is age. For the stronger sex, the instinct of procreation is important, so they choose young girls. But here cosmetology comes to the aid of middle-aged ladies and plastic surgery, as well as exercises in the gym. Today, stopping aging does not seem to be a difficult task, and convincing a man of your youth will not be difficult.

An interesting fact was noticed by psychologists: depending on their age, men change their priorities towards younger companions. For example, 25-year-old young men choose girls aged 23. At 30, they prefer 25-year-olds, and when they turn 40, they pay attention to 20-year-old beauties.

But older women have the opportunity to have affairs with men much younger than them. The desire to have an experienced companion who has achieved success in life visits every young man aged 20-24 years.


Why do young and beautiful girls cry all night long about failed love and don’t know how to attract the attention of the stronger sex? The fact is that they are putting their efforts in the wrong places. For example, a girl tries her best to please a guy, winks at him, sometimes she comes up to meet him, but he starts a relationship with another stranger.

It is with this behavior that she pushes men away, and sometimes gets herself into trouble. Women are too fixated on building relationships, while men, on the contrary, feel great in free flight. And if you try to destroy this idyll with your presence, then nothing good will happen.

So, what kind of character do men like:

  • a woman should not be intrusive;
  • do not violate his personal space;
  • must be independent and self-sufficient;
  • The stereotype that a woman should be weak is nothing more than a myth. Men don’t like them and consider them a burden.

Few requirements, really. While a woman tries to show herself in all her glory and prove that she is one in a million, the man will go to one that will not bother him and be an eyesore.

Social status

When choosing a companion, young people evaluate not only physical parameters, but also financial ones. Not because they are mercantile or greedy, but with the goal of choosing ladies from their circle. In this case, there will be fewer disagreements and misunderstandings. In people close to social status, common interests and topics of conversation. Such a girl will be accepted among friends and relatives.

A woman’s profession also plays an important role. If she has achieved a promotion up the career ladder, then she is a self-sufficient and strong person who will solve her problems herself and not ask for help. An independent financial situation attracts men, also because they know that a girl is interested in a person, and not financial position boyfriend.

Intelligence and erudition

The next thing that attracts the opposite sex is intelligence and erudition. If you are a smart woman, you know how to use this advantage correctly. You can’t seem smart to a man, he’ll get bored. In addition, the stronger sex does not like to admit its intellectual defeat to a woman.

Show the man that you have something to talk about, that you are interested in politics, sports, cinema, but do not impose your opinion. It should rather be neutral.


The last thing that interests men in women is her thriftiness. If you have other advantages, then he will forgive burnt cutlets and over-salted soup. But don't relax. If you want a serious relationship, then show your abilities. Keep your house clean and be careful. Subconsciously, men evaluate this and choose those who skillfully manage the household.

Balancing home life, career, and self-care isn't easy. But real woman knows how to do this. Men admire those girls who always look good and are in high spirits. Make it a rule to always be neat and nicely dressed, watch your hair and makeup. But without fanaticism. Leave time for household chores.

During life together you still have to learn the secrets of leading household and cooking. Therefore, please your man from time to time with delicious and aromatic food.

Some men are subconsciously drawn to women who remind them of their mother, no matter what the relationship between parent and child was. This applies not only to character traits, but also appearance. Hair color, voice, similar style of clothing - every detail will attract attention and arouse sympathy.

If this happens, don’t rejoice in advance. Interest young man can speak not only of strong family ties, but also indicate dependence on the parent. He wants to find himself new mom and sit on her neck. “So what,” you might think, “then he definitely won’t get away from me.”

Sincere and lasting relationships cannot be built on this principle. Sooner or later you will get tired of playing the role of the mother of a child who does not want to grow up. Therefore, think several times before deciding on such a relationship.

If you want to feel attention from a man, just stop thinking about it. Engage in your career and self-development, be beautiful for yourself, and not for a potential partner. Soon you will notice how the attitude of men towards you has changed for the better.

Video: 3 signs by which a man chooses a woman

    How a man chooses a woman for himself

    Hearing the following question: “How does a man choose a woman?”, the answer immediately arises: “By beauty, of course!” But, after thinking a little, you remember couples in which the man is handsome and the woman is so-so. And he carries her in his arms. Why? So, it's not about appearance. Moreover, scientists conducting numerous studies have proven that a woman’s appearance almost always comes second for men when choosing a life partner. There are several criteria by which a man chooses a woman.

    By what qualities does a man choose a woman?

    1. Face. All men have their own taste. Therefore, there is no universal portrait here. The face should be well-groomed, attractive, with beautiful eyes. Men pay attention to their eyes Special attention. They reflect the inner world of a woman, the depth of her soul. Women with big eyes luckier when choosing than those with small eyes. Sex therapists say that even when having sex, a man likes to “speep” on his partner’s face, his expression and facial expressions. They are probably looking for confirmation of their masculine strength and the fact that a woman is crazy about him...

    2. Sex. Every man chooses a woman who is sexy FOR HIM. It is very important for him that she experiences an orgasm while having sex with him, so that HE is the unique macho for her. One hot night can tie a man to a woman forever. IN love relationships It is very important that people match each other sexually.

    3. Ability to appreciate. How our men love it when a woman looks into their mouth, literally idolizing her hero. For gratitude and praise, the stronger half is ready to move mountains, let alone run to the store or give a ring. But seriously, the ability to appreciate your one and only is an important criterion when a man chooses a woman. He is the best.

    4. Figure. Many men choose a woman for themselves only because she has good body or just amazing legs, or breasts. This is how their brain works. A man chooses something that makes him crazy and cannot take his eyes off. Often beautiful figure is placed higher than a beautiful face. Well, if it’s both…

    5. Mercy. The word seems to be biblical. In fact, its components include kindness, the ability to empathize, and the ability to sacrifice oneself at the right moment. Having seen all these qualities in a woman, a man understands that she will make an understanding wife, a kind mother of his children, a faithful friend in life who will not leave him in difficult times. Now I would gladly exchange the fifth point with the first point, but I am only stating the facts - research by statisticians.

    6. Intelligence. Let's imagine this picture: captivated by the beauty and grace of his new acquaintance, a man invites her to a cafe for a cup of coffee. They get comfortable, he doesn’t take his eyes off her, not believing his luck. He jokes and tells her different stories, talks a little about himself. She is such a grateful listener! Oh, how lucky he is! What eyes she has! And then she opens her mouth... I don’t think it’s worth continuing further.

    7. Self-sufficiency. Dealing with a confident woman who has achieved certain heights in life is always better than listening to the complaints and whining of a loser. This does not mean at all that a man chooses a rich woman, with an apartment and a car. No. Positivity and charm, a free look forward is felt on a subconscious level. A self-sufficient woman can be seen from afar. Even if she walks down the alley in an ordinary summer dress, it is clear that she is walking FREELY.

    8. Femininity. This is the most important thing in a woman. In our age, running and screaming, computerized and turning women into soldiers, you really want to see a girl in heels, beaming with a spring smile, passing by with a flying gait, “Breathing in the spirits and mists...”. She smells of sex, affection and something else mysterious... Well, how can you not choose one?