The cover letter for the gift is humorous. Presenting a birthday present: fireworks of original ideas and an explosion of emotions

If you want to surprise loved one and make his birthday bright and unforgettable - give him a gift original way. In the article you will find valuable advice and recommendations on how to brightly and spectacularly congratulate the birthday man at home and at work, as well as learn about the rules of etiquette in the matter of presenting presents.

Giving gifts is a real art that can convey all the nuances of the emotions of the giver. A hint of a certain event, a demonstration of devotion and love, the desire to support a person or show his non-standard nature - the object of donation can have many functions, but the main ones are to bring joy and express attention and respect.

Presenting a Birthday Gift: Rules of Etiquette

At all times, the culture of giving gifts has been given great importance. By the manner of presenting the present, one can judge not only what the giver wanted to say and demonstrate, but also about his character, habits, sense of humor, lifestyle, level of upbringing, etc.

So that a birthday present would only call pleasant emotions pay attention to the rules of etiquette presented below:

  • A birthday present is a must. If it is presented within ten days after the holiday, this is considered a variant of the norm.
  • A birthday gift should be intended for the birthday person, and not for the use of all family members.
  • It must be presented in a packaged form, however appearance packaging should not overshadow the contents.
  • Giving should be accompanied by warm, sincere wishes.
  • It is indecent to talk about how difficult it was for you to find a present or how much it cost you - it causes a feeling of embarrassment.
  • It should not be unnecessarily expensive, otherwise it will be perceived as a need to present a return gift of the same value.
  • You should also not give a gift that is too cheap - this can be a manifestation of disrespect. The exception is symbolic gifts made by hand.
  • Going to the celebration family man, take with you small presents for the hostess or the owner of the house and children - this will be a sign of showing attention and respect for all those present.
  • Gift giving is a real ceremony; they are given not in a hurry in the hallway, but in the room, emphasizing the importance of the moment (an exception is a bouquet of flowers).
  • One of the rules of decency says that edible presents are immediately served on the table.
  • In the case of sending a presentation by mail, attach an addition to it in the form of a postcard with congratulations.
  • If you are congratulating several people who know each other, do not duplicate gifts.
  • The present should be chosen depending on the degree of intimacy and the characteristics of the relationship (for example, an unfamiliar person should not give a girl underwear).
  • It is indecent to flaunt the value of the gift object; do not forget to remove the tag from the item and make sure that the check does not fall into the hands of the birthday boy.
  • Bouquets are given to persons of the opposite sex. flower arrangement presented in cellophane or paper wrapping, however, if you give several of the same flowers, the wrapper is not needed here.
  • Office etiquette says that subordinates should not “fill in” their boss with numerous gifts. A common present for everyone would be more appropriate, buying a solid and worthy thing.
  • As a rule, sweets are not suitable for men as gifts, and strong alcoholic drinks and items related to smoking (cigarette case, ashtray, etc.) are not suitable for women.
  • Money - often misplaced - it demonstrates a lack of time and attention in relation to the hero of the occasion.

If you want to surprise the hero of the occasion, give him a present in an original and funny way.


Presentation of a present with a raffle - great idea for an unforgettable holiday. You can play people who have a great sense of humor and a strong nervous system. The prank should not offend or humiliate a person, its main purpose is to “tickle your nerves” a little and surprise you with a pleasant surprise.

Option 1. A gift to smithereens

This idea is suitable for a valuable gift that is easy to break - vases, glasses, a tablet, a laptop, etc. The less people present know about your idea, the more effective the draw will be.

From the branded box, lay out the contents in safe place and fill it with fragments or ringing objects that, when dropped, will make a characteristic rattling sound.

During the solemn presentation of the present, you “accidentally” drop the box and watch the expression on the face of the hero of the occasion (it’s a good idea to film this process on a video camera).
After a few minutes of shock of all those present, an unharmed gift is solemnly brought in and handed over to the excited birthday man to applause.

Option 2. Box in a box

This way of presenting a present is known to many, but the intrigue that he gives always remains at its best. Take a small box, hide a small present in it, put the box in another larger box. Pack this box into another box bigger size etc.

The more layers of packaging, the more interesting it is to observe the reaction of the birthday boy. Go ahead and decorate each box in holiday style.

Care must be taken that after opening the last box of the birthday man, there is no disappointment. It is not necessary to put the present itself here - there may be its attribute or a hint of where it is located (for example, a key to a box, a note with a riddle, or parts of a puzzle).

Option 3. Waiting for a reprimand

This prank belongs to the office, it can be used at school, university or at the workplace in the office. This - great way give a birthday present to a friend in an original way (males do not perceive conflicts with their boss so emotionally).

On the day of the celebration, an announcement is posted in a conspicuous place that the birthday man in certain time you need to urgently come to the authorities on an important occasion (it can be indicated, for example, expulsion from a university or penalties).
Meanwhile, in the dean's office or in the chief's office, preparations are underway for congratulations - all colleagues gather, a present is being prepared.

The secretary with a “stone-faced” asks the hero of the occasion who entered the office to wait a little, making him even more nervous. A few minutes later, the doors open, and congratulations fall on the excited birthday man like a snowball.
It’s great if the main congratulatory words come from the leader himself.

Option 4. Lucky

To implement this idea, you need to attract several acquaintances whom the birthday man does not know by sight. Under any pretext, you go with him to the nearest supermarket, and there he is met by smartly dressed “store employees” and announce that he has become, for example, the ten thousandth customer and he is given a present for this.

After that follows solemn presentation. When to reveal the cards, look at the situation. Do not forget to agree in advance with the administration of the supermarket, or even better, involve them in the draw.

Option 5. Phone prank

Phone calls can be of different content, but we will focus on the most pleasant. The birthday boy allegedly gets a call from a radio station or television and is informed that he was the lucky owner of the winning number in the drawing of a car.

However, there is one condition: if you want to get a surprise, sing the national anthem (you can choose another unexpected task). After the performance, inform that a courier with a present is waiting outside the door. It is desirable that the gift reminds of the win (for example, you can present a small copy of the car).

Option 6. Unpleasant call

If you want to give a gift to a friend or colleague in an unusual way, take note of this prank idea with telephone conversation, but this time the birthday boy will witness a shocking scene. Prepare a non-working or fake phone and hide it in your pocket.

On your birthday, ask the hero of the occasion for his phone number, step aside and, discreetly replacing it with a toy, allegedly start calling somewhere and cursing. At the very climax of the “quarrel”, you shout something and throw the phone against the wall.
The shock state of the birthday boy is interrupted by shouts of “Congratulations!” and giving a gift.

Presentation with the help of a quest game

A gift-quest is an original way to wish a loved one a happy birthday by combining exciting game and presenting a presentation.

The standard quest is the creation of a chain of riddles and puzzles that eventually lead to the main prize. This way of presenting a gift will appeal to both children and adults.

We offer you three of the most interesting options for how to give a birthday gift in an unusual way at home and beyond.

Treasure search by map pieces

Prepare a map of any area (apartment, your district, city, etc.), depending on the scale of the game, mark the location of the surprise on it. Then cut the card into pieces and hide each part in a separate envelope.

Each puzzle should be accompanied by a hint where to find the next piece of the map. It can be riddles, puzzles, charades and other puzzles. You can leave puzzle pieces with a watchman or a security guard at work, with familiar employees of a store, pharmacy, post office, or in other unexpected places.
The place with the presentation should be indicated on the last found part of the map. When all the pieces are collected, the birthday boy folds the card and finds the gift in the indicated place.

You can simplify the task and decompose only encryption and clues into route points without pieces of the map. The final stop will be the place to store the surprise.

Luggage storage

This idea will tell you how to present a birthday present to your loved one in an original and interesting way by luring the birthday boy out of the house (maybe you want to cook another surprise at home).

In search of a present, the birthday boy will have to pretty wander around the city. Hide the present in the storage room and take pictures of several places on the way home so that they are recognizable for the birthday person.

Put the photos in the morning near the birthday person and add an accompanying letter with a congratulation and an indication of the task: find out the route from the photos and arrive at the location of the present.

During a trip to the station, the birthday boy should receive several words-messages from friends that will need to be combined into one coherent sentence.

Each word in SMS is assigned a number (for example, “congratulations” - 5, “happy” - 1, “birthday” - 7, “from” - 9). The numbers put in the correct order are the lock code in the storage room.

Tape quest

This - great option how to give a gift to a child in an original way.

Stock up on a few long ribbons different colors. From the bed of the birthday boy in the morning, lay several routes, tangling the ribbons together and circling them around tables, chairs and other furniture.

Only one route should lead to the main prize, the rest of the paths will be dead ends or lead to small consolation prizes.

Original cash gift

Money must be handed over in exceptional cases- when you are sure that the birthday boy collects a certain amount for his cherished dream or he himself transparently hints at a present in the form of banknotes.

We offer you several ways to give money in an interesting and unusual way:

Wood with real banknotes will make a chic work of art. Present it with the wishes of prosperity and well-being in the house.

money garland

Money can serve as an excellent decoration for a room. Attach to each letter a congratulatory name garland on a bill and at the very climax point to your present.

money in the house

You can give a symbolic gift by putting banknotes in a toy house and wishing that there was always money in the house.

money fishing

Another gift idea cash gift husband - to arrange an exciting fishing trip. This method requires preliminary preparation, but the emotions after it will be remembered for a long time.

Build a small "lake" in which "fish" swim. Attach a paper clip to each “fish” and prepare a fishing rod with a magnet. Put a folded bill of various denominations in each fish.
Invite the birthday boy to participate in the goldfish fishing contest. Give him three attempts to catch real luck. Of course, all the money fish will eventually go to the hero of the occasion, but the excitement and desire to get a richer catch will add fun to everyone present.

Unexpected courier

In the midst of the celebration, the doorbell rings, and on the threshold the birthday boy sees a recognizable character (for example, the postman Pechkin) with a parcel in his hands. He says that he has a letter of special value for the landlord, but he needs documents to hand it over.

After presenting the passport, the courier solemnly hands over the parcel with money to the applause and congratulations of the guests. The role of the postman can be performed by one of the artistic acquaintances or an actor from the animation agency.

If you know that the birthday boy is saving up for some major purchase, present an original transparent piggy bank with cash contents.

Treasure hunt on the “treasure island”

An interesting idea on how to give a money gift to a man for his birthday in an original way is to turn it into an exciting quest. smash sum of money into several parts and stick envelopes in unexpected places: under a chair, in a coat pocket, in the microwave, on a chandelier, etc.

In each envelope, put a note with a hint where to look for the next part of the treasure. original ending The quest will be to find an old chest with a colorful greeting card inside.

Other ways to give a gift in an unusual way

Tape maze

This delivery method works great in home environment. If you want to give an original gift to your loved one, then a win-win- early in the morning, when the birthday boy is still sleeping, discreetly tie a long ribbon to his leg (you may have to tie several ribbons).
Stretch it in all corners, tangling in some places and leaving at regular intervals sweet incentive prizes or some trinkets. Tie the other end of the ribbon to the donation object.

The tape will serve as a difficult road along which you need to go in search of a long-awaited present.

Gifts from random passers-by

This unusual way appropriate if the birthday person works near the house. Having gathered in the morning for work, he leaves the house and heads along the familiar road, suspecting nothing. However, on the way he constantly meets strangers congratulating on your birthday and giving gifts.
So you can give a gift to a woman or a girl in an original way by organizing the presentation of a bouquet of flowers by every person she meets. Main present you can hand it to him by waiting at the entrance to the office.

To make this idea come true with a bang, find at least ten “random passers-by” and the same number of gifts (you can “break” one large one into pieces)

Accidental discovery of a gift

You can leave the present in a conspicuous place without focusing the attention of the birthday person on it. For example, under a tree or at a bus stop, the hero of the occasion will be surprised to find a beautiful gift box with a bright congratulatory inscription addressed to him.

Another variant of this method is the discovery of gifts in the most unexpected places, but already within the apartment.
Prepare a few presents and put them in places that will definitely fall into the field of view of the birthday person during the gathering for work or study: in the refrigerator, on a can of coffee, in a closet with clothes, on a shelf near toiletries, in shoes, etc.

Gift in balloons

This method will help you a lot if you want to arrange a child unforgettable holiday. On the eve you need to fill the whole room of the birthday girl balloons and hint that the main present is hidden somewhere here.

Tape the gift to the thread of one of the balloons or hide it in the farthest corner of the room. It is better if the donation object is small in size. You can complicate the task and stick to the ball not the present itself, but a note with a hint.
To hide a present in an original way, take a few helium balloons and hang it or a reminder of it from the ceiling.

If you are not afraid of noise, we offer you a fun way to present your birthday surprise in an original way. Arrange a deafening show for him - put notes of various contents inside the balls (some may contain wishes, others - compliments, others - comic aphorisms of a festive theme). In one of the balls, hide the key note with the location of the surprise.

The task of the hero of the occasion is to get to this note by bursting all the balloons and reading their contents.

Parcel from the balcony

Call the birthday boy and ask him to come out onto the balcony. opposite the window, a helium balloon with a surprise or a note attached will already be waiting for him. Pick up the tape desired length so that the “air present” reaches the desired window and make sure there are no trees under the balcony.

If you are using original ways to present a gift, the holiday becomes brighter and more spectacular, the significance of the celebration and the prepared present is felt. Memories of amazing adventure birthday is a great addition to congratulatory words and the gift itself.

Video: gift ideas and beautiful packaging options

Gift giving is a real art that should be learned. In the first video, we suggest exploring options for an extraordinary presentation banal presents. In the second video you can see the ideas original packaging for presentations.

It is easy and difficult to congratulate a man on his anniversary: ​​it is easy if you know the tastes and hobbies of the hero of the day well, it is difficult if he takes his hobby very seriously - then you can not please. Men tend to like to receive either practical gifts, or cool - therefore wonderful option For men's anniversary there will be a congratulation in which you can combine both.

For example, before giving a truly valuable gift (an envelope with money or gift Certificate), you can arrange a presentation - comic presentations that talk about the profession or hobby of the hero of the day - this will surely please the culprit himself and create an atmosphere of festive fun at the table.

With the help of a funny instruction or eyeliner, you can give the hero of the day a very practical and ordinary gift in an original way: a bottle of vodka, a watch, etc. This is a great way to bring joy to the hero of the day and add variety to the series, albeit beautiful, but stereotyped wishes ..

Here are collected best ideas Internet (thanks to the authors) on how to arrange comic congratulations with gifts for the anniversary of a man.

1. Cool gift for the hero of the day "Healing air"

(Auror A. Belimova)

For this comic gift, stock up on a three-liter jar. It needs to be rolled up (we advise on reverse side apply a small amount of caps fir oil so that when the jar is opened, a barely perceptible aroma of pine forest is actually heard from it); stick a label on it with the following content: healing air pine forest. The content of ozone is 2 percent, oxygen - 23, carbon dioxide - 0.03 percent. Volume 3 liters. Use within an hour of opening.

You should not immediately show this present to the birthday man. First, read the following terms to him:

“- If you want to feel young at any age, you need to have an excellent pulse.

- If you want to feel young at any age and admire beautiful girls You need 100% vision.

- If you want to feel young at any age, admire beautiful girls and walk with them in the park, you need strong legs.

- If you want to feel young at any age, admire beautiful girls, walk with them in the park and kiss them hard - you need fresh breath.

“And if you want to enjoy all this, you need to breathe deeply!”

And only after that you hand over a three-liter jar, loudly announcing its contents and purpose.

2. A comic gift for a man "Miracle slippers with instructions"

(Author K. Cheregoshkina)

You can also give your beloved man ordinary slippers by attaching a cool instruction or a memo in a beautifully designed version to them:

"Men's slippers. Our sizeless slippers, easily adapting to the shape and length of your foot, will give you confidence, emphasize your individuality and complement the image of a real man in an unexpected way.

- Not a single woman will resist you if you are shod in slippers of our production!

- Our slippers heal not only the body, but also the soul: they are recommended for tired feet with delicate skin as a remedy for fatigue, calluses, cracks and other problems.

- Slippers are made of environmentally friendly material, they provide comfortable wearing all year round: they are warm in winter, not hot in summer. supercooled in winter period feet in our slippers will reach a healthy body temperature in a minimum period of time. The soft sole of the product contributes to silent movement, which is important at night.

- Incredibly luxurious and stylish color scheme, in which this model is sustained, will satisfy the most refined taste the finest connoisseur and connoisseur of fashion. She renders beneficial effect on the nervous and visual systems, without destroying or irritating them.

- Our slippers will be yours the best assistant in a delicate situation and hide unpleasant surprises: whether it be holes in socks, unwashed feet or uncut nails.

- As a result of many years of research, it has been proven that when putting on our slippers, stress hormones die in the human body. Our slippers are yours formula for success and happiness

- Be careful! Can induce a feeling of bliss!

- Wear it with pleasure!

3. Congratulations on gifts for the hero of the day-motorist.

Leading: The life of our hero of the day is directly related to intersections, traffic lights

And road signs. After all, the profession of a driver is life on wheels!

What to wish you ditel,

For a birthday, an anniversary?

Be in shape, our car enthusiast,

Step on the gas and don't worry.

Gas pedal we give the hero of the day this very minute. Expensive...!

So that the traffic police do not have to

To draw up protocol here today,

You have to drink and drive...

Coca-Cola drink!

(The hero of the day is given a jar of Coca-Cola.)

Let this bewitching drink cool you down hot weather, but will not be able to quench the thirst for travel!

(Guest applause.)

Given that a car is the brainchild of any car enthusiast, we decided to give the hero of the day a few useful things.

Dear hero of the day!

We give it wheel,

Put it in the spare.

(Kalach baked in the form of a wheel is awarded.)

Well, so that the patrol does not get to the bottom,

We hand you this spare wheel.

(The bagel is handed.)

After watching cool series about truckers,

We think it will be useful fuels and lubricants.

(Give a bottle vegetable oil and vodka.)

Now the driver's transport is fully equipped and you can safely hit the road.


4. Comic congratulations "The hero of the day is our baby!"

Here in front of you baby
Baby is naked.
We need to dress him up.
So that the child does not freeze.

To keep your head from freezing
We will pull on the cap deftly. (give a cap)

So that nothing else happens
And from below the linen would not get wet,
Well, what are you laughing at, who doesn't happen to?
Pampers, in general, will not hurt us (give a diaper)

And if a bad mood comes
How to soothe a child in an instant?
The pacifier in the mouth, so as not to scream
I knew that life and more silent (gives a pacifier)


5. Congratulations from friends with a comic gift

We thought we were wondering
The whole evening they talked:
What does a person need
Crossed the 50-year milestone???

Is happiness in trinkets -
In crystal vases, pillows?
In a small cottage by the river,
Or on a ring finger?

Of course not! That's bullshit!
Better than money - no!

We drove to the store
And we bought a present!

Miracle apron - wallet,
You try it on my friend!!!

The apron itself is good
You will find six pockets!

The first "FOR FRIENDS" pocket!
There is always a glass in it!
And a stash to drive
When there is nothing to pour!!!

For "LOVE" the second pocket!
there lies a big surprise!
So that the soul does not go out the stove!
Here's a candle earring for you!
And a banknote for flowers,
To be ready for sex!

Our third pocket "PARENTS"
Call them day and night!
And to always be in touch -
I need to buy a card!

And the fourth "OUR CHILDREN"
And keep a pocket for them!
Children need what guys?
Well, of course, money!

The fifth pocket here is "WORK"
Our main concern!
Buy a ticket for yourself!
Not one, but three at once!

And the sixth pocket is "YOUR"
The most affectionate, dear.
What will you take from it?
Spend on yourself with love.
We didn't skimp on you
Not even a ruble was hidden.

Accept a gift from us
Us kind word remember.
happy birthday congratulations
And we want to live richly!


(For donating a set of socks, see the link)

6. Comic photo session of the hero of the day with hats.

(hats for this congratulation can be given to the hero of the day, or you can simply beat their presentation for a photo shoot and entertainment)

Birthday has come
And the question before us arose,
What should we buy as a gift?
We decided to give a hat! (cowboy hat)

Oh, what a hat of tenderness,
Men to watch.
But it looks like it's out of season.
Summer style hat

Why won't I give it
And then I'll give you a bandana! (bandana)
Here in a bandana you are beautiful,
Just somehow so playful.

No, let's go in order:
We'll give you another hat.
Connection with sports will be strong,
If we donate a cap! (cap)

Why do you need a cap now
And she sits softly
Yes, and the color is not the topic at all,
No, let's drop this one.

To be funny then
Cap you need to give
Take it off, it's all nonsense -
Dressed up like a jester (cap)

He's not a troll today
And of course the king
Headdress for the throne
It's a royal crown! (crown)

7. Exclusive gift"Clock is a generator of ideas"

Can be given as a birthday present unusual watch, absolutely exclusive, because you need to make them yourself. As a basis for a gift, you need to buy a large wall clock, then order good quality pictures that will show the main dreams of the birthday man, for example, a car, apartment, cottage, good wife and many children - these will be larger pictures. Other dreams and desires - fancy TV, a dog fashion breed or a TV dish - make it a smaller scale.

Then all these prepared pictures need to be pasted instead of numbers on the dial. If the area allows, then in the center of the clock place an indelible inscription in the following way: “This is not the time to dream! It's time to act!"

8. Cool congratulations with gifts to the attendant "Come to the bath soon!"

This is a congratulation from friends with whom the hero of the day goes to the bath together - they read in turn, if there are few people, then two or three times.

1. We know that the hero of the day

He loves to take a bath!

There is a broom and a beer ... ..

We love the bath!

2. In the evening we leave the bathhouse

And ... .. name ... father. also with us

All muzzles are red,

Feeling great!

3. We came to congratulate you

It is immediately obvious: straight from the bath,

To make a toast

Well, drink and eat!

4. Be happier than everyone in the world,

Be always in the circle of friends

So that we all have to celebrate

Your 100th Anniversary!

5. We did not come here in vain,

Here are the gifts brought

Take them soon

Pour us a cup!

6. To have a lot of money,

If you suddenly feel sad

Health, happiness to be

Here's a gift for you, friend! (give a broom)

7. Decided to give a broom

Pour foamy beer

And a bar of soap.

To make it more fun! (gives soap)

  1. Accept congratulations

On this glorious anniversary

And no later than Sunday

Come to the bath soon!


(If you arrange a few surprises on this topic, then it will come in handy andfrom this collection)

9. cool gift from close friends - pelvis.

For the anniversary, we give a basin, it will always be just right.

You can wash the floors in it, you can milk the cows,

You can pick berries, burp after drinking,

You can wash with him in the baths, he will come in handy there,

You can wash clothes in it, you can wash your ass,

You can sow flour in it and hang it on a bitch

You can ride down the hill, it will always come in handy,

And how will it be (50.60...) we will come to you again,

Prepare okroshka for us, but find a bigger spoon,

We will pour okroshka into a basin, and we will celebrate the anniversary,

In general, you keep it, do not break it, do not crush it,

Do not leave it in the yard and put it away,

Congratulations on your anniversary, we want to drink everything now,

Who is from the pile, who is from what, and we will drink from him.


10. Delivery bath accessories For a present.

Congratulating men hold brooms in their hands, like bouquets, and gifts: a washcloth, a hat, a massage mitten, a foot brush, a bowl, a thermometer.
First: Who walks together in a row?
Second: This is a band of bath attendants!
Third: Let's all warm up.
Come on people, be brave!
Fourth: Very dirty people here...
Fifth: Sign up five years ahead!
Sixth: But today is an exception.
And this message...
Together: There is more steam in our hall
In honor of (Name)- hero of the day!

First: We give a friend a washcloth,
Trim harder, we don't mind
Unless you're a fool
You'll be red like cancer! (gives a washcloth)
Together: Oh, ah, eh, uh, emits, brothers, the spirit!

Second: We give a hat on curls,

And when there are no curls,
Cover your bald head with a hat -
You will be a fucking hero! (gives a bath hat)
Together: Eh, wow, ah, oh, and the park is not bad at all!

Third: To get rid of fat from the sides -
We urgently give a massager,
Oh sorry massager
So that you always rub your body! (give a massage mitt)
Together: Eh, uh, ah, oh, you quickly steam fat!

Fourth: If you decide to swim in the Thames,
Then use this pumice
Englishmen, simple guys,
No need to scare your heels! (gives penza)
Together: Ah, uh, oh, eh, it’s not a sin for you to take a steam bath!

Fifth: We will give this gang so that,
If it gets hot
He drank beer from it,
This day would be remembered!
Together: Oh, ah, eh, wow, we would have a broom, like fluff!

Sixth: If suddenly you overdid
And more than succumbed to the park,
Our thermometer will show
Maybe even go wild!
Together: Wow, oh, oh, oh, the last stroke of the broom!

First: You, (Name), our friend,
Pour a full glass!
We have something to pay -
We can give a broom! (hand over their brooms).

11. Original congratulations with a gift of vodka to the hero of the day.

Alcoholic drinks, as a gift option for a man, are very common, but here you can excel, you just need to show a little imagination. For a purchased bottle of vodka, you need to order a special label from the printing house, which will contain the name of the anniversary drink, which must include the name, first name and patronymic or surname of the hero of the occasion. It is quite appropriate to add to the title a photograph stylized with the help of Photoshop as a portrait of the President of the Russian Federation, Stenka Razin or Peter the Great.

You can also colorfully arrange all the documents that will be attached to the gift: “composition”, “rules of use and “recommendations”, which should be solemnly counted when presenting vodka.

Gift lead:

“In order to get this magnificent product, the best minds of the enterprise took the most wonderful components - “transparency”, so that the life of the hero of the day would be like the height and depth of the spring sky. May clouds never come over him. They took the "fortress" because it is needed in overcoming life's difficulties. Added "degrees" so that they are always at around +100 and above, which shows the cheerfulness, charm and energy of the hero of the day. “Easy digestibility”, so that all good, kind, bright things come to his house. AND " slight dizziness"from happiness, love and fun."

Rules for using vodka:

Then you should use it:
a) when the soul requests;
b) when the soul is tired;
c) when the soul sings;
d) after a bath or shower;
e) if necessary;
e) in special cases.

1. Do not abuse, always keep yourself upright;

2. Hide from children under 16 and from the wife;

3. Keep away from fire;

4. Consume undiluted, always with a good snack;

5. With excessive libations - poisonous ..

12. A set of comic gifts for congratulating a man.

Just for the sake of fun, friends give the birthday man a whole scattering - little things.

Although you are the hero of the day today,
The laurel wreath does not shine for you.
You'd better accept a bunch of bay leaves from us (give a bay leaf)

Do not think to be angry with us -
A nail is useful in the household (give a nail)

Wanted to donate a flashlight
But we only found a ball (give a ball)

When you go for a walk
So that your trousers do not sleep,
You have with you

This pin of steel (gives pin)

Pour this into a glass
And drink slowly (gives a glass)

After a glass of snack -
The matter is very important.
Here's a sleeve for you
Paper napkin (gives a napkin)

And for sweets we have
Got some candy for you (gives candy)

You got flowers, roses.
They don't wither in the cold (give a card with roses)

Fun birthday gifts - ideas and recommendations will help you make your choice in favor of a bright and simple gift.

If you want to wish a woman or man a happy birthday with a touch of humor, do not forget some rules:

  • Don't joke below the belt, especially with a woman. She may not understand such jokes in the presence of relatives and friends.
  • Do not give men money hidden in socks or wrapped in inexpensive accessories.
  • Universal gifts should carry some meaning, and not be just for the sake of humor. Still, this is a birthday, not a day of laughter.

The video in this article will be superfluous, just go through the photo selection to understand which gifts are better to choose for giving.

Men are more likely to perceive humorous gifts as something funny and cool. Without attaching importance to many things, even simple little things can set a genuine mood for the holiday.

With your own hands, you can make a fly swatter from a simple cane and indoor slippers. The instructions are simple - glue, dry and put into practice.

A tester for visualization - the more you drink, the better you see the letters, although they are larger. The glass can be used as an ordinary container, but it can also be used as a joke - to check the eyesight and the volume of the glass.

You can give an unmarried person a T-shirt with a humorous inscription. If he is just about to get married, this little thing will be in place.

A horn with an unforgettable inscription will not only serve as a sound amplifier, but also cool gift. A man will like to feel like a commander at least in such simple matter- give orders and announce the next toast.

An unusual design safe can be placed in a room or cache, if any. Men will be able to lay out all their tools, hide secrets from their wife, and even carry important and valuable things with them.

Not simple, but "smart", which will tell you how much ashes you have collected. It is easy to make such a birthday joke gift yourself, using the skills of a welder and an electronics engineer. It doesn’t matter if you didn’t keep a welding machine - buy such a souvenir at any fun store.

Yes, yes, such a funny birthday present will delight any man. As you know, a girl will not walk with such a lighter, but just give a man the opportunity to take care of a lady and give a light to such charm. There will be plenty of jokes.

Don't want to play role-playing games, then we offer to play sports and seductive - a mega-sheet for real craftsmen. Which of the men does not want to at least try himself as a strategist, especially in bed.

From the field of souvenirs such symbolic gift will be in place only as an addition to something more global. You can approach the presentation with humor - give a basket of goodies and sentence you to always eat tasty and richly.

A miracle mirror that is always a pleasure to look into, no matter how you look. Let the man feel like the emperor of the morning awakening.

The price of such sets and presents is not high, and it’s a sin not to take advantage of this opportunity to spend money on a surprise for the sake of fun. best friend or a friend appreciates a joke in the company of friends. But the girl is better to pick up something delicate.

Here are some more gift ideas:

Funny gifts for a woman

Cute and cute jokes will be appropriate only among the company of girls. They can discuss among themselves the most different gifts even poorly cooked. If we talk about surprises, then it’s better for male friends to prepare something more “light” in the perception of comic gifts.

Peculiar desk lamp, which will look at ease on the table. Her leg resembles two lovers hiding from prying eyes.

Such a rug perfectly attracts the eye and looks good against the background of a naked tanned body. Any beauty will be happy to appear in a beautiful swimsuit.

You can envy the creators of such a postcard, where you can also add words of congratulations. The same item looks like indoor slippers, of course, which no one will ever wear. But it will always come in handy just in case.

Women's type of clock, when it doesn't matter what time it is. Indeed, why be interested in time if you will be late for a date anyway.

Such a simple present can be given to a woman who has no flaws. She will have to eat the only one, proving that she is perfect, and no cons have been identified.

Dishes with funny motivating inscriptions will always please a girl, especially one who does not need diets. So, for the future, you can keep it for yourself, if you suddenly gain extra pounds.

The little thing, of course, is useful in the kitchen, but it carries a comic meaning. After all, no one will measure out a portion of pasta to eat them in a plate above before 6 pm.

If a camouflage uniform is made for disguise, then an apron for a woman in the same fabric and color will disguise her as an ideal housewife. And there's a scout in the house!

Or these funny aprons:

So you have chosen a comic birthday present to congratulate your beloved friend, relative or lover. And now let's move on to the option of creating your own masterpiece - imagine that you are the God of humor, and now make a grand congratulation.

Read also:

Comic gift - do it yourself

Below is a birthday surprise gift that you can prepare yourself.

For work you will need:

  • A bottle of pills;
  • Sweets are small;
  • Jelly worms;
  • felt-tip pens;
  • Glue;
  • Paper;
  • Scissors;
  • A printer.

Open the package of small sweets. Pick the right sweets by color, can be divided by color scheme several jars of them.

Select jelly worms according to the same principle as sweets.

Take a jar of pills, you can use an old empty bottle.

Clean it from the contents, remove the sticker and glue from the old inscription.

On the printer, print the inscription on paper, or draw the names of sweet “pills” on the bottles with markers.

Alternatively, you can make several jars - divide the candy and sweets by structure and color, place them in jars and sign them. Set ready - sweet help will benefit all those suffering from a lack of the hormone of happiness.

Tip: If you want to give gifts to several birthdays, or congratulate a couple, create two bottles. It is also appropriate to place chocolates and other goodies in syrup jars.

Universal Presents

The same gifts that can be given to both men and women. In this case, the main thing is to find a middle ground in the use of a gift.

It is sold in joke shops, on the Internet, and you can do it yourself. A box - according to the principle of addition (origami), a printout of the image - the Internet and a printer to help. Filler - sweets and other goodies.

Does he also need a remedy for fatigue and depression. He and his beloved, and vice versa, will be able to break a plate for happiness, which is offered just for such an occasion. Why beat the kitchen utensils when you really want to quarrel, like in the movie "Mr. and Mrs. Smith."

Can be given to a man or woman interesting option wall clock. Let the birthday man and not a mathematician or physicist, let him/her say “You” with algebra, the present will additionally teach the mind to reason.

When you want to fly on a trip, but you need to have fun the moment you board the plane. Here is such an obscene sticker in the form of dollar bills on the torn side of the suitcase that will surprise many fellow travelers and security services. Also sold stickers in the form of illegal drugs in pouches, weapons and jewelry.

Keychain with a secret that also squeaks. It makes a loud sound, and even pleases the owner with a surprise - an unexpected and funny sight if you try the keychain for the first time.

When there is no chance of losing, and the other half will not get rid of the obligation to fulfill the gambling debt. The main thing is that the game should come as a surprise, but in a male company, for fun, you can also try to play friends.

Admit it, you wanted to try an experiment with a light bulb? Now it’s definitely possible - without consequences and pain, fear and risk. Lollipop in the form of a lamp will allow you to experience the real feelings of adrenaline.

A comic souvenir that can theoretically be used. It is made of real red brick, the weight is impressive. So now, with such weighty arguments, it is unlikely that anyone else will argue with you. By the way, it is not forbidden to carry it with you, but it is better to leave it at home as a keepsake.

Such joke gifts birthday will make any holiday fun and bright. Do not forget about alternative gifts, where appropriate, because not always a person with a good sense of humor will be able to appreciate your efforts.

And do not forget, your birthday will be next - get ready for a reciprocal step and stock up on the strength to laugh heartily.

In the video you will find some more gift ideas:

Entries 1 - 20 from 280

Bank is not a simple subject,
And the universal
accept a gift
This one is unique.

She will solve a hundred problems
In one moment
Because it was created
It's for filling.

Ideal for water
Milk and juice
Becomes a flower vase
And not bad for wine.

Suitable for loose
For cereals and semolina,
And let the most reliable
Money is kept in the bank.

Bank - almost like, as a gift, a pot.
You give - and immediately everything is fine.
There is where to put and where to put.
Life immediately becomes easier.

Everything goes to its place
And nothing just falls apart.
The jar is the most useful item in the world.
Better than a gift, of course not.

Here we decided difficult
Give you a present.
We think we owe you
He is a pleasant surprise.
Envelope content:
Two treasured tickets!

Today is a special day for us
I suggest taking a walk
Evening visit a movie show,
Walking down my own lane.

I give you movie tickets
Kissing spots if you like
I want a smile on my face
And happiness to give you a piece.

Money, mugs and flowers -
All donated a long time ago.
And so to you I
I give you movie tickets.

There you eat popcorn
You will enjoy the spectacle.
Laugh and playfully
You will return home.

Art to quench my thirst
It's easy to give a sim a gift,
And thank us for that
A simple smile is possible.

While spotlights are bright light
And its brilliance has not faded,
Great gift- ticket!
Theater tickets for you!

I'll put two tickets to the theater on the table,
Inviting you on a date
And with flowers I will stand aside
Waiting for you at the theater

Accept my gift and let it bring
We have a date with the beautiful and eternal,
May the love in our souls for the theater live,
Let the play last forever.

Give a mood as a gift
To appear on the face
Your carefree smile
Pleasantly doubly so.

You accept tickets to the concert,
Let joy give a moment
And let happy stories
Keep the heart in memory.

My duty as a friend is for you
Prepare a gift.
And it's all of a sudden me
Made me remember
That somehow you, my friend, are tired
From stress and worries.
I want to distract with gifts
I'm from work.
My gift is small
Fits in an envelope.
I give you with all my heart
Concert tickets!

Our special gift
A little magical.
Will please anyone
Lottery ticket.

Given to you with soul
And that means - lucky!
And win for sure
The desired will bring.

I'll give you a lottery ticket
I believe it will bring good luck
He will be the sail for your ship,
That swims straight to the shore of happiness.

Your win will be like a gift of fate,
Like a happy, unexpected chance,
May he fulfill all your dreams
Let it be the best surprise.

Our gift is the best
He will keep you
On your beautiful hand
Promise to always wear!
This fabulous gift
Amazing bracelet!
Reminds you of your friends
Protects from all kinds of troubles!
Don't forget to wear
Shine among the beauties!

Accept a bracelet as a gift
And no matter how many years have passed
Don't you ever forget
That friendship is not afraid of years.

And if it's sad sometimes
I'll help you then.
Let there be many roads ahead
We can get through them!

So that the keys are not lost,
So that you cannot confuse them,
I give you a gift
A cute keychain.

Looks like a bauble
Doesn't seem to make sense
But like an old housekeeper,
He saves the whole bunch.

trendy, creative,
Envy will cause everyone
Your keychain with a stylish design
Will bring you success.

What to give you
I didn't think for a long time.
I give you
Magic keychain.

So that in a couple of months
Not for long...
cool car
You were able to buy.

But don't forget
Ride in a wheelbarrow with me
After all, my keychain
You were like a hint.

Let them say that a razor is not a gift.
Let's say a beard is in trend now,
For those who hate being unshaven
This gift is relevant forever!

Do not stand only at the call of fashion
Get a lush beard
After all, the main thing for the individual is still
Stay true to yourself!

What would it be to give
We thought together
And decided that the gift
It will be interesting
If you see him
You almost every day
You will also remember us
Then you probably.
In general, here it is for you -
Your new razor!

My gift is unpretentious -
I give you money as a gift!
Anything you want
Buy them for yourself!
In general, figure it out yourself
How do you deal with money!

If we cannot choose a gift, -
Quietly invest money in an envelope,
And there, as you wish, decide for yourself,
What to do with your money now...

Let them say that money is not a gift,
But how many gifts can be bought with them ...
I give you a magic envelope,
A present for you to give yourself!
You choose what you dreamed about
What you so wanted and desired,
After all, everyone knows - dreams come true,
So buy yourself a gift of unearthly beauty!

It's hard to choose the right gift
To please both the heart and the eye.
To cause real delight,
And benefit to bring for you.
But money will never be superfluous,
You can take them from us! Congratulations!
Let the wallet be filled with them always,
We wish you wealth on your birthday!

I give you money today
Such a gift is always appreciated.
Let this amount be small
She won't bother you!
And very soon, no doubt
You will find a use for it!
I would like to wish in verse:
"Be constantly with money!"

Gifts are different
Everyone dreams about it
For a life that has developed in puzzles
Giving is important!
Push the boundaries of dreams
And now the choice is yours!
Here is a full page list
What did you dream about?
When looking into the envelope,
This is a nice thing...
Decide, buy, try on?
Feel free to spend!

What is the most best gift in the world?
Anyone can answer this for you.
The gift is convenient and versatile,
A useful gift, a real gift.
Of course, we're talking about money here.
With money, luck will always smile!
We wish you to prosper every moment,
Never know the lack of money!

This cash gift
Take it from me now!
Not too much and not too little
And literally just right!
They say that happiness is not in money,
But without them it is sad to live.
happy to spend it,
Buy whatever you want!

We want to become happier and richer
At least a hundred times!
May good luck accompany you in life
The process will start immediately, now!
May there be happiness and success
Walking confidently!
Let it bear fruit all year round
You money tree!

For happiness to be near
And everything burned in my hands
Let luck help
Be with money all the time!
Success, joy, good luck
And a dream come true!
And wishes in addition
Accept cash gift!

look so amazing
You can easily do it!
Make a gift, give a warm hug -
All that's left now!
May your life be success, luck,
Love and friendship adorn...
I also want a lot of money -
They don't get in the way either!

Why break your head here
What is the best gift for the holidays.
I will congratulate you
Money along with poetry!
May they live forever
In your pot-bellied purse.
Buy yourself a present
To remember me for a long time!

Give different gifts
And friends and relatives,
Mugs, books, lighters,
Plus, postcards!
I think that on a holiday,
It's time to create miracles!
For the desires of the most diverse,
I will donate money!